Distriks pos 23 04 2015

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see pg 2 X1PXG271-DP230415

DEEL ’N BIETJIE WARMTE Altesame 148 komberse sal vandag (Donderdag) aan die Zandvliet Versor­ gingsoord in Macassar geskenk word. Dié kom­ bers­projek is verlede November deur die NG­ kerk Helderberg se dienssentrum van stapel gestuur met die doel om behoeftiges in die ge­ meenskap te help. Kobie Groenewald sê hulle is dankbaar vir die oorwel­ digende ondersteuning van die projek. “Die kombersies is met liefde voltooi en ons is bevoor­ reg om aan elkeen van die 148 inwoners van die versorgingsoord ’n kombers te kan gee.” Die komberse is Dinsdag van 09:00 tot 16:00 by die kerk ten toon gestel. Hier van links is van die ywerige breiers Cora van der Veen, Dickie Möller, Joyce Robertson, Cecile Venter, Betta Stapelberg, Kobie Groenewald, Hans Meyer en Ben du Plessis.



Malawians survive attack DELIAH BRINKHUIS

A group of eight Malawian men are being kept in a place of safety after they were attacked in their Lwandle home last Sunday. The assault is believed to be of a xenophobic nature and comes after incidents of xenophobic violence in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng claiming the lives of seven people, including three South Africans. These violent attacks are believed to have been spurred on by comments by Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini, ap-

parently referring to foreigners as “lice” and saying they should leave South Africa. The local attack happened in Asanda Village after a group of men forced their way into the Nqolwana Street home. According to police spokesperson Sergeant Mthokozisi Gama, the attackers broke down a door and used sticks to attack eight Malawian men while they were sleeping. The Malawians outran their attackers and sought refuge at the Lwandle Police Station. Two of the men (23 and 30 years old)

sustained serious head injuries and have been admitted to Helderberg Hospital. All eight men have since been accommodated in a place of safety. Major General Johan Brandt, head of the Khayelitsha cluster police, says eight men were arrested soon afterwards with the help of the community and the police’s crime intelligence. The South African men allegedly said foreigners were not welcome in South Africa and that they did not want them in Lwandle. The men will appear in the Strand Magistrate’s Court on 30 April on

charges of assault. They will remain in custody until then. Brandt says the attack on the Malawians was an isolated incident and that no other attacks on foreigners have been reported since. He says the Malawians rented the house from a family member of one of the attackers and that the motive may have been jealousy. At a public meeting on Sunday, Brandt praised the police for their swift response and urged residents to refrain from xenophobic attacks. Siyabonga Macaula, the Lwandle CPF chairperson, says attacks on for-

eign nationals are condemned. “We want the community to know we are all brothers and sisters. We do not want segregation and want foreigners to stay in South Africa,” he said. Macaula says a march against xenophobia is being planned. Lead SA hosted a silent vigil at Constitutional Hill in Johannesburg on Tuesday against xenophobic violence in South Africa. Mcebisi Skwatsha, Deputy Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform planned a visit to Lwandle last night (Wednesday).

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Nuus News

23 April, 2015

Vrou steel duur handsak by padstal DALEEN FOUCHÉ ’n Gordonsbaai-inwoner is haar duur ontwerpershandsak kwyt nadat ’n vermeende dief haar handsak by ’n bekende padstal in Grabouw gegryp het.

A shop in Strand is the latest victim of an armed robbery. Mariners Shop in George Street, Strand, was robbed by four armed men on Sunday 19 April. According to Constable Mbulelo Mafuna, spokesperson for the Strand police, the men entered the shop and threatened staff and customers with guns and took them to the back of the shop. The suspects stole cigarettes, an undisclosed amount of cash and the cellphones of the staff and customers. “It is not known if they left the scene on foot or in a vehicle,” says Mafuna. No shots were fired during the robbery. Mafuna says a docket of armed robbery was opened, but no arrests have been made. Anyone with information that can assist the investigation must contact Lieutenant Colonel Plaatjies on 082 469 3359. A reward may be offered to the person who gives information, if the information leads to the successful conviction of the suspects.

Jeanette Vorster vertel sy het Saterdag die gewilde Peregrine-padstal net buite Grabouw besoek toe ’n vrou haar handsak gryp. Sy het buite op die stoep gesit en wag vir haar wegneemkoffie, toe ’n Tazz die parkeerterrein binne ry. Die motor het eers ’n paar sirkels gery voordat dit tot stilstand gekom het. Drie vroue het uitgeklim terwyl die man agter die stuur die kar laat luier het. Vorster sê die vroue het geloop en klets toe een agter haar kom staan het. Dié vrou het toe haar hand liggies om die handvatsels geplaas en die handsak vinnig gegryp. Die drie vroue is inderhaas weer terug na die motor, wat toe in die rigting van Botrivier weggery het. Vorster sê sy het redelik baie kontant in

Jeanette Vorster met haar ontwerpershand­ sak wat onlangs gesteel is. haar handsak gehad, ’n fout wat sy nie maklik sal herhaal nie. Maar vir haar is die grootste verlies haar Fluva-handsak wat sy in Flo-

rence, Italië gekoop het. Sy sê sy het destyds lank gespaar om die handsak te kan bekostig. Dit het ’n waarde van byna R4 000. Sy beskryf die handsak as ’n unieke item wat nie in SuidAfrika bekombaar is nie. “Dit is van ’n baie dik leer gemaak en is lemmetjiegroen.” Vorster sê sy was geensins roekeloos met haar handsak nie en wil graag ander waarsku om altyd op die uitkyk te wees vir vermeende diewe. “Ek was baie versigtig en het my handsak styf langs my vasgehou toe dit gebeur het.” Justin Burls, eienaar van Peregrine, sê dit is ’n baie ongelukkige voorval. “Ons doen alles in ons vermoë om die padstal so veilig as moontlik te hou.” Hy sê die padstal het altesame 26 kringtelevisiekameras en ’n sekerheidswag. Burls bevestig soortgelyke insidente het al ’n keer of wat voorheen gebeur, maar beaam dat in die 18 jaar se bestaan van die padstal, dit “baie selde” gebeur. Die Grabouw-polisie het die insident bevestig. Nog geen inhegtenisnemings is gemaak nie.

COMMUNITY TAKES CHARGE: About 20 members of the Strand community were trained in community safety. The Department of Community Safety hosted the training weekend on 18 and 19 April where locals were taught how to make their community a safe place to live, work, learn, relax and move around in. The aim of the training is to mobilise the community to im­ prove safety in the area. The residents were also told what their rights and responsibilities are, how to plan for and patrol their community and things to look out for while on patrols. In the front, from left, are Johanna Smith, Bavally Fredericks, Caroline Page, Nagereena Adams, Malvern de Bruyn (departmental facilitator), Francis Lukas, Henrietta Liebenberg, Dawn Poggenpoel and Katrina Dyk. Back row, from left are Andrew Bai­ ley, Chris Haupt, Levert Hendricks, Lizette Aylward, Ro­ nald Hendricks, Riaan Liebenberg, Damian Frans, Nico Williams, Thabo Lukas and Sandra van Rooyen.


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23 April, 2015

Kapers slaan toe op pa en sy twee kinders DELIAH BRINKHUIS Vier gewapende mans het op hul toegesak en sy dogter se 14de verjaardag in ’n nagmerrie laat ontaard. Dit is hoe ’n kapingstoneel van ’n Strandse gesin Sondag in Macassar afgespeel het. Volgens die 34-jarige pa van twee, wat verkies om anoniem te bly, het hy omstreeks 20:30 sy vrou voor die Q-woonstelle in Macassar afgelaai waar sy ’n pakkie sou optel. “Ek het voor ’n winkel aan die oorkant van die woonstelblok geparkeer toe ’n silwerkleurige Mercedes Benz C-klas in my rigting gery kom,” vertel hy. Volgens die man het die kar verby hom en sy kinders gery waar hulle in sy Volkswagen Caravelle gesit het, en aan die oorkant van die pad voor die woonstelle stilgehou. Onmiddellik het vier mans uit die voertuig geklim en in sy rigting geloop. “Hulle het al geselsend en laggend aangeloop gekom,” onthou hy. Die mans het verby sy voertuig geloop, maar net toe hul verby die bestuurderskant is, het hulle skielik omgedraai. “Ek het my venster opgedraai,” sê hy. Die volgende oomblik het hy in die loop van ’n vuurwapen vasgekyk. “Geskok het ek gelag en gedink dit is ’n grap,” sê hy. Hy het egter gou besef dit is nie ’n speletjie nie toe die man die vuurwapen al swaaiend in sy hand hou en sê, “Ayikho toy”. “Maak oop, maak oop! Het die mans gesê en my uitgepluk,” vertel hy. Al vier mans het op hom toegesak en hom deursoek. Hy is agter in die kombi geboender waar twee mans by hom, sy dogter en

sewejarige seun ingeklim het. Die ander twee mans het voor in die kombi geklim. “Ek het gepleit dat hulle die kinders moet laat gaan, maar is beveel om stil te bly,” vertel hy. Die mans het uit die dorp met Macassar-weg langs, in die rigting van Khayelitsha gery. “My dogter het begin huil toe die man langs my sê dat hy my gaan dood skiet. Ek het haar probeer paai, maar is geklap en met die gun teen die kop geslaan,” onthou hy. “Na etlike minute, wat soos ure gevoel het, het ons gestop en is ons beveel om uit te klim,” sê hy. Die kombi het langs die pad voor ’n beboste gebied stilgehou en die gesin is aangesê om die bosse in te loop. “Toe ons sowat 100 m geloop het, het ons die kombi hoor ry. Ons het tussen die duine uitgekom en in die rigting van Macassar gehardloop.” Net voor die Kramatbrug het ’n polisievoertuig gery. “Ek het in die middel van die pad gaan staan, dit gestop en vertel wat gebeur het.” Minute later het ’n polisiemotor by hulle aangesluit wat die gesin na veiligheid geneem het terwyl die polisievangwa die vermeende kapers agterna gesit het. Volgens polisiewoordvoerder sers. Chrisy Lewaks is niemand nog in hegtenis geneem ná die mans in die rooi Volkswagen Caravelle gevlug het nie. ’n Kaping-saak word ondersoek. Volgens Lewaks hou die voorval dalk verbandmet’nbesigheidsroofby’ngroothandelaarswinkel in die omgewing van die Q-woonstelle verlede Vrydag omstreeks 20:00. Vier netjies-geklede mans het die eienaar met vuurwapens aangehou en kontant, sigarette en selfoonlugtyd ter waarde van R50 000 gebuit.


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Nuus News

23 April, 2015


This picture of the fire at Vergelegen Wine Estate was taken on Tuesday morning after a prescribed burn from the previous day flared up again as a result of too strong wind in the area.

Bylmoordenaar gou aangekeer DANIE KEET

’n Inhegtenisneming in die Van Bredamoorde kan binne die volgende twee weke verwag word. Volgens ’n ingeligte bron na aan die ondersoek is daar glo reeds genoeg forensiese getuienis deur die ondersoekspan wat die Van Breda-moorde ondersoek, ingesamel om ’n verdagte in hegtenis te neem en voor die hof te daag. Martin (54) en Teresa (55) van Breda en hul oudste seun, Rudi (22), is ide nag van 26/27 Januarie vanjaar wreed met ’n byl op die De Zalze-gholflandgoed buite Stellenbosch vermoor. Hul dogter, Marli (19), het die aanval oorleef met kopwonde en ’n snywond aan die keel. Sy kan glo niks van die voorval onthou nie. Sy was lank in die hospitaal en in ’n rehabilitasiesentrum voordat sy verlede week ontslaan is en nou by familievriende bly. Henri (19), die ander seun, het ligte beserings in die voorval opgedoen. Meer as 130 bewysstukke is glo reeds deur die span ingesamel – skynbaar heelwat meer as wat gewoonlik nodig is om ’n aanklag na die hof te neem. Volgens die bron is ’n ooggetuieverslag nie opsigself noodsaaklik om ’n skuldigbevinding te verkry nie. Volgens die bron is al die bewysstukke nou deeglik geliasseer en georden – ’n proses wat opsigself byna drie weke geduur het. “Forensiese bewyse en verslae is na verskillende laboratoriums in die land gestuur. Met die huidige agterstand met forensiese verslae het dit nog langer geduur om dié be-

wyse te kry. Die Van Breda-ondersoek is egter geprioritiseer – in sommige gevalle kan ondersoekbeamptes tot vyf jaar wag om verslae te ontvang.” Henri het die oggend van die moorde self die nooddienste van die aanval op sy gesin in kennis gestel en bly sedertdien ook by familie. Die forensiese ondersoek het onder meer gefokus op die selfoon waarmee hy die nooddienste geskakel het en artikel 205-ondersoeke op al die nommers op die foon is afgehandel. Henri moes ook reeds sy paspoort by die polisie indien en sy bewegings word skynbaar deur die ondersoekspan gemonitor. “Omstandigheidsgetuienis, soos dit wat uit hierdie forensiese ondersoeke bekom is, kan genoeg wees om ’n skuldigbevinding in ’n hof te bewerkstellig. In sulke gevalle is dit nie noodsaaklik dat daar ooggetuieverslae of verklarings van oorlewendes hoef te wees nie,” het die bron gesê. Volgens Louise Buikman SC, wat as Marli se kurator aangestel is, is Marli se grootste uitdaging nou om die trauma waardeur sy is, te verwerk. “Die terapie wat sy tans kry, sluit fisio-, spraak en arbeidsterapie sowel as sielkundige ondersteuning in, en sy geniet besoeke van haar skoolmaats. “Ek is haar wettige kurator, of curator ad litem en sal aan die hooggeregshof verslag doen oor haar vordering en aanbevelings maak oor haar toekoms, soos waar sy moet woon en wie vir haar alledaagse versorging verantwoordelik moet wees,” het Buikman aan Distrikspos se susterskoerant, Eikestadnuus, gesê.

Controlled fire flares up, but contained TAMSYN JANTJIES A controlled fire scheduled at Vergelegen Wine Estate for Monday 20 April, flared up again after it was believed to be extinguished. The fire flared up on Monday night and in the early hours of Tuesday morning. By Tuesday afternoon, a large smoke cloud hovered over the Helderberg Basin and residents questioned the size of the fire. City of Cape Town Fire and Rescue Services spokesperson Theo Layne said they were

called out to assist at the Vergelegen Wine Estate on Tuesday morning. “Five fire engines, four water tankers and about 50 seasonal fire fighters were dispatched,” he explained. Three helicopters were also dispatched to the scene, as fire engines found it difficult to manoeuvre the terrain. The fire was eventually contained by 18:00 on Tuesday, but crews remained on the scene to monitor the situation. There has been no major flare ups, but firefighters are dealing with various hotspots.

Two die in R44 accident at the weekend An accident on the R44 claimed the lives of two men and left two people injured on Saturday 18 April. The car, a red Uno, was travelling on the R44 from Stellenbosch to Somerset West when the driver allegedly lost control of the car. According to Colonel Mary Anne Williams, station commander of the Somerset West police station, the car overturned.

The driver and one passenger died and two passengers were taken to Tygerberg Hospital and Helderberg Hospital. The patient transported to Tygerberg Hospital sustained serious injuries and is in the hospital’s intensive care unit. No other cars were involved in the accident. A case of culpable homicide is being investigated by the Somerset West police.



