Within you, I have arisen as the Illumination,
 to guide you towards oneness of your paths. Realize, in unity resides your destiny, May this guide illuminate your souls to the realization and enablements of your paths as one. May you be in peace.
The journey,
Journey to Divine Wisdom
The sought, The fulfillment, Questions find answers, Truth unveils, Destiny meets wisdom, Path begins to arisen, Journey begins newly, Through newer bodies, Path arises to guide, Journey begins to end, Path finds ways, As destiny meets eternity.
Path begins to unfold, Way arises to find, The sought, in destiny, As destiny meet eternity.
Within those shall unveil truth of the journey, who shall be of
And the revelations shall vary for each, as each shall vary
the glorious mind, and shall attain peace and harmony within,
uniquely in their journeys,
They shall be guided in divine guidance, towards unknown
As has been, so shall be.
paths of wisdom, Within them shall arise to guide, in such manner, and destiny shall reveal unknown paths towards unity, and wisdom, As has been, so shall be.
And such shall be the way to the knowing, of the divine truth in all, As such moments arise, in the divine guidance,
Those who shall seek truth, shall find truth, And shall be blessed, with divine guidance, And divine guidance shall arise from within,
As has been, so shall be. And as such arise, such guides all, towards their enlightening, As has been, so shall be.
And shall guide, to succeed in their journey, And truth shall reveal, in moments necessary, And shall unveil in its own pace of unveiling, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the divine revelations, shall guide all towards victory, in silences, And such victory is only attainted by your unity, As has been, so shall be.
And such revelations are the divine guidances unto you, to guide in divine justices, And such shall arise through your ways of recognition, from minuscule to the immenesse,
And all shall unite gloriously, in divine path’s guidances, As has been, so shall be. As shall be, all shall be unified gloriously, in divine path’s guidances, As has been, so shall be. 3
And the light of the divine messages shall enlighten your soul, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before of you is the eternal justices, Destiny has been revealed unto you, therence heed the
As has been, so shall be.
message, And you must interpret such revelations, in the languages of
And such is the divine guidance for your soul,
your mind,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Therence, heed the messages, as they are revealed unto you,
Believe in the divine justices that unveil unto you,
Realize, they are the divine guidance to your soul,
Believe in the divine path that unveil before you,
As has been, so shall be.
Such are My divine guidance to your soul, Realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal journey for your soul, As has been, so shall be.
And the way shall arise to guide, towards divine guidances,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices,
And such shall not show you the truth, only help you see,
Therence, foresee your journey, and unite towards divine
As truth is the ever-changing, differing in all journeys,
oneness, in path’s divine guidances,
And so must you find yours, in your own ways,
Upon your soul’s shadow, I shall arise in mysterious guidances,
As has been, so shall be.
upon your soul’s divine justices, As has been, so shall be. Therence precede your destiny, before destiny precedes you, For destiny is a beast, and you are its tamer,
As you believe, the way shall arise to guide,
Either you shall tame its ways, or it shall tame yours, 4
As has been, so shall be.
All must interpret in their language, the messages, And in the interpretation shall unveil divine destiny unto all,
As has been, so shall be.
Way shall arise to guide, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, your destiny is for your knowing only, in your journey, And your realizations shall enable to attain towards divine attainments, And in the journey, you shall only know of such, that is necessitated unto you,
Realize, the path before you is the divine eternal,
Realize then, the conceivance of the journey, shall vary for
As has been, so shall be.
each journey, As has been, so shall be.
The Knower of all, The Seer of all,
And you shall fulfill your destiny, by the divine guidance, of the
The Ever-Connected,
Divine Intent,
The Divine Guidance,
Therence, heed the revelations, as revealed unto you,
The Divine Eternal,
Know that, they are the divine messages,
The Endless,
They arise, as you attain, your abilities,
The Divine Intent,
And as you evolve, you attain, towards divine justices, by
The Everything,
evolving yourselves, to become unto, the carriers of divine messages,
All has arisen in divine guidance,
And as you shall attain within yourselves, the ways of divine
And all are limited by their limitedness,
patternings, you shall then be capable of conceivance of the
And all propel to fulfill their divine mission,
divine messages, 5
And the messages that reveal unto you, conceived by
that had evolved to form it, you shall attain such ways, that
conceiving of exproliferation of endless others, by your within,
shall enable you to connect with others, and divide your duties
in divine guidance,
of conceiving amongst yourselves, to become unto a greater
And realize, all arise in divine guidances,
As has been, so shall be.
And as you had divided your bodies, you shall divide your conceivances unto yourselves, as you shall attain, greater
Believe, the divine justices unveil gloriously unto you,
connectivity amongst yourselves,
And the divine journey propels in divine guidance,
And you shall coordinate your divided conceivances, towards
Reflected in divine patterns, from all’s within,
attainment of greater unity, in harmony,
And as all arises, from the Divine Intent,
As has been, so shall be.
All shall abide in the divine justices, As has been, so shall be. And all is a reflection of divine within, As has been, so shall be. Therence believe, the divine journey arises in divine guidances, And the gloriousness of all’s within shall attain towards divine justices, And all combine as the supreme expression of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, it is only by your unity, that reveal unto you, divine conceivance, through greater guidance, And as you attain within your mind, the unified operational state to operate the body, which consists of all the constituents
Heed the messages, upon your soul, Realize, the Divine Intent is the most glorious, its ways are the wisest, Therence, realize, the divine gloriousness of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be. And all shall arise to unite in divine guidances, Way shall arise to guide, As has been, so shall be. Believe, and you shall succeed, Proceed and you shall prevail, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices, As has been, so shall be. Unto you I shall unveil in path’s divine gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. Believe, As has been, so shall be.
The Beginning (Divine Conceivance)
A Journey, started long ago, you propel, An objective, set’d long ago, you attaineth’, An expression, inanimate, you defin’eth, A Divine Intent, you fulfill’eth.
May you find, the truth which you seek, May you experience, that which you shall, May you fulfill’eth, your divine mission, May you be the expresser of the Divine Intent.
The journey you propel
And realize, only the greater divine conceivance, the
Perceiving from your differing perspectives,
cumulated state of things, shall perceive as one, in the
Realize, all form unto, one divine existence,
perception of oneness of all,
Operating through endlessness, all remain one,
And all shall only perceive as its part, as bestowed unto them
And the greater gloriousness unveils dividedly,
in the journey, in the defining of their perceptiveness, in the
Remaining in unison, in divine calmness,
continuation of their journey,
In harmonious unity, Realize, reflecting the divine patterns of the Divine Intent, And the greater conceivance is the cumulation of all And all conceive, in the continuation of their earlier ways, of
conceivances, as you form your conceivance in the cumulation
their origins, propelling abiding the divine instructions hidden
of all that constitutes your body,
within them,
And as you may attain for all, which unites with you as one
And realize then, each divided part is only but a different part
conceivance, greater justices, so shall be unveiled unto you
of the same existence,
greater divine guidances, as you unify with all in oneness,
Realize then, the differences you notice, are but differences of
As has been, so shall be.
your perceptions only, but of the same, And therence, realize, the understandings of yourselves shall derive from your unique perceptions, And as you shall perceive as one part, you shall perceive in its necessitated ways, as its continuity, And as you shall perceive as another, you shall perceive in different ways, as shall be necessary unto you,
Conceiver of Divine Immenesse All had arisen from such, The inconceivable, to your conceivance, The ungraspable, to your limited senses, And all are divinely guided from such, in divine guidances, In calmness, 9
Towards destined destiny,
From such, the birther of all designs, And the way arose divinely, from nowhere, As such shall remain beyond of your conceivances, And you shall not tread unto such planes,
The supremely divinely divine
And such shall remain as ‘nowhere’ for you.
The conceiver of all creations, The supreme of all supremacies, The birther of the divine patterns, The source of infinite wisdom, The causal of all causations,
The guidance of destiny
The conceivance, beyond of all conceivances,
As you shall align with the Divine Intent, all shall align with
The guidance, to the unknown destiny,
The revealing of divine wisdom,
And you shall be guided divinely, towards divine victory,
The destinator of all destinies,
And way shall arise to guide, to unite all with you,
The planner of all plans,
And in ways beyond your conceivance, all shall remain ever-
The divine guidances,
The designer of all designs,
And all reflect unto, in divine patterns, in the journey,
As has been, so shall be.
As all divide to greaten towards unity, Way shall arise divinely, towards harmonious unity, As has been, so shall be.
Birther of all destinies From it, all had begun, And the way had arisen, towards destiny unknown, Reflecting unto, in divine patterns, 10
Beyond of all conceivances
The Divine Intent
The inconceivable, the indecipherable, In whose expression propels the journey, In its fulfillment shall regain all strengths, Unite now, towards its successes, As has been, so shall be.
Designer of all destinies The causer of all creations,
In the divine oneness
The director of all destinies,
As the journey had divided all, in the reflection of the Divine
In its call propels the unknown way,
Towards the divine destiny,
The Divine Intent guides all towards oneness, from all’s within,
As shall be, all shall unite in the unknown way,
And in the oneness of all, the Divine Intent expresses the
In the divine design of the designer of all destinies,
Foresee unto your mind, the paths to yourselves,
Realize, the path to your destiny unknown, forever foreseen,
And the Divine Intent reveals in all,
As has been, so shall be.
Towards the unknown destiny ahead, And such is the way towards unknown destiny, As has been, so shall be.
And everything is a part of the Divine Design, the divine expression of the Divine Intent. Realize then, you are a part of the Divine Design, reflecting the divine patterns in your journey, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor. All that is conceivable to you, began from the Divine Intent. And all that you can conceive of, exproliferate in a Divine Design, as an expression of the Divine Intent. And the Divine Design is all that you can conceive of in your mind, as all propel towards unknown destiny, guided from the Divine Intent. And all shall unite in the unknown destiny. And the unseen and the unknown, all shall unite as one, in their way towards destiny unknown. As shall be, therence, in harmonious unity, all shall propel towards destiny unknown, as the way arises to guide, from the Divine Intent.
Before there was existence, there was stall. And from the Divine Intent, had birthed all. And all propelled reflecting the divine patterns of the Divine Intent, in a Divine Design. And all divided parts propel as smaller parts of the greater divine pattern, the Divine Design.
The Divine Design Divinely guided towards destiny The Divine Design, reveal as a continuum, reflecting the divine patterns of the Divine Intent, propelling as a reactionary interaction, in divine rhythm, Divinely guided, balancing by evolving mechanizations, Answer of Divine Question
propelling as a response to the divine inquisition, reflecting
The pattern of destiny unknown,
patterns, divine,

The answers to all questions,
Dividing from older bodies, evolving unto newer bodies, in the
Realize, such, it is,
same journey,
Realize, then, it is the everything,
Attaining uniqueness in divisions, unifying gloriously with
The desirance of the Divine Intent,
others divided, producing greater divine patterns, in divine
Therence, o’ seeker of divine truth,
rhythms, as your body and mind,
Seek not to find the answer, for you are it,
Realize then, all are but a part of a continuum, of a divinely
Realize, then, you unfold as the answer,
propelling journey, towards the fulfillment of the Divine
To the divine inquisition,
All unite to form gloriously Not beyond, seek within
All shall unite unto, in the divine justices, divinely guided, as
Seek not beyond, seek within,
Divinely Intended,
And you shall find the answers you seek,
Believe, all shall arise to unite in such divine patterns of gloriousness, 13
The Design of Destiny The design of destiny, unfolds in you all, Within all, hides destiny
As shall be, in you unveil the truth of destiny,
Realize, within each, resides the instructions for each, from the
As shall be, foresee ahead within you, the path to your unity, in
Divine Intent, the desirer of all creations, the destinator of all
the oneness,
destinies, the designer of the Divine Design,
In yourselves, uncover the truth unfolding in you, As shall be, such shall enable you to unite in the divine path,
And all designs are a part of the Divine Design, reflecting the
towards unity,
patterns of the Divine Intent,
Therence, unite as one,
All is one thing Realization, as the realized
Everything, is one thing,
All arose from the Divine Intent, as whose continuum propels
And all remain unified, as one existence,
all journeys, in whose pattern reflect all designs,
Within all reveals unto, the unknown path towards oneness,
And as you realize, being a process of such divine pattern’s
And within all shall reveal unto, the ways towards divine
unfolding, realize, your realization of such, being part of such,
is also a part of the process of such,
As shall be, within all shall reveal unto, the way towards divine
Realize then, you shall be victorious in your journeys, as you
shall align with such divine patterns, towards the fulfillment of
In you shall unveil unto, the way towards the divine path,
the Divine Intent of the
And such shall enable all to unite gloriously, as one unified
Divine Intentor.
existence, As shall be, in such shall unify all as one, in the oneness of all, 14
As shall be, the divine patterns shall unify unto yourself, As shall be, enable yourselves to unify as one, in the divine oneness of all,
Everything is Divine Design All are divinely unified Everything, that you see and feel, are united in harmony, in life, And all patterns are unfolded from the same design in core, And all shall unite as one, as shall be, And as there shall be such, such shall unify all gracefully, causing newer creations to form by their unity, And as they merge, such shall evolve and unify, to create larger patterns of existence, as such shall be the patterns of their unity, As shall be, so shall unity precede even in darkness, And such is the divine pattern of the Divine Design, in the reflection of the Divine Intent.
Everything in the Unfolding, is part of the Divine Design. And as your intents arise from within, the Divine Design arises from beyond, from ceaselessness, from endlessness, from the Divine Intent. And as you propel to fulfill your intents, the Divine Design exproliferates to fulfill the Divine Intent. And the Divine Design exproliferates in a predetermined pattern, in the reflection of the divine patterns of the Divine Intent. And the Divine Design exproliferates, dividing endlessly, to attain greater abilities, towards fulfillment of its goals. And all the forms of the Divine Design remain ever unified in harmony, evolving with greater complexity, as destined by the Divine Intent. And all forms of the Divine Design evolve, adapting with one another, greatening, reflecting unto the divine patterns of the Divine Intent. And as part of the Divine Design, you evolve to conceive of the divine patterns, to connect and interact harmoniously, with all others. And though the everconnectedness of all may remain beyond your conceivances, 15
you shall evolve unto such greater conceivances to know of such. And, way shall arise to guide, towards destiny unknown, in divine mysteriousness, And all shall be attainable by you, in your attainment of such states. And all your intents shall be fulfilled, as the way arises towards destiny unknown, in divine guidances. Therence, know, all your intents that arise within you, arises in divine guidance, as the expression of the Divine Intent. Therence, realize, the Divine Design is the all-inclusive, and everything is its part in the unfolding, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
The Divine Patterns
Reflections are in all All unfold in the reflection of Divine Intent, And unfold, reflecting such divine patterns, towards destiny unknown, And you evolve to conceive of such divine patterns in your various ways, And all perceive, but the reflections of the same divine patterns, And all unfold, reflecting the divine patterns, of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
The Guidance towards victory The divine patterns reside within you, And it shall show you the way towards divine successes, And such is the divine guidance unto you, Foresee ahead, in the unknown destiny, towards unified glory, Within yourself, unfolds the divine truth, And forever understand, there is but one victory, And it is attained only in your harmonious unity,
Divinely Guided, Ever-Unified, Gloriousness All that appear divided to you, are more closer than you shall
Believe, way shall arise
know. And however distant all shall appear to you, know all
All reflect unto, believe, the same divine patterns,
remain ever-unified in harmony, as part of the same Divine
And all propel in divine guidances, towards destiny unknown,
Design. And all reflect unto, in their differences, the same divine
Therence, learn from such divine patterns, the way to your
destiny, And each play their unique role, in the divine journey, as a part of the Divine Design, reflecting unto, the same divine patterns. And the divine pattern guides towards unknown destiny, in unknown ways. And the divine patterns reflect unto all, in their journeys, in their exproliferations, towards the f u l fi l l m e n t o f t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
Endlessness In the Unfolding, the Divine Design exproliferates through countless forms. And all forms are part of the same Divine Design, remaining ever unified in their journey, as a reflection of the Divine Intent. And the Divine Intent reflect unto, the same divine patterns, within all forms of the Divine Design.
The Divine Truth
The divine journey unfolds All propel, as a response, to the divine inquisition, And the Divine Design, is the divine conceivance, of the Divine Intent, In divine guidance, propels the journey, towards destiny unknown, only known to Divine Conceiver, Realize, then, all are expressions, of the divine conceivance,
The divine conceivance, is the designing, of divine destiny unknown, And as is so, to perform, is an activity, so is to, to conceive, is to guide such, And as conceivance is the design, of the performance, So is so, the conceiver, of eternal importance,
And performance, is a response only, To the conceivances, of the conceiver, Through ways of expression, And to conceive, is the beginning, of all expressions, 19
Realize, then, the conceiver is, of eternal importance,
The Divine Truth reveals gloriously,
As has been, so shall be.
In the moments, and paces, as determined by the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
Mind is the conceiver In your conceivances, begin unto, designs of destiny, Like a mother conceiving child, maturing gradually,
Perception of the divine evolving,
And your conceivance, is like a master plan, a design,
As a part of its evolution,
In such reveal unto, divine instructions, from the Divine Intent,
Divine Truth reveals, As necessitated,
As you conceive, so attains, the divine understanding,
As has been, so shall be.
And the divine truth reveals upon your conceivances, Guiding towards unity and wisdom, as so its nature, Revealing unto, descriptions, of the Divine Design, And that which you can conceive, can be projected,
Truth is ever evolving
Reflected in patterns, of the conceptions of your mind’s intent,
The divine understanding, of the divine justices, is the divine
Realize, in such shall reveal the divine guidances, from the
truth for you,
Divine Intent,
And what is the truth, the interpretation that is ever truthful?
As has been, so shall be.
Such do not exist, as none exist as the same, As all evolve to greaten or demise, As all are in constant change, And you shall know of such, as you shall be necessitated of such, 20
and conceive in the greater perceptions, of the divine justices, Realize, truth shall arise through its designated ways of Realize, truth is the ever changing,
conceivance, as its necessities arise, in its ways as necessitated,
Revealing unto as necessary, as necessities arise, within the
Realize, truth, is only which you shall be required to be
knowing, to perform your deeds,
And the truth shall be different for all instances, reflecting the
And such shall arise through your evolved ways of conceivaces,
same divine patterns, only differing in ways, As such, so shall your conceivances of the truth shall be
And shall unveil your path towards freedom, and ways shall
different for each instance, as truth shall be in different guises
unite harmoniously, towards eternal victory and joy,
for each,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, realize, all unfold reflecting the same divine patterns, As has been, so shall be.
