Welcome to Stroud! C
Gree ngs Stroud Ci zens,
I am excited to tell you about the Midpoint Corridor Christmas Celebra on. All 11 towns along Route 66 between Edmond and Sapulpa are par cipa ng. We have all come together and selected Christmas Themes and each town has a date to celebrate ligh ng up their Christmas trees and lights. This will allow you to travel from one end to the other and experience each town and their celebra ons. I realize this is the busiest me of the year but let’s make it a point to support each other.
Stroud is fortunate to have a very busy commi ee working on this celebra on. It is made up of business owners and volunteers who want to see Stroud an ac ve, beau ful, and fes ve part. They have laid out the town with many photo opportuni es and have scheduled events throughout the season so stay connected and enjoy what they have planned for us. The City of Stroud has ordered some new theme aligned decora ons for the light poles to brighten things up. Courtney Lyons is a very talented young lady and has been working relessly pain ng the windows on main street to transform the town into an Elf Wonderland. Great job to everyone involved and thank you for your dedica on to Stroud! Stroud’s theme is “the Illuminated Elf” and our Tree ligh ng celebra on is on the 17th of November from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. There will be refreshments and ac vi es going on during this me so make plans to join us at Centennial Park before the Football Game. As we approach this season, let’s take me to reflect on the things that mean the most to us. We are a very blessed town and people and some mes it is easy to take that for granted. Take this me to pause,, rejoice, and give thanks. Stroud’s Christmas Parade is December 2nd at 6:00 pm. Entertainment and refreshments will start at 5:30 pm and the theme this year is “Santa’s Helpers(Elves)”. Happy Thanksgiving Friends, Bob Pearman, City Manager
315 W. Main St. Stroud, OK 74079 918.987.0038 Mon-Sat 9-9 Sun 11-7 Locally Owned & Operated
24HR. WRECKER •DIESEL TIRE SERVICE 918-968-3322 • Fax: 918-968-4252 P.O. Box 665 • Stroud, OK 74079
We are happy to announce the new outpatient therapy gym has been completed and the front doors of the hospital are now open.
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Rural Wellness Stroud Hospital 2308 Highway 66 West Stroud, Ok 74079 Phone: 918-968-3571 Proud Supporters of the Stroud Tigers
Services •
24 Hour Emergency Services
Full-Service Laboratory Testing
Inpatient Medical Services
Skilled Nursing Facility – Swing Bed Services
Radiology and Imaging Services including CT Scanning
• Outpatient Physical Therapy
Please Visit us at Mission Statement The mission of Stroud Regional Medical Center is to serve everyone with respect, quality and compassion