1 minute read

The Power of Apprenticeships

The image of Apprenticeships and the value they can bring to a business has improved immeasurably in recent years. However, it is fair to say that for some the word “Apprentice” still conjures up stereotypes of manual labour for school leavers who “were not right” for the University path…but this has never been more wrong.

Apprenticeships now cover a vast range of job types and levels…anything from Health and Care services through to Accountancy or HR, Engineering or Digital skills…from Level 2 all the way up to Level 6-7, equivalent to a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree. What’s more, these are no longer geared at school or college leavers, but rather the entire breadth of the labour market.


Employers are increasingly looking to Apprenticeships as a means of not only recruiting but also retraining and upskilling existing employees or helping them achieve formal qualifications in their role. Investing in your team not only means you reap the rewards of their enhanced skills but also of the increased engagement that is engendered by you investing in their futures. This is certainly something Hewett put a lot of stock in, with 2 team members shortly to start their Apprenticeships in pursuit of their Level 3 Certificate in Recruitment…just in time for the start of National Apprenticeship Week on February 6th!

So next time you are looking at the “gaps” in your workforce…perhaps take a moment to see who you already have that can help fill them. Capitalising on existing levels of commitment and loyalty of people who already share your company values can have huge benefits to not only your business but also the individuals concerned. To find out more about how workforce planning can support your business growth then please get in touch with Ben Mannion on 01905 613413 or ben@hewett-recruitment.co.uk

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