4 minute read
FAiTH Giving & Caring
There are abundant avenues to give–within the walls of churches and outside its doors; both individually and corporately; assisting physical needs and providing emotional support; and giving financial assistance. These pages by no means cover all that individuals, churches and organizations are actively “doing.” They are merely a few highlights of giving, and will perhaps inspire your own passion to give.
–Matthew 25:35-36
Souper Bowl of Caring is a nationwide campaign that began in 1990, to unite communities to “tackle hunger.” Locally, the De Soto Baptist Church has held “Souper Bowls” for many years, providing assistance to various individuals, families and the De Soto Food Pantry. The local community is invited to enjoy a soup luncheon and donate to our area Souper Bowl fundraiser. This year’s recipient is the De Soto Food Pantry. In addition, De Soto Baptist Church contributes to the annual De Soto
Food Pantry Thanksgiving Baskets; Snacks for Starside Elementary School; Operation Christmas and various denominational ministries. The church also supports local missionaries Dustin and Nikki Stewart, DHS graduates.
Christmas Celebrations at De Soto Baptist Church: Children’s Christmas Cantata December 11, 10 am Adult Christmas Cantata/Candlelight Service December 18, 7 pm 2023 Souper Bowl fundraiser Sunday, February 12, 12 noon
This year’s proceeds will go to the De Soto Food Pantry. The community is invited to join us for this annual event.
Victor Velez, Interim Pastor, De Soto Baptist Church
Raised in the church, Victor received his call as a young child and played piano in children’s church. As a teen, he and two friends formed a Christian band, performing and preaching in South Texas. Pastor Velez received his Piano Performance degree from Southern Nazarene University and Master’s in Religious Studies from Central Baptist University. His wife and partner in ministry, Danette departed for heavenly realms in 2007. Their five children are all grown.

8655 Copeland Way | 913-585-1026
www.desotobaptistchurch.com note our new worship times:
10 am Sunday Worship in-person & online
10 am Children’s Church & Sunday School 9:00 am Adult Sunday School Men’s & Women’s Bible Study
2nd & 4th Mondays at 6:30 pm Arts in Prison is held at the Lansing Correctional Facility. Local resident Dan Dakota became involved in the program for several decades, teaching drawing, watercolor and printmaking to men in “good behavior.” Through Bethany Prison Ministry, Dan met Father Anthony and helped raise funds for a library at Friends of St. Anne’s Girl’s School in
Kenya. see https://issuu.com/discoveringdesoto Exploration Issue, Spring 2017, pages 12-13.
Also ministering in Kenya, Africa, are former De Soto residents Jerry and Cheryl Turner. They formed the Life Changing Truth Ministry in De Soto and relocated to Kenya in 2019. Since that time, they began Fountain of Life Church, opened a Bible College; and offer several outreach programs in Bible studies and discipleship, family and marriage counseling. Food and clothing are distributed, and vocational training is offered.
Light of the World Lutheran Church, still in its organizational stages, meeting for Bible study the first and third Sundays in the De Soto Senior Center at 6:45 pm. The church is supporting
De Soto teachers and school administrators with appreciation bags and prayer throughout the coming months. Pastor Bert Tegtmeier may be reached at 620-343-4371.
Through the annual De Soto United Methodist Women’s community events–“The Spring Fling” Food & Craft Sale and the upcoming “Cookies by the Pound” Christmas Cookie Sale–funds are raised for a many area ministries. This year’s United Women in Faith support includes:
Cross-Lines, Safe Home, Della Lamb, KidsTLC, De Soto
Food Pantry, Ministry to Incarcerated Families and denominational youth and children’s missions. To learn more about each of these organizations, please visit their websites.
See their “Cookies by the Pound” ad on page 20.

SUNDAY WORSHIP 10:15 In person Livestream Services
22015 Midland Drive, Shawnee, KS 66226 | (913) 441-5500

Bless My Home Ministries was created out of a partnership between True Light Family Resource Center in Kansas City and Harvest Ridge Covenant Church in Western Shawnee. Women from both organizations–urban Kansas City and suburban Johnson County–meet for “Sister-to-Sister” events to deepen friendships between diverse women. During one of these gatherings, Brenda Miles, Bless my Home Ministries title here, met a woman who recently had moved into her own apartment after a time of homelessness. Brenda and other volunteers from Harvest Ridge Covenant Church gathered furniture and home items for the new apartment. This was the beginning of Brenda’s calling to help others transition out of homelessness by providing needed furnishings. She and Patricia Porche, True Light Day Shelter/ Transitional Housing Manager, formed Bless My Home Ministries in 2017. They have served more than 160 clients.
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