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Business News
A leading British commercial nursery in Hereford has this month started work on a new reservoir to help it capture, save and recycle more water (September 2022). Wyevale Nurseries is creating its new water conservation and storage system at its King’s Acre container site as part of its ongoing sustainability plans and annual environmental targets. Steve Reed, Production Director, Container Division, says: “As water becomes an increasingly fragile resource, we’re delighted to be installing this new reservoir to secure our long-term future. We currently recycle 34% of our water and are building this reservoir to dramatically improve this percentage. “As part of our annual ISO 14001 environmental accreditation, we have regular targets for recycling water and we’re at our maximum. Our last two years figures are similar, averaging at around 35,000 m, which is still about 14 Olympic-sized swimming pools, but we are going to increase that figure with the extra storage. “In order to recycle more water, we need the new reservoir and gained planning permission to build one just before the pandemic hit, but we’ve only just been able to start work now. It’ll be fully lined and hold 20,000 m³ of water when full. “It will also help us increase our water recycling ability from run-off from structures when we have rain and reduce our reliance on our onsite boreholes. It’s connected to our Container Tree Production site, which means we’ve already had to lay pipe under two roads in readiness for when the reservoir is working and in action. “We’re proud holders of our ISO 14001 environmental accreditation and are always looking at ways of improving and innovating with regards our water conservation.” ISO 14001 is an internationally accredited standard outlining how organisations can put an effective Environmental Management System in place. It’s designed to help businesses remain commercially successful without overlooking environmental responsibilities and impacts. It can also help firms develop sustainably while reducing the environmental impact of their growth. For further details about Wyevale Nurseries, which is based in Hereford, please call 01432 845 200 or visit www.wyevalenurseries.co.uk.
Minimum Energy Efficient Standards were first introduced by the Government in 2018 as part of their aim to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) soon followed, with a grading of A to G to demonstrate the energy efficiency of a building. From April 2023, UK landlords will not be able to grant or renew a policy for a tenant if their commercial property has an EPC rating of F or lower. This applies if you rent, sell or construct a property larger than 50m2. Fines for continuing to let a property from this date will amount to a minimum of £5,000, up to £150,000. And it doesn’t stop there. Commercial properties have to achieve a C rating by 2027 and a B by 2030. So what do commercial property landlords need to do in order to meet these targets? The first step would be to speak to an accredited assessor who will be able to provide an up to date grading on your commercial property. This will help to establish priorities for any work that needs to be carried out.
At GJS Dillon our recommendation would be to start planning now. For further information contact Mike Sutton, GJS Dillon’s Commercial Building Surveying Director on 01905 676169 or mikesutton@gjsdillon.co.uk.


Total Metal Recovery Limited, a Bromsgrove-based Ferrous, and Non-Ferrous metal recycling and processing specialist, has made a major investment into an Aluminium shredding plant with integrated Eddy-Current separation lines. The family-owned company has taken this step in the light of sharply increasing demand for recycled and low-carbon aluminium. The processed shredded aluminium will be delivered to domestic and European Aluminium Primary and Recycling casthouses and foundries. The end consumers can use the processed product as a substitute for Primary aluminium and consequently reduce their dependency on high carbon and energy-intensive imports. Recycled aluminium uses 95% less energy than producing aluminium from raw materials. It can also save 97% of greenhouse gas emissions produced in primary production. Total Metal Recovery provides a full range of aluminium waste recycling services to a wide spectrum of manufacturers and its industrial partners include the Automotive and Aerospace sectors. Get in touch at www.totalmetalrecovery. co.uk or call 01527 368080.
Milford Research and Consultancy Limited is thrilled to announce the rollout of the Power Up Mentor/ Mentee Programme that provides training for the mentors who volunteer to help our students in local schools.
Two of the first through the programme: MENTOR: Simon Hyde - CEO of Faun Zoller (UK) Ltd and chairman/founder of Power Up Mentor Foundation CIO. MENTEE: Libby McCann - student from Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre. Simon: “My mentor, Mr Lindsay Porter, grabbed hold of me and put me in the right direction, in a matter of 12 months my grades went from an average C/D to A’s and B’s and he most definitely set me on my way to high school. Mentoring is now a good part of my activities and I truly believe it will help others like it helped me”. Libby: “This experience has offered me many opportunities ranging from; creating an open and collaborative relationship between my mentor and I, to taking on new responsibilities to push my skills further.” The programme is “Institute Approved” by the Institute of Leadership and Management and offers the unique provision of professional membership qualifications for mentors and mentees.
The Power Up Mentor Foundation CIO (Charity reg. 1200077) formed in August 2022 with the purpose: “… to provide mentoring for various types of learner in schools and colleges, from business leaders and other members of the community. This shall be achieved by offering one-to-one mentoring and shall be provided to learners of all ages in schools and colleges.” For more information or to find out about becoming a mentor for your local school: Contact Dr Robert Milford on: (01386) 335878 or email:
Milford Research and Consultancy Limited is the training provider for the Power Up Mentor Foundation CIO and all mentor/ mentee applications are approved by the Power Up Panel.

Simon Hyde Libby McCann

Mentor gets professional recognition
Simon Hyde, CEO at FAUN Zoeller (UK) Ltd, was thrilled to announce that he had received the “POWER UP” mentor programme official Institute of Leadership and Management membership status. He also said, “As I have mentioned many times, I’m a great believer in supporting the next working generation. This scheme is all about providing opportunities for students to learn, gain experience, knowledge, and help from professionals who have experience of working life.”
Mentee gets professional recognition
A Year 13 student at Trinity High School and Sixth Form Centre in Redditch, Libby McCann, has just completed her “POWER UP” mentee requirements to be awarded community membership from the Institute of Leadership and Management and the Power-up Business Mentor Programme, which is in operation at Trinity High School.
The Power-Up Mentor/Mentee Programme training is delivered by Milford Research & Consultancy Ltd on behalf of the Power Up Mentor Foundation CIO (Charity reg. 1200077). The programme helps business leaders to become professionally accredited mentors for student mentees aged 14 to 18. The school students also have the opportunity to gain professional recognition through the programme.
To find out how you could become a professional mentor for your local school Contact Dr Robert Milford on: (01386) 335878 or email: robertmilford@milfordresearch.co.uk