5 minute read
Net Zero 72
Yewande Akinola George Clarke Ann Bentley

Mark Farmer Elspeth Finch MBE

Elspeth Finch MBE, CEO of IAND – ‘Use procurement as a lever to unlock potential’
“I see the opportunity to unlock the innovation potential from SMEs to meet the Net Zero Challenge, as the digital transformation in the infrastructure and construction sectors is happening at pace. There are new materials and technologies that can reduce emissions, resource consumption and costs.

At IAND we see there is a unique opportunity for the public sector to use procurement as a lever to unlock this potential to support the growth of innovative SMEs across the UK and meet Net Zero goals. This means creating new partnerships with suppliers to build sustainable cities & business ecosystems that deliver a low carbon future for all.”
Ann Bentley, Global Board Director at Rider Levett Bucknall - ‘Focus is on now, not the future’
“We all know that that change needs to happen now, not in the future, when it comes to the sustainability agenda. In the construction sector we understand what we must do, we have clear Government Policy set out in the Construction Playbook and through the UKRI funded Value Toolkit we have a clear and consistent process for implementation. Instead of best practice and standardisation happening as the exception, now is the time to make them the norm then we will really advance towards our carbon zero goal.” Transforming Construction at Innovate UK – ‘Data is key’
“Projects from UKRI’s Transforming Construction Challenge pave the way to the industry’s future. Data is flowing through the industry and digital technology is accelerating change, demonstrating at scale the improvements in the build process and integrating renewable technologies at a building level. COP26 is the opportunity to share knowledge and skills between nations, to fast track the UK to reaching Net Zero by 2050.”

Innovate UK’s Transforming Construction Challenge is working to accelerate the adoption of manufacturing and digital processes, helping clients, contractors and the wider supply chain move together to revolutionise the industry.
The challenge has funded projects that span the next generation of net zero UK school designs, car parks that connect digital, energy and mobility systems, through to Net Zero quick-to-build housing inspired by flatpack furniture and the Rubik’s Cube.
UK Research and Innovation is working with industry to host Build Better Now at the Built Environment Virtual Pavilion for COP26 from 31st October to 12th November 2021 to enable maximum participation from around the world.
Further information at ukgbc.org/ukgbc-work/

New guidance on grease management for commercial kitchens has been published, with the aim of ensuring businesses in the UK meet regulations and keep cooking fat out of the sewer system.
The Grease Contractors Association, a nonprofit organisation of specifiers, installers and maintainers of grease management systems, aims to raise awareness of the relationship between sewer blockages and grease management. This includes working with the hospitality industry and water and wastewater companies to advise on the most appropriate grease management systems.
The Grease Management Equipment Guide was written to give clear advice on the specification, supply, installation and maintenance of all types of system, and the legal requirements in place to prevent fat from entering drains and sewers.
Mar Batista, secretariat of the Grease Contractors Association and head of programmes at administrator British Water said: “In the UK, water companies spend £100 million every year clearing blockages caused by items that should never have entered the sewage system.
“Cooking fat, oil and grease cause particular problems in the sewer system, solidifying to contribute to pipe-blocking fatbergs. These can have devastating impacts on the environment - there is a very clear link between FOG blockages and the sewer spills that damage businesses, homes, rivers and the sea.
“Amongst some food establishments, there appears to be confusion around legislation, standards and the range of appropriate solutions to use for grease management. We believe that consistent messaging and accessible information, combined with industry collaboration, education and innovation is key to the fight against fatbergs.”
The guide also aims to increase awareness of legislation in the UK, helping businesses avoid penalties and prosecutions. In England and Wales, the Water Industry Act 1991 (Section 111) gives water companies the power to bring a criminal proceeding against anyone who causes injury or inhibits the free flow of the sewer network. Similar legislation applies in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Batista said: “While, historically, court action against food service establishments has been rare, two prosecutions from Thames Water in 2021 show a trend towards tougher penalties can be expected for businesses who do not have the correct grease management in place.
“We hope that by providing some clarity to the complex area of grease management, we can help businesses operate within legislation, avoid inconvenient, costly and damaging sewer blockages and protect their local environment.”
The free guide can be downloaded at
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