deep inspiration may elicit sharp pain, which is due to inflammation caused by infection. Simple cholelithasis seldom illicits such pain with palpation. If cholelithiasis is suspected, the pain can be managed with analgesics. Avoid fatty foods during this period as the symptoms may recur or worsen. If cholecystitis is suspected when the pain is accompanied by generalized symptoms that include fever and chills, seek prompt medical care. Medical attention should include an IV to enable hydration and possible antibiotic administration if possible. Avoid foods that cause or exacerbate symptoms. Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle as well as rapid weight loss may increase risk. Consumption of coffee, vitamin C, polyunsaturated fat and nuts has been linked to the prevention of gallstones.
C HR ON I C OBST RUC T I VE PULMONARY DISE ASE Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) encompasses several significant lung disorders that affect the flow of air in the lungs and the gas-exchange process — the diffusion of inhaled oxygen into the blood for circulation to the body’s tissues and of carbon dioxide into the lungs’ alveoli for exhalation. There are several types of COPD, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Symptoms of COPD include a chronic cough and excessive production of sputum (saliva and mucus from the respiratory tract). Infections of the lungs and airways are common in individuals with COPD. Sufferers also have a reduced ability to exercise due to the diminution of their breathing capacity. Inhaled corticosteroids can improve affected individuals’ breathing and provide some symptom relief, though mainly at rest. Prompt attention to early signs of respiratory infections is important to prevent the development of pneumonia. More advanced cases of COPD significantly impair affected individuals’ exercise tolerance, and severe cases usually require the use of supplemental oxygen. If you have COPD and wish to travel, discuss your proposed trip with your physician to be sure that the likely rigors don’t exceed your ability