BRODOSPLIT – TVORNICA DIZEL MOTORA Member of Shipbuilding Industry Split Inc.
BRODOSPLIT – TVORNICA DIZEL MOTORA d.o.o. je samostalna tvrtka unutar grupe BRODOSPLIT d.d.
BRODOSPLIT – TVORNICA DIZEL MOTORA d.o.o. is an independent company within BRODOSPLIT d.d. group
Osnovna djelatnost tvrtke je proizvodnja najsuvremenijih dvotaktnih i četverotaktnih dizel motora po licenci MAN Diesel & Turbo. Tvrtka BRODOSPLIT – TVORNICA DIZEL MOTORA osnovana je 1967. godine izgradnjom nove proizvodne hale i upravne zgrade. Iste godine potpisan je i ugovor o kupnji licence za gradnju dizel motora s njemačkom tvrtkom MAN – Augsburg. Kasnije dolazi do spajanja tvrtke MANAugsburg i danske tvrtke B&W, dvaju vodećih proizvođača dvotaktnih i četverotaktnih motora. Daljnji razvoj tvrtke i dalje će se zasnivati na proizvodnji dvotaktnih i četverotaktnih motora kao osnovnoj djelatnosti. Company’s core business is production of the most contemporary two-stroke and four-stroke diesel engines under licence granted by MAN Diesel & Turbo. Company BRODOSPLIT – TVORNICA DIZEL MOTORA was incorporated in 1967 by construction of new production hall and premises for management on the land of Brodosplit. Contract on purchase of license for construction of diesel engines was signed the very same year with the German company MAN – Augsburg. Later on there was a merger of MAN- Augsburg and Danish company B&W, two leading manufacturers of two-stroke and fourstroke engines. Further development of the company will continue to be founded on the production of two-stroke and four-stroke engines as primary commercial activity.
Danas je MAN Diesel & Turbo i sa svojim licencionarima vodeći svjetski proizvođač dvotaktnih i četverotaktnih motora u rasponu snaga od 500 kW pa do 85.000 kW. Motori su prvenstveno namijenjeni za brodski pogon, ali isto tako su pogodni kao stacionarna postrojenja za proizvodnju električne energije, a kao gorivo koriste razne vrste dizel, plinskih i bio goriva. Zadovoljavaju sve trenutno važeće ekološke standarde, kao i one koji će tek stupiti na snagu u dogledno vrijeme. Prvi motor proizveden je i ispitan početkom 70-tih, a do danas je isporučeno preko 450 dvotaktnih i četverotaktnih motora ukupne snage preko 2.500.000 kW. Razvijajući se u okviru Brodosplita Tvornica dizel motora je prolazila kroz razne organizacijske oblike. Razvoj mogućnosti prozvodnje motora, kako po pitanju usvajanja novih tipova, tako i povećanjem vlastitog udjela proizvodnje, pratio je i razvoj tehnoloških mogućnosti lijevanja i strojne obrade. Danas je to samostalna tvrtka unutar Brodosplita čiji se kapaciteti koriste u proizvodnji komponenata motora.
Today MAN Diesel & Turbo with its licencees is the leading world manufacturer of two-stroke and four-stroke engines with power ranging from 500 kW to 85,000 kW. Engines are primarily intended for ship’s propulsion systems, but they are also suitable as stationary electric power plants. Apart from diesel, they are fuelled by gas and other types of bio-fuel. They satisfy all existing ecological standards, as well as those that will be applied in the future. The first engine in BIS-TDM has been manufactured and tested in the early 80-ies, and more than 450 two-stroke and four-stroke engines have been delivered until this day with overall power of more than 2,500,000 kW. Developing within Brodosplit, BIS-TDM has been going through various organizational forms. Development of possibilities of engine manufacture was followed by the development of technological capacities for casting and machine processing that was reflected in adoption of new engine types and increase in own production share. Today BIS-TDM is an independent company within Brodosplit group whose capacities are used in production of engine components.
