District Chronicles V14 Issue 37

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May 8

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May 10

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May 11

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Bethesda resident, veteran Kevin Gatson gets another chance with sled hockey Page 4

Freddie Allen/NNPA

May 7 - May 13, 2015

County says bye bye to styrofoam plates Page 11 www.districtchronicles.com

Volume 14 Issue 37



Pushed to the breaking point

Freddie Allen/NNPA

Protestors call for justice for Freddie Gray as Baltimore police watch. The city unrest stems from police brutality, other social issues.

By Dr. E. Faye Williams

2 | May 7 - May 13, 2015 | District Chronicles

(TriceEdneyWire.com) – Natural laws that shaped the behavior of “old folks” are often tossed aside in our modern world. Rather than depending upon the common-sense reliability of the tried and true, we defer to some modern perspective. After reflecting on several of the “old laws” I was taught, I’m convinced that they have greater applicability than many of the new. With certainty, one of the most important is “you reap what you sow.” I believe this to be true for the recent situation in Baltimore, and in cities across the nation where people of all races are fed up with the indiscriminate murder at the hands of those who’re sworn to protect us. Although I embrace the philosophy of non-violent resistance espoused by King and Gandhi, I’m not so unrealistic as to believe that even the most peaceful being cannot be pushed to the breaking point. While some talking heads offer simple-minded explanations of the outrage in Baltimore, we must not forget that the unrest is far more complex than can be discussed on a Sunday morning talk show. Those who don’t experience what happens in some of our neighborhoods inside and outside Baltimore seem overly eager to proclaim a lessening of violence and tension.

They’ve made the shortsighted miscalculation that time and the manipulation of information can assuage the rage. Even worse, they believe that the problem lies solely within the boundaries of that city. It’s unreasonable to believe that the Black community would allow itself to languish in poverty and suffer in silence forever. Those who agree with me are numerous, but few reside in the ranks of those sufficiently politically entrenched to make the sweeping actions necessary to create real change. Most of those that can initiate change seem to be trapped in the mindset that the fate of Black people is to live in deprivation. I know some will suggest that my sole focus in life is political, but I must report the things I see. Since the election of President Obama, I’ve observed Republicans vilifying him no matter what he does. Instead of allowing the economic initiatives of the President to bring the nation closer to full-employment, they appear to be hell-bent on holding the nation’s poor more deeply in poverty to satisfy the impression that the President is doing little to ease their plight. This readily translates into the socio-economic deprivation that has ignited the flames of rage in Baltimore. Logic dictates that we look for similar eruptions in other places that mirror conditions in Baltimore.

Such events MUST start an intelligent discussion for “real” social reform. This discussion must be as comprehensive as the problem. It’s far too late for a “Band-Aid fix.” Issues of malpractice in policing are only the catalyst of the problems. Festering issues of unemployment, mis-education, and the lack of real opportunity to improve quality-oflife concerns must be addressed before a remedy can be realized. Before the greed of the wealthy became the primary interest of politicians, public policy provided the means for more to share in the bounty. President Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System and put millions to work. The technological and industrial renaissance that paralleled that road construction created a vibrant middle-class and growing economy. President Obama proposed a national effort to modernize and repair our failing infrastructure. Intransigent Republicans have thwarted these proposals for their own selfish political interests. If we’re really committed to remedying the ills that have fostered the unrest in Baltimore, we must focus on the solution rather than in the redundant debate of why it happened. We have all the evidence we need to answer the why. We must address the how in concrete terms. Stop talking and act now!


Green Tree borrowers win $63 million in class action suit as late as 11:00 pm.

By Charlene Crowell NNPA Columnist


onsumers harmed by Green Tree Servicing, LLC, a major mortgage servicer, won an important million dollar victory. Joint enforcement actions by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) resulted in a return of $48 million to affected borrowers and a $15 million civil penalty fine, together totaling $63 million. According to financial regulators from 2010-2014, Green Tree Servicing, LLC, mistreated mortgage borrowers who were trying to save their homes from foreclosures. The litany of charges reads like a financial nightmare for troubled homeowners: Misrepresentation of monies consumer owed or the terms of their loans; Failure to honor mortgage modifications made by earlier servicers; Sharing borrowers’ debts with employers and/or other third parties; Failure to investigate disputes before continuing collections; Threats of arrest, imprisonment, property seizure, and wage garnishments; and Calling borrowers and leaving voice mails at their homes and workplaces as early as 5:00 am and

