July - August 2013
Manama Toastmasters
Newsletter • Manama Toastmasters Club • CLUB 2916, DISTRICT 20
Editorial Usually July and August for me are the most boring months of the year, the overbearing heat just makes everything
look tedious. But this year was an exception. First we had the Holy month of Ramadan, followed by Eid Al-Fitr, then there were the regular Manama Toastmasters club meetings every Saturday. The initial plan was to attend once every two weeks, but since yours truly took over as VP-Public Relations then previous plans were scrapped. In the beginning I was confused, mystified and kind of scared. What in the world have I gotten myself into? But as time went by and with the support of my fellow toastmasters things started to become, I dare to say, better. Nevertheless, no job is completely 100% perfect, and I hope I am able to represent Horizon’s legacy for Manama Toastmasters Club and the standards set by the previous Editors of Horizon.
The Horizon Team Editor In Chief TM Rashid Maymoon
Proof Reader TM Guraz Wankadia
Contents Presidents desk
Tips and tricks for team MTM!
My Summer Trip
Elevator contest
July Meetings
Make it Happen
Club Officer Training
What makes a speaker stand out when they Stand up to speak
My guide to be a Comedian
August Meetings
President’s desk TM Thuraya Juma
What Makes a Leader?
What distinguishes great leaders from just good ones? Is it their IQ number or their technical skills such as business planning or their cognitive skills like analytical reasoning? or maybe their determination, toughness and vision? According to research by Daniel
self awareness, self regulation,
motivation, empathy and social
intelligence (EI): this doesn't mean
skill. In what follows we will give
addition to the above qualities has
characteristics the effective leader
emotional intelligence then that
should possess.
will enables him/her to maximize
Self-awareness—is the ability to
their own and their co-workers and
colleagues performance. Goleman
weaknesses, drives, values, goals
introduced the term "emotional
and their impact on others. The
intelligence" in his 1995 book with
leader is self-confident, honest with
himself and others. He is realistic in
components or skills for a person to
his self assessment and longing for
master in order to be
constructive criticism
irrelevant, but if the leader in
Self-regulation—is the ability to
He is an expert in attracting and
retaining talent and able to
emotions and mood in the right
develop others. In addition, he is
way. The leader thinks before
aware and sensitive to cross
acting. He is trustworthy and
cultural differences
comfortable with ambiguity and change.
Social skill—is the ability to build connection
Motivation— is the enjoyment of
others to move them in the
the achievement for its own sake,
desired directions. The leader is
not for money or status. The
an expert in building and leading
leader is passionate about the
teams. He is effective in leading
the change.
and He
for is
new always
determined to improve and learn
Dear fellow Toastmasters, each of
us had born with certain levels of
emotional intelligence skills. We
circumstances and optimism in
can strengthen these abilities
the face of failure.
through persistence, practice, and
feedback from colleagues, friends Empathy— understand
the other
or personal coaches.
feelings, especially when making decisions. The leader has skills in treating people according to their
emotional reaction.
TM Hannah Kranja
sn’t it exciting to be part of history as Team Manama Toastmasters makes
its debut in the Bahrain marathon relay? It is also exciting to see a good mix of veteran runners and newbies. For those who are training for the first time, remember to take it easy. As for the seasoned runners, you can go ahead and “run like you stole something”. Below are some quick helpful tips: Shoes
Nothing beats a good pair of
Once in a while, join other MTM
running shoes. They will prevent
members or other training partners
injuries and your feet will thank
for a jog/run. This way, you get a
you later.
chance to compare your aches and
PS: Don’t forget to
pains while at the same time
annoying when you have to stop
encouraging each other. In MTM,
half way through the race just to tie
you are never alone!
Mind the traffic: Some drivers don’t appreciate seeing runners taking up their space so keep off the roads and stay
Remember to run against the EAT!
traffic so you can spot the crazy
Don’t listen to the prophets of
drivers. If you spot a crazy driver,
doom who will tell you to diet
smile and wave. They might just
while training. Your body needs
be having a bad day.
to repair the tired muscles and skipping meals really takes the fun
remember to eat healthy and say good-bye to the fried foods. Fried foods leave you feeling
No rush
lethargic and make it hard to
Don’t be tempted to dash off
train. Also please don’t use the
running and don’t be tempted to
excuse that you are training to
stop running and collapse on the
eat more. It doesn’t work!
sofa. Always take a few moments to stretch before and after. Your body will thank you…
everywhere Remember
before, during and after your run. Without getting
Make your Doctor your
too technical, your body
best friend
needs to replace the fluids
If you suffer from diabetes,
that you loose through
disease, see your doctor
and your
needs the water to help
training. She/he will hug
carry blood to your vital
you for taking this step but
monitor your medication.
