Distorted Magazine December 2008

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| ISSUE 25 | ISSN 1754-3746 |

A look back on 20 glancing to 2009 08...

your top 5 albums of the year

ed! 2 years of distorted explor

Age is a funny thing... EDITOR/Co PUBLISHER_ Cerven Cotter


ADVERTISING/Co PUBLISHER_ Nikola Cotter nikola@distortedmagazine.com ART/WEB/LAYOUT_ www.pixeldeath.com

SENIOR CONTRIBUTOR_ Steve ‘I’ll get you a job’ Noble steve@distortedmagazine.com CONTRIBUTORS_ John Robb, Rupe Rabble Tim Drunk, Curvball, Fungal Punk/ OMD, LibraSnake, Imelda Michalczyk, Danny MFS and a box or two. Contact information_ Distorted Magazine 9 Bridle Close, Surbiton Road, Kingston Upon Thames Surrey, KT1 2JW, UK info@distortedmagazine.com www.distortedmagazine.com Distorted Magazine is published by Distorted Ltd. ISSN 1754-3746 All content is copyright protected © 2006 - 2008. Distorted is a trademark of Distorted Ltd.

Views expressed in the magazine’s content belong to the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the publishers. The contents are believed to be correct at the time of publishing. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors, ommissions or for changes in the details given, © 2006 - 2008 Distorted Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in a whole or in part of this magazine is strictly forbidden without prior written consent of the publishers.


an you believe you’re reading the 25th issue of Distorted? To celebrate this little milestone of 25 issues, we’ve lined up a somewhat special issue of the mag for you - we’ve dropped nearly all the regulars including reviews and features and instead have given you three main articles, the year reviewed and what 2009 will bring, our readers top 5 punk albums for the year and I take you on a quick tour of some of my favourite moments in the 2 year history of Distorted. As we bring this year to a close, we thought that lyrics by Itch of The King Blues pretty much summed up punks current stand and shared this with you in the form of ‘Closing Time’ - please take the time to read it, it really is a great collection of words. We’ve got a big birthday bash in the form of BURN LONDON on the 4th of December. If you’re in London, please drop by and come have a drink with us. Check the site for more details about the show it’s going to be awesome especiallyas we’ve got The Rabble coming down to play a few songs too. So what will 2009 bring? January issue of Distorted will have a strong review angle - we’ve got a ton of albums, DVDs and shows to tell you about - stay tuned, sign up to the mailing list and see ya in the new year! Thank you to all those of you who support Distorted whether it be by reading the mag, contributing in some form or creating great music - without any of you, Distorted wouldn’t exist. Thank you for keeping punk alive. ~ Cerven Cotter Distorted Editor

Features Graveyard Johnny’s... 20

Mouthwash... 22 Total Bloody Chaos... 28

No Fun At All...34

What do you think of the punk scene... 42

REGULARS Editor Notes...... 03 JOHN’S COLUMN... 06 RuPE’S COLUMN ... 10 Label Spotlight ... 14

Distorted Girl ... 18 Are you going?.... 10 Soundcheck........53 Reviews...... 54 Favourites......64

Mutiny! The John Robb Column

WordsAre Ammunition! The musings of Rupe Rabble

TV Casualty! TV Casualty! Welcome to the 21st century… An era of technological trickery, a period of industrial illusion - a digital age! Your mobile phone is your left arm, your internet connection your eyes, a television set your best friend and a gaming console your parenting tool… The odds are you have become subconsciously familiar with the personal details of at least two of the ‘Coronation Street’ actors, but still can’t say that you remember the first names of both your neighbors… In one way or another; at the end of each working day, when all has been said and done - we just can’t seem to leave the comfort of our living rooms with the curtains firmly drawn shut… And why is it that we just won’t relax comfortably without hours and hours of a media-blitz? Here we are brothers and sisters - pioneers of the future;

our teenage aspirations: soap-opera fantasies, our life-skills taught by ‘Sims’ video-game dramas… Anti-social nations bonded only by online gaming skill points - armies of T.V. casualties. We live in a world where 70% of the population are getting 90% of their information from the eternally expanding “box” and when faced with that fact I can’t help but cringe - I can’t help but ask myself how much of this satellite education is strictly the “truth?” As the size of our L.C.D. screens continue to grow alongside the amount of channels we can surf simultaneously from the security of our bedrooms - does this statistic suggest that we are slowly becoming less and less “ourselves?” Am I merely a conditioned puppet molded by the open wallets of corporation giants and their catchy little advertisement jingles? For a boy raised on ‘Mcdonlads’ toys and a ‘CocaCola’ Santa - the facts open up the