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Nuus News

23 April, 2015

Sprankelende tiener se dood laat groot leemte DELIAH BRINKHUIS “Op 14 Desember 1999 is ’n engeltjie aan ons geleen... Sy het ons net vreugde gebring.”

er, waarvandaan sy Maandag na die familievriende in Lisbon is. “Als is so onwerklik. Ons het Savannah die Donderdagoggend by die lughawe gaan aflaai. Ons het verwag dat sy weer na ons sou terugkom,” sê Izak. Volgens Shirene het haar ouers onmiddellik na die hospitaal gehaas ná hulle die tyding gekry het. Shirene sê dokters het, na hulle die koeels verwyder het, vir drie ure verbete gespook om Savannah te stabiliseer. In dié tyd het sy drie hartaanvalle gehad; sy het om

Dis die inleiding op die begrafnispamflet van Savannah Montgomery wat gedurende die Paasnaweek tragies in ’n skietvoorval gesterf het. Haar ouers, Shirene en Izak Montgomery van Somerset-Wes, onthou hul 15- Savannah Montgomery het jarige dogter as ’n lewenslus- Paasnaweek tragies ge­ tige, sprankelende kind “wat sterf. voluit geleef het, en altyd net 18:00 gesterf. ’n verskil in mense se lewe wou maak”. ’n Begrafnisdiens vir Savannah is op SaSavannah, ’n gr. 9-leerder aan die Hoërskool Parel Vallei het ten tyde van haar dood terdag 11 April in Benoni gehou, gevolg deur by vriende in Lisbon, Mpumalanga gekuier. ’n verassing. Verlede Vrydag het roubeVolgens polisiewoordvoerder vir die Mo- klaers, waarvan talle haar skoolvriende kopane-polisie, konstabel Mmadikgale was, hul laaste eer tydens ’n gedenkdiens Masingi, is Savannah op Maandag 6 April in die Sewendedag-Adventiste-kerk by die omstreeks 12:00 met ’n haelgeweer, op ’n Helderberg Kollege bygewoon. Hartseer tieners het gesukkel om hul emokleinhoewe in Lisbon, geskiet. ’n Sewentienjarige seun was teenwoordig sies te beteuel terwyl ’n jeugorkes die lied Goodbye’s (the saddest word) van die Kanaten tyde van die skietvoorval. Volgens Masingi het die seun die haelge- dese sanger Celine Dion gesing het. Die gedenkdiens is deur die jeugprediweer uit die kluis gehaal om aan die eienaar te gee, toe die geweer per ongeluk afgegaan kant AJ de Villiers waargeneem, wat Savannah as ’n saggeaarde, merkwaardige perhet. ’n Moordsaak word ondersoek. Savannah het veelvuldige wonde in haar soon beskryf het wat geliefd onder almal sy en bene opgedoen, en is na die Voortrek- was. “Sy was te jonk om te gaan,” het hy ker-hospitaal gehaas waar sy onmiddellik gesê. David Schenk, skoolhoof van Hoërskool geopereer is. Volgens Shirene was sy, Isak en hul 11-ja- Parel Vallei het gesê Savannah sal vir haar rige seun Bradon, op ’n kerkbyeenkoms in “vriendelikheid, meelewendheid en goeie Hartenbos. Savannah het ook ’n soortgelyke gedrag te alle tye gemis word”. “Die baie goeie herinneringe wat ons van byeenkoms in Heidelberg bygewoon en het dié naweek by haar ouma in Benoni gekui- haar het sal ons laat voortgaan,” sê Izak.


NABBED IN FRONT OF COP SHOP: The luck of a man wanted for a 2010 fraud case in Port Elizabeth ran out when he was arrested by Gordon’s Bay police on Monday. Gordon’s Bay police spokes­ person Constable Vicky Kriel says Ser­ geant John Engelbrecht (left) and Consta­ ble Asanda Zonke arrested the 41­year­ old man outside Gordon’s Bay Police Station. “He had reversed his vehicle into the low stone wall outside the police sta­ tion. When the officers approached him, he appeared to be under the influence of alcohol. The man was arrested on drunk driving charges,” Kriel says. While in cus­ tody, the officers found a warrant of ar­ rest had been issued for the man at Ka­ bega Park Police Station in Port Elizabeth in November 2013.



Nuus News

23 April, 2015

Be alert of xenophobia Gordon’s Bay police encourages residents to phone the station on 021 856 2677 to report any xenophobic attacks in the precinct. Residents can speak to the officer in the charge office or request to speak to Captain Tjikamba Mbangu or Warrant Officer Leon Mostert.

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Demands fall on deaf ears DALEEN FOUCHÉ The addition of two speed bumps in Lwandle is the only concrete response from the City of Cape Town following a service delivery protest by residents in February. About 200 Lwandle residents took to the streets on Wednesday 25 February to voice their concerns about service delivery in especially the informal areas of the township. A memorandum of demands was handed over to the City of Cape Town. Demands included better refuse removal for the informal settlements, more toilets and water points and serviced plots for the remaining people living in the Nomzamo Community Hall. In its response to the memorandum, the City stipulates that residents must return to the road reserve belonging to the South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral), where Lwandle residents were evicted from almost a year ago. The City states that it has installed toilets and water on the periphery of the land, but needs Sanral’s permission to install these services on the land. To date, Sanral has not responded to the City’s request. In terms of electricity provision for informal settlements on state owned land, the City states this is the responsibility of the Housing Development Agency. Two demands were made by Lwandle residents regarding traffic calming measures in the township in Onverwacht Road and in Simon Street, Nomzamo. After procedural assessments of these streets, the City concluded that no traffic calming measures can be implemented in On-

Lwandle residents took to the streets in February to demand better services for informal set­ tlements. However, the City has only responded to one of the demands; speed bumps has been proposed for Simon Street. PHOTO: MARK STUART verwacht Street, because it forms part of the City of Cape Town’s public transport route. According to the city’s traffic calming policy, no traffic calming measures may be imple-

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Residents of Strand are invited to an anti-crime march on Monday 27 April. The march will start at 10:00 from Strand Secondary School and will finish at the Casablanca Sports Grounds. Strand police spokesperson Constable Mbulelo Mafuna says the aim of the march is to highlight the need to tackle gangsterism and close down drug houses and illegal shebeens in the Strand policing precinct. “Drug users resort to stealing, housebreakings and commit violent crimes to support their need for drugs. Unlicensed taverns or shebeens and drug houses need to be closed down,” says Mafuna. The community is invited to bring posters or banners along to the march. A prize will be given to the person with the best poster.

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mented along these routes. Two additional speed bumps are proposed for Simon Street, close to the clinic and close to a school.

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Nuus News

23 April, 2015

‘Toll roads will destroy agriculture’

Die foto van dooie visse in die Lourensrivier is deur DistriksPos­leser, Francois du Preez, ge­ neem.

Oorsaak van dooie visse geïdentifiseer ’n Rioolstorting is volgens die Stad Kaapstad die oorsaak van die talle dooie visse wat verlede week in die Lourensrivier ontdek is. DistriksPos het verlede week berig dat ’n leser foto’s ingestuur het van dooie visse wat naby die mond van die Lourensrivier dryf (“Min water laat visse na hul asem snak”, 16 April). Siyabulela Mamkeli, burgemeesterskomiteelid vir gesondheid, sê die voorval is deur die Stad Kaapstad ondersoek. Hy sê dit wil voorkom asof die probleem veroorsaak is deur die Lourensrivier-pompstasie wat op 11 April oorgeloop het. Die departement water en sanitasie het na die storting die pompstasie herstel en die rivier met biologiese ensieme behandel om die

riool af te breek. Mamkeli sê dat daar tans baie min water in die rivier vloei, wat beteken dit neem langer om die vuil water uit die stelsel te spoel. Mamkeli verduidelik dat pompstasies maklik tydens beurtkrag oorloop. Daarom is die Stad Kaapstad besig om die moontlikheid van kragopwekkers as deel van die opgradering van dié pompstasies te ondersoek. ’n Plaaslike kragopwekker is by die Lourensrivier-pompstasie geïnstalleer om verdere stortings te voorkom. “Die kragopwekker het met die afgelope naweek se beurtkrag ingeskop en verdere stortings voorkom.” Die Stad se departement paaie en stormwater het die silt wat in die Lourensrivier opgedam het, verwyder sodat die rivier beter vloei, maar Mamkeli sê daar was nog nie genoeg reen om die riviermond oop te hou nie. “Ons sal die situasie dophou.”

The Winelands Tolling Project proposed by Sanral for the Western Cape will not only destroy jobs in the farming sector, but also increase costs for farmers, and impact on the movement of thousands of farmworkers. This is according to Beverley Schäfer, DA Western Cape spokesperson on Agriculture. Following the release of reports made secret by Sanral, Schäfer says she scrutinised the documents indicating that residents of the province will have to pay three times more than Gauteng residents to drive on the N1 and N2 in the Winelands. “My further investigation to the effect on the farming sector, key to rural Western Cape, reveals that the Winelands Toll Roads project will have a devastating effect on the adjacent farming sector,” she says. In line with the National Development Plan, the farming sector is crucial to the region’s job creation, says Schäfer. “It has potential to create more than 100 000 new jobs in the province. These jobs will go to the rural poor, who need it most.” According to Schäfer the toll roads will also result in a reduction of cash flow for the fruit growers in the Elgin and Hex River Valley, who already struggle financially. “Any further financial hardship experienced by these farmers in the fruit export industry, may result in future unemployment among farmworkers.” Schäfer adds that the toll roads will impact on the mobility of farmworkers, making it difficult for them to access essential services, to maintain social contact with their families and limiting movement of thousands of seasonal farmworkers.

Gemeenskap na imbizo genooi Die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum (GPF) en polisie van Macassar hou op Donderdag 30 April ’n imbizo vir die gemeenskap in Macassar. Die polisiehoof vir die Khayelitshastreek, majoor-generaal Johan Brand, en sy bestuur sal daar wees om na die gemeenskap se klagtes en probleme te luister. Die imbizo begin om 19:00 in Hoërskool Macassar se saal.


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8 DistrictMail Robber sentenced Nuwe tuiste vir Strand-eenheid vir ondersteuning van slagoffers 23 April, 2015

A 27-year-old Khayelitsha man will spend years behind bars after he was sentenced in Somerset West Magistrate’s Court last month. Gcobeni Memani was found guilty of a robbery that occurred in Derrick Drive, Somerset West on 8 June last year. Somerset West police spokesperson Sergeant Susan Jantjies says Memani approached the victim (27) and threatened her with a firearm. “Upon realising the firearm was a plastic gun, the complainant refused to hand over her handbag,” she says. “Memani became aggressive and took the handbag by force. An on-duty security guard responded to the complainant’s screams and arrested Memani, who was later handed over to the police.” On Thursday 19 March, Memani was sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment, of which four years are suspended for five years, for robbery with a weapon other than a firearm. “He was also deemed unfit to possess a firearm,” says Jantjies. Somerset West police station commander Colonel Mary Ann Williams welcomed the sentencing and congratulated Detective Warrant Officer Deon Klaasen on his investigation in the case.

Father sought The Department of Social Development’s Somerset West office is looking for Velile Vuso in connection with his child. The child’s mother, Nomathemba Skolo, passed away on 27 September 2014. Vuso’s last known address is Ntanga Street, Nomzamo. Anyone with information as to the whereabouts of Vuso is urged to contact the social worker, Zoleka Beqezi, on 021 840 3500 during office hours.

Nuus News

TAMSYN JANTJIES Die Strand-polisiekantoor se ondersteuningseenheid vir slagoffers is op Saterdag 18 April heropen nadat die eenheid se gebou onlangs opgeknap is. Verskeie plaaslike belanghebbendes het die geleentheid, wat Saterdagoggend by die Strand-polisiekantoor gehou is, bygewoon. Die houtstruktuur waar die eenheid verskeie dienste lewer, is die afgelope paar maande volledig opgeknap. Die behoefte om die eenkamerstruktuur uit te brei en te restoureer, is deur vrywilligers en polisiebeamptes geïdentifiseer. Dienste word deur die ondersteuningseenheid gelewer aan slagoffers van geweld, vroue- en kindermishandeling en verkragting, sowel as minderjariges met gedrags- en dwelmverwante probleme en leerders wat deur skole verwys word. Die eenheid lewer ook dienste aan slagoffers van so ver as Grabouw en Eersterivier. Opgeleide beraders lewer vrywillig hul dienste. Voorheen moes vrywilligers beurte maak om berading aan misdaadslagoffers te gee. Met die opgradering van die struktuur, wat nou uit drie kamers bestaan, sal beraders en slagoffers meer privaatheid gedurende beradingsessies het. Beraders sal ook met meer as een slagoffer op ’n keer kan werk. Die Strand se Rotariërklub het grootliks bygedra tot die opknapping van die struktuur en ondersteuning is ook van die Claremont Rotariërklub ontvang. Die klub, wat al vir meer as 60 jaar gemeenskapsprojekte in die Helderberg ondersteun, verskaf ook versorgingspakkies aan die slagoffers. Die eenheid word deur adjudant-offisier Felicia Sylvester, die polisiebeampte in beheer van gemeenskapspolisiëring, bestuur. Vir enige navrae oor die ondersteuningseenheid vir slagoffers, skakel gerus vir ao. Felicia Sylvester by 082 522 1289.

Lede van die Strand Rotariërklub, gemeenskapspolisiëring­forum (GPF) en polisie was almal teenwoordig by die heropening van die Strand­polisiekantoor se ondersteunings­ eenheid vir slagoffers. Agter (van links) is: Simeon Laubsher, kol. Andre Adonis, Maud Prinsloo, Mark Williams, Robert Adock, kol. Taswell Paulse en kol. Franklin Plaatjies; (voor van links) Anita Miller, Arlene Reschenbaum, Jamie Scholtz (GPF­sekretaris) en Francis Lukas (GPF­voorsitter).

Die vrywillige beraders wat 24­uur diens (ook gedurende naweke) aan slagoffers van misdaad lewer, was almal teenwoordig: (van links) Claudia Mclean, Cicily Jansen­Ver­ meulen, Magriet Bester, Daniel Tiemie, Esperanza Labuschagne en Wadia Bazier.



Nuus News

23 April, 2015

NSRI Gordon’s Bay rescue vessel Jack Riley has been moved to temporary moorings at Harbour Island.

Sandbank forces NSRI to relocate rescue vessel The National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI) has moved its 14,5 m rescue boat, the Jack Riley, out of the Old Gordon’s Bay Harbour. DistrictMail previously reported that the vessel is not able to leave or enter the harbour during certain times, especially during the low tide following spring tide, as a result of a massive sandbank forming at the entrance of the harbour (“Dire straits for harbour”, 19 March). NSRI spokesperson Craig Lambinon says the Jack Riley will temporarily be moored in front of the new Krystal Beach Hotel at Harbour Island. “Silting has occurred at the mouth of the

Gordon’s Bay Old Harbour, to the extent that at times, we cannot launch this rescue vessel. The Jack Riley needs an extra length mooring to accommodate her size and, thanks to Harbour Island Properties, we have found that mooring,” he says. But this is only a temporary arrangement, Lambinon explains, until the Old Gordon’s Bay Harbour mouth is dredged. He assures the public that the NSRI Gordon’s Bay’s rapid response sea rescue craft will not be affected by the silting, and they will continue to launch from the sea rescue base at Gordon’s Bay Harbour. The Jack Riley was sponsored by, and named after, the late Jack and Irene Riley from Helderberg Village in Somerset West.

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Hoofartikelblad Leader Page

23 April, 2015


Mail Wees op jou hoede vir misdadigers Misdaad is al so deel van die alledaagse lewe in Suid-Afrika dat min misdaadstories nog die wenkbroue laat lig. Maar ’n voorval waarin twee kinders saam met hul pa deur gewapende mans gedreig en gekaap is, móét ons aandag trek en laat nadink oor ons gesinne se veiligheid. Die voorval het Sondag in Macassar afgespeel en genadig is die familie ongedeerd ná die voorval. Nog ’n plaaslike inwoner is onlangs onverwags deur misdadigers betrap. ’n Gordonsbaai-inwoner het oor die naweek by ’n gewilde padstal gestop vir koffie toe haar handsak gegryp is. Ons kan nie dié soort voorval wegwens nie, maar ons kan wel daadwerklike stappe doen om onsself en ons gesinne te beveilig. Die polisie waarsku altyd dat ons op ons hoede moet wees en weet wat om ons aangaan. Dit is moontlik die heel belangrikste raad en ook dié wat die meeste geïgnoreer word. Met die wêreld aan jou vingerpunte (in die vorm van ’n selfoon) is jou onmiddellike omstandighede dalk vervelig – maar ook moontlik gevaarlik. Skurke is altyd op die uitkyk vir maklike teikens. ’n Onoplettende persoon is van die maklikste teikens! Dink dus aan jou veiligheid en kyk mooi wat om jou aangaan.

Lovelt louter plesier Wat ’n wonderlike verrassing was dit om in te stap by LoveIt by die Twin Palm-winkelsentrum. Keurig uitgestal is die juweliersware en bykomstighede – ’n lus vir die oog teen bekostigbare pryse. Om die kroon te span, word baie van die artikels op die perseel gemaak. Viva vir kundige werkskepping. Ek sal verseker ’n gereelde klant wees en my vriendinne soontoe begelei. Die pastelkleurige tafels en stoele vir ’n koppie tee of koffie en vars sny koek of tert rond ’n lekker saamkuier af. Baie geluk aan mev. Naude met haar vernuftige inisiatief. Ek kan net sê: I love it!


