Diversity Careers Programme 2011

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Equality & Diversity is at the heart of what we do

EVENT PR OGRAM M E Friday 14 Oct | At-Bristol Centre | 10 am-6 pm

Our Partners :

DIVERSITY CAREERS Providing Careers Advice and CV, Application Form & Interview Skills all year round. CV HEALTH CHECKS | CV WRITING | INTERVIEW SKILLS APPLICATION FORMS | CAREERS ADVICE | CONFIDENCE BUILDING Diversity Careers is here to help you at any stage of your career, from getting you on the ladder, CV help, interview skills or development plans from a fully trained Occupational Psychologist. Advice ranges from ‘A’ level choices right through to career changes.

Contact us now for your free consultation. Contact : Daryn Carter da ryn@diversityc areers .org | 078557 9 9 3 3 4 | dive r s it yca r e e r s.or g

Using a comprehensive range of cutting-edge profiling and assessment techniques, you will get to know yourself better, realise talents, skills and qualities to improve your interview performance and confidence.

Bespoke help and advice to get the career and job you want


We l come to Dive rs i ty C a re e rs 2 0 1 1 Diversity means a lot of things to different people - gender, race and ethnicity, disability, religion, sexuality, class and age are just some aspects that come to mind. Put simply, when you recognise that diversity is important you set aside preconceptions, see people’s true value and allow them to achieve their potential. The Diversity Careers Event is a multi-spectrum diversity event bringing together students, graduates and all job seekers with employers who value, and actively support, a diverse work force. We believe that in actively promoting diversity in the workplace organisations thrive and all employees benefit. The businesses and organisations here today share that belief and are more successful as a result. Join us in our celebrations for Black History Month, hear speakers talk about LGBT Equality in the Workplace, Women in the Workplace or just come and speak to the many employers attending who truly value their workforce and view diversity as a gift. Seminars running throughout the day include :

1230 - Diversity Careers – Competency Based Interview Skills 1430 - Ernst and Young - Diversity & Inclusiveness in the Workplace 1600 - GE Energy - We are GE: Diversity in Action 1700 : KPMG – Fulfilling your potential with a difference Diversity Careers has been working all year round with both companies and jobseekers to improve skillsets and champion equality within a variety of industries. Event exhibitors feature Top100 employers from all over the UK as well as some of the largest employers from across the South West. For an updated list visit www.diversitycareers.org A special thank you to our partners: Stonewall, Enterprise Cars, The BBC, Hewlett Packard, Beachcroft, Ernst & Young, Attas Sports, TLT, Neal’s Yard Remedies, The Open University, UWE, and The University of Bristol. Everyone is welcome to join us throughout the day and into the evening with our special evening networking event, featuring exhibitors and networking groups, at the Shore Bar, Prince St from 6pm. Daryn Carter, Diversity Careers


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We prefer our gay staff to be in the closet

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People who are out at work are more satisfied, more creative, more loyal, more confident and ultimately more productive. (Peak Performance 2008) Diversity Champions do it better. For further information contact us on 020 7593 1868 or visit www.stonewall.org.uk/dcs 5


Give your career a boost Come along for an informal discussion about course choice, financial support, learning methods and any other general study queries. An Open University representative will be on hand to answer your questions and guide you through the prospectus. Whatever your background or study interest, there’s almost certainly a suitable starting point for you!

Bristol Diversity Careers Event Friday 14th October 10:00 - 18:00 @ Bristol Centre

Call or visit us online www.open.ac.uk/events 0845 366 8009


The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England and Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).




Accen tu re Al i ce’s S e cret E mporium Ar my Avo n a n d S o m erset Police B eva n B r i tta n B u rg e s S al mo n Co mmo n P u r p o se E a sto n Lei s u re C entre G E E n e rg y Jo b cen tre P l u s JH P Trai n i n g KPMG Roya l Ai r Fo rce



Atas s S p ort BBC B each croft E n ter p r i se C ars E r n st & Young H ew l ett P ackard O p e n U n i versity N e al ’s Ya rd R emedies S to n ewall T LT U n i vers i ty of B ristol U WE

Ag e U K B ad en o ch and C lark B r i sto l C ity C ouncil E u ro p ean Movement G re en P a rty J a mi e at H ome Lab o u r O s b o r n e C lark O u ts et B ristol S h owcase C inema










Avo n Sc o u ts Bla c k Histo ry Mo n t h Filto n Co lle g e Gre e n P a rty LGBT LGBT Histo ry Mo n t h Love Mu s ic - Hate Ra c is m O ff t h e Re c o rd Me n ta lity Ou t UWE P r id e Af te r P re ju d ic e P rid e Br isto l Qu e e n s h illin g R oya l Ba n k of Sc ot la n d St P a u l’s Ca r n iva l U niversity of Br isto l LGBT So c iety U niversity of Exete r LGBT So c iety



Inte rv iew Tips Use these tips to get the job you want! Practice makes perfect It goes without saying that practising interview questions will help you prepare. Taking the time to review typically asked interview questions will help you perfect your answers and help calm those pre interview nerves.

Interview Technique First impressions count and in a competitive market your interview is your chance to shine! It doesn’t take much to make an impression – bad or good. Make sure you know your CV inside and out and build a rapport with the interview panel – especially potential line managers.

Be prepared for the ‘negative’ Some questioning focuses on when things have gone wrong. Be prepared for questions like ‘when have you missed a deadline’ or ‘describe a time when you have had a conflict in a team’. Turn the negative into a positive, describing the situation and what you did but be positive and talk about what you learnt from the experience, and what you would do if this came up again in the future.

Top Tips! Use linkedin to see who you know via the company’s page.

A negative question is looking for positive learning.

Review the job description and make bullet points.

Dress smartly but be comfortable. If you lack experience, go get some!

Review the company– they will ask you what homework you’ve done.


Think ‘I did…’ and not ‘we did…’

Dress for success The first judgement an interviewer makes when they meet you is how you are dressed, so make sure you look the part even if the company dress code is casual. Dressing up smartly will also help put you into a professional frame of mind. Don’t forget to switch your phone off, it will avoid pre interview distraction and the risk of it going off during the interview.

Phone Interviews Phone interviews are being used more and more often. They are a way to narrow a large pool of applicants and decide who will be invited for in-person interviews. Make sure you are free of distraction, have a copy of your CV handy, and a pen and paper for note taking.

Transferable skills It’s difficult to talk about team working or leadership if this is the first job you are applying for but you may have similar skills outside the workplace to draw upon – you may be able to talk about organising an event or working with fellow students where you were being assessed collectively. Many firms and voluntary sectors offer work experience, it maybe unpaid but will offer you training and valuable skills.

The ‘I’ in Team Don’t be afraid to blow your own trumpet. The interview is about you and not the team you have worked in before. So if you talk about team success you must talk about what you contributed, the interviewer wants to know what you can bring to their team.

Use your connexions Using your connexions is key and speaking to friends that already work in the company will help give you that insider advantage so you can ace the interview and impress the interviewers.

Diversity Careers offers a range of interview skills techniques, help with your CV and application forms as well as one to one careers advice. Arrange your free consultation by contacting Daryn Carter at daryn@diversitycareers.org or calling 07855 799334


D i ve rsity in Act io n We spoke to people about the challenges they have faced and what organisations who value diversity mean to them. Gareth Cumming, 27 : Commercial Analyst, TLT Is working for an employer who values diversity important to you? I have had to battle diversity all my life as I have a condition which restricts my growth to 3ft and makes my bones extremely brittle, therefore I am a permanent wheelchair user. I am also an openly gay man therefore choosing a workplace and employer with an excellent diversity policy is essential. What advice would you give others? Perseverance is key during the recruitment selection, but once you are in a company make sure you work hard to make yourself indispensible and show that your diversity does not affect your job performance. Celebrate your diversity!

Ross Oliver Harrison, 21 : PGCE Secondary Maths Did you know what career / job options there were for you after university? I knew of some job types that were promoted to students similar to me, such as Teach First, business services (KPMG, Deloitte etc.) and graduate schemes. However I had no breadth of knowledge of any careers outside of those common ones. Is working for an employer who values diversity and equality important to you? I have to say that it is one of my main concerns, as an LGBT person. I particularly value companies, institutions and services which not only accept diversity but actively promote it. What advice would you have for people? Say ‘yes’ to any opportunity that seems worthwhile, be it volunteering, placements, training, or anything else. Most importantly, try to help someone who asks for it, and you’ll get some help in return.



"A dream company" The Sunday Times

Recognised as "energetic and ambitious" with an "open minded entrepreneurial culture", TLT is an award-winning law firm with a client base of national and global brands. TLT promotes diversity, mutual respect and equal opportunity and has been named a 'first class' employer by the company which researches The Sunday Times 100 Best Companies list and is one of the few law firms to be recognised for our positive approach to disability. To find out more visit TLT in the Partners’ Zone and at www.TLTCareers.com


Annabelle Armstrong-Walter, 24 : Diversity Officer, Avon and Somerset Police How did you go about getting your job / stepping in the right direction? I stepped in the wrong direction first! I had a graduate job that really didn’t float my boat, which forced me to reconsider what was important to me. I got my current job with relatively little prior experience - but I had a wide range of voluntary and non-voluntary work experience that could demonstrate that I had the skills that were required. Is working for an employer who values diversity important and what’s been your biggest challenge? It is absolutely essential. I didn’t realise until I got into the working world the extent to which some organisations turned a blind eye to prejudice in the workplace. Developing the confidence to speak with conviction was a challenge. I think young women are often overlooked in the workplace, and have to work harder to be seen as professionals and have their voices heard.

Dylan Glynn, 24 : Graphic Designer Did you always know what you wanted to do and how did you go about that? Yes, although I wanted to be a train driver when I was 5. After I graduated I got a job working on the course I had just left. That job gave me a lot of experience and a lot of contacts, which I added to through networking. The past few years have seen me expand my portfolio & client base, and I’m currently self-employed. What’s been your biggest challenge in the workplace? Being self-employed takes a lot of self-motivation, and sometimes that can be hard to find. In terms of studio jobs, the biggest challenge is getting your foot in the door. There is a lot of great graphic design talent in Bristol, which equals a lot of tough competition at job interviews. What advice would you give others? Work hard. Try not to work for free. Be nice.


Hardeep Aiden, 28 : 2nd Year PhD student in Social Policy What steps are you taking to find a job after graduation whilst at university? I’m currently doing an internship with a cancer charity and taking advantage of opportunities that have come out of my doctoral studies, such as networking and funding opportunities. Is working for an employer who values diversity and equality important to you? Yes I guess I come under two categories of “diversity” so I would definitely want to work in an environment where people understand and value diversity. What advice would you have for people? It’s hard trying to find a job, but even harder when you’re not sure what you want to do. If you can get a feel for the job market and work out what you want to do (or what you don’t want to do), it’s a lot easier to find that perfect job.

Robby Rusdianto, 30 : Aerospace Engineer, Airbus How did you handle the challenges of being an overseas student competing for graduate jobs in the UK? In my experience, the challenge started right from the moment I decided to stay and work in UK after I graduated. Job hunting can be hard but getting work experience benefited my career development by giving me key soft skills as did support from family & friends. Do you ever feel you are treated differently because of people’s perceptions? Not at all, in fact in my field of aerospace industry, coming from a different racial background helped me to secure my first job. Multi-national employers understand that to stay in the cutting edge of technology, it is important to collect and combine the ideas of people from all walks of life and backgrounds. What advice would you give overseas students to help them get the job they want? Be sure this is what you want from the start and don’t falter at the first few hurdles. Tenacity and determination are key!


Use what you’ve got to get where you want At Ernst & Young we know your natural strengths can get you further, faster. We’ll help you identify, develop and use them to achieve your full potential. We have graduate and undergraduate opportunities available now in Advisory, Assurance, Corporate Finance and Tax.

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© Ernst & Young 2011. Ernst & Young is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. The UK firm Ernst & Young LLP is a limited liability partnership and a member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited.


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