possibility for not only a 1984like paranoia; but more to point, it raises all sorts of questions that I believe I have the right to ask in a life of constant clarity confusion… But then there’s another issue: whom to turn to for guidance? Damn! Let’s see, I think I might first off turn to the ever-popular option and click online for ‘Wikipedia’ to answer my problems, but what do I discover here? A lot of what I read seems to be more fiction; false representation egotistically babbled by an apathetic and deluded generation. Even the facts on my own band seem to be inaccurate - so what next? I sure as hell can’t turn to this faceless power only ever known as “them” and do “they” actually exist amongst the faceless thousands I pass but never meet in our democracy? Now that I am older and a functioning member of society I am guaranteed my vote but will there be someone to discuss the issues I have? Should I be shocked by the ever-increasing sex and violence in the films I watch and where does mankind draw the line? What exactly does censorship mute? I mean come on, I learnt the “birds and bee’s” by stumbling across hardcore porn as a pre-pubescent teenager, far too young to grasp the concept of a bogus, drug-induced industry and

how exactly has that affected my expectations of love – of beauty? When is enough just that and will I be able to tell the difference? My friend, if a tree falls in the forest does it ever really make a sound? I want to scream - I need to shout, but at the shows, it seems everybody’s far too busy getting sedated to ever truly listen… Fuck it! What more can I say? Here I sit writing for an online magazine, listening to music purchased from the itunes store, about to share my opinions with my internet “top 8” on my Myspace profile… Perhaps I should switch off and read a book or perhaps I should accept defeat.? No doubt I will be accused of being old-fashioned - but at 23 what the fuck does that mean? For sure, technology is and will change the face of this world, there’s no doubt about it – we all have to duck when the shit hits the fan! This column goes out to the 25th issue of ‘Distorted…’ Marking two years of this brilliant magazine! Support alternative media, support the truth! STAYFREE Rupe Rabble is a vocalist and drummer for The Rabble.



Inside the companies that put out the music you buy.


Genre of music the label puts out: Hardcore-Punk to Street-Punk When was the label started: In early 2006, the first release was in August 06 Who are the individuals behind the label: Benni & Nils from SS-Kaliert & Jens (Nils’s Brother) history of the label: We started the label because there was no Label putting out exactly the style of Music we liked and becuase Jens has a recording studio, Nils is a grafic Designer and Benni does Booking for some Bands and has alot of connections to the international Punkscene we thought it would be the perfect combination to start a label! - its also a punk-rock mailorder, a cheap merchprinter for bands and a bookingagency for bands on the Label & that the booker likes! Current band roster: - Gewapend Beton/ Holland (booking only) - Hellratz Germany (label & booking) - Mad Pigs Czeck Republik (booking only) - Maltschicks Molodoi Austria (label & booking) - Monster Squad USA (label & booking)

- No Name China (label & booking) - Pestpocken Germany (booking only) - Pullout USA (label & booking) - Obtrusive Germany (booking only) - SS-Kaliert/ Germany (label & booking)

Top release since the label started: SS-KALIERT “ADDICTION” CD Website: http://www.razorblade-music.com http://www.myspace.com/razorblademusick

A R E YO U GOING? SAS ON TOUR....FOREVER 16th January - 18th January Thatched House in Stockport, UK ÂŁ12 for a weekend ticket

Despite upsetting the applecart of many a processed punk rock thinker and facing difficulties at each and every turn the SAS Tour rolls on into 2009 (and beyond if I have my way) and kicks off with two exceptional gigs I am more than proud of. Both are at the Thatched House in Stockport and will, no doubt, be a real old struggle but I feel these deserve the attention of all and sundry within the punk and skank community as these outfits are the bread and butter of the scene that many are guilty of overlooking or taking for granted. This is the ultimate underground tour, sponsored by Deadlamb Records (the ultimate DIY sponsors who are in it for life) and one I throw my entirety into due to perhaps an insane passion and belief that sees me cross swords with comfortable scenesters and the non-committed. Hey if you think all the bands are shite then stay away but I bet if you come you will go away with a heap of new bands on your fave list.

Friday the 16th January

Sunday the 18th January

£4 on the door 7.00 - 7.30 - Wild Trash 7.45 - 8.15 - King Catastrophe 8.30 - 9.00 - Most Likely To Fail 9.15 - 9.45 - One Man Down 10.00 - 10.30 - Faintest Idea 10.45 - Late - Redneck Zombies

Saturday the 17th January

£6 on the door 11.30 - 12.00 - Glue Ear 12.15 - 12.45 - Spiteful Way 1.00 - 1.30 - None Of Your Fuckin’ Business 1.45 - 2.15 -Tyrannosaurus Alan 2.30 - 3.00 - AFS 3.15 - 3.45 - First Time Riot 4.00 - 4.30 - The Scatter 5.15 - 5.45 - Blow Up Doll 6.00 - 6.30 - Born To Destruct 6.45 - 7.15 - The Mispelt 7.30 - 8.00 - The Red Eyes 8.15 - 8.45 - The Senton Bombs 9.00 - 9.30 - The Bullet Kings 9.45 - 10.15 - Dangers Close 10.30 - 11.00 - Gimp Fist 11.15 - Late - Citizen Keyne