Osim proizvodnje motora razvijena je djelatnost servisiranja i retrofita dvotaktnih i četverotaktnih motora. Radionica za montažu i ispitivanje ima više ispitnih stolova za montažu i ispitivanje dvotaktnih i četverotaktnih motora tako da je omogućen rad na više jedinica. Ukupni godišnji kapacitet je do 15 dvotaktnih i 40 četverotaktnih motora ovisno o veličini istih. Maksimalna snaga ukupne godišnje proizvodnje je oko 150.000 kW. Nosivosti dizalica, dimenzije hale i kapaciteti opreme za ispitivanje motora omogućavaju ispitivanje najvećeg motora pojedinačne snage do 25.000 kW.
Besides engine manufacture, BIS-TDM has developed the activity of engine servicing and retrofitting. Assembly and testing workshop has several test beds for assembling and testing of two-stroke and fourstroke engines so that simultaneous work on several units is enabled. Total annual capacity is up to 15 two-stroke and 40 four-stroke engines depending on their size. Maximal power of total annual production is about 150,000 kW. Cargo carrying capacity of cranes, size of halls and capacities of engine testing equipment enable testing of the largest engine with the individual power of up to 25,000 kW.
ELECTRIC POWER PLANT Za potrebe petrokemijskog kompleksa na otoku Krku, BIS-TDM kao glavni ugovaratelj sa svojim podugovarateljima, izradila je dizelsku električnu centralu u sklopu energetskog kompleksa. Postrojenje je pušteno u rad 1984. godine te se sastoji od dva dizelska motora SPLIT - MAN 16V 52/55A u liniji sa generatorima električne struje snage 2x11,8 MW. Namjena postrojenja je opskrba petrokemijskog kompleksa električnom energijom kao posebnim izvorom.
BIS-TDM built diesel electric power plant for the needs of petrochemical complex on the Island of Krk as main contractor with its subcontractors produced diesel power plan within the energy complex. The plant started to work in 1984. It consists of two diesel engines SPLIT - MAN 16V 52/55A in line with electric power generators (2x11.8 MW). The purpose of the plant is to supply petrochemical complex with electric energy as independent source.
PODZEMNO SKLADIŠTE PLINA OKOLI BIS-TDM je sudjelovala u izradi projekta OKOLI. Radi se o podzemnom skladištu prirodnog plina koji služi za izravnavanje vršnih opterećenja potrošnje plina putem primanja plina u razdoblju smanjenja potrošnje te isporukom kada je potrebno. Uobičajeno je u svijetu da se za skladišta koriste podzemne geološke formacije, najčešće iscrpljena plinska ležišta. U tu svrhu u suradnji s INGERSOLL-RAND-om izrađena je kompresornica koja predstavlja najvažniji dio pos-
trojenja. Funkcija joj je da komprimira plin sa tlakom u magistralnom cjevovodu (40-50 bar) na tlak potreban za utiskivanje u skladište. Sastoji se od 4 kompresorske jedinice sa mogućnošću pojedinačnog ili paralelnog rada. Kompresorska jedinica KVR 410 sastoji se od pogonskog dijela (deset-cilindrični plinski motor s pomoćnim sustavima) te kompresorskog dijela prvog i drugog stupnja. Isti plin koji se utiskuje koristi se kao pogonsko gorivo.
UNDERGROUND GAS STORAGE FACILITY OKOLI BIS-TDM participated in development of project OKOLI. It is an underground natural gas storage facility that is used for level equalization of peak loads by taking gas in the period of reduced consumption and delivering it when necessary. It is customary all over the world to use underground geological formations as storage facilities, most usually the exhausted gas reservoires. Compressor room for this purpose has been produced by BIS-TDM in cooperation with INGER-
SOLL-RAND company. Its aim is to compress gas from the main pipeline pressure (40-50 bars) to one required for injection into storage facility. It consists of 4 compressor units that have the possibility individual same as or parallel operation. Compressor unit KVR 410 consists of drive (ten-cylinder gas engine with auxilliary systems) and compressor parts of the first and second level. The same gas that is injected is used as driving fuel.
BRODOSPLIT - TVORNICA DIZEL MOTORA d.o.o. HR-21000 Split, Put Supavla 21, P.P. 517 Tel: +385 21 392 310, Fax: +385 21 382 323 e-mail: