Oklahoma's Choice Weekly Volume 4 Issue 22

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Read Online • www.oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • Read Online OKLAHOMA OWNED• OKLAHOMA OPERATED EVERY THURSDAY FREE! Your Premier Weekly Consumer Resource For Individuals And Business Oklahoma's Choice Weekly 359071 HWY 62 Paden Ok www.circle ksteel.coom ** Now producin and Weld-Up Build Commercial ** Metal bu to leng Standard and Custom trim ** Stoc kedsteel yard Painted 26 Gage Meta Please Call One Of Our Friendly Sales Now producing all Bolt-Up Steel Building Kits And Weld-Up Commercial, Agricultural, Metal Building And Metal Roofing Component Sales Our Friendly Sales Per ME TAL BUILDING AND ME TAL RO OFING C OMP ONENT SALES • C OMMERCIAL • AGRICULTURAL • RESIDENTIAL MANUFAC TURER OF BOLT -UP STEEL BUILDING KITS KIT S AND WELD-UP BUILDING KIT S Thursday, October 5, 2023 VOLUME 4 ISSUE 22
PAGE 2 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 HOUSTON’S SEP TIC TANK CLEANING Drain Lines & Repair No Mileage Charge 918-225-0621 MISCELLANEOUS HOUSTON’S SEPTIC Tank Cleaning Drain lines and repair, lateral line repair and installation No Mileage Charge! 918-225-0621 Cushing CHAINSAW SHARPENING, Small Engine Repair, Mower Blades & Belts S&S Farm Center 302 S. Beard, Shawnee, OK LOST UNICORN Still holding out hope of finding her, if found call 918-528-7689 FURNITURE GEORGIA'S FINE FURNITURE Back Open Come by and Visit Otis China Hutch, Glass Top Coffee Table, 2 Glass Top End Tables, 6 Drawer Dresser, Oval Table with 6 Chairs and 3 Leafs, Afghans, Quilts, Sewing Materials, Floor Lamps, Lots of Lamps, TV Armoire, 4-Drawer Filing Cabinet, Hall Tree w/ Mirror and Drawers, Stacked Bookcase, Assorted Neckties, Plant Stands, Many Dishes and Glasses, Halloween Merchandise. 207, 209 & 213 7th St Perry, OK 732-600-3949 Appliances & Furniture, Entertainment, Guns/Sporting Goods, Miscellaneous, Personals, Upcoming Events, Want To Buy & Much More! OKLAHOMA’S Choice WEEKLY MISCELLANEOUS CONCRETE MIXER TRUCK DRIVERS CLASS A OR B CDL 5 Day Weeks, Paid Holidays, Insurance Available. Apply in Person Must Bring MVR Monday-Friday 8am-4pm 329044 E. 1070 Rd. McLoud,OK 405-391-2919 HELP WANTED 2501 w. hubbard • ponca city, ok 74601 erric barnes 580-762-9401 Metal Building Component Sales Like Us On Facebook! Commercial & Residential Metal Roofing Metal Panels Screws Insulation Trim Cees/Zees Accessories BRITTON I.T . CO NSUL TING, LL C . C ONSUL BRETT BRITTON 918-285-1144 info@britt onitconsulting.com britt onitconsulting.com Computer Repair • Network Security Network Management • Sof tware Development Business & Residential “LIVING AND BREATHING TEC HNOLOGY” Ser vicing Cushing & The Surrounding Area Dentures - Partials - Relines - Repairs Call (405) 612-7304 for appointment Perkins, OK COME SEE US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! 215 E Her t St. Perkins Star ting Sept 29th! 125 W. MacAr thur St . • Shawnee, OK AT YOUR SERVICE Calling all Buyers, sellers and traders! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly is the new shopper in town, and we are on a mission: Connect Oklahoma buyers and sellers! It's that easy! 918-528-7689 T&H CONCRETE, LLC Danny Minshall (405) 334-9406 jjulie3w@provalue.net The Right Choice! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly THE SKY’S THE LIMIT WITH OUR GREAT CD RATES! Branches in Oklahoma & Texas 833.712.4700 | www.bluesky.bank *APY means Annual Percentage Yield. The interest rate and annual percentage yield will not change for the term of the account. The APY is accurate as of September 7, 2023. The minimum balance required to open the account and earn the advertised APY is $5,000.00. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Rates and o ers are subject to change without notice.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY - PAGE 3 Mannford is a Sleeping Giant Before that giant wakes up, locate your office ce or business at the Mannford Mall COMMERCIAL SPACES AVAILABLE FOR RENT AT THE MANNFORD MALL 511 FOSTER RD MANNFORD, OK 74044 918-313-17 10 or 918-282-2801 The Right Choice! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly! Going to work or heading to college at Stillwater? Drop your laundr y of f in the morning and pick it up in the af ternoon. Pirate Suds 511 Foster Rd., Mannford, OK 539-222-4580 COIN LAUNDRY Sandite Suds 210 N. Lincoln Sand Springs, OK 918-9 00-7868 DROP OFF SERVICE •Build Traffic • Build Calls • Build Sales Sell More - Buy More Trade More Oklahoma's Choice Classifieds Starting at only $10 per week Call today to get started! 918-528-7689



- John Lively Memorial 5k Run at 8:00 a.m.