£6 on the door 11.45 - 12.15 - 3 Black Dwarfs 12.30 - 1.00 - The Shadowcops 1.15 - 1.45 - Medicine Bow 2.00 - 2.30 - James Bar Bowen 2.45 - 3.15 - The Red Eyes (Part 2) 3.30 - 4.00 - Dangerous Aces 4.15 - 4.45 - Meat Hook 5.00 - 5.30 - 2 Sick Monkeys 6.00 - 6.30 - Global Parasite 6.45 - 7.15 - Total Bloody Chaos 7.30 - 8.00 - Sense of Urgency 8.15 - 8.45 - Flat Back Four 9.00 - 9.30 - Harijan 9.45 - 10.15 - The Steady Boys 10.30- 11.00 - Phobia

NOTE: Competition only open to SOUTH AFRICAN’s - no flights included, tickets only | MARCH 2008 | page 07 |

the best of distorted

the BEST of Distorted A selection by the Editor

Best Cover

December 2006

“The very 1st cover of Distorted will always be one of our best because it represents the start of this digital magazine. Not only does Nigel represent Sid Vicious, the photo was also shot at the infamous 100 Club in London.�



the best of distorted “Capturing the spirit of punk is one of the most difficult things to do... James Glifford’s snap of Casey Chaos lying bloodied and upside down in a frenzied pit tells a story without the need for any words.”

est photo Amen @ the underworld

ecember 2007

Favourite interview Mike ness - Social Distortion

August 2007

“More of a personal favourite really but it was great to chat to Mike Ness about the band and where he is at at the moment. Never mind the fact that the interview times got mixed up and I ended up chatting to Mike while he drove around LA...�

the best of distorted “This was just so funny, the band (Jimmy the Squirrel) didn’t have a photo for us to use and there was no way I was going to pass up the opportunity to put a squirrel in Distorted.”

FUNNIEST BAND photo Jimmy the Squirrel

December 2007


May 2007

“I got to admit, I have never been to an all punk festival before Co Perhaps way too much cider was consumed but the friends made wrote for the follow up article made it all worth while. I will mentio great weekend of punk rock and I’m sure there will be many more

the best of distorted

oncrete Jungle - and it was an absolute blast. e at this weekend long gig and the captions we on Rebellion Blackpool here too, that was another e to come...�

BEST Article turning green (punk goes celtic)

March 2008

“We got our senior contributor (and self proclaimed plastic paddy) - Mr Noble to quizz a few bands about the trend that is the ‘celtic’ influence on the punk scene. We got some great responses...”

the best of distorted

Classic Photo October 2007

“Not much to say about this shot of Ferret (Dun2Def) and Biff (Sick on the Bus) other than it was a really funny situation... something about the short and tall of UK punk rock... who knows...�


Looking back, glancing forward

we asked a few bands what the past year was like for them... d what they hope 2009 will bring. This is what they had to say:

Vice Squad (Paul) How was this past year (2008) for you? A load of fucking shit - gigs closing down yet we’ve seen an increase in corporate greed and support / funding for the wealthy. 2008 has seen more worldwide starvation and struggle for the poor in society, basically 12 months of man made and natural disasters...fuck 2008 ! What were some of the highlights? What do you mean highlights ?? We are in a punk band... if I want highlights I’ll join in Guns and Fuckin Roses or win ‘Crap Factor’ ! Low points? Van breaking down and having no money to repair it. Support bands leaving all day gigs early to get off home for work on Monday morning..sticking together my arse !! As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? To finish our album ‘Fairground For The Demented’ and to survive 2009....To show the world what real punk rock is about and that means keeping up the struggle against all odds, holding on to belief in what you do & not having a certain hair cut or chasing the dollar.

“...if I want highlights I’ll join Guns and Fuckin Roses or win ‘Crap Factor’ !”

Looking back, glancing forward

Refuse/All (Gary) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 has been a good year for the band. We managed to play quite a few gigs, many of them outside of our hometown of London and have had some good feedback which is always a bonus. We’ve met some great people and managed to play with some great bands like The Restarts, GBH, Inner Terrestrials, Varukers, The Rabble and loads more. We’ve played anywhere from squats to “proper” venues

“...we couldn’t organise anymore gigs at our local because the audiences we were bringing in were too punk”

like Camden Underworld (6th Dec with Deadline), all good as far as we are concerned. I suppose one of the highlights in 2008 was the release of our 2nd album “What Lurks Beneath” (Active Distribution). Can’t really think of any low points except perhaps being told we couldn’t organise anymore gigs at our local because the audiences we were bringing in were too punk ha ha.

s s k,

Looking back, glancing forward As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? Next year is looking good and we already have a few gigs sorted. We are also playing one or two of the Conflict Gatherings gigs being organised for May and we have also been asked to do a small tour in Northern Italy which is being organised for March which should be good. Other gigs are in the pipeline and www.myspace.com/

refusealllondon is always updated so people should check there for up to date information. Only goals we have at the moment is to do more gigs in 2009 than 2008. Get in touch if you want us to play. Happy new year.

