19 minute read


Two significant mailings are being made to allclubs inNovember from TI The 1977 Speech Contest Rules andthe 1977 Distinguished Club Plan will comprise the first mailing, and should be given to allnewofficers that are to be elected to take office in January Later in themonth theclub officer kits will be mailed to theclub presidents of record The person receiving thekit should distribute the manuals to the appropriate persons The kit includes two Club Officer manuals, Patterns in Programming manual, TISupply Catalogue,and a TI Directory

As a reminder to allclubs, now is the time to begin finalization of your 1976 DCP's Upon therecommendation of the District Executive Council, clubs are urged toturn intheir 1976 DCP's at the January convention inOrlando Deadline for mailing to the DCP Chairman is April 1,1977 Results will be announced at the May Convention as to the top club in the District

All clubs are encouraged to submit their 1976 DCP's to Chairman Dick Battin atthe January District Conference Remember the final mailing deadline is April 1.Start your 1977DCP onJanuary 1, 1977, as a Blueprint foranother successful club year

Please be advised that if a club requests reinstatement after being inactive for one complete semiannul report period, there isareinstatement feeof$25.00 plus per capita dues Also, clubs that have been inactive for two ormore semi- by November 15 by November 30 by December 11 by Decembr 18 by December 31 by December 31 annual periods aredropped and required to reorganize as would a new club


TM Club #3299 is no longer the Fashion Club It is nowthe Deerfield Beach Club.

TM Club #3001 isnow Friendly TM Club

TM Club #1980 in Area 12 is now the Orange Park TM Club


Bob Martin of Ft Myers has been working on his DTM byputting together YLP's His club hasbeen doing aSpeechcraft too Fellow member Bernie Key (also with Club #2938) has been working on other YLPandSpeechcraft,too Bernie whohas his ATM, is working closely with the 2938 Toastmasters because it is a distressed club Ft Myers Lunchbreak Toastmasters had discontinued regular meetings, but are hopefully getting back in the swing again (Continued on Page 7)


Areas AG hold Area Council Meetings

Areas Hold Advanced Speech Contest

Clubs Nominate and elect club officers

Review and update Distinguished Club Plan

Division Northern Division Advanced Speech Contest

Division Southern Division Advanced Speech Contest

Division Eastern Division Advanced Speech Contest

Areas AG hold Area Council Meetings

Clubs Installation of New Officers

The Magic Of Goal Setting

by Ken Oliver, President North Miami Beach TM Club No. 3840

When I took office in January, 1976, decided that the first step a goodpresident should make should be to set some hard, but realistic goals A club or any organization without goals is somewhat like a traveler or vacationer knowing he would like to go somewhere, but starting off on the highway not knowing where he will end up! One goal that my cub has set is to increase membership to that magic number of forty

Early in this year, we had a good nucleus of staid long-timemembers; but, unfortunately, a few of these were content to some to every other meeting or so—content to soak up the benefits of Toastmasters and content to see the same faces every meeting Even though strongly urged these few to invite guests to every meeting, it was seldom that anyone did But then things changed AVP Bob Freemont outlined a plan of action Also, Past LGSD Scott Hoehn joined the club and led in the example of bringing guests AG Bill Derr visited us almost every meeting, contributing immeasurably with his total enthusiasm. Then Thane Cornell became the AVP, and inmid-May he came to me with an idea! He proposed that our club invite 60 students in a consciousness course to our meetin Because the number was unwieldly, the group was invited to our meeting but in three equal segments, each one to go to a particular meeting The members who were to lead the meetings were carefully selected The first of these was held on June 1—the turnout was so big that the meeting room partitions had to be moved in order to accommodate everyone! We ran out of applications that night

By August 3 we had to move to the New England Oyster House because we were up to 32 members Rocky Graziano's was now too small to handle us

The point is this—our club has become a strong one, and other clubs can be strong too Set your goals, work to achieve them, and utilize the talent you have in your clubs Remember—fellow Presidents, there is something "magical" about goal setting; incidentally, doesn't it also seem that picking the right person to do the job might have some influence on the end result?


by AG-9 Val Croskey


Q, How are you to handle the club's participation in Division activities?

