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business matters
The critical path to a successful fit-out or refurbishment
Delivering a commercial fit out, refurbishment, relocation or upgrade of facilities is a major investment in both time and resources. At Phoenix Systems we have narrowed down the critical path to ensure maximum returns when investing in the future of your business.
Julian Ridley
Contracts Manager Pheonix Systems
Where do I start?
Fit out or refurbishment projects are challenging. They require various expertise and skillsets to collaborate at the right time to be delivered successfully. We believe, the start of this process can be split into two areas of thinking. One, defining the requirements of your business.
Two, reviewing the ways you can improve the way you work, promote productivity, or inspire success. Once you’ve identified the needs of your business space, you can create a project brief.
A successful project brief includes defined goals, a project scope, an allocated or estimated budget, and a realistic timeframe. If you struggle to complete this, we recommend asking a specialist to provide an idea of timeframes and costs of similar works.
Consult / Design
The right team will be essential to your project’s success. Selecting the right team within your business is of the utmost importance. In our experience it’s best to select a project lead with the right personality to engage with your team internally and liaise with your fit out specialist and other external project contacts. When to seek professional advice / consultation?
In our opinion, it’s best to engage with your chosen Fit-Out partner as soon as you have a comprehensive project brief and an internal project team. Early engagement will allow a company like us to evaluate your project brief. Choosing a fit-out partner who can consult, design and deliver your project, will not only be making your life easier, but will allow you to make the right choices at the right times, avoiding any wasted time or resources. The project brief should be developed into a draft design. This will include an initial site survey, meeting and discussion to develop a budgetary costing and draft design. This process may take between 1-2 weeks.
For fast track fit out or refurbishment projects the budget costing stage may be negated and moved straight to the comprehensive quotation stage.
Specify / Appoint
This stage should begin with a fact-finding mission. From detailed site surveys to design led discussions, the aim should be to fill in gaps and test the draft proposals.
Your new work environment will now start to take shape.
Provided your team has gathered the information required, your fit-out partner will likely need a 2-4 week window to provide an ‘initial proposal’. This will include a developed design, key design features, schedule of works and detailed costings. Taking your draft designs from conception to accurate reflection of the works involved.
The initial proposal can then be reviewed. We encourage our clients to ask questions and provide as much feedback at this stage as possible. We recommend your project lead spend some time involving all parties in the design. Upon further discussion changes are likely to take place and a final proposal created.
It’s now time to appoint and progress. This is where the fun takes place; samples and site visits of similar works in your area are a great way to develop your understanding of the final proposal.
Manage / Deliver
With the aid of your fit-out specialists you should now gain the necessary permissions from landlords and building control, etc. In the background your fit-out partner will be compiling a construction phase plan. Once received the build process can begin, likely to take between 6-18 weeks dependant on your projects’ complexity or scale. We recommend weekly or fortnightly site meetings to ensure your team stay engaged with the project through this process.
The Move / Support
Project handover will now be immanent. Furniture should be fitted, and your Fitout specialist should be given the time needed to finish the works and ensure its completion is tested and setup for your business needs. We advise that an induction meeting take place to ensure the setup of your new facility is fully understood and maximised.
Part of this process will include an O&M manual providing your project team with the necessary test certificates, warranty details and cleaning / maintenance information.
Finally, your project should be complete with a support system in place for any defects or future alterations. A full staff review may allow a final check that the space includes all items required.
An ever-changing digital marketing world
It may seem counter intuitive to expect a higher quality digital marketing service for a lesser price, however the current trend towards automating day to day mundane tasks such as reporting systems and onboarding information is ensuring that admin costs for marketing services are on the wane. This allows a more involved and friendly service, when compared to other digital marketing agencies that have a high administrative burden.
For digital marketing firms, prices are largely remaining steady in relative terms and inflation being what it was, has led to only marginal year-on-year increases, due to intricate processes becoming more and more credibly automated, thus reducing the administrative overhead of digital marketing and technology-minded businesses.
Search Engine Optimisation for example, has traditionally been a tough nut to crack for many businesses and agencies alike, with high admin costs, lots of data of which to make sense and repetitive manual tasks, however with the improvement in automation and technology and APIs with abundant, structured and organised data from the giants such as Google, in-house proprietary software such as that developed and utilised by Byzz+ is paving the way to a more manageable workload, significantly improving service quality and customer happiness.
The irony is, that by its very nature, these systems allow for a much more human approach to account management, really letting agencies such as Byzz+ understand what makes a client’s business tick, while giving the time needed to properly prepare and implement strategies, ensuring that campaigns are; and remain optimised for the best possible return for clients.
So, what does this mean? In summary, by using automation and technology to assist with the client journey rather than frustrate it, Byzz+ are providing a high quality, high availability, and highly optimised digital marketing, PPC and search engine optimisation service to clients for less than traditional agencies, allowing small businesses into the marketing performance realm of companies that have traditionally been larger.
The result is better for everyone involved, and as well as giving small businesses, sole traders and micro-entities a leg up, it is also much fairer to their end customers by giving them more choice and value for money in an ever-increasing digital marketplace. If you are looking for help with your digital marketing and need some structured and relevant guidance or advice, give Byzz+ a call, or visit our site at byzzplus.com today, and we will be glad to help.

