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In 2022 we continued to hold weekly WASL community calls, started during the pandemic, as a space for solidarity, collective analysis, and sharing good practices among members of WASL and invited guests.

During the year, ICAN held 44 calls on topics including:

• Economic security of women peacebuilders and the role of the private sector;

• Religious leader engagement by women peacebuilders;

• Global impact of the war in Ukraine on peacebuilding;

• Engaging men on the Women, Peace, and Security agenda;

• The nexus of peacebuilding and climate resilience;

• The Principles for Peace “Peacemakers’ Covenant” (KUPI);

• The 2nd Indonesian Women Ulema Congress;

• The #WomanLifeFreedom protests in Iran.

We also hosted guests including Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Edinburgh (formerly the Countess of Wessex); Norwegian Member of Parliament and Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Ine Eriksen Soreide; and Libyan parliamentarian Ibtesam Al Rubai.

I am a proud member of WASL, WASL has connected me to myself - first of all, to my community, to the world. It’s amplified my voice on the issues that I represent, the country that I represent, and it’s also brought me together with a collective network of powerful, experienced and knowledgeable women.”

- Muna Luqman, Founder, Food4Humanity, Yemen

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