- Parade at 10:00 a.m.

- Corn Hole Tournament (First Year)

- Car Show

- Ar t and Photography show

- Delicious food

- Craf t Vendors


- 1800’s Sorghum mill demonstration

- Native American Ar t

- Native Vendor Market (Second Year)

- Live Music

- Kids activities

- Much, Much More!

held on the

in October, has become one

premier at tractions, drawing thousands of visitors each year from across the U.S. and abroad.”

Specialt y care without leaving town.

Oklahoma's Choice Weekly

Your Premier Consumer Resource For Individuals and Business

P.O. Box 401, Drumright, OK 74030 918-528-7689


Deadline: Friday 5:00pm for Display Orders and Ad Copy, Saturday 6:00pm for Classifieds. This includes new, changes and cancellations. Ads accepted af ter deadline will be placed ROP as space permits at publisher ’s discretion.

Position and Color Requests: We will tr y to fulfill position and color requests whenever a preference is indicated. However, position is of ten dictated by press requirements. Position requests are most of ten fulfilled based on premium position charges, ad sizes, annual expenditures and use of color Oklahoma’s Choice Weekly shall have full latitude with respect to positioning all adver tisements.

Publisher’s Liabilit y for Error: The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or t ypographical errors that do not lessen the value of an adver tisement. The publisher ’s liabilit y for errors or omissions in connection with an adver tisement is strictly limited to the publication of the adver tisement in any subsequent issue at no charge or the reversal of the charge for the adver tisement, and will not exceed the cost of the 1st inser tion of the error or omission.

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Email classifieds@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com with any questions, comments or concerns.

PAGE 4 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 Cit y of Stroud 918-968-2571 * White goods such as washing machines, televisions, etc. will be picked up! All Refrigeration Equipment MUST HAVE COMPRESSOR REMOVED! * Tires, oil, paints, bat teries and any hazardous materials will not be picked up ***If you have the above mentioned items, please call 918-968-2890 for fur ther assistance. Clean up your yard Trim the shrubs and trees Haul of f inoperative vehicles and machiner y Paint the house Plant flowers 1) You MUST have your TRASH & DEBRIS SE T OUT AT THE CURB BY 7:00AM ON OC TOBER 16 2) All trash and debris MUST BE SEPARATED if it is mixed it will NOT be pickup up. Normal household trash will not be picked up by the Cit y. 3) TREE LIMBS MUST BE PLACED SEPARATE FROM ALL OTHER DEBRIS PLACED AT THE CURB 4) No tree limbs or other debris shall be linger than 4 feet in length or 1- inches in diameter 5) If alley pick up is necessar y or you need assistance please call 918-968-2571 for approval/help 6) ONLY ONE PASS IS SCHEDULED. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR ITEMS AT THE CURB BY 7:00AM ON OC TOBER 16, 2023 NO PICKUP WILL OCCUR. If you wish to haul your own debris the dumpsters will be located on the south of Cit y Hall by the railroad tracks; and the Stroud Public Librar y parking lot. Here’s How You Can Help! CLEAN UP FIX UP PAINT UP Le t’s All Do Our Part During FALL CLEAN-UP WEEK OC TOBER 16-20 FREE TRASH AND DEBRIS PICKUP ST IL LW AT ER ME DIC AL .COM 600 S. Linwood Ave. | Cushing 918.725.1599 MONDAY-F RIDAY: 8:00am –12:00pm; 1:00pm –5:00pm 2340 E. Main St . | Cushing 918.725.1901 MONDAY-F RIDAY: 8:00am –5:00pm Call 405.64 2.8222 to sc hedule an appointment. Amanda Miles, MD OB/GYN Kathryn Farguson, DO Cardiology Jerr od Vaughn, MD General Surger y Call 405.53 3.10 74 to sc hedule an appointment. Call 405.53 3. 30 10 to sc hedule an appointment. J. Jordan Stivers, MD Or thopedic s Call 405.70 7.0900 to sc hedule an appointment. SEEING PATIENTS AT: SEEING PATIENTS AT:
L ocal reside nt s are st ay ing close to home for first-rate, person al specialt y ca re. Our specialists are backed by a li fe-sav ing hear t and vasc ular inst it ute, a nation ally recognized or thoped ic cl in ic, a CoC accred ited ca ncer center, and an award-wi nni ng ho spit al 48 TH ANNUAL WEW OKA SOR GHUM FES TIVAL WEW OKA, OK | OC TO B ER 28, 2023 OCT OBER 2023
NG “ The age -old ar t of sorghum-making is celebrated
Sorghum Festival.
each fall in Wewoka at the communit y’s annual
award-winning event,
four th Saturday
of Oklahoma ’s


123 Lakehurst, Stillwater

Friday, Oct. 6, 2pm-6pm

Saturday, Oct. 7, 9am-2pm

(closed 12-12:30)

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LARGE YARD SALE 120 E. Shaffer, Drumright

Starting October 5th, 6th, 7th or Longer.