A. Treat the Division-levelactivity as you do Area Activities Record your points in Section 1 (Executive Committee), paragraph D (Area Participation) Don't forget to record names/dates in your minutes or include a roster or other affidavit in order to substantiate your claim

Q. Do clubs have to send supporting material with the DCP to the District?

A. Yes!

Q. Do clubs have to send their DCP through the Area/Division to the District?

A. Only if the AG/Division LG so directs clubs to do so

If you have questions about the DCP you can write or call Richard B Battin at 1555 Saturn Street, Merritt Island, Florida 32952 Home: 305-452-3854 — work: 305-867-7283

Quote For The Day

7 will be a man among men; and no longer a dreamer among shadows. Henceforth be mine a life of action and reality! I will work in my own sphere, nor wish it other than it is. This alone is health and happiness.


An Open Letter From Bernard Key, DTM D-47 Speakers Bureau Chairman

Dear Toastmaster:

Each day I eagerly await the arrival of the mail In anticipation that somewhere in District 47 someone will remember that there is a District Speakers Bureau Chairman

Even Maytag washers malfunction occasionally I believe I am lonlier than the Maytag repair man Very few people write to me My job has been an easy one In July and all the way through October I have recorded only 52 speeches for the entire District Only 12 clubs have reported speeches!

It is the responsibilityof the President and EVP to have the Club Speakers Bureau Chairman record all outside speaking engagements and forward this information to your AG and to me Remember to keep a copy for your club files If your AG is functioning properly he is very busy Don't ask him to do your job too!

Speakers Bureau offers you the opportunity to spread the word about Toastmasters! I challenge all speakers and presidents to try to overload your District Speakers Bureau Chairman with reports for the balance of this year I'll do my job!

Bernie Key, DTM

DG Dave Meeks, DTM DG Report

Are You Executing Well?

Fall is here; everyone has been back from vacation for some time; the October per capita's have been paid If your club is to grow and have a goodprogram it should be doing it now Take a look at your clubs—are you operating within "Patterns and Programming?" Are you using your DCP's? Do you have monthly executive and sub-committee meetings?

If you are, you're probably growing and are able to attract new members—and to hold onto the older members, too.

If you do not have a DCP go ahead and order one from International Set up your programs in advance It's easy to invite guests to your meeting The only way guests will join is if they are impressed with the way you execute your meetings If you do not have adequate planning and prior preparation, you cannot execute, cannot gain new members, and will be unable to grow and prosper as a Toastmasters Club should

The average club membership internationally is 17 If you have less than 17 members, youmust make a special effort

Is your EVP callingthe Toastmaster five nights before each meeting to make sure he is working on the program? Is the Toastmaster calling his speakers twice— once five nights in advance, and the second time the night before the speech in order to obtain introductory information? The Toastmaster must prepare in advance, just as the speakers have to

Is the general evaluator calling his evaluators and his helpers at least twonights before meeting-time?

This is what it takes to have a wellexecuted meeting Any deviation from this policy will cause you to organize the meeting on the same evening that it is supposed to take place The guests will see rank confusion and will not come back So, I repeat—take your own measure and look at yourself. Are you growing? Are you executing well? If you are, you're doing the the things Toastmasters Internatonal and good Toast mastering call for If not, you better regroup, have an executive committee meeting, and make firm plans for the future


1) Administrative Vice President (AVP) handles entire procedure

2) AVP asks each Toastmaster for 5 names, addresses and phone numbers

3) AVP mimeograph or copies 5 times the number of members of sample copy No. 1* blank spaces are for names, phone numbers, Toatmaster clubs, date, time, place* club member, Toastmaster phoning, club number, name of club and AVP signing letter

4) AVP types in all blank spaces for all members of his club

5) AVP orders stuffers for total mailing

6) AVP peronally hands each member 5 letters and 5 stuffers

7) ACP asks member Toastmastr to a) Invite by mailing one new prospective member one week in advance the first name on his list of five b) be sure he calls prospective member to arrange to escort new member to meeting c) AVP — at meeting — follows up to see that each Toastmaster is doing his job d) Club to have one or two sessions of table topics as to the result of phone calls to prospective members

8) This plan has been tried and will work! It definitely needs "Follow Up"! There will be more in next month's SUNSHINER concerning the complete rules and money prizes

LGE Report

New Club Officers Function and Duties

by LGE FloydSeweU, DTM

One of the finest leadership training periods one can undertake in Toastmastering is that a being a club officer Below are listed those offices now open at the club level with corresponding function and duties


Function: The President is to be thoroughly familiar with the club Constitution and Standard By-Laws, and the manual of "Chairman." How to run a meeting and parliamentary procedure

Duties: The President presides over all meetings of the club He call the Exective Committee meetings at least once a month and presides over them He appoints all standing committees and is an ex-officio member of them. He insists on regular reports from all active committees Furthermore, he oversees the Educational Committee which prepares the programs and speakers at least one month in advance He promotes membership and attendance through the (Continued on Page 6)

Is The Back Door Locked?

