MWDOC Third Grade Booklet

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Help Your Family Save Water and You Could Win an iPad

Take what you learned today and apply it in your home and YOU COULD WIN AN iPAD! Head to to fill out a short survey that will help you save water in your home and lead you to money-saving rebates and resources available from your water provider.


Dear Students, Teachers, and Parents, Thank you for participating in our Water Education School Program. We hope you enjoyed the interactive assembly! As a follow‐up, this booklet contains activities and lessons that will augment the concepts you just learned. These lessons are grade‐ specific and aligned with the teaching standards established by the State of California. Towards the front and back of this booklet, you will find information on our water education programs and offerings for Orange County students like you: •

Online Home Water Survey (New!) – This online survey helps students identify water conservation opportunities around the house. Every student who completes the survey will be entered into a drawing for a special prize!

Poster & Slogan Contest – Orange County students in grades K‐5 are invited to submit original artwork and slogans that reflect the wise use of water. 15 winners will be chosen –two will receive an iPad mini or Nintendo DS!

OC Water Hero App (New!) – We’ve just launched a brand‐new app that can be downloaded on your smartphone or tablet. The app features water trivia, water conservation tips, videos, prizes, and much more!

We hope you will participate in these programs. Thank you for doing your part to conserve water!

Copyright 1974 Revised 2009


R E T H A E W R O! C O it’s easy!

e v a s

ns of water p o l l a g er 20 by doing simple things like



*Turning off the water when brushing your teeth saves 2 gallons of water each minute! *Taking a shorter shower saves 10 gallons each minute! *Clean the driveway with a broom not a hose saves 40 gallons each time!

Become an OC water hero today! Promise to save 20 gallons each day by completing a pledge form at or download the free app on iTunes. Using the website or the app, OC Water Heroes can play fun games, learn exciting water trivia, access water saving tips and more!

Santa Margarita Water District

The Family of Orange County Water Agencies

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