The Young Werewolves (Nick Falcon) How was this past year (2008) for you? This past year was filled with barfights, broken guitar strings and plently of late night driving As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? Continued transformations and madcap performances. Also new T-Shirt designs and cool merch (bandana’s, guitar picks, and official Young Werewolf BBQ Grills)!

Looking back, glancing forward

Guns on the Roof (Marc) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 was a great year for us, we got the chance to play with some great bands and also saw the release of our new album NEW FRUSTRATION! One of the highlights has definitely got to be touring with the Dead Kennedys and playing some of the greatest venues in the country. The day after the tour we had to go back to playing the small venues and all the great sound systems and sold out venues had gone. Put us all on a right downer, haha. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? 2009 we are planning to Tour Germany and Austria early in the year, then maybe more of Europe, America and Japan. So 2009 will be more about getting ourselves out there. Also there will be a release of a cover song from us too.

“...and all the great sound systems and sold out venues had gone. Put us all on a right downer, ha ha�

Moral Dilemma (Craig) How was this past year (2008) for you? Intense, insane, and a lot of fun. We’ve toured the UK twice, Ireland, and around Europe, for me personally the highlights must be getting played on Radio 1, playing a squatted world war one bunker in Holland, playing the Electric Ballroom with the Dead Kennedys and doing a show with the Adolescents who are one of my faverouite bands of all time, the summer tour with Intro5pect was fucking amazing too, great gigs and great people, the response to our set at Rebellion was breathtaking, and we’re really grateful for the response we’ve been getting off people, it seems that people are finally starting to get us as a band, and talk to us very passionately about what we do, which we are eternally grateful for. It seems looking back on it we’ve done a lot of things this year that we never thought would be possible and we hope next year is even better, it feels like we’re getting what we deserve as a band for working as hard as we do. The only low points are really being totaly skint, we currently cannot afford to re press our old album, let alone record and press a second release, no labels are really interested as we don’t sound like Gaslight Anthem or yet ANOTHER Rancid clone... so if anyone’s reading and can help out please get in touch. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? We currently have two tours booked back to back in January one with static thought and one with random hand, we cant wait to get back on the road, and random hand are good mates of ours so it should be a laugh. The last date of

Looking back, glancing forward

the tour ends at the Astoria on January 31st were we will play the last ever punk gig at the Astoria with our pals in the Grit, Babar Luck, and Conflict. We also have a monthly punk nite at the Gaff in Holloway road (London town) where we will be putting on the best in UK punk, the first night is on December 12th with us headlining, with support from Armed Response Unit, the Kadt, and Trashcat. Without the financial problems getting in the way were aiming to record and release a second album by the end of the first half of the year, we’ve got 90% of the material done and it should be a fucking brutal album, were all very excited about the new songs, we just don’t know how were gonna put it out. We want to get out on the road as much as humanly possible, and focus on the UK as we feel many bands have neglected it, but at the same time we’ve been offered a lot of ridiculous tours abroad in countries (at least a 10 hour plane journey away) where I didn’t even know they had punk rock, I won’t say where as its still early days and I don’t want to jinx it, but if they happen it will be an incredible experience.

“...no labels are really interested as we don’t sound like Gaslight Anthem or yet ANOTHER Rancid clone... ”

Random Hand How was this past year (2008) for you? The past year has been amazing! Our best yet. Highlights would be hard to pick out as everything has been so great this year, but touring the US for the first time with Voodoo Glow Skulls was awesome, and coming straight home to amazing crowds on the Big D/SB6 tour was similarly top. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? Next year is looking exciting already, firstly with the release of our new album ‘Inhale/Exhale’ in January (along with an awesome tour), and then on tour with Reel Big Fish in February! Can’t ask for much more than that!

“The past year has been amazing! Our best yet. Highlights would be hard to pick out as everything has been so great this year”

Looking back, glancing forward

Chief How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 has been a good year for Chief. It has seen us play many amazing shows including supports with Strung Out, Gutrermouth, H2O and a slot on the 08 Ruff and Ready tour alongside Sonic Boom Six, Chris Murray and JB Conspiracy. We have started to work with Lil and Kafren at Housholdname Records and will be releasing our second album with them in 2009. We did a session and an interview at Maida Vale for Mike Davies at the Radio One Punk Show and that was amazing. We self booked a mammoth summer tour just before the Ruff and Ready and in Feb we toured with our good friends and awesome band From Plan To Progress. We have clocked up about 100 shows in 08 and we have no intention of stopping. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? We are confirmed to support H2o on their Easter tour next year, we will be heading to Europe to tour with our friends Rentokill and From Plan To Progress and generally building on all the really great stuff that has happened to Chief this year. I guess low points was our drummer Sean leaving and then just as we may have lost hope we found Adam so we spent alot of the second half of the year moulding together as a unit once more. The new material is a progression from our first album ‘Provocation Of The Nation’ and we are really really excited about unleashing it all at the start of 2009. Check out the myspace for merch, dates, pictures of our good selves and a couple of videos taken from the Ruff and Ready tour and dubbed over with the Radio One session tracks. The interview is also up there.

“...my personal high this year was kid ‘s grandmother made in her ba

Looking back, glancing forward

Jaya the Cat (Geoff) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 was great for us! We finally managed to get a new album out after sitting around in bars for years talking about it, and consequently got to see a buncha new cites and clubs, and hit some really cool festivals around Europe. Being able to finally make it to places like Eastern Europe and the UK was really cool. Speaking for myself, I guess my personal high this year was drinking 15 shots of Rakia some kid ‘s grandmother made in her basement somewhere in Bulgaria and then smoking like 3 grams of hash. You could have told me I was on the flippin’ moon and i would have believed you. And my low point was probably waking up in the hotel the next morning. This is what you were asking about, right? As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? I guess we just keep on keepin’ on. We’re working on a new album now so with any luck that will get released in 2009. And we already have alot of shows being booked so hopefully we’ll get to see a whole new buncha places.

s drinking 15 shots of Rakia some asement somewhere in Bulgaria...”

Lower Class Brats (Bones) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 really went by without notice. Lots of touring the States and lots of drink. I think that the best thing that happened was when we got a couple dates with Rancid in Texas. Marty Volume (guitar) had gotten arrested for drunk driving a few hours after the first gig in Austin, TX. I got phone calls from his girl about 6:00 AM the next morning telling me that he was locked up. We got him out and to Dallas, TX within two hours of us hitting the stage. Tim and Lars gave Marty prop’s in the middle of their set. Pretty funny stuff. I think that the worst thing that happened last year was LOWER CLASS BRATS not touring Europe. That won’t happen again As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? Well, we are starting to work on a new record/CD as I write this. I don’t expect too much out of anything, especially 2009. What I really want to see out of the next year is a new band ripping my ears off with some great noize! Either that or I’m gonna go back to listening to The Monks from now on. We need something new!

“What I really want to see out of the next year is a new band ripping my ears off with some great noize!”


Looking back, glancing forward

Shag Nasty (Straka) How was this past year (2008) for you? This last year (2008) was a biggie for Shag Nasty owing to the fact that the band reformed. They received great support from the likes of Dizzy from Detour records and numerous other individuals and bands. And once formed the guys at Rebellion continued in that support by featuring us in part by putting us on the bill at Blackpool, winter Gardens. Definitely one of the high points. Low points - dealing with the apathy that still exists in the music business and media in the repeated and replicated garbage that still persists in the safe! Music styles that continue strangling the music industry still to this day... The punk explosion of 1976 was a backlash to what was dominating the industry at the time. . As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? The first goal this next year Shag Nasty hope to record and release an EP, featuring old and new songs. We hope also to secure a merchandising deal that we can get the Shag Nasty material out to our old and new fans. Shag Nasty hope to continue to play live and continue to promote the punk ethos, questioning and showing that anyone can play good music. Trying to show that music doesn’t have to be dominated by contrived and or manufactured by the reality TV shows that dominate our TVs?! Thanks for your support. All the best for another great Distorted new year. Keep it Punk and keep it LIVE!

Looking back, glancing forward

1000 Hertz (Pete) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 was Awesome and exhausting. Highlights including our venture to Europe, touring with Ignite, Death By Stereo, H2O & Outcry Collective, making our video to ‘Immobilised’ and playing over 100 shows in every sweaty little backroom you can imagine... As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? Our immediate goal is to finish writing, recording & releasing our second album & Longer term we’re planning on getting back out to Europe and further, touring hard around the UK and basically continuing our DIY asphalt exploration... Take it easy!

“...getting back out to Europe and further, touring hard around the UK and basically continuing our DIY asphalt exploration...”

Grown at Home (Nick) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 has been quite a strange year for us. With half of the band leaving the previous year, for various reasons, it was almost like a new beginning for us. We all found new energy and got writing and gigging alot quicker than i ever imagined we could. The Rebellion festival was definitely a high light for us this year, we got a really good response. It was the first time we got to play alot of the new material and everybody seemed to really get into it. So that was awesome! A definite low point for us this year was that we didn’t get a record out, We’ve spent awhile writing this release and we don’t want to get it out there until we’re totally happy with it, but it would’ve of been nice to release it this year . As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? Next year is going to be all go for us! we’ve got a new release planned and from then on loads of touring all through the year all around Europe, so try and come along and check us out. Plus we’ve got some very big and special news for you all in early January so keep your eye’s peeled for updates. Hope you all have an Awesome Christmas and an even better New Year!

“The Rebellion festival was definitely a highlight for us this year, we got a really good response.”