What a bunch of charged up Toastmasters we have in D-47! It is increasingly evident they are sharing their ideas and labor each day Energentic men and women are saying, "Hey, have you heard what Toastmasters has to offer you?" to non-Toastmasters.

As LGA it is my duty to maintain the membership of D-47 just like it is the obligaton of the AVP to perform this function on the club level Did you notice that I said maintain? As Toastmasters we don't really seem to have a problem bringing in new members The first three months of the year saw 250 new members added to our ranks But, what exactly is the true increase in the District? How many clubs opened the front door for a new member while letting 2 members out the backdoor?

We are looking for a net increase of 200 Toastmasters this year For the 250 members that are new, there have been 235 who departed Thus our net gain is a mere 15

Websters defines maintain as "to keep in proper order, perpetuate." Let's think

(Continued on Page 8)

Dedicated To Those Who Say The West Is Best

by Maxine Leeds

"The West is Best"

And we've heard all the rest; But as you can see The East is not Least. We aren't dying—don't call a priest

We've our Leases, Buchans, and Savilles, Our Burgays and Righters: Who never drop the gavels

New people like Feller, Moynton, Haddod, and Cook who want to See us grow by more than a brook

Five Area Governors are working all the time:

I'd mention their names but they don't rhyme

We've got Lewis, Fuscalro, Batton and Carrol North, South, and West: We've got you over a barrel!

At the end of the year when we choose the best, The West will be behind like all the rest


FOR: "DONE A GOOD JOB" AND "DID A GOOD JOB" fine effort valuable input excellent contribution worthy of praise highly constructive superbly planned very effective exceeded assignment well organized successfully completed professionally executed deserved high marks in very good taste smooth and orderly well above average deserving merit informative - beneficial

Words From The West

by Dick Wood,DTM,LGWD

"The tongue is the Pen of the Heart."

—Bahya ibn Paquda

Congratulations to the Jacksonville District Convention Committee for a job well done! Those Toastmasters who missed this experience of "learning in moments of pleasure" denied themselves a real opportunity to increase their knowledge and enjoy themselves while doing it I firmly believe in the club as the basis and foundation for Toastmastering It is not however "all there is." There are Area, Division, and District functions that are organized expressly for the purpose of furthering and broadening the experience of every Toastmaster in the District If our members do not avail themselves of these contests and conventions, then it is a loss not only to the District but primarily to the individual Toastmaster

Evaluation is one of the hallmarks of Toastmastering that sets it apart from any other organization. Evaluation is by definition Constructive Criticism and the evaluator shouldtreat this assignment with the seriousness this it deserves It is a sad fact that some members have been discouraged and lost to the club through inept evaluations An evaluator should never "whitewash" because such an evaluation is useless to the speaker Just as it is true that no one does everything right it is equally true that no one dees everything wrong; therefore, no evaluation of both strong and weak points of delivery can always be given Always keep in mind that an evaluator is primarily concerned with delivery of a speech and not in content Apply the Golden Rule to your evaluation and you will never go wrong

As we approach the Thanksgiving season of this our Bicentennial year let us give thanks that we still live in a country that cherishes freedom of speech and that we are part of an organization dedicated to the better exercise of that freedom

Meet Your New LGND Frank Tillman

It has been said that "men grow by having responsibility laid upon them, the burden of other people's business." LGND Frank Tillman has grown, receiving friendship and respect from people around him because he has lived fully like those about whom President Wilson spoke

Frank was born and rasied on a farm near Gainesville, Florida He joined the U.S Navy in 1943 just before his eighteenth birthday While he was in the service, he completed his high school and went on to take courses from Long Island Universityand from Florida State

In 1945 Ann entered his life The next year witnessed his marriage to this former New Yorker who has devoted her industry in many ways, including in the raising of their four children—not that they are children anymore! One goes to Flagler Colege, the other to the University of Miami in Florida; in the meantime the two youngest are in high school

On October 4, 1966 Frank retiredfrom the Navy Eighteen days later Ann and he celebrated theirThirtiethAnniversary

Now Frank is self-employed as the principle owner of the Duval Equipment Co Inc of Jacksonville For the last three years he has been safeguarding his future But work does not serve as his main interest in life For quite a while he has been active in the Oak Harbor Civic Association—in fact he formed it! Instrumental in his community's acquisition of its fire station, he found and convinced a local to donate the land.

