1 minute read
Tache Rec Plan Sees Ross as Vulnerable
By Dan Guetre
The new Tache Recreation Master Plan is not all good news as the results display a weakness in recreational services in the community of Ross, the furthest urban centre on the eastern fringe.
But, a lot can happen between the time the data for the plan was compiled and the date of publishing.
“The Ross Community Centre has had an infusion of new volunteers that will be getting things up and going,” said RM of Tache CAO Christine Hutlet. “The ice rink over the winter and the events being planned with the new board members show a strong revival of the community efforts.”
“Council and Administration has been actively working with the Ross Community Centre and has a desire to see them succeed and provide the recreation services to members of our communities,” said Hutlet. “To further show support, a Council member is designated as a Committee Representative to the Ross Community Centre Board to give that support to the volunteer committee. This has been an ongoing appointment for many years and it’s important for the board and community to know the support is here.”
Hutlet said Tache is currently looking at increasing recreational services across the RM, which will include Ross Community Centre, and with the strong efforts of the board, “we feel that the utilization of the facility can and will be enhanced in the future.”
Additionally, the RM of Tache recently hired an Economic Development Officer that will look at Economic and Community Development as whole which will include the community of Ross said Hutlet.