“Green Tree failed consumers who were struggling by prioritizing collecting payments over helping homeowners,” said Richard Cordray, CFPB director. “When homeowners in distress had their mortgages transferred to Green Tree, their previous foreclosure relief plans were not maintained. We are holding Green Tree accountable for its unlawful conduct.” Sharing Cordray’s concerns, Jessica Rich, director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection added, “It’s against the law for a loan servicer to lie about the debts people owe, or threaten and harass people about their debts.” The irony is that Green Tree “specialized” in servicing delinquent loans and took pride in being known as a “high touch” servicer. Nationwide, the firm “touched” its borrowers; but in all the wrong ways. In addition to the ills cited above, Green Tree was also charged with pressuring consumers to make payments to a third-party service that charged a $12 “convenience fee” for every transaction. Some consumers were told that they had to use the service to avoid a late fee. Other consumers who knew they were late in their mortgage payments were charged up-front payments, even for programs that banned upfront charges. Even borrowers who attempted to avoid foreclosures via short sales encountered unexplained delays up to six months, despite having been promised quicker actions. “No one deserves financial exploitation – particularly when it involves the single, largest investment many consumers make in a lifetime,” said Paul Leonard, senior vice-president for federal policy at the Center for Responsible Lending. “Yet it is also an encouraging sign that joint enforcement actions can hold these services accountable.” The enforcement actions are also a reminder that while consumers choose which lender to finance their home, they have no choice in selecting their servicer. And as with borrowers being serviced by

Green Tree, it can be a costly difference. In years gone by, many lenders also serviced their loans. Parents and grandparents typically received their mortgage from the same bank that held their checking and savings accounts. Customers knew their bank and trusted it to be fair and accurate. The nation’s foreclosure crisis shattered many consumers’ trust of lenders – in addition to marked changes in today’s financial services marketplace. Today, few mortgages are serviced by the lender that originated the loan. Instead, most loans are bundled and sold on the secondary market as investments. In the course of selling and re-selling, a single mortgage may have several servicers. All too often, it is only when borrowers have a mortgage problem that they discover how their loan payments have been applied or related fees assessed. As servicers change, troubled borrowers can discover that their lending records have not always been kept accurately or in their entirety. Because of FTC and CFPB, Green Tree will also be required to take several corrective measures: End all servicing violations; Provide service;



Honor prior loss mitigation agreements; Help troubled borrowers to convert pending loan modifications into permanent ones; Offer written options to help troubled borrowers keep their homes, including those in which foreclosures have not yet been completed; and Create a detailed data integrity programs that tests, identifies and corrects errors in transferred loans. What CFPB and FTC have ordered in Green Tree’s enforcement really reads like a best practices handbook. Here’s hoping other mortgage servicers will take note.

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Veteran moves from battlefield to ice rink By Jacquelyn Johnson Howard University News Service


Donna Miles/Department of Defense

4 | May 7 - May 13, 2015 | District Chronicles

early five years after losing his left leg, index finger and thumb in combat, retired Army Sgt. Kevin Gatson is still a warrior, but his field of battle has changed. It once was Afghanistan. Now it is a hockey rink. Gatson, a member of the Army for over 17 years, is a member USA Warriors, an ice hockey team made up of disabled veterans. Gaston and his teammates play a game called sled hockey, in which players sit on a sled instead of skating. Like regular hockey players, they wear shoulder pads, helmets and face masks. But instead of a long hockey stick, each carried two shorter versions, one in each hand. At one end of each stick is a version of a regular ice hockey blade. At the other are metal “picks” that bite into the ice and allow players to propel themselves across the ice with surprising speed. The team has been around for six years, and offers players a chance to forget about their wounds and injuries for a while. The team is funded by donations and travels the Northeast playing other teams of players with various disabilities. There are several adaptive sports teams designed to help disabled veterans, in particular, with coping and recovery. The teams provide an outlet and an environment that helps veterans make a smooth transition into life outside of the war zone. “I personally did not need the team for coping purposes,” said Gatson, who lives in Bethesda, Maryland. “My injuries never really bothered me. I came from a good family and I have faith in God. I knew that I was still alive, and that’s all that really mattered to me. “But I can definitely see how it can be that for others.” many disabled, returning veterans are not as fortunate. Many struggle with depression, PTSD and adapting back into society. Sports programs for disabled veterans include basketball, baseball, skiing, sailing and golf.