Come Shop Till You Drop! Davenport’s 21st Annual CITY WIDE YARD SALE

Sat., October 7, 2023

Maps & Lists Available At Businesses In Davenport And At Individual Yard Sales

Sponsored By Davenport Chamber Of Commerce

Online & On-Site

Thursday, October 12, 2023 STARTS @ 9:07 AM


at www.chuppsauction.com

Grant County, North Central Oklahoma

160 Acres


Thursday, October 26, 2023 @10:00 AM

Sale to be on site, WEATHER PERMITTING

Directions: From Deer Creek, OK and HWY 11, 1 mile east, 5 miles north to the southwest corner of property.

Sellers: Q Quentin L Mimms, Guardian of Susan E Bachman

We consider this a privilege to offer this property to the highest bidder. Sellers have the right to refuse sale – however their intent is to sell

Sale Conducted by

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY - PAGE 5 The Right Choice! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly! Antiques & Collectibles, Auctions, Flea Markets, Garage & Yard Sales, Mobile Homes, Real Estate, Rentals, Much More! OKLAHOMA’S Choice WEEKLY AUCTION & REAL ESTATE GARAGE SALES ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES GEORGIA'S FINE FURNITURE Back Open Come by and Visit Otis China Hutch, Glass Top Coffee Table, 2 Glass Top End Tables, 6 Drawer Dresser, Oval Table with 6 Chairs and 3 Leafs, Afghans, Quilts, Sewing Materials, Floor Lamps, Lots of Lamps, TV Armoire, 4-Drawer Filing Cabinet, Hall Tree w/ Mirror and Drawers, Stacked Bookcase, Assorted Neckties, Plant Stands, Many Dishes and Glasses, Halloween Merchandise. 207, 209 & 213 7th St Perry, OK 732-600-3949 Arzon n Development t Co LLC C 1401 1 S Ma n Street t Stil water OK K 74074 4 Phone: : 405-780-7755/Fax: : 405-385-0809 9 TDD D 7-1-1 1 Ok ahoma a Re ay y Affordable Family Apartments Subsidized rent may be available to those who qualify Sayre, OK Columbia Village 580-928-3225 Cushing, OK Eastbrook Apartments 918-225-3902 Guthrie, OK First Capitol Apartments 405-282-5077 Blackwell, OK Jefferson Park Apartments 580-363-3531 Elgin, OK Meadow Park Estates 580-492-4765 Guthrie, OK Noble Heights Apartments 405-282-5250 Cordell, OK North Glen Apartments 580-832-5624 Marlow, OK Park Lane Apartments 580-658-5753 Stillwater, OK Whispering Hills Apartments 405-377-9141 This institution is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer, Arzon does not discriminate on the basis of handicap status in the admission or access to, or treatment, or employment in, it’s federally assisted programs and activities Sayre, OK Cushing, OK Guthrie, OK Blackwell, OK Elgin, OK Guthrie, OK Cordell, OK Marlow, OK Stillwater, OK Oklahoma Cit y, OK Columbia Village Eastbrook Apartments First Capital Apartments Jef ferson Park Apartments Meadow Park Estates Noble Heights Apartments North Glen Apartments Park Lane Apartments Whispering Hills Apartments Capitol Square Villas 580-928-3225 918-225-3902 405-282-5077 580-363-3531 580-492-4765 405-282-5250 580-832-5624 580-658-5753 405-377-9141 405-427-7705 FRI OCT 6th 10AM Online/Live 150± ACRES * WOODS COUNTY WAYNOKA/CARMEN AREA HOUSE * SHOP * BARNS * CORRALS BERMUDA/NATIVE PASTURE * TIMBER BOBBY ALAN & LETHA MAE MCCRAY, FAMILY REV TRUST AUCTION 43435 CHOCTAW RD CARMEN, OK Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 TUES OCT 10th 6PM Online Only Mower – Cast Iron Horses – Hub Caps –Car Parts – Collectibles – Tools – Motors – Model A & T parts Barber Estate Auction 716 Greenbriar Edmond OK 73034 Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 WED Oct 11th 10AM Online/Live 80± ACRES * BLAINE COUNTY OK BERMUDA/GRASS PASTURE POND * KINGFISHER CREEK DEER HUNTING LORI GLAZIER AUCTION N2690 Rd & E 0790 Rd OMEGA, OK, Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 MON Oct 16th 6PM Online Only Pennants Levi’s – Buttons – Vintage Tobacco Tins – Toy Guns/Holsters Games – Advertising – Lanterns Marbles – Atari – Pepsi- Mantle Clocks Saddle Pack/Tack – OSU – Ephemera Wanzer-Sadler Auction 7645 W Purdue Enid OK 73703 Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 TUES Oct 17th 6PM Online Only ESTABLISHED RUNNING QUICK STOP BILLINGS OK 614 N. Central Billings, Ok Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 WED Oct 18th 6PM Online Only Tractors – Mowers- Stock Trailer – Mist Sprayer – Shop Tools- Hand Tools Scrap Iron – Welders – Shop Benches Collectibles Evelyn Ogan Online Auction 2005 Possum Hollar Burbank OK 74633 Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 TUES Oct 24th 6PM Online Only Furniture – Fenton – Carnival – Patio Décor – Lawn – Appliances- Household Patricia