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Arborist recognised with major industry award

A Kidderminster arborist who has overcome his fear of heights to excel in the profession has been recognised with an award from a major industry organisation.
Edd Acutt, 30, recently completed a Level 2 apprenticeship in Arboriculture at Pershore College and works for a local housing association to maintain trees and other plants on its sites.
He has been presented with the Royal Forestry Society Certificate in Arboriculture in recognition of his high standard of academic work and practical skills.

Edd had previously worked in the ground maintenance team at Community Housing in Bromsgrove and for six years helped to maintain the grounds of sheltered housing properties.
An internal vacancy opened for an arborist and Edd jumped at the opportunity – despite having a dislike of heights.
Edd spent three years on the apprenticeship, due to the disruption by the pandemic, but is now thriving in his new role as an arborist.
He said: “I was very pleased when I found out I had passed my end point assessment, and to get this extra certificate as well is great.
“I’m actually a carpenter by trade but I’ve been working outdoors the majority of my career and can remember gardening as early as nine-years-old.
“At the age of 28, the opportunity presented itself to progress and take up a new role as an arborist, so I took it, despite hating heights!
“I’m looking forward to progressing now and working my way up the ladder, taking on extra training, earning more qualifications and furthering my career.”
John Hancock, trainer/assessor in Arboriculture at Pershore College, said: “Edd is enthusiastic, driven and a skilled arborist. He is a very deserving recipient of this certificate. www.wcg.ac.uk
“He benefits from having a great employer who has given him opportunities to continue his development.
“The Royal Forestry Society Certificate is a well-regarded qualification in the industry and will help to ensure Edd’s continued progression in the industry that he loves.
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