Bethesda resident Sergeant Kevin Gatson (left) poses with former Washington Redskin star Roy Jefferson at a Wounded Warrior event. Gatson plays sled hockey for the USA Warriors.

One private program, Warfighters Sports, says it has enrolled 8,200 veterans. The Department of Veterans Administrations has a broad array of winter and spring programs for veterans. Gatson was on patrol with his unit in Afghanistan in 2010, when a bomb the military calls an improvised explosive device, or IED, exploded, severely injuring him and other members of his team. Doctors amputated his left leg, and his right was also in jeopardy. “They wanted to amputate my right leg too, but I told them I was keeping it, and I still have it,” said Gatson. After several surgeries, a framelike device known as an external fixator was placed on his right leg to stabilize the bones, thus allowing Gatson to retain his leg. Although he was able to keep his leg, he lost his ability to play sports, because doctors said that the risk of further injury to his leg was too high. “There were several sports teams I wanted to try, but I kept

getting told no because of the frame,” he explained. After a year with the frame, Gatson was told about a hockey clinic where other disabled veterans learned to play hockey. That brought Gatson to the ice hockey program. Hockey was the first team to allow Gatson to participate, but it was far from the Mississippi native’s go-to sport. “When I first heard about the clinic, it wasn’t something I was into,” he said. “but I thought I’d give it a shot. Once I tried it, I found it to be something I liked.” Many like Gatson, crave a team environment. Gatson joined the hockey team because to him, it provided an environment similar to that of a military unit. “You’re a part of a team when you’re in the military, and in the rink it’s the same thing. There’s a mission and you need a team to accomplish that mission, or else you probably won’t succeed.” For more information, visit www.va.gov/ opa/speceven/wsc/index.asp

Divine Intervention

Sofia Vergara, Nick Loeb battle over frozen embryos

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Sofia Vergara and Nick Loeb at a Yahoo News/ABC News event in Washington D.C. last year. The couple has since split and are in a public dispute of what to do with two frozen embryos created while they were together.

By Ann Oldenburg and Maria Puente USA Today “Modern Family” star Sofia Vergara and Florida businessman Nick Loeb are fighting over their two frozen female embryos. Loeb, 39, wants to be able to bring the embryos to term with another woman. Vergara, 42, isn’t ready to do anything with them right now and wants to keep them frozen. Her lawyer, Fred Silberberg, also maintains that she couldn’t destroy the embryos, even if she wanted to. Both parties signed legal consent forms signed in November 2013, to prevent either from taking such unilateral action. In a New York Times op-ed piece, Loeb is keeping the battle in the public eye, laying out his case by writing: “When we create embryos for the purpose of life, should we not define them as life, rather than as property? Does one person’s desire to avoid biological parenthood (free of any legal obligations) outweigh another’s religious beliefs in the sanctity of life and desire to be a parent? “A woman is entitled to bring a

pregnancy to term even if the man objects. Shouldn’t a man who is willing to take on all parental responsibilities be similarly entitled to bring his embryos to term even if the woman objects? These are issues that, unlike abortion, have nothing to do with the rights over one’s own body, and everything to do with a parent’s right to protect the life of his or her unborn child.” Loeb, who markets a relish called Onion Crunch, says in the article that he’s half Jewish and a baptized Episcopalian, but was most influenced by the religion of his Catholic nanny. He described himself as “pro-parent” rather than using the more common “pro-life” label used by the Catholic church. Like the church, he believes life begins at conception, thus the embryos are human beings and cannot be destroyed or left frozen indefinitely. But the Catholic Church is firmly opposed to the creation of embryos through in vitro fertilization for that reason, and because of this kind of dispute, the question come up: What happens to the embryos that are not brought to term?