‘Flasher’ makes a hasty retreat, sans towel It was with much interest and some amazement I read of the flasher on Strand Beach (“Flashers prowl Strand beachfront”, DistrictMail, 9 April). My friend and I thought we had missed out on an event which sounded highly amusing. We planned our day for the following Tuesday – power outage morning – with the intention of finding the man himself in all his grown glory. We armed ourselves with little else than a good old-fashioned mackintosh, under which were

decades of well wrinkled skin with the pits, the cellulite, the rolls and all that goes with very late middle age. We meant business! The mist lifted just in time; we would be able to find our quarry. The march up the beach proved disappointing as there were no unusual sights. The laboured stroll back along the sand was proving equally dull and our breathing was getting heavier. We were not used to walking for pleasure and probably the anticipation was too great. But suddenly, like Neptune, the man arose from the sea and ad-

vanced towards us. We did not flinch, we had a plan. He dropped his towel and we laughed. He looked concerned and covered his privates – should be publics. He let the towel fall again and we giggled with gusto. He looked at us curiously as we opened our macs. He did not have time to pick up his towel but, beating any Olympian record, he sprinted seawards. Has anyone found a naked man trying to leave the Strand Beach? If so, tell him we have his towel!


Police and Correctional Services vehicles noisy and reckless I wonder why it is necessary to have all the sirens blaring on the Department of Correctional Services truck as well as on the police support vehicles when prisoners are brought to the court in the morning and taken away in the afternoon. Every day they drive through the streets at high speed, virtually shoving other traffic off the street. Why? Are they late for

court? Are they in danger? Is there a crisis on hand? Is there an emergency? And all the time the prisoners inside the truck cage are shouting and swearing at the public on the pavement. Why can this truck not be totally enclosed?


Provincial police spokesperson Lieutenant Colonel André Traut responds: In response, kindly be

advised that the use of sirens when transporting flight risk prisoners to and from court is a standard operating procedure to ensure the safety of the public during these escort duties. The discretion to use emergency signals is not lightly taken and based on circumstances. A fully enclosed truck is unfortunately not an option as it is deemed unsuitable for the transportation of human beings.

How much more pleasant is it not to give than to receive? I’d like to respond to a recent article about “vagrants” and the impact their presence has on our community (“Lourens River vagrants situation is becoming a political hot potato”, DistrictMail, 9 April). Is it not an indictment of our society that we regard less fortunate people as a problem that needs to be dealt with and removed by some faceless government institution or body? Somerset West is one of the most affluent areas in the province and the homeless community tells us that the quality of the discarded food and items in the rubbish bins here are better and more useful,

which is one reason why they are attracted to this area. Their problems are many and complex, and cannot be solved easily. Unfortunately, there are few places of safety providing shelter and food which are accessible and affordable. Removing the sources of food is likely to induce rather than reduce crime, and it is highly unlikely that the homeless people will leave unless a viable alternative is offered. Is it not perhaps time to share our affluence with the less fortunate by giving a little of our time, money and food to uplift them and lessen their plight? How difficult is it to engage or

simply smile with a street person; give a tin of food, article of clothing or blanket; or come out from behind our high walls and get involved with one of the many organisations? You might just be surprised to discover homeless people’s quirky sense of humour, fortitude in the face of adversity and joy in receiving the most basic requirements. The homeless community has, on more than one occasion, cleaned the area around the Lourens River bridge, as well as the centre of town. How much more pleasant is it not to give than to receive?


Sê jou sê ) Ek wonder of die persoon wat die gratis hamburger by die restaurant in Gordonsbaai geëet het, sonder om te betaal, vry gekom het? Charles Haupt, Strand ) Op Sondag 5 April besoek ons my pa, Raymond Hartogh, en oom se graf. Tot ons ontsteltenis kom ons by ’n graf wat bestrooi is met klere, gebreekte bottels, asook menslike ontlasting. Komnou mense, kanonsdarem respek betoon teenoor die dooies? Sekuriteit is verskuif na die onderste punt. Kan ons dalk aan alle kante sekuriteit hê asseblief? Romenia du Plooy ) With regard to the attacks on the N2: with respect JP Smith, there are too many meetings and not enough action. ) On page 2 of 9 April’s edition, there is an article titled “Pedestrian injured in peak hour traffic”. A case of reckless and negligent driving has been opened, but I don’t understand how the driver is at fault. According to my knowledge of traffic laws, it is illegal for a pedestrian to be on foot on a national road, such as the N2. You don’t mention anything about the driver being under the influence of alcohol, which would warrant the “reckless and negligent” driving case. In my opinion, the pedestrian should be fined and liable for damages to the vehicle. Wayne Lamb ) Please tell the woman looking for old dog kennels that Gordan’s Bay dump regularly has old dog kennels for sale at next to nothing. I hope it helps. Robyn Price

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HHH se naam moet dalk verander word ) Rêrig? So die berg en die hospitaal se name moet ook verander. Nee wat, dit raak nou bietjie erg. Fokus op die land wat [versleg]. Naam veranderinge gaan regtig niks help. Michael Basson ) Die hospitaal se naam het reeds verander; dis Helderberg Hospitaal al vir ’n rukkie. Dis regtig belaglik! Chantelle Beyers ) Ek’t vir dit gewag. Plaas hulle hul met beter en belangriker dinge besig hou as name. Die berge sal hul naam behou, al maak hul wat, en so ook die hospitaal. Mense sal altyd van HHH praat. Die hospitaal het ’n groot opgradering nodig en so ook hul personeel. Hulle het respek vir niemand. Dit gaan oor: ek werk en kry geld, en hou jy jou [mond] of jy gaan dood. Huibre Neethling ) What is political about the HHH’s name? Give it up and rather use the money to better education. Karen Kilian ) It’s too much. Monique Persent ) Will the school be issuing free new badges to replace the ones on the uniforms which parents have already paid for? Chantelle Beyers ) Rather build houses for the people who need them. Jeanette Gerber ) My son is a Grade 11 learner at HHH and is very proud of his school’s name. He feels this would be an unnecessary change and they should concentrate on more important issues, rather than wanting to change a name that’s been there for so many years. Why is the SGB even wasting time on this? Melany Daniels ) Pathetic! I have a better idea: remove the school, the mountains and hospital as well. Duncan Skippers ) Los die skool se naam. Dis deel van die geskiedenis, soos die Hottentots Holland bergreeks. Gebruik liewer die geld vir die voor-



Menings Views

23 April, 2015

heen HH Hospitaal en stel meer permanente personeel aan. Die gekontrakteerde verpleegsters gee nie juis hul volle samewerking nie. As gevolg daarvan, kry die hele lot ’n slegte naam. Opgradeer die sale en die ongevalle-afdeling, sodat die hospitaal kan terugkeer na die vroeë, goeie [toestand]. Daar is baie mense wat tog te bly sal wees en sal met trots in daardie rye sit en wag. Karin Swart ) Seriously? Don’t [they] know how to spend taxpayers’ money anymore? I noticed Hottentot Holland Hospital is now Helderberg Hospital. Meagan von Willingh ) Yes, I have just been informed the hospital name has changed. Michael Basson ) Government is wasting millions on changing street and city names, and wasting time and energy on removing monuments. This is the only country where so many people are living in shacks. Government should stop wasting taxpayers’ money and spend it on building proper houses, free education and providing employment. Yasmine Mauritz ) [The school’s name will probably become] Thabo Mbeki High School. Zaid Railoun ) Geen naamveranderinge moet toegelaat word nie. Kom mense, laat ons saam staan. William Moses ) Miskien moet ons ophou om hulle vet te voer en almal weier om belasting te betaal. Craig Gordon ) Die wêreld sal so ’n beter plek wees as die leiers op belangrike dinge fokus, soos werkloosheid, eerder as op sulke dinge. Ilse Vermeulen ) “Hottentot” was a derogatory name for the Khoi. This is now being used as a reason to change the name. I do not agree with the name change. I am not an ex-learner of the school but maybe all ex-learners of all races could sign a petition. The hospital was renamed a while ago. Kim Lindeboom ) Stop wasting money and focus on the people. Wilma Williams ) This is crazy. Why don’t they concentrate on the things that need attention? Iegtieshaam Rhoda ) Let wel, die berig sê hulle kan dit verander as hulle wil. Dit is darem nog nie verplig nie, maar ons wil seker nie te gou praat nie – veral

nie met die regering nie. Jay-Dean du Toit ) Ek hoop regtig nie dit gebeur nie. Renate Veldtman ) What about the mountain; will that name also change? This is silly. When all the names are changed and statues are locked away, people will still be hungry and deprived of excellent national leadership. But if it must change, how about naming it Sundale High? It’s sunny, we are sort of in a valley and it is a high school. It has no affiliation to any political state, creed or anything else. Susan Smith ) Na al die jare! Diane Abrahams ) Honestly, who even calls the school by its lengthy name. Even 30 years ago, when I was privileged to attend it, we called it HH. If the government wishes to do something useful for the school, then some funding would be in order. Liesl de Kock ) Are they going to rename the mountains too? Edelweiss Hankey ) All ex-learners, like myself, should sign a petition because this is nonsense. If they decide to change the name of the school, they should change the mountain’s name as well. All of this just because some people can’t find something better to focus their time on. Nicole Smit ) A waste of money. Christelle Gordon ) Nee, regtig mense. Konsentreer liewer op jul onderwysstelsel wat so in sy “chops” is, as naamsveranderinge. Dit gaan geen verbetering aan die stelsel maak nie. Lyk my ons sit met te veel mense aan die stuur wat nie weet wat om met hulself te maak nie en nou sit en krap hulle sulke dinge uit. Gerhard Theron ) Wat van Helderberg Hoërskool en Helderberge? Verander gaan hulle dit; die vraag is wanneer gaan hulle dit doen. Duimpie van Schalkwyk ) Waarom die name van skole en geboue verander? Dis ’n vermorsing van geld wat bestee kan word. Daar is skole wat meer onderwysers benodig. Isabel Booysen ) They can rename whatever they want to; whatever they want to call it, does not change our circumstances and conditions in this country. We are all still faced with

a poor leading government that is unable to change or focus on the necessary issues in this country. Robin Clayton Flashers prowl Strand beachfront ) I would love to tazer the pervert. Priscilla Alberts ) Siek goed! Huibre Neethling ) I remember when this happened to us. Samantha Kirsten ) Store the numbers of the Strand Neighbourhood Watch – 079 069 0255 or 082 481 2288 – on your cellphone and give them a call when this happens. They are fast and respond immediately; they will sort this out. Ingi Griessel ) Do away with the sand dunes to start with. Once gone, there will be no place to hide. And also, what a good place to bury a body. Think about your safety. Carolyn Ann Dewrance ) Siek goed! Marésa Nortjé


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Algemeen General

23 April, 2015

Webwerf by Netwerk24 ’n Nuwe era breek op 1 Mei vir die Distrikspos se webwerf aan, want van dié dag af sal dit deel wees van die nou reeds bekende Netwerk24. Netwerk24, wat in Augustus verlede jaar begin is, is die toonaangewende betaalplatform vir Media24 se Afrikaanse dagblaaie en Sondagkoerante. Die webwerf het vinnig veld gewen en sal nou ook heelwat groter word wanneer dit die inhoud van die groep se Afrikaanse plaaslike koerante oor die hele land insluit. Lesers sal steeds die Distrikspos se inhoud – ook die Engelse nuus – op een plek vind wanneer hulle www.districtmail.com intik. Dié adres sal hulle neem na ’n seksie van die Netwerk24-webwerf waar die Distrikspos se inhoud netjies geplaas sal word. Die inhoud sal wel agter die betaalmuur lê waarvoor lesers ’n Netwerk24lidmaatskap benodig. Lesers kan ook steeds ons gewilde Facebookblad dophou om

op die hoogte te bly van gebeure deur die loop van die week. “Die lewering van plaaslike of gebiedsgebonde nuus en inligting speel ’n uiters belangrike rol in vandag se veranderende medialandskap,” sê Esmé Smit, algemene bestuurder van Boland Media van wie die Distrikspos deel is. “Die inhoud van ons plaaslike publikasies dien as plaaslike waghond in gebiede waar geen nasionale nuusverskaffer of -diens met dieselfde intensiteit inligting aan verbruikers kan lewer nie. Die uniekheid van plaaslike nuus bly ’n hoeksteen in die bestaande en toekomstige mediamengsel en met die voortdurende ontwikkeling van digitale media moet ons as plaaslike media-uitgewers ons oë op die toekoms hou. “Ons glo die Netwerk24-platform wat Distrikspos voortaan gaan insluit, sal aan ons lesers ’n platform van wêreldgehalte bied tesame met ons wêreldgehalte vars plaaslike nuus.”

Honderdjarige vier vol lewe TAMSYN JANTJIES Een van Serenitas-aftree-oord se inwoners het Maandag 20 April sy 100ste verjaardag gevier. Victor Schoch is op 20 April 1915 op die plaas 24 Riviere naby Porterville gebore – die 10de van elf kinders. Direk na matriek het hy by die Spesiale Diensbataljon (SSB) begin werk, waarna hy as bode by Yskor gaan werk het. Daarna is hy in die goedere-afdeling van die destydse Suid-Afrikaanse Spoorweë & Hawens aangestel. Toe die oorlog uitbreek, is Victor by verskeie kantore in die Wes-Kaap geplaas en het hy toe in Vishoek gewoon. In 1952 is hy na Johannesburg verplaas, waar hy gewerk het tot sy aftrede in 1975. Victor en sy vrou, Luise, het in die negentigerjare na die Serenitasaftree-oord getrek, waar hy tot op die ouderdom van 96 aan die Strand-rolbalklub behoort het. Victor en Luise het vier kinders, agt kleinkinders en nege agterkleinkinders.

Snip ‘n Save with coupons in DistrictMail This week sees the launch of the first DistrictMail Snip ’n Save initiative. It features coupons with great money-saving deals from businesses in the Helderberg. With the rising costs of daily essentials and services, consumers are often cutting corners to try to make ends meet. Therefore, Dis-


Victor Schoch (voor, links) het Maandag 20 April sy 100ste verjaardag saam met familie en vriende gevier. Agter van links is Wessel van der Merwe, Freda van der Merwe (dogter) en haar suster Annamarie Mulder. Voor, regs is Victor se vrou, Luise. FOTO: TAMSYN JANTJIES

trictMail has launched the Snip ’n Save promotion in an attempt to stretch readers’ rands. The initiative is launched in partnership with businesses across the Helderberg and is aimed at offering readers the opportunity to save on essential items for the household, as well as other services provided by local businesses.

Businesses that wish to be part of the next promotion can phone 021 853 0211. Readers can find the deals on page 16 of this week’s DistrictMail, cut out the coupons and brandish it when purchasing the goods or services at the store offering the specials. Get your scissors ready to snip and save with DistrictMail.

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DistrictMail 23 April, 2015




Skole Schools

23 April, 2015

TWEEKAMP: Christopher Smit, Kasan­ dra Botha, Alexander Smit en Cian Carr het Laerskool Lochnerhof by die onlang­ se WP Biathlon Tweekamp verteenwoor­ dig. Laerskool Lochnerhof het ’n algehele sesde plek uit 45 laerskole behaal.

SA ATLETE: Vier atlete van Hoërskool Strand het aan die Atletiek Suid­Afrika­kampioenskap in Bloemfontein deelgeneem. Van links is Delia Meyer (10 000 m stap vir o. 19­meisies), Thabo Ntuthu (10 000 m­stap vir o.17­seuns), Mercia Oosthuizen (100 m­hekkies en 100 m vir o.17­meisies) en Christall van Rensburg (hoogspring vir o.17­meisies).

WAENTJIE-RESIES VIR GELD: Laerskool Lochnerhof het verlede kwartaal hul eerste “trolley run” gehou. Die geldinsameling het vir ’n dag vol opwinding gesorg. Die waentjies is deur Checkers ge­ borg en is volgens temas versier. ’n Wen­trollie is uit elke graad ge­ kies en klasse het ook teen mekaar in die resies meegeding.

