PeopleSmart TIMES Part 1 Dominant D Style

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Each style is a gift...

and we each bring our differences,

unique capabilities and personal ways of seeing things and situations, to our partners and teams. Understanding ourselves allows us to let go of fears and past beliefs and be PRESENT. We can CHOOSE to be exactly who we are now – and change when we want to. That CHOICE is our ultimate freedom!

Armed with this understanding, can bring you more joy in developing and strengthening your People-Reading skills and will give you greater potential for more power in your communications and effectiveness with everyone. When you can relax in your own style and be appropriate with everyone, this quality is also known as charisma - the quality of focusing on others that make people want to get to know you better because they see you are someone in whose presence they feel better about themselves! Now you may be starting to see the reason DISC is one of the most popular and widely used personality profiling systems in the world. Let’s now talk about the typical behaviors that show up consistently in “HIGH” D’s, I’s, S’s and C’s. We’ll also look at what people with the opposites or “LOW” points prefer. KEY: DISC is a “NEEDS-MOTIVATED OBSERVABLE BEHAVIORAL MODEL.” And… …we are all a combination of styles and somewhere on the range of intensity from high to low. The following describes those highest tendencies of each style.

The Dominant “High D” Behavioral Style High D’s are: driving, determined, ambitious, aggressive, and pioneering. Low D’s are conservative, low-keyed, cooperative, calculating, undemanding, cautious, mild, agreeable, modest and peaceful.

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The Dominant ‘D’s Style says: “Move Over and Let the Big Dog Drink” Dominant ‘D’ Styles are awesome at their best, insensitive at their worst. They are the dominant, driving people we often think of as “natural leaders”. They are not shy or, usually, modest. They often make good football coaches, army generals… and dictators! Challenge-orientated and decisive, D’s are propelled by an inner need to be in charge. A good life for them is spent achieving, overcoming obstacles, and accomplishing results. A Dominant ‘D’ Style’s motto: “Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing!” Dominant ‘D’ Styles are the worst listeners of the four styles: they don’t have time. (Besides, they already know the answer!) What Excites D’s? Action! • Dominant ‘D’s are not afraid to challenge people or rules that seem to

stand in their way.

• They are more interested in meeting their goals than pleasing people.

D’s Greatest Asset: They can out-accomplish anyone! •

High-energy people, Dominant ‘D’ Styles demand – and get – results.

They’re able to focus intently and are very task oriented.

They love to work hard, and often thrive during crisis and controversy.

D’s Greatest Limitation: Can’t Stand Weakness •

Dominant ‘D’ Styles are frequently frustrated when others aren’t as able or motivated as they are.

They may take themselves too seriously, unwilling to curb their competitive streak even when it benefits them.

D’s Greatest Fear: Being Viewed as “Soft” or Being Taken Advantage of •

Dominant ‘D’ Styles like to deal quickly with practical problems; they are rarely interested in abstract ideas.

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It’s not a matter of if the Dominant ‘D’ Style will take over, but when.

They are very much into efficiency, but not into giving praise.

Said about D’s: “He makes things happen,” “She definitely gets things done.” Favorite negotiating tools of a Dominant ‘D’ Style: control and endurance. To achieve greater balance and to develop behavioral flexibility, Dominant ‘D’ Styles need to practice active listening, pace them to project a more relaxed image, and develop patience, humility, and sensitivity. They need to show a concern for others, use more caution, verbalize the reasons for their conclusions, and participate more as team players. Dominant ‘D’ Styles can benefit from gentle reminders to laugh at themselves or to take time to slow down and smell the flowers. Summary – All about D’s – “The Dominant Director” Key word = Dominance: how we deal with problems and challenges Style:

High D Moderate D Low D

= Direct, forceful, decisive. = Competitive, self-reliant, unassuming. = Cautious, mild, modest.

High D’s need to control, maintain power and assertiveness and fear being taken advantage of.

They are very active in dealing with problems and challenges. (Low D’s are people who want to do more research before committing to a decision.)

High D people are described as demanding, forceful, egocentric, strong willed,

High D’s Goal: High D’s Fears:

Results, Control Losing control or being taken advantage of by others.