According to the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, “Unfortunately, most Catholics are not aware of the [c]hurch’s teaching, do not know that IVF is immoral, and some have used it in attempting to have children.” Loeb’s article echoes much of what his lawyer said in a statement to People magazine on April 20. The crux of it then – and now – is that Loeb wants to be a parent. “Many have asked me: Why not just move on and have a family of your own? I have every intention of doing so. But that doesn’t mean I should let the two lives I have already created be destroyed or sit in a freezer until the end of time,” said Loeb. One thing Loeb did not address is how he plans to bring the frozen embryos to term, since that would require either a surrogate, a new fiancée, or a wife willing to be implanted with Vergara’s embryo. Vergara, who has an adult son, Manolo, got engaged to Joe Manganiello in December. Neither she nor her lawyer had a response to Loeb’s op-ed piece. Ann Oldenburg and Maria Puente write for USA Today.

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Call 202-806-9401 to advertise in the districtchronicles.com District Chronicles. District Chronicles | May 7 - May 13, 2015 | 5

Cover Curfew ends, problems linger in Baltimore By Jazelle Hunt NNPA Washington Correspondent

Freddie Allen/NNPA

WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Baltimore’s curfew has been lifted, the officers have been charged, and Freddie Gray has been laid to rest. But the underlying causes of the protests around his homicide remain. “I think that people need to understand the history of poverty, negligence, and police brutality in the city of Baltimore,” says Jocelyn Providence, a math teacher at Digital Harbor High School in Baltimore’s Riverside area. Last week, she said, there were more absences than usual and her students were more emotional. Many expressed fear, anger, worry, and frustration with the riots that have negatively impacted their communities. She continued, “There are students and residents who are fed up and angered by the continued violence on their lives, whether it be by police, poor education, and poverty.” As the city turns its attention to addressing these issues and securing justice for Freddie Gray, several opportunities to support the youth and longstanding community groups have surfaced. Baltimore United, a coalition of Baltimore city community groups and concerned citizens, is keeping a list of organizations and churches serving as safe spaces for youth and activists, with free hot lunches each day and opportunities to volunteer. The list, which can be accessed on their website (www. bmoreunited.org), includes contact information for people who are directing incoming support.

The coalition is also trying to raise a $100,000 bailout fund for protesters and other wrongfully imprisoned people (donations accepted online at www.crowdrise. com/legalbailsupportforbaltimore). A legal assistance and information hotline is also in operation (443-814-9160). Some of the efforts in Baltimore are spillovers from Ferguson, Mo. Operation Help or Hush, for example, began as a conversation on Twitter. Its mission, “taking social media to the streets,” is an answer to those who critique the legitimacy of “hashtag activism,” or, calling attention to injustices and relaying on-the-ground information on social media. So far, the group has served daily hot lunch to youth and protesters of all ages, and has been helping coordinate lodging, and demonstrations between Baltimore natives and visiting protesters. This week the group is going mobile, taking these lunches plus items for babies and toiletries for seniors, to social service sites around town. Items can be sent to 655 N Bentalou St., Baltimore, Md. 21216; monetary donations are accepted via its website www.operationhelporhush.org or PayPal. The funds also go toward travel for those who want to be on the front line, and to purchase protester supplies such as boards for signs, food, and water. Other efforts are focused on uplifting the youth who have been on the front lines since Freddie Gray’s homicide. “When we saw the protests start to turn somewhat negative down there in Baltimore out of people’s frustration, we knew that

Two young girls talk to national guardsmen outside of city hall Baltimore, Md., on Friday, May 1. Most national guardsmen began exiting the city this past Monday and the curfew has been lifted. But the future of Baltimore residents remains unknown.

we had try to pull something together for the young people so that they could vent their frustrations, and tell us what some of their issues are. And so that we could provide some solutions, along with some caring adults and some local programs that they might be involved in beyond this,” says Seandra Sims, a Philadelphiabased public relations professional working to coordinate efforts in Baltimore between partners across the Northeast. The result of this coordinating is Bmore Youth Rise, a free community event that will serve as an outlet for the city’s young people. The event takes place this Saturday, and will include a youth town hall where rappers and local leaders will respond to concerns the young people present express. Earlier in the week, young residents of Gilmor Homes housing projects, where Freddie Gray lived and was arrested, will be creating a mural on one wall of a nearby recreation center; it will be publicly dedicated as part of Saturday’s events. After the town hall, there will be a peace

