6 minute read
(Continued from Page 4) wells by Bernice and Sherly R Dun n visibly touched the large hall Past International Director Wi n Chesley (of our District 47) quickly installed the District officers The awards presentation, begun earlier at the D G Luncheon was completed Door prizes were distributed, and Dick Wood, DTM , closed the banquet and the Summer Convention
If there were ever a good omen, the Summer Convention was like a star shooting above the coming year of our District, portending the best year ever Many thanks go to Convention Chairman, Bernard Key ATM ; Treasurer, Bob Feilder; Registration Chairman, Mike Cooper; Program Planning Chairman, Richard Bashaw, ATM ; Seating and Table Arrangement, Facilities, and Golf and Tennis Chairman, Bob Martin, ATM ; Entertainment Chairman, Steve Kakook; Publicity Chairman, Greg Prince and Convention Coordinator, George Veltman, DT M and LGA
Executive Committee Meeting
The Executive Committee Meeting got off to a fast start and a well-timed end D G Dave Meeks presided over the informal meeting covering an organized agenda Al l who had reports to give were prepared Though the mien of the group was serious, there was much fu n and laughter General highlights of this May 22 meeting can be summed up briefly First, i t is apparent that the District administration intends to see results — jobs are going to be accomplished Secondly, no one Toastmaster in any office or chairmanship is expected to "do everything." The concept of delegation of duties was reiterated to be a fundamental aspect of leadership Thirdly, the Area and Division organization should be patterned after the District organization Items of interest were the announcement of the birth of Twilight Club No. 1669 wit h twenty-two members, and that Speechcraft can now be given away from the clubs There wil l be a number of awards this year from the first 100% Sunshiner Area to the first Division wit h completely submitted Club Officers' Lists
The surroundings and the people made for a very fine afternoon at the Carlton House Though the coffee was expensive, all else was excellent
District Editor
LGA Report District 47 Is Alive And Well
The giant is not sleeping Although the past few months have harbored so-called lame ducks elsewhere, this is not the case in District 47 I t has been amazing to see not only Area Governors, Lieutenant Governors, and other officers and chairmen still functional, but also incoming officers who are actively developing plans for even better Toastmastering
A new tragedy almost ruined plans for a Distinguished District 47 in 1977. O n June 24 your LGA-elect was mugged and robbed of all the training material received at the Orlando Regional Convention District 47 Toastmasters, do not fear! Your District officers are prepared New material is being produced for presentation now
TM I has increased some of our goals for the upcoming year, while others remain the same So as to hold to all promises, our goals wil l be realistic N o one wil l ever forget that 1976 was truly a great year for our District But wit h the enthusiasm some are showing already, there is no doubt that we are going to be outstanding in 1977
No task was ever effectively achieved without teamwork. This is my challenge to you for the coming year — look at our goals; then set your own goals and involve other Toastmasters who can help to accomplish them I already know of two men looking toward their DTM's and see that teamwork wil l enable them to reap that honorable treasure Remember, if you need some help, ask someone because he might just be waiting for the opportunity
George Veltman, DT M LG A District 47
Building The East
wish to thank each of you for your support i n my bi d for Lieutenant Governor of the Eastern Division I n the transition period from Area Governor to Lieutenant Governor, I must extend my personal thanks to Gene Lease for imparting to me a wealth of knowledge that indubitably wil l help our Eastern Division to do as well as it di d last year if not better! (We refuse to retire Gene this year and expect his good works and ideas to continue.)
I hope that our Area Governors promote critic speaker exchanges — not only between clubs, but between areas.
wil l continue to use the ideas formu-
(Continued from Page 1)
Mandy, 14 and 10 respectively, were born in Delaware
David joined Toastmasters in May, 1970 and has held all club offices, including his service several times as President of his club, Jose Gaspar Toastmasters Club No 3668 He was Governor of Area 6 during 1972-73, finishing second for Outstanding Area Governor He was elected Lieutenant Governor of the Western Division for the 1973-74 year and was awarded the Outstanding Lieutenant Governor's Trophy He cosponsored two clubs i n the Western Division: Stonewall Toastmasters at Sumter Correctional Institute and Brandon Toastmasters
Dave has been named an Outstanding Toastmaster for Area 6 and for the Western Division He has held many other offices including Publicity Chairman and Speakers' Bureau Chairman, both i n the Western Division I n 1974-75, he received the "Mr Enthusiasm" award in District 47 while serving i n the capacity of District Secretary He received his AT M Certificate No 1997 i n April, 1973 Elected Lieutenant Governor for Education for the 1975-76 season, he received his Distinguished Toastmasters Certificate No 395 in May, 1975 Davi d Meeks, our new District Governor, having been elected for the 1976-77 term, is a tireless worker for Toastmasters Truly he is one of the outstanding men in a long line of capable and qualified leaders to be developed within District 47 lated last year that were found to work, and recommend that each of our Area Governors try them When the Area Governor's package was left wit h the company official for his study, it produced results One new idea has been to offer to other organizations a mini-Toastmaster program I n this program we plan a twenty-five minute agenda, complete wit h Toastmaster, Topicsmaster and two speakers and evaluators The speakers are preferably a combination of a polished and a newer sp.eaker Table topics are selected to alternate from Toastmasters to members of the organization. A member of the organization is the A h Counter This program always makes us look good in comparison, and it is a member builder We have offered this program through the Chamber of Commerce, and are already committed for two during the coming month Scott Leeds, DT M
Words From The West
"The worth of a man is measured by his commitments." — Anonymous
As we begin a new administrative year in Toastmasters, i t is fitting that we should all review what has been accomplished and plan for the time ahead For time is truly our most precious resource, and the allocation of our given span of time is something that indeed should be planned wisely
The Western Division has accomplished much in the past year — partly to the leadership that has carried us forward But the credit for the records we have set rightly belongs to the individual Toastmaster I f each and every member is committed to the Toastmaster program there is no way that the Club, Area, Division, and District can help but excel — and therein lies the key The strength or weakness of the club depends on the strength or weakness of the individual member Your Club, your Area, your Division and District can be and will be exactly what you as a club member make it cannot make the West great nor can the able Area Governors who I' m sure wil l be in there pitching to make it so. Only you by your dedication and commitment can do it!
So in this bicentennial year I only ask one thing of each and everyone of you This moment make a commitment to yourself and to your club — to be as dedicated to self-improvement as our forefathers were to the establishment of this land of freedom we all enjoy. Be an AT M — and by that I mean ACTIV E TOASTMASTER Partake fully of all that Toastmasters has to offer you — not only on the club level but at Area,
Division and District functions There is an old saying that you only get from any endeavor what you are willing to give to it — and nowhere is that more true than in Toastmasters
We belong to an organization in which we can justly feel much pride — and I know all of you are as proud of the Western Division as I am The past has been great! Let me help you realize an ever greater future
Dick Wood, DT M