Lastly - Remember to smell the roses:
In a nut shell‌
"Enjoy your training, hydrate at every opportunity and don't eat like a pig!"
Our TM Ed Mleya and family in their 7 European country trip
ACB/ALB Claire Cosgrove
Let’s have an Elevator Speech Contest But not a full blown speech contest –but an in club event – 60 second prepared presentation selling ourselves to our club members. We always read that we should have an elevator pitch – Well, lets get one together and have a practice session and an in-house competition.
Any takers???
Elevator pitch in your back pocket – Polished and ready! Lets hit the button! And soar to the top floor!
What does it take to sell yourself in 60 seconds? You're in the elevator when the
Limited time in a closed environ to
hiring manager of your “Dream-
cram in a whole resume of work
Job� Corporation enters the very
same elevator.
your successes.
As the door slides shut, adrenaline
There's so much you want to say.
But your message must be crisp, begins to flow and while nausea in
clear, concise -
tailored and
your stomach reaches up to your
polished as a true craftsman.
throat. Throttled silent! Stunned
Handle this one opportunity right, and you will be the newest
like a deer in front of the
member of the Dream-Job team.
headlights. How do camels react to
What are you supposed to say?
headlights I wonder.
Why am I not prepared, practiced, perfection not in disguise.
You have 60 seconds, no 45 seconds, now 30 seconds. Only 15 seconds remain. Go on! Express your attributes and skills and expertise.
Let your
confidence exude. Stand tall. Speak clearly, concisely, compellingly.
Five tips to make your elevator pitch
attention grabber: "I can make any
the best tailored, most polished
boss shine." Who does not want to
shine? Describing the impact you've
achievements. Create that envy and Practice, practice, practice.
desire in your listener.
Very few of us can excel on demand and under pressure. Therefore, the
Ditch the royal ‘we’. A lot of us have
only solution is to practice your
been told not to toot our own
pitch - 100 times — literally. Know
horns. But the reality is: I want the
it, breathe it, sleep it, eat it. Get
job, I need the job, I am the one
comfortable with it. Practice not just
with all these talents and expertise.
the spoken words but tailor and
If I want to hear “You are hired” I
polish your body language.
need to speak “I”. Elevator pitches
Not all pitches occur in the elevator
are all about "I". You have to be sure
(lift) but down the hall, climbing the
stairs – now there is a tough one! In
the grocery queue or movie theatre
individual contributions with grace
popcorn line.
and dignity.
How will you give
your pitch in different situations?
Focus on impact. Kapow! Impact! Between the eyes! Wow factors multiply. All with total conviction. Here is one
comfortable with speaking about
Be slow and steady. Take that
See the whole world as an
deep breathe and think that this elevator. Too many of us looking
ride will go on forever. This is not a F1 track where you are to race
for jobs, contracts, deals tend to
at speeds beyond the speed of
save their elevator speeches for
hearing. Speak at a pace that job fairs and interviews. But be
truly reveals your calmness and confidence. Be thoughtful and
prepared, Give your elevator
deliberate. Sure of yourself and
pitch to everyone. You never
sure of the length of this know where your next position
elevator ride.
is coming from.
Perhaps you have other important pointers worth sharing with us all in preparation for our elevator speech contest!!!
July Meetings 06 July
13 July
20 July
27 July
Meeting No.
2421 Did you Know?
2422 Bright night
2423 Oxymorons
Master of Ceremonies
TM Waleed Noamaan
TM Chris Noronha
TM May Abdul Aziz
TM Kishore Babu
Best Speaker
TM Syed Ali Al-Wadaei
TM Ammar Jaffar
TM Kishore Babu
TM Khalid Amin
Best Evaluator
TM Khalid Amin
TM Waleed Noman
TM Manal AlMatrook
TM Asrar Merchant
TM Sheela Pai
TM Waleed Noman
Guest Siddiuq
Best Commentator
DTM Khalid Al-Quod
Meeting No. 2420 - 6 July 2013
MC of the evening TM Waleed Noaman
TM Khalid Amin receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Ali AlWadaei receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Khalid AlQuod receives best commentator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
Meeting No. 2421 - 13 July 2013
Did you Know?
MC of the evening TM Chris Noronha
TM Asrar Merchant receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Ammar Jaffar receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Sheela Pai receives best commentator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
Meeting No. 2422 - 20 July 2013
Bright Night
MC of the evening TM May Abdul Aziz
TM Manal Al-Matrook receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Kishore Babu receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Waleed Noman receives best commentator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
Meeting No. 2423 - 27 July 2013
MC of the evening TM Kishore Babu
TM Asrar Merchant receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Khalid Amin receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
Guest TM Siddiq receives best commentator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
Make it happen
TM Chris Noronha
AC - Entertaining Speaker (Project II) Resources for Entertainment The elevator to success is out of order.