SA GHOLF: Hoërskool Strand (HS) se gholf­ span het die WP kwalifiseringstoernooi gewen en sodoende gekwalifiseer om aan die SA Skole­kampioenskap in Augustus in Pretoria gehou. Deon Germishuys het die laagste ronde van al die spelers gespeel. Hier (van links) is die HS­span Gunther Greffrath, Linden Stallen­ berg, Deon Germishuys en Marcel Geldenhuys. WP-ATLETE: Die Laerskool Lochnerhof­leerders het aan die WP­kampioenskappe by Coetzenburg­stadion deelgeneem. Agter van links is Keagen Smith, Schalk van Schalkwyk, Nik­ ki Schonken en Lané Barnard; middel: Emma van der West­ huizen, Carli Swart en Quinn Visser; voor: Leila van Aarde en Christiaan Brandt. Keagen het die meeste punte tydens die kleure­atletiekbyeenkoms aangeteken. Hy is aangewys as die beste atleet van die dag. Schalk, Lané en Quinn het WP­kleu­ re verwerf en aan die Wes­Kaapse kampioenskappe deelge­ neem. Quinn Visser het Wes­Kaap­kleure ontvang en vir die SA kampioenskappe gekwalifiseer.



Batman en sy makkers was ook by die trollie­resies.


Skole Schools

23 April, 2015

HELPING HANDS: It was Christmas in March! Every year the Grade 5 class at Helderberg Primary School learns about the special care of Helderberg Hos­ pice and visit Hospice House, armed with a box of much needed tinned food for the Pa­ tients’ Pantry, gifts for the pa­ tients and letters of encourage­ ment written by each child in the class to brighten the hearts of the patients and the staff. From left: Jarid Bender, Abigail Soar and Henrique Geldenhuys came to deliver the carefully collected items.

OP DIE WENPAD: Die eerste rugbyspan van Hoërskool Strand het Saterdag 18 April teen die Hoër Tegniese Skool Bellville gespeel en 43­7 gewen. Etienne Scholtz (agter, vierde van regs) is aangewys as die “Rola Speler van Wedstryd” en het ’n geskenkbewys van Chris du Toit van Rola Toyota ontvang.

HHH DRUMMIES SKITTER: Caryn Casner, ’n Hoërskool Hottentots­Holland­trompoppie, het onlangs haar SA­kleure vir die sport in Pietermaritzburg verwerf. Die afgelope Sater­ dag het 51 trompoppies aan hul eerste buitemuurse kompe­ tisie by Hoërskool JG Meiring deelgeneem. Die “subbies” het ‘n eerste plek behaal. Die leid­ ster, Shannon Farmer, het ‘n derde plek behaal. In totaal het die HHH trompoppies ‘n derde plek behaal. Die volgen­ de kompetisie is Saterdag 9 Mei by die Hoërskool Hotten­ tots­Holland. Die toegangsgeld is R20 vir volwassenes en R10 vir kinders. Hierdie kompetisie begin om 09:00 en sal tot 17:30 aanhou.

Shannon Farmer (links), die trom­ poppie­ leidster, het ’n derde plek in die bui­ temuurse kompeti­ sie be­ haal en die span het ’n derde plek be­ haal.

STICK ACTION: Hottentots­Hol­ land High hockey players, Aiden An­ derson (with the ball) and Michael­ John Alexander in action in a recent match against Monument Park High School. The extremely tough game ended in a goalless stalema­ te.




Algemeen General

23 April, 2015



Send diary entries to: jamey.thomas@media24.com Weekly deadline: Monday, 12:00 We would like to invite our regular diary advertisers to send us pictures of their events for inclusion in our Social or Diary section. THURSDAY 23 APRIL SOMERSET WEST: ) An online marketing and social media boot camp will be held at Blue Orange Spaces from 08:00 until 17:30. The cost is R1 150; there is a special rate for NPOs. Book by contacting Marla on 082 410 4004 or marla@showme.co.za. ) Learn the western swing in a group class at the John Murray Dance Studio at Somerset Mall’s Melcksloot Village from 19:00 until 20:00. The cost is R50; take drinks for the social after the class. Phone 084 434 5490 or email info@johnmurraydance.co.za. VRYDAG 24 EN SATERDAG 25 APRIL STRAND: ) Strand Biblioteekvriende hou ’n boekverkoping by die biblioteek van 10:00 tot 17:00 (Vrydag) en

van 09:00 tot 13:00 (Saterdag). Benewens die gewone fiksie, gewilde niefiksie en tydskrifte, sal Africana asook raar boeke teen billike pryse beskikbaar wees. Skakel Anna-Marie by 021 852 3277 vir skenkings of navrae. SATURDAY 25 APRIL GORDON’S BAY: ) The Gordon’s Bay Bowling Club will have a boot sale at their premises from 08:00 until noon. The cost is R20 per parking bay. Please bring your own tables or sell out of your boot. Phone 076 104 5795. SOMERSET WEST: ) The Country Craft Market will be held at Southey’s Vines in Main Road from 09:00 until 14:00. New crafters interested in exhibiting at the market need to attend before the annual Approval Day on Friday 1 May. Organisers are looking for crafters with an excellent handmade product and a passion for what they do; no food stalls will be considered. The fee is R140. Phone Gill on 021 852 6608. TUESDAY 28 APRIL SOMERSET WEST: ) Western Cape Association of Flower Arrangers president Lorraine Rose will do a flower “mechanics” demonstration at the Helderberg Flower Club meeting at Somerset West Library hall at 18:30. All welcome; visitors pay R20 or become a member for the year for only R80. Phone chairperson Jannie du Toit on 072 473 2420 for more information. WOENSDAG 29 APRIL STRAND: ) Die Strand-dienssentrum, op die hoek van De Villiers- en Kerkstraat,

verkoop heerlike pannekoek tussen 10:00 en 12:00. Die koste is R10 vir drie pannekoeke. Besprekings moet teen Vrydag 24 April, by 021 854 4552 tussen 08:30 en 12:30, gemaak word. THURSDAY 30 APRIL STRAND: ) Reach for Recovery breast cancer support group will meet at Mediclinic Strand in Altena Road at 09:30 for 10:00. Janneke Visser will speak on “Lymphodema management in the recovery process post-mastectomy”. Enquiries on 082 357 0497. SUNDAY 3 MAY SOMERSET WEST: ) Somerset West Unitarian Fellowship will host a talk at the Playhouse Theatre at 10:00. Mary Ryan, the country’s second woman to be ordained as a Roman Catholic priest, will speak on her “Experiences of becoming a female Roman Catholic priest”. A donation will be collected; refreshments will be served. Enquiries to Dave on 021 850 0863. TUESDAY 5 MAY SOMERSET WEST: ) An immune health nutrition talk will be presented by clinical dietitian Donnay Gallinetti, on diet and supplement choices you need to be making to get your immune system in tip-top shape before winter. The talk will be held at Mediclinic Vergelegen restaurant at 18:00. Entrance is free; all welcome. A donation of R5 will enter you in a lucky draw. Book your place by phoning 021 851 6228 or emailing reception@vergelegendts.co.za.

NURSING SCHOOL LAUNCHED: Oasis Nursing, a new nursing school in Strand, was launched on Friday 10 April. The school is situated at 59 George Road, George Park. At the launch, from left, were Tessia August (training director), Mary Meiring (Summervale matron), Karin Coetzee (facilitator) and Hester Gelderbloem (facilita­ tor). PHOTO: TAMSYN JANTJIES

PARTNERS IN CHARITY: Hyundai Somerset West has partnered with Helderberg Hospice in support of their specialised care of Helderberg resi­ dents facing the challenge of a life­threatening illness. A generous sponsor­ ship from Hyundai Somerset West made it possible for Hospice to pur­ chase a new Hyundai H100 bakkie, which will facilitate the delivery of medical equipment to the homes of Hospice patients and the collection of donations to the Hospice charity shops. Coastal Poly Coatings and Trad Signs also gave of their services for the finishing touches to the bakkie. Delivering the new bakkie to Helderberg Hospice were, from left, Johan Heese, Jaylin Charters and Wolf Kreft (of Hyundai Somerset West). With them are Gail Sykes, Dennis Officer and Martin Lund of Hospice.

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DistrictMail 23 April, 2015




Fokus Feature

23 April, 2015

Provincial government promotes healthy living Physical inactivity and unhealthy eating are considered major risk factors for a number of adverse health outcomes, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension and other cardio-vascular diseases. In the province, 17 to 25% of the burden of disease can be attributed to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). To combat these NCDs, the Western Cape Government introduced Western Cape on Wellness (WoW!). Provincial government and its partners

launched the WoW! Initiative at Gardens Commercial High School in Cape Town last month. The WoW! Programme uses team leaders to promote a range of physical activities and healthy eating to spread and sustain a culture of wellness. Over the next six months, teams from 13 provincial government departments, 10 communities and 10 schools will aim to change their lifestyle by increasing their levels of physical activity and eating healthier.

Eating fresh, unprocessed food and exercising regularly will eventually lead to a bet­ ter quality of life.

Practical eating for healthy living With Banting being the craze of the moment, it is rather difficult to find someone who either hasn’t heard about high fat, low carb eating or who doesn’t have a strong opinion on the subject. The author’s opinion on the subject is simple. Fads come and go, and although a practical approach is a great beginning for most, just like any diet, it’s not for everyone. The truth is always boring. At least from a marketing and money making perspective, that is. In our rush-rush modern existence, convenience and short-cuts are the order of the day. Unfortunately, our bodies pay a price because, whichever way you want to look at it, “when you put garbage in, you get garbage out”. One way or another, we will pay the price for good health or the lack thereof. The keys to healthy eating become far simpler when we consider the following points: ) Habit: As with any habit, it must be an integral part of your lifestyle. Diets are temporary and their effects are, at best, the same. ) Enjoyment: If you enjoy your food, odds are you’ll be likely to eat the same again. ) Variety and balance: Everything in moderation will help your body create and maintain a homeostatic balance that is conducive to healthy living. ) Effort: Buy a recipe book that fits in with your lifestyle approach and use it.

Prepare accordingly by buying the ingredients ahead in advance and allocating time to make your meals. ) Investment: Buying local, fresh and unprocessed foods are cheaper in the long run. The alternative is paying medical bills for the remainder of your life. Other factors are important too, such as the source, quality, quantity and preparation methods. There are a multitude of resources available on the web and in book stores. By investing small amounts of time and slowly improving your chef skills, you will enjoy your mealtimes more. With small, consistent changes amazing changes occur in a very short span of time. Try to buy local, seasonal and foods that are organic (read up on glyphosates for example, a trademark of conventional farming practices), unprocessed (food additives are unhealthy and even toxic) and fresh (preservatives are a high cause of allergies). As human beings, we need real, unadulterated foods that are grown in natural conditions and harvested and processed to a minimum. We require a balance of nutrients from these foods and for each of us it will be slightly different. By removing toxic, processed foods and by adding real, fresh produce and incorporating exercise and stress management, health, energy and longevity become the inevitable result. Karl van Lith – Head Instructor at Bodyweight Trainer; www.bodyweighttrainer.co.za

VEIN SOLUTIONS 3 In every 10 people have Varicose Veins Do you experience discomfort, leg pain or swelling? Do you have varicose veins? Do you have leg ulcers? Do you have skin changes, restless leg syndrome, spider veins

The underlying cause of varicose veins, leg ulcers and heavy achy legs can be treated with the VNUS Closure RFA procedure. It allows you to resume normal activities typically within a day. Free Varicose * Minimally invasive Vein Screening * Fast and mild recovery for Men & * Covered by most medical aids Women

Dr Gideon van Wyk Specialist Surgeon

Stellenbosch Square in the Wineland Medical Centre 061 291 8839 or 086 722 7121 drgideonvanwyk@gmail.com Member of American College of Phlebology X1Q0AVB5-DP230415


Fokus Feature

23 April, 2015


Rejuvenate at Dermalaser Dermalaser is a unique medical skin and laser clinic in Somerset West. It is owned by three local dermatologists, all experts with many years of experience in the laser industry. The clinic offers a variety of anti-

ageing treatments including fractional laser for deep rejuvenation and IPL to remove brown marks and red veins, together with chemical peels and Dermapen. It also offers the ever-popular laser hair removal treatment using the Alexandrite, the gold standard laser

treatment for hair removal. Wendy-Anne Barclay, the clinic’s laser therapist, is one of the most experienced in her field in Somerset West. Phone Dermalaser on 021 852 8709 to find out more about the clinic’s winter specials to help you get more value for your money.


Dr Jan Louis van den Berg (Ortopediese Chirurg)

4 Mei 2015 verskuif die spreekkamers na

Busamed PAARDEVLEI PRIVAAT HOSPITAAL, PAARDEVLEI, STRAND. Ek bedank my kollegas en die MediKliniek personeel vir die voorreg van 25 jaar se samewerking in die Helderberg-kom.

Telefoonnommer bly onveranderd.

Tel: 021 851 1115


Dr Jan Louis van den Berg (Orthopaedic surgeon)

4th May 2015 consultations will commence at

Busamed PAARDEVLEI PRIVATE HOSPITAL, PAARDEVLEI, STRAND. I thank my colleagues and the MediClinic personel for the privilege of partnering together over the past 25 years in The Helderberg Basin.

Phone number remains unchanged. X1PYK0MM-DP160415 X1Q087CD-DP230415

Tel: 021 851 1115 X1Q0P38H-DP230415 XXXXXXX-DP230415




Fokus Feature

23 April, 2015

GOURMET COOKING: “The Boys”, as many called them when they were on the R44, have moved to town! After a break from what they do best, Somerset West res­ taurant veterans Anton (pictured) and Ed have opened Taste Bistro at 15 Bright Street. They aim to offer a local, authentic bistro with an affordable menu and weekly spe­ cials. Like “Taste Bistro” on Facebook to find out more and view specials and the soon­to­ be released winter temptations. Alternative­ ly, visit www.tasterestaurant.co.za. Phone 021 852 0274 for reservations.

The team at Steve Trimby Optometrists are ready to attend to your eye care needs. They are, from left, Steve Trimby, Surita Hysom, Louise van Jaarsveld, Shoney Louw, Monique Hopley, Hanneke Fou­ rie­Beneke, Christopher Savage and Felicity Harris.


Caring for your eyes

inspired creations made from the heart to delight the soul

Launching on 1 May 2015 Bright Street Imibala Retail Centre Shop 3 info@hartlief.co.za 0814330437

For more than two decades, Steve Trimby Optometrists have been attending to the eye care needs of Helderberg residents. Since the business first opened its doors in Bright Street 24 years ago with only two staffers, it has grown to a top-class facility with eight staff members catering to the needs of clients. Today, the practice is equipped with state-of-the-art digital instruments such as a visio-office, which produces measurements for the accurate positioning of multifocal spectacle lenses; an OCT, which uses lasers to scan the inside of the eye to search for signs of degeneration; a kerato-

graph for analysing distortions in the cornea; and computerised sight-testing equipment. Optometrists Steve and Surita work as a team to fit scleral contact lenses on irregular shaped corneas for people with keratoconus. The facility’s dispensing area has more than 1 000 frames and sunglasses from some of the world’s top designer brands such as Oakley and Lindberg. An on-site laboratory allows Steve Trimby Optometrists to offer same-day service on single vision stock lenses. For more information or to make and appointment, phone 021 851 1191 or sales@stevetrimby.co.za.


MADE FROM THE HEART: The en­ thusiastic team at Hartliefie, owned by Christine Cloete (left) and Bea Gelden­ huys (right), pride themselves in creat­ ing art from the heart. Furniture, dé­ cor and different mediums of art are lovingly created, re­loved or repur­ posed as part of an authentic artistic journey. The store will open at the Im­ ibala Village in Bright Street on Friday 1 May. Social upliftment and environ­ mental concern are at the heart of Hartliefie. The business is an avid supporter of Greenpop, an NGO which focuses on providing trees to “under­green” communities. When customers buy furniture from Hartlie­ fie, part of the profit is used to buy a tree from Greenpop. The customer is then provided with the GPS coordi­ nates of a tree planted at a Khayelit­ sha school. Hartliefie uses environ­ mentally friendly products; by repur­ posing and upcycling items, they contribute to an environmentally friendly community. For more informa­ tion, phone 081 433 0437 or email info@hartlief. co.za.


We believe in 100% natural and homemade food sourced from local farmers and food artisans. We cater for everyone, from the bantings to the gluten-intolerant. Try our coffees, eggs baconnaise, gluten-free muffins, lamb curry, Cape Malay chicken curry and traditional tripe and oxtail.