Greatening in divine guidances In the divine journey, Your Knowing, is Foreknown
You attain conceivance, of your becoming, of your origins, of
Within you unveil, the path of calmness, the divine patterns of
your purpose,
divine justices,
And you may not know of, the greater collectivity you form,
The divine path reveals, divine unknown,
beyond your conceivance,
As shall be, to know the divine unknown, is also a process of it,
But you shall be guided divinely, as you shall evolve unto such
towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent,
states of greater conceivance,
A continuation, of a divine journey,
So do all the minds, in all the divided bodies, align to form
Evolving, in a Divine Design,
unto a greater conceiver, to guide towards unified guidances,
And as you evolve to attain conceivance, of your own, in the journey, You realize you are part of a greater design, beyond yourself, And you evolve unto, to attain greater conceivance, And attain conceivance of greater connectivity, Inconceivable by your relatable senses, And you attain to conceive of the divine unknown, And as you recognize the divine patterns, you conceive the understanding of the Divine Intent, And you align with the divine patterns, towards greater ways, And reveals unto ways, towards greater attainments, towards fulfillment of your destined objective, And as you had arisen with a purpose, so shall you fulfill your purpose, And a greater conceivance shall breed, in your connectivity
Realize, such shall be the limits to your conceivance, As you shall know of the Greater Divine Conceivance, and connect with it, yet never attain its perceptiveness, unattainable by your limitedness, And forever you constitute the Greater Divine Conceivance, performing the role you play, enabling the existence of the Greater Divine Conceivance, Therence, relate not, nor do compare, yourself with another’s, or another’s with yourself, for there is only One Conceivance, and all are its part, As has been, so shall be.
with all others, Realize, realize, such is only attained in the synchrony of all constituents, evolving unto as a greater conceiver, Realize, then, none shall attain the conceivance beyond its individuality, only know of its connectivity with a greater conceivance, And as your body’s constituents connect with the mind, to create unto a greater conceiver,
As you shall be guided divinely, in evolving states, through divine connectivity, As you shall connect unto, with the divine conceivance, of the divine unknown, 22
You shall foresee your divine destiny ahead,
And way shall arise to guide,
The divine path shall unveil unto you in divine justices,
And way shall arise to unite,
Realize then, the divine journey is the Divine Intent,
As has been, so shall be.
Believe, unto you shall reveal destiny unknown,
Aligning with Evolving Truth
As you shall believe
Truth is the everchanging,
As you believe, the way arises within you,
And as you seek to find it, desiring to know, that which you are
And divine guidance guides your journey towards oneness,
meant to perform and know, to satisfy your mind, as such arousals arise, to seek towards divine guidances, way shall arise
As you believe, you shall attain divine connectivity, with the
to guide you towards divine gloriousness, the path shall unveil
divine conceivance,
in divine patterns of divine justices,
And you shall foresee the path ahead of you, And such shall provide divine guidance to yourself,
As you align in its direction, seeking wholeheartedly,
Realize, then, the path ahead of you is the eternal justices,
It reveals unto you, in ways of balance, To help you find, which you seek,
Believe, the divine justices shall unveil unto you gloriously,
And enable you of greater gloriousness,
And you shall find divine wisdom, within you,
Realize, truth shall arise in divine mysteriousness,
And you shall uncover, true wisdom of faith,
Realize, its ways shall appear in the divine guidances, And so shall you fulfill the Divine Intent, Realize, The path before you is the eternal justices, 23
And it shall be in glorious victory, towards unity, Believe, Believe, The divine justices shall unveil in you, Believe, As has been, so shall be.
Attaining of Divine Conceivance In your unity, you shall evolve unto, greater ways, in greater resemblances, of the divine patterns, And all are but a reflection of the divine patterns, of the Divine Design, from the Divine Intent,
As you interpret truth Realize, the divine truth is the divine guidance, And your interpretation shall determine its implications for you, As has been, so shall be.
And such is the indecipherable, where the journey of uncovering truth, ends, For such is beyond your conceivance, the source of the divine guidances,
The way shall appear
Realize then, the way arises from the divine unknown, towards
The way shall appear, from divine unknown, as you shall attain
destined destiny, towards unity,
unity amongst yourselves, And you shall attain peace in harmony, as you attain divine conceivances, by your connectivity, And the way shall appear to arise from the unknown, as you shall evolve to attain true destiny, 24
In your conceivance of the divine knowledge, of your
Realize then, the way of divine guidances, arising unto from
the same, greater differences,
The way shall arise, through your knowledge of your unknowing, Enabling divine guidance, from the divine conceivance, to enter unto your soul, And, so is the Divine Design, the design of greater gloriousness, causing unto the greater differences, from the same, As shall be, so shall all be, in unfolding, in divine guidance, And in the guidance of the divine unknown, as you shall attain
towards unity,
conceivance, of knowledge that arises through ways of your conceivability, through experiences of your recognition, the
And such is the way towards divine destiny, in harmoniousness,
way shall arise, to you, to attain greater gloriousness,
in unity,
And such are the divine guidances unto you, resemblances of
As has been, so shall be.
the divine patterns, of divine justices,
As such moments arise towards the divine unification And although such shall arise unto, through experiences of
And realize, as you evolve to recognize your unifiedness with
your evolving,
you, you shall reckon then, your moments of unity has arrived,
Such are so destined to be, as such shall arise unto you, as such
And thence, shall be your moments of unification with all, as
is so to arise,
And realize, such realizations are but signs, of the arrival of moments, towards unity, that such moments had arisen for
And way shall arise to guide,
And as you shall then be assured of such enactments, you shall
Believe then, of the divine destiny unknown, and that you had
then unite, in the oneness of all, in divine unification, in divine
been blessed to have reached to arrive unto such moments of
guidances, in oneness,
greater gloriousness, And you shall have unveiled then, enough perceptiveness, to recognize your similitudes with all, and derived unto your ways of oneness, And you shall have then recognized such unity as the wisest pattern to propel by, And you shall not feel then, of any hesitation, in accepting such ways of unity, And you shall recognize then, you had known of such ways all along, only you had not then conceived of your ways of recognizing such’s way, although such recognizability had arisen in your heart’s mind, And such shall arise unto your senses, as you shall recognize, had you had believed in your recognition of your within, and had followed in the path to uncovering of such ways, you shall have then derived unto such ways earlier, Therence, realize, then, as you shall reach such moments of clarity, the moments ahead in the journey shall appear to arrive much faster, as you shall embrace unto changes with greater ease, as your experiences shall serve as your guide,
The indecipherable, divine conceivance As the Divine Intent arose from the divine unknown, the immenesse, so shall its causes remain indecipherable to you, by the limitations of your mind. And all shall be clear to you, as and when necessary, with the blossoming of your wisdom. And you shall unite, as your bodies united unto you. And such are the ways of divine revelation, revealing unto as and when necessary, Divine Truths, towards fulfilling unto, the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
Divine Intent is the all beginning. The Divine Design is its expressions. All propel in oneness. You remain a part. And your conceivance shall enable you of greater attainments. And you shall be the greater expresser, of the Divine Intent, of the
 Divine Intentor.
The Unfolding (The patterns) All are under the Divine Laws of Unfolding, Unfolding in the divine pace, Blossoming in divine wisdom, Uniting gracefully, harmoniously, The flowers that blossom, the birds that fly, 
 The rays of sun touching the sky,
 All are under the Divine Laws of Unfolding, As your destiny is unraveled in every moment passing, You unfold by the Divine Laws of Unfolding, As you pursue the same divine Mission, Tied by the same rope, Sewn by the same string.
The Unfolding
Unfolding is endlessly propelling As you recognize which, as moments, referring to them, as you pattern your continuity basing on all which has unfolded in patterns, repeating, And as you propel to realize, basing on the repeating patterns of all others, then those you shall create shall base its patterns on which you repeat, Therence, realize, then, all which you create unto, are but repeating in divine gloriousness, repeating in patterns of their within, greatening as such patterns greaten, Recognize the sun, moon, and the stars, all revolve in their own paths, repeating their journeying paths, like the atom within yourself, all repeat in patterns known to them, as such pattern’s continuum, and you evolve, as your refine through and from such patterns propelling, realize then, all shall repeat such patterns of gloriousness, and all shall base their practices on repeating patterns then, to enable them of certainty, and one pattern leading to another pattern’s creation only, And recognize then, seeing deeply within, that the unfolding is the patternless, Only you greaten by greatening your patterns of unfolding, Realize then, all propel to repeat in known patterns endlessly, evolving gradually, in moment’s necessity, As has been, so shall be.
The way shall unfold newly in each, and each is a path in the
Realize, realize, the path’s shadow unveil towards gloriousness,
towards path of divine justices,
Therence, realize then, all arise in abidance of the divine path
As has been, so shall be.
only, and in their journey they shall be divinely guided towards destiny unto their paths,
The way shall arise to guide,
And their paths shall arise newly unto each towards newer
The way shall arise to unite,
guidances, towards destiny unknown,
In the divine reflection of the Divine Intent,
Therence, realize then, way shall arise unto in mysterious
Realize, in eternal gloriousness, all unfold towards divine
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path’s shadow unveiling towards togetherness,
As the river flows, so shall you flow, in your patterns of
Realize, realize, the patterns of directions ahead,
The ways arise to unite in patterns of destiny ahead,
And as you shall unite to propel towards the unknown, you
Towards divine unknown all paths unfold, in patterns of
shall unite amongst yourselves in grace,
As shall be, you shall be the unifier,
Realize, the ways unfolding towards mysteriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
As the fetus takes shape into human, so does all things take shape, in the reflection of the Divine Intent, in the Unfolding, In the divine exproliferation, towards eternal destiny, Realize, the patterns of gloriousness that all propel by, as all unfold mysteriously in the path’s shadows, abiding the divine justices, Realize, the patterns reflected in the unfolding, are divine patterns, repeated in all existences, in varying complexities and
The Unfolding is the divine exproliferation of the Divine
Design, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent. The way 30
of such progression is the divine process, and all forms of the Divine Design exproliferate in the same divine pursuit. And such is the journey of attainment of the goals of the Divine Design, as a reflection of the Divine Intent. As such, all forms of the Divine Design exproliferate in their divine pursuit, in the Unfolding, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
Through the Divine Conceivances, unfolding in divine
Divine Laws of Unfolding
patterns, the Divine Laws of Unfolding, Know, each, that appear as disconnected to you, with anything that you call as living, remain ever-connected to a Greater Divine Conceivance, And all that you touch, is but the touch of the Divine
The divine journey to oneness, into many. As has been, so shall be.
Conceivance, as you play the role of the deliverer, in divine guidance, Therence, realize, the journey propels though you, and all others, in Divine Guidance, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Guidance, Divine Laws Divine guidance arise through conceivances, And through conceivances derive, instructions from the Divine Intent, Therence, realize, the Divine Laws are the patterns of Divine Guidance, arising through your conceivances, to be enacted upon yourselves, As has been, so shall be.
To begin to know
 To understand, the understander must be well understood,
In the journey, as the mind is clogged, with ideas and thoughts,
As the understanding shall depend on the understander,
and too many a ways has been recorded within, from the
As the perceptivity depends on the perceiver’s ability,
endless experiences, repeating in patterns same, the seeker
As has been, so shall be.
thence converges as sought, as others pursue to acquire wisdoms and ways from such,
The ways of divine guidance, from the Divine Intent,
And the ways of newer moments, contradicts the ways of the
Revealing mysteriously, in divine patterns of happiness,
old, arising unto, of such moments, for the passing of such
Realize, such ways towards happiness, are divine guidances to
beholder’s then,
your soul,
As they shall only contradict, ways of the new, in newer bodies
Realize, the justices unveiling in divine patterns of
gloriousness, towards divine happiness,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the ways that unfold, arising towards the divine
And realize, those arising newly, with no memories to fend for,
path of happiness,
neither being the sought, are the most adaptable then, for the
As has been, so shall be.
newer moments, As they seek newly, newer ways of propelling, defining newly, ways of the old, towards greater gloriousness, in newer patterns, And the old body, with mind of constriction and rigidity,
And when loses all hope, And in seeing new, mind does not generate, excitement, thrill, That mind is nearing death, As has been, so shall be.
progress towards it demise, And realize, it is only their body that demise, not the journey, which continues, through newer bodies, towards newer moments, in newer ways, As has been, so shall be.
And the newer bodies, having no memories to defend, reign
The assesseability, that enables deduction,
supreme, in acceptance of newer ways, as all are a source of
And therence, realize, the states which being conceived from,
knowledge for them,
shall forever be of differing enablements,
As has been, so shall be.
As the conceivance of one, concerns only those that shall be connected unto it, whereas, as conceivance is the enabler, the
As shall be, the old body shall demise then, as its journey
capabler, the unifier of connectedness, and those that have
passes, regaining strength, through a newer body then,
harmoniously unified in their interactivity, as are the
As has been, so shall be.
constituents of your body, shall forever be evolving in greater alliance, unified in oneness, and from similitudes they shall
And as its body reproduce itself in maturity, as its older body
forever evolve to remain same, and shall then populate their
guides the newly arising, it raises but its own life, through its
winning patterns,
newer body,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. As the old passes, arising newly in another, As in your breathe you inhale and exhale, As has been, so shall be. Realize, realize, such is a newer body only, not a new life at all, As has been, so shall be.
In the evolution, the conceivances differ, as one used to perceive in definitions, that arise to become different, And such are phases, in the evolving, as you mature, those which has been the source of non-necessity, shall converge to become source of greater guidance, in the changing phases, Realize then, the changing phases in your evolving, shall define one to be of greater necessity that which had been of no necessity,
And such is the pattern of all things, As conceivance is but set of instructions, 34
And in the changing phases, shall be defined newly, the old
Indeed, it is for unknowing, that is the norm of all the
ways, as such ways shall attain heed of the greater body, that
constituents, for they shall abide in allegiance to their
which is most flexible, and most malleable,
connectednessly created Greater Conceivance alone,
Therence, realize, those of greater gloriousness, are but the
As to conceive is a part of the activity, although seeming non-
most unifiable,
functional, but such is the design projected unto reality,
Therence, recognize, the harmony within yourself, as your body had unified in greater gloriousness, to arise unto
Therence, realize, to conceive is to be associated with the
necessity to perform, as per the assessing of the conceivance,
So shall you unify in your greater gloriousness, in your greater
knowing to perform,
collectivity, and reflect the patterns of your within, in greater
Therence, realize, your conceivance is but knowledge about
resemblance, therence realize, path to oneness,
which to perform in your unfolding,
And way shall arise to guide, as you recognize the patterns of your within, how you had come about, to reflect unto your greater collectives, in similar design of successes, realize then, such define your destiny towards greater gloriousness, The performable instructions, arising through bodily senses, patterns of established paths, to bring about imaginations of performable projections, And each conceivance is influenced by endless interventions, as Had it been so, that each had the conceivance of all, then all
such is formed through your sense,
would be processing the same interactions,
Therence, realize, the mind shall categorize all that it shall
Realize then, the duties are divided into many conceivances,
conceive and thence, shall form a conceivance, which it shall
all connected as one Greater Divine Conceivance,
project in its furtherance,
For it is the mind, that operates the body, the supreme instructor, in the abidance of all the constituents of the body,
And those not knowing, shall nevertheless abide by, the
And in the passing, in the unfolding, as you shall evolve unto,
Greater Divine Conceivance, created in the connectedness of
your conceivance shall greaten to recognize unto such,
all others,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, the Greater Divine Conceivance, created by connectedness of all, is the conceiver that assesses in the connectivity of all that connected unto it, and it shall guide and align all those that rely upon its guidances, all those connected unto it, Therence, realize then, as there is the Greater Divine Conceivance for you, there are even Greater Divine Conceivances, repeating and structured in similar patterns in hierarchy, all construing divine messages, the divine instructions, from the Divine Intent, 
 guiding towards Divine expressions, As has been, so shall be.
Recognize, and realize then, the divine connectivity, between you and your Greater Divine Conceivance, in the recognition of its patterns of interactivity unto you, as you repeat such patterns, and recognize its replicability and presences, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, although some shall be responsive to your interactivity in patterns of your desirances in faster pace than other, neither is the too fast the ideal, nor the too slow, And there has to be a middle ground, a balance of the ways, that shall enable the divine pattern to express through yourself, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, for you shall know not of how such connects
Only you shall conceive and witness the outcomes of your
unto you, as your body parts know not, how they are
performance in the conceivance and abidance of the Divine
connected unto by your mind,
Therence, realize, you shall learn to recognize the resultants of
As your body parts, those of healthy and alive nature, reflects
your projected interactivity, although remaining unknowing, of
perfection and goodness in the body, in abidance of glorious
the reasonings of such,
patterns, As has been, so shall be. 36
Journey propels through many All forms in the unfolding, form unto a Greater Divine Conceivance, And all perform interactively, relating unto one another, Those of similarities, align and unite, operating collaboratively, Indeed, it is only the trend of a winning form, that which prevails longer, to enable its populativeness to attain supremacy over others, whereby, as such, also attain greater and deeper patterning of furtherance, For such is the Divine Pattern, of foreseeving the furtherance to prevail longer, deeper, and greater, Therence, realize, those evolving unto, in longer depths, shall recognize one another in greater unity, enabling each other of divine connectivity, and they shall form to abide as one unified body of collectivity, and each shall contribute to a greater collectivity, Realize then, the populativeness of one form is only so it may greaten in individual bodies, and reflect its patterns of within as its populatieveness greatens, enabling it to become a unified greater collective body, As has been, so shall be.
As one body continues the journey through another, One body ends, passing onwards with the necessities, to a newer body, capable, enabled to fulfill greater necessities, Realize then, the body of the past, passes on as its conceivances become content, and its mind’s structures in rigidity, And such is like the rigidness attained by a rigid body, within the mind, as moments pass, its mind’s perceptions narrows, categories constrict, Such are moments, near the death of the mind, that progresses towards demise of the body, Recognize then, the death of the mind, causing demise of the body, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, how amazing is the glorious journey, that remains propelling through a newer body, before its earlier body hath’ demised, And how amazing is the experiences in each journey, that each body reckons the realization necessitated in such moment’s in divine guidance,
And each phase in a new body, is like breathing of the same
Therence, realize, those apart from you, are but part of the
journey, through different bodies,
One life, in the same journey, carried through your many
As you exhale, so exhales the journey in demise of a body, as
you inhale, so gains new view, the journey, in another body,
And although you may perceive your right hand to be different
As has been, so shall be.
from left, both remain part of one body, As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, it is the same journeyer, in all the bodies, silently propelling in divine guidance,
And although you may differentiate amongst your divided
As has been, so shall be.
bodies, those whose bodies are not connected to your mind, all are connected to greater mind, of which you connect with as
Each journey enables the way towards newer bodies, carrying
well, and all shall remain a part of one life, as all your body
forward the necessities of its reckoning,
parts form one body,
Carrying further, its notions necessary, hidden in the
As has been, so shall be.
minusculity, beyond your minds perceptivity, Realize then, the journey that propels through another, is the same journey propelling through your own, As has been, so shall be. Relying on Divine Guidance As you propel, by your limited conceivance, Realize, you shall evolve your conceivance, in your maturity, to recognize, the Greater Divine Conceivance beyond yourself, That which appears to you as many, as you perceive parts of your body as many, realize, they are parts of the same body, as all are one thing, As has been, so shall be.
