1 minute read
DepEd, more like dead end
Ihate school. I hate school, not because of how piles of paper would decorate my desk, not because of how subjects get progressively difficult and would give me constant migraines, but because of how the government continues to fail their promises to the children of the future.
In our constitution, the government was already aware about the problems regarding the facilities in public schools and until now, it exists. Aware but no welfare.
Our country’s system and quality of education is below average, not even close.
Look at the quality of education in provinces, it’s not desirable. It’s one of the reasons why many Filipinos who live there choose to move to cities, for the opportunities given here are vast but limited.
Every year, the government changes the budget allotment for education, even increasing it. Yet, we don't see any of those budgets being used. Up until now, school materials were still outdated, books were being borrowed, there were classrooms that were unsightly, no ventilations, broken chairs, and broken dreams.