encounters with such animals. For more information, see DAN.org/Health/ Hazardous-Marine-Life. The ability to recognize and identify animals commonly encountered at a chosen dive site will add to the pleasure of a dive and help divers avoid animals that could inflict harm. Some useful guides include the following: • A Medical Guide to Hazardous Marine Life, 3rd ed. Auerbach PS. Best Publishing, 1997. • Auerbach’s Wilderness Medicine, 7th ed. Auerbach PS. Elsevier, 2017. • Dangerous Marine Creatures. Edmonds C. Best Publishing, 1995. • Marine Animal Injuries. Edmonds C. in Bove and Davis’ Diving Medicine, 4th ed. Bove AA, Davis J, eds. Saunders, 2004; pp. 287-318. • Medicine for the Outdoors, 6th ed. Auerbach PS. Saunders, 2015. • Pisces Guide to Venomous and Toxic Marine Life of the World. Cunningham P, Goetz P. Pisces Books, 1996.
Sea snake (poisonous) crawling along the ocean shore