Walker Auction 22182 HWY 281, Chester OK 73838 Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 WED Nov 1st 10AM Online/Live VERY NICE BRICK HOME 8.58+/- ACRES * METAL SHED BARN * CATTLE BARN * PENS CHESTER/SEILING * TIMBER GRASS PASTURE PATRICIA WALKER AUCTION 22182 Hw y 281 Chester, Ok Lippard Auctions.com 580-237-7174 AUCTION CALENDAR For Details & Pics, Go to: www.Theurer.net or www.Theurer.hibid.com Apr 11 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 12 Apr 17 25 May 1 May 7 UPCOMING AUC TIONS 1101 East 16th Street • Wellington, KS 67152 • 620-326-7315 • Theurer.net 2022 CHRYSLER PROWLER 1101 E 16th St., Wellington, KS 2002 Chr ysler Prowler, Sof t Top Convertible, Yellow Exterior, 3.5L High Output V6, 4 Speed Auto, 22838 Miles, Retro Futuristic Design BIDDING ONLINE: October 16-November 13 AMAZON RE TURNED ITEMS 218 S. Washington, Wellington, KS Small Appliances, Large Qty Baby Items, Side & End Tables, Bar Stools & Chairs, Plus More BIDDING ENDS: Monday, October 9, 2023, 3pm PREVIEW: Wed., October 4, 2023, 4:00-6:00pm 477+/- ACRES, SUMNER COUNT Y KS LAND 156.5Ac, NE/4 Sec 30-T30-R1W, 320+/- Ac in 2 Tracts - S/2 Sec 28-T32-R1E BID ONLINE: October 16 - November 13 312 +/- ACRES SUMNER COUNT Y KS LAND 312 +/- Acres Of fered in 2 Tracts, W/2 Sec 36-T33-R2W, Tillable, Trees, Hunting BID ONLINE: October 30-December 5 SIGNS, TOYS, GLASS & COLLEC TIBLES COMING SOON . . . . . TERMS: Cash – Credit Cards – Check with Proper ID – OK Sales Tax Applies unless exemption is shown. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY OF SALE SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS ADVERTISING. CHUPPS AUCTION & REAL ESTATE Stan Chupp Dale Chupp, Realtor Jonathan Miller (918) 638-1157 Coldwell Banker Neokla Select (918) 237-7582 (918) 630-0495 MOVING AUCTION
Address: 4811 NE 1st St. l Pryor, OK 74361 Directions: From the Jnct of Hwy 69 & Hwy 20 in Pryor OK go E ½ mi on Hwy 20 to Elliott St. Turn L onto Elliott St & then immediately R onto NE 1st St./old Hwy 20. Go E 2.8 mi. Auction on Left. OR, On Hwy 20 between Salina & Pryor OK turn N on N435 Rd (Carbide Rd) Go approx ½ mi. Then turn left (W) on Old Hwy 20 & go approx 3/10 mi Auction on Right. Pasture parking.
More Info and Pictures: www.chuppsauction. com
MTM Inc. dba Redhead Valves GUNS
Auctioneer’s Note: Redhead Valves, maker of race car parts is RELOCATING & SELLING a lot of SURPLUS EQUIPMENT Lots of MACHINIST TOOLS. Will be adding more lots and pictures closer to AUCTION DATE. Still sorting items at this time. Some items pictured on shelves may not be selling. Everything must be removed within 10 days after auction date. Follow us on Facebook for updates or visit our website for
OWNER: Estate of Bob Ayres
SERVICE LLC 1105 N. 9TH ST (580) -761- 2468 BLACKWELL,
PAGE 6 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 Heating and Cooling Shaun Chapman - Owner 918-230-9392 shawncmo@yahoo.com Installation-Sales-Service Licensed-Bonded-Insur www.UticaParkClinic.com 309 West Main Street • Stroud, OK 74079 Phone: 918.987.0067 • Fax: 918.987.0070 Bronwyn Howard, APRN-CNP Nurse Practitioner Peggy Moore -Gardner, ARPN-CNP Nurse Practitioner 251 E. Hwy 33 • Suite B-3 • Perkins OK • 405-939-3055 Tues-Fri - 10am-7pm • Sat - 10am - 4pm 1430 E. Main Street • Suite H • Cushing, OK • 918-895-4780 Tues-Fri - 10am-7pm • Sat - 10am - 4pm Facebook.comdiglyfevapor Facebook.com/diglyfevaporperkins 809 Broadway Davenport, OK (918) 377-6640 Mon-Sat 6am-9pm Sun 8am-6pm Pie Fryers Shut Off at 6pm Weekdays and 3pm on Sundays 315 W. Main St. Stroud, OK 74079 918.987.0038 Mon-Sat 9-9 Sun 11-7 www.strouddispensar y.com Locally Owned & Operated 601 Har rison Pawnee, OK 74058 918.762.2503 fbt.bank PERRY • BILLINGS • COVINGTON • PAWNEE 217 W. Moses St. Cushing, OK 918-306-0073 Mon-Sat – 9am-8pm www.okcushco.com Scan here for easy online menu & ordering! Mary Kay® products offer you so many ways to enhance your beauty and well-being. Innovative skin care! On-trend color! Pampering bath and body products and so much more! Let’s find your favorites. Contact me today THE BEAUTY OF YOU! Name Independent Beauty Consultant Mary Kay® Personal Web Site Address Phone Number Cindy Nieman Independent Sales Director www.Mar ykay.com/cnieman 405-740-4233 SERVICE | EXPERIENCE | INTEGRIT Y Pawnee County Farm Bureau Craig Jensen, Agent craig.jensen@okfb.com 623 7th Street • Pawnee, OK 918-762-2222 okfbinsurance .com Craig Jensen, Agent craig.jensen@okfb.com 623 7th Street • Pawnee, OK 918-762-2222 okfbinsurance.com Together We Can Make a Difference!

