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Letters to the Editors
Dear Editors,
Time management they say, how can I manage my time if they don’t even spare me some? During DGS events like JS Promenade, of course we were busy with rehearsals yet some teachers still gave us activities we were not exempted from. How can I truly enjoy my first and last JS Prom (since our grade 9 days were restrained by the pandemic) if I worry about the activities we need to pass immediately?
During review week for examinations, some teachers gave out activities too… I truly hope whenever they say “time management is the key'' they consider giving us the time we can manage.
Sincerely, A sleep deprived student
Dear Editors,
It doesn't even matter where I am, outside or inside the classroom, the heat is present everywhere. Our classroom has an air conditioner but we are not even allowed to open it! Even in the smallest step, I sweat a lot. Even if I don’t even move at all. Worse is that it is summer right now and instead of me being in a refreshing place, I am in a classroom with a closed air conditioner and a teacher telling us to close the window even if it is so hot. Students are always complaining how hot it is yet the only thing soothing (not exactly) us are two electric fans that do not even reach others. The weather is hot and so is my head.
Sincerely yours,
Sweaty armpits
Just Jana
Precious Jana Molleda
How to do the 1-2-3 technique
Iwitnessed three kids do the 1-2-3 technique last year. Seeing it firsthand and intending to do it before, here are some tips I can give:
First tip: Be heartless. Do not support the jeepney drivers even though it is obvious that they are already having a hard time.
Second tip: Have no conscience. Ignore the voices that say they are suffering from your poor choices that would lead to them suffering even more.
Third tip: Be close-minded. Gaslight them. If they caught you, tell them it’s pointless to argue and fight for their rights and that they are communists.
It’s not just a kid or any passenger who does this. There are also people in power who fail to acknowledge how jeepney drivers work so hard and fail to support them for that hard work. They run away from their responsibility to give them the better life they promised, which they are obligated to do.
If you ask me, those people in power definitely do not need my tips on doing the 1-2-3 technique.
“Stop the car,” said my classmate to the jeepney driver, possessed with a spirit with the thickest face, her bashfulness leaving her body completely, after hearing announcements regarding the jeepney phaseout.
I was not Tinkerbell sized and I did not have the ability to float on their shoulders, nor do I have horns and tail and definitely not a halo, but I was definitely the one who whispered in her ear, that it might be the first and last time she could do something that ridiculous before the jeepneys were wiped out completely.
I am witnessing how the country is getting on its knees.
The country is led by a President who answered “four pesos” when asked what the minimum jeepney fare was in 2016, making me question how someone could lead a country he isn’t familiar with.
Co-led by a Vice President who said last March, that the strike was pointless – people fighting for their rights are pointless, giving me qualms about how someone who invalidates people could lead her countrymen.
The country is led by blind au-