Dist: All “Diversity Includes All Of Us”
Unity Spring 2008
Training Edition
The Office of Diversity Initiatives provides a variety of free workshops and training experiences for the UCF faculty, staff, and students. Below is a list of sessions that are scheduled for the Spring Semester. Other opportunities for diversity workshops may be scheduled by calling the Office of Diversity Initiatives at 407-823-6479 or by contacting Melissa David at medavid@mail.ucf.edu. TO REGISTER: Register online at https://my.ucf.edu or send your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, PID/EMPLOYEE I.D. NUMBER and E-MAIL to medavid@mail.ucf.edu or fax to 407-823-6480. Diversity Certificate Series (DIV000) Student Union 220 Facilitator: Barbara Thompson Attendance at all four sessions is required to receive the Diversity Certificate Series award. The world looks different today than it has in the past, and as a consequence, new ways of interacting and communicating with others are required. This four-part program focuses on the legal, ethical, and practical issues organizations face in this dynamic new environment while demonstrating how we can use human diversity to maximize competence and performance. (1) On the Threshold of Change (2) Gender & Sexual Orientation Workplace • Friday, February 15, 2:30-4:30 P.M. Issues • Friday, February 22, 2:30-4:30 P.M. (3) Race, Ethnicity, Language & Religion (4) Age and Physical Ability Workplace Issues Workplace Issues • Friday, March 7, 2:30-4:30 P.M. • Friday, February 29, 2:30-4:30 P.M. NEW! Receive a Diveristy and Inclusion Continuum of Learning Certificate for every four diversity training workshops you attend (excluding Diversity Certificate Series workshops, which receive a Diversity Certificate Series award). Call 407-823-6479 for more details. ABCs of Diversity (DIV008) Understanding the Power of Internalized Oppression • Thursday, February 7, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 223 (DIV042) Facilitator: Michael Freeman • Tuesday, February 19, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union • Wednesday, March 26, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 220 218D Facilitator: Michael Freeman Facilitator: Barbara Thompson Internalized oppression is defined as the involuntary belief Human diversity impacts each of us on a daily basis. Gaining by people of a target group (women, transgendered people, an understanding of differences and similarities is essential people living with disabilities, people of color, Jews, Lesbian, for effective functioning in today’s work environment. This Gay, Bi-sexual people, and people living in poverty, etc.) program focuses on the dimensions of diversity and illustrates that the stereotypes, myths and lies about them are true. how stereotypes and biases can get in the way when creating This workshop will explore the power and consequences of a diverse and inclusive space for all employees. Participants internalized oppression and what can be done to stop this develop ABC action plans for enhancing awareness of and cycle of oppression. appreciation for diversity. The Illusion of Inclusion (DIV021) • Tuesday, March 4, 2:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 223 Understanding Power and Privilege (DIV016) Facilitator: Michael Freeman • Monday, February 11, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 222 What does it mean to be inclusive? Is it something you can Facilitator: Michael Freeman This session looks at the concepts of power and privilege in feel, or does it exist when certain diversity objectives have detail and describes actions that can be adopted to mitigate been met? This workshop explores the critical elements in building organizational inclusion and discusses how the effects of social injustice. to determine whether their implementation creates real and sustainable change or merely reflects “the illusion of Office of Diversity Initiatives www.diversity.ucf.edu Phone: 407-823-6479 Fax: 407-823-6480 inclusion.”