• About 1 in 8 U.S. women (about 13%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime.

• In 2022, an estimated 287,850 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in women in the U.S., along with 51,400 new cases of non-invasive (in situ) breast cancer.

• About 2,710 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in men in 2022. A man’s lifetime risk of breast cancer is about 1 in 833.

• Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American women. In 2022, it’s estimated that about 30% of newly diagnosed cancers in women will be breast cancers. This information is provided by Breastcancer.org.


THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY - PAGE 7 Car Haulers, Utilit y, Dump & Stock Trailers Bad Boy Mowers, Metal Roofs, Dog Boxes & Sheet Metal 20600 W. Hwy 66 • Kellyville, OK 74039 Office: 918-247-50 41 Buy - Sell - Trade O 80 4 E. Main • Cushing, OK 918-306-40 40 OPEN 24/7 2308 Highway 66 West Stroud, OK 74079 918-968-3571 918-968-4814 (fax) 1023 NORTH BROADWAY ON HISTORIC ROUTE 66 DAVENPORT, OK 918-377-2230 TUES-THURS 8AM-8PM • FRI. & SAT. 8AM-9PM SUN. 8AM-4PM TAMMY WARDEN, PROPRIETOR Chicken Fried Steak • Chicken Alfredo DON’T FORGET TO ASK ABOUT OUR HOMEMADE DESSERTS!
Stan Kessler 5216 E. 69th Place • Tulsa, OK 74136 Office: 918-574-2796 • Cell: 918-695-9110 • Fax: 918-747-0039 stankessler@cox.net Life Insurance • Health Insurance • Long Term Care Insurance • Medicare Supplements • Disability Insurance BRANDTS ACE HARDWARE 3203 N. 14th St • Ponca Cit y, OK 580-762-2921 STILLWATER MILLING CO. AGRI CENTER 205 GENE TAYLOR • PERRY, OK 580-336-2168 Calvin Coun tr y RV www.calvincountr yrv.com Russ Calvin Owner 918-367-1222 yrv.com 42706 W. Hwy 66 Depew, OK 74028 901 S. Roland • Hwy 66 • Bristow, OK 74010 918-367-3423 • Fax: 918-367-9432 www.bristowdodge.com 123 East Miles Avenue • Kingfisher, OK 73750 Phone: 405-375-6770 • Fax: 405-375-6730 acehdw@pldi.net •www.acehardware.com searchable online at www.CarsAndParts ByTim.com Specializing in Ford products plus other foreign and domestics. 4514 S Division St · Guthrie, OK 73044 405-282-6852 Ext 2 www.CarsAndPartsByTim.com Parts are now searchable online at www.CarsAndParts ByTim.com Specializing in Ford products plus other foreign and domestics. 4514 S Division St · Guthrie, OK 73044 405-282-6852 Ext 2 EELER E K QUIPMENT Sales & Rental ww w Keeler Equipment Can Special Build For You! Keeler Equipment Can Special Build For You! www.keelerequipment.com 4275 N. Hwy 77 Access Rd. • Ponca Cit y, OK Office: 580-765-9125 • Cell: 580-761-2460 Mon-Fri: 8-5:30 • Sat: 8-2 125 W. MacAr thur St . • Shawnee, OK (405) 214-7400 SCOTT STEVE MARY FAX: 405-273-4141 OKLAHOMA’S Choice WEEKLY Your Premier Weekly Consumer Resource for Individuals and Business Gary Goldberg • gary@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • 918-645-5621 Jeff Nieman • jeff@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • 405-740-4249 Jon McQuillen • jon@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • 918-873-0097 Pam Marrs • pam@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • 918-698-6622 Anesa K. Chastain Jones • graphics@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • 918-285-1314 Wendi Stultz • classifieds@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • 918-528-7689 Misty Crouse • distribution@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com • 918-528-7689
PAGE 8 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 The Right Choice! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly Your Premiere Weekly Consumer Resource For Individuals And Business THE OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY CAN HELP YOU ADVERTISE TODAY! CALL ONE OF OUR FRIENDLY SALES REPRESENTATIVES TO GET YOUR ADVERTISING STARTED! OKLAHOMA'S Choice WEEKLY GARY GOLDBERG Sales Director 918-645-5621 JEFF NIEMAN Southern Territory Manager 405-740-4249 JON MCQUILLEN Central Territory Manager 918-873-0097 PAM MARRS Eastern Territory Manager 918-698-6622