Looking back, glancing forward

All Idols Fall (Rob) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 was an awesome year for us. We landed on the A Wilhelm Scream and Antiflag tours early in the year and toured all over the UK with these bands playing some great shows at top venues. Mike Davies had us in for a live session on Radio 1 after playing the ep a few times on his show ‘The Lock Up.� We went on to release our first ep on Deck Cheese Records and went on support Antiflag again and share a stage with the likes of Strung Out, Terror, Bane and Strike Anywhere. As a first year together as a band we were really happy with how things are going. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? For 2009 we will be releasing our first album which we have just started demoing for. We also hope to gig as much as possible and maybe get on a few decent tours as the year progresses. We aim to get out to Europe as well and play some shows over there. Apart from that would we just want to write loads of new songs and get the name out there as much as possible


How was this past year (2008) for you? Pretty productive with a west coast tour, Germany and lots of southern USA shows. A dvd release, a split single with the original dirty rapper Blowfly and a two disc “best of” release. Antiseen also turned 25 years o in 08.Those were a lot of the highlights. Some of the low points was me (Jeff Clayton) getting broncitis on the aforementioned west coast tour an saying goodbye to our bass player of 10 years, Mr. Doug Canipe and our longtime drummer Mr. Greg Clayton (my brother), but we also ended up w an all new more than ready to throwdown rythym section in Mr. Jon Bowman & Mr. Phil Keller.As with any year we saw the passing of a lot of fam friends and heroes.

As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? Just to keep going full throttle and recording a HELL of a lot more than in recent years. We’d also like to concentrate on getting over to Japan.



with mily,



Looking back, glancing forward

Showdown City (Tom) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 was a great year with a lot happening all over the country, for me the Highlights were recording our Debut record, meeting/playing with some really great bands and people all over England.It’s been a hard year with a lot of ups and downs, being in a band is always full of uncertainty and worry of where the next show is coming from, does anyone want to listen and take notice of what your doing. But having faith in what we are doing has proved to be the most important thing for us, if you keep pushing eventually people will take notice, it’s very easy to get caught up with what every other band is doing and forget about all the positive steps you have made yourself. It just takes one break and things can improve focus on having fun and being true to yourself is always what we’ve tried to do. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? The start of next year our EP will be released by ourselves it’s taken a long time but we hope to continue to build momentum and play as many shows as possible. We just want everyone to hear what we are doing. I suppose our main goal is to just keep on improving as musicians and the more gigs you play the better so hopefully Showdown City will be coming to a town near you soon.

Mispelt 2.0 (Dunk) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 has been a year of highlights - starting with the new addition to the band in March of Gen Mispelt on vocals, this dramatically changed the sound, look and feel of the band, we think of her joining as being the missing piece we didn’t know we were missing! We have recorded what i feel is our best CD to date (Junkfood Generation) and we have had the opportunity to play some amazing gigs and meet some very cool people. We have enjoyed unprecedented support [take a bow OMD! Ha Ha!] - all of these factors came together came together at the Mannville Arms in Bradford on November 8th 2008 which not only saw our best performance of 2008 but fantastic performances from ALL the bands who played- Flat Back Four, Most Likely to Fail, Blow Up Doll and Wild Trash. Punk Rock was alive and well in that room that night! As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? More of the same, ha ha! We have been taken on by a new management / promotion outfit called Still Dying and we will be working closely with them in 2009. Plans are afoot to do a full album in the spring and we are hitting the road and spreading the word starting with the SAS Festival in Stockport in January!

Looking back, glancing forward

AFS How was this past year (2008) for you? For AFS it has been a awsome year, which saw us fly to the states to record our 3rd album “Immature Nobodies� for Turkey Vulture Records, was such a great trip and experiance. The lows, having to bass players leave, but inturn that helped us re think the band and sound. But having our 2nd album rereleased state side in Nov 08 and recording our next one aint a bad year at all. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? The release of our 3rd album in the US only, and writing our 4th.... who knows what will happen

Over and Out How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 has been a blast for us really! we’ve been up and down the country playing to new and old faces and partying hard along the way! one of the nicer points came at the beginning of the year when we got taken on by hidden talent booking. but the low point would certainlly have been the turmoil our van has suffered. we’ve lost an exhaust, a gearstick, a clutch, a battery, a windscreen & 3 wing mirrors! As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? We’re heading into the studio in decemeber to record 2 songs for a split CD with our pals in ‘A Man Down’, which is due to be released in february on Party House Records. Then some more touring, with the aim to be back in the studio throughout march to finish off our debut album! SO here’s hopeing everything goes smooth!

Middle Finger Salute (Danny) How was this past year (2008) for you? 2008 was mint, highlights were playing with Rancid, playing in Vienna and having Cock Sparrer come on stage with us in Blackpool! As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? in 09 we gotta try take it the next level and get another cd out there - any takers?

