6 minute read
Who wil l represent the East in the Eastern Division Humorous Speech Contest? This wil l be discovered on the 25th of September The five contestants are:
Area 5 — Arnold Howell
Area 9 — John Ellis
Area 11 — Jack Lewis
Area 16 — A l Janoski
Area 21 — Aldo Vivoni
Be sure of one thing — the winner wil l be very good It's been a tough race to get this far. Even the second place winners have been good i n the contests
Over 50 Toastmasters and guests of Tallahassee's 4 Toastmasters Clubs were treated to 4 very funny speeches by John Lowther, Jon Whitney, Ernest Fillyau, and Clyde Levingston to the Area 15 Annual Humorous Speech Contest Toastmaster Fillyau, President of the 7-Hills Toastmasters Club at Florida
A& M University was the winner of the gala affair at the Capitol In n on Saturday evening, August 28 The subject of Ernest's speech was, "Integration, From a Humorous Point of View." The first place trophy was presented by LGN D Matt McKoy, DTM
On Saturday, August 28 at the beautiful Riverside Hilton In n Downtown Tampa, the Area 6 Humorous Speech contest was held There were nearly 60 Toastmasters and friends i n attendance The participants were: Chris Jones, Stonewall T M Club; Jack Boldrick, DTM , Tampa T M Club; Sonny Dixon, Jose Gaspar T M Club; Kieth Waller, Tampa Noonshiners T M Club Sonny Dixon was the winner wit h his speech entitled, "An d Now a Wor d from Our Sponsor." Runnerup was Jack Boldrick, DTM The Toastmaster of the evening was John Morse of the Tampa Club Notables in attendance included Dave Meeks, District 47 Governor, and his wife Wilma Area Governor6 Kenneth Clinton, ATM , and his wife Barbara were present too
Area Governors and Club Presidents: This is T I Month (for the next 3 months) Proclaim it wit h honor throughout the land and at club meetings Get Proclamations from public officials i n your areas
There are 2 last minute additions to the SUNSHINE R 100% Subscription Clubs. Stonewall T M Club No. 837 and Jacksonville T M Club No 297 are now 100% Apologies are due to the Merritt Island T M Club No 2537 — you have been 100% all along unbeknownst to the editor
Anyone deserving the SUNSHINE R who is not getting it should make efforts to contact Dave Meeks or Tom Guth by mail or at the convention, so as to correct the situation
Finally — if you are looking for the LGN D Report or the LG E Report in this issue, we are sorry to announce that at press time, none were received Articles of educational import wil l be used instead
Ernest L Fillyau, Area 15 Humorous Speech Contest Winner
Good Toastmastering In Clearwater
Congratulations to Clearwater T M Club No 3087! A t the end of August forty-five Speechcrafters graduated from an especially fine program But they of that club do not intend to stop there Withi n the next two weeks the first of two Youth Leadership Programs at the Lady of Lord's School wil l be started and sponsored When i t ends, then the second one wil l begin Such activity is what we mean when we say, "That's good Toastmastering," a phrase that is being properly used again and again this year
Quote For Meditation
Enthusiasm is a telescope that yanks the misty, distant future into the radient, tangible present. — Anonymous
Emmett A Clary, DTM
Profile Of Emmett A. Clary
"A true friend is someone who can make us do what we can," said Emerson in the years of our ancestors Yet, i n these modern times such words can best describe one of the many outstanding qualities of Emmett A Clary, a Toastmaster who has influenced the lives of many i n many positive ways Over the years he has actively pursued the helping of those around him
Emmett Clary is a Past President, Past EVP, Secretary, and Treasurer of the St Petersburg T M Club No 2284 of which he has been a member for over 14 years He is the founder, Past President, EVP, and AVP of Tampa Noonshiners T M Club No 3909 Furthermore he served as Treasurer of the club He assisted i n the founding of T M Clubs No 3200 and No 837 Presently Emmett is an active member of two clubs
Emmett Clary, DTM , has also been Area 6 Governor, and Assistant Area Governor for Area 18. A Past LGWD , LGA, and LGE , he is presently the Public Relations Chairman for District 47 I n 1972 this Distinguished Toastmaster was the Convention Chairman for the Winter Convention which was held in Tampa Of course, many other times he had served on convention committees His involvement i n all levels of District 47 offices and functions has been complemented by his faithful attendance at 6 International Conventions, 5 Regional Conventions, and even the Winter Executive Meeting i n Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for District 38
As previously mentioned Emmett Clary is a Distinguished Toastmaster, having received his Certificate Number 88 This is the highest achievement that Toastmasters bestows upon worthy recipients such as Emmett He finished the C& L manuals three separate times!