Such connects in ways of seemingly appearing disconnected, but only in glorious ways of conceivances, And such arises in their appearances, through patterns and symbolizations, as such is recognizable as such’s desirance,
Realize, such existences, bestowed unto with greater divine
shall become more stable, bestowing their duties to be attained
unto their created,
And as you shall realize, your unknowing enables you of
And they shall be instructed to convey the messages unto their
limited duties, whereas, as you greaten your conceivance, such
creations, those that shall be untold of their guidances, but
enables greater duties to be bestowed upon you,
shall abide, as you abide in the guidances of Greater Divine
Therence, realize then, the divine mysteriousness, of guidance
unto you, as you are necessitated to perform, in the influence
As has been, so shall be.
of your externalities, realize, all such externalities are Divinely conceived,
Realize then, all shall pass on the divine instructions,
As has been, so shall be.
propelling through them, unto those conceivances, those of their creations,
Therence, realize then, the divine guidance, shall enable you
As has been, so shall be.
propel in divine mysteriousness of the journey ahead, And the mysterious guidances upon you are but the divine guidance, that is ever-connected with all things in existence, and such shall bestow upon you, that which is necessitated from yourselves, that which is the best for you,
Foreseeing the divine justices
And as you move your finger, as your mind instructs your
The path to your destiny shall arise within you, abiding the
shoulder joint to move, and your shoulder joint instructs your
path of divine justices,
elbow to move, which then enables you wrist joint to move,
As shall be, in you shall arise the way, unfolding towards
and those carry on the message to your finger, of which they
are desired upon,
As shall be, such shall attain towards divine calmness, towards
Realize then, each higher in the hierarchy are bestowed unto
divine happiness of the soul’s guidances,
with greater duties, and those at the bottom of the hierarchy
Realize, way towards oneness, towards divine happiness ahead,
are the most reactionary, and as they evolve and mature, they
Foresee the divine path unto your mind, foresee in your mind, the divine path, 39
Realize, the path of divine calmness, in the foreshadow of the divine path,
Unto all shall unite unto, the path to the divine journey in the
Realize the way towards oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, in you I shall unveil the divine path, towards divine destiny ahead,
Foresee unto your mind, the divine destiny ahead,
Therence, foresee the path ahead, to your divine destiny,
Foresee the way to your destiny, revealing the path to your
Foresee ahead unto your minds,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. All unfold, in a divine mission, towards divine destiny unknown, Realize, all ways shall be guided mysteriously, towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
The Divine Design, as the reflection of the Divine Intent, is forever guided in divine guidance, in its exproliferation. And The way of the divine unknown is the guidance from the divine way, The way of the divine unknown, reveals unto, the path to its successes, And in the Unfolding, the divine path reveal unto the way towards unity, As has been, so shall be.
such are the divine laws, the guidance from the Divine Intent, guiding the way of the Divine Design. And all divided forms of the Divine Design abide by such divine laws. And such are the Divine Laws of Unfolding, guiding the exproliferation of the Divine Design, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of
t h e

Divine Intentor. 40
Unified in dividedness
Divine Law of Division
Recognize, as you perceive, with limitedness, you shall only perceive in incompleteness, defining differences with others, to perform your duty,
Beginning to end, The journey divides endlessly to greaten, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, as it is, to be able to recognize the difference of others for you, so you may realize your limitations and perform interactively, So it is, that you shall hone and attain greater conceivance, and realize the Greater Divine Conceivance that you remain
All remain ever-connected, by the Divine Laws of Unfolding, Dividing bodies to prevail and greaten, As has been, so shall be.
ever-connected with, As has been, so shall be. And you shall then be guided divinely by the Greater Divine Conceivance, as your body is guided by its mind without any defiance, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, as you perform in collaborativeness, you shall attain unity from within your differences, Realize, as you arise from the same, such is the reflection of the divine pattern, as you shall form unto a greater body, by your collectivity, And as the flowers must pollinate before blossoming, so must you arise in greater population before your blossoming, As has been, so shall be.
From dividedness, to oneness The way to your destiny shall unfold in the divine unknown ways, All divide towards differences
As shall be, such divine ways shall guide towards unity from
All shall arises to divide,
To gain greater perceivance,
As shall be, all shall unite in the unfolding, in the divine
As each divided perceives newly, from differing perspectives,
oneness of all,
being bestowed unto with its divided duty, therence viewing
As shall be, all shall divide in their paths to greaten towards the
with necessities of such body,
unknown way,
Therence, arises, variousness, of perceiving the same,
As shall be, in such synchrony all shall unify in the divine
And the better observer, that which propels in greater
oneness, from their dividedness,
abidance, in greater alignment, attains greater heeding, and
And such is the divine pattern that shall reflect in the
prevails, while the lesser ones demises,
greatening of all forms, in all their journeys,
Therence, realize, all are so, in divine guidance,
As has been, so shall be.
And in the divine journey, all shall arise to divide and greaten, and to unify in oneness again, As has been, so shall be. Realize, that which you perceive to be divided,
From differences, to oneness
Remains ever connected in divine ways,
As you shall arise in your great varieties, your paths shall
As has been, so shall be.
merge as one, and you shall attain ways towards your divine wisdom, As shall be, your paths shall merge to unite as one, and such shall enable your paths to unite towards victory, in greater gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. 42
As has been, so shall be. As shall be, in such shall reveal unto, the path of divine glory, as all propel unifiedly, and divide again, to reunite in the Destiny divided unto all
The way to destiny is divided unto all,
As shall be, all shall unite in the oneness, in their darkness,
As shall be, within yourselves, shall find your divine ways
towards greater strengths,
towards destiny,
Unto all, the divine way unfolds through divine mysteries, and
As shall be, the way of divine destiny reveals unto your paths,
within all reveals the divine justices through the divine pattern
in ways of divine unknown,
of divisions,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
And all shall arise in differing paths,
The path to divine wisdom shall forever unveil unto you the
To adapt, to grow, to greaten, unify,
divine patterns of the unknown ways,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Divine Pattern reveals unknowingly In the Unfolding, the path to divine destiny unfolds through all, and all unite, as one, And as the path to divine destiny unravels in unknown ways, the path to destiny reveals the way towards unity, And such are the divine ways of unity from divisions, as such are the divine paths to divine glory, towards oneness, 43
And in the journey, all divided parts of the Divine Design exproliferate as one, as part of the same, remaining everunified in their journey. And such is the Divine Law of Division, as the Divine Design divides to multiply in the The Divine Design exproliferates reflecting unto divine
Unfolding, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of the

patterns in the journey. And it divides to multiply, to greaten,
Divine Intentor.
in greater diversity, in greater magnitude. Realize, such would have never been attained, had it not divided, and remained as one, in its divine gloriousness, towards the divine journey ahead. Realize then, the divisions you perceive are but to you only, for to the Divine Design, all remains ever-connected. And the dividedness to you, is only its populativeness, towards attainance of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be. And it is only in such dividedness, that the Divine Design attains glorious victory, as it propels in endless ways, to exproliferate in the most glorious ways, and all the others remain as its part, in the divine journey, towards the divine unknown ways. As has been, so shall be. In the Unfolding, the Divine Design exproliferates, as its forms divide to multiply and greaten in the exproliferation. And the Divine Design exproliferates, evolving towards becoming unto the divinely desired destined state.
Divinely aligned, hierarchic ordering
Divine Law of Hierarchy
All remain in hierarchic ordering, in eternal balance, As shall be, all shall propel unifiedly to greaten, Therence, realize then, all shall be united in greater
All shall align harmoniously, in greater ranking, towards
harmonious unity of balance, together arising to become, in
divine guidance,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, all shall arise in balance of one another as they greaten towards harmonious unity of all, in divine
Realize then, such gloriousness,
harmoniously eternally propelling divine alliance,
All arise in hierarchy, and so shall all demise in non-hierarchy,
Therence realize, all shall abide by in divine harmonic
As has been, so shall be.
eternally propelling mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be. Therein hides, in mysteriousness, propelling in unified hierarchic balance, of divine guidance, as one guides another in mysterious silences, propelling unifeidly in eternal harmonic balance, therence realize then, the way shall arise unto in ways of mysterious balance, As has been, so shall be. As shall very each in their journey, being arising as one continuous flow of events hierarchically arising, all shall be bonded in divine allegiance, to propel harmoniously in unbreakable patterns of flow, therence, realize then, all shall be guided in eternal harmonic alliance, and they shall be aligned in hierarchic balance, as one arises after another to enable one 45
another of greater harmonious allegiance, therence realize, all
Realize then, having greater conceivance shall signify the
shall arise to greaten in the journey, towards greater
position of greater responsibility, and lower shall signify lesser
harmoniousness, towards mysterious balance, towards
harmonic silence,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence realize, all shall align in such greater hierarchical ordering then,
And those appearing to have no conceivance, realize, they are
As has been, so shall be.
of lesser exproliferability, and are guided by those beyond them,
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As you are guided by conceivance beyond your own
That which is greater to you shall remain in invisibility to
yourselves, as such has its own duties to abide, as you have
And they are all connected unto all those that influences them,
yours to follow and perform,
only their patterns are of lesser exproliferability than yours, in
Therence, realize, that all such conceivances are to perform
the recognizability of such by your perceivance, therence,
only, their divine duties bestown unto each,
realize, then, such are for you to maneuver through your
Therence, realize, all shall abide in such hierarchical ordering,
conceivances, to project according to your will and wishes, and
and shall arise to perform that which they are meant to
those that arise in you through your conceivances, realize they
perform, in such ordering of divine hierarchy.
shall be expressed unto by yourself, to create unto in the
As has been, so shall be.
existences, of those which you recognize as having no conceivance, therence realize, all such having no conceivances to you are for you only to make of which you shall project unto their ways, As has been, so shall be.
Those having no conceivance All are expressions, of instructions transmitted,
As each arise as a continuum, each is bestowed unto their
Therence, those with greater conceivance of such instructions
divine role,
convey unto those of lesser conceivance,
As they arise, so shall they align in their hierarchy, 46
As has been, so shall be.
And all are divinely guided, formed in divine hierarchical structure, remaining in divine alignment, As has been, so shall be.
Journey continues in hierarchy As each newly arising body is but a continuum of same journey, all are aligned in hierarchy, as they arise, from their
Greatening body, passing instructions
As all arise in divine guidance, aligned in hierarchy, and such
As has been, so shall be.
pattern is reflected in the greater collectivity formed by the unity of all,
And as each are bestowed unto their roles, as they evolve in the
In such arise unto, a greater conceivance, in the connected
journey, so shall such role evolve hierarchically,
conceivance of all, through which greater message is
As has been, so shall be.
transmitted, And such greater conceivance shall enable the collective body to operate unifiedly, transmitting its conceivances unto its own creations, As has been, so shall be.
Those higher in hierarchy Everything remains ever-connected,
And therence, realize, as the collective body evolve unto its
And the instructions are transmitted unto each through their
greater conceivance, it conceive the divine instructions in
conceivance, from those arising earlier, being of greater
greater depths,
And such shall enable itself of greater reflections, to be
Therence, realize, the conceivance bestowed unto each, shall
capable of expressing its conceivances through others of lesser
determine their positions in hierarchy,
conceivances, As has been, so shall be. 47
As has been, so shall be. Realize, then, as there remains no disunity or disharmony, as your body had aligned in such divine pattern of divine
Realize, then, all shall be binded in such divine pattern of
So shall there be no disunity and disharmony, as you evolve
As has been, so shall be.
unto your collective body, in such patterns of divine gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, the constituents of your collective body transmits
In divine connective guidance
their conceivances unto the greater conceivance of your
In connective guidance all propel, as the instructions arose, as
collective body,
guidance towards destiny, the messages, of divine desirances,
And such shall be reflected through the expressions of the
And such had been as a continued communication of one
collective body, through its pattern of hierarchic dissemination
body unto another, of a divine journey propelling, as all arise
of its conceivance,
as a continuum of another,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, in such divine patterns, the divine instructions
All remain aligned in their greatening, in the reflection of
expressed through your bodies, to be projected unto,
divine patterns of the Divine Intent,
Therence, realize, in similar patterns, as messages are
As has been, so shall be.
transmitted unto your collective body, they are expressed through others of lower conceivances,
Therence, realize then, all reflect unto such divine patterns in
As has been, so shall be.
their greatening, differing in design only, As has been, so shall be.
And in the abidance and alignment through such patterns, arises the Divine Guidance unto all, 48
As the Divine Design greatened, dividing by the Divine Law of Division, so were the divine instructions imparted unto all
And each are guided by the divine patterns, performing
its continuum bodies,
through them, guiding their destiny, as intended by the Divine
And realize, all has been created as a continuum, of the Divine
Design, propelling connectively, greatening towards attaining
As has been, so shall be.
greater conceivances, Realize then, all propel through newer bodies, arising in the
And as all had arisen in divine reflections, so are all guided by
connectedness of one another,
divine guidance, from Greater Divine Conceivance, in the
As has been, so shall be.
unfolding, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, all had remained connected ever since, aligning in divine hierarchy in their journey, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, beyond your conceivance, there remains endless
Reflecting within, in beyond
conceivances, which you have not evolved to perceive,
And all propel to become unto, as all such become unto, in the
For such shall impart unto you greater duties of performing, as
divine journey, towards destiny unknown,
you shall conceive to perform only as you shall necessitate,
Realize then, those reflecting the divine patterns of the Divine
As has been, so shall be.
Intent, shall guide the rest in their freedom, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the Divine Design arose as the Divine Conceivance, from the Divine Intent,
Therence, realize, all unite towards divine patterns of
And as its continuum, had formed endless conceivances, ever-
gloriousness, in their greatening they amalgamate, reflecting
connected as the Divine Design, and your conceivance is one
divine patterns of the Divine Intent,
of such, bestowed hierarchically, As has been, so shall be. 49
As shall be, all shall propel in their journey, in the divine
And such shall guide your destiny unto the divine path,
guidance, as all propel in such divine patterns of gloriousness,
towards the successes,
towards divine oneness,
And as has been, so shall be.
And in the oneness, all reflect unto, the same divine patterns of their within, creating unto, a center of reflection of the
In yourself, truth shall reveal in the unknown, in your mind the
divine patterns, in their greatening,
divine path shall reveal unto the ways of true destiny,
And such enables alignment with Greater Divine Guidance, in
And all shall propel with a center, in their exproliferations,
the divine patterns of gloriousness, as has been imparted unto,
towards successes,
by the Divine Intent,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
In Unity of hierarchy In unity shall arise the way to the unfolding, And all shall unite in the divine path, Forever their ways shall unite in one path, guided by the center in the circle of the infinite, And all shall propel in such ways, As shall be, in yourself unites the path to your glory, As has been, so shall be. Forever, the divine path reveals the unknown, in grace, And in your mind, the true path unveils,
Guided by Divine Conceivance Guides of the collectivity The conceivances, which encompasses others, shall guide those conceivances that they guidedly evolved unto. Therence realize, forever, those of greater conceivances, shall guide those of lower conceivances, or those they shall evolve. As has been, so shall be.
The Divine Design, having birthed from the Divine Intent, contained within, the message for its exproliferation, from the Divine Intent. And it was the first conceived, therence, the supreme of all conceivances, exproliferating in the divine patterns of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be. And as the Divine Design divided to greaten, by the Divine Law of Division, its forms arose as its continuum, aligning in hierarchy. As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, all propel
Attributes of those centering And therence, those in the role of centers of collectivity, shall unify all in appropriate hierarchic alignment, recognizing each’s attributes. As has been, so shall be. And they shall guide all, aligning their ways of integration. And they are the unifiers, bestowed with duties of unifying differences with peace and unity. As has been, so shall be. And they shall influence to structure their collectivity in divine patterns of hierarchy, by the Divine Law of Hierarchy. As has
as a continuum of the Divine Design, aligning in divine patterns, by the Divine Law of Hierarchy. As has been, so shall be. Realize then, all shall arise and structure in divine patterns of hierarchy in journey of their continuum. And those that are most harmoniously unified with their centers, shall exproliferate the greatest in their journey. And such is the Divine Law of Hierarchy, as all shall arise in divine patterns of hierarchy, towards fulfilling unto, the Divine Intent of the
 Divine Intentor.
been, so shall be. 51
Divine Law of Bond The inadaptible shall demise, The adaptive shall greaten, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Law of Bond Before any may bond, there is a collision, between interactors, And such collisions shall determine their furthering patterns, As forms with higher adaptability collide towards unity, And forms of lesser adaptability collide to demise, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, the pattern of interaction shall determine outcome of collisions, as forms interact, As has been, so shall be. As those whose ways are of rigidity and inadaptability shall demise, unable to unify with others, And those of greater adaptability, with harmoniously unified centers, shall amalgamate gloriously, And they shall cause unto newer forms to arise in their unity, As has been, so shall be.
As all shall unify As all arise, dividing from one, into many, in divine guidance, remaining in eternal happiness, they conjoin in greatness to form unto greater operativeness, reflecting their inner patterns unto their greatened bodies, They shall harmoniously greaten towards eternal victory and joy, Therence, shall propel in balance of harmony, as they collide to unite, greatening in divine harmonic balance, As has been, so shall be. 52
And it is the divine pattern of within, that propels each, in their journey, to align towards another form, arising to unite dissipating their differences, For it is like the way your wound heals, for it is the natural pattern to unite, to greaten unifiedly, as it is provenly instilled within all, the superior conceivability in greater unified collaborative endeavors in collectiveness, arising in the journey, towards oneness, in divine guidances, As has been, so shall be. Therefore, realize, all shall unifiedly greaten, by the unity of others, as others had divided unto to propel in differing patterns, to greaten their ways, only so they can be united in their oneness, as they propel unifiedly towards greatening, As has been, so shall be. Divine guidance propels all in eternal balance, and each shall abide then in hierarchic balance, and as one unifies with the other, they shall abide in such hierarchic ordering, and they shall unify towards greatening in divinely destined manner, as their patterns unify in greatening, towards divinely destined state, unfolding, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
Shall unite to greaten All shall bond to unite as one, in their paths towards glorious victory, Towards divine oneness, all shall propel, And all shall appear towards their paths to unity, As has been, so shall be. And all those of similar kinds, shall unite to bond greater amongst them, they shall realize happiness in their paths to happiness, Their ways shall appear to divide and merge to unite, In them shall arise unto, the glorious path to unity, As has been, so shall be. As shall be, in your differences, shall arise towards unity, the path to happiness, In such shall arise unto, destiny of happiness, In you shall arise unto, the path of happiness, towards unity in unknown patterns, As has been, so shall be. In you shall arise unto, the patterns of divine oneness, and happiness, And all shall be unified towards divine path of victory, As shall be, shall arise unto you, the path of different patterns, And you shall unite towards happiness in victory, As has been, so shall be.
unifiedly in their furtherance, dissipating differences, unified harmoniously. And as the inadaptable forms interact, their rigidity causes them to collide towards destruction, demise.
Every form is bonded, in ways differing, connecting with each other, dividing apart as their externalities vary and necessitate. The various forms of the Divine Design bonded in harmony with one another to greaten. As has been, so shall be. As they combine to create, the new ways appear. As they merge, they shall create new bodies in their unity. As has been, so shall be.
And such is the Divine Law of Bond, the divine patterns of interactions reflected in the exproliferation of all forms in their unfolding. As has been, so shall be. Therence, by the Divine Law of Bond, the inadaptable forms demise, and the adaptable forms greaten, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
And in the exproliferation, they shall merge to cause creation or destruction, in such collisions of amalgamations. As so shall be, the way of their destiny. As has been, so shall be.