Fokus Feature

23 April, 2015

All senses spoken to Nestled among the trees and water features of the picturesque Chelsea Village in Bright Street is the quaint and classy Chelsea Café and Chelsea Bean. Owned by Marie Jacobsohn and Fran van Tiddens, the café and coffee shop opened in 2011. The café focuses on providing customers with fresh and creative dishes, which are created from crispy fresh produce sourced from local farmers and suppliers. With a herb and vegetable garden on the premises, the menu also plays to the theme of fresh and nutritious meals without any added preservatives. From homemade cakes to scrumptious breakfasts and gourmet salads, burgers, pastas and sandwiches, Chelsea Café always offers customers a wholesome and freshly prepared meal. The aromas emitting from Chelsea Bean is sure to entice all coffee lovers. The shop stocks homemade granola, jams, chutneys and lovely cof-

Chelsea Café and Chelsea Bean owners, Fran van Tid­ dens (left) and Marie Jacob­ sohn with some of the fresh produce used at the café and coffee shop.


Imibala active and growing From its modest coffee shop beginnings, Imibala Village, run by the Imibala Trust, has grown to an organisation which focuses on food, art and the community. The organisation has been providing children from Helderberg schools with school clothes and kit for more than 12 years. With the plague of social ills in the community, the village also offers children a place where they are welcome, happy and helped. The precinct comprises various components which generate funds to sustain the running costs of the trust. These components are the Imibala Restaurant, Imibala Gallery and Imibala Shopping. The restaurant is creating sound waves of happy foodies, delighted

friends meeting over amazing taste sensations and tempting deli offerings. The gallery showcases fine contemporary South African art, which delights visitors and stimulates young minds into believing their imaginations can be as productive and creative as the Children, who benefit from funds raised by the Imi­ displayed art. The gallery bala Trust, listen to volunteer Rosina Lee­Warden. works hand-in-glove with the Imibala Creative Arts programme. the children’s future, feel they can Imibala Shopping entices tenants of identify with what the organisation is shops with beautiful décor items, re-ad- trying to do: to change the children’s dressing hairstyling and gifts made perception of themselves; clothe them; with heart. By doing so, Imibala’s phi- advance young minds; devise art, dralosophy can be expressed by business- ma and pottery classes; and run maths training that could help them in high es who are part of the initiative. Like-minded people who care about school.


fee beans. Furthermore, both venues cater for small parties and events. The stores are open from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 until 17:00, and from 09:00 until 13:00 on Saturdays. Phone 021 852 6757 for further details. X1Q0AUF1-DP230415

15 on Bright Somerset West 021 852 2222

15 Bright Street, Somerset West Open throughout the day from brunch to supper

Price List 2015 / 2016 Lady's - Short Blow Wave Cut + Blow Wave Colour (Excl. C+BW)

With a secluded covered courtyard garden, relaxed restaurant space & open plan kitchen, Taste Bistro is the new spot in town to meet and enjoy time with family, friends & colleagues.

Lady's - Long Blow Wave Cut + Blow Wave Colour (Excl. C+BW) ½ Head Foils (Excl. C+BW) Full Head Foils (Excl. C+BW)

All day menu (brunch served 11am – 3pm) MONDAY – FRIDAY 11am - 10pm (last reservation 8pm) Closed weekends but open on selected Saturdays with our set menu specials

120 - R 160 200 - R 220 260 270 400

Gent's Cut R 100


Keratin Blow Out Short Hair - R400 Long Hair - R650

Join our Facebook page – check out our menu & keep updated on our specials & events Telephone: 021 852 0274 Email: tasteinfo@mweb.co.za Web: www.tasterestaurant.co.za Facebook: Taste Bistro Twitter: tastesw X1Q0FNHH-DP230415


Lady's - Extra Long and Thick Blow Wave R 150 - R 180 Cut + Blow Wave R 220 - R 250



R 100 R 150 R 220



Announcements for May 2015…

Electrical, Beetle, Gas, Plumbing & Electrical Fence Inspections & Certificates Based in Somerset West and servicing the greater Helderberg Area

021 851 7423

E-mail: info@electrabug.co.za • www.electrabug.co.za

Est 1990 X1Q0AV81-DP230415 XXXXXX-SI041214



DistrictMail 23 April, 2015

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23 Illusionist inspires and entertains Playhouse audience DistrictMail

Vermaak Entertainment

MARK STUART Is it possible to know the answer to a question before you know what the question is? Well, if you’re an illusionist like Bryan Miles, who entertained a packed Playhouse Theatre in Somerset West on Saturday 18 April with his show Bryan Miles: An evening of impossible psychology and illusion, the answer is yes. Let me explain! Two weeks ago Bryan delivered a sealed cardboard box to DistrictMail – only he knew the contents of the box.

23 April, 2015

I took possession of the box and took it with me to the Playhouse on Saturday night, as it was to be used in his spectacular final illusion on the night. Hisshow,whichincludedaudience participation, was thoroughly entertaining, thought-provoking and, at the same time, inspiring. At the end of the show I was called on stage with the box and its mysterious contents. Bryan then asked me to select a disc, from a Trivial Pursuit game, from a plastic bag with my back to him and his back to mine. I was told to place the disc into my pocket.

POPULAR DUO BACK IN STRAND: Popular Cape Town duo Amelia Hoffman and Greg Clifton, will perform at Springbok Blues Theatre, on the corner of Fabriek and Potgieter Street in Gants Centre, Strand, on Friday 24 April at 19:00 and again on 8 and 29 May. Clifton is an accomplished key­ board player and arranger, who has toured South Africa and neighbouring countries extensively. He has also backed a number of top recording artists such as Louise Carver and Richard Ceas­ ar, among others. Powerful, versatile vocalist, Amelia Hoffman performed at Sun City for two years and numerous times in the Middle East. She performed at the International Muscat Hotel, the Sheraton El Gezirha and the Le Royal Meridian Beach Resort and Spa in Dubai. Greg and Amelia boast a vast repertoire of songs ranging from the ‘60s to current­day hits, and they also some­ times perform with the band, Late Final. For enquiries about the duo, phone 021 854 7787.

Bryan Miles The audience then had to shuffle the Trivial Pursuit cards, which contain around 1 500 questions, and hand

them back to Bryan. I then selected one of the cards and read the question in blue – the same colour as the disc I selected. The question was: What is the third planet from the sun in our solar system? The audience answered Earth (correctly)andIthenopenedtheverywell sealed box to reveal a globe. How he knew what the question would be, still astounds me. Bryan said he hopes his show will make people realise that people have a lot more potential within themselves than what they think, and that being at the right place at the right

time can have a big influence on our lives. A portion of the proceeds from the show will go towards one of the Helderberg Sunrise Rotary Club’s outreach programmes – Aanhouwen. Ann Stirling Roberts of the Helderberg Sunrise Rotary Club arranged the show along with Bryan and the Playhouse Theatre. People wanting to find out more about Bryan, what he is currently doing and where he is going, can follow him on his Youtube channel: BryanMilesTV with the following link https://www.youtube.com/user/ bryanmilestv/videos

Restaurant & Biergarten


SUNDAY LUNCH TIME MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT with the G stringers Relaxed country atmosphere with something different!

Zebra Steak R89.00 Ostrich Fillet R 119.00 Biggest Eisbein in town R89.00 Sirloin steak, Kingklip, large variety of Schnitzels Apfelstrudel chocolate mousse COMPETITIVE PRICES, RUSTIC SURROUNDINGS, IMPORTED BEERS ON TAP 34 SIR LOWRY’S PASS, MAIN ROAD (M9)

TEL: 021 858 1488

www.imeimer.co.za | email: meet@imeimer.co.za X1PYMY9R-DP160415 X1Q0FQN9-DP230415


CHICKEN GRILL 187 Main Road, Strand 021 854 7774

Full chicken, Large Rice, Large Salad & Large Chips


021 851 4444 X1Q086RM-DP230415 000000-DP230415



Vermaak Entertainment

23 April, 2015

Kaasfees hierdie naweek vir liefhebbers verwante produkte sal uitgestal word. Kaartjies is by Computicket beskikbaar teen R130 per dag. Besoek www.cheesefestival.co.za.

Die 14de SA Kaasfees word vanaf Saterdag 25 tot Maandag 27 April by Sandringham in Stellenbosch gehou. ’n Verskeidenheid kaas en

Bach concert in the Helderberg South African born pianist Marika Hofmeyr and French cellist Philippe Cauchefer will perform at the Helderberg Dutch Reformed Church in Firmount Road, Somerset West on Tuesday 28 April from 18:00. Marika received her B.Mus degree with distinction from UCT and won a scholarship to further her studies in Salzburg, Austria. She settled in the south of France in 1990 and is currently teaching at the Grasse Conservatory. She has performed in various countries and is a popular soloist and chamber musician. Philippe has been the principal cellist in the Cannes Chamber Orchestra since 1990 and is also a cello teacher at the Cannes Music Academy.

At the age of four Philippe started to learn the cello with his grandfather and continued his studies with the most famous soloists and teachers in the world. He tours extensively in France and throughout the world. The title of the concert From Bach to Hofmeyr symbolically brings Europe to South Africa with works of Bach, Beethoven, Martinu, Brahms and the work of Hendrik Hofmeyr, a South African composer and music professor at UCT. Tickets cost R180. Booking at admin@vergezicht.co.za or call 021 851 4402.

Philippe Cauchefer (cello) and Marika Hofmeyr (piano) will perform in the Helderberg on 28 April.

Flute and piano at Helderberg Village

Free Entry before 9pm - From 9-12am R30p/p - From 12am R25 p/p

Thys @ Ej’s from 10pm

Lots of Specials & Promo’s

The next concert for the Helderberg Village Music Society takes place on Sunday 3 May in the Talani Lounge at Helderberg Village. Jeanie Kelly will be playing the flute accompanied by Elizabeth Retief on the piano. Jeanie is currently teaching at Hugo Lambrechts Music Centre and Elizabeth is head of the music department at Elkanah House in Blouberg. The concert will start at 16:00 and the cost will be R60 (non-members) and R30 (students). For more information contact Beth Oldfield at 021 855 4684.


Kolnicks Linen S H E R AT O N T E X T I L E S


All stores normal trading hours. Trading 8.30am – 5pm All stores trading Saturday 8.30am – 2pm All stores will be open Friday 1 May till 1pm


Stock up for winter with our SPECIAL OFFER feather duvets and brushed cotton winter duvet covers and sheets

WINTER BRUSHED COTTON SHEET SETS LUXURY PERCALE PILLOW CASES Set Includes : 1 flat sheet, 1 Fitted sheet , 2 pillow cases


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Still Available bargain buys stock sold by the kilo and Duvets drastically reduced SPECIALS AVAILABLE WHILE STOCKS LAST • LOTS OF DISCOUNTED ITEMS IN STORE REGULAR MARKDOWNS IN STORE • www.kolnicks.co.za • Airtime & Gift Vouchers available in all stores


Cnr Princess Vlei & De Waal Rd 021 201 5504


14 Monte Vista Boulevard 021 558 0445


Cnr Klipfontein & Old Klipfontein Rd 021 696 7053


Builders Warehouse Lifestyle Centre 021 852 4482


14 Northumberland Rd 021 946 1900

RCS Cards accepted in all stores 000000-DP230415

Weekend GIG Guide Friday 24 April: DJ Lugg will be entertaining the dance crowd at Melt’s Tavern in Gordon’s Bay from 21:00 till late. R10 will get you in. Saturday 25 April: The rock band Evolution will be rocking the stage at Melt’s from 21:00. There is no entrance fee. The Black Cat Bones will be performing at Bertie’s Moorings in Gordon’s Bay from 21:00. Entrance is free.

The popular band Acoustica will be playing at Dock in the Bay in Gordon’s Bay from 14:00. Sunday 26 April: Live acoustic music by Justin at Melt’s from 15:00-18:00. Valiant Swart and Basson will be performing at Bertie’s from 18:00. Entrance is free. Acoustica will be playing at the Old Bridge Tavern, Somerset West from 13:00.


Sosiaal Social

23 April, 2015

District Socials

Stuur alle sosiale foto’s na / Send all social photos to: jamey.gordon@media24.com

SUZELLE IN ACTION: Suzelle of Suzelle DIY visited Somerset Mall on Saturday 18 April and entertained the crowd with some of her tips. Suzelle is famed for making YouTube videos about DIY tips with a twist. She has a huge following and has appeared on nu­ merous TV and radio shows.

MOMMY AND ME: Mom and daughter, Chantelle and Ryna made sure they were early enough to get front row seats to the Suzelle DIY show on Saturday 18 April. The show was held in the Edgars court at the Somerset Mall.

OUD-SKOOLMAATS KUIER: Hoërskool Zandvliet in Macassar het onlangs hul 25­jaar reünie vir oud­ studente met ’n geselligheid by die skool gehou. Hier, van links agter is Jerome Jacobs, Riaan Brandt, Jeffrey Cookson, Shaun Basson, Wendall Samuels, Kenneth Maarman en Adiel Rhoda; voor is Heinrich Adams en André Jafta.


FAMILY FUN: Families flocked in to witness the famed Youtube sensation in action. One of those families were Christian and Hettie Heyns and their son, Jeandrè.


SATURDAY OUTING: Wynand van Jaars­ veld, Jessie Hurst and William Hurst attended the bubbly and vibrant Suzelle’s live DIY demonstration at Somerset Mall on Saturday. Wynand was also chosen to fill in as Suzel­ le’s “Marianne” and was kitted out with a headband and a polo neck before he could assist Suzelle. PHOTOS: TAMSYN JANTJIES

TROUKLOKKIES: Shane, die seun van Jeffrey en Sylvia Hendricks, en Adelaide, dogter van Karel en Alleta Wilskut, albei van Strand, het onlangs in die AGS­kerk in Serkorpark in die huwelik getree.

Karin Haas, Sheham Patel, Yolenda Maneveld, Joslyn Soekers en Pearl Mitchell het die saamkuier geniet. X1Q02KVM-DP230415 0000000-DP160415

District Kerke


Sunday 26 APRIL 07h00 Holy Eucharist 08h30 Holy Eucharist & Junior Church

After Hours Revd. Jacques Jefferies 021 851 8473 Enquiries: Office (Morn. only) 021 851 7043/4 X1PXG1AW-DP230415 X1PXG1AW-DP160415

X1Q0HQ2D-DP230415 111111-DP080115

you’re invited to shofar christian church services:

sundays at 09:00 with kids ministry & youth. venue: de hoop primary school hall, old stellenbosch road information: 021 851 9722 helderberg@shofaronline.org www.shofaronline.org





Sake Business

23 April, 2015


63 Caledon Street Somerset West



Property Consultant Somerset West

021-850 0192 083 448 3087




Somerset West : 021 840 1440



Pay attention to these important documents liable in his or her personal capacity. Consequences may include being sued by the family or a third party. Therefore, it very important to get the necessary documentaA general power of attorney is usually re- tion signed while you are still competent. Another very important document is garded as the solution, but there is a correct your will. Many people tend to and an incorrect way to deal with leave their will without any revithis problem. The incorrect use YOU & YOUR sion for years. is often illegal. FINANCES Make sure to revise your will A power of attorney is used every two to three years. when a person is temporarily unThe executor of your estate is able to manage their affairs. Any one of the most important people competent adult may authorise in your will; make sure he or she another person to act on their beis trustworthy and competent to half. A special power of attorney look after your estate. – authority to carry out a specific Choose smaller companies transaction – or a general power such as attorneys to be your exof attorney – where the agent has ecutor rather than large trust authority to carry out various companies. transactions – is only valid if the Heinn Havinga The larger trust companies principal – the person who grants may not have the ability to deal the power of attorney – is still with your heirs, one-on-one. competent to act on his/her own behalf. If a person is legally incompetent to manHeinn Havinga age his/her own affairs, he/she cannot lePSG Portefeuljebestuurder gally authorise another person by means 0 021 851 3353 of a power of attorney. The person that re2 heinn.havinga@psg.co.za lies on the power of attorney can be held

It is a harsh reality that old age can affect a person’s ability to manage his or her own affairs optimally.

The histor­ ic Paard­ evlei Club was pur­ chased by David Price, founder and CEO of Man­ prop.

