3 minute read
Discovering De Soto
Online viewing of all issues: https://issuu.com/discoveringdesoto
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As I embarked upon this issue, I wanted to convey the heartfelt love many have for Home Sweet Home De Soto. And then, to take a closer look at what is quickly happening on the horizon. There is an enormous amount of daunting development that has already begun. There is also an enormous amount of coordination that has been done in the background–bringing alongside many skilled and proficient businesses, individuals and entities. This issue gives an informative overview of Astra/Panasonic and Flint Commerce Center, along with local developments. Our local features, as well as the City of De Soto pages, continue to inform our area residents. As always, enjoy the issue and thank you for making Discovering De Soto one of the most read and treasured printed publications!
Sincerely, Rose Burgweger
Discovering De Soto publisher/editor
The Kansas City Star featured De Soto in a special section titled: “The city’s coming to us” on Sunday, January 8, 2023, along with “Planning for Panasonic” on the front page. You’ll find plenty of De Soto news at kansascity.com

Not responsible for errors or misprints. Information is gathered from sources considered to be reliable; however, RMB Prints & Design, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of information and not liable for any incurrences as a result of this publication. The material in Discovering De Soto is not intended for diagnosing or giving medical advice. Businesses, Organizations or Entities featured are not to be construed as an endorsement of the product, individual, business or organization. Businesses featured are selected for newsworthy content and/or being applicable to the issue’s emphasis. Publisher/Editor reserves the right on final editing of all content herein, including acceptance of submissions, editorial and advertising.
Kudos to our Advertisers who fund the staffing & production of Discovering De Soto!
Published by RMB Prints & Design, LLC
Rose M. Burgweger, publisher / editor
For editorial submissions and advertising information, contact Discovering De Soto by email: RMBprints@icloud.com
Blake Bradford Graphic Design Assistant
Katherine Diaz, Kris Meyer Contributing Writers
Pam Ebert Administrative Assistant
Ashton DelVecchio, Helen Ash Copy Editors
Special Thanks to The City of De Soto for Funding of Printing & Distribution
City Pages written/designed by Whitney Lange
Printed copies are available at these area locations: De Soto Harps Foods Steve’s Meat Market
Downtown De Soto look for our bin
Lenexa Suburban Lawn & Garden
Shawnee Price Chopper courtesy of The Kansas City Star
Earl May Monticello Library Prayer Box Cafe
View ALL iSSueS onLine: https:// issuu.com/discoveringdesoto
Information and the entire survey report may be viewed online at: http://desotoks.us/307/ Community-Survey
Discovering De Soto had the highest percentage of effectiveness as a Communication Source.
Discovering De Soto also had the highest percentage of usage as a Communication Source.
Through the past eight years I have worked very hard, along with my freelance staff, to develop and produce a high-quality feature magazine for the De Soto Community.
With social media platforms and growing online information–it is very rewarding to produce a Printed Publication with so much positive results!
I personally have enjoyed sharing your stories and all I have learned about De Soto through the years.
With The City of De Soto’s funding the printing and distribution of Discovering De Soto, it has yielded positive, affirming results. The De Soto City Pages inside the publication also contribute to the high percentages of readership.

Discovering De Soto has also received incredible support from our advertisers, who fund my salary and our freelancers. From our first sole advertiser, TriCentury Bank, to over 40 businesses (corporate and local) and organizations–who are all an intregal part of providing funding for staffing and services.
In addition, Discovering De Soto seeks to compliment social media. Many posts on in and Around De Soto provide a starting point for subject matter, to provide additional in-depth articles.
Discovering De Soto also refers our community to view other sources of information for additional editorial coverage–
The Kansas City Star, Shawnee Mission Post, Kansas City Business Journal, and a myriad of websites full of pertinent information on De Soto’s current times of development. Thank You All...Onward!

City Welcomes New Employee...............7
Recreation Programming Poll................7

Citizen Satisfaction Survey Results........8
Designing De Soto..................................9
Open House............................................9
Staff Directory.....................................10
Parks & Recreation..............................10
City Welcomes New Employee
The City of De Soto hired Makenna Jennings to fill the newly-created Recreation Programmer position Makenna joined City Staff on January 26th, 2023.

In an effort to expand public recreation opportunities in De Soto, the City developed a Recreation Programmer position who would plan year-round community programs and special events related to education, nature, fine arts, and culture We are thrilled to welcome Makenna Jennings to our team to fill the role!
Makenna has set high goals for herself as she starts this new position Her first big project is to brainstorm workshops for the community by compiling recreation feedback from the citizen survey, meeting with other cities, attending parks & recreation conferences, and continuously gathering citizen input
When asked what drew her to apply for this position, Makenna said that she was drawn to the fact that this job was uncharted territory "No one had ever been in this role before, so I could make it my own and grow with the role," she explained "It's not very often you get to help build a program from scratch "
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