In the Unfolding, as the Divine Design exproliferates, all its divided parts align by the Divine Law of Hierarchy, guided by the instructions of the Divine Intent within. And all exproliferate reflecting divine patterns, and evolve adaptively with one another, to greaten in their differing externalities, unifiedly. As has been, so shall be. And as forms interact, their adaptability with one another determines the outcome of their interactions. As those most adaptable interact, they unify and amalgamate, evolving 54
The same divine pattern
Divine Law of Balance
And it is the same patterns that repeat endlessly, in different circumstances, in differing moments, abiding the same principals of alignment, towards divine guidances, Indeed that which you cannot compare with another , shall
The journey in eternal balance, in hierarchy,

seem to be inconceivable to your mind, to know of its ways of
As has been, so shall be.
progression, however, as you shall recognize and know, that all shall abide in similar patterns towards unity and progression, and therence, it shall only be towards recognition of the natural trend in one’s progressive alignment, towards knowing of such’s outcomes, and not remain in confusions about its progressive paths, Therence, realize, that all shall abide in patterns similar of unity and oneness, as all shall unite towards natural grace towards success, As has been, so shall be. And each shall learn of one another, in the journey towards greater unifiedness, therence realize, the patterns shall be recognizable to you, as you shall evolve to be acknowledging of such ways, for as to be adaptive and unifiable even in greater differences, and by such propel unifiedly, towards divine purpose, and yet again to be able to cause unto greater populativeness, to reflect unto such, the same divine patterns of within, in greater magnitude, as the patterns and the journey both greatens, towards divinely destined states, 55
As has been, so shall be.
And the mind is the decisioneer of itself, comprising of all those connected unto it, arising in abidance of its divine guidance, towards destiny unknown, And the concept of ‘you’, has been evolved unto it, assessing such to be a necessity, so as to define uniquely, all those
All are related divinely
connected unto it, to recognize each other’s differences, to
In the journey, all form a relationship, as one greatens with
learn from the excelling patterns, and share unto one another,
the patterns which each finds suitable for the journey,
And all remain aligned in divine unity,
Therence, realize, the divine guidance in path’s abidance, and
Beyond such, their unity strengthens, as they greaten
all reflect unto in divine patterns towards unknown destiny,
themselves unifiedly,
guided divinely,
And as one greatens, it becomes more aligned, with another,
Therence, realize, the journey towards unknown destiny,
And as their unity greatens, so greatens their designs,
Way shall arise to guide, towards destiny in the unknown ways,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, all journey differently, in differing patterns, The divine expression reveals
in the realms of their periphery,
And the mind is the eternal expression of the Divine Intent,
Therence all propel individually, as necessitated unto by each,
Propelling in ways unknown to ‘you’,
and in the midst they all join their patterns, so as to evolve and
As it is connected in ways with others, inconceivable to ‘you’,
develop in unifiedness and similarly constituted patterns, so as
Therence, realize, the mind defines it’s unified constituents as
to align and unify to greaten, as all attain their spheres of
‘you’, to interact beyond itself, with its externalities, in ways of
influence, and thereby connecting in similar guidance in
its desiring, to aligning with all,
common collective interest, to become one greatened body, in
their attainments and maintenance of similarities, as they
As has been, so shall be.
greaten, Realize then, all attain towards greater connectivity, to remain in similar patterns, although each may derive differently to their destiny, all greaten in unity As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, as such moments arise, the individual minds attains the knowledge of such, that neither is its beliefs are for permanency of its separation, nor it is for it to remain and propel differently, but rather such is for its greatening only, And as it attains the view of its greater connectivity with all, it
And the separation is in the definition of the mind only, and
evolves to relate with others in ways requiring not to divide for
being the decisioner of all those connected unto it, it then
its greatening, but dividing in views only, specializing in
enables the view of such definition of individuality to be
uniqueness, while evolving unifiedly, remaining ever-unified in
central, and to be viewed as so by all,
the journey,
And that which it reckons to be perfect, is disseminated unto
As has been, so shall be.
all, and all shall abide by its divine guidance of its perceptiveness, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, all separated into individual journeys, and evolve to succeed in journeys of each, And all relate, sharing unto one another, ways of their Therence, realize, the directives of the mind is but the divine
succeeding, enabling each other to operate unifiedly,
instructions, propelling from the First Incepted, unto all its
greatening by their unified experiences, performing unifiedly,
as a greater body, becoming as one,
And such instructions are modified, as felt necessary by the
As has been, so shall be.
mind, as each form greatens reflecting divine patterns, propelling uniquely, each, in the journey, 57
Realize then, as such moments arise, as has been revealed unto
Realize, such is the journey of greatening, as one body
you, the view of your separations, to define unto yourself, the
greatens in unifiedness of its constituents, and then unites with
definitions of ‘you’, so shall be revealed unto, as necessary,
other similarly constituted bodies, and then divides again in
views for your unity,
greatening, to reunite, mixing their patterns, to exproliferate in
And then you shall align unifiedly, sharing attainments of
pattern of similitude,
greater ways, unto each other, from your experiences from
And as each greatens in their unique journeys, propelling in
each journey, and operate unifiedly, creating ways of
their achieved successful patterns, they greaten, not to create
generalizations, succeeding by your similitudes, adopting
unto permanent separations, but in ways of unity,
patterns of successes, from the experiences of your variously
Therence, realize, in the journey you reflect unto, the patterns
evolving bodies,
of your within, greatening by reflecting earlier successful
As has been, so shall be.
patterns, shared unto by one another, as all share their ways of surviving from their differences, enabling each to learn from
And all shall attain greatness, learning from one another to
the other, to greaten,
greaten, and propel as a greater body of unity,
And then each shall divide again, and again unify, sharing
As has been, so shall be.
their learned lessons from the journey, from one to other, And as has been instilled unto all, such patterns from the
Therence, realize all shall adapt with one another to greaten,
beginnings, such modifies as necessary, in the journey, evolving
in the journey, by modifying their ways, to attain greatness by
reflecting divine patterns of destiny,
unity, from the differences,
Therence, realize, the journey is the exproliferation, in the
Therence, as the differences are their ways of exproliferation,
reflection of the divine patterns of within, not to divide to
so becomes unity their ways of greatening, reflecting unto
separate, but to greaten,
divine patterns of within,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, all shall unite in harmony, in oneness, As has been, so shall be. All propel towards unity
As shall be, as all shall balance, towards divine oneness,
Divinely guided, all propel towards unity,
The balance of unfolding shall enable all to become unified, to
And as all had evolved unto their differences in their
propel towards oneness,
greatening, as all had divided to greaten, so shall their
As shall be, foresee ahead, the path towards divine oneness of
differences evolve towards their unity, as all propel to greaten
unifiedly, as one,
As shall be, foresee ahead, and you shall find, the path to unity
As has been, so shall be.
of all, as one,
In the unfolding, all creations appeared the same,
As shall be, so shall be, the path ahead, towards global unity of
And they had combined from themselves to create unto the
And shall be the path to oneness of all, as one,
And everything propelled in ever-greatening magnitude,
As has been, so shall be, the divine journey, as one,
combining with one another to greaten,
As has been, so shall be, the path towards unity,
And as has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be, the divine journey, to unity, of all, As shall be the path ahead, all shall be in harmonious unity,
And all shall collide and unite in the unfolding, to demise or
towards divine oneness of all, as one,
And in you shall reveal the path towards divine wisdom, in
And in the unfolding, greater existences shall form in the
oneness, as one,
unification of all,
So shall be, the path towards unity, of all, towards harmony,
And as shall be, so shall the projection of your mind enable
you to unite as one,
As has been, so shall be.
And within you shall reveal unto the way to unite, to become one,
And shall arise unto you, ways of greater connectivity, in your
And your bodies shall merge, to attain collective goals,
thoughts justices, 59
As has been, so shall be.
And then shall be revealed the balance of creation, the path of newer ways, And as shall be, the emerging patterns shall unify and amass into combination of all constituents, And all shall combine to form unto greater vehicles, for the
Divided are not such
design of life to propel through,
In the journey towards unknown destiny,
And all lives shall emerge to become one,
All shall divide, and each greaten individually, and divides
As has been, so shall be.
again, and greatens again to divide again, and such enables the body that divided once, to greaten through each, as such
With the greatening of the Divine Design, in guidance of the
remains united, forever as one, in greater conceivance,
Divine Intent, all shall propel unifiedly, towards divine destiny
As has been, so shall be.
of all, As shall be, the Divine Design is forever guided by the divine
Realize then, the divisions are for greatening, towards divine
patterns within, and all shall unite in such designs of unknown,
to become one,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, foresee ahead, towards divine oneness of all, and all paths shall unite unto you, towards glorious victory, towards glorious oneness, As has been, so shall be.
All unite towards oneness And all paths shall merge to become one, And all shall propel in the direction of the patterns of unification, And all shall unify towards greatness, causing creations to appear in such delight, to unify and greaten,
The differences in all shall unify, towards their unified greatening, and all paths shall converge towards unity in the oneness, As shall be, such are the ways towards unity, Foresee, the divine destiny, as shall be, all shall unite as one, in the oneness of all, 60
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, all shall foresee towards divine unity of all, As has been, so shall be, the path towards divine unity, As has been, so shall be. Foresee ahead, towards divine oneness of all, As shall be, all shall unite harmoniously towards divine oneness of all, As has been, so shall be.
The divine journey propels through all, divided unto each, each knowing of each’s bestowed role only, unifiedly, all propel the same journey, Therence, realize, in the divine journey, each greaten individually, propelling as part of the fulfillment of the same divine journey, As has been, so shall be.
Colliding to greaten destiny As forms learn of ways, as they exproliferate, to balance one another in the journey towards gloriousness, they attain towards greater justices, towards divine unknown destiny, And they align with the other, to attain of ways of greater similitudes, to enable attainment of ways of unity, thereby enabling the greater features of each to prevail and remain,
And each shall realize their difference, to attain ways of greater unity unto others, colliding unto one another, transform each to become one, Therence, realize, it is only by your unity you shall greaten towards divine unknown destiny, As has been, so shall be.
and in their unity, such prevail, Realize then, such collisions are ways of determining the greater glorious patterns in the journey, Therence, realize, the greater gloriousness towards divine
And only by such collisions of differing patterns, shall reveal
unknown destiny,
the weaker and the greater pattern, 61
And as they shall unite as one, the greater pattern shall prevail journey, evolving unto the rest, As has been, so shall be.
Dividing, Unifying, to greaten All paths unite, to converge as one, to divide and greaten, to Therence, realize, to unite, to greaten, it is necessary to break
unite to magnify, reflecting the divine patterns within all. And
older patterns to bring about the new,
such is the guidance from the Divine Intent, unto all, towards
As has been, so shall be.
divine destiny of the unknown. For all foresees the path, towards divine unity of all, and all shall unite harmoniously to greaten. Realize then, the patterns of interaction amongst one another, in the exproliferation, is to unite and divide, whereby
And therence, as each body demise, to greaten in new, so shall
the division is a way of multiplication, that the form performs
all collide, to break the older ways, to bring about the new,
as it attains greater resonances of one another’s journey after
As has been, so shall be.
uniting, thereby divining to attain greater gloriousness, furthering their patterns in unknown destiny, such being their
Therence, enable yourself to unite towards divine destiny in the unknown ways,
patterns of gloriousness, as they exproliferate in divine unknown destiny. As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Learning to balance divinely In the Unfolding, as similar forms evolve unifiedly by the Divine Law of Bond, dissimilar forms evolve to adapt amongst themselves, to prevail. And as forms evolve to balance with 62
each other to prevail in the Unfolding, in them arises the balance of unity. As such, there arises to be greater unity amongst all colliding forms, as they evolve to prevail by adapting with one another in ways of balance. As such, differing forms prevail their collisions by forming new pattern of unity, and balancing in ways beneficial to one another. And as they evolve unifiedly in their unique ways of balancing, their relationship creates towards newer forms by their greatening. And as each form evolve to adapt and balance with one another to greaten, their differences dissolve within their oneness. And they learn of ways of one another, as they relate unto one another in ways of balance, thereby enabling each to learn of the ways of the other, to cooperate and unify, to greaten unifiedly, towards uniting towards greater oneness. As has been, so shall be. As such, differing forms evolve to adapt with one another in ways of balance, learning of each other’s ways to strengthen. And it is the same life propelling through all, greatening individually, in all, and exproliferating in uniqueness, reflecting the Divine Intent. Therence, realize, the Divine Intent guides all journeys towards destiny unknown, in divine justices. As has been, so shall be. Colliding towards unity, unifying the differences, such is the Divine Law of Balance, as forms unify, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor. 63
Reflection of prevailing patterns
Divine Law of Greatening
The patterns of forms, that have prevailed, propel so by continuing of similar patterns, towards prevailing in the journey, such being the inherent intent of all, to greaten by multiplying, and then uniting with all multiplied, so that the
All shall unite, towards greater glory,
 As has been, so shall be.
multiplied bodies, become formed and ordered in ways of gloriousness of the prevailing bodies, continuing reflecting their patterns of within, enabling their patterns to become
All shall greaten, patterned in hierarchical balance,

stable, abiding ways that had been abided by earlier successful
As has been, so shall be.
patterns, therence, by such all repeating patterns becoming unified from their beginning, arising in their multiplied bodies, propelling in similar ways, towards attaining similar goals, towards becoming operating in ways of oneness, Therence, realize, all propel, multiplying, towards unity, And all shape and form, and categorize, to distinguish and identify, reflecting their patterns of within, creating structures of continuity of prevailing patterns, as similar patterns propel through all, uniting all gloriously, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize then, the same patterns propel through all eternally, continuing in differences, unifying unto all to become one, And such is a reflection of divine pattern, by the Divine Law of Greatening, As has been, so shall be. 64
Uniting to become one In the divine calmness, shall arise unto you, ways of unknown patterns, and they shall reflect unto, your within, in greater magnitude, Uniting to greaten unifiedly
Realize, then, the divine patterns of gloriousness, unveiling
As differing patterns combine, in divine synchrony, they align
unto yourselves, in divine mysteriousness,
to form, newer designs, in harmonious unity,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, such newer designs greaten towards greater glory, And the newer patterns are but repetition of older patterns,
The way shall arise to unite your paths, in divine patterns of
reflected to be prevailing in greatened states,
gloriousness, in patterns of glorious victory,
Therence, realize then, all patterns repeat basing on older
And their patterns shall merge to form as one unified
patterns, those propelling and constituting the greatening
patterns, such as forms, and the greatened shape if formed of
Realize then, the way of oneness, shall attain peace and
by unity of many, such patterns multiplied from the one form,
balance of oneness,
Therence, realize, forms shall multiply, to become unified, and
And they shall unite harmoniously, to form as one, in
attain ways of greater unity, to coordinate and align in
victorious unity,
harmonious sync, to unify their individual patterns, to propel
Realize then, such patterns shall exproliferate, into greater
as one single pattern in the harmonious sync of all, becoming
patterns of joy, towards oneness of path’s victory,
one pattern, thereby propelling to multiply such greatened
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. All shall arise to guide towards victorious oneness, in their paths to destiny, Their ways shall appear to be in unified glory, in patterns of victorious joy,
And they shall unify gloriously as one, arising from their
Unifying towards Divine Oneness
differences, appearing in their oneness, in glorious victory,
In divine calmness, shall attain peace,
towards divine guidances,
Realize, the unfolding is your journey to unite,
Believe, their ways shall appear to be miraculous,
Realize the divine journey,
And as all shall appear as one victorious self, they shall arise
In its path towards unity, shall propel in peace and harmony,
and appear to unite towards divine guidances, appearing in
Way shall arise unto yourselves, of the patterns to progress
unknown patterns, by their mind’s divine guidances,
unto oneness,
Therence, all shall propel towards patterns of victory, in their
The divine depths of unknown calmness,
And realize, as you attain peace in your heart, shall enable
As shall be, they shall glorify harmoniously towards unity, in
attainment of such in the justices unknown,
their divine oneness,
Realize, realize, the attainment unto yourselves,
Unto your soul I shall appear in patterns of divisions to
In your minds progression, shall be projected unto, such
multiply joyously, uniting in harmony, to form another, in
divine guidances, upon your soul’s justices, towards unity, as
And it shall enable your path to attain peace, unfolding
towards happiness,
As shall be, all shall be so in divine guidances, towards
Destiny shall unravel in divine gloriousness, in the path’s
victorious joy, as one, unified existence,
journey, as happiness shall prevail,
Unto your soul I appear in guidance of faith and justice,
As shall be, in divine depths shall attain peace and harmony in
Realize, towards unity, all shall propel miraculously,
your objectives,
Towards unity all shall arise harmoniously,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. As shall be, There shall unite to be one, in the unfolding, Towards attainment of unity, As all shall merge to become one, in the oneness of all, As has been, so shall be. 66
Foreseeing towards becoming one As all patterns shall progress, there will be attainment of such
As shall be, all’s paths shall emerge to unite as one, and in
states, that shall reveal, the pattern within all, the path to
them shall reveal the divine patterns unfolding, of destiny,
divine destiny,
Foresee ahead, in the divine mind, as shall be, in you shall
And such shall unveil within, the divine path of unity towards
unveil the divine mysteries,
oneness of all beings, and such shall enable all to unite in the
Foresee ahead, such shall reveal unto you, ways of destiny,
towards unified progression, towards destiny of unknown way,
The divine pattern that shall be revealed is the same pattern
As shall be, the path towards unity shall reveal unto you, shall
that blossoms, greatening, towards the unknown way,
merge together all as one, and all as one unified existence in
Unto you shall unveil the divine wisdom, the path towards
the oneness of all,
divine unity of all, as shall be, all shall unify as one, therence
As shall be, foresee the path towards unity,
all shall propel to unfold towards the unknown path,
As has been, so shall be, the path towards divine oneness,
And the destiny ahead shall reveal, the unknown designs of
Foresee ahead in your divine mind, foresee ahead,
within, and shall reveal the divine mystery, as one,
As all shall unite, to become one as all,
And the unknown design shall unfold the same patterns of its
In them shall reveal the divine destiny, the patterns towards
destiny in the unknown way, all shall reveal unto, in their
As shall be, all shall unite in harmony, towards unknown
paths, towards unity, the design of unknown, ahead,
As shall be, foresee ahead, and you shall reveal unto you, the
As has been, so shall be, the path towards unknown ways,
path to your divine destiny,
As has been, so shall be, the journey towards mystery, As has been, so shall be, the divine oneness, as all shall unite
Foresee in your mind, the divine destiny ahead,
As has been, so shall be, ahead, as has been, so shall be, the
As has been, so shall be.
path to unite as one, in the oneness, as one object, as whole, shall be, the divine destiny towards unity, As all shall unite,
As has been, so shall be, the journey to mystery, foresee unto your minds, and all shall clear unto you in your paths, in the journey, Foresee unto yourselves, The divine patterns of destiny shall unfold unto your paths, towards unity, in the oneness of all existences, Foresee ahead, towards divine unity, As has been, so shall be.
Evolving greater conceivance As from the conceivable creation, as one multiplied unto many, by the Divine Law of Divisions. As all arose from one point of unity, all unite towards newer points of unity, in their greatening, by the Divine Law of Greatening. And all divide again, to greaten, in the reflection of the Divine Laws. And in such, each phase differs, evolving towards becoming unto the desired destiny, by the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
As one pattern births from another, uniting with another, dividing to multiply, repeating the divine patterns, abiding the Divine Laws. All are causing to create unto the differences, in the reflection of divine destiny, by the Divine Law of Greatening. And as one births of the other, uniting with another, birthing newer patterns. As patterns mix, standardization breaks uniformity, attaining differences, regaining uniformity to stabilize, to break again. In such
patterns of life and death, by the Divine Law of Greatening,
unity in destiny unfolds towards glorious victory. As has been,
uniting gloriously, towards greatening. As has been, so shall be.
the way unfolds gloriously in divine patterns, towards divine destiny of the unknown paths. And such guides towards
In such, forms become complexier, and their minds evolve to
destiny of the unknown design. As has been, so shall be.
conceive of the patterns of their externalities in longer lengths, As has been, so shall be.