You will have to use the staircase. One step at a time All of us have a dream. A goal that we set in our minds and we then try to do our best to achieve it.
Unfortunately the initial enthusiasm vanishes
soon like a piece of butter placed on a hot pan. We have to change our way of thinking, our way of reacting to different situations and believe in ourselves instead of doubting our abilities. Many times we fail in our objectives because we run away from something and this could be because of our past. Instead of RUNNING AWAY from something, we have to focus on RUNNING TOWARDS something. The only time RUNNING AWAY FROM SOMETHING works is when you are chased by a hungry dog. One of the richest and most powerful women in television, Oprah Winfrey grew up dirt poor and was repeatedly
molested by her male relatives.
She however, did not let her past define who she was or what she would become. She overcame all obstacles in her path and is now an important figurehead for women in America, a philanthropist donating millions of her own fortune for various charities all over the world. One of her most famous quotes is: It does not matter how you came into the world, what matters is that you are here. bad habits, we focus too much on the BAD than focusing on the GOOD. For example, when delivering a speech, the more you focus on getting rid of nervousness, the more nervous you become. Instead, you should focus on how you would feel if you deliver the speech successfully. Winston Churchill, had a stutter but he did not let that deter him from his mission. He consistently worked to overcome it and finally stated:
“My impediment is no hindrance� Being an optimist and believing that there are good things in store despite huge boulders in your path is a daunting task. Ever since I was a little girl, my mother would tell me how she left her home. You see she grew up in a small village but knew that she was destined for greater things. Her family was poor but because of fields, they always had food on their table and would share with the neighbors who had none. When proposals used to come for her, she would not settle for just anyone. She knew that there was something better out there for her. She used to cry
thinking better out there for her.
She used to cry
thinking that she would be all alone in the world but she had trust and faith in God. The minute she saw my dad when he came to see her, she knew that he was the one. She came to Bahrain and worked during the day and took classes at night. It cannot have been at all easy to come to Bahrain more than 50 years ago, leaving behind her country, family and friends, a stranger in a foreign land and being exposed to a totally different culture, but she worked hard, persevered and rose up to the challenge like a phoenix from the ashes and because of her, I am here today. Giving up is so easy. Focus on what you want to become rather than focusing on what you do not want to become. It is important to turn your wounds into wisdom. Remember that what God intended for you goes far beyond anything you can imagine.
As each day begins, dare to smile gratefully. When life seems to beat you down, dare to fight back. When times are tough, dare to be tougher. When you feel great, dare to help someone feel great too. When your life is through, dare to feel that you have done your best.
I dare you to make it happen!
TM Thuraya Juma
Club Officer Training The newly elected Excom of Manama Toastmasters Club attended the Club Officer Training (COT) which was held last June 2013 at Bahrain Society of Engineers in Juffair.
It was a very intensive and informative training which will help the new officers in their roles.
TM Rashid Maymoon
My guide to be a Comedian It is harder to make people laugh, then it is to make them cry. That is,
unless you have some special characteristics, or as Austin powers calls it, you have to have some “MOJO”. No1 on the list is your Family: Here I am not talking about the picture perfect, “Brady bunch” family, but talking about a family who when you are feeling sad or had a tough day are always ready and do anything they can to poke fun at you, a family that have given you an official name, but have hundreds of other nicknames for you (Rasheeeed, rash). In my case, my complex multi-cultural, multi-language family adds to all of this with the additional emotional drama, melodrama, with some bits of actions, all of this makes you so traumatized that you are bound to become a comedian. No 2 on my list is your own personal features: For being able to endure the rash criticisms that anyone faces, you have to have a thick skin, as you see, we the fat people have plenty of that, we can take lots of hits, and we are warm during winter.
One other personal attribute that I think helps is being tall, especially if you are a man. It doesn’t matter for men if they are fat or not. If you’re short, then your life gets worse, because (let us admit it ladies and gentlemen) being tall can be a very helpful tool, you can always look down on people, because literally you can, hence you can use it for jokes. Also, it makes sense that you have a good memory, which comes in handy in reminding people of their past embarrassing or funny moments. Use it as backup ammunition; you never know when you might use it in the future. No3 on my list is the “School”:
A person is never a great comedian until he has been really traumatized during school years. The taunting you receive in school is something that remains with you the whole of your life. Whenever some old teacher or classmate sees you and says I remember when you were playing football and fell down, hahaha, it was so funny, or I remember when you had a fight with Jassim, he really gave you a
beating, and don’t me get started on the nicknames, truly children say anything, and I mean anything.
