DiverseWorks 2019-22 Strategic Framework

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DiverseWorks commissions, produces, and presents new and daring art in all its forms through innovative collaborations that honor each artist’s vision without constraint.

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We honor freedom of expression as an essential tenet of a civil society and know that art carries an astounding promise for individual growth and insight.

Through sharp attention to artistic quality and creative action, DiverseWorks: will invigorate Houston by fostering civic participation, cross-cultural understanding, and fueling innovation;

will be a nationally recognized artist-centered leader

will supply a steady array of stimulating installations, unlikely collaborations, and inventive happenings;



in presenting compelling art that defies expectations;

and will take risks and present work that might not be shown elsewhere.

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We value unchained freedom

We value the interactions between

of artistic expression in all forms.

artist and audience; we believe

We respect the artist’s role in

collaboration yields new artistic

provoking understanding of

methods and expands opportunities

social issues.

for broadening public access and understanding.


dependability in our professional

We value diversity and inclusivity.


We value a good party and a

We value artistic excellence that

good time. While our work can be

is born through a coupling of risk

rigorous and challenging we pride

and imagination.

ourselves in being welcoming, friendly, and fun.


We value truth in art and

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• We serve the creative ambitions of all artists by providing an exclusive platform that allows for support that is unfettered, autonomous, and uncensored. • We serve art enthusiasts by increasing meaningful exchange and understanding of high quality contemporary art. • We serve artistically ravenous audiences—our famously diverse participants who refuse to be categorized. We welcome rare individuals who agree to face new and stimulating art seeking insight, renewal, and personal reward. • We serve Houstonians with unforgettable programs and events that add wonder and vitality to our neighborhoods. • And we seek to serve fresh audiences that haven’t experienced art, have never had the opportunity, or are merely looking for inspiration, action, or connection.



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OUR PLACE DiverseWorks is one of Houston’s most innovative and storied arts organizations, with an astonishing record as a cultural agitator—helping to shape the arc of contemporary art nationally since 1982. a place of unbridled artistic ambition. With a rapidly growing population that is the most diverse of any major US metropolitan area, DiverseWorks takes artistic risks, engages new contemporary art audiences, and shares artistic excellence locally and beyond.


DiverseWorks embraces the blossoming international city of Houston,

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2019–2022 P8 p8

1 Embrace an Adaptive 2 Cultivate Creative Leadership Approach to Space and Communities • approach space and location in a way that is adaptive

• strengthen leadership skills and build community by hosting

to the artist’s (or artists’) needs for the work

knowledge and skill sharing events, professional

• present risk-taking artistic programs in public and

development, and national networking opportunities for

unconventional spaces in the Greater Houston Area

artists, students, and arts colleagues

• make sure staffing and related funding needs are met

• develop public understanding and acknowledgment of

for working off-site

artists’ contributions to their communities

• build internal and external communications and

• create a fellowship with an open-call application process

marketing strategies in relationship to adaptive space

designed for artists to work with their neighborhoods

3 Encourage Cultural Equity and Inclusion in the Arts

4 Activate Board Engagement and Leadership

• develop a policy for Cultural Equity and Inclusion that serves

• increase board initiated activities to cultivate donors

as a model for small arts organizations

and corporate giving

• continue to develop the ideas and guidelines created

• conduct Board education and learning at meetings

through Project Freeway:

and Board hosted gatherings

• develop policies that will govern the effective use

› place a high value on conversation, dialogue,

of a cash reserve

recognized within traditional contemporary art circles

• establish an agreed to target for first step in building

a cash reserve

› create conversations and projects outside of DWs

usual spaces

› establish and nourish community partnerships with

organizations and individuals


and process involve Houston artists that are less-

› seek out partners and artist projects that openly

address social and political issues • be more systematic about outreach and the development of partnerships with specific demographic groups

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p 1 Laura Gutierrez, Center Aisle Blues, April 12-15, 2018. Co-commissioned and co-presented with the University of Houston Cynthia Woods Mitchell Center for the Arts for CounterCurrent18. Photo: dabfoto creative p2

taisha paggett and WXPT in collaboration with Ashley Hunt and Kim Zumpfe, The School for the Movement of the Technicolor People, April 30 – May 28, 2016. Photo: Lynn Lane

p 3 Katie Grinnan, Enter-Face, 2012-2015, mixed media, installed at DiverseWorks for the exhibition Katie Grinnan: Nocturnal Hologram, September 11 – November 14, 2015. Photo: Michael O’Brien p 4 Takahiro Yamamoto, Direct Path to Detour, October 27 – 29, 2017. Photo: Lynn Lane p 5 Autumn Knight, M_ _ _ER, November 2 & 3, 2018. Photo: Lynn Lane p6

Carrie Schneider, Artist/Activist Matchmaking Event, October 11, 2017, for the exhibition Lines Drawn, September 23 – November 18, 2017. Photo: Terry Suprean

p 7 Harrison Guy and Walter Hull, Ritual Redux, March 30, 2018. Performance for 12 Minutes Max!, March 29 & 30, 2018. Photo: Lynn Lane 2019–2022

p 8 Kate Gilmore & Heather Rowe, Only in Your Way, January 21 – March 18, 2017. Photo: Paul Hester

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