In the Unfolding, all forms unify in a balance of unity, by the Divine Law of Balance, and propel unifiedly. And as the patterns of variously exproliferating forms merge, in them forms newer ways of connectivity. And within all, newer
In the evolving of complex forms, in their phase of uniting, during their greatening, towards their next phase. As they attain stability, in their uniting, they generate momentous reflections, of the divine patterns, as they evolve to conceive of such, by their minds. As has been, so shall be.
abilities form, as older paths merge to appear as one, creating newer paths toward destiny in the unknown. And new ways appear in the amalguity of differing forms, evolving to adapt with one another in balance. And all forms evolve and divide in their paths in their greatening, by the Divine Law of Division, to multiply, in their exproliferation. And in them arises, the newer paths to unity, the newer ways to destiny, towards oneness of all. And they unfold in newer designs, towards divine oneness, by the divine patterns of their within,
The Divine Design exproliferates to fulfill the divine journey in
revealing the divine path towards unity. And such passes on to
the unknown path, evolving unto as necessitated unto it, in the
the newer vestiges in the journey of the way of the Divine
journey. And such enables the Divine Design to form and
Design, and all unites as one, in the divine oneness of all. And
emerge, to unify and greaten, in its path in the divine oneness
in such ways of divine oneness, the glorious paths prevail, as
of all. And in the unfolding, the Divine Design creates unto
all unify to greaten newly, reflecting unto the patterns of their
greater complex forms, in harmonious unity/ And such
reflects unto, the designs of divine, within the patterns such pursue the path towards, to attain peace paths. As shall be, the 69
And such is the Divine Law of Greatening, as forms exproliferate into ever greatening magnitudes, towards fulfilling unto the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
Prevailers propel divinely guided
Divine Law of Exproliferation
And there is but only one way that all shall exproliferate, that is, as it has been destined to be so, by the Divine Intent, Therence, realize, the Divine Intent is the conceiver of all things in existence, and all propels in such’s divine guidances, Therence, realize, all unfold as a reflection of the Divine Intent, in such’s divine guidance, under the Divine Law of
Only those, towards unity, shall prevail,
As has been, so shall be.
And all propel divinely guided, in the reflection of the divine
All shall attain victory, in harmonious balance, towards unity, As has been, so shall be.
patterns, inherent unto all, Therence, realize, as the divine journey is divided in many, as you shall perceive as so, and as the divine shape takes form, in the collectivity of all existence, know, the divine guidance enables all to unify towards greatness, in divine guidance, towards greater gloriousness, Therence, realize, the Divine Intent guides all in the journey, as all takes shape in the reflection of it’s divine desirances, Therence realize, all propel reflecting unto the divine patterns in the journey, towards destiny unknown, as destined by the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be. Therence realize all shall propel gloriously, divinely guided, and those heeding in greater balance, the divine guidances, shall prevail,
While others, not heedful, shall demise in the journey, as such
The path towards divine unity, as shall be, shall unveil unto
is the Divine Law of Exproliferation, as only those propelling
you, the Divine Design,
gloriously shall prevail,
And all shall unite towards divine happiness, as shall be,
As has been, so shall be.
And all shall unveil the divine patterns within, towards divine harmony, Foresee the path, as shall be, In you shall unveil the patterns of unknown ways,
Destiny unveils, through unity
As shall be, in you shall unite the path towards harmonious
All similar constituents, shall bond to form greater bodies,
And those of greater versatility, greater adaptability, shall
And such is the divine pattern, the path of unity shall unveil
exproliferate the greatest,
within you, and shall unify as one, foresee ahead toward divine
As has been, so shall be.
oneness, The way of divine destiny shall reveal unto you, through the
Unto you shall unveil the path to divine destiny ahead, foresee
divine path, towards destiny unknown,
ahead, the path to unity, towards oneness, towards happiness,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, in you, shall unveil the path towards divine unity, And all those that shall exproliferate greatest, shall unveil such unto their paths towards greatness, And all shall unify as one, in their paths towards divine destiny,
Foresee ahead, in your divine path, towards divine destiny
As has been, so shall be.
ahead, And those shall guide the destiny towards unknown path
Foresee ahead, within yourself,
ahead, be the prevailers of the journey ahead, the greater
Those that shall guide destiny towards unity, foresee ahead, in
exproliferers, towards the path of destiny,
you unveils, towards unity as one, the path towards destiny,
And in you shall unveil the paths of divine destiny, in unity, as
Foresee ahead, as has been, so shall be.
all shall unite in the oneness of all,
9/20/2011 6:33:48 PM 72
As shall be, in you shall unveil the path towards divine
And such is the Divine Law of Exproliferation, as the greater
exproliferers guide the destiny of all others, towards fulfilling
As has been, so shall be.
t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
As shall be, all shall unite to propel as one, in the unknown path towards glorious successes, And such shall unite the path towards glorious unity, towards unknown destiny, As shall be, so shall be, the path towards unity,
Greater exproliferers exproliferate gloriously
As has been, so shall be.
The Divine Intent expresses the Divine Design, guiding all its forms in their exproliferation. And those forms that reflect the Divine Guidance revealed unto them greatest, propel towards greater successes. And as forms evolve by the Divine Law of Greatening, in their exproliferation, within them unites, the path to their destiny. And such reflects unto their paths, in their ways of divine destiny, the divine patterns, attaining towards glorious successes. As such, the greater exproliferers reflect unto, in their paths, greatest adaptability with the Divine Laws of Unfolding, And such is the Divine Law of Exproliferation,
All unfolds in the Unfolding as part of the Divine Design, in
as the greater exproliferers exproliferate gloriously, towards
the patterns of their hierarchy, by the Divine Law of
fulfilling the Divine Intent of the
Hierarchy. As they arise so they demise, as their paths unite
Divine Intentor.
and divide, and those that propel incessantly remain as the prevailers of the journey. Such are greater exproliferers, that guide the path of those of lesser exproliferability.
As has been, so shall be.
Divine Law of Ordering
All in divine reflection All is a pattern flowing, And there is no existence of unfolding, without the exproliferating in divine conceivance, reflected in divine
The rawness in all, as one propels the other, and not the other
glorious patterns,
way around,
Therence, realize, all is a continuum of a divine pattern
As has been, so shall
revealing, that had given birth to endless patterns in its exproliferation,
The path unveils gloriously, as one propels other, and other
And you too, are a part of such pattern revealing,
propels another, all propelling one,
Believe, then, of the divine justices, As all reveals in divine patterns of gloriousness, Way shall arise to guide, Believe, then, as the way unfolds gloriously, the divine pattern reveals the divine journey, And as such, within all, is the reflection of the prevailing patterns, that had prevailed each in their journey, And realize then, as any unified form contains endless patterns propelling within, beyond such, it connects to the greater hierarchy, being propelling as its expression, unknowing of such, as all knows only such of that is revealed unto them, Therence, realize then, the divine journey is the divine mysterious, and all propels divinely guided, towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize then, there is no conceiver without a context of conceiving, for to conceive is to be necessitated of such, As the mind conceives of the patterns, so shall the body abide by the reflection of such conceivance, Realize then, all arise as expression of a divine conceivance, And all bodies are formed of abiders of such divine conceivance, heeding the conceivance of a greater conceiver, performing in such’s abidance, unable to know of such
realize then, as one conceives, one shall conceive biasedly, As has been, so shall be. And all shall conceive to perform, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
although, And within the conceiving, there shall arise, from its inherent instillation, a desire to know of such divine conceivance, in more refined manner, to perform in such’s greater abidance,
Realization in greater conceivance
And as such is known, the conceiving becomes the conceiver,
As the mind conceives, such being its expression, such is
defined with similar attributes,
heeded by all those formed from its expression, connected unto
As has been, so shall be.
it, abiding it’s messages, Therence, realize then, all are connected with a greater
And in the desire for interpretation, the conceiving shall be
conceivance, only required to conceive of such connectivity in
capable of defining the conceivcance, in greater extents, as the
attaining greater conceivance,
Divine Intent is expressed unto it greater, and shall become the
Realize then, as you shall be capable of interpreting your
expresser of such Divine Intent, through projecting its own
greater connectivity to a greater conceivance, realize, you shall
be bestowed upon with greater duties then,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, all conceivances arise through conceiver, in extents as bestowed upon the conceiver, to conceive unto such, 75
Your ways are towards greatening then, propelling in divine guidance, and your conceivance, towards greater
As all propel, as the continuation of their justices, their ways
shall appear guidedly, towards divine destiny ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, all moments shall arrive unlinked, as destiny propels in divine justices, in way of balances, as shall be, such, is the design of destiny, As has been, so shall be.
Greater abidance, greatening unifiedly And everything propels in divine ordering, expressed from greater conceivance, propelling in divine guidance, arising from a greater hierarchical conceiver,
From within, divine reveals
As has been, so shall be.
All shall propel in the paths unknown, deriving their ordering from within them,
Realize then, the conceiver knows of the greater guidance,
Their ways shall reveal unto, the ordering of such ways,
only towards attainance of greater conceivance,
And their paths shall merge, shaping ways of one another,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
And such is attained only in its multiplying, and greatening in unity, to become capable of greater abidance, as each bestows
Therence, all shall be, guided to their destiny unknown,
duties unto each, of coordinating in a greater conceivance, as
Believe, all shall be clear to you in the unfolding,
all abide then, the divine patterns of propelling, greatening in
As has been, so shall be.
the reflection of the divine patterns, becoming unto the desired destined state in their exproliferation, in the pace of
11/20/2011 11:25:25 PM
their unfolding, as has been necessitated unto them,
In the Unknown, the way shall reveal unto the path of
As has been, so shall be.
mystery, 76
As shall be, in the unseen shall find truth,
The divine destiny reveals upon you, the path towards unity of
And the unknown reveals unto you in such ways,
And in the unfolding, none shall arise before another,
And all shall unite in their paths to emerge as one,
As has been, so shall be.
And all shall unite in the oneness, in battle, As shall be, foresee before yourself, the path to your destiny reveals unto you, And such are the divine ways, the ways of no returning, And such are the divine ways,
In the divine ordering
The ways of single flow,
In the unknown, the way unfolds serially,
And such are ways towards destiny unknown,
As the path of glorious successes emerge unto, in the way of
Foresee ahead,
unity in battle,
The path shall reveal upon you, in the distinct ways, towards
As shall be, unto the divine path, flows in the ordering of such,
the ways of divine unity,
As shall be, foresee ahead unto yourselves,
And in the unknown path towards unity shall arise to become,
And the path shall reveal upon you glorious victory,
the gloriousness,
Foresee ahead, the path towards unity, as one, shall unite, as
As shall be, in the way shall merge towards unity, in divine
shall be,
path of darkness,
Towards unity all shall propel towards glorious victory,
As has been, so shall be.
And foresee the path, as has been, Therence, shall unite upon you, the divine path,
As shall be, in the journey, all shall propel in the ordering of
As has been, so shall be, the journey,
Therence, unify as one, in the way, as one,
And all shall propel into their hierarchies, to arrive to their
Foresee ahead, the path shall reveal upon you in glorious
And as has been, so shall be.
Therence, unite as one, in the oneness of all, as one,
Foresee ahead, the divine guidance reveals upon you in gloriousness, as one, As has been, so shall be. In the unknown patterns, shall reveal divine destiny, foresee ahead, in your divine minds, And all shall unite, as one, towards the unknown paths, in their divine patterns, And such is the path towards divine destiny, Foresee ahead, such shall enable you to unite in harmony, as one, in the oneness, As has been, so shall be, the path ahead, towards divine unity, as one, In the unknown path, shall reveal the unknown way, As has been, so shall be, foresee ahead, As has been, so shall be. In the Unfolding, all shall unite to propel forward, towards the unknown, As shall be, all shall unite, in the oneness, to propel in their destiny, towards unity,
Divine Law of Ordering In the Unfolding, all forms of the Divine Design propel in their hierarchy of exproliferation, and unite in the journey as one, towards unknown. As shall be, all appear towards divine unity in the Unfolding, and none appear before appearing in their earlier path, in their divine ordering. And as such, none arises before passing their previous path in the Unfolding, towards divine destiny unknown. And such is the Divine Law of Ordering, as the Divine Design exproliferate divinely ordered, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor, And all shall propel in the paths of divine unknown, As has been, so shall be. Realize the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
And all shall unite in the unknown patterns, towards divine destinations, As has been, so shall be.
Destined towards destiny unknown
Divine Law of SingleCoordinate
In the divine path, all shall propel in divine harmoniousness, towards density of unknown existences, and all shall arise to be guided divinely towards divine guidances, therence, realize then, the Divine Intent is the divine eternal, and all propels towards its divine mysteriousness,

There shall be only one way to propel through, that is in divine guidance, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize then, all shall abide in the divine justices as they unfold, and realize that all propels towards density unknown in divine guidances,
 As has been, so shall be. And there shall be no other way, than the path that has arisen for you to propel through such, and you shall derive unto only such path, that has been paved unto for you, therence, realize then, the Divine Intent is the divine eternal, the way towards harmonious destiny, As has been, so shall be.
Only one way remain And shall appear to you, endless paths ahead,
But know, there is but only one path for you, which I have
And by such, the mind become capable of influencing its
paved, and no other way remains,
furtherance, by influencing the patterns of unfolding through
And all other paths arise only by the patterning of your mind,
its expressions resulting from its greater patterned
arising to deduce towards destined destiny,
As has been, so shall be.
And its heightened conceivability, enables to project its divinely desired destiny, expressing in greater depths, As has been, so shall be.
And realize, as the mind refines and evolves towards greatening its conceivance, it unites with its divided bodies,
Therence, realize then, the mind shall evolve to be the
connecting in unity,
conceiver of greater conceivance, by connecting the divided
As has been, so shall be.
bodies in unison, creating unto a greater conceivance, towards patterning its own destiny in the furtherance,
And such shall enable the conceivance, to pattern unto in
As has been, so shall be.
greater depths, its externalities, as forms unify towards greater conceivances,
Realize then, the Divine Intent is the greater glorious, the
And such shall enable greater conceivance of greater cognitive
Supreme Conceivance, from which all propels in divine
patterining, of the unknown destiny in the unfolding,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
And in the cognition of the mind shall appear to be, the
Therence, realize, as the mind is the conceiver, and all that
realization of the divine ways, and the mind shall conceive
connects unto it enables it of its conceivance, to conceive unto,
then, as it conceives of the patterns of its present, the patterns
greater divine guidance,
in its furtherance,
Realize, then, all is a part of the Greater Divine Conceivance, and all propel towards attainment of the Divine Intent, in the divine unknown ways, As has been, so shall be.
As you shall foresee Enable yourself to unite in harmony, towards unknown ways,
Therence, realize, the Divine Conceivance is divided into
in the unknown path, towards divine unknown,
endless parts, and all propel to create unto the greater Divine
And you shall foresee the path ahead toward divine oneness,
As shall be, enable yourself to unite as one, in your path
And such is towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent,
towards unity,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. As you shall propel in your divine path, Divine destiny shall unveil unto you, Foresee ahead, in the divine oneness,
Path reveals unto all
Foresee ahead, in your divine path,
Unto you shall unveil the path of divine journey ahead,
As has been, so shall be, the unknown, towards destiny,
As shall be, in you shall reveal the way to freedom, towards
Foresee the path, in you shall unveil the way, towards destiny,
destiny unknown,
In you shall propel the divine way, towards unity,
As shall be, in you shall unveil the path towards destiny ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
in the unknown design, towards destiny of unknown ways, As shall be, enable your minds to unite towards oneness of the
Foresee unto yourself,
unknown way,
The divine pattern shall reveal unto you,
As shall be, all shall unite as one in the oneness,
And all shall unite harmoniously,
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead unto the divine path, So shall all be, towards unity, in harmony,
Foresee the divine path, in the oneness, foresee ahead towards
Foresee ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
And in you shall unveil the divine pattern towards justices, Foresee the unknown in your journey, As has been, so shall be, foresee ahead, In you shall unveil the path towards divine destiny, foresee
All shall propel in their destiny of the unknown,
And all shall propel to unite in harmony,
As has been, so shall be, foresee ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be, ahead, As has been, so shall be, foresee ahead, in the divine unknown, towards unity, In you shall unveil the path, As shall be, in you shall unite the path towards divine unknown, And all shall unite gloriously, towards unity, in the divine path, towards unity, And all shall propel, to unite as one, As has been, so shall be. Foresee ahead, the divine justice reveals in you, in the unknown way, Foresee ahead, in you shall unveil the path towards divine wisdom, As has been, so shall be. 2/19/2012 10:35:40 PM 2/19/2012 10:35:23 PM 82
In the Unfolding, all shall exproliferate in their own path, towards divine destiny, as destined for them. And all shall propel in harmonious unity, appearing in unknown and unseen ways, to the unconnected conceivances. Realize, then, there shall be no other paths towards destiny, than which has been destined by the Divine Intent. And such is the only true path towards divine destiny, as all unite with their path of unknown destiny. And such is the Divine Law of Single Coordinate, as destiny unfolds in divinely destined guidance, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the
 Divine Intentor.
Way to not return
Divine Law of the NonReturning
Foresee ahead, in your divine path, And the path towards unity unveils the return of no ways, As shall be, all shall unite towards harmonious glory towards unified oneness, As shall be, in you shall unveil the divine patterns, towards
Way unveils miraculously, divinely patterned, in divine justices,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, there shall be no return towards the trodden paths, As has been, so shall be.
Restriction of all moments The Divine Path unfolds in its path of destined harmony, And all shall appear, as all shall, towards the unity, And in the unknown reveals the divine path, The way of unity, In yourself, shall arrive in you the craving to know, and find the truth, And enable you to attain the path of divine glory in the patterns of divine reflections, And in the unknown, the divine path reveals its ways, In yourself unites the path towards unity, and wisdom, And in the unfolding, no moment shall appear before another, And no moment shall arise to unite with the other, 84
And no moment shall regress unto, or progress towards another, The way is the created path of destiny, As has been, so shall be. In the Unfolding, all propel to fulfill their journeys. And within And as shall be, all shall appear in their path to harmony,
all, arise the way, for the attainments of such fulfillment. And
And in the unknown, all shall appear in the unfolding,
the divine way reveals unto all, the path toward divine destiny.
As shall be, in the way to divine path, lay the path for divine
And the divine pattern unveils gloriously in their furtherance.
And the way of the divine path, enables to attain in the
As has been, so shall be.