walk to Harlem Square Park for a free hip-hop concert and rally. “We pulled this together in four days. We got every single piece of this event for free, just by calling and saying ‘the kids need you.’ What we’re trying to encourage the young people to do is calm down,” Sims says. “These kids are upset about problems that were existing long before Freddie Gray was murdered in their community. It’s been festering and festering. It’s OK to be civilly disobedient. It’s not OK to destroy property, but it is OK to get mad. But the goal is that we can move from being reactionary to being proactive.” At the rally, Justice League NYC, a community-based criminal justice task force, will issue a call to action for support of three pieces of legislation that will address police brutality. The Justice League is an offshoot of Harry Belafonte’s organization, Gathering for Justice, and one of the event’s major sponsors. In addition to these community efforts, demonstrations are ongoing across the country – some in


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6 | May 7 - May 13, 2015 | District Chronicles

solidarity with Baltimore, some as part of continuing action against police violence, and others as part of the larger Black Lives Matter movement. WeTheProtesters.org and NationalStoptheKilling.com are two resources for finding opportunities around the country to get involved. Jocelyn Providence protested on three occasions last week, and says that each action was student led. In talking to her students, she expressed that they need support in making themselves heard. “My students need to know that they are supported by a national movement. I think there are a lot of times where they feel very small and alone, and it is hard for them to see the big picture,” says Providence. “People can help and support from afar by continuing to promote youth leaders and tell the true story of Baltimore, which is not solely riots, but students coming together to change their city for the better.” Follow Jazelle Hunt on Twitter at @ JazelleAH.


Six officers charged with death of Freddie Gray By Frederick H. Lowe Special to the Trice Edney News Wire from NorthStarNewsToday. com (TriceEdneyWire.com) – Six police officers – three African American, three White – in Baltimore have been charged with a range of crimes related to the death of Freddie Gray. Gray, 25, suffered a severe neck injury after police arrested him and transported him unrestrained in a paddy wagon. His death has been ruled a homicide by the Baltimore City State’s Attorney. Police arrested Gray on April 12, and he slipped into a coma and died April 19, after undergoing surgery for three broken vertebrae and a broken voice box. The motive for his unrest still unclear, Gray’s death sparked days of both violent rebellion and peaceful protest in Baltimore and throughout the country. His death also raises questions about the role African-American police officers play in the arrest and treatment of Black suspects. Some African Americans once believed that Black officers would be

kinder in their treatment of Black suspects, since African Americans are often regarded with disdain that borders on hatred by other races. However, it hasn’t always worked out that way. Fred Rice, Chicago’s first African-American police superintendent, double promoted from lieutenant to deputy commander, has now disgraced former police officer Jon Burge. Burge and his crew tortured more than 100 Black men over 20 years, forcing them into confessing to crimes they did not commit. Rice was followed by two other African-American police superintendents, LeRoy Martin and Terry Hillard, who both knew about Burge’s brutal tactics, but did nothing to get rid of him. Burge was released from prison in October after serving 4 1/2 years for lying about having meted out torture to Black suspects, but due to the statute of limitations on his crimes, he was not prosecuted for torture. The three Black officers in Baltimore are: Sgt. Alicia D. White, 30, Officer William G. Porter, 25, and

Three of the officers charged are Black and three are White.

Officer Caesar R. Goodson, Jr., 45. The three White officers charged are: Lt. Brian W. Rice, 41, Officer Edward M. Nero, 29, and Officer Garrett E. Miller, 26. The charges of each are as follows: Miller is charged with two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of misconduct in office and one count of false imprisonment. Nero is charged with two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of misconduct in office and one count of false imprisonment.

Goodson is charged with one count of second-degree depravedheart murder, involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault, manslaughter by vehicle (gross negligence), manslaughter by vehicle (criminal negligence), and misconduct in office. Rice is charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree assault, two counts of misconduct in office, and one count of false imprisonment. White is charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office.

Porter is charged with one count of involuntary manslaughter, second-degree assault and misconduct in office. Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby said Gray died after suffering a severe and critical neck injury while being handcuffed and shackled by his feet. He also sustained injury because he was unrestrained inside the police van, which is against police policy. If convicted, the officers charged face decades in prison. Currently, they are all released on bail. Goodson, White, Porter and Rice paid bail at $350,000 each and Nero and Miller paid $250,000 each.