Emotional Expression: Anger o High D = Quick to anger o Low D = Slow to anger

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Overview: Dominance is the left-most factor on the DISC graph. Like all the factors, people high in D have a blend of both “positive” and “negative” traits. Highly dominant individuals are independently minded, motivated to succeed, and generally very effective at getting their own way. People high in D tend to be tough minded, independent, enterprising, hostile, and rebellious rather than caring, adapting, and structured. They want to maintain success to support their goals. People with high D energy tend to operate from the big picture and they look to see if the situation is favorable or antagonistic. They seek to meet their needs by controlling their environment through direct, forceful action, often overcoming opposition if unfavorable or antagonistic situations are at hand. They gain their security by keeping control and their greatest “fear” is loss of control. At work: High D people are very business-like and their work space is busy, formal, functional, efficient, and structured. Fast, decisive individuals can tend to be very verbal and more blunt than tactful because they focus on the task and getting bottom line results. They have high ego strength and are the shakerattle-and-rollers of any organization because they are competitive, like change and hate the status quo. Their ideal environment includes freedom from controls, supervision and details. They want an innovative and futuristic-oriented environment, and a forum to express their ideas and viewpoints. When selling to the D: Stress the result and bottom line and how it will bring results or solutions. Get to the point quickly, be business-like and answer “what” questions. Use rapid pace, limit emotional expression and enthusiasm. Respond to their concerns by accepting their bluntness. Give evidence of results. Gain their commitment by outlining their options and letting them know the decision is theirs. Follow up with efficiency and deliver as promised. As action-oriented, adventuresome individuals, they value direct answers and immediate results. Their impatience may be seen in finger tapping, chair swinging, and general restlessness. It’s important when selling to a High D to adapt the presentation to acknowledge that they seek productivity. They need to know “what it does,” “by when,” and “what it costs.” Value to the team: They are a bottom-line organizer, forward looking, and challenge oriented. They initiate activity and are innovative. They achieve acceptance from

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others by their leadership and love of competition. They like others to be direct and to the point and are irritated by inefficiency and indecision. What makes a high D less effective? Possible limitations include overuse of their position, setting standards too high, lacking tact and diplomacy, and taking on too much, too soon, and too fast! They don’t respond well to routine work for long periods; rather, give them work with challenge and opportunity.

THE “D” STYLE = Dominance

(Responding instinctively to problems and challenges)

Emotional Expression: Quick to anger

Fears: Being taken advantage of

What works about High D’s:

The limitations others observe:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. Impatient Ego - Resists criticism. 2. Seldom slows down, overworks 3. Self-reliant - Makes changes without checking 4. May occur as blunt or harsh 5. May be an impatient listener 6. May seem to move too fast

Goal oriented – High ego strength Gets things done quickly Seeks change Wants to win Wants direct answers Can move/act fast

Affirmative statements to empower a High D: “I see you set your mind on something and then go after it.” “I like that you are so capable of taking things on yourself.” “You sure accomplish a lot when you make up your mind!” “You are a winner!” “You know what you want and go after it!” “I admire your courage.” “I like how honestly you express how you feel about things.” “You are a leader - quick to respond to a situation and seek a solution.” What motivates High D’s: (active, task-oriented?) Give them opportunities to do tasks that involve seeing the big picture and solving problems. They have a strong ego, are quicker to see a problem and react to solve it, can act confidently, and at the same time may tend to overlook details and be insensitive to other people’s needs. Give them

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support teams of people they can delegate these things to. Acknowledge their natural leadership. Stress indicators for High D’s: D’s may become overly assertive, autocratic, unbending, over-controlling, strong willed, or dictatorial, attempting to impose their thoughts and feelings on others. Their defenses go up if they think they are not in control or are being taken advantage of. If under extreme stress, they may vent their feelings by making demands on others, blaming others, or exploding in a fit of anger temper. Help them to pace themselves and tune into their own biological indicators. D’s need a “physical time out” whenever the stress is eminent.

The LOW D: The emotional scale moves from the high D’s “quick to anger” to a low D’s “slow to anger”. Everything in the emotional intensity of how a low D solves problems is the opposite of the high D. Low D’s are calculating, mild, unassuming, deliberate, cautious, and predictable. They are also detail oriented, or slow in becoming involved in new areas. They weigh the pros and cons of decisions, like predictable environments with standardized controls, policies and procedures. Low D’s like the EXACT OPPOSITE of the High D. The lower the intensity or point on the D column, the lower the need to dominate – in fact the lower the point the higher the need to be around others who will take charge and make the decisions.

Next month

we will be sharing all about the Influencing I’s giving you tips

and strategies to use to get the best out of all relationships no matter what DISC style you are with. Until then…


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