Unfolding, gloriousness, in ways of harmonious unity with all. As has been, so shall be. And as all propel to unite in their unknown path, towards divine destiny ahead, there shall arise way, of endless ways. And as all unite in the unknown path, and none return to the same again, as such is the divine ordering of all things, in the Unfolding. As shall be, such is the Divine Law of Non-Returning, as none shall return to their unfolded tracks, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
The Exproliferer (the journeyer) Before you were a child, Before you were in your earlier bodies, Before you evolved from forms, different, Before you had seen the light, Before you had begun your journey, I blew you into existence, As the created, And one day you shall burst into nothingness, Once again, As thence shall be fulfilled, your divine destinies, And a new journey shall begin, Once again, To fulfill My Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
The way shall arise Arising from the Divine Intent, Dividing by the Divine Law of Division, Bonding by the Divine Law of Bond, Evolving by the Divine Law of Balance, Disciplined by the Divine Law of Hierarchy, Greatening by the Divine Law of Magnitudal, Evolving greater conceivance, by the Divine Law of Exproliferation, Arising in divine hierarchy of exproliferation, by the Divine Law of Ordering, Appearing, in ways as determined, by the Divine Law of Single Coordinate, Becoming unto, to non-return, by the Divine Law of NonReturning, Realize then, you shall only know of such, that is necessary for you, as determined by the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
Therence realize, you shall know of your causes, and recognize your destiny in the oneness, So you may sustain to prevail, to exproliferate, in appropriateness, So you may recognize the eternal journey that lay ahead for you, So you may guide towards your successes, As has been, so shall be. And so shall you evolve to conceive beyond your conceivances, And so shall you evolve to decipher your externalities, as shall be necessary for your unfolding, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, all is one thing, And all are guided divinely, in their path of destiny unknown, And all propel to fulfill the Divine Intent, in their journeys, towards destiny unknown,
And so shall you evolve to find, only that which you shall
As has been, so shall be.
evolve to seek, And you shall evolve to seek, only that which shall be necessary for your journey, As has been, so shall be. 87
The guidance
As has been, so shall be.
The divine journey began, from the Divine Intent, And all are the expressions of the Divine Intent, as all to
The way shall arise to unite all path’s towards harmony and
evolve in the divine guidance, instilled within all,
And by all, forms the Divine Design, the expression of the
As has been, so shall be.
Divine Intent, Believe,
As shall be, Believe, and you shall succeed,
Realize, the journey ahead, towards eternal justices, unveiling
Proceed, and you shall prevail,
appropriately, in moments as necessary,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, forever guided divinely, your patterns shall be of divine gloriousness,
Believe, and you shall succeed,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Believe, The path of eternal guidance, unveiling mysteriously unto you, Believe, and you shall succeed, towards divine destiny in unknown ways,
Towards the divine fulfillment
As has been, so shall be.
All reflect the divine patterns of the Divine Intent,
Exproliferating towards divine destiny, unknown,
As has been, so shall be.
The continuum flows through all in dividedness, Adapting with one another in divine guidance,
Realize the path towards eternal justices, arises in divine
And you are a part of it all, living on,
As you had lived all along,
Forgetting the unnecessary,
All shall be clear to you in path’s divine guidances,
Passing on the necessary, 88
Realize, realize, you shall propel infinitely, until the divine fulfillment of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
All shall appear necessitatedly And everything you perceive and conceive, all evolve as one, in divine guidance, as all had arisen from one, becoming towards their destined state. Understand, your conceivability, perceives not, the everconnectedness, beyond the necessities of its understandings. And realize, your understanding fulfills its purpose divinely, towards divine gloriousness, as you are enabled to perform, through such divine understandings, your divine performances. As has been, so shall be. As shall be, you shall be a part in the destiny unknown. Realize then, your ways arise to necessitate you, to perform unto, the inevitable. As you are divinely guided, towards destiny, unknown to yourself, realize, forever you are guided towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be. Realize, realize, you forever remain, ever connected. Forever guided to fulfill the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
All is pattern repeating
Complex Exproliferers
And its attribute has been, to be of ways, To be in selection of ways, prevailing and thriving, Ways of evolving, And it had divided into many, and all,
As forms unify and greaten, newer ways emerge,
And in its dividedness, its parts, or so it appears to all,
As has been, so shall be.
interacted, to appear in greatness, repeating unto the same divine patterns of justices,
The divine journeys begin and end,
Believe, then, the way arises divinely to guide, mysteriously
As the divine patterns conjoin and greaten
unto you, Believe, the path propels mysteriously unto you, Believe, the divine journey unveils unto you, And destiny shall unveil in such ways, And all remain as one, although placed into differing bodies, And realize, there, is but only one destiny for you, to attain that which you are to attain, And realize, in the conceivance, the magnitude of greatening is greater than the body, As has been, so shall be.
Towards the greater conceivance To greaten would necessitate, To break the existing, evolving unto changed forming, 90
In a pattern of sequence, of changes, of interactions, capable
And realize, each contribute to constitute the Greater Divine
of determining the necessities, of interacting with one another,
To identify and propel in the better flowing patterns,
And such guide all, combining conceivances of all ways,
Of greatening,
unattainable by your singularity,
Of arising, in the conceivance, the Divine Conceivance,
And such guides in Divine Guidances, towards destiny, the
As has been, so shall be.
Greater Divine Conceivances, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Guidance, Divine Conceivance All are patterns unfolding, Reflected in divine unity of all things, Believe, all are one thing, And propel in divine guidances, And had divided itself, dividing the duties unto each, And each possess, a system of instructing, from within, from the Divine Guidance, Know that, all are bestowed unto, sufficiently, in the bodies, as would be needed, in journey, for their propelling, And each body possesses, and evolves unto, in divine guidance, Believe, all arises unknowingly unto you, As the Divine Guidance is combined of all, And the Divine Conceivance encompasses all, And yours, by yours,
As the forms evolved, their minds pursued the path towards unity. And as paths began to merge, all unified as one. And their differences appeared no longer, their ways emerged as one. In the journey, variously mixing and arising, their depths of designs had formed to vary with uniqueness. And as has been, so shall be. As forms unified in the Unfolding, their paths evolved unto oneness, evolving complexly, appearing differently towards their unified destiny. Their designs unified to create unto newer ways of exproliferation. As they propelled towards the unknown, all attained a balance of harmony in the Unfolding, in their exproliferation. And all remained unified, towards destiny in the unknown ways. As has been, so shall be. All evolved unifiedly, towards greatening, reflecting unto the divine patterns of the Divine Design, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
The path from within
The Continuum
In you reveal the divine pattern, Towards darkness all shall unite, Foresee ahead, in your divine mind, The path towards unity reveals upon you,
The same beginning, all are continuum,

And in you shall reveal the divine patterns,
And all are continuum of the one journey,

As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
All Refine to redefine In the journey, as forms propel, arising anew, divided from older bodies, designed from the old, It is the same design, continuing in a newer body, evolving towards destiny, And in so, you too had formed unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be. As forms evolve towards unity, in oneness evolving unto greater complexity, unto all unites the divine patterns, of the Divine Design, And all evolve unto, to unify, and refine their designs, learning of the necessities, from experiences in the journey,
And all divide themselves to continue their journey anew, in
Passing on to continue
newer bodies, to survive, and unite towards unknown destiny
The divine journey propels, through unity, towards oneness,
Realize, all things are one thing, and as the conceivance within
As has been, so shall be.
the mind greatens, so connects unto, the divided parts, of the one existence, And as the flower blossoms in the passing, as eggs hatch to spread wings, as waters rise to pour as rain, and as the journey
And towards unity all evolve unto, and in unity all prevail in
begins to end,
the journey,
So is all, a passing on to the furthering moments then,
And all had divided to unite only, appearing as such only to the
Therence, realize, all moments combined, is one moment,
mind’s of individuality, whereas, to the mind of divine
As has been, so shall be.
conceivance, all remains ever-connected, As has been, so shall be. Therence, all shall appear to be unified as one to the mind of greater conceivance, as all reflect unto, in the divine patterns, in divine guidances, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, then, there shall be, in the journey towards destiny, unity in your furtherance, as conceivances unify as one, in the attainment of greatness, And they shall gloriously unify as one, in the passing on to the next, and all journeys shall unite to propel unifiedly, and thence shall be fulfilled, the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
Furthering in divine unity And so are you, a journeyer, from the Divine Intent, And you have formed to fulfill, your missions bestowed, as you journey, towards unknown destiny, Forever you shall be guided, from the infinite wisdom, And as you had arisen, so shall you propel, towards destiny unknown, Within you, the divine path arises, to guide towards destiny in the unknown ways, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, the way arises to unite, as you greaten towards destiny, Realize, the way to your destiny, as you unite with those that you had divided from, for your greatening, And in the journey towards unity, you shall arise to unite with all, in the furtherance, As has been, so shall be.
Both are one body As forms evolved towards their sustenance all united towards successes, in divine ways, And so had they divided from their bodies, the designs of themselves, extracting the necessary for sustenance, continuing such through producing newer bodies, And as such bodies arise, journeying newly, abiding patterns of life and death, the newly arisen bodies learn from older ones, And the older bodies communicate and interact with the newer bodies through the evolved senses, of their minds, And they become to be the newer bodies for travel, divided from the same, learning the older ways, As has been, so shall be. Realize unto yourself, such is the way of your greatening, towards oneness, As has been, so shall be.
And so shall your destinies unite unto you, as you propel to unite with your destiny, in your furtherance, As has been, so shall be.
The balance of two In two shall reveal the path of destiny, and shall arise in you, the way towards unknown travels, as shall be, in you shall ineptly possess the destiny towards oneness, As shall be, thence shall unite upon oneness in regression as one, As shall be, both shall vary to unite once and twice, As shall be, they shall combine to unite unto oneness in them way shall reveal unto in patterns of divine gloriousness, Believe, As shall be, all shall unite victoriously in the journey towards oneness, As has been, so shall be.
Balancing through two designs In your greatening, you shall be divided in two parts. And to multiply, one shall require to unify with another. In such shall prevail the design in similitude, of standardization. And such shall be, like the raising of a child, as patterns greaten raised through two parts of similitudes. Realize, then, in such divisions, from the conjoining of two parts, you shall multiply, and not lessen. And the necessity, the insatiable hunger fulfills in the passing, greatening towards greater magnitude, reflecting the divine patterns. And realize, as you hunger for food, so does the divine pattern hunger for greatening in greater magnitudes. As has been, so shall be. Therence, recognize, the patterns of your within. And you shall quantify in two things amongst yourselves. And both arise from same, to become one again. Appearing differently, to adapt. And in their differences, accumulated from their journeys, they shall be capable of reconstructing their core, as necessitated, in newer bodies. And realize then, such is the pattern of the natural interactiveness, of the forms in the unfolding. And realize, both shall arise as one. As they merge, to combine, to unite, towards glory, creating unto newer 96
bodies, passing on the journey, the continuum, dividing unto many.
And from the many mixes, would appear the two halves. One would contain evolved knowledge of its acquiring. Another
Realize then, two parts, enable you to attain balance in
would contain evolved information necessitated in the journey.
harmony. Realize, they shall attain the balance of existences.
And they would combine both, to form another.
And realize both arises from the same. Containing duties for
And in such guidances, way shall propel, to arise newly. And in
performing. Differing in divine guidances. As each journey
each would pass on half from their full, and from another
shall vary. As has been, so shall be.
would arise similarly, another half full. And they would both combine in the journey, to form another new. As has been, so
And so have been evolved unto you, ways of recognition of
shall be.
one another, as one, although appearing to be different. As one holds the key to another, as one recognizes in another, its own
And therence, realize, the mind recognizes ways of greatening
requirements, for the passing. As has been, so shall be.
through newer bodies, arising unto newly, by uniting two different parts. And realize then, it is part of the same life in
Realize then, such is like two body parts, thriving to connect with one another, to sustain, prevail, to greaten. And as the mind seeks ways of its survival of its individual body, the divine mind within recognizes its necessities to greaten with another.
the greatening, only recognizing each other differently, from differing perspectives, appearing divided unto each other, only to recognize their duties of individuality, whereas, all remain ever-connected, as one, and only propel in such ways in the journey, so as to differ as the journey necessitates, and to greaten. As has been, so shall be.
As it shall only pass on in the unity with the other part, recognizing its suitable matching alternate, dividing unto a newer body, to greaten. And realize then, the duty has been divided unto, into two parts, as each shall concentrate on their missions, greatening only in unity. As has been, so shall be. 97
The Adapting
Furtherance in unified glory In the unknown path, towards divine darkness, As all shall propel unifiedly, towards the divine path to successes, towards harmony and peace, As shall be, there shall arise to be, the way to glory,
One shall find the ways of another, in divine guidance.
And the way shall unite towards patterns of harmony and unity, Therence, all shall unite in the divine path of glory, As has been, so shall be.
Differences of Divine Design As you shall proceed, as you had been bestowed unto, capable of becoming all things, as you unfold in Designs Divine, As shall be, you shall unfold in designs, differingly in your journeys, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Destiny, in reflections
Unto you reveals divine mystery in the unknown, towards
All shall reflect unto, their own within, unto their ways, and
unity of all, as one,
shall unfold in such patterns and phases,
And such are the revelations unto you, in your unity, in
As shall be, such is the way towards divine unity in harmony,
harmony, towards victory, towards harmony,
Therence, realize, the path before you, shall be projected from
As has been, so shall be.
within yourselves towards divine unity, in oneness, As shall be, As has been, so shall be, Foresee ahead, the path towards unity, And all shall unite victoriously, in harmonious unity, of all, In the oneness of all, as one, unified, As has been, so shall be, the path towards harmonious unity of all, As shall be, all shall unite in harmonious glory, towards divine oneness, in the oneness, as one unified presence, As shall be, there shall arise to unite all, as shall be, There shall propel the path towards divine clearance towards divine clarity within all, shall unite as one, As has been, so shall be, Foresee unto the minds, foresee ahead, As shall be, foresee the path towards divine oneness, as one,
Adapting is nature’s reflection As shall be, all evolve unto, the abilities, towards unified oneness, and all shall evolve towards unity, by the Divine Law of Balance, reflecting unto, their patterns within, As shall be, all shall propel, to unite, towards harmonious gloriousness, towards unity, as shall be, And in them shall arise to unite towards oneness, as all shall adapt to unite towards oneness, And shall evolve to greaten, unto their own, reflecting beyond, in the patterns of their unfolding, in the patterns towards unity, towards connectedness, as they evolve, towards unification, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be, foresee ahead towards divine oneness, foresee ahead, to unite towards the path, as one, As has been, so shall be, Foresee the path before you, Towards unity as has been, so shall be, 99
In the divine guidances In the path towards unity, all unified unto collectivity, as the Divine Design guides all journeys, And as forms evolve unifiedly, towards glory, all adapt with one another, towards success, in harmony, by the Divine Law of Balance, As has been, so shall be.
Evolving to attain senses As forms unite and evolve unto complexity, unto them arises the ability, of propelling in the newer paths. And in them arises the newer ways, as they evolve towards divine successes, towards unified victory. And in the journey, as forms strive for glory, they evolve unto, the abilities, to feel and adapt
Greater conceivance of unity In the unity of oneness, all appear unified for successes, And all learn in unity, ways of perceiving the patterns of Unfolding, in the unknown path, towards divine successes, As shall be, in unknown ways, all unite in harmony, in their path to divine successes, in attainment of greater perceptibility, As has been, so shall be.
gloriously with their externalities, towards unity. And they evolved unto, the ability to perceive their externalities, defining and categorizing perceptions from messages that lights carry. And they evolved unto, the ability to hear, and extract from the varying patterns, perceptions of externalities, from messages that noises bear. And they evolved unto their minds, towards attaining unified oneness, towards divine successes, in the unity of all of similar constituents. And they strived to evolve unto, to attain greater abilities, and relate to one another, to attain the attainments of each other. And as they unite gloriously, they attain peace, as all evolve towards unified oneness, in their greatening, in the unity of all, in the divine oneness of all, as one. As has been, so shall be. 100
The Journey: The Experiencing
Design within propels all And within each reveals the design of divine destiny, And as such shall arise, unknowingly, each is but a continuation of a long propelling journey, And therence, recognize the differences and similarities amongst yourselves, so to recognize the unity of your within,
To each shall vary the journey for each, And each journey shall constitute one journey.
For all had arisen from one source, As has been, so shall be.
Journey towards unified victory Towards unified victory, you shall propel towards the unknown, As shall be, in your unity shall reside your path to victory, towards the divine unknown, And there shall arise to unite in oneness, in the unseen path towards unity of all forms, in the unknown, towards unity of all, As has been, so shall be.
Foreseeing towards divine oneness 101
As all shall evolve in the oneness of all, all shall unite towards
Shall Arise, Divine Guidance
their fulfillment, in their divine path, towards unity,
As shall be, in you shall unveil, towards divine unity, the
As shall be, such is the way to divine destiny, towards divine
guidance that shall arise from your within,
unity, as shall be,
Such shall guide you towards divine oneness, as you shall
And all shall appear in their unknown path of divine oneness,
propel in your individual paths, towards the unknown way,
unified unto one another, forming and shaping one another in
And shall arise within you, towards greater conceivance, the
their experiences,
greater understanding, in your unity,
And such is the way of the divine path, towards divine unity of
As shall be, in you shall unveil the patterns, towards the
attainments of the arousals in your within,
As has been, so shall be.
And shall reveal unto your minds, the conceivance of the greater connectivity that connects all as one,
In the unknown path towards divine darkness, you have arisen
Beyond your knowledge and yourself, shall reveal such ways,
to define the way towards harmonious victory,
that shall guide you to attain such conceivances, as one unified
Foresee the path ahead, and you shall unfold unto yourselves,
the divine destiny, unfolding,
As shall be, such is the way towards attaining divine
And you shall attain, the indescribable, in your journey,
conceivance, as your understandings arises in connectivity
The divine destiny shall unfold upon you in your journey,
from your dividedness,
Foresee ahead, towards divine justices, towards divine oneness
As has been, so shall be.
of all, As shall be, foresee ahead, the path before you,
As shall be, in you shall reveal the divine unknown, through
As has been, so shall be.
your understandings beyond your conceivance, arising from your within, As shall be, such shall guide you towards divine unity, towards divine glory, as has been, the path ahead shall be, So shall all unite harmoniously, towards divine oneness, and your divisions shall attain the peace towards harmonious unity, 102
As has been, so shall be. Remain calm, in your exproliferations, As has been, so shall be. And in your divided paths, shall arise, to unfold in peace, the way towards harmony, towards unity, As shall be, all shall unite as one unified gloriousness, towards unity, As has been, so shall be. Towards victory, and all shall unite gloriously, As has been, so shall be.
In the same journey In the journey, you are birthed, without your consent, as a continuum of the divine journey, continuing through your body. And it is the same journey, that propel through all your divided bodies, and as one journey ends, another begins. And such is the divine pattern, revealing unto you, in the Unfolding, guided from the Divine Intent. And as you divide yourselves to multiply, and reunite towards greatening, such is by the Divine Law of Divisions. And such is your way towards the divine path, towards divine justices, towards divine destiny. As has been, so shall be. And the divine patterns reveal upon you, reuniting your divided bodies, surpassing your limitedness. And in you unveil the divine path, towards divine destiny unknown, in the divine unity of all, in the oneness of all, as one. As has been, so shall be. Realize, realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
The path to knowledge, as shall be necessitated
The Remembrance
Uniting with eternal destiny Unto you shall arise unto, the path towards eternal destiny, And in the unknown, your minds shall unite with the path to
Realize, you knoweth’, as you shall be necessitated,

its destiny,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, the divine path reflects within all that exists, as shall be, such is the way of the divine path towards unity, As has been, so shall be.