Colliding visions of marriage at the Supreme Court (ANALYSIS) By Kevin Eckstrom Religion News Service WASHINGTON (RNS) – As the nine Supreme Court justices took up the vexing question of a constitutional right to same-sex marriage last week, the case came down to two competing visions of marriage: what it’s been, what it should be, and who gets to decide. Outside the court, hundreds of demonstrators echoed both sides: Amateur evangelists and anti-gay zealots with signs proclaiming, “Man & Woman: United for Life, Open to Life,” and throngs of gay rights supporters chanting “Love Must Win!” to drown out the sidewalk preachers with their megaphones. Yet ultimately, beyond both the arcane and real-life arguments over the state’s sanction of private relationships, the court must decide the very nature and purpose of marriage – or at least which nature will be reflected in civil law. Even Justice Anthony Kennedy – the swing vote and the author of

the court’s major gay rights decisions for the past 20 years – struggled to understand how the Supreme Court in 2015 could alter the definition of marriage. The court’s conservative wing pressed lawyers for gay and lesbian couples in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Michigan about the nature of the institution they were fighting so hard to access. The questions boiled down to this: Is marriage about a civil contract between two adults, or a societal covenant for the rearing of children? Michigan’s Special Assistant Attorney General John Bursch, arguing to keep his state’s ban on gay marriage intact, repeatedly stressed that marriage is about securing bonds between parents and their biological (or adopted) children. When you decouple the two, he argued, more people will start having children outside of wedlock. “There’s harm if you change the definition of marriage because, in people’s minds, if marriage and creating children don’t have anything to do with each other, then what do

Justice Anthony Kennedy could again be the swing vote on gay marriage.

you expect? You expect more children outside of marriage,” he said. The court’s liberal wing wasn’t buying it. Justice Elena Kagan, perhaps the court’s most aggressive questioner on this issue, seemed dumbfounded. “Do you think that that’s what it would do, Mr. Bursch, that if one allowed same­-sex marriage, one would be announcing to the world that marriage and children have nothing to do with each other?” she asked, saying she found his warnings unrealistic, either in the “abstract or the concrete.”

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Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, also needling proponents of maintaining the existing bans in 13 states, played down the link between procreation and marriage, noting that elderly couples, infertile couples and even some prisoners could get state blessing on their marriages. “Suppose a couple, a 70-year-old couple, comes in and they want to get married,” said Ginsburg, an 82year-old widow. “You don’t have to ask them any questions. You know they are not going to have any children.” The court’s most outspoken conservative members – Justices Antonin Scalia and Samuel Alito – wondered early and often what would prevent an even further redefinition of marriage to include multiple spouses, or even child brides. “Would there be any ground for denying them a license?” Alito wanted to know. On the other side, proponents of same-sex couples argued that if the court really cares about the well-being of children, it must not overlook the estimated 210,000 children being

raised by same-sex parents without “the stabilizing structure and the many benefits of marriage.” For them, marriage is a solemn covenant of commitment between two consenting adults. Arguments about children and parentage, they said, are important, but also a sideshow to more fundamental questions about human dignity and civil rights. “The right to be married is as basic a liberty, as basic a fundamental liberty … which has existed for all of human civilization,” Justice Stephen Breyer said, expressing dismay at the idea that the government would “offer that to almost everyone, but exclude a group.” Kennedy, again clearly grappling with a decision that could define his tenure on the bench, wrestled with the idea of withholding the “dignity-bestowing” access to marriage, echoing his earlier decisions that same-sex couples want nothing more than the “same ennoblement” as everyone else. The court is expected to issue its decision by the end of June.