Matthew Sidnell
Co Founder, Byzz+

bespoke • simp

Contact us: CityCoast Centre, North Street Portslade, East Sussex BN41 1DG 01273 433433 judith@citycoastcentre.co.uk citycoastcentre.co.uk
We know what it’s like when it’s impossible to find out the cost of something so we want to be upfront and clear about our prices. We are proud of our spaces and our service and we hope our prices reflect the level of excellence you’ll experience during your event.
S I L V E R includes wifi, tea & coffee, flip chart, projector e • professional cost per delegate: £22-£40 (based on total number of delegates attending) G O L D includes wifi, tea & coffee, flip chart, projector, organiser parking & cold lunch buffet cost per delegate: £32-£50 (based on total number of delegates attending)
P L AT I N U M includes personalised, segregated wifi network, tea & coffee, flip chart, projector, organiser parking, breakout rooms, executive food choice cost per delegate: £65-£75 (based on total number of delegates attending)
minimum number of delegates for silver & gold packages is 10 minimum number of delegates for platinum package is 20 silver package for first floor hire only

Puzzles to solve
Horsham District Mystery Trails
Whistlestop Arts have been commissioned by Horsham District Council to create a set of free outdoor mystery trails in seven towns: Billingshurst, Henfield, Horsham, Pulborough, Southwater, Steyning and Storrington. This project seeks to add new opportunities to experience Horsham District’s market towns and provide support for our high street businesses.
These immersive and exciting trails will have broad appeal and aim to connect people with place, commerce and community.
The ERDF’s Welcome Back Fund supports Horsham District Mystery Trails enabling communities to enjoy their high street as they solve puzzles and get to know the businesses and what they have to offer. It will stimulate additional footfall and spend in the market towns and help to promote what our high street businesses have to offer. The trails will act as springboards for further exploration of local culture and heritage.
Mystery Trails for your business
The Mystery Trails offer fantastic free team-building and social opportunities for businesses. Whether connecting people after months of working from home or getting together for a social, the Mystery Trails provide the opportunity to explore, work together to solve clues and for an extra bit of competition, you can time the teams and see who finishes first!

Horsham District Mystery Trails launched at the end of March 2022 and runs for at least 12 months.
Visit whistlestoparts.org for more information and to register for the Mystery Trails newsletter.
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Repurposing buildings to improve wellbeing
As people around the world return to their offices, the impact workplaces have on our daily lives is being measured with increased frequency – and scrutiny.
Phil Cottrell
Managing Director GCL Building Technologies
Throughout 2021, policymakers set their sights on opportunities to advance and support health and wellbeing in buildings and organisations. And this focus looks like it’s only going to get stronger this year, and beyond.
It may be gaining momentum in our postlockdown world, but the idea of “WellBuildings” properly started to gain traction with the WELL Building Standard TM. Launched in 2014 by Delos and administered by the International WELL Building Institute (IWBI), it was the world’s first building certification that focuses exclusively on human health and wellness.
How Are Well-Buildings Measured?
As well as supporting your workforce and how they work, eg, allowing flexible scheduling, to be considered for a WELL Building Standard, you also need to leverage the actual workplace with wellbeing in mind. This can include providing access to dedicated wellbeing spaces or offering remote work policies – anything that focuses on supporting people’s health and productivity.
Can Existing Buildings Be WellBuildings?
Absolutely. And retrofitting or repurposing buildings rather than replacing them is much more environmentally friendly. According to the Government’s Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission’s report, “the greenest building is the one that is already built”.
Can GCL Help with Repurposing?
We certainly can. As a specialist smart buildings services provider, GCL has a proven track-record of delivering sustainable end-to-end repurposing and smart building services. We harness new and innovative technology and put the health and wellbeing of your staff at the forefront of any work we carry out. As a customer-centric company that only ever works with environmental and wellbeing consequences in mind, our specialties – which align with WELL – include:
Structured IT cabling and fibre optic installations – for better communication and productivity
Security, access control and CCTV – for property and employee safety and peace of mind
Smart building services including LED lighting systems – to help reduce energy consumption and waste Our multiple smart building services are designed to make the project easier to manage and reduce the number of precious commodities used in the installation processes. Naturally, this lessens the environmental impact, but it also means better wellbeing due to less upheaval as well.

