Discover Concord Magazine - Summer 2019 Issue

Page 34

Bronze Copper Butterfly

The Great The Great Walden Walden BioBlitz BioBlitz

Residents and Visitors are Invited on a Quest for Local Residents and are Invited on a Quest for Local Biodiversity —Visitors Kids Too!


Bioblitz Leaders

BioBlitz Leaders


More than 3,000 species of plants,

More than 3,000 species of plants, animals, fungi, lichen, and moss visit or residefungi, in the lichen, Concordand area, withvisit animals, moss species diversity Walden ortremendous reside in the Concord area,inwith Woods, Minute Man National Historical tremendous species diversity in Walden Park, Great Meadows National Wildlife Woods, Minute Man National Historical Refuge, Estabrook Woods, Lincoln, Park, Great Meadows National Wildlife Southern Carlisle, and other natural areas. Refuge, Estabrook Woods, Lincoln, What are these species? To learn more, Southern Carlisle, and other natural you are invited to join the Great Walden areas. What are these species? BioBlitz on Saturday, July 6, 2019,Find and out by joining the Great Walden BioBlitz on follow the project on the app, iNaturalist. Saturday, July 6, 2019 follow the Local naturalist Peterand Alden says, “This project on the app, iNaturalist. event (originally called a Biodiversity Day) the world’s serious bioblitz The was bioblitz brings first together educators, with aboutnaturalists, 2,000 species in scientists, andrecorded the public inland New England. It was described to encourage outdoor exploration in Dr. enhance Wilson’s: our The understanding Future of Life” and and of has spawned small and large scale bioblitzes biodiversity. The Great Walden BioBlitz across the USA and overseas (some will focus on locating, identifying, and annual gatherings). We are interested in counting as many species as possible documenting any major decline in some

32 CONCORD | Summer 2019 insect Discover groups, and discovering newly

arrived species whether invasive aliens or

counting as many species as withinwithin a five-mile radius of Walden possible a five mile radius of Walden Participants Pond.Pond. Participants willwill gaingain skills in skills in identifying recording in such places as Walden Woods, The identifying andand recording species, species, and a stronger connection Minute Man National Historical Park, and a stronger connection to their natural to their natural environment. the Walden Pond State Reservation, and environment. Children are warmly Naturalist/philosopher Henry Land Conservation properties in Concord, welcome to help in the fun! David Thoreau inspired bioblitzing. Carlisle, and Lincoln.” Local naturalist Peter Alden explains, Thoreau built a cabin on the shore Great Walden Bioblitz. Dr. Edward O. Wilson and naturalist “On July 6th, 2019 a hundred or so of Walden Pond and moved there on Participants of all ages can enjoy Peter Alden initiated the bioblitz concept specialist Julyinvited 4, 1845. He spentfield muchbiologists of his timewill many activities (www.waldenbioblitz. oncontribute July 4, 1998 Walden Pond. be out and in small parties locating observing describing the natural their org) and to anatappreciation of In partnership with the Walden animal or plantacquainted focus. Some join a preserving our planet’s biodiversity. TheWoods world—becoming withwill every Project, theyberepeated the event with half dozen open to and the flower. public nature bug, bird, berry,free beast, fruit, iNaturalist app will used by scientists more than 100 invited experts In the spirit of Thoreau’s ramblings and the in 2009, walks with naturalists using the new and the general public throughout journaling, internationally Great Walden BioBlitz. It’s an exciting and collectively recorded over 2,700 iNaturalist photo app.renowned We are interested scientist/author Dr. Edward O. Wilson and way to observe and record nature, where species within a five-mile radius of in documenting any major decline in some naturalist Peter Alden initiated the bioblitz species identification is suggested based Walden Pond. insect groups, and discovering newly concept on July 4, 1998 at Walden Pond. on an uploaded photo and To celebrate Dr.identifications Edward O. Wilson’s arrived species whether invasive aliens In partnership with the Walden Woods are confirmed by crowd-sourced experts 90th birthday, and in recognition of his or a climate change indicator. Walks will Project, they repeated the event with over on the iNaturalist platform. extraordinary leadership in protecting our take place both morning and afternoon 100 invited experts in 2009, and “In light of recent reports that collectively recorded over 2,700 species biodiversity is declining globally at within a five mile radius of Walden Pond, rates unprecedented in human history,

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