Cape investor seals the deal on historic buildings Four of the historic buildings at Paardevlei were recently snapped up by a Cape Town property investor. David Price, founder and CEO of Manprop, a company specialising in property investment, development and broking throughout South Africa, recently purchased four of the striking heritage buildings which form part of the historic Baker Square at Paardevlei, Somerset West. Price’s newly formed company, DeeBee House, took ownership of three buildings, designed by the iconic team of Sir Herbert Baker and Francis Masey, this month. The Baker/Masey buildings are the Paardevlei main office block, constructed in 1899, the Paardevlei Club, a striking structure with a central cupola with weathervane and a framed tower encompassing a bell in timber, as well as the site’s original main laboratory. The fourth structure to feature in this landmark deal is an additional office block

designed by an unknown architect in the earlier half of the 20th century. Price, who is widely regarded as both a savvy investor and expert on sectional title and share block conversions, describes his purchase as “an extremely valuable longterm investment”. All four buildings have permanent tenants and Price is happy to maintain the status quo. “I have no intention of altering the current model. I’ve simply taken advantage of a great investment opportunity. Paardevlei’s historic precinct has such flair and the development of this mini-city as a whole has such incredible potential and scope. I simply could not turn down the chance to be part of it,” he says. The massive landholding known as Paardevlei, consists of more than 740ha. Current landowner AECI is considering offers from potential buyers for the remaining bulk of the landholding and envisions the sale to be concluded before the end of the year.

Stuur jou besigheid se nuus

X1PRM1XW-DP260215 X1Q0T5YW-DP230415 XXXXXXX-DP230415

Het jou besigheid onlangs ’n toekenning ontvang of ’n mylpaal bereik? Het jou besigheid ondanks moeilike omstandighede ’n groot sukses geword of dalk na die gemeenskap uitgereik om ’n verskil te maak? Die DistriksPos wil graag jou besigheidsnuus, foto’s en prestasies publiseer. Stuur jou foto’s, prestasies, sakenuus en navrae na Daleen Fouché by daleen.fouche@helderberg.com.

021 851 3511 Shop 5 Vergelegen Spar Centre, 1 Schapenburg Rd Our extended consulting hours are 9-2 and 4-6pm. www.tevavetclinic.co.za




Some places are just better HEAV ’S G N I M OGROO G PARLOURE • Dip on Request

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WE COLLECT & DELIVER Animals have the right to kindness and respect HOURS:l Mon - Fri: 07h00 - 16h00 | Sat: 08h00 - 13h00 No 11 St James Street Somerset West Tel: 021 852 4324 | www.wikivillage.co.za/dogsheaven Cell: 082 564 6338 | Cell: 071 496 2078 X1PXT02W-DP230415

X1PVK9FR-DP190315 X1PY0DU9-DP230415




Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

23 April, 2015

SMALLads DistrictMAIL

0861 76255 237 0861 small ads johannes. manewil@media24.com candice.robain@paarlpost.co.za





ALL AIRPORT TRANSFERS 1405 1005 FOR BEST PRICES AND SERVICE JUMP 4 HIRE ANDREW DE MORNEY TEL 073 4933966 Jumping Castles and slides 12.08.1937 - 18.04.2015 PEREIRA COLIN DAVID for hire. We deliver, setup Passed away peacefully. 9.10.1968 - 30.03.2015 and collect. Ph. Christo You will be sadly missed. Ons onthou jou om so baie 083 566 3061. Rest in peace redes. Jou omgee, jou gee Daddy Andrew. Remembesonder om die prys te JUMPING red by David Rose, children bereken. Ons familie & grandchildren CASTLES & saamkomste sal nooit WATERSLIDES weer dieselfde wees We deliver, erect & sonder jou. collect. IN MEMORIAM Jou verlangende vrou, kin072 411 6416 ders, kleinkinders, ouers, 1015 broers en susters JUMPING CASTLES en waterglybaan te huur. GENERAL Tel: Charmaine by NOTICES 8533999 of 083-513-9493. CHILDREN’S ENTERTAINMENT



Want to see your business grow?


Johannes Manewil Candice Robain District Mail & Helderberg Gazette Tel: 0861 76255 237 johannes.manewil@media24.com candice.robain@media24.com

LAMPSHADES Re-cover & new. Also re-wire. The Lampshade Studio, Shop 6, SSW Decor Centre. Tel: 082 768 5100

BEGINNERS guitar course for adults starting mid April. 12 lessons, guaranteed results. Phone Andy on 071 238 3883. Dance-in-Line WorX. Dancing solo, in lines! to Country, Latin, Pop, Disco and Irish music. Classes Mon. – Thurs. on all levels. NG Church Hall, Lourensrivier. Strand. % Martie @ 0832877040 New Beginner Classes Starting. Please Enquire For Details.

FURNITURE, FRIDGES, WOOD FOR SALE Black Wottle. 1000 pieces ANTIQUES. Thinking of R600 or R750 to be selling any item? I will delivered. Tel 021 858 1810 be keen to make you a or 084 325 5966 cash offer. Kindly phone Ronnie 082-823-9944 WANTED TO BUY EMBUIA, Stinkhout, 1675 Geelhout en Swarthout ABANDON your search! meubels gesoek, asook CASH for modern clothes, "Queen Anne" & "Victoshoes, children's clothing, riaanse" sitkamer-stelle. fancy dress, linen, kitchen- Kontak Freddie by 8543998 ware, books. I collect! of 082 9237 283. % Carol 082 890 5749.

ABOUT FURNITURE WANTED: Queen Ann and ENGLISH CLASSES; Victorian lounge suites, TEFL courses; Private Grand Father clocks and lessons. The International Roll Top desks. Call 021 English School. 853 1341 or 082-771-3650. Call 021-8528859 or ties@english.za.net FOR SALE



Dis jou derde verjaarsdag weg van ons en die verlange bly groot,ons mis jou verskriklik baie. Happy birthday Michelle WE ARE RELOCATING Love from family and and are looking for a good friends home for our cat Tom. He has a beautiful nature, is independent and very vocal. Contact 082 785 8730

FRIDGE/YSKAS - MAN Regas & repairs from R180.00. We buy & sell. Piet: 079 339 0646 WANTED TO BUY, Collector buys, old coins, war medals, bank notes, stamos, old watches. I will be at Blaauwklippen Sunday market. Tel Martin 082 703 3719. I also come out to buy. GENERAL & HOME SERVICES


STORAGE UNIT to rent, 6X3M , R750pm - wmproperty@gmail.com


ARE YOU MOVING or downscaling? Best prices paid for bed linen, curtains, bric & brac furniture or any household items. Ph Ronel 084 989 6712.




0861 76255 237 0861 small ads

ALL STEELWORK: Palisades, Carports, Fencing, Steel construction, Devil's fork. Any other welding and paintwork. Call Gerrit on 073 654 4345

johannes. manewil@media24.com candice.robain@paarlpost.co.za




ANGEL/PHOENIX TEARS Help vir ernstige pyn en slaaploosheid. Skakel 083 678 2803


CLIVIAS: SKADUPLANTE, inheems, immergroen, groei onder bome, pragtig oranje of geel blomme. Plante te koop by Lourensfordweg 93, S/Wes. 021-852 3096.

X1Q0P1RM-DP230415 000000-DP230415

GESINA HOCHFELDEN Passed away suddenly but peacefully at home on Sunday 19th April 2015 in Somerset West.

Sleep sweet darling mom, back in the arms of your beloved Barrie. You are sadly missed by Gavin, Ryall , Craig and their families. Memorial service to be held at Heritage Manor, Somerset West on Saturday 25th April 2015 at 10am.” X1Q0MT1R-DP230415 0000000-DP230415


17/06/1969 - 16/04/2015

Marius passed away peacefully on Thursday, April 16th 2015, at the age of 45. Marius will be sorely missed by his wife Clare, Dylan, Jemma, family and friends. Funeral Service will be held at the Christ Church, Church of England, cnr of Helderberg College Rd & Old Stellenbosch Rd, Helena Heights, Somerset West on Wednesday, 29th April 2015 at 15:00 X1Q0K7WM-DP230415 XXXXXXX-DP230415

ANDREW DE MORNEY 12August 1937 – 18 April 2015

Passed away peacefully He will be sadly missed by his Wife Jane, children Charlton & Janine Lezil, Edward and Ricardo, Grandchildren Chevanne, Gaynor, Julio and Justin.


Service will be held @ All Saints Church Oak Street, Somerset West @ 09.30 on Saturday 25 April 2015 X1Q0P2JM-DP230415 000000-DP230415

ANDREW DE MORNEY 12August 1937 – 18 April 2015

He will be sadly missed by his sister Joslyn, Claude, Fam and brothers, sister in laws, children and Grandchildren. R.I.P Brother Service will be held @ All Saints Church Oak Street, Somerset West @ 09.30 on Saturday 25 April 2015 X1Q0P231-DP230415 000000-DP230415


ALLIANCE FRANCAISE: FRENCH CLASSES. All levels. Mornings/evenings. Diploma offered. % 021-851 8149

VALSBAAI FIREWOOD SUPPLIERS Bluegum/Bloekom R 800.00 - 1000 pieces Until the end of April 2015 071 978 7078 072 024 4790

All building plans professional CAD drawn. Cheapest rates, all areas. Contact Rory 021-8510792 or 083 456 2823 info@theplanco.co.za


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

23 April, 2015








INGEBOUDE KASTE Slaapkamers, kombuise, muureenhede, hang van deure en skirtings. Gratis kwotasies en beste diens! Kontak 083-704-0115



1825 1805


BAKKIE for all small loads, rubble removal and furniture removal. Call Gerrit on 073 654 4345.


Appliance at all - Herstel by u huis! ysvrieskaste, wasmasjiene, stowe, mikrogolfoonde, tuimeldroërs. Tel. 071 755 3390






0861 76255 237 0861 small ads HOME IMPROVEMENTS EXTERIOR 1836




0861 76255 237 0861 small ads johannes.manewil@media24.com candice.robain@paarlpost.co.za

johannes. manewil@media24.com candice.robain@paarlpost.co.za

ELECTRICAL appliances, repairs to fridges, stoves, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, etc. Established 30 years in the Helderberg. Qualified trade diploma. Paul Clark (021) 8565132.

CARPORTS/AFDAKKE Patios/pergolas. Decks. Treated & SABS timber. Smart finish using 22 years exp. Great product @ great price! Tel: 083414-8103/021-8581873

JOUBERT SERVICES 25 Years experience in: • Paving • Vibrocrete walls • Landscaping • All underground piping • Unblocking of sewerage / drains • Concrete work – slabs / driveways • Painting

Honest and reliable service Call us for a free quote 078 401 4075 / 083 517 0567 X1Q0HP35-DP230415 000000-DP230415



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

23 April, 2015





H BUGS BE GONE H Full house maintenance. Treat house outside, inside, inside roof and drains. In 40 minutes from *R350.00. No need to evacuate. SABS products. 078 776 0058. PLUMBERS 1855



0 AA : ELITE REMOVALS of furniture, building rubble, garden, household refuse and any small loads and Treefelling. Danie 082 3379532 / 021 852 6122 Garden Refuse Removal and general waste. Large & small loads 1 Ton bakkies & trailers. Tel. 082 7392 895 or 072 770 6873 NICKY'S REMOVALS 1.3 Ton Bakkie with driver for hire. Best prices in town. Builders rubble, Garden refuse, Garage junk 082 227 9580


STORAGE: 88 ON MAIN STRAND 24 Hours security Armed Response 34 Secure Units from R300 per month plus Vat Contact: Gerhard 021 8418556 gnel@rolagrp.co.za


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

23 April, 2015





STRAND R 7 500.00 per maand –3 Slaapkamer dupleks met 1.5 badkamers in sekuriteits kompleks. Oop-plan kombuis en leefarea. 1 klein troeteldier welkom. Kontak 021-853 6527 of 079 521 6692. FLATS FOR SALE 3255

STRAND - Two bedroom flat. Ground floor. Mosterts Park, security complex. Safe & secure. Lovely area. R499 000 021 8552369 / 082 376 1461






AANBOD AAN BAKKIE EN MOTOR eienaars. Lopend en nie-Lopende voertuie welkom. Kontak/SMS/Pcm/Whatsapp 084 844 0000.

OFFICE SPACE 64m2 to rent in upmarket area. Phone 0833257140 for more information. ROOMS TO LET


2 BEDROOM FLAT in Somerset West retirement complex. Eg. Somerset Oaks, Heritages Park or similar. From 15 May/ 1 June. Tel: 021 851 5149


Aanbevole. - Verblyf 3 Ster w.stel & B/B of kamers in STRAND vanaf R250-R300 p/kamer. 0799600359

GORDONS BAY OLD VILLAGE: One bedroom granny flat 40m2, aircon, cupboards, parking. R3 600p.m. Plus 2 months deposit. References essential. Contact Elizabeth 021 851 7409

STRAND - 2 Slpk ruim woonstel. Sentrale dorp. Grondvloer. Toesluit onderdak pakering. Onmid beskik. R5200pm. Jannie Volschenk 083 251 7290.

KAMER TE HUUR IN HUIS, met die res van die huis tot beskikking. R2500.00 per kamer per maand plus deposito. Skakel 078 086 1652. STRAND: Netjies gemeub. kamers vanaf R200 p.d. SKAKEL 072 745 7421


HELDERVUE - 4 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, flat, wine cellar, double garage, braai area, newly painted, private sale. R2.59 million. 082 881 4982 or 021 855 1312


STRAND - Klein fabriek 90m2. Onmid beskik. R3250 + BTW. Jannie Volschenk. 083 251 7290.




0861 76255 237 0861 small ads johannes. manewil@media24.com candice.robain@paarlpost.co.za



0 ATTENTION 0 Housewives - Elite House Cleaning provides services daily/weekly for Spring Cleaning, Windows & STRAND R 12 000.00 Ironing. Dalien 082 335 per maand – 3 Slaapkamer PRIVATE BUYER Somer- 5027 woonstel met 2 badkamers set West-Strand R1.3m in modern blok in Kusweg. looking for older type 67 Jarige aktiewe pensioehouse large grounds, 3 Oop-plan kombuis, leefanaris beskikbaar om die bedrooms with flat let. rea en balkon met see-uitvolgende of enige vakature Tel: 021 851 5149 sig. 2 Kelder parkerings. te vul. Toesighouer - dryGeen diere. Kontak: 021wer kode EC1 PDP. Onder853 6527 of 079 521 6692. vinding polisie 30 jaar. SOMERSET WEST 3 Skool 11 jaar. Wessel 083 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, STRAND R 4 200.00 per lounge, diningroom, fire268 2666 / 021 856 5912 maand – 2 Slaapkamer place, new fitted kitchen, woonstel met 1 badkamer garage, wonderful garden, AARON a Zim male is in sekuriteits kompleks. large trees. Private sale, looking for a drivers/forkOop-plan kombuis en leeR1, 595, 000. 082 881 4982 lift operator job. Code 10. farea. Kontak: 021-853 / 021 855 1312 078 004 2193 6527 of 079 521 6692. FOR RENT


ELIZA a Malawian lady is looking for work as babysitter or domestic.Ref. avail. Call 060 306 9355




TWO BEDROOM HOUSE to rent in Sir Lowry's Pass village, open plan kitchen and lounge. Contact 082 778 5876/082 474 4898. Available immediately.


MODERNE EENPERSOON WOONSTEL aanhuis met aparte ingang, motorhuis. 300m van Melkbaaistrand. Vanaf 1 Mei. R3 600pm. Elek/water ekstra. Skakel 072 216 3926


EDITH is looking for domestic work. Tues. to Fri. Ref Avail. Call 061 116 6737



STEYNSRUS - Spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house in private property with communal swimming pool. Secure car park. R9 500pm inclusive of levies & water. Contact 076 262 8880 or 061 919 4719


2 SLAAPKAMER HELDERVUE . Mooi seeuitsig. R6 000pm. Vanaf 1 Mei. Kontak Susan 083 446 0020 GORDON'S BAY _ 3BED, free stand, neat built face-brick 190m2 main-on-suite with air-con and full shower/bathroom 2nd bedroom also m.o.s full bathroom plus separate kitchenette with own in/out entrance full scullery/laundry room paved courtyard plenty b.i.c's all round fully walled pleasing paved back-yard b.i.braaioff a spacious living room with staircase upto spacious (tony sandell roofwindows) 3rd bedroom 3 off-street paved parking bays easy walk to Harbour Island. Avail asap R9000pm. No Agents 0818162032

ABIGAIL a Zim. lady is looking for domestic /nanny work.Hardworking and honest. Call 061 287 1493 ASHLEY is looking for everyday or chars work. Mon -Fri. Call 079 351 5312 BETROUBARE HUISHULP met goeie verwysing soek werk 3 dae a week. Kontak Miekie 078 44 4112. Verwysing. 083 326 8791

ELIAS is looking for housekeeping/gardening/general work. 074 013 0491

ESTER a Malawin lady is looking for domestic/childminding work. 083 444 5749. Ref avail FAITH is looking for work as domestic fulltime. Call 061 028 3376.

