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Get Out & Swim & Enjoy the Water” The De Soto Aquatic Center
Discovering De Soto Get Out & Swim Get Out & Swim
Exploring De Soto During the summer season, swimming is a favorite. De Soto has fulfilled that need for its residents, even amid a pandemic. The De Soto Aquatic Center was one of the few local pools to open in 2020 while following CDC and county guidelines. & enjoy the water!& enjoy the water! The precautions set into place included a 200-person capacity per session (two sessions per day; two to three hours), where visitors were required to sign up prior to entering the facility. Deck chairs were not available to the public. Visitors kept a distance of six feet from others and wore masks at their discretion. Only pre-packaged concessions were available and nonresidents until it closed in 2005 when construction of and the pool was initially opened only to residents. the Aquatic Center began. “It served its purpose,” Jay recalled. This summer, the Aquatic Center opens Saturday, May 29 with deck chairs available and full concessions will be sold. “Our hope is that we can go back to–I don’t use the word normal anymore–but go back to 2019 in terms of being open with our regular schedule.” said Jay Garvin, City of De Soto, Parks and Recreation Director. “Masks will be discretionary “It’s one of those (situations) that obviously with age (the pool) deteriorates.” At the time, De Soto was growing and the pool at Miller Park was no longer meeting the community’s needs. “It was a very close bond vote,” Jay remembers. Overall, the Aquatic Center and the programs it offers have been well received by people of all ages since its opening. and left up to the patrons.” Moving forward, the City is establishing internal plans for The 285,000-gallon Aquatic Center opened in May 2006. Previous to that, De Soto accommodated its residents with a smaller pool located at Miller Memorial Park. Built in 1967, possible scenarios this year in hopes that it can open the aquatic facility close to its full potential and maintain public safety as top priority. To keep up with the latest updates, visit desotoks.us the 150,000-gallon pool was a go-to destination for residents –written by Katherine Diaz, contributing writer

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