SPEAKER PROFILE ● Sachin Dev Duggal,CEO of E ngineer.ai, a company which uses artificial intelligence and a deep network of software development talent to build custom technology solutions, Sachin leads a global team that is changing how software is built and managed ● Sachin has been an entrepreneur since age 15. He took his last company Nivio, an early cloud startup, to $100M in value before exiting. His accomplishments have been widely recognized: MIT Under 35 Indian Innovator of the Year, Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist, and the BBC Young Asian Achiever of the Year. Sachin also made history as one of the youngest attendees at the World Economic Forum in Davos. ● He holds a degree in B.Eng from Imperial College London and a degree in Entrepreneurial Master’s Program from MIT
● Engineer.ai is the World’s first turn-key platform for building and running bespoke software. ● The company’s flagship product, Builder, uses an AI powered Assembly line that breaks a project into small building blocks of re-usable features that are then customized by unused human capacity from over 100 dev shops/agencies around the World. ● The CloudOps keeps these customers sticky through a marketplace that uses AI to keep software running efficiently, from managing Cloud spend & infrastructure to a single stop for all the micro-services they need.