1 minute read

The space between

Life is overwhelmingly beautiful. And terrible. And wonderful. And messy. And short. … But rarely is it predictable. Most people don’t get to the end of their lives and think to themselves, “Well, that went exactly as planned” just before they pass on.

That’s the thing about life…. Some things just happens to us. We aren’t always prepared. Things don’t always go according to plan. Because life often has an itinerary all its own. We can cultivate adaptability and learn to embrace changes in life… or get pulled along begrudgingly. Either way, change is an unconquerable reality.


Sometimes we get to choose it and welcome change eagerly. Sometimes we are painfully unprepared and resist. And sometimes we can get caught in the space between.

The space between ready and not. The space between changing direction and staying the course … between the problem and solution … between the known and unknown … between holding on and letting go.

It’s here, on the cusp of change, that life lends us rest and clarity is keenest if we lean in and allow it. It’s here, in that blank space between the chapters of our lives, that we can pause, take a deep breath and ready ourselves for the next thing. So if you should ever find yourself caught here, in the space between…anxiously waiting… don’t lose heart. These pauses aren’t empty voids … they are life’s way of holding space for our head and our heart to align and embrace. … sometimes we might find the space between can be our saving grace.

- Mackenzie FreeWife, mother, photographer & current resident of the unassumingly magical town of Steele, Alabama

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