CATHERINE is looking for domestic work. Monfri. Call 073 497 8644 or 073 099 2644 CILIA is looking for domestic work for everyday / chars. Sleep in / out. Call 073 372 1665

Busy supermarket seeking Instore Security Guards, experienced cashiers and RETAIL STAFF. Please fax CV and ID to 086 564 9167.

FEDSON is looking for work as gardener or handyman. Call 078 758 4140

LOOKING FOR STUDENT/TEACHER, female, 20 - 30 year old to work with 2 small children, half day, own transport to and from work in Somerset West. Call on 083 208 2001.

GLORIA is looking for housekeeping,childminding or homenursing work. Call 084 941 0879. JOHN is looking for a job as paver,tiler or plasterer. Call 083 330 1845. Ref.avail. JUDITH is looking for domestic work. Hardworking & good with children. 063 177 1657 LUCIA is looking for domestic work. Call 078 834 3829

DRIVERS REQUIRED for deliveries at Debonairs in S/West. Phone 021 851 2466

MELODY a Zimbabwian lady aged 30 is looking for domestic work fulltime.Call 084 020 0307. MERCY a Malawian lady is looking for work as domestic.Call 062 097 3723 MUNYARADZI a Zim man is looking for work as a gardener or fulltime chars.Call 078 935 1085 PAMELA a Zim. lady aged 22 is looking for a fulltime domestic job. Call 071 909 0514


ROSEMARY a Malawian lady is looking for work as domestic.Call her at 074 730 7696 SAMSON a Malawian man is looking for work as gardener or housecleaner.Call 084 047 4626. SANDY a South African lady is looking for domestic work.Tue. and Thurs. Call083 670 5732 TOWELA an exprienced Malawian lady is looking for domestic work. 062 018 2344. Refs avail. TRYNESS a Malawian lady is looking for work as a domestic. Call 063 023 0056 GENERAL 3680

BOSCO a Malawian man is looking for domestic work. 078 909 2031 or 073 937 2139


DOMESTICS NEEDED for housecleaning service. Only direct phone calls accepted. Tel. 072 720 0308 Helderberg based construction company (building + civils) requires. a Construction/ Site Carpenter. 10 years experience. E-mail CV to info@bizzconstruction.co.za or fax 021 853 5254

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN DECEASED ESTATES All persons having claims against the mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days from date of publication hereof. Estate No. 003639/2015 Master’s Office: CAPE TOWN Surname: BALLENDEN Christian names: ANTHONY MICHAEL Date of birth: 10 JULY 1926 Identity No: 340117 0035 08 0 Last address: HELDERBERG LODGE, SOMERSET WEST Date of death: 30 JANUARY 2015 Only applicable if deceased was married *in community of property/subject to the accrual system. Christian names and surname of surviving spouse: JOYCE MARGARET BALLENDEN Date of birth: 17 JANUARY 1934 Identity No.: 340117 0035 08 0 Name and address of Executor or authorised agent. J H VAN ZYL EXECUTOR’S AGENT MILLER BOSMAN LE ROUX ATTORNEYS PARC DU LINKS 9 NIBLICK WAY SOMERSET WEST X1Q0JYDR-DP230415 000000-DP230415

BOEDELKENNISGEWING ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE LATE WILLIAM ALEXANDER EWEN, Identity Number: 260225 5046 089, Widower and Pensioner of 53 Bridgewater Manor, Somerset West, 7130 and who died at Somerset West on 10 February 2015. ESTATE NUMBER 5494/2015 Creditors and Debtors are required to file their claims with and pay their debts to the undersigned within 30 days of publication of this notice. MORKELAND DE VlLLIERS Inc. Executor The Forum 13 Drama Street POBox 43 Somerset West 7130 Ref: MPR/MS/RE46 X1Q0HPY9-DP230415 000000-DP230415



Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

23 April, 2015


Hierdie groot, gediversifiseerde boerdery onderneming, geleë in die Elgin/Grabouw omgewing, beskik tans oor die volgende vakature wat dringend gevul moet word:

D6 KRUIPTREKKER / PADSKRAPER OPERATEUR Die suksesvolle applikant moet oor die volgende beskik: • • • • •

Minimum van 5 jaar ondervinding Nodige opleiding en lisensies van toepassing Verkieslik in ouderdomsgroep 30-45 jaar wees Bereid wees om ongereelde ure te werk Vaardigheid beskik om verskeie plaaswerk met bogenoemde masjienerie te verrig

Sleutel prestasie areas sluit in: • • • • •

Uitstoot van boorde Kontoer onderhoud Skraap van paaie Grondvoorbereidings werk Windlaning onderhoud

Verder sal kennis en ondervinding van kettingsaag werk u aansoek versterk. In ruil bied die Maatskappy 'n mededingende vergoedingspakket aan wat gratis behuising, aftree en mediese voordele insluit. Aansoeke kan gestuur word aan die Menslike Hulpbron Bestuurder by janl@oak-valley.co.za, Faks: 021 859 3405. Telefoniese navrae by: 021 859 2510 Aansoeke sluit 22 Mei 2015 en indien u nie van ons gehoor het by einde Mei 2015 nie, ag u aansoek as onsuksesvol. X1Q0QET9-DP230415 XXXXXX-DP230415


Quality Controller The Function • Manage the quality processes on receiving, storing, production and dispatch • Test and control raw materials and packaging • Take responsible for all quality related issues in support of QA manager • Check product to specification • Recording of goods receiving, product and traceability data • Identify and communicate non-conformances on product • Complete COA on all product • Manage QC hold product in storage in conjunction with QA manager • Apply practices, policies, standards, procedures and methods • Ensure competent application of quality procedures • Supporting the company QA manager in all matters related to quality control

The person • Good communication skills both written and verbal • Ability to communicate with people on all levels • Be assertive and have a mature approach • Be able to work both independently and in a team • Be self-motivated and results driven • Be able to work under pressure and meet time and quality deadlines • Be organized and methodical when executing tasks • Be able to make decisions • Physically mobile and energetic Your competencies are • Diploma or Degree in Quality Assurance / Food Science; • 2-3 years relevant experience in QC/assurance in food industry (experience in the juice industry will be an added advantage) • Excellent knowledge of HACCP requirements and procedures.

Closing date is 01/05/2015. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Please send CV to iqfexpress@gmail.com

BIG-EYE TUNA: Gordon’s Bay Boat Angling Club member Delano Gold­ berg with the magnificent 125 kg big­ eye tuna which he caught off Okkie Vermeulen’s boat Salty on Saturday 18 April. According to veteran Gor­ don’s Bay charter skipper and angler Alan du Plessis, this is the biggest tunny caught by a member of the Gordon’s Bay Boat Angling Club in about four years. He congratulated Goldberg on his superb catch.

X1PYQ5W5-DP230415 X1PYQ5W6-DP160415

ACVV HEIDI DAGSORG Hoofweg 182, Somerset-Wes

Assistent 2 – 3 jariges:

Vereistes: • Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees • Vlak 1 VKO (ECD) • Toepaslike ondervinding en verwysings • Polisieklaring Ure 8h30 – 17h30 Maandae tot Vrydae Sluitingsdatum : 4 Mei 2015 Aanvangsdatum : 1 Junie 2015

Helderberg Hospice

Rig skriftelike aansoeke met volledige CV aan: Die Voorsitter ACVV Voorskoolse Versorgingsoorde Posbus 1243 SOMERSET-WES 7129

Talking Heads benodig die dienste van ’n

Navrae: Mev R le Roux : 021 852 2103 Epos : acvvswes@telkomsa.net Faks : 021 852 5984 Salaris en byvoordele onderhandelbaar binne die skale van die ACVV.

Indien u teen 15 Mei 2015 nog nie van ons verneem het nie, kan u aanvaar dat u aansoek onsuksesvol was. Voorkeur sal aan geskikte kandidate uit die aangewese groepe gegee word.

VAKLEERLING in haarkappery by hul Strand tak.

Skakel asb Joelanda vir onderhoud by 021-854 4310 X1Q0MQV9-DP230415 XXXXXXX-DP230415 000000-DP160415

X1Q0K7PD-DP230415 XXXXXX-DP230415


BOEDELKENNISGEWING ESTATE NOTICE FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT IN ESTATE LATE JAMES QUINN, Identity Number 261204 5061 082, a Pensioner of 156 Heritage Manor, Heritage Park, Somerset West and who at his death on 01 October 2013 was married to MARGARET QUINN, which marriage was governed by the Laws of the United Kingdom ESTATE No. 16790/2013 NOTICE is hereby given that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above Estate will lie for inspection at the Office of the Master of the High Court, Cape Town and of the Magistrate, Somerset West for a period of 21 days as from 24 APRIL 2015 MORKEL AND DE VILLIERS INC. Agent for Executrix THE FORUM 13 DRAMA STREET POBOX 43 SOMERSET WEST 7130 JW/hjvr (JQ000001)

’n Klashoof vir 3/4 jariges met Level 5 + ondervinding Engels & Afrikaans Stuur CV na Faks 021 851 6328 OF somersetkidz@telkomsa.net

Corporate Fundraiser This person will manage and grow our current fundraising department, building on existing platforms and introducing new channels of influence and funding to sustain and develop the Helderberg Hospice. To report directly to the C.E.O. and the Board of Directors. The incumbent needs to have a sound knowledge of the Helderberg business community network, being able to build and sustain relationships.

The job description and expected competencies are available on request. Criteria: Develop and implement a strategy for corporate fundraising programmes, introducing new fundraising plans particularly of an entrepreneurial nature. Must identify closely with the ideals and principles of Hospice and be able to find innovative ways to maintain and develop the image of Hospice. Prepare fundraising proposals for presentation to relevant trusts, government agencies and other funding bodies, both local and international. Experience within an N.P.O. is an advantage. Good communication skills and computer literacy necessary Bilingual Innovative and persuasive personality Valid drivers license Clean criminal record and SARS clearance required Applications and a current CV should be sent to marie@helderberghospice.org.za or faxed to 086 524 4562

Closing Date: 8th May 2015 X1Q0JY7H-DP230415 000000-DP230415

X1PVLW1R-DP190315 X1Q0DJC9-DP230415 000000-DP230415

X1Q0FNPR-DP230415 XXXXXXX-DP230415


Geklassifiseerd Classifieds

23 April, 2015

VIP VISIT: Joke Young, president of the Helderberg Rotary, at a recent dinner with Peter Miller from Beckenham Rotary, England.



Bontebok Primary from Swellendam (left in green) travelled to Sir Lowry’s Pass to play against the Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary’s soccer team in celebration of the soccer kits they received on Saturday 18 April. The game ended in a 1­1 draw.

SLP soccer team all kitted out TAMSYN JANTJIES A group of German friends donated complete soccer kits (including boots) to the Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary School’s soccer team.

ROTARY TALK: Yuliah Bosha of Immanuel’s Haven was the guest speaker at a recent Helderberg Rotary meeting. Here she is photographed with past president of the Helderberg Rotary, Alberto Casciati.

Calling all longboard skaters Skateboarders looking for thrills and spills need look no further than the HiTeq Downhill Skateboarding Race from 1 to 3 May at the Highrising Complex in Grabouw. The event was previously organised by Sagra (South African Gravity Racing Association) but now organised by 78A who combined the two existing events into one to make it more fun for the skaters. Hiteq is a combination of Houwteq and High rising. The following categories and ages will apply at the event: Junior 1 – u. 14, Junior 2 – u. 18, open – 18 years and older, ladies – all ages and Luge – all ages (skateboarders lying on their backs) and Masters – over 30. The location is 12 km from Grabouw town centre. The

turnoff is on the N2 just past Gordons Country Kitchen Farm Restaurant – there’s a green municipal road sign indicating “High Rising”. Once on the road, pass a road boom and continue for 5 km until the reception building of High Rising Satellite testing facility – they will then direct you accordingly. This event is for true longboard fans and entrance is free of charge. There is a large medic team available to attend to injuries that occur on the infamous “carnage corner”. This event is known for injuries and big crashes which spectators seem to enjoy. There will be a vendor selling boerewors rolls and refreshments during the event and good music.

Ulrich Reimann, a German radio and newspaper journalist, started a project which he called “Boots and Balls”. Reimann identifies schools in need and then raises money to cover the cost of the soccer kits, boots, balls and water bottles. Somerset West residents Renate and Wolfgang Jakob, as well as their friends Hannah and Helmut Lob from Rainbow Agency came on board and joined the initiative to help make the donation possible to Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary. The first school Reimann sponsored was Bontebok Primary School in Swellendam and they were invited to play a friendly match against Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary in celebration of their newly sponsored soccer kits. Local butcher Peter Ilgmann sponsored 100 pieces of German sausage, which the children enjoyed after the match.

Dominik Butzbach, Helmut Lob, Lena Gninka, Ulrich Reimann, Hannah Lob, Renate Jakob and Wolfgang Jakob were present when Sir Lowry’s Pass Primary received their sponsored soccer kits from the Boots and Balls project run by Reimann. PHOTOS: TAMSYN JANTJIES

RDC Civil Projects is looking for a

Procurement Clerk Key Duties & Responsibilities: • • • • • •

CHARGE: Sir Lowrians try to break through Maties defence during their Super League A match played at Sir Lowry’s Pass on Saturday 18 April. Maties won the exciting match 42­22. See more photos and full match re­ port on page 36. PHOTO: PETER BEE

Bill Procurement Communicate and deal with suppliers queries Report on outstanding invoices/credits Filing and capturing of documents Reconciling of supplier accounts Account administration

Win big in our cut-and-paste competition

Requirements: • • • • •

Grade 12 Certificate Minimum 3 years' experience as a Procurement clerk Communication and negotiating skills Intermediate Excel, Word and Outlook A driver's license would be an advantage Kindly forward your CV to the following details: Email address: info@rdccivilprojects.co.za or fax: 086 663 3234 X1Q0E7UR-DP230415 0000000-HP210415

Readers can this week find their third puzzle piece to win one of three fantastic prizes in a cut-and-paste competition run in DistrictMail this month. There are three prizes up for grabs from AutoSpeed Auto Service Centre in Somerset West. The first prize is a free major service up to the value of R1 850. The second prize is free balancing and wheel alignment for a year (subject to the same car). And the third prize is two free movie ticket vouchers. The entry form for the competition was published in the first week of April. Readers have to find a total of four puzzle pieces – from 9 to 30 April – and paste these

onto the entry form. If you missed any of our previous editions, you can get back copies from the DistrictMail on 021 853 0211. As soon as you have all four puzzle pieces, complete the entry form and paste it on a postcard or an envelope. Entry forms may be submitted to the DistrictMail at 37 Mynhardt Street or at Autospeed, 71 Victoria Street, Somerset West, before Friday 8 May. Multiple entries may be submitted, but only original cuttings (no photocopies) will be accepted. The winner will be selected by lucky draw and must be willing to be photographed for publication.



Sport Sport

23 April, 2015

H’berg master swimmers bag medals Helderberg swimmers are masters of their craft – and their clutch of medals prove it. Maritza Breitenbach, Genie McLachlan, David McLachlan, Mandi Fuchs, Jean Degenaar, Viv Routledge, Kate Bihl and Werner Ludick represented the Cape Town Masters Swimming Club at the Masters National Swimming Competition last month. Representing the Cape Town masters and Dolphins clubs were. The Cape Town club won the trophy for the most points on average per swimmer, as well as the spirit trophy. Bringing home the silverware are Maritza (silver: 800 m freestyle and 1 km open water swim and bronze: 50 m backstroke); Genie McLachlan (gold: 50 m and 100 m breaststroke; 50 m and 100 m backstroke; and silver 50 m freestyle); David McLachlan (gold for all his races: 100 m and 200 m breaststroke; 100 m and 200 m butterfly; 200 m and 400 m individual medley; and qualified for SA colours by placing within the top 10 times in the world); Mandi (gold: 800 m freestyle, bronze: 200 m individual medley and 200 m breaststroke); Jean (gold for all her races: 200 m and 400 m individual medley; 100 m and 200 m freestyle; 50 m and 100 m backstroke and 1km open water swim and Peter Pirow Cup for the 400 m individual medley – closest to a world record); Viv (silver: 200 m individual medley and 50 m freestyle); Kate (silver: 100 m backstroke, 200 m backstroke, bronze: 50 m, 100 m and 200 m breaststroke and 50 m backstroke); Werner (bronze: 50 m backstroke).

