4 minute read
Winston K Pendleton, of Windermere, Florida, will present a one-hour workshop entitled "Le t Humo r Ad d The Spark" at the Region VIII conference in Orlando June 19
Mr Pendleton is no stranger to Toastmasters He was the keynote speaker for the Internatinal convention in Cleveland in 1969 and conducted a workshop o n humor at the District 4 7 meeting in St. Petersburg in 1971 currently a member of the S.M. Chanticleers Club 62 2 in Portland
He is one of the to p humorous speakers in America and is a regular contributor to TOASTMASTE R Magazine.
A community-minded citizen, the 48-year old Scott does not confine his outside activities to Toastmasters
He is currently Vice-President of the Oregon Society of CPAs, VicePresident of the Board of Trustees for the Boys Clubs of Portland, and is Past President of a local Kiwanis Club
Mr Scott is a partner in the firm of Niemi, Holland and Scott in Portland He and his wife, Elaine, have five children and one grandchild.
Terrence J . McCann
Executive Director, TMI
Terrence J McCann is a member of the Smedley No 1 Toastmasters Club As Executive Director of TMI he directs the World Headquarters staff in Santa Ana. California, and oversees the operations of more than 3,000 clubs with 60,000 members in the United States, Canada an d 4 0 other countries.
Pendleton has also written tw o books about humor: 212 1 FUNN Y STORIES AN D HO W T O TEL L THEM , an d HO W T O WI N YOU R AUDIENC E WIT H HUMOR . Another book is scheduled for publication in 1977
During the workshop, he will talk about the use of humor in public speaking, giving us some worthwhile tips based o n his many years of experience in the field of speaking and writing
Mr McCann comes to Toastmasters International after a career in business an d service associations, including Lions International, the Supermarket Institute of Chicago, Knox Reeves Advertiing, and the U S. Jaycees
He received a B.S.C in business administration from the University of Iowa and a M.B.A. in marketing from Loyola University in Chicago H e is a three-time national freestyle champion in wrestling and won a coveted gold medal at the 1960 Olympics in Rome
McCann and his wife, Lucille, have seven children and live in Dana Point, California, (continued on pg. 5)
Dignitaries to Speak continued
Charles S. Allen International Director
Charles S Allen, DTM became a member of Toastmasters International's Board of Directors at the Golden Anniversary Convention in Anaheim, California August, 1974.
Mr Allen is Chief of the Photographic Division of George C Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama A member of Redstone Club 1932 in Huntsville, he has held several district offices and was governor of District 48, which includes Central and Northern Alabama, in 1971-72
He received his education at the University of Oklahoma and at the Universityof Iowa. Mr. Allen is active in the Huntsville Press Club, the BSA Troop Committee, and was president of a Toastmasters Top Ten club
He and his wife. Mary, have five children and live in Huntsville
P. Gregory McCarthy International
P Gregory McCarthy, DTM , became a member of Toastmasters International's Board of Directors during the 44th Annual Convention in Washington, D.C August, 1975
Mr McCarthy is a member of the Augusta Club 326 in Augusta, Georgia. He has served Toastmasters as club president, educational vicepresident, secretary, area governor, educational lieutenant governor, and District 14 Governor.
Mr McCarthy has many outside activities, including membership in the American Institute of Chemical Engineering, the American Nuclear Society, Elks, the Exchange Club of North Augusta, the Hammon d Hills Surbaban Club, and Junior Achievement
A Shift Supervisor for E.I DuPont de Nemours, & Co., he has a daughter and lives in North Augusta, South Carolina
John F. Diaz
Past International President
John F Diaz DTM of Houston, Texas, was president of Toastmasters International in 1974-75 A Toastmaster for 19 years, Mr. Diaz has an impressive record in TMI , ranging from his club-level activities to his greatest achievement as International President.
A former First Lieutenant with the United States Air Force Mr Diaz was born in Richfield Park, New Jersey, and received his B.S in Industrial Engineering from Syracuse University He also completed graduate courses in law at Ohio State University He is a member of Tau Beta Pi Alpha Pi Mu Theta Tau and Delta Tau Delta
Mr Diaz is well known to many District 47 Toastmasterss A past president of the Harbor City club 3042 in Melbourne, he was District 47 Governor in 1965-66, Outstanding Area Governor of District 47 in 1964, and received an honorary life membership from Radiation T M Club 1423
He and his wife, Sharon, are the parents of two children, Lora and John Marshall
Ed Wycoff
Those who attended the educational session at the May convention in Daytona Beach already know what a treat they have in store when humorist Ed. Wycoff offers a repeat performance at the Regional Conference
Wycoff has a master's degree in business administration and a Ph.D in communications He is currently teaching humor as an art of communication and self-understanding at Florida Technological University in Orlando
For nine years, he travelled the country with a program he wrote entitled Ho w Not to Qommunicatg delivering and refining the program, which he describes as a lecture-comedy He has also twice been a Regional Humorist Speech Contest winner
As a teacher, Wycoff has been quoted as saying that his objective is not to teach his students the style and history of comedians and comedy, but to impart an understanding of human nature, improve their ability to communicate and encourage creativity
This, he does well