No4 is friends: Bahrain is such a small island, that has people from all over the world, hence you have people from different places. It is really interesting when you have Indian and Pakistani friends, you get to eat great food at their house, but avoid them whenever India is playing Pakistan in cricket. Having different types of friends also means friends who have different likes and dislikes, one is a football fanatic, and one hates football but loves taunting the other when his team loses. One is liberal then one is conservative, these personalities and the contradiction that exists between them are very good material to use as a comic relief. In conclusion, I just want to say that this is my opinion of what I think shapes your comedic edges. This list however is incomplete because I have just gotten married for six months, so it is still an early stage for it to have any serious impact, but I certainly promise in future more can be added on that. Just remember all the things in life can make you something different (grumpy, isolated..etc), in order to be a comedian you have to see comedy in everything you do or go through.
August Meetings 17 August
24 August
31 August
Meeting No.
2424 Sports Night
2426 Famous Historical Speeches
2427 Tribute To Mohd Iqbal Butt RIP
Master of Ceremonies
TM Rashid Maymoon
TM Guraz Wankadia
TM Chris Noronha
TM Sheela Pai
Best Speaker
TM Chris Noronha
TM Hannah Karanja
TM Amal Al Safar
TM Kishore Babu
Best Evaluator
TM Claire Cosgrove
TM Sheela Pai
TM Waleed Noman
TM Manal Al Matrook
Best Commentator
TM Guraz Wankadia
TM Abdulrahman Awadhi
TM Thuraya Juma
TM Zakaria Sulaiman
03 August
Meeting No. 2424 - 3 August 2013
Sports Night
MC of the evening TM Rashid Maymoon
TM Chris Noronha receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Claire Cosgrove receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Guraz Wankadia receives best commentator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
Meeting No. 2425 - 6 July 2013
MC of the evening TM Guraz Wankadia
TM Sheela Pai receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Hannah Karanja receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Abdulrahman Awadhi receives best commentator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
Meeting No. 2426 - 24 August 2013
Famous Historical Speeches
MC of the evening TM Chris Noronha
TM Amal Al-Saffar receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Waleed Noman receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
President TM Thuraya Juma receives best commentator award from MC Chris Noronha
Meeting No. 2427 – 31 August 2013
MC of the evening TM Sheela Pai
TM Kishore Babu receives best speaker award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Manal Al-Matrook receives best evaluator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM Zakariya Suliman receives best commentator award from President TM Thuraya Juma
TM May Abdul Aziz receiving her ribbon for Successfully completing Competent Leader's manual Congrats TM May
TM Kishore Babu receiving Advanced Communicator Silver Certificate Congrats TM Kishore
Quiz master TM Sheela Pai and President TM Thuraya Juma resenting TM Manal AlMatrook her prize for winning the quiz session
Manama Toastmasters
Manama Toastmasters
Birthdays 4 July 2013: TM Sheela Pai 19 August 2013: DTM Joel Indrupati 31 August 2013: TM Rashid Maymoon
Wedding Anniversaries 14 July 2013: TM Ratinder Nath 2 August 2013: TM Zakariya Sulaiman 8 August 2013: TM May Abdul Aziz 10 August 2013: TM Monther Numan 24 August 2013: TM Abdul Rahman Al Awadhi
organization governed by a Board of Directors elected by the members.
The first Toastmasters club was established in 1924 in Santa Ana, California by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley who conceived and developed the idea of helping others to speak more effectively
Through its member clubs Toastmasters International with over 292,000 members attending one of 14,350 clubs in 122 countries
communication and leadership skills.
Toastmasters International Headquarters are located in Rancho Santa Margarita, California. Visit www.toastmasters.org for more information.
Manama Toastmasters
Manama Toastmasters Club established in 1964, is the oldest in the Middle East. Our club is registered under the Ministry of Social Development (reg. no.74/C/C) and is affiliated to Toastmasters International. Our mission is to provide a mutually supportive and positive environment in which every member has the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills which, in turn, foster self-confidence and personal growth.
Meetings: When? Every Saturday What time? 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Where? At the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Visit www.manamatoastmasters.org for more information. Contact: Vice President Public Relations: Rashed Ahmed Maymoon +973-39612914/ +973-32228575 therk3@gmail.com
Manama Toastmasters
TM Thuraya Juma President
TM Laxman Rathore VP Education
TM Rashid Maymoon VP Public Relations
TM Amina Al-Hajri Secretary
TM Prashanth Gudibande Sergeant at Arms
TM May Abdul Aziz VP Membership
TM Asrar Merchant Treasurer