District Chronicles | May 7 - May 13, 2015 | 7


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By Freddie Allen NNPA Senior Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Being poor can have a bigger impact on your health than your race, according to a recent report by the Urban Institute. “Income is a driving force behind the striking health disparities that many minorities experience,” stated a recent report by the Urban Institute, a research group originally founded in 1968 to study the programs associated with the war on poverty. And even though Blacks have higher rates of disease than Whites, “these differences are dwarfed by the disparities identified between high- and low-income populations within each racial/ethnic group,” the report said. “Poor adults are almost five times as likely to report being in fair or poor health as adults with family incomes at or above 400 percent of the federal poverty level, or FPL, (in 2014, the FPL was $23,850 for a family of four) and they are more than three times as likely to have activity limitations due to chronic illness,” stated the report. In 2010, Whites “had twice the income of Blacks and Hispanics, but six times the wealth,” the report said. “In 2011, almost one-quarter (23.3 percent) of adults with family incomes under $35,000 per year had no usual place of medical care, compared with 6.0 percent of those with incomes of $100,000 or higher,” stated the report. “Similarly, 22.6 percent reported not having seen a dentist in more than five years, compared with 4.3 percent of adults with family incomes over $100,000.” The effects of poverty on lowincome families are often inescapable. “Public transportation is often inadequate to enable residents to commute to employment, to find a better job, or to reach a supermarket, a reliable childcare provider, or health care services,” stated the report. Poor families also live in neighborhoods plagued by environmental pollution and live near busy highways and industrial factories.

Poverty affects access to healthy eating, lifestyles and overall health.

Poor families often lack access to fresh produce and live in communities super-saturated by fast food restaurants, carry-outs and liquor stores. Safe places for children to play can be scarce. Families with yearly incomes below $35,000 were “four times more likely to report being nervous and five times more likely to report sadness ‘all or most of the time,’” compared to families that made more than $100,000. Children who live in low-income households are at greater risk for childhood obesity and experience higher rates of asthma than middle- and high-income families. According to a 2010 American Lung Association report, the prevalence of asthma is 35 percent higher among African Americans compared to Whites. In 2012, the Center for American Progress said that asthma costs the country about $14 billion annually because of lost wages and missed schooldays. And instead of saving employers money, low-income workers often cost their employers more, the report said, because of higher health care expenses and diminished productivity, as a result of missing more days at work and coming to work sick. Adults who have suffered adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), which can include oral, physical or sexual abuse or family dysfunction, are twice as likely to have heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes and four times as likely to have chronic lung disease, the

report said. “Policies that reduce adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) or that promote improved educational outcomes can translate into improved economic well-being, better health outcomes, and lower health care costs,” the report explained. “Similarly, the effects of unemployment on health may be buffered by unemployment assistance and other resources (e.g., savings, family resources, and social or business contacts).” The report also recommended making stronger investments in early childhood education and expanding community-based programs and improving service provider networks. Citing a British study, the Urban Institute researchers noted that adults (60 to 64 years old) who had grown up in the wealthiest households often “had 7 to 20 percent better cognitive performance” than adults who had grown up in the poorest households. “People and interest groups working to solve these problems are doing more than improving income and wealth: they are ultimately benefiting population health for all age groups,” said the report. “Improving the economic conditions of Americans at many income levels – from those who are poor to those in the middle class –could improve health and help control the rising costs of health care. Jobs, education, and other drivers of economic prosperity matter to public health.”








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In the Neighborhood

Metro Briefs: Notable news in and around Washington District of Columbia Council approves bill banning Stryofoam products


he Prince George’s County Council has passed a law prohibiting the sale and use of Styrofoam in the county. Under the legislation, Council Bill 5-2015 prohibits the sale of certain expanded polystyrene food service products and loose fill packaging. The foam form of expanded polystyrene is commonly used to make disposable plates, hot and cold beverage cups, bowls and other items. Council Members Mary Lehman (D) – District 1, Deni Taveras (D) – District 2 and Dannielle Glaros (D) – District 3, proposed CB5-2015 in response to the adverse environmental impact of polystyrene in Prince George’s County communities and on waterways. “Trash pollution in our neighborhoods and rivers drives down property values, burdens communities and deters economic development,” said Council Member Lehman. “By passing this legislation, the Council sends a message that protecting our environment and natural resources is a legislative priority. The quality of our living environment directly impacts the quality of life for our residents.” “On Saturday, April 25, thousands of Prince Georgians demonstrated their commitment to our environment by volunteering for Clean Up Green Up, Earth Day and Christmas in April,” said Council Member Glaros. “This legislation will further those efforts by significantly decreasing the use of Styrofoam in our county and keeping it out of our streams where it causes great harm.” “The County Council is serious about promoting environmentally sustainable business practices,” said Council Member Taveras. “From start to finish, we have listened to our small businesses and taken their concerns to heart. Eliminating Styrofoam packaging actually helps our small business-