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Mind Your Mouth and Fix Your Face (DIV043) • Tuesday, March 18, 2:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 223 Facilitator: Michael Freeman Sometimes we not only say things that get us in trouble, but our non-verbal expressions, especially those carried all over our face, leave little doubt as to what we are thinking. This humorous workshop examines both verbal and nonverbal communication we observe and use when we are “communicating for understanding.” The workshop will help participants to recognize some of their own needs around “minding and fixing” in developing a plan to help manage how they communicate. Communicating Across Cultures (DIV044) • Thursday, March 20, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 223 Facilitator: Barbara Thompson The ability to prevent misunderstandings through effective cross-cultural communication is an important skill in today’s world. This session introduces the three basic components of any communication. Further, it dramatically illustrates 12 common causes of verbal miscommunication across cultures including conventions for courtesy, degree of assertiveness, accents, and hot buttons. Finally, the crucial role of body language in communication is discussed. • Note: This session combines material from Open Heart Dialogue and More Than Mere Words. If these sessions have been attended, this workshop will be redundant. Stereotypes: Impacts on a Diverse and Inclusive Work Environment (DIV041) • Thursday, April 3, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 223 Facilitators: Barbara Thompson & Michael Freeman To truly respect and value diversity, it is essential that we recognize that our life experiences and the people in our lives have influenced our thoughts and feelings about others. In this interactive workshop, participants are guided through two activities that are designed to uncover biases that may exist “in our heads” and that may negatively impact those around us. Further, ways to effectively deal with stereotyping in the workplace are discussed. • Note: This session contains activities from DOTS: Understanding Your “Hidden” Biases. If this session has been attended, this workshop will be redundant. Multicultural Conflict Resolution (DIV030) • Tuesday, April 15, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 221AB Facilitator: Barbara Thompson Conflict is an inevitable part of life. Although many of us are uncomfortable in conflict situations, it can be a constructive process in which the very differences that give rise to the conflict also provide us with the unique perspectives and enhanced creativity that is needed in our complex world. This session explores general ways in which conflict is viewed in various cultures and specific ways in which we as individuals respond to conflict. It also emphasizes conflict resolution skills that are useful in relating to others who are different from us.
Color of Fear - Part 1 of 3 (DIV045) • Friday, April 18, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 221AB Facilitator: Michael Freeman The Color of Fear films provide a powerful look at the impact of race and sexual orientation on the lives of eight men of various ethnicities. Through personal stories and interactions, we gain a glimpse into the fears, the stereotypes, and the moral issues that are confronting and dividing us in our society. These films are raw, emotional and are intended to solicit discussion and problem solving. Contains harsh and for some, offensive language. (Part 1 of 3) High-Heart Work and Self-Care (DIV046) • Tuesday, May 6, 9:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M. Student Union 316A Facilitator: Michael Freeman Human service work demands a lot from those who address and meet critical needs. Often, as we are caring for others, we forget the most important person, ourselves. This team building session examines how to create, maintain, and evaluate self-care plans for individuals and teams. It also looks at the process of what it takes to effectively provide the kind of support team members need in remaining “whole” in “high-heart work.” Intersection of Faith and Sexual Orientation: Building Bridges of Respect and Understanding (DIV047) • Thursday, May 15, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Student Union 316C Facilitators: Barbara Thompson and Michael Freeman For many people of faith, nothing evokes more emotion than a discussion on what it means to be Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual (LGB). LGB folks often find themselves at great odds with many of their religious colleagues and leaders because of who they are. How do we begin building bridges of respect and understanding on this issue? Is there something greater than “hating the sin, but loving the sinner?” Although the emphasis of this session will deal with primarily the many denominations of Christian faith, we also will provide some discussion time and resources for other world faiths and religions. Allies Advance (DIV033) • Monday, January 28, 2:00-4:30 P.M. Student Union 220 • Thursday, February 21, 2:00-4:30 P.M. Student Union 223 • Thursday, March 20, 5:30-8:00 P.M. Student Union 223 • Wednesday, April 2, 6:00-8:30 P.M. Student Union 316B Learn about issues affecting GLBT people, homophobia and heterosexism, and the benefits and responsibilities of being an Ally. For more information, visit: http://www.counseling.sdes.ucf.edu/allies/AllyAdvances.html
TO REGISTER: Register online at https://my.ucf.edu or send your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, PID/EMPLOYEE I.D. NUMBER, and E-MAIL to medavid@ mail.ucf.edu or fax to 407-823-6480. Office of Diversity Initiatives Phone: 407-823-6479
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