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Introducing the OKLAHOMA’S Choice WEEKLY Auction Director y
a com OK GARY GOLDBERG Sales Director 918-6 45-5621 JEFF NIEMAN Southern Territor y Manager 405-740-4249 JON MCQUILLEN Central Territor y Manager 918-873-0097 PAM MARRS Eastern Territor y Manager 918-698-6622
PAGE 10 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 HUNT OKLAHOMA Introducing The Hunt Oklahoma Page YOUR ULTIMATE GATEWAY TO OKLAHOMA’S HUNTING SEASON! 023 NOR ON HISTORIC ROUTE 66 DAVENPOR 918-3 TUES-THURS 8AM-8P SUN. 8AM-4P AMMY WARDEN, PROPRIE attention all hunters: start your day at tammy's rt. 66 cafe for the hunters grand slam breakfast. just show your hunting license, and for$999 receive 2 eggs, home fries or hashbrowns, bacon or sausage, 2 pancakes, toast or biscuits and gravy. PONCA CIT Y’S FARM STORE YOUR ONE-STOP HUNTING SUPPLY HEADQUARTERS AL SO AVAILABLE DEER FEEDERS AND CORN SHOTGUNS, RIFLES, PISTOL S, KNIVES, AMMO MUZZLE LOADING & BL AC K POWDER SUPPLIES AMERICA’S #1 MUZZLELOADING BULLET FOOD PR NG OUTDOOR CLOTHING & BOOTS Oklahoma's Choice Weekly Car Haulers, Utilit y, Dump & Stock Trailers Bad Boy Mowers, Metal Roofs, Dog Boxes & Sheet Metal 20600 W. Hwy 66 • Kellyville, OK 74039 Office: 918-247-50 41 Buy - Sell - Trade O



Introducing the "Hunt Oklahoma" Page

Your Ultimate Gateway to Oklahoma's Hunting Season!

Spotlight on Local: Dive into Oklahoma’s rich hunting heritage, discover the finest hunting spots, and embrace the thrill of the chase in our expansive landscapes.

Firearm Focus: Showcase your latest products, safety equipment, and accessories tailored for Oklahoma’s hunting community.

Deer Processors' Delight: Connect with hunters by highlighting your services and special offers just in time for the season.

All-Terrain Adventures: Feature the latest ATVs, equipment, and gear essential for navigating Oklahoma’s diverse terrain.

Seasonal Specials: Highlight timely products, discounts, and tips that every Oklahoman hunter needs for a successful season.

And More: From hunting apparel and camping gear to local hunting events and safety workshops, the “Hunt Oklahoma” page is the one-stop solution for everything hunting-related.

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By partnering with our "Hunt Oklahoma" Page, you tap into a passionate community, eager for quality products and services that amplify their hunting experience. From the rugged hills in the east to the open plains in the west, capture the heart of every Oklahoma hunter and showcase your offerings with pride and precision.

One week:

2X2 - $40

1/8 page - $85

1/4 page - $150

1/2 page - $250

Full- $450

Two to six weeks: 2X2 - $35

1/8 page-$80

1/4 page - $140

1/2 page - $225

Full - $400

All 7 weeks:

2X2 - $30

1/8 page - $75

1/4 page - $130

1/2 page - $200

Full - $350

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY - PAGE 11 NOW OPEN AT OUR NEW ADDRESS JUST IN TIME FOR HUNTING SEASON! BUY • SELL • TRADE • PAWN 307 West Main Street • Stroud, OK • 918-987-1111 jennismercantileloan@proton.me Hunting Rifles, Pistols, es, Ammo TION FOR FFL GUN TRANSFERS TU W TH HOURS: TUES: 10-5:30 WED: 10-5:30 THUR: 10-5:30 FRI: 10-5:30 SAT: 10-2:00 SUN-MON: CLOSED September 28 and go until November 9 Gary Goldberg Sales Director 918-645-5621 gary@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com Jeff Nieman Southern Oklahoma Sales Manager 405-740-4249 jeff@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com Jon McQuillen Central Territory Account Manager 918-873-0097 jon@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com Anesa K. Chastain Jones Graphic Artist 918-285-1314 graphics@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com Oklahoma's Choice Weekly Pam Marrs Eastern Territory Account Manager 918-698-6622 pam@oklahomaschoiceweekly.com www.oklahomaschoiceweekly.com
StillwaterSkulls SKULL CLEANING SERVICES 951-532-5088 instagram.com/stillwaterskulls stillwaterskulls@gmail.com
Tyler Magdych


Auction On Site

Saturday, October 14 - 10 AM

509 E Lincoln Wellington KS

Large Estate auction: Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, and so much more!

