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Surviving Lockdown – The Wellhead Practice
Progress Report from The Wellhead Practice
As we go into September, it will and what will it be like to work in the PPE all day, have been three months since both physically and interacting with patients?
we re-opened on June 1st –
a quarter of a year already; The reality was not as bad as I thought it would be. where did that time go? It Yes, it was hot, more tiring, and I was grateful for the only seems like yesterday that shorter day if I am honest, but we could not have the Prime Minister gave his asked for more compliant and courageous patients. announcement at the end of Some had waited weeks for their appointment, March that meant we closed our doors and rang to only able to receive advice over the telephone cancel all patient appointments until further notice. from us, but they took onboard the new set of Overnight, I felt like I had taken early retirement! ‘rules’ that Anne and Karen relentlessly go through Fast forward ten weeks and, with a new minimalistic with each and every one of them, prior to an practice layout; changes to our operational appointment. For me, and I’m sure I speak for all the procedures; a lot of inconvenient but necessary PPE clinicians, it was great getting back to work seeing and over four hundred phone calls to screen and smiling patients (you can still tell from the eyes!) It re-schedule patient appointments (thank you Fiona certainly made the first few days that bit easier. for your tenacity on this one!), the Wellhead Practice As September arrives, we remain busy with was lucky enough to be back up-and-running. a good, steady stream of new patients across Without hesitation, our receptionists and clinicians the clinics. We welcome back Jake, our sports alike, who were able to return to work at this time, massage therapist, and Amy who completes sprung into action, implementing the changes our team of four podiatrists / chiropodists. needed to adhere to the new guidelines aimed We shall hopefully be extending our workday at keeping patients and ourselves safe. A big slightly to increase our appointment availability, thank you goes out to each of you. As a result, but will continue to screen all patients at we managed to get our osteopathy, podiatry the time of booking and then once more and our ear syringing clinics open and, despite the day before their appointment. shorter days and fewer appointments for social distancing and cleaning reasons, we were able Like everyone else, we have our fingers to work through the backlog of patients that crossed that we shall move to COVIDpassed the new health screening questions. free times, sooner rather than later.
Perhaps to be expected, there was some trepidation in the few days before re-opening. What if patients decide not to show up? How will they be after being isolated for so many weeks Until then … stay safe!
Philip Hakim
T: 01778 392832 E: enquiries@thewellheadpractice.co.uk www.thewellheadpractice.co.uk
At Double and Megson in
Bourne, we have been working through the pandemic, albeit remotely. The world is now coming ‘back to life’, following a time of many clients having to be at home furloughed or by reference to their health conditions.
We have been taking instructions on many matters though, sometimes arranging new wills through windows, but whilst still socially distancing. Everyone hopes that society can now move on without the risk of a so called “second wave” of coronavirus.
We have conducted court hearings and meetings either by telephone or Zoom. This particular option is likely to become more popular, moving forward, as the government tries to reduce court attendance in person. It will still be necessary in many cases, none more so than at the Crown Court. Any change to using more technology is likely to be slow though, and the court buildings that we still have are likely to be used for a long time yet. Whatever changes do come, perhaps moving to digitalising some documents for example, we shall respond to it. Double and Megson has been in the town of Bourne for over forty years, caring for our clients and their legal needs, sometimes three generations of the same family. We prefer a down-to-earth approach to sometimes complex or unusual matters, but which are always extremely important to our clients. We can help you with your legal needs, whether it be propertybased (perhaps buying and selling); how property should be organised and administered; family relationship difficulties; wills and Lasting Power of Attorney or estates; dispute resolution or litigation; or employment and business. We look forward to seeing you soon to assist you with your needs. In the meantime, we trust that you shall “Stay Safe”.