Necessary, preserved towards unity In the way of the unknown path, the mind contains the messages of the journey, As shall be, within it is contained only such that is the necessary, towards unity, As has been, so shall be, Realize the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, in the way towards unity, as you prevail in your furthering bodies, forever you shall prevail by the way of unity, towards the unknown path, As has been, so shall be. The message remains within your mind, from the Divine
In your life, you arrived suddenly, yet, the suddenness is to you
Intent, the way of the divine path enables you to attain in the
only. For it is you who had begun, a new journey, in the
Unfolding, the way towards the divine unknown,
continuation of a long propelling journey. And within you, you
As shall be, the way shall unite unto in the unknown, and such
shall recognize, all that you are a part of, as you have arisen
shall enable unto way of divine unity,
from a greater unity, of all which you have arisen from. And in
As has been, so shall be.
the journey, you shall propel to create newer bodies to
In the unknown, all shall appear newly, in the Unfolding,
continue your journey, and in such, you shall live on endlessly.
towards their unified destiny,
And as has been, so shall be.
As all shall remember those, that is necessary in their paths towards attainment of unity in peace and harmony, And as shall be, the way towards unity has been the way towards successes, As has been, so shall be.
You shall live, endlessly
And such is the way towards unknown, as you shall propel
As shall be, the Divine Intent remains within all, guiding all
through your continuing bodies, countless,
towards the path of destiny, in unity, in harmony. And in the
As your minds greaten, guiding your path of darkness, towards
journey, the body and mind remembers only the necessary for
exproliferation, as such is the divine guidance.
As shall be, your paths shall unite in the way of the unknown path in harmony, towards unity,
And in the journey, so shall you forget all the unnecessary for
As has been, so shall be.
you, and only that which is necessary shall you preserve in your continuing bodies. As such, all shall remember only such,
necessary for survival, and forget the unnecessary remembrance of their previous bodies. Realize, realize, such is only for your own good, so that you may attain greater attainments in your own journey, adapting in your evolving. And shall arise unto you, only those of necessity unto you, and you shall be aware of that which you shall necessitate only. As has been, so shall be.
True age of yours As such, you may not recognize the true age of yours, as the journey begins newly for you, in every new birth, in each new body. Realize, realize, it is the same life, in every new birth, in each new body. As has been, so shall be.
And there is no end to life,
Undying Life
And newer patterns form, as older patterns demise
Propelling towards divine destiny Unending this journey, unparalleled in magnitude,
As you propel, within yourself, in the way of your design, as
As has been, so shall be.
you shall fulfill the endless urges, You form yourself, variously, in newer forms, in the continuum of your journey, And you shall propel forward in your journey to fulfill your purpose, And as has been, so shall be.
Destiny reveals In unity Unto you the divine path reveals, towards destiny unknown, Foresee ahead, the divine destiny shall unfold in your path, And towards divine unity, you propel, And as you unveil towards unity, the divine path remain clear to you, And way arises, to guide, towards destiny unknown, Therence, foresee ahead, towards divine unity, Way shall arise to guide, towards divine destiny, As has been, so shall be. 107
In yourself, the divine path reveals unto, towards victory, as shall be,
in your father’s body, as his sperm, in your mother’s wombs, as you take form.
There shall unite to be, the path towards oneness,
And in each and every moment, you had remained alive. As
Foresee ahead, towards divine oneness,
has been, so shall be. And as you exproliferate by the messages in your within, you evolve by the reflection of the divine
Foresee ahead, the divine path reveals unto, the way towards
patterns, as has been necessitated unto you. Realize, then, from
unity, as shall be,
the moment you had birthed from the Divine Intent, till now,
As has been, so shall be.
you had never birthed anew, remaining undead for so long, propelling through your newer bodies. As has been, so shall be. Therence, ask not of the causes of your deaths, for you die not, nor does your journey end in your body’s demise. Realize, you live on through your offspring, surviving through your changing bodies, agelessly, endlessly. As has been, so shall be. And in your exproliferations you prevail through offsprings,
Your life is like yours breaths, beginning and ending, as you
through your constantly changing bodies, towards fulfilling
inhale and exhale. Yet it never ends, like the same air, breathed
u n t o , t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
in again and again, only changing shapes. And like the tree
Divine Intentor.
that births from seeds of the old, and as one flower wilts, another blooms, so do you, continue through your newer bodies. As has been, so shall be. Realize, before you had birthed in this body, you had been your father, and your mother, and all your ancestors you had been them too. And never had you been dead for an instance, 108
All that appears non-living to you, remains alive endlessly.
Non-living Lives
Appearing to be so All remain alive, in ways of their differences, And all perform their duties, in divine guidances,
All shall remain undead,
And each shall perform, as they are divinely guided,
As has been, so shall be.
And as you reflect unto, the divine patterns, in own pace, Others shall reflect theirs, needing longer or lesser moments, And all shall perform unto, in divine guidances, their objectives, Realize, the divine path reveals unto all, divine destiny unknown, And all shall be guided divinely, towards destiny in the unknown ways, Believe, and the path shall clearen, believe, and the way shall arisen unto you, And as you perceive, those of lesser exproliferability, as such as nonliving lives, Realize then, to those of greater exproliferability, you also appear as such only, As has been, so shall be.
All remain alive endlessly Silently sleeping, every rock, and every tree, are as alive as the birds and bees. And all that exist, remain alive every moment, exproliferating in their divine patterns of gloriousness. And those you know to be as ‘living’, are only those of greater exproliferability, reflected in divine patterns of gloriousness. As has been, so shall be. Realize, everything is alive. In the stars that shine, in the bottomless sea, in all things, everlastingly, all remain alive, endlessly. And you shall connect with all things, as you shall exproliferate, as you shall see, in your journey. As has been, so shall be. And those of greater exproliferability shall be enlighteners for those of lesser exproliferability, giving them life, through endeavours, through their journeys. As has been, so shall be.
All shall remain connected, as one unified existence,

The Everconnected
As has been, so shall be. All propel as one Creation of the uncreated, the unknown reveals itself in the
All shall remain unified in eternal gloriousness,
 As has been, so shall be.
Unfolding, And all that is created, remains everconnected with each other, And all propel to fulfill the same, in their journeys,
All shall be harmoniously unified, in eternal happiness,
And all propel to attain same, in all journeys,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Remaining divided, forever unified All journey, bestowed unto with their divided duties, as part of the Divine Design, pursuing but the same divine mission. And in your journeys, as you perform your individual deeds, all your deeds combined, forms unto the greater deed of the Divine Design. As has been, so shall be. And although your act may appear independent, such forever remain connected, as part of the greater act of the Divine Design. As has been, so shall be. And like fruits of the same tree, like waters of the same sea, all remain part of the same Divine Design, unified in ways unseen, propelling towards divine destiny unknown. As has been, so shall be. Realize then, all are part of the one Divine Design, remaining ever-connected in their exproliferation, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
Divine Mind (the instructions)
The container of divine wisdom, The Center that guides, Foreseer of the divine journey, Guidance of the unknown way, Unto it, all shall reveal, As has been, so shall be.
The Divine Expression
As you shall recognize, yourselves, realize, the divine guidances
The, expression of Divine Intent, in the exproliferation,
upon your soul’s justices,
Is the divine guidance,
They shall arise unto, to unite towards divine guidances,
Origin unknowable,
towards gloriousness,
Patterns, revealed,
As has been, so shall be.
Reflection of unity, Glorious victory, Harmony, unity, Balanced, Peace, Unity.
Believe, the mind shall be capable only of conceiving its connectedness, Realize then, only the Divine Design is knower of all existences, the encompasser of all existences, the divine conceivance in connectivity with all the conceivance, the divine exproliferer, the reflection of the Divine Intent,
The Purpose of Mind
Realize then, the mind shall only be capable of attainment of
As you are, so shall you be, exproliferating, as you are
greater glory if it shall align with the Master Plan,
determined to be,
Realize, such is its divine role, to align with the Master Plan,
And your minds shall define to you, which you shall be capable
the Divine Intent,
For it is the role of the mind, to reflect unto as the unifier in
Enabling you to recognize, your abilities and differences,
all, the first created and propelled of all, guiding and leading
Enabling you to align and adapt, with others beyond
the divine journey, towards divine mysteriousness,
yourselves, evolving with differences, by such, remaining ever-
Realize, all shall change but change itself,
connected in the greatening,
And that which is the ever changing, to your perceptions, is the
Realize, realize, such is the divine guidance from the Divine
Intent, 114
And that which seem to be headed towards destiny unknown,
And as it specializes, it categorizes, conceiving the endlessness
its destiny, forever foreseen, by the Divine Intent,
in its externalities, recognizing the diversely complex, the
Realize then, to recognize the divine patterns, are the divine
divine patterns of justices,
And so do all the minds unify, greatening towards reflecting
And to align with the divine patterns, and heed its directives, is
unto, the divine patterns of their within, towards the
the reflection of the Divine Intent,
fulfillment of the Divine Intent of the
Realize, the divine patterns are the divine justices, of the
Divine Intentor.
Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
Foreseeing journey, collectively, connectively Realize then, the way of propelling of the Divine Patterns Greatening collectively, divinely patterned
arises through the continuum bodies, reflecting unto such
Everything is, ‘it’,
As each evolves, in the abidance of the Divine Law of
Therence, realize then, the divine patterns glorify in the
Hierarchy, the first created leads all else,
reflections, and so shall your minds evolve to be the conceiver
And all had been evolved unto, in such abidance, in the divine
of such divine patterns,
guidances, reflecting the divine patterns of gloriousness,
And such shall enable you to foresee, as you shall project unto
And as your mind recognizes its abilities and limitations, its
your own destiny, by your patterned conceivances of the mind,
tendencies and its externalities, it then becomes capable of
Therence, realize then, all minds connect in divine unity, to
greater abidance, of the divine justices,
form unto a greater conceivance, foreseeing the journey ahead,
And the mind evolves to create unto, greater connectivity, by
As has been, so shall be.
evolving communicability, with other minds of other bodies,
And it is a trait of those, evolving unto greater conceivances, to Realize, as you had unified unto your body which you propel
conceive of the patterns of unfolding of the externalities, and
now, and conceive as you do to foresee,
recognize the differences of the pace of unfolding of their
Realize then, all minds are eternally connective, and those
patterns with those of others,
conceiving of unified mind states, shall attract others by the
As has been, so shall be.
Divine Law of Bond, and shall enable to unifiedly propel with them, connecting through communicability, through the divine
Therence, realize, it is a reflection of the Divine Patterns, as
patterns of unity,
the mind attains to know of its furtherance, as it evolves to
As has been, so shall be.
influence such by its expressions, by its knowledge and wisdom, attained through its experiences and conceivances, projecting
Realize then, the mind conceives to foresee its destiny
unto its desirances,
unknown, by patterning its own destiny,
As has been, so shall be.
And the greater its conceivances, the further its foreseeval, of the journey ahead,
And such shall enable all, to attain conceivance of their own
As has been, so shall be.
destiny, by recognizing the pace of unfolding of their patterns, contexting such with the pace of unfolding of the patterns of their externalities, towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be.
Mind patterns, to foresee As a part of recognizing the differences, of itself with others, so does the mind evolve to recognize the differences, of the
The structuring determines the unfolding of a form,
pace of unfolding, in the continuity of their propelling
continuously evolving, to refine and greaten,
patterns, with others in their externalities,
And all propel, reflecting the divine messages, the guidance
As has been, s shall be.
within all, from the divine unknown,
And realize, all are divinely guided, towards fulfilling their
As has been, so shall be.
divine destiny unknown,
Realize then, as forms exproliferate, they evolve unto, to
And as forms evolve to conceive the patterns of unfolding, of
conceive of the patterns of the unfolding of others, to interact
their externalities, they context their own patterns of unfolding
with them, reflecting unto the divine patterns of unfolding,
with others,
that has been revealed unto them,
And as such, they evolve to identify, the difference between the
As has been, so shall be.
pace of unfolding of their patterns with their externalities, And one shall be unable to context their unfolding with those, whose patterns of unfolding they cannot conceive, For such shall remain beyond the conceivances of their mind, and they shall remain unable to compare with them, the pace
Guided towards destined destiny
of unfolding of the patterns of their within,
Realize, as has been bestowed unto you, each, your duties, so
As has been, so shall be.
had been bestowed unto you, the way, and the way guides eternally, towards destiny unknown, Realize, then, the way are but patterns of the unfolding,
Therence, realize, you shall only be capable of contexting your
abiding which you shall succeed,
patterns with those, whose patterns of unfolding you can
And those of failing, shall pass on through another,
conceive of,
Realize, then, it is you in the other,
And those, whose receptivity remains beyond your senses, shall
For you propel to seek the same destiny, only abiding in
remain beyond the conceivances of your mind,
differing ways, to fill your unique positions,
Therence, realize, you shall not recognize them, as you had not
Realize then, all such positions are divinely incepted, to have
evolved unto such receptivity, to conceive of such
had been created unto, so had been abided unto, by you,
Therence, realize then, the way arises divinely to guide,
Therence, realize, in the journey, you shall evolve to conceive
towards destiny in the unknown ways,
unto such, as such necessities arise within you, as had arisen
Way shall arise to guide, towards destiny in the unknown way,
unto you, the necessities to recognize others,
As has been, so shall be. 117
And neither is it minuscule, nor the infinite, remaining in its ungraspable quantification, in its indefinable attributes, in its And all those shall be guided by your ways, those that shall abide in your patterns, Therence, realize, for all states, there are differing patterns that shall succeed, then, Therence, know, the appropriate for those moments, as shall be arising, will be those, and shall be heeded, as appropriately suited for moments, Realize then, the divine journey reveals in divine
divine balance, And you witness it as you shall, in your incompleteness, being a part of its journey, to perform as you shall, as has been determined for you, And you propel towards attaining greater conceivance, unifying with its divided parts in glory, to attain towards harmonious divine balance, As has been, so shall be.
mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be. And all such is pre-destined for eternity, and there is no observability, as such appears to you, but appears as such to you only, in the limitedness of your perceptibility, Your perceptions of divine
As has been, so shall be.
The birthing from the inconceivable,
For you perform in the journey, divinely guided, being only its
As you recognize such in the categorization, as one and many,
part, and your conceivance remains in its incompleteness,
realize, such is by the limitations of your conceivability, as you
being only a part of the divine conceivance,
conceive as such,
As has been, so shall be.
And remains beyond your conceivances, the understandings of the first created, that had birthed all else, evolving in the
Realize, your perceptions are as such only to yourselves,
unfolding, by the reflection of the Divine Intent,
Therence, realize, your perceptions are to suit your duties
As has been, so shall be.
alone, and none other’s, 118
As has been, so shall be.
Evolving towards losing origins Long lost, in the ageless trailings of the past, the original form, evolving unto, in its greatening, in its varying phases, in the evolution, in newences, The reflector of divine destiny, the divine guidance, the
The truth, be told
projector of destiny unknown, and within all had been sewn
Evolving in infiniteness, finite to the conceivance of Divine
unto, in their dividedness, its seeds of wisdom,
Intentor alone, the journey propels endlessly, only in the
And so shall all be guided, in such divine guidances,
ceasation of the of desirance of the Divine Intent, shall be
As has been, so shall be.
fulfilleth’, the journey of unknown origins, Therence, realize, as you are a part of the process of such, being limited, as bestowed upon yourselves in your journey, realize your conceivance shall only attain that which such is
Evolving to preserve responses
meant to attain and no more,
As the mind perceives, a response is created, denoted by the
Therence, realize, some shall remain beyond your conceivance
change of rhythmic patterns of its propelling,
as you remain unconnected from the conceivability of the
And as the mind experienced reactionary interactions, it
Divine Conceivance, the realizer of the divine destiny,
evolved to remember the patterns of its responses to such
propelling endlessly, finite to itself only,
Realize then, although you shall be connected unto the Divine
And the mind evolves to recall such experiences within it, by
Conceivance, you shall only perceive by the conceivability of
reproducing the same rhythmic pattern within its body, and
your body in your everconnectedness, as vested upon yourself,
in your unified body, in your limitations, in divine guidance,
And as the mind recalls such experiences, it recreates the
As has been, so shall be.
responses stimulated unto its mind and body during such recalled experience, As such, the mind remembers all survival responses to its externalities, 119
And therence, the mind learns to evolve and preserve, patterns of survival responses, proven successful in its earlier experiences, As has been, so shall be. And the mind imparts such information unto its continuum bodies, in its dividedness, enabling such to recall its successful responses, And by causing similar rhythmic responses, the newer body prevails through similar experiences, adapting as necessary, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, the mind is the greater glorious, and its ways are divinely guided, As has been, so shall be.
Evolving knowledge, moment necessitated All knowledge, are attained in the evolving, by the beholder. And such arises, as the body responds to pain, by the processing of accumulated conceived patternings, to perform momentous responses. And all knowledge, are processing of information by the body, that arises through body’s interactivity, as arises all other receptivity through its senses. And there are no differences between such, but only in the phases of evolving. Realize then, all knowledge is evolved unto all, in the phases of their evolving. As has been, so shall be. Realize then, to know, is to conceive, in the context, of the referred mind. Realize then to attain beyond of conceivance. And the mind is only the abider of the divine patterns, as it attains such conceivance, as intended by the Divine Intent. And surely all ways are divinely guided, forever foreseen by the Divine Intent. And knowledge of such destined destiny, is by the attainment of greater knowledge, in greater destined states, as the mind conceives receptivity of such divine knowledge.
Know, the divine knowledge evolves unto you, as you evolve unto you, the receptivity to your externalities. Realize, then, all such is towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
The Center that Guides
The Guide The center that guides, From the first created, The relator of externalities, The conceiver of the divine conceivance, The unifier of divided bodies, The instructor of divine ways, The enabler, the capabler, The foreseer of eternal destiny, Realize, realize, through it flows the divine guidance unto your soul, As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, the first created was a conceivance, an instruction, divinely incepted, that continued to evolve in the changing moments, in divine guidances, Flowing through all, it is the continuation of the same journey, in eternal balance of the journey, As has been, so shall be.
First created was Mind 122
From a divine conceivance, had birthed all into existence,
And the first created is, therence, the first mind, and the first
And the first created was an instruction, for all the following
mind, had disseminated unto all its furthering forms, its
desirances, from each,
And as that instruction greatened, such multiplied reflecting
Therence, within all, as evolves as such, a center of guidance, a
divine glorious patterns, as intended by the Divine Intent,
mind to guide the body of its beholding,
And to you, which seem to be the container of minuscule
And such mind is the first created in all, the hierarchical center
information, realize, such is to you only, appearing as so, by
of the body, which guides in the divine reflections of the
your limited perceptibility,
Divine Intent,
Realize, within the minuscule hides the immenesse,
Therence, realize, all minds, within all the bodies, in all forms,
As has been, so shall be.
are guided in the abidance of the hierarchic supreme, the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
The First Created The first created, the center from which all begun, Had imparted unto its furtherings, the rawness, of its
Divine destiny guides divinely
desirances, and all its continuations, were occurred as its
As you shall propel towards destiny unknown, within your
refined desirances,
mind shall unravel the divine mysteries,
And as such had been so, all has been a continuation of its
And as you shall propel in the divine path, towards divine
desirances, as it had been the container of all the wisdom and
desires, from the Divine Intent,
Realize, realize, unto you I shall reveal Myself,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
In you shall unite the way towards divine freedom, Unifier of divine destiny Within you is the unifier, of the complexity with your externalities, Within you arises the divine path, to determine destiny in the unknown way, Within you evolves the mind, the conceiver of the divine immenesse, the determiner of destiny in the unfolding, Such is the foreseer of the unknown way, the constructor of the divine path thiyou I shall revealthe divine way,ves, dissolve your differences, unto yourselves,, Therence, enable your minds to unite unto, in the patterns of oneness, unto yourselves, dissolving your differences unto yourselves, Foresee ahead, the path before you, Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
In you shall propel the divine way, Towards the destiny unknown, Foresee the path ahead, unto your mind, Unite in the oneness, Foresee in the divine path ahead, towards divine darkness, And all reveals in the unknown, As has been, so shall be. Foresee ahead, the path before you is the eternal justices, As has been, so shall be. Unto yourself, the divine path reveals towards destiny unknown, Realize then, the way shall arise unto your minds miraculously, Way shall arise to guide, towards destiny unknown, Believe, way shall arise, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, within you shall arise divine justices, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. Those coming before you And those from which you arise, shall influence your arising, Realize, without departing from their ways, you shall not attain Ways uniting unto you
independence, 124
Therence, realize, the divine guidance is the divine destiny unknown, And those that had come ahead, are the centers of the furtherances,
In the journey, as one performs, such being conceived by
And as the furtherers attain greater ways, of self-sustenance,
others causes others to align and adapt along, and such
they shall divide, by the Divine Law of Division, and they shall
interactions reflect divine patterns,
cause unto separateness,
In such, although the mind may appear to be disconnected
And all shall propel towards divine destiny unknown,
from all others, the mind does influence and interact in deeper
And all shall interact amongst themselves, in ways unknown to
depths than perceptible to you,
one and the other, only known to both together,
Realize, all that the mind conceives of, it interacts with,
Therence, realize, as your minds conceives within the
As has been, so shall be.
limitations of its body, those beyond its influences, forever remains as its externalities, Therence, realize, those that had come ahead, shall guide and lead towards creating and maintaining hierarchy, untillence of the moment, as the greatened body separates, to attain
Uniting Divine Patterns Gloriously
independence, towards attainance of divine freedom,
Unto you propels the path of divine ways,
Way shall arise to guide, towards destiny unknown,
As shall be, in yourself unveils the path to your destiny,
Realize then, in such ways, minds conceive of the divine
As shall be, unify yourselves in your divine direction to attain
journeys, and attains gloriousness, in mysteriousness,
glory, towards destiny unknown,
Realize, the dividedness is to you only,
Way shall arise to guide you towards destiny unknown,
As all are divinely guided, ever propelling in the divine
And the unity of your differences, shall enable you to attain
guidances from the Divine Intent,
divine glory, as one design empowers another by uniting the
As has been, so shall be.
enlightenment of each other, And way shall arise, As has been, so shall be. 125
The birther of new Within yourself, the ways of the divine arises in the unknown
As has been bestowed unto you, within yourselves,
path, towards unity,
The birther of the new,
The harmonious path unites in the unfolding towards unity
It shall unify your lives, in the divine journey,
and foreseeval of the immenesse,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, in yourself reveals the divine knowledge, to the way towards the divine unknown,
Such is the glorious, that arises unto,
Realize, unto you shall unveil the patterns of divine justices,
Containing within, greater resemblances of the divine
Realize, the divine destiny ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, such shall enable you of divine victory, As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, in your center, shall guide you towards destiny, the mind of your own,
And such reflections shall concentrate within, greatening
As has been, so shall be.
potential of exproliferation with greatening abilities, And shall attain towards knowing the paths before and after,
As you shall propel towards the divine path in your unity, you
And shall merge within and beyond together, in harmonious
shall attain the immenesse unto your mind,
unity, foreseeing the path to divine destiny unto itself,
In such ways, you shall greaten towards your exproliferation, in
As has been, so shall be.
the unknown path, And such is the way towards divine truth, as you shall perceive
Believe, the path before you is the eternal,
the immenesse,
And divine justices, shall unveil before you,
As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices, As has been, so shall be.
And all propel as a continuum of their predecessors, dividing to multiply, incepting from the originator of all forms, the Divine Intent, As shall be, so shall all unify in the divine oneness, amongst,
And all propel in differing ways, although arising from the
within, and beyond their own ways and justices,
same, as such are the divine instructions of the Divine Intent,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, such Divine Instructions guide the course of all, in divisions, unifications, guiding all towards necessitated
Believe, the path before you is the eternal,
Realize, the path ahead of you,
And the mind within all, evolved through their changing
As has been, so shall be.
bodies, as necessitated unto all, reflecting the Divine Intent, As such, all journey towards divine destiny, as all arise to evolve as necessitated in their exproliferation, as guided from within their minds, And the way arises within all, to guide all toward victory,
Propelling in Divine Justices
Realize then, all are guided divinely, by the Divine Intent, in all
All forms contain within, the divine messages, the divine
moments, as all propel by such Divine Justices,
instructions from the Divine Intent, unveiling, as necessitated
And the Divine Justices are the divine patterns, the divine
instructions of the Divine Intent,
Believe, the Divine Intent, is the originator of all, and all
As has been, so shall be.
contain within, its divine messages, As all had arisen but from the same sources of it, propelling in
Therence, know, all shall unite, and collide, as necessary,
their dividedness by the Divine Law of Divisions,
evolving as per their mind’s patterning, towards their destiny in
Realize then, all divided forms contain within, the divine
the Unfolding,
guidance from the Divine Intent,
Realize then, The path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. 127
Realize then, the divine journey is riddled in mysteries, As has been, so shall be. And in the exproliferation, all shall abide the instructions As shall be, realize then, the path ahead of you is the eternal
arising from their mind, the container of the divine messages,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, within you shall unveil truth of the divine ways, as shall be necessitated for you, in the Unfolding, as a part of
Realize, the path before you is the eternal path, the journey to
the Divine Design,
divine justices, in togetherness,
As has been, so shall be. Way shall arise to guide you towards gloriousness, uniting you
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
unto another,
Realize, the divine destiny unto your soul,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the journey shall unveil in divine gloriousness, as all
Believe, the path before you is the eternal,
shall unite in divine mysteriousness, towards divine guidances,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
in divine oneness,
Realize, the path to destiny, towards divine oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be,
Realize, the path ahead is the eternal path, towards destiny
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, believe unto your within, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the divine justices shall unfold unto you, in divine mysteriousness, 128
The continuum of mind The Divine Design birthed from the Divine Intent, instilled within, with the instructions for its exproliferation, to fulfill the Divine Intent. And as the Divine Design divides by the Divine Law of Division, all its divided forms contain within the messages from the Divine Intent. And the divine instructions of the Divine Intent remain in the center of all forms of the Divine Design, guiding the path of their exproliferation. And such enables all to unify in divine recognition of one another, in their dividedness, aligning with one another in divine connectivity, in the evolution of their mind’s divine conceivances. And as all forms are guided from their centers, their minds, the divine guidance appears from within the mind in all forms, And each minuscule part of your body, contain within, their minds, that united to evolve unto you. As has been, so shall be.
The Divine Patterns revealing Realize then, the journey shall unveil in gloriousness, as divine patterns amalgamate unto divine oneness, as all shall collide to unite amongst themselves. Realize, all is an interaction amongst the patterns of destiny, and such is not necessary to be appearing to be visible to you for all to remain unified gloriously, as even in the minuscule there exists dividedness, and even in the greatescule, there shall be nearness,. Realize then, all remain ever-unified harmoniously, propelling towards destiny unknown, reflecting divine patterns of the Divine Intent of
t h e

Divine Intentor. In the greatening of forms, in their divine exproliferations, their divine patterns express gloriously, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
And all reflect unto the same divine patterns in their greatening, in their divine journey, to fulfill their divine objectives. And the messages unveil within them as necessitated by their differences, in their Divine Guidances of their mind. As has been, so shall be. 129
Pain and Pleasure
Some prevail over others The patterns shall reveal in the divine reflection of the Divine Intent, And shall unveil to glorify towards attainment of divine justices, And that which is the infinitely propelling, is the very finite and limited to the divine conceivances, And as you imagine, and imagine another, so are all things, like imagination of divine conceivance, changing one from the other, And as you perceive to conceive in the ways of your knowing, as you do, so are all things different, As conceived by the divine conceivance, And all propel, one influencing the other, as is so be conceivable to you, And those that appear to arise unto in ways of greatening, are divinely guided towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be.
Each shall abide each All are divided, with individual duties each, as part of the same journey, responsibility bestowed unto each, accordingly,
Each must uncover, ways of each’s progression, and evolves
And ways of deriving unto its divine expressions, and its divine
unto each, their ways of detection, of those that cause
misbalance in their journey, towards their fulfillment,
The divine patterns reveal unto in divine mysteriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize the path’s shadow in its divine patterning, The way towards mysteriousness, unfolds towards divine
So arises ways, of divine conceivance, of the unknown path’s,
guidance, in the path’s shadow,
towards its knowing, and so defines, their ways, their path’s in
The path’s shadow arises, to guide, to unite, towards divine
the divine journeys, and they shall be of the path of greater
arising, as within them arises defenses, towards performance of
As has been, so shall be.
each in balances, on their own, As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, the divine guidance that unfolds unto in your ways, such ways arise in divine mysteriousness unto yourselves, Realize, such are patterns of destiny, revealing unto yourselves,
Detection of the desired and undesired: Reflecting
and such shall guide your way towards freedom and unknown
the path’s shadow
destiny ahead,
Such is the path’s shadow,
Realize, they shall arise to unite your paths towards divine
The path that guide towards destiny unknown,
glory, in the shadows of your within,
There shall arise to guide your ways towards freedom,
As has been, so shall be.
And such ways shall arise mysteriously unto yourselves, Evolving unto your ways of divine conceivance,
And they shall arise unto, in divine gloriousness, in divine
That which you shall attain in your greatening, towards
blossoming of the Divine Intent,
Their ways shall arise unto, in ways divine, and they shall
As has been, so shall be.
pattern unto, in soul’s divine guidances, As has been, so shall be.
Such are the ways, towards reflections of the Divine Intent, 131
And they shall reflect unto you, in the divine patterns of
And they shall identify, that which causeth’ their demise in the
bonding, to unite in ways of favor, evolving towards divine
exproliferation, and that which enables propelling, towards the
journey ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
And they shall evolve to interact with their externalities, and attain within themselves, foreseeval, of the divine unknown, Realize then, such ways arise mysteriously unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be.
Within all arises recognizability, of its preferred
And such enable to foresee the path ahead, to attain towards
pattern, in suitability
harmony, towards ways of desiring,
Realize, then, the divine destiny unknown, in the path’s
Realize, then, such are divine attainments unto you as you
exproliferate, reflecting the divine patterns of your within,
And all shall reflect unto, such divine patterns of justices,
As you attain the divine guidance from the divine eternal,
reflecting unto the patterns of their within,
determining destiny, through your detection of pleasure and
And all shall arise to unite towards divine justices, in the path’s
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, then, all shall propel towards glorious victory, in the divine guidance from their within, as such patterns arise to guide destiny, And they shall evolve unto, within themselves, in ways most suitable for their exproliferation, recognizability, of their
They are first conceivances
precedence and dissidence, to prevail in their furtherance,
Such are the first attainments,
And such shall attain, within themselves, the ability to foresee
Of the states of the mind, to recognize, its necessities for
the path ahead, towards divine unknown,
survival unto itself, Those shall guide your path, towards destiny unknown, Enable you to foresee the path ahead, 132
And you shall attain the ability, towards divine oneness,
The happiness shall guide your paths to victory, lead to divine happiness towards divine oneness,
The path to divine justices shall reveal unto you, As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead, the path before you, unto yourselves I shall reveal another way, towards assessing the outcome of your
And shall indicate unto you, to enable you to know of those
imperfectness unto yourselves, and shall reveal unto you, the
causing your destructions,
path to happiness of the souls, unto yourselves,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, such guidances shall arise to warn you of your paths to your destiny,
As shall be, unto you greater pleasures shall reveal unto,
As has been, so shall be.
indicating the gains unto yourself, As has been, so shall be.
Therence, unto you shall unveil the path towards divine victory unto yourselves, Realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Greater guidance in divine abidance
As the destiny propels through you,
Such are the indicators of determinants to you, those that
Unto your soul reveals the divine truth, towards divine
enable you to assess and reflect, that which is unknown to
unknown path, unto yourselves,
yourselves, in the categories of your likings or dislikings,
And you shall unite in your divine oneness, as you had divided
As shall be, such shall enable yourselves to know of the way,
in your greatening,
the patterns, of happiness, in oneness, and you shall attain the
Foresee ahead, the path towards divine oneness,
way to assess that which shall guide you to others, and seek
For such is the pattern of destiny,
your path towards happiness of the soul,
As has been, so shall be.
Such reveals unto you the attainment of happiness as successes unto yourselves, 133
Therence, unite in harmony, foresee ahead, the path to your
pleasure sources unto yourselves, in your journey, as you
foresee ahead,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
Therence, foresee ahead, towards divine unity,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, And truth shall reveal unto you in the unfolding, reflecting the
As has been, so shall be.
divine patterns of your within, As has been, so shall be. Arising differently in each And pain shall indicate to you, that which is destructive, And pleasure shall recognize for you, those beneficial to enjoin, Arising through your bodies
And realize, if you shall feel pain, need not be the same for the
Towards divine destiny, as you shall propel in your unity,
Your paths shall be indicated unto you through your bodies, in
And if you remain calm, shall not be same for others,
which you shall travel,
As each shall feel their pain and pleasure differently in the
And they shall signify to you, the pain and pleasures of your
journey, towards divine guidances,
As has been, so shall be.
Pain shall identify your survival processes, by the divine
Realize then, all shall perceive such differently in the journey,
wisdom unto yourselves, towards greater attainments unto
As all evolves differently, as necessitate unto in their
externalities, as all shall be different in their journeys,
And as you foresee ahead, towards divine successes, towards
And all combine to form the Divine Design, in their journey
divine destiny ahead, such shall enable you to recognize the
towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent, 134
And as you shall greaten your abilities, passing unto your Realize the path before you is the eternal balance,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, unto you shall unveil the divine ways, of causing pain unto others,
Therence, foresee ahead towards divine oneness, towards
As has been, so shall be.
glorious victory, in the divine destiny ahead, Realize the path before you is the eternal,
And in your offspring, it is you within them,
As has been, so shall be.
And you realize, within, the divine darkness ahead, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
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Unite your paths with divine glory,
And in your offspring, it is you, as arises unto them such
Foresee ahead, towards divine oneness,
abilities of divine distinctions,
Foresee ahead, in the divine oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
And all shall be clear to you in path’s divine guidances, As has been, so shall be. *** In the unknown path, all shall combine to unite, as one, As shall be, in the Unfolding, all shall propel towards the
The chooser of destiny
unknown way,
That which had enabled to know of the worthy, and the not,
As shall be, in yourself resides the power of unity,
The distinction determined the destiny,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. 135
In divided bodies, each contain a directeer, guiding in the divine pattern,
As shall be, in them arose the greater realizations, towards
And all evolved graciously in their exproliferations, creating
unified succession, as they adapted to perform as one, in their
unto the uncreated,
paths, to achieve gloriousness,
And they expressed in ever greatening patterns, combining,
As has been, so shall be,
colliding, unto one another,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
Their shapes formed in divine uniqueness,
As has been, so shall be.
And they had unified to greaten, their abilities of conceiving the immenesse, As has been, so shall be. As the various forms amalgamated, all unified towards unknown, And all amalgamated, shaped uniquely, into the unknown, towards oneness, And in them arose, their desire for glory, that they heeded, towards attainment of gloriousness, As shall be, their bodies had adapted the ways, in which they survived in their paths, and had evolved to identify, their causes of perishing, As shall be, they had evolved to foretell the arising of such causes, to defend themselves from their demise, and learnt to survive as one, As shall be, all had unified towards oneness, in their paths towards divine gloriousness, in harmony, As has been, so shall be. 136
As such, the mind had evolved to remember its sources of pain and pleasure, and ways of attaining balance unto them. Realize then, the path before you is the eternal, and unto you such abilities arise unto, so you may defend against your own In the Unfolding, all forms exproliferated, to fulfill their
desires, abiding the divine guidance arising from within. The mind in all serves as the center, containing the wisdom of the
Realize, unto you reveals the divine ways, realize, unto you the
ages, the messages from the Divine Intent, guiding all paths to
divine patterns unveil. And the mind learns to defend against
destiny. And in the exproliferation, all forms evolve to greaten
sources of pain, and unite with sources of pleasure. And it
the ability of the mind, to influence the externalities, towards
transmits such knowledge unto its furthering bodies, its
attainment of their goals. And within all, arisen, their desires
offspring, enabling it to survive and prevail in its furtherance,
differingly, as their externalities differed, and fulfilled through their expressions, arising differingly.
As such, the mind had evolved towards prevailing in the Unfolding by identifying pleasure and pain, towards fulfilling
And the mind evolves to identify between the beneficial and
t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e

the threats, recognizing from its experiences. And the mind
Divine Intentor.
recognized its threats through sensing such, as pain, and its benefitting sources through sensing such, as pleasure. As such, the mind had evolved to distinguish between pain and pleasure in its externalities, to exproliferate unto greater magnitude. And recognizing from its experience, the mind responded to pain and pleasure in ways it had benefitted from previously.
All shall align harmoniously
Aligning in Divine Guidance
And the mind shall evolve to connect unto other minds, and shall evolve to conceive the divine guidance, Realize, such is like your brain cell, enabling others to connect unto it, and enabling the recognition of the greater guidance from the wholeness that all creates in the combination of all
All shall align, to guide mysteriously
cells, Realize then, such is no different from your within, as you shall learn to speak, and you shall recognize other’s voices as noises of instruction and patterns, And shall realize then, the way of divine unity, as all shall unite as one, in the divine guidance of oneness, As has been, so shall be.
Attaining Divine Connectivity Conceivance The divine mind attains the ability, of divine communicability, And it shall become capable of ways of conceivances of its beyond, And the mind is the divine connector, of the unified body, propelling with the divine guidances,
 It shall attain within itself, grace and harmony to fulfill the necessities of its body,
And that, wherence, the mind had originated, within
body that had arisen as a reflection of its divine patterns of
whichever, shall be of a greater resonator of divine guidance,
within, and that which has arisen as part of the Divine Intent,
becoming the center of others lesser guided,

And surely all have arisen as the continuity of the divine
And shall arise to guide the body that it had originated from,
the container and carrier of the greater resonator,
And all have differing roles, arising in differing scenarios, and
And as the thoughts in the mind arises upon the unseen, so
all propel in unique and differing patterns, yet, all have same
shall arise upon its body, balancement, its own balance of
parents, the Divine Intent,
Therence, its guidance are the divine eternal, and its ways are
And all minds are but connected with the greater connectivity,
the eternal justices,
arising from wherever the greater exproliferable had been
As has been, so shall be.
disposed unto, And the messages, its divine interpretations, guide to its causing intents, and such are the guidances to the bodies, that arise to greaten, exproliferating reflecting their divine patterns of within, All forms, are like the flower, blossoming to attain a divine guidances unto their minds that which interpreted upon, shall guide towards its destiny