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Oklahoma's Choice Weekly Thanksgiving Special 2020

Thankful this Thanksgiving

On May 13th of this year, a dedicated group of Oklahomans started a new print publication right in the middle of a deadly pandemic. We were told by many that we could not and would not succeed as many community newspapers, shoppers and other media companies were forced to close. We ignored the negative comments and started it anyway because we had faith in Oklahoma’s farmers, ranchers, business owners, and rural communities. We knew that the product we started would help serve the business needs in our rural towns and cities. So now here we are, our 28th edition later.


We realize the only reason we remain in business is that our customers have given us the honor to serve them. And for this we are forever grateful and eternally thankful.

Yet this season of Thanksgiving is clouded by COVID-19. We know there are far too many Oklahoma families and businesses that have been negatively impacted by this virus. Our thoughts, prayers and hearts are with you. And we hope you each are finding many new reasons to be thankful this season.

So, from all the staff of Oklahoma’s Choice Weekly, we express our thanks. We wish you good health throughout the holiday season and prosperity into 2021. We will continue to be here serving you, our fellow Oklahoma businesses, to help you not only survive, but thrive through adversity and uncertainty. This is what Oklahoma’s Choice Weekly continues to give thanks for.

Gary Goldberg – Sales Director

Jeff Nieman – Southern Territory Manager

Jon McQuillen – Central Territory Manager

Keith Code – Western Territory Manager

Anesa K. Chastain Jones – Graphics Manager

Sue McQuillen – General Manager

Misty Crouse– Distribution Manager

Wendi Stultz– Classified Manager

Michael Crane – Distribution

Kenny Edwards - Distribution

Happy Thanksgiving

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