es remain competitive with larger chain operations.” The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that less than one percent of all polystyrene produced in the United States is recycled. Polystyrene is not commonly recycled because of food contamination concerns and its high volume to weight ratio, which complicates transportation of the material. With the adoption of Council Bill 5-2015, Prince George’s County joins Montgomery County and the District of Columbia in an expanded polystyrene ban, and greater protection of the Anacostia Watershed. Council Bill 5-2015 is also supported by environmental groups: The Anacostia Watershed Society Director of Policy and Advocacy Dan Smith’s statement was as follows: “Requiring more healthy and environmentally-friendly alternatives to plastic foam products that cause tremendous problems for our communities and our waterways is a great step forward for the county and for a fishable and swimmable river. We expect to see less trash and a cleaner river as businesses and residents convert to more sustainable products even before this law goes into effect. The 2,600 volunteers who participated in our Earth Day River Cleanup last Saturday thank the Council for reducing their future cleanup burden!” Alice Ferguson Foundation Executive Director, Lori Arguelles’ statement was as follows: “We commend the Council for adopting this visionary and important legislation. As we work with partners to conduct the annual ‘spring cleaning’ of the Potomac River, Styrofoam is, sadly, always in great abundance. We look forward to seeing a significant reduction in Styrofoam in

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future years, just as we’ve seen a reduction in plastic bags as a result of those jurisdictions that have enacted legislation to address that problem. These policies DO work!” Trash Free Maryland Director, Julie Lawson’s statement was as follows: “We are delighted that Prince George’s County is joining DC and Montgomery County in a regional approach to reducing trash pollution. Banning foam food packaging is a major step forward in cleaning up our neighborhoods and waterways, and creates a level playing field for businesses across the area.” University of Maryland SGA, Student Sustainability Committee Director of City Affairs, Annie Rice’s statement was as follows: “This legislation is critical not only for our environmental and human health, but also to ensure that Prince George’s County proves itself to be just as forward-thinking as Montgomery County and the District of Columbia. Needless consumption and resource waste is one of the driving factors behind the impending threat of climate change, and the sooner we eliminate polystyrene, the better.”

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District Chronicles | May 7 - May 13, 2015 | 11

In the Neighborhood Metro Briefs: Notable news in and around Washington District of Columbia Congressional bill mandates vaccinations for public school students congress.gov


lorida Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson (FL-24) has introduced the Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015. This bill will require students attending public schools to receive vaccinations, with a medical exception for students who cannot be vaccinated. Congresswoman Wilson released the following statement: “This week, the World Health Organization celebrated World Im-

Congresswoman Wilson’s bill will require all students in public schools to receive vaccinations.

munization Week, recognizing the importance of vaccines. Research has shown that vaccinations are effective, keep people healthy, and save lives. As a former educator, I understand the importance of childhood vaccinations,” said Wilson, a

former school principal. “The health and safety of children must be our top priority. Children who are not vaccinated put themselves and others in danger of acquiring and spreading preventable diseases,” continued Wilson who represents parts of Northern MiamiDade and Southeast Broward counties. “That is why I introduced the Vaccinate All Children Act because requiring vaccinations for students will save lives and protect future generations.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that vaccinations will prevent more than 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths in the United States among children born in the last 20 years.

Montgomery County Montgomery County Recreation adds adult softball leagues Montgomery County Recreation has opened registration through June 1, for men’s and coed softball leagues. The leagues provide five weeks of double-header games and end-of-the-season playoffs. The leagues generally appeal to teams of varying skill levels looking for a shorter season. Men’s (course #407119) games will be played Sunday evenings beginning June 7. Coed (course

#407120) games will be played Wednesday evenings starting June 10. All games are played in the Layhill, Aspen Hill and Olney areas. The team registration fee of $495 for county teams and $545 for non-county teams is due at the time of registration. Registration is available four ways: visit www.montgomerycountymd.gov/rec and click on RecWeb icon; download an application from the website and fax to 240.777.6818 or mail to the Recreation Administration Office, 4010 Randolph Road, Silver Spring. Additionally, applications can be submitted in person at the administrative offices.

Area folks enjoy the annual Riverdale ArtFest

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Robert Eubanks/District Chronicles

12 | May 7 - May 13, 2015 | District Chronicles

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