Frank has always enjoyed being around and working with children In 1967 he was a candidate for the school board He is still active in school affairs

A member of the Bold City Challengers, Frank has been in Toastmasters for nearly five years Presently he is the Treasurer, and in the past, he served as President The club was about to fold

(Continued on Page 6)

LGND Report

(Continued from Page 5) at that time, but his leadership was a significant factor in his club's growth Last month he headed the Registration Desk at the Fall Convention Also he chaired the Breakfast and Luncheon

Frank's goals as Lieutenant Governor for the Northern Division are to get the Division up to the enthusiastic level that has been its trademark; to increase club memberships; and to function in the best ways which would enable him and his staff to "iron out the wrinkles" so as to have a well runoffice Frank feels that by showing clubs the need to dissolve cliquishness, they would be better able to retain the newer members who so often get to feeling as if they do not fit into such clubs that are little cliques of older members With these goals in mind, Frank Tillman would like to demonstrate that he can functionas chief officer of his Division with good success Next year he wants to earn the votes to elect him into the offce of LGND which he had been appointed to last month

LGE Report

(Continued from Page 4) utilization of TI Ancillary Programs He coordinates the cllub's use of the DCP at committee meetings and, of course, attends and participates in Area, Division, and D-47 meetings


Function: The EVP is the club's head in the preparaton of either four, six, or twelve month long Educational Program Schedule

Duties: The EVP sees that club officers and members are continually improving their skills He is responsible for the semiannual counselling of all club members in regard to satisfying their expressed needs in Toastmastering It is his job to insure that the programs are exciting and educational, and prepared in advance. He promotes member progress and TI Ancillary programs, establishes new member training procedures and schedules He manages club speech contests, and attends and participates in area, division, and District 47 meetings


Function: The AVP is the club's salesman promoting the benefits of the Toastmasters program; he is the Recruiter

Duties: The AVP adopts or creates and administers a continuous plan for increasing membership and attendance He arranges and performs induction ceremonies for new members He contacts any member who is absent for three consecutive meetings He is responsible for establishing a procedure for club approval of an application for membership He uses imagination and inguinity in public relations for the club


Function: The Secretary writes the minutes of all club meetings and executive committee meeetings, maintaining a running record which constitutes backup material for the club DCP and a history of the club

Duties: The Secretary each quarter prepares an up-to-date club roster, and maintains minutes of every club meeting and monthly executive committee meeting, utilizing forms # 1503 and # 1504 He reports all new, transferred, or reinstated members to TI on form # 400 with the proper remittance He forwards to the SUNSHINER Editor the proper subscription rate and name/address of the member. He prepares the club's Semiannual Membership Report to WHQ with a check for the per Capita fees on October 1 and April 1 He maintains an attendance chart and provides a majority of documentation for the DCP


Function: The Treasurer receives disburses, and accounts for allclub funds in accordance with the accounting procedures set forth by the club

Duties: The Treasurer prepares club initiation fees and dues in accordance to maintain a sound financial format He is responsible for the prompt payment of all bills incurred by the club At the first regular meeting of each month, he gives a verbal financial report to the membership He provides the Secretary with the checks to WHQ, Per Capita, and the SUNSHINER At the close of his term of office, the Treasurer has the books audited, preparing a written financial statement to the club


Function: The Sergeant-at-Arms is the club's official greeter and enforcer

Duties: The Sergeant-at-Arms arrives early to the club meeting to make sure that all club property is in its proper place He greets the members, visitors, and guests at the door and makes them feel welcome He provides name cards for all visitors and guests He introduces visitors and guests to the members of the club and invites interested visitors and guests to return (and join) He monitors the food service, and at the end of the meeting puts away safely all club property

As you can see, Toastmasters offers more than the C&L manuals for your growth Don't neglect the Leadership aspects of your growth Become a club officer Step up to one of these positions in 1977 and experience a truly educational happening in leadership training through Toastmasters Oh yes, it can also be a lot of fun

LGSD Report District 47 Contest Rules

(For Advanced Speech Contest)

1 Any Toastmaster who has completed TPs Basic C&L Manualis eligible

2 All contestants will meet 4 hours prior to contest time and will draw 2 topics from the Contest Chairman, who will furnish several different topics from which to draw Each topic will be four words or less and will not require research

3 Each contestant has to furnish an exact specified time that will be no less than 5 minutes nor longer than 7 minutes If the finished speech is within 15 seconds of the allotted time there will be no penalty Penalties will be applied as follows: 16-30 seconds under or over requested time, 10% penalty; 30 or more seconds over or under requested time, 20% penalty

4 Timing of the speech will begin with the contestant's first word Timing lights will appear as follows: Green light: 2 minutes before requested time. Amber light: 1 minute before requested time Red light: Exact time requested

5 Where practical, all judges shall' have completed TPs Basic C&L Manual

6. Contests are to be completed by this schedule:

Area November Division December District January

7. Allother rules are per TI Speech Contest Rules

Follow these rules and your contest will be a good one

Hot Flashes

(Continued from Page 2)

Bernie's goals are to increase membership in that club to the maximum by the end of 1977, andto earn hisDTM

Dale Saville has already run three Speechcrafts outside his club this year! He is now beginning a fourth group! In coordination with Dale, Gene Lease had managed one of them for credit towards his ownDTM

Scott Hoehn has now received his Distinguished Toastmasters Certificate!

Area 9 has guests bringing guests to meetings Sattelite Beach TM Club #3921 has signed two guests who are instructors at Patrick AFB Two of their guests are about to sign up too Also in Area 9, five members of the Winter Park TM Club are (or were) running for political office

In Area 11 Dick Battinhas chairedtwo simultaneous Speechcraft programs for 22 members of Sears and Roebock

Orlando Conquesors TM Club #1066 has been an active and outstanding example of a club for others to follow First, the SUNSHINER wants to publicly state that the subscrptions are now on their way Moreso, congratulations for conducting a YLP which saw a member, Pat Newcomb, go all the way to First Place in the NationalPublic Speaking Contest of the Jr Achievement organanization

The Ecumenical TM Club in Naples has opened its doors and is now meeting

Young Folks Here's Your Chance (Teens & Preteens)

We need to start planning activities for the next convention! And it has been brought up that there needs to be a set of activities for the rest of the family while "Mr Toastmaster" is gallavanting around Well, we've heard the complaints, and now we're goingto do something about it We want to schedule activities for the teenagers and younger kids But we need ideas and suggestions Please send any ideas or suggestions to me on or before December 10:

Linda Battin

1555 Saturn St

Merritt Island, Florida 32952 at the Presbyterian Church in Naples at 7:30 P.M on the second and fourth Mondays

We need ideas NOW! So, let's get going on a great convention!

Area Firsts

First Area — 100% SUNSHINER Subscription

Area 4 — Virginia Heddinger

First Area — 100% Club Assistance

Reports — Area 2 — Lou Rosa

First Area in YLP's — Area 2 — Lou Rosa

"Icebreaker" Of Club 1702

Among the various items of business at the July 19 meeting was the consideration of accepting women into our club This question was brought up at a meeting in 1975 was was defeated—now in 1976 it is passed!

The first womanto brave the hallowed walls of Club 1702 and "Break the Ice" is our new member Marie Renn She told us a great deal about herself when she gave this first speech: married life, Dale Carnegie experiences, her work at the Pentagon in Washington, DC, her life in frozen Alaska, what university life is like in England as the wife of a professor at Oxford, something of her presentation in the Nationalcompetition in InteriorDesign, why she qualified for a Real Estate License, and about her home life on Sanibel Island

Marie appears to be a hard worker, a dynamic person, and one who seems anxious to get going We're looking forward to great things from Marie

Dunedin Speechcrafts

Dunedin TM Club # 2166 and the Lady of Lourdes School in Dunedin started on October 13 the first of two unique Youth Leadership programs for 34 eighth grade students John Barreto and Bea Donoghue arranged with the principal, Sister Mary Renauld, school release time for the program Students are released for one and a half hours school time and an additional half hour after school to participate in the two hour a week, eight week Youth Leadership program The school feels the program is a welcome addition to their language arts program

The first program will have 17 students participating in it 24 eighth graders signed up before the program was officially announced

All students finishing the course will be given a Toastmasters International Certificate Last year, there was a 100% completion in two similar YLP's at the Lady of Lourdes School

Flip Donoghue

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