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There are few, if any, jobs in which ability alone is sufficient. Needed also are loyalty, sincerity, enthusiasm and cooperation.

Andrew Carnegie

It has been a little over a year since this gentleman passed from our midst It has been a good year for Toastmastering in the Western Division and a year in which District 47 once again distinguished itself I am sure that this man to whom Toastmasters meant so very much sleeps well in pride and in the knowledge that he contributed greatly during his lifetime to assure that Toastmastering should continue to thrive

Carl Miller was his name and everywhere he went Toastmastering was his game. To Carl, Toastmasters was not a once a week meeting or a quarterly convention — it was a three hundred and sixty-five day way of life. Yes, Carl Miller lived Toastmastering and when it all too soon became his turn to leave us he was buried in his beloved orange jacket with the Toastmasters emblem above that heart which had given so much of itself to so many of us

Carl Miller was an able worker — but above ability he had the desire, the enthusiasm, and all the other qualities mentioned by Andrew Carnegie as prerequisites for success He was not only able, but ready and willing Whenever a call was made for assistance in any Toastmastering endeavor, Carl was the first to volunteer It was my pleasure to work with him during several youth leadership courses and it was always an inspiration to see the enthusiasm with which this man accepted the challenge Carl was a mainstay of the Toastmasters United Fund Speakers Bureau here in Pinellas County for many years The United Way Fund drivehas always been a people helping people campaign — and if one phrase could describe Carl Miller it would be that he was a person who helped others Carl was the District Sergeant-at-Arms for many years and no matter how able his successors, no District Convention seems quite the same without him He was an able Area Governor of Area 2 and brought to that office the dedication that was the hallmark of allthat he accomplished

Above all, Carl Miller was a friend Beyond his accomplishments and dedication to Toastmasters, I shall always remember his friendship The rememberance ofa man in the hearts of his friends is the true measure of the worth of his life And as long as he is remembered a part of him lives on. Thank you Mr. Toastmaster for sharing so much of you with us

Dick Wood, DTM, LGWD


At The Spring Convention


Lou Funk

Able Toastmaster Awards:

Theo and Margaret Miller

OutstandingArea Governor:

Virginia Heddinger

Outstanding Service as a Circulation Manager:

Jim Bradley

Communication and Leadership Award: Glen Rinker for outstanding service by a non-Toastmaster in the field of communication.

Best AG Article:

Ken Clinton

Gainesville Toastmasters Club No 3019 received $200 from Scott Hoehn's membership according to his plan of action Coming in Second was Southside TM Club No 456 receiving $100 Jose Gaspar TM Club No 3668 was third and received $50

District 47 Debate Contest winners were: Ed Goldberg and Bob Schofield of Area 10

Lgnd Report

For the first time in the recent history of Toastmasters in North Florida, the Annual Speech Contest for the Northern Division was held in Tallahassee But not exactly Wakulla Springs, which is Ed Ball's summer retreat south of Tallahassee, is a much more accurate location From the praises which were heard from Toastmasters around the state, indications are that we may have another function at Wakulla Springs giving those who missed this contest a chanceto attend the next

There were 86 people who attended the contest including some very distinguished candidates for the district offices Eddie Earley, president of the Seminole Toastmasters Club and contest chariman, is willing to bet that you won't find a single person who was not delighted by the food as well as the atmosphere Of course, the attitude adjusters, Steve Huss, Ray Yarbrough, and Bruce Johnson, deserve much credit for adjusting everyone's attitude As Toastmaster of the Evening, Ed O'Donnellis to be commended for his professional handling of the meeting He was most ably assisted during the program by Table Topics Master Lola Mitja DTM Clyde Levingstonas Tonguetwister for the meeting assessed the huge sum of $2.50

All of the district officer candidates who were present had a chance to make a campaign speech. Just as those candidates are too numerous to mention, so are those who helped make this contest a very successful one I would like to single out Bob Frye for giving us a very professional program which recorded the evening's events

Dave Meeks, District 47's illustrious Governor, made several awards at the end of the contest In addition to awarding the runner-up trophy to Bruce Karstedt from Area 8 and the first place trophy to Ron Weston from Area 12, he also awarded the DTM Award to Clyde Levingston and the ATM Award to Tom Wood

I would like to congratulate Area 15 for a contest well planned and executed We look forward to having other events in the Tallahassee area in the near future

Frank Tillman, DTM, LGND

Lgsd Report

Thank youfor your vote ofconfidence at last month's District 47 electionheld inFt Lauderdale It had been several years since we had such a spirited and tough election, where almost all of the District offices had 2 good candidates fighting for the privilege of serving

But now we must "bury the hatchet" and work as one great team for the goodof Toastmasters Internationaland especially for the interest of each and every member Let's make Florida Numero Uno in the nation

Many people, even Toastmasters themselves, feel that Public Speaking is the function ofour organization. Basicallythis is true However, after 5 years as a member of TMI, I can testify that Public Speaking is only "the tip of the iceberg." We can obtain so many more benefits which will help us in the business world, our social world, and in our everyday living experiences We can learn leadership for ourselves, as well as train others, on various levels such as club, area, division, district and International At each step we gain new experiences — chairing large and small meetings, teaching an educational seminar, training new officers, running a convention, and the fun and excitement of the politics of an election, to name but a few.

By the time you read this article, I will have attended the Region VIII Conference in Norfolk, and hope to return with some super new ideas to incorporate into my present plans for the District Educational Seminars for the 1977-78 conventions.


Bob Gelfand, ATM Sr. Lt. Gov.ofEducation Elect

Going over and through a tough business session but making progress are District Secretary Kathy Moyer, DG Dave Meeks, DTM, and District Parliamentarian Jay Wood.

Some of the beautiful people staffing the Registration Desk during the May Meeting Jean Bush, Sara Arbish, Clara

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