Outstanding performances earn Michaela SA colours MARK STUART

The Helderberg swimmers who represent­ ed Cape Town Masters and Cape Dolphins clubs at the Masters National Swimming Competition held at Ellis Park, Johannes­ burg, last month, at the back, from left, are Jean Degenaar and Viv Routledge. In the middle, from left, are Genie McLa­ chlan, David McLachlan and Mandi Fuchs. In front is Maritza Breitenbach. Kate Bihl and Werner Ludick were absent.

She will be joining the Sasa II team which will compete at this year’s Global Michaela Kretzen (15) Games in Guayaquil in Ecwon 13 medals at the uador from Friday 18 to SunSouth African Sports Asday 27 September. sociation for IntellectuMichaela is currently in ally Impaired (Sasa II) training for the games, Swimming Championswimming seven days a ships in Kimberley reweek, three times a day at cently. the Strand Indoor Swimming Pool, where she swims Michaela’s outstanding an average of 4km a day unperformances in the open der the watchful eye of coach women’s events saw her Leal de Kock. qualify for her Sasa II colOverall, Michaela has had ours. a very successful swimming She also set nine Global season. At the Jack Curry Games Qualification Gala at the University of the times. Western Cape in February, She won the medals in A beaming Michaela Kretzen she won three gold and four the following events: 50 m with the 13 medals she won silver medals. backstroke (bronze: GGQ), at the South African Sports In December, she won 100 m breaststroke Association for Intellectually eight medals (two gold, four (bronze: GGQ), 50 m but- Impaired Swimming Champi­ silver and two bronze) at the terfly (bronze: GGQ), 100 m onships. South African School Chambackstroke (bronze: GGQ), 50 m breaststroke (silver: GGQ), 200 m indi- pionships in Pretoria. These are remarkable feats, considering vidual medley (bronze: GGQ), 50 m freestyle (silver: GGQ), 200 m breaststroke she only started swimming competitively (bronze: GGQ), 100 m freestyle (sil- three years ago. In her first competition she won 12 medver: GGQ), 4 x 100 m medley relay (silver), 4 x 50 m freestyle relay (silver), 4 x 100 m als. Since then she has been hooked on comfreestyle relay (bronze), and 4 x 50 m medley petitive swimming and Michaela has rapidly progressed. relay (gold).

Slow weekend at sea for most anglers

Public Notification of Intention to Conduct Controlled Burn Sitari Country Estate, Somerset West Invasive alien vegetation (Port Jackson & Blue Gum) was cut down and cleared on the Sitari Country Estate development before construction commenced. It is not viable or practical to chip or remove the cut vegetation, hence, the intention to burn it on site. The burn will be controlled according to the City of Cape Town Air Pollution and Fire Department requirements. Objections to this notification may be submitted within 7 days to: Meroline Ockhuis Senior Air Quality Practitioner, Air Quality Management 246 Voortrekker Road, Vasco Tel: 021-5905213 Fax: 021-5905215 E-mail: Meroline.Ockhuis@capetown.gov.za Issued by: David Jacobs Site Manager X1Q0K6XD-DP230415 000000-DP230415

Boat and shore angling was rather dismal last weekend as a result of weather changes and cooler water temperatures. The mackerel that have recently kept anglers fishing from small boats and kayaks off Strand and other venues also seem to have disappeared. The water temperature in certain areas in False Bay dropped to 14°C and even lower during the past weekend. OnSaturdayandSundaymostboats–professional and recreational – reported good snoek catches in Buffelsbaai and Heuningsnes. Many of the tunny boats that went to the Canyon area had poor catches, with only a few smaller yellowfin caught by charter crews who fished around the area until late afternoon. Local charter boats Lynx and Tyler only caught six smaller yellowfin between 25 kg and 30 kg for the day. On Lynx, Alan du Plessis, who fished from Sunday to Monday morning, only caught a few smaller yellowfin. The only large tunny caught was a 100kg yellowfin taken on the west area of the Canyon from the boat My Time by Mike de Wet from Hout Bay. One of the most remarkable tunny catches reported during this recent tunny run was the 125 kg big eye caught by Delano Goldberg on Saturday 18 March on Okkie Vermeulen’s boat Salty. According to Alan du Plessis it took him about 2,5 hours to land the fish and, as far as Alan knows, this is the biggest tuna caughtbyaGordon’sBayBoatAnglingClub member in the last four years. An Australian diver, photographer and boat crew recently witnessed what they described as the most spectacular sights they have ever witnessed – the massive sardine run off the Transkei coast last week. The massive school of sardines, being herded by sharks, dolphins and a whale, must have been an amazing sight, with a


Art Ridgway thousand of gannets also dive-bombing the sardines from the air. The crew even managed to film a shark snapping up a diving gannet which had a sardine in its beak. Due to this early sardine run, which is heading to Durban and higher up the coast, it is speculated that smaller elf have left our area and started migrating around the coast. Fishing from the local beaches has been limited to a few galjoen, belman and white stumpnose. Among the successful die-hard anglers fishing from Blake’s Island were Danie Ronald (three galjoen and one white stumpnose), Johan Uys (one white stumpnose and one dassie) and Johan Slabbert (one galjoen). Ferdie Joubert reported that an inter-club angling competition was hosted by Pearly Beach club last weekend. Eight clubs participated and 72 fish, with a total weight of 103,35 kg were weighed. The edible fish caught included 11 kob, 39 galjoen, three white steenbras, 13 hottentot, two blacktail and two wildeperd. Gordon’sBayRockandSurfAnglingClub won the event. Ashton were the runners-up with Defence third, Pearly Beach fourth, Alpha fifth, Overberg sixth, Pearly Beach (second team) seventh and the Betty’s Bay team eighth. JD van der Merwe won the individual event followed by Hannes Smuts, Francios Conradie and Hugo Krynauw (jnr). Last Friday there were still streaks and patches of red tide around our coastline, but by the end of the weekend most of the red tide had been dispersed. For all your reel repairs and services contact Art on 021 854 3831. Send fishing photos, news and club results to bjridgway@telkomsa.net.


Sport Sport

23 April, 2015


Belhar bulldoze valiant Lulu Boys in their second outing LYNDON JULIUS

Strand tennis player Jan­Louis Maritz won two South African titles during the April school holidays. PHOTO: PIERRE MONTGOMERY

Strand tennis star clinches two South African titles Talented Strand tennis player Jan-Louis Maritz was crowned the under-18 South African junior champion in the doubles and mixed-doubles categories in Bloemfontein recently. Maritz, a talented and hardworking tennis player, attends Paul Roos Gymnasium and plays his tennis in the Helderberg, where he has already captured some significant local titles. In the Bloemfontein event, he lost his singles match in the semi-final stage to topseeded Nikolai Manchev 6-4 and 6-4, but

then teamed up with Leon Olivier to win the doubles title against Danrich Kruger and Jake Weatherhead with 6-4 and 6-4. He also won the mixed-doubles title with partner Lienke de Kock, when they beat Hubert Badenhorst and Huibre-Marie Botes 7-6 and 6-3 in the final. Maritz has already tasted success in singles and doubles in earlier years when he competed in under-14 and under-16 categories. He has also represented Boland and South Africa in provincial and international competitions.

Local teams find the going tough in Super League With three Super League matches played in the Helderberg this weekend, it was tough going for the local sides as they conceded a total of 173 points. After just two rounds it might still be a bit too early to ring any alarm bells, but progress needs to be made and it needs to be made quickly. Although losing by a big margin, St Georges didn’t do as badly as the scoreline suggests, but they seem to be struggling to adjust to the pace of the Super League A games. Berge and Sir Lowrians have a few weeks off, while Lulus face Maties in their next big match. This weeks fixtures are: Raithby Universals vs Collegians (Raithby) RU are still adapting to this league, but have not done badly thus far. But there are no easy games for them. Collegians come in this match having also lost two matches, so they will be eager to get their first win. Traditionally, Collegians has been the “bigger’’ team, but that will count for nothing this week. Prediction: Raithby to win by 7 or less Strand United vs Paarl (Abattoir) United had a tough game last week. I can’t remember the last time Paarl travelled to Abattoir and won a game. For United to stay in contention with the top clubs, they will have to win this one. Paarl are doing well this season, but generally they don’t travel well. Prediction: United to win by 5 or more. Strand vs Silvertree (Gustrouw)

Strand are eventually going to start their season after two bye weekends. Having had a good pre-season and training camp, they will definitely be targeting this match for five points. Silvertree will struggle with the fast pace of the game and fade. Strand are one of my favourites in this league. Prediction: Strand to win by 10 or more Strand Pioneers vs Khayelitsha (Khayelitsha) Pines have had a good influx of players after having struggled with this in early season. They seem to be scoring more tries, yet still conceding too many. Khayelitsha play a fastpaced game, so if Pines manage to keep up, this could be the win they have been yearning for this season. Prediction: Pioneers to win by three or more All Saints vs Kylemore (Kylemore) All Saints last away game against Cloetesville proved they can beat good teams on the road. Kylemore are not bad at home and should be favourites, but I feel All Saints mean business this season. Prediction: All Saints to win by 6 or less. Lets keep supporting our teams even though they going through rough patches now.

Berge sit goed af, vou onder druk Valsbaai het verlede Saterdag 66-18 oor tuisspan Helderberg geseëvier in hul Superliga-A-kragmeting op die Charles Morkel-stadion. In die eerste 20 minute het Helderberg driemaal voorgeloop, maar helaas, hierna het swak dissipline en ’n gevolglike geelkaart die span duur te staan gekom. In dié tyd het Valsbaai twee verdoelde drieë by hul telling gevoeg. Helderberg het later meer bestendig gespeel, maar Valsbaai het bly domineer om eindelik met 66-18 te wen nadat die rustydtelling 33-13 in laasgenoemde se guns was. Vyf minute ná die afskop was die tuisspan voor na ’n goeie drie deur die uitblinker flank Alvino Anthony. Sy drie is verdoel deur senter Deon Taljaard (7-0). Valsbaai het ná nog vyf minute gelyk getrek met ’n verdoelde drie (7-7). Kort hierna het Taljaard Berge weer

The Somerset West Hockey Club’s first, second, third and fourth women’s teams got their 2015 season off to an excellent start with wins in all of their matches. The first team drew 1-1 with the Western Province Cricket Club’s (WPCC) women’s first team, the second team beat Durbanville’s second team 5-1 and drew 2-2 with Paarl’s first team. The third team beat WPCC sixth team 7-0

and beat Milnerton third team 1-0 and the fourth team (masters) beat Cafe Del Mar 6-0. The club’s men’s teams were not as successful. The first team lost 5-1 to the WPCC first team; the second team lost 13-1 to the WPCC 4th team; the third team played to a 2-2 stalemate with Durbanville; the fourth team lost 5-1 to WPCC 7; and the masters drew 6-6 with Bellville Masters.



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Details of the job description will be provided on receipt of the application. For further details contact Larry Morkel on 082 443 1393 or lmorkel@sun.ac.za. Applications close on Monday 27 April.

laat voorloop met ’n strafdoel (10-7). Die Baai het intussen weer gaan druk (10-12), voordat Taljaard weer suksesvol was met nog ’n strafdoel (13-12). Ná ’n geelkaart het Valsbaai alle aspekte van die spel oorheers. Tog kan gesê word dat Helderberg se kaptein en losskakel Brendan Smith alles in die stryd gewerp het, met sy veteraan skakelmaat, Breyten Isaacs, nie ver agter nie. Berge se lostrio het baie hard probeer om al die gate toe te stop, met heelwat minder ondersteuning van hul vaste vyf. Kort voor die eindfluitjie, en met die telbord op 66-13, het die blitsige jong linkervleuel Ryan Solomons vanaf die middellyn deurgenael vir sy drie in die hoek, om die eindtelling 66-18 te maak. Met twee langnaweke wat voorlê is dit slegs die Crusaders wat tuis speel om 20:00 op Donderdag 30 April teen Villager.

Somerset West Hockey Club results

Taariq van der Ross

Call for applications to coach Helderberg CC Helderberg Cricket Club requires the services of a qualified, energetic and experienced cricket coach to lead and manage the development of cricket at the club for the 2015/2016 season.

It was a second bite of the cherry at the WP Super League A for St Georges RFC (Lulu Boys) as they hosted Belhar RFC at Gustrouw Sports Grounds on Saturday 18 April. The match, which they lost 0-60, started in similar fashion to that of the first match against Tygerberg the previous week. The hosts scored the first points, through a well-worked move, with their flanker rounding off in the corner. The Lulu Boys also had an opportunity to put more points on the scoreboard with a penalty conversion, but it was missed by flyhalf Moeneeb Brinkhuis. The Belhar attack was ruthless and penetrated the lacklustre St Georges defence on more than one occasion. Veteran scrumhalf Morne Adams had another attempt at a penalty, but the kick went wide of the posts again. Moments of brilliance from young flank

forward Robin Lawrence tested the Belhar defence on more than one occasion. He also stood firm against the visitors. Belhar recently competed in the Community Challenge tournament and their pre-season intensity was evident in the onslaught they brought to the match, allowing St Georges no chance to get a sniff of dominance. Crucial errors at critical stages during their attacks eliminated the contest and subsequently took the match away from the hosts; this broke their momentum while the well-established Belhar made use of all their opportunities. All is not lost for St Georges, as the season is far from over. Relishing in the enjoyment and experience that the Super League A brings will provide hope to the loyal players, members and supporters. It is, however, back to the drawing board for St Georges as they travel to Stellenbosch to take on Maties on Wednesday 29 April.



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Navy Train fails to stop Maroon Machine Sir Lowrians can hold their heads up high despite losing their Super League A clash 22-42 to Maties at Sir Lowry’s Park on Saturday. In fact, the Navy Train dominated the first half and continued their dominance in the second half, when they also scored the first points. The local lads looked as if they were on their way to a huge upset and were leading 22-12 after 60 minutes of play – much to the delight of the 3 500 mostly Sir Lowrians fans. Two early first half penalties by Earl Rose saw Sir Lowrians go 6-0 ahead in the match. They then stretched their lead to 13-0 after a try by Errol Jaggers. The try was converted by Rose, who also slotted a penalty just before the break to take his team to a 16-0 lead at half-time. A drop goal by Rose just after the break saw the hosts go 19-0 ahead. A try by Maties lock Grant Prior was converted by substitute Chris Smith to change the score to 19-7. ApenaltybyRosestretchedSirLowrians’lead to 22-7, before a try by Maties eighthman Devon Nash, and converted by Smith, took the score to 22-14. The first of three tries by Maties speedy winger Craig Barry was then converted by Smith (2221).

It was around this time that Maties made several telling substitutions – the fresh legs and superior fitness levels proved too much for Sir Lowrians to contain, as the visitors ran in five unanswered converted tries in the last 20 minutes. Barry scored his second try – converted by Smith – to give Maties a 22-28 lead. Maties fullback Jason Worral then added to the score with another try, which was slotted by Smith (22-35). Barry then went over for his third try, which Smith converted to make the final score 22-42. For Sir Lowrians, Rose and scrumhalf Bolla Conradie really stood out as they dictated the match for about 60 minutes. Rose scored 17 of Sir Lowrians’ points and did not miss a single kick at goal. The match was a historical one for Sir Lowry’s Pass as it was the first time Maties played against Sir Lowrians at the Sir Lowry’s Pass grounds in a league match. Rugby fans from across the Helderberg and Stellenbosch converged on the Sir Lowry’s Pass facility to watch the long and anxiously awaited match. And despite the local team losing to the mighty Maroon Machine, supporters from both clubs left the ground satisfied after witnessing a thrilling rugby spectacle.


Sir Lowrians flyhalf Earl Rose prepares to pass the ball to a teammate while being held by a Matie player during the sides’ Super League A clash at Sir Lowry’s Park on Saturday. Maties were 22­42 victors. PHOTOS: PETER BEE


Former Spring­ bok scrum­ half Bol­ la Con­ radie, now playing for Sir Lowri­ ans, flips the ball back­ wards to his wait­ ing loose forwards in the match against Maties.

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