Looking back, glancing forward

Templeton Pek How was this past year (2008) for you? As far as high points....finally seeing our debut album released after about a year spent trying to get it out. touring with Mindless Self Indulgence was mental, aswell as No Use For A Name. Millencolin and Zebrahead back to back tours were also right up there. We were pretty gutted we missed out on the big festivals this year and going to japan, there’s been loads more disapointments and let downs but it makes the high points more awesome when they finally come off. As 2008 comes to a close, what does the next year hold for you? Any particular goals? We’re heading out for our first European Tour in February so we’re really looking forward to that. The lead single of our album ‘No Association’ is being released too around then. I guess just more big tours and the festivals is a big goal maybe even the states. Just getting out to as many people as possible is the ultimate goal. We’re already demo-ing album number 2 so recording that will prob be the biggest thing we do.





n 1. Bad Religio l (Deluxe Ediel New Maps of H tion) band, y are my favorite

the “Firstly because this ile I loved Empire, ed so its a gimme, wh us y the at wh to back s album takes them ow sh ly ate on, but defin to be in my opini the y. all sic mu up wn that they have gro their a added bonus on acoustic songs are Clay as ld who was into Co release, anyone inted.� po sa dis be nt n wo or American Lesio

Sonata 2. Nightmare Necrophile 3. The Briggs admen Come all you M ge 4. Agent Oran fucked up shit Surfing to some

1. GasLight ant Sound of 59

5. Anti-Flag ts of America The Bright Ligh - Undead Fred

2. Streetdogs State of Grace 3. Outl4w Outl4w 4. jackson united Harmony and Dissidence 5. Millencolin Machine 15 - Danny MFS


TOP 5 PUNK ALBUMS OF 2008 1. No Fun At All Low Rider

“I was kind of sad when one of my favorite bands decided to quit some year’s ago. I had never been to any of their shows.. Luckily I managed to get to one of their sho ws this summer in Göteborg, Swede n. The best part was when they sai d they had an upcoming album. I wa s stoked, and the new No Fun At All album is awesom e! They’ve made a rec I think is one of their bet ord which ter, and my favorite of 2008”

2. The Real McKen zies Off the Leash 3. Flogging Molly Float 4. No Use for a Name Feel Good Record of 5. Millencolin Machine 15 - Martin Bøe

the Year

1. The Rabble er The Battle’s almost ofOv the punk world’s best

“A defining album for one trio did this New Zealand kept secrets! Not only um, they alb st late this h wit break some new ground ining music in general. Comb changed the way I see has a unique k trac h eac , ces uen a slew of musical infl ngly hts the talents they stro characteristic that highlig le pab top uns track or the the bagpipes of the title r HAS Wa The e, bbl possess. Whether it’s Ra The , “Seeking”...to quote lyrics of their first single on the front-line!” are y the and just begun

2. The briggs Come All You Madmen 3. Goldblade Mutiny 4. ASHERS Cold Dark Place 5. BAD RELIGION xe Edition) New Dark Ages (Delu - Taron Cochrane

1. The offspring Rise & Fall, Rage & Grace 2. Rise against Appeal to Reason 3. pennywise Reason to Believe 4. Dillinger four Civil War 5. h2o Nothing to Prove - Alex


1. Faintest idea Put your Mo uth where is your Money is 2.D’ Corner Bois/Barse Split album

3. various artists Angry Scenes Vol. 3 4. The murd erburgers Bitches, Blu nts and pop punks 5. The mom e raths Vaporized M y Brain “Only a

100 copies of this album wer brilliant and as e made and lu punk as you lik ckily I got one. e it for all the Absolutely wrong reason s (allegedly)” - Fungalpunk

1. rise against Appeal to Reason 2. Killing the dream Fractures 3. alkaline trio Agony & Irony 4. Ceremony Still Nothing Moves You 5. Paint it Black New Lexicon - Justin

1. TV SMITH In The Arms of My En


y “Not a traditionally sou nding punk album, but the passion and the lyri cs are!” 2. THE DAMNED So, Who’s Paranoid

3. Duncan’s divas Stick Up Girls

4. the last rock & roll band The Last Rock & Roll Band 5. mike tv Mike TV - Alan J Smith

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- Dek Dron

ain 2. Rise ag easo R to l Appea 4. TIME AGAIN s Darker Day

s year. (new nt 5 if

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(in no particular order...)

Argy Bargy The Likes of Us THE RABBLE The Battle is Almost Over H2O Nothing to Prove NO FUN AT ALL Lowrider JAya the CAT More Late Night Transmissions with... Honourable mentions go to: Pennywise, Static Thought, Paint it Black, Ceremony, Carpathian, Time Again, I.C.H, Alkaline Trio, Guns on the Roof, Refuse/All, Wardogs and The Offspring. - Distorted Editor

Closing Time...

