10 minute read

A Better Management Tool

Good management uses key figures to show strong and weak parts of a business Toastmasters lacks the most important one: how many members in each club are actually particigating, eg a Club Executive Committee or an Area Governor sets up statistics on "active member attendance" charting a running fourweek average, you can see the drifts down or up in i n time i n order to do something effective about reducing the downs and enhancing the ups

The Club Constitution says that if a member misses a certain number of meetings without prior excuse, he or she becomes Inactive automatically This has three advantages:

1 You don't find yourself scheduling members who probably won't appear.

2 You have the trends that tell whether you're being effective or not

3 Inactive members can't vote I f they show up in a crucial meeting, until they have attended enough to wipe out their negative averages, or the Executive Committee specifically reinstates voting privilege, they are not qualified to speak or be heard from during business meetings

Thanks To All

A brief, but very sincere THANK S to everyone in District 47 for giving our family a year we wil l always remember wit h much happiness and pride (Ralph, The First Dog, says thanks, too!) am so proud to have been your First Lady during 1976-77 and appreciate your patience and understanding all year — I tried extra hard to never disappoint you I t was an exciting, wild , hectic, wonderful year for us and especially thrilling because it was another outstanting year for the District I t can now be said: "i t was worth every single baked potato!"

The friendships we've made and strengthened this past year (not only in D-47, but throughout Region 8, as well) are very dear to our hearts We only ask that you won't forget us after our year is over — please keep i n touch!

First Lady Wilma Meeks

The last item has another real value I f you have sixteen paid members i n the club, but only eight are active, a quorum is five and a vote of three is a majority, four gives you the two-thirds (if the other members were properly notified) majority needed to, eg change your ByLaws to your Club Constitution

These limits don't preclude your putting Inactive members onto the speaking schedule if they show up and if there is space for them What's more important, the scheduled speakers are more apt to show up when you schedue only Actives

There are some future benefits Today, a club can suddenly disappear to the dismay of the District, even though the signs of evaporation would have been clear several months before if "active average attendance" had been reported

There are President's Fourty Clubs that have fifteen to twenty reguarly attending, or fewer, wit h fluffed membership paid for by older members who add little to the substance of the club

There have been District Officers who were not active members in their home clubs, and yet active membership should be a criterion of high office within X L When such officers get their kicks out of District politics while leaving their home clubs i n the urch, our values are distorted T I is for the member, not for the ego trips of a heirarchy

To summarize, examine the ActiveInactive factors of your club, have the Secretary give you a weekly four-weekaverage active attendance to chart each week, and you can watch the trends go down or up i n time so that specific action may be taken

To m Booz, AT M

A Good Begining

What do these tw o people have in common? Gabe, the first grade child and Neil, the experienced Toastmaster?

They are saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag in exactly the same manner " I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic etc."

Some of us never outgrew the early school habit of saying the pledge in small phrases wit h unnecessary pauses and breaths The flow of words is interrupted and thoughts dangle uncompleted

Refer to the TOASTMASTERS article I t states that the pledge is to be said in two long phrases as follows:

1 " I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands,

2 One nation, under God, indivisible, wit h liberty and justice for all. "

Toastmasters set such high standards for our speeches A good beginning sets the tone for the meeting that follows Even our convention functions are not immune from the disease of "poorpledgitis."

Let's become self-conscious of our saying of the pledge Speak out Lead others who still say the pedge as little Gabe does.

Virginia Heddinger, AG-4 LGSD Elect

From The District Governor

While serving as District Governor this past year I was overwhelmed wit h the friendliness and cooperation shown by each of you I want to say thank you to each of the District officers and the District chairmen and all of the Toastmasters who worked wit h us I feel have been blessed wit h so many to call my friends.

It had been our goal all year to not only reach our goals but to surpass each of them I am proud to say we have done just that. W e have succeeded i n becoming another Distinguished District I know that the efforts of each of you made the difference I wil l always be proud to have been a part of that dedication to Toastmasters

I know each of you wil l join me i n helping the new administration reach their goals

I want to especially say thank you for my family; daughters Stephanie, Judy, Marybeth, Amanda and my wife Wilma

Thank you so much for such a warm wonderful year wit h the greatest people in the world — the people of District 47 God bless each of you

D G Dave Meeks, DT M

LGE Report Induction

Induction address: While i t is customary for the club president to induct the new members, i t is permissible to have some other member of the club perform this duty a district officer or former district officer, if you have one, or the area governor Since practice makes perfect — some clubs have found i t advisable to assign this ceremonial work on a permanent basis

Induction Ceremony

When the time is at hand for the Induction Ceremony, the president calls the meeting to order wit h these words:

We are about to begin the Induction ceremony which wil l welcome (number) new members to the fellowship of the Toastmasters Club

This is a most important occasion for these new members and for our club, and I sincerely request the attention and silence of the membership during the ceremony Please withhold any applauce or demonstration until i t is completed I wil l call the names of the new members and their sponsors; as the names are called, wil l the sponsors and candidates rise and come forward."

(Here the president calls the names as follows: John Doe, sponsored by Mike Smith.)