Real Estate sells at 4 PM Albright Realty

Hope to see you there!

See list and photos at:

Roth Auction Service LLC Facebook pag e

Roth Auction Service LLC Web 620-262-7296



PAGE 12 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 AUCTION IS FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH!! AUCTIONSTARTSAT 9:00AM Tractors start approx. 12:30pm 8711 STATE HIGHWAY 66 LSA, OK 74131 OFFICE: (918) 224-767 JOSH ENLOW - (918) 693-8620 DEWEY ENLOW – (918) 640-8863 DAVE REITZEL – (918) 407-6914 , 2021 NEXT AUCTION NOVEMBER 1, 2023
Come Shop Till You Drop!
October 7, 2023
& Lists
At Businesses In Davenport
At Individual Yard Sales
Oklahoma's Choice Weekly
Sponsored By Davenport Chamber
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY - PAGE 13 •Build Traffic • Build Calls • Build Sales Sell More - Buy More Trade More Oklahoma's Choice Classifieds Starting at only $10 per week Call today to get started! 918-528-7689 pickensauctions.com AUCTION CALENDAR For more details call Gregg Pickens,Broker/Auctioneer 405-533-2600 or 405-747-9304 or visit 619 S Lewis Stillwater, OK 74074 Follow us on Facebook - FACEBOOK.COM/PICKENSAUCTIONS 2 BIG AUCTIONS OCTOBER 7 PERRY/MORRISON AREA SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 10:00 AM 110+/-ACRES CR 170 and Harvest One-owner garden home in Stillwater Country Club area. Real Estate & Personal Property 918 S Woodcrest DR Stillwater, OK Sizable Tracts in the Perry/ Morrison! All 4 tracts have their own unique characteristics and combine to make a very functional farm with good access to surrounding communities! SAME DAY - DIFFERENT LOCATION - NOTE START TIME! #1 SATURDAY, OCT. 7, 2:00 PM #2 See website for more pictures! Preview October 6, 4-6 pm Selling in 4 tracts or combinations Immaculate, one-owner, Garden Home in Stillwater Country Club neighborhood. The 2190 square feet home has 3 bedrooms/2 baths and a 2-car garage. It also features a large back deck overlooking the greenbelt area - perfect for entertaining. Living, Dining and Bedroom furniture. Washer/Dryer Small Chest Freezer Art and Decor Dishes and Kitchen Ware Collectibles and Glassware Miscellaneous household items Personal Property Includes Subscribe For Your Oklahoma's Choice Weekly Digital Edition FREE at: www.oklahomas choice weekly.com
PAGE 14 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY Online Ever y Wednesday and on Stands Ever y Thursday! Subscribe Today, It ’s FREE!! NEVER MISS AN EDITION! IT’S FREE! Subscribe At www.oklahomaschoiceweekly.com/subscribe/ Subscribers Enjoy A Weekly Email Reminder When Our Digital Edition Is Published! OKLAHOMA' S Choice WEEKLY Your Premiere Weekly Consumer Resource For Individuals And Business www.oklahomaschoiceweekly.com www.facebook.com/oklahomaschoiceweekly SOUTHSIDEAUCTION.NET Find Us On Facebook NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S OLDEST AUCTION HOUSE THURS., OCT. 5TH SOUTHSIDE AUCTION HOUSE 1507 E. 71ST ST/TULSA SALE STARTS AT 6:30PM VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR FACEBOOK FOR PHOTOS SOUTHSIDEAUCTION.NET THURS., OC T. 5TH SOUTHSIDE AUC TION HOUSE 1507 E. 71ST ST/TULSA SALE STARTS AT 6:30PM VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR FACEBOOK FOR PHOTOS SOUTHSIDEAUC TION.NE T SOUTHSIDEAUC TION.NE T Find Us On Facebook NORTHEAST OKLAHOMA’S OLDEST AUC TION HOUSE AUBURN 1936 SPEEDSTAR 15K Miles, Replica Built in 1977, Made By California Custom Coach, Automatic, Boat Tail Big Block Ford Engine, Leather Interior, Sof t Top. THIS CAR IS SAID TO HAVE BEEN IN A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT MARLENE DIE TRICH’S LIFE. WE DON’ T HAVE DOCUMENTATION AT THIS TIME.


