5 minute read
AS someone who has a heart for a fictional romantic story, I have read a scene wherein someone's love story starts inside the library. I fell in love reading it. However, it was the opposite in reality. Let me tell you why. I have never heard of a student in our school finding love in the library. It was consistently peaceful, as a library ought to be.
To me, our school's library is like a place to search for hidden treasure. It is hidden, but also not. I admit that I am relieved to find it sometimes empty so that I can appreciate it on my own. I do, however, feel bad because there is so much stuff available in the library that students can use whenever they need them.
The first time in this school year that I came to the library was when the school reminded us about it.
When my friends and I came to the library, it was the first time that I had seen the library fully booked by the Graceans.
It was not a problem though, because the book librarian opened the next library for us.
The second time that I visited the school library, I was surprised that it was already empty. It was different from the first time I visited. I did not mind it, maybe it was just not the time that people came to visit it.
However, the next was still the same, and the next, and until the last time I visited it.
Sometimes, I feel like students seem to forget that there is a library. I sometimes wonder why, too bad no one is in it, as it is relaxing and really nice to visit. It is also a help for the students to meditate and rest their minds.
It is a privilege that me and my friends get to enjoy the library. It’s our go to place when we need peace to film for projects or finish our tasks.
I have mentioned that the library in our school was like a treasure to hunt, because we did not know that the books that we gave up looking for are just there. Unless, we think of going to the library, we will never find the book we’re looking for.
We were so close, yet so far from finding it when we needed it because we never think of looking for it in the library— because we never see it in front of us.
When we no longer need it, we just begin to find it.
Like a map that will lead you to the treasure, signs, and directions which are big help to us. I believe that it will guide us to the treasure we are looking for.
While we may not find love that starts at the library like in the movies, we have at least located one book about it.
“I found it!” from a friend, as we move in the path that will take us to the library we are hunting.
Blood-Stained Dress
WHAT a bummer, just one of those days, isn’t it?
I can’t be too moody, I can’t complain and whine at random people, and God forbid, I ever give the slightest attitude - let’s be for real, it wasn’t really about how I felt. It was always how uncomfortable the talk made other people, so I should learn how to shut my mouth and have some shame, never speak up and set unhealthy boundaries for myself because some people are too immature to understand how the human body works.
A blood-stained dress isn’t uncommon for girls like me, it’s just that time of the month when you’re reminded that you aren’t pregnant, yet. Probably, in the worst way possible, however— yikes, I don’t really want to experience that, I can barely even swallow tablets. How am I going to survive those 9 months? But, what really gets my gears running is how people act like going through this cycle is something to be ashamed of.
It’s almost like any menstruation-related products on campus are ancient artifacts, a fossil lost in the depths of the world. In all seriousness, however, being on your period while at school is such a hassle.
The accessibility of the products we need such as tampons, napkins, etc.., is practically non-existent to put it simply.
There’s nowhere you can buy it on campus, so if you’re unlucky and have your cycle start in the middle of class, I hope you brought a jacket to cover that up, even if the clinic does own a few packs. It’s too much of a hassle to change in the bathrooms;
Arguably, it’s not sanitary and cramped.
What more if the school decides to start up full face-to-face classes? You’d have to endure those long hours on edge, constantly, checking behind there just to make sure you didn’t bleed through your skirt.
Not to mention the pain you’re bound to experience while on your period. Did you know that cramps feel like heart attacks? But, you’re meaning to tell me that we’re expected to suck it up and fake a smile just because it’s too awkward to tell people that your random mood swings are caused by something too “unsettling” to mention around boys.
A blood-stained dress isn’t uncommon for girls like me, which is why I’d really hope that they did something more to help in assisting us, whenever we’re in need. We can’t always be expected to be ready for that time of the month because not everyone has regular cycles, and not everyone is carrying around menstrual items for themselves.
As a 14-year-old, I can barely even tell my friends about my situation, let alone my teachers. I’ve grown so accustomed to just dealing with it and I am grateful that my cycle always started before I went to school. But, just imagining what the others have to go through? It sends shivers down my spine.
WE have sat on our chairs almost 8 hours a day, exposed to a four-cornered screen, just to learn for the past three years.
Isn’t it great to have a breath of fresh air and to finally see the world slowly going back to the way it was?
As we slowly, but surely, emerge from the pandemic, many aspects of our lives are returning to some semblance of normalcy. Most notably, the return of face-to-face interactions is a welcome change for many people who have grown tired of endless video calls and virtual meetings.
There’s no denying that technology has facilitated remote communication in unprecedented ways over the past year or so. However, there’s still something to be said for the power of face-to-face conversations. The energy and nuance of an in-person discussion simply can’t be replicated by even the most advanced video conferencing software.
There’s no denying that technology has facilitated remote communication in unprecedented ways over the past year or so. However, there’s still something to be said for the power of face-to-face conversations. The energy and nuance of an in-person discussion simply can’t be replicated by even the most advanced video conferencing software.
Beyond that, students are simply feeling burned out from the constant barrage of screens and digital communication. The pandemic has made it abundantly clear just how much time we spend staring at our computers, phones, and tablets. The ability to have an in-person chat without feeling tethered to a screen is a refreshing change of pace.
So some students were really glad when Divine Grace School suggested blended learning as a solution wherein some days they learn online, but other days they interact face-to-face.
If the choice were up to you, would you rather go back to face-to-face learning? Or stay studying online?