Smart LED Lighting Systems for Better Wellbeing
Smart lighting systems use sensor technology and data analytics for space analysis and optimisation, employee/ visitor locating, lighting control, and more – all factors that can help with occupant wellbeing. A huge benefit to wellbeing provided by smart LED lighting systems is their ability to offer circadian lighting. This supports health by minimising the effect of electric light on the human circadian rhythm. In essence, this system produces an artificial ‘sunrise to sunset’ effect which travels through illuminance levels and colour spectrums from a warm colour spectrum (2,700K) to brighter, cooler (6,500K and upwards) and back again.
The result is a more natural working environment and one that is proven to enhance employee efficiency and make the workplace a more comfortable environment.
Wellbeing Considerations During IT and Network Relocations
If you’re considering commercial relocation to a space that supports the Well-Building certification and want to ensure positive wellbeing across your workforce, a smooth transition is critical. Ideally, you’ll want your staff to continue working throughout the move and have fully operational workspaces when they arrive at their new location.
Relocation is an extensive project, particularly when it comes to IT and network transfers such as re-cabling, audits, server and infrastructure relocation. Working with a specialist means you can leverage working with fewer companies, allowing your management team to concentrate on other essential aspects of the move.
As working culture continues to evolve into a more holistic space, rather than just to work, the buildings themselves need to be equipped to reflect and support this. At GCL, we are passionate about helping to create sustainable spaces that work for businesses as well as with their people.
Nigel Grosse

Director, Solo Nutrition
Do you have to be mad to run a business
Do you have to be mad to run your own business? It helps. Running a business is both tough and challenging. You have to wear numerous hats - be skilled in many subjects and able to steer yourself in many directions. Navigating company law, VAT and Brexit, It’s tough.
Working 9 - 5 seems idyllic at times, when you get home, you can forget work until tomorrow. Not so, with your own business. Composing emails and raising invoices at 2am because you can’t sleep until its completed; chasing an order or shipment to a customer when it is late or missing, checking your bank account regularly to check if a customer has paid.
After twenty-five years (and trading during a pandemic) would I have it any other way? Absolutely not. When a customer says they respect and appreciate your product, those2am emails are worth it.
Chris White, Head of Cyber and Innovation at The Cyber Resilience Centre for the South East shared his 5 things you can do today to help to secure your business’s cyber security.
1. Use strong passwords and store them securely
Complex passwords can often be difficult to remember, which often leads to people choosing weaker passwords or repeating them across multiple accounts.
2. Double up your cyber protection
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is designed to help stop cyber criminals accessing your accounts even if they obtain your passwords. It ensures that any new device trying to log in or make account changes needs a second layer of security before access is given.
3. Regularly backup your data and isolate it
How long you would be able to operate without business-critical data, such as customer details or payment details? To help keep your files and data safe, you should secure digital backups with a password or encryption and keep them isolated from their associated network.
4. Update your software
Good cyber security practice means keeping computers, devices, applications, and software patched and up to date, and where you can, add the use of two-factor authentication with strong passwords.

5. Pay attention to detail
While people can often be the weakest link in the chain, educating colleagues will help them become your strongest asset in protecting your business. The key to security awareness training is to equip all your employees with a level of awareness to combat cyber threats. The police-led centre offers a free-ofcharge to help level the playing field for smaller businesses in the South East who want to improve their cyber safety but don’t really know where to start. This is not a membership package that puts heavy demand on you, instead it gives you access to regular simple, easy to follow guidance, tools, and resources as well as the opportunity to have a jargon free 1:1 conversation to help you understand your current business cyber related risks. We are here when you’re ready, but in the meantime, you can see what we’re up to by following our social media channels or learning more about us on our website
Chris White
Head of Cyber & Innovation South East Cyber Resilience Centre
Vehicle Signwriting and Wrapping is the best way to market your business when you are on a budget
If you’re running a small or medium sized business in Sussex, you’ll be aware of vehicle signage. Everything from scooters to lorries can be wrapped in vinyl to make an eye-catching marketing statement. But if you thought that vehicle signage was just for big business running a fleet of vehicles, you’re missing out on the power of graphics for your brand awareness and marketing campaigns.

At The Sussex Sign Company, we work with small and medium enterprises to maximise the benefit they can get through vehicle signwriting and wrapping.
How can vehicle graphics market your SME?
Vehicle signage gets seen by thousands of people per day, making them one of the most affordable ways to raise brand awareness. They’re particularly effective when you’re in traffic, either moving or stationary, but they can also grab attention when you’re parked outside the office or on a job.
Turning your car or van into a mobile billboard is an effective way of taking your marketing message and brand directly to your target demographic. That makes vehicle signwriting much more costeffective for small businesses. A simple oneoff payment and a highly effective design makes this type of marketing more effective than newspaper or radio ads, with much lower costs per impression.

Is vehicle signage right for your business?
So, is signwriting right for your small business? Vehicle signage is highly effective for many types of businesses, but can be a perfect fit for your small business:
if you’re hyperlocal: if your business relies heavily on local clients, a sign written car or van will showcase your brand to your target market, keeping it top of mind
if you’re in a visual industry: a vehicle wrap is a great way to showcase your work to potential clients if you’re in business in graphics, design, or photography
if you run a small fleet of vehicles: if you’re in vehicle recovery or food delivery, matching designs across your vehicles can promote brand consistency and awareness, giving your company a professional appeal.
The average ROI of your vinyl graphics.
Measuring ROI (return on investment) depends on several factors, including when and where you drive your vehicle and how effective the design is. However, there are some simple steps you can take to measure the reach and effectiveness of your vehicle signage:
provide a unique phone number and track the number of enquiries you receive through it
add a short code for texts and track the number of texts you receive
add a QR code or URL that links through to a unique landing page where you can measure the number of hits and other useful metrics
advertise a special discount or deal and keep track of how effective the offer is in terms of increased sales
With all these methods, keep it as simple and memorable as you can so it stays with your customer if they don’t have their smartphone close at hand.
With their unparalleled reach, costeffectiveness and visual appeal, vehicle wraps and signwriting are a match made in heaven for your SME. If you’re interested in finding out more about opportunities to build your brand and achieve the best return on investment, then contact us at The Sussex Sign Company, sussexsigns.com We have the experience and expertise to help you create and install a wrap that really boosts your brand.
Norman Mayhew
Managing Director, The Sussex Sign Company
MaST celebrates 50 years in business
MaST, the longest established learning and development consultancy, is celebrating its 50th anniversary in 2022.

Since 1972, MaST has supported a breadth of organisations and evolved into a globally recognised brand, delivering both traditional and specialist learning and development solutions to optimise knowledge and skills. As the company approaches its upcoming anniversary, it is celebrating its successes over the last 50 years.
First established in the United Kingdom, MaST has since expanded with offices across Africa and Asia to enable organisations worldwide to benefit from high-impact, immersive learning experiences available in local languages and led by expert trainers. These learning experiences combine role play actors briefed by a psychologist and the weaving of learning of each training session dramatised into recognisable workplace scenarios.
MaST’s ‘experiential’ learning solutions have been successfully delivered across a wide range of industries and the company has enjoyed engaging with high-profile organisations including Aviva, Royal Mail, Hilton, Accenture, Wellcome Trust and the NHS.
Following the delivery of their learning solutions, comments have included: “As always a well facilitated and enlightening session. Lots of food for thought. Thank you.” – Royal Mail. “Engaging as always. Great to investigate process and not just focus on solution.” – Wellcome Trust.
The success of MaST’s immersive learning was further voiced by their approval as a QNUK provider in 2020.
QNUK commented: “Our goal is to ensure candidates are able to access high quality training and qualifications through our network of competent providers, therefore we only choose to work with providers who operate at the highest standards within their sectors. QNUK is very pleased to approve MaST as a centre demonstrating these excellent credentials.”
Building on their live, dramatised learning and development solutions, MaST launched a series of online learning courses, bringing a heritage of Oscar winning expertise in interactive film production to distance learning.
These online learning courses were launched in collaboration with sister company, CrisisCast, and alongside more traditional subject areas such as Mental Health and Wellbeing, they provide engaging training opportunities in more specialist provisions including Cyber Security Awareness, Counter Terrorism and Behavioural Detection. Brian Mitchell, Managing Director at MaST, commented: “We work with the concept of dual coding. Following the ground-breaking University of Western Ontario model, widespread studies have shown that written textual information linked visually to an emotional moment or engaging character will be remembered 10 times longer than spoken or written word learning - and most crucially will be recalled 10 times more effectively when the trainee needs it most.”
The unique learning opportunity that these film-based courses present was recognised by UK Parliament when they engaged in MaST’s Behavioural Detection Training in 2020, which supported their need to further build an organisation-wide culture of involvement in risk reduction.
MaST’s online learning concept continues to be proven in the market to be highly effective, with global contracts for over 300,000 seats already delivered for companies such as HSBC, Barclays and G4S, as well as for further international and UK Government bodies.