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Literature Review And Findings

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Studies indicate that the most effective way to find constructive solutions to involvement of children in activities that violate a law is to involve children in the process of rehabilitation and not to consider them as merely ‘trouble makers’ or ‘problem children’ in need of punishment Recognition of and respect for their rights as human being and as a child is an important first step in this direction.Thus Juvenile justice has made a departure from the criminal justice model of punishment recognizing the negative influence of association with adult offenders and the higher possibility of reformation of children being in the growing age where their capacities are still being built and developed Juvenile Justice adopted the path of reformation of children found to have committed an offence through various community based reformative and rehabilitative measures and using institutionalization as a measure of last resort and for the minimum period till suitable community based alternatives are found for them.


Few organizations all over india are promoting education and awareness to children both CINCP and CCWL for theisr better future Infrastructure of governmental and non governmental organizations are poor which needs to be improved, Education and other facilities needs to be considered. Scatered small oreganizations around perticular state sare lacking facilities and stakeholders are suffering due to absense of regular inspection

Gujarat being fifth in the juvenile crime doesn’t have any borstal school in state. Borstal schools where Young offenders are intentionally kept away from conventional prisoners because of the contaminating atmosphere of those prisons which act as a barrier to reform and rehabilitation it is required to create deterrence against committing crime along with creating a system conducive to reformation.

Aim Of The Project

The aim is to provide better living condition, opportunities and securities by solving recorded issue through providing built environment and sufficient infrastructure for living, education and rehabilitative activities as well.

Centre of Attention

▪ Centre for all age juvenile to upgrade their living condition and create well managed regulation

▪ First Borstal school(for 18 to 21 year old) in Gujarat to prevent them from prison at a very sensitive age, indulge them in education and vocational programs.

▪ Inclusion of new educational programs

▪ Establishing effective co-ordination mechanisms and cooperation with non governmental organization for various activities and awareness sessions

▪ Centre for the parental guidance to spread awareness about Juvenile delinquency and prevent.

(Riyadh Guidelines 1990) career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) career, Technical, and Agricultural Education (CTAE) involves integrated relationships between academic education and specific career opportunities CTAE offers learning through a variety of career Pathways These pathways are state-approved career enhancement programs that, combined with the recommended academic course work, will prepare juveniles to continue their education and enter the world of work.it equip students with a broad range of skills to enable them to succeed in their future careers. They must learn to communicate effectively and develop the ability to master new skills and find creative solutions to problems Most importantly they must learn to continue to learn


Number of vocational courses through the Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) program, which include auto service, computer information systems, construction, collision repair, cosmetology and horticulture The program allows students to earn technical certificate credits

One of the most formidable challenges, is how to implement a joint vocational program for pre-adjudicated youths, many of whom may only be at the facility for a short time, depending on their offense and how long it takes to get a ruling, joint programs, including on-line training, and introductory classes that get youths started with basic topics and computer/technical processes, so that they can continue the course at a technical college once released

Activities Under Concept Of Rehabilitation


• The methodology is to interpret the connotation of juvenile and current scinario in india through research and case study

• To identify gap between current JJA laws and its translation in order to rehabilitation of juvenile delinquents.

• To relate new opportunities from literatures all over globe to fabricate robust programmatic framework in accordance with JJA(2016)

• To delineate above points, exploration in design and conceptualization of livable environment

CTAE workshop



Wood work

Metal work

Computer information



Collision repair


Animal shelter

Chapter 2 Case Study

Case Studies

Juvenile detention centre

Location : Maasberg, Netherlands

Site area : 22,300 Sq.meter

The resolution of the world which aims at the interior is partly removed a new and more intensive interaction with the surrounding nature is aimed at for the youngsters, the open structure simulates the daily shifts between living, learning and recreation,

1. Entrance to area for transport

2. Renovation gymnasium

3. New building for living

4. Recreation outdoor

5. Renovation building for education

6. Existing building for living

7. Workplace and treatment centre

8. Pavillion for education

9. Entrance

10. Entrance for pedestrians

11. Main entrance

Openness of built and surrounding creates livable environment for juveniles, Equal distributions of facilities to built adds breathing space.

Each living spaces comprising of different colors and textures resembling each juvenile creates homely environment

The vertical apertures, have different bevel edges, following the youngsters to have different sight lines to the surrounding woodland scenery.

Pavilion and other open spaces creates an opportunity for outdoor activities

Government juvenile home

Location : Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

Site area : 17,000 Sq.meter

The site is located in the urban area of Tiran Purim city and hence it is easily accessible The area mainly houses jail institutions including the central jail, and special sub jail. The area also abounds in educational institutions, circulation pattern

Site Location

The circulation pattern

The circulation pattern is regulated, keeping in view, the safety aspects of the juvenile vehicular movement is not allowed beyond administrative law.

Spatial analysis

The planning is such that every room opens into the centre open space which is the majority activitie zone

The staffnroom is placed such that this central space is under the constant supervision of the staff This ensures the safety aspect of the children home, and prevent the unnoticed escape of any inmate.

The positioning of the administrative block is also such that the observation home children’s home can be directly supervised from here.

Chapter 3

Site Selection And Analysis

Site Location

Gujarat is 5th in juvenile crime in India

Ahmedabad has highest juveniles in Gujarat Being the largest city of Gujarat there are total 8 juvenile institutions working today

This institutions are running on small scale, with large number of stakeholders and poor infrastructure. Gujarat does not have any Borstal school working as an oportunity for juveniles between 18 to 21 years, to prevent from prison and getting dominated by prisoners borstal school is an approach towards better future

Scattered organizations with poor living environment are also difficult to inspect regularly and providing all the facilities are also a challange. Proposing a juvenile and borstal institute on a larger scale will help to acommodate all inmates with safer and breathable environment.

Primary case study of existing building

Built area : 1200 sq.m

Inmate flow : 50 juveniles

The major age group og juvenile is 15 - 17 years and maximum stay period is 7 years. Only observation home between Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, Nadiad and Anand.

▪ No open space other than courtyard

▪ Same teaching for all children, no enough classrooms, workshops

• Old construction with uneven distribution of built and open spaces

• No fix time with counselor

Regular schedule in juvenile

Site : RTO circle

Site Area : 21,000 Sq.m

Site is located near RTO and on the edge of a waterbody adding a natural ambiance Context has ring road and government prison nearby and on the other side Sabarmati riverenhance its value

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