What If Punk Never Happened?


ell on a cold Tuesday morning, I was walking into town, Had my headphones blaring, didn’t notice what was around, I crossed the road, a car swerved and nearly ran me down, Looked in the driver’s seat, I swear to God it was Doc Brown, He said “Are you Michael J Fox?” I said “No I’m Jonny Fox”, He said “Close enough, get inside, I’m taking you with me to see another time, A place you could only have dreamed in your mind, An alternative reality situated just outside of Clapham, So strap yourself in, Cos where we’re going you don’t need roads, To get to where punk never happened” We landed in a concrete desert, rubble as far as the eye could see, I says to Doc “Where we goin’?” Doc says he’s following me, We found the only building in the

city that was left standing, It was my local venue, I know cos I recognised the landing, And there’s a gig on tonight! This town ain’t so bad, I got everything I need, right here in this pad, So I pulled out a bottle and took a heroic swig, Made myself comfortable and got ready for the gig, Well an hour after doors and there was still no-one there, The soundman was on acid, the fucking long hair, The bands never showed cos they didn’t see the point, When all the kids are at home still smoking a joint, They won’t go out and do nothing, not on your nelly, They’re just watching the telly and then feeding their belly, Their parents listen to The Beatles, while they listen to Nirvana, Cos Green Day and The Pistols, well they never heard either, They got long sleeve T-shirts and

they never shower, They still believe in flower power, The hippy dream’s faded but they got nothing new, So they wear flares and slippers and burn incense sticks too, The kids would rather skate than go out and smash the state, While their parents sit still and meditate Action’s at a low when people just don’t care, They zoned out to their surroundings, the anger’s not there, And I’m stuck in this hippy, grunge reality, Where the buildings are crumbling down from apathy, They grab you at school when you’ve just turned 13, And show you your brand new, life long routine, You can sleep and work, and work and sleep, So you can save up the money to buy a new jeep, So you can sleep and work, and work and sleep, Then sleep. Then work. Then work. Then sleep. I pulled a fanzine out my back pocket, held it in my hands,

And watched the colours slowly fade away, The words bled right off of the pages til it had nothing left to say, I banged on the jukebox but it was useless, It had no good records on, Not even something weak like ‘The Best Punk Album In The World Ever Volume 1’, Outside the windows, I saw the excavators coming to tear the place down, No-one stopped them, for there is no community left in this town, There’s no-one around to fight Margaret Thatcher, The power of the flower just couldn’t match her, Too strong was the will of Parliament to cause damage, That with no punk rock everything went unchallenged, Land got knocked down to build more land, That got knocked down again for a couple more grand, With no punk the protests were full of throwbacks calling each other comrade, Of course the young folks’ attendance started to fade,

Closing Time... What If Punk Never Happened? So it was easy for the police to move in, they were trusted, And that’s when the whole damn town got busted, They moved CCTV cameras in everywhere, But the people were too apathetic to care, They made them carry ID cards to state where they’re from, As if by being born they had done something wrong, They shipped all the poor folk to live out in the edges, So the rich folk could move in and peer over their hedges, “But before you leave, you’d better build our homes, There, we’ve done you a favour, now you’re on your own, This ain’t your home no more, go find somewhere new, I know you ain’t got the money, cos it’s me who employs you, I know everything about you, what you eat, how you dress, Your hobbies, your turn-ons, your email address, While I had you working in the dark, you didn’t realise, That I completely stopped your ability to organise, I didn’t let you have a reason to communicate,

I banned punk rock knowing you hippies would seal your own fate, I controlled everything you wrote, everything you created, I distracted you with advertisements so you forgot what you hated, I fed your dark side, kept you consuming and competing, And like a dog that doesn’t know when to stop eating, You took it all, oh and long was it my intention, You could have beat me if punk rock was your invention”, Instead the city will be sold to the highest bids, If only Sham 69 had of united the kids, If only the 4 Skins had told us ACAB, If only The Ramones had let us know we were a happy family, If only The Buzzcocks had shown us how to do it ourself, If only Crass had shown us there are things more important than wealth, If only The Vandals had shown us it was OK to smile, If only The Dead Kennedys had helped us put our government on trial, If only Rancid had played live, and brought with them that vibe,

If we had Sick Of It All and Madball we could put them all on the frontline, If we had GG Allin we’d have learned it’s OK to be hated, If we’d have had The Refused then we could have innovated, If we’d had Poison Idea then they couldn’t push us over, If we’d had Minor Threat then we could have done it sober, If we’d have had Against Me we could have done it all unplugged, If we’d had Operation Ivy we could have done it then fucked off, If we had The Blitz, The Clash, Disorder, Propagandhi, The Exploited, NOFX and anyone that’s handy, There’s a lesson to be learned, one that I will take home, When I return to my normal reality zone, Punk rock has the power to change the world, It lies in every single punk rock boy and girl, So don’t let anyone tell you you’re not worth the earth, These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf, Don’t let anyone tell you that you’ve got to give in, Cos you can make a difference, you

can change everything, Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel, Tear up the book and write your own damn rules, Use all that heart, hope and soul that you’ve got, And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut, And realise that the other world that you’re always looking for, Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door, And it’s up to you to go out there and paint the canvas, After all, you were put on the earth to do this, So shine your light so bright that all can see, Take pride in being whoever the fuck you want to be, Throw your fist in the air in solidarity, And shout “Viva la punk, just one life, anarchy”. By Itch (The King Blues)

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