2 minute read
A Fresh New Spring
Spring is a wonderful time of the year. The pale greens, yellows, and pinks of spring illustrate its freshness, as does the fragrance of flowers. The shades of green are softer and lighter than the more intense greens of summer.

The rose-breasted grosbeaks, the common grackles, and the great egrets arrive in spring from warmer climates. The cute and friendly chickadees make us smile and have even been seen doing backflips while snaring an insect flying by. Many male birds like to show off their plumage to entice the females, and they certainly catch our eye.

Our world springs alive with so many fascinating things to see, and we get to share those sights with others, like these curious deer.

This eagle was one of a pair nesting locally. They build or rebuild nests in the winter and raise young in spring. The nests are generally next to waterways where they can gather fish. They also dine on deer and other carcasses.

We can all be proud to live in such a wonderful town with so much nature.
Dave Witherbee has been traveling the trails and rivers of Concord for 50 years and has been enchanted with the small and large aspects of its nature. Dave’s love of photography has enhanced the attraction.