Saturday October 14th, 2023 - 10AM

Friday, Oct. 20 @ 10 A .M. East of Li ttle in Strothers Ar ea

50 Years collection of Antique Tools, 100’s of Keen Kut ter, Stanley,Power Shop Tools.


Sa tur day, Oct. 21 @ 10 A .M. East of Li ttle in Strothers Ar ea. Acreage with Home, Furniture,50 Year collection of Pot ter y & Glassware. Hull, Roseville, Fenton, Vintage Kitchen items

Very Large amount of Fenton Silver Crest,Ver y nice older Furniture.


Sa tur day, Oct. 28 @ 10 A .M. Home, Cabin, Boat Dock, Shop Building and other improvements on LAND LEASE.

Shawnee Lake. Selling Boat, 2 Wave Runners, Shop Tools, and more.


SAT. NOV. 4 @ 11 A .M. ESTATE

160 Acres N of Paden, Okfuskee Count y.


Sa tur day, November 11 @ 10 A .M.

263 Acres South of Prague on Canadian River Also selling Sheet Metal, Scrap iron, Non working motors & compressors.

Cushing Walk-ins welcome! Accepting most insurances including soonercare.
918.725.1599 600
Linwood |
&SPITLER AUCTION REALTY JOHNSON 1-405-567-3523• PRAGUE, OK www.spitlerauction.com Paul Spitler - 505-659-070 4 • Tom Johnson - 405-712-3211 Dennis Salzman - 405-567-9167 SPITLER & JOHNSON AUC TION & REALTY AUC TIONS
Lisa Noe, PA-C | Brian Hightower, DO | Courtney Elliot, APRN Randy Grellner, DO Bethaney Jenkins, APRN | Jaime Griffith, APRN
Monday–Friday: 8:00am–5:00pm
Estate and Personal Property AUCTION
Acreage 2006
Appliances - Antiques - Collectibles - And More!
AU CT IO N STARTS ENDING: MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2023 @ 6:01 PM ( ) Address: NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS. ANY ANNOUNCEMENTS DAY OF SALE SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS ADVERTISING. CHUPPS AUCTION & REAL ESTATE Stan Chupp Dale Chupp, Realtor Jonathan Miller (918) 638-1157 Coldwell Banker Neokla Select (918) 237-7582 (918) 630-0495 SOFT CLOSE 700+ LOTS 90+ GUNS, Gun Access ies + Reloading Equipment, 40,000+ R nds of mo (All Brands & Sizes) IN-PERSON PREVIEW & PLACE BIDS: PICK-UP & LOAD OUT: Monday, Oct. 9th 9am – 1pm Tuesday, Oct. 10th 9am – 6pm www.chuppsauction.com * Online Only * Oklahoma's Choice Weekly The Right Choice! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly!
#12 Acker Hill Road, Kaw City, OK 74641 3 Bed, 2 Bath Home on Wooded
Honda Ridgeline - 2018 Polaris Ranger 500 4x4 Hustler Mower - 16' Trailer - Tools - Household Goods
Details and Photo Galleries at WWW.HAYESAUCTION.COM
PAGE 16 - OKLAHOMA'S CHOICE WEEKLY THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2023 Calling all Buyers, sellers and traders! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly is the new shopper in town, and we are on a mission: Connect Oklahoma buyers and sellers! It's that easy! 918-528-7689 From switching o nerve-induced back pain like a light to spinal fusion and artificial disc replacement, our spine specialists help you manage and treat chronic back pain with an individualized program that o ers both comprehensive spine surgery and the latest non-surgical options for back pain. Spine surger y is available in Stillwater. 405.707.0900 • ORTHOOK.COM OKLAHOMA’S CHOICE WEEKLY 9/13, 10/4 4(6.66”) x6 @ $5.95/col.in. = $146.40 x2 = $292.80 •Pav ed Road - Potent ial Home site •Spr ing Fe d Creek - Excellent Bermuda Pa st ur e •110 ± Tillab le Acres Per FSA •P redo minantly Kirk land Pawhuska Soils •Rur al Water Line s on Ea st & So uth •3 Mile s Southe ast of Downtown En id AU CT ION LOCAT ION: Held at Chis holm Tr ai l Expo Cent er - 111 W Pu rdue Ave, En id , OK 73701 (Held in the Bo ar d Ro om - NE Corner of Ar en a) PR OPERTY LOCAT ION: Corner of Fox Dr & S 42 nd St in Ga rf ield County - En id , OK La nd Tour/Inspe ct i on Dates (M ee t Brent at Auct ion Tr act 3) : Fr i, 9/22 • 9-11am , We d, 10/11 • 4- 6pm & Tue, 10/2 4 • 11am -1pm AU CT ION MA NAGE R: Bren t Wellin gs Br an ch Broker #158 091 EM AI L: bren t@schr ader au ct ion.com Sc hr ader Re al Estate and Au ct ion Comp any, Inc. #112774, St illwater, OK #172 58 3 Blaire Blankinship, APRN | Amber Reinecke, PA-C | Colm McCauley, DO Quality care for your whole family. 918.725.1901 2340 E. Main St. | Cushing Hours: Monday-Friday: 8:00am–5:00pm Same-day Appointments Available! Oklahoma's Choice Weekly

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