When all candidates and sponsors are standing, the president says:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the officers and members of the Toastmasters Club , I express to you our pleasure and pride at your presence at this meeting You have been invited to become members of our fellowship, and we are all happy and proud that you have decided to accept membership i n our club and Toastmasters International

"Membership i n a Toastmasters club is a privilege You are about to become members of the world's largest organization dedicated to self-improvement I must impress upon each of you, here and now, that the privilege of Toastmasters membership also entails definite obligations Toastmasters International is not a fraternal, social, or political organization I t is a group of men and women banded together t o do things which you and I cannot do as individuals I t is a medium through which individuals of desire can personally develop their skills in speaking and listening The motto of this organization, and of our club is 'Toastmasters puts you u p front wit h better listening, thinking, and speaking.'

" I can also tell you that the rewards of Toastmasters membership are great You wil l enjoy the fellowship of some of the finest men and women i n your community You wil l learn the art of proper evaluation, conference leadership and planning, parliamentary procedure, and debate You wil l develop interrelationships wit h men and women as they evaluate your taks, and you, theirs You wil l learn how to communicate more effectively, think on your feet, and command respect These abilities wil l provide further opportunities t o increase your earning power, your value t o your company and to your community Above all, you wil l learn how to communicate warmly and sincerely I n short, you wil l learn when and how to talk and be heard

"An d now, on behalf of the Toastmasters Club , I extend a most sincere welcome Congratulations on becoming a member of our fine organization."

District 47 Governor Elect Floyd Sewell, DM , LG E

Report Did I Really Lose?

"The tale of a defeated candidate " I n an election, be i t national, state, or organizational, people need a choice I t gives them a better feeling t o know their leaders were chosen and elected I t was wit h a great desire bu t only a short time t o prepare i n which I decided to run for District Governor of 47 I t is a breathless moment when the ballots have been cast and the endless wait for the results Then the news came I had taken a chance — and I lost!

Now what? Is i t the end? A m I a has-been? D o I pick at my opponent for the next nine months?

Jimmy Carter didn't offer Gerald Ford a position in his cabinet As Floyd stood at the banquet and beamed his joy at being the District Governor elect t o the throng, he told me t o pick the job I wanted for the coming year I should have said District Governor, but I don't think that is what he meant Some who lost were offered chairmanships for the coming year; some accepted while others said, "never again." I've made my decision — already I' m involved i n several projects and have a good chairmanship

Thus, I wonder did I really lose? No, I am not going to be a district of- ficer this coming year, and that I'l l truly miss However, I do have my chairmanship

No! I did not lose I've made new friends, won respect from the other candidates and support for my bi d i n another year A t the May area governor training session, the main item I wanted accomplished was to thank them for their efforts — many AG's returned the thanks and gave me a large round of applause M y eyes filled, and they almost revealed my soft feelings I knew that because of the year District 47 had given me, I couldn't lose Even before the ballots were cast, I knew that I was a real winner — no matter how the numbers came out Maybe not the District 47 Governor, I am still a winner Thanks my friends and Toastmasters of our District — you've made my year "all possible!"

George Veltman, DTM , LG A (very outgoing)

Words From The West

—Ralph C. Smedley

Surely there is not a single Toastmaster who by now has not heard this most •famous quotation I n fact I used to think that it was overused but the more you ponder the meaning of those words the more you see the elementary truth that they contain

Think back to the speeches that you have heard — and then think of those that have been truly memorable. Chances are you wil l find that the speeches you best remember are those that you really enjoyed listening to The link that must be present between speaker and listener is a bond that is essential if true communicating is to take place

So much of what we hear is merely words and so seldom does an audience become almost totally tuned to the same frequency as the speaker and therefore really complete the circle of communi- cations Every speaker must learn to read audience reaction and be ever alert to a breakdown of this bond forged between speaker and audience The accomplished speaker provides to the listener something of value and presents that "something" i n such a way as to make the listening a pleasurable experience A n audience easily senses when a speaker enjoys speaking and is knowledgeable of the subject I t is obvious by audience reaction that a speaker who finds it a pleasure to speak is going to give more listening pleasure to the hearer After all, audience reaction is the yardstick by which effective communication is measured Approximatey two hundred and fifty Toastmasters and guests were treated to many moments of pleasure at the recent Region Eight Conference held in Norfolk, Virginia We in District 47 and in particular i n the Western Division are especially proud of Toastmaster Sonny Dixon who masterfully won the Regional Humorous Speech Contest Sonny was also the District representative in the International Contest and took first runner up in a field of nine contestants Congratulations Sonny on your dual victory We truly heard Toastmastering communications at its best

The West is also proud of DT M Charlie Jones Charlie is of course a past District Governor and a truly distinguished Toastmaster But above all Charlie is a real gentleman i n a time when there seem to be so few among us Charlie lost the race for International Director from Region Eight but in all the things that really count Charlie came through as he always has — a real winner

These wil l be my last words from the West I am transferring administration of the Western Division to the very capable hands of Dan Claxton, DTM I have enjoyed writing these columns and I deeply appreciate the cooperation and support that the Western Division has given me this past year I n particular, I wish to thank those who worked so hard to keep the West Number One for the entire administrative year A special thank you to my Area Governors who are the real key to what has been accompished

I ask all our Toastmasters to support Lt Governor Claxton wit h your wholehearted support and cooperation I have no doubt that the West wil l remain Best Adios!

DT M Dick Wood, LGW D

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