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Chilean seafood is a healthy food with a high protein and nutrient content, as it has omega 3 and many important vitamins.

The aquaculture and fishing industry from Chile deliver safe products to consume. These are well known for their high-quality production, delicious flavors, and their memorable cooking dishes which are enjoyed all around the world.

Multi X

MULTI X is based in Puerto Montt, Chile, with its U.S. office located in Miami. The importer of fresh, frozen, and smoked Atlantic salmon rolled out the first 100 percent CarbonNeutral Certified Chilean Salmon into the U.S. market in January 2023.

The CarbonNeutral D-trim frozen fillets are currently available in the U.S. and will have their official debut at Seafood Expo North America 2023, the company said. The firm worked with The Climate Impact Partners, an independent third-party, to achieve the CarbonNeutral Product Certification.

“In addition to our zero waste to landfill, already achieved in 2020 in our processing plants, our 100 percent CarbonNeutral product provides retailers the opportunity to place sustainable options on shelves for shoppers. Consumer trends place environmental impacts on the foods they eat as relevant drivers for their buying decisions. By buying our 100 percent CarbonNeutral certified products, consumers are helping develop local communities and increasing green energy infrastructures in addition to their impact on the environment. When Multi X Salmon reaches the dinner table, families can feel confident their meal is making a difference in taking care of our planet,” Multi X Sales and Marketing Officer Fernando Pérez said.

Multi X Human Resources, Sustainability, and Corporate Affairs Officer Francisco Lobos added that the firm is “launching a new line of products according to our purpose of nourishing the future, caring for the world.”

“Multi X continues to work on CarbonNeutral certification for other product lines, to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030,” Lobos said. •

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