The Reading Program was completed four times After he received the DTM , he didn't stop his learning and completed the AT M again!
Emmett Clary, DTM , has been honored on many occasions for his leadership i n Toastmasters I n 1970 his club, Tampa Toastmasters named him as the Outstanding Toastmaster He was named the 1975 District 47 Outstanding Chairman for his chairing the Membership Committee H e has gotten the Distinguished Area Governor's Award I n 1972 he received Toastmasters "Key Man " Award for introducing 5 new members to Toastmasters He was also named as a "sponsor" for bringing i n 3 members during that same year I n total, 1972 saw Emmett Clary bring in 19 new members! I n 1973, he got the "Key Man" Award again His pace in increasing membership has not slowed As of August of this year, 7 new members have been sponsored
While Area Governor for Area 6 and Assistant Area Governor for Area 18, Emmett Clary increased membership His hard work i n those areas was demonstrated because 2 clubs were saved from disaster and because he made up all the club's Per Capitas His clubs in both areas had bulletins, and he published an Area Bulletin
Happily married to Jo, Emmett and she have raised three fine children Barbara is the oldest, 19 Then comes Michael, 17, and Susan, who is 10 Emmett Clary, DTM , is the Director of the Ybor City Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the St Petersburg Elks Club and the Lehigh University Alumnae Association He is a rare man, one who truly is a real friend to Toastmasters and many others by October 10 Clubs
October 15-17 by October 31 by November 15 by November 30
Q — What will happen if I claim points and do not document/substantiate them? A — The District can not allow the points
Q — How should I organize my DCP Documents? A — Submit the completed 18-page DCP separate from the documenting/substantiating (i.e backup) material D o not meld the 18-page DC P i n wit h the backup material
Q — How should 1 reference the backup material in the DCP? A — Each entry i n the 18 page DC P should reference the section and page number i n the backup material where the documentation/substantiation for that item is found
Q — How do I page number the backup material? A — The backup material for each section of the DC P should be page numbered wit h the section number followed by consecutive arabic numerals starting wit h "1. " Eg., you claim 15 points for "Annual Club Budget formerly approved by club" (Item III- A under Financial) Let's say the club minutes for July 10, 1976, has that item shown as being approved wit h a copy of the Budget Attached. Let's further say that the minutes for that meeting is filed i n the Secretary's DC P Backup Section I I as page 11-32 Then the Treasurer simply notes in his item III-A : "REF 11-32."
Q — When will the 1976 DCP be collected by the District? A — A t any time between February 1 and April 1, 1977, the DCP wil l be collected by the District Due to the fact that there is simply no time for the District's DC P committee to evaluate DCP's submitted at the Spring Convention, they wil l not be accepted then
Deadline for submitting Per Capita Reports to Tl and to the District Governor
All Areas Clubs Areas Areas Clubs
Fall District Council Meeting in Jacksonville Beach at the Ramada Inn
AG hold Area Council Meetings
Clubs hold Advanced Speech Contest
AG submit Club Assistance Reports to Tl and DG
Hold Advanced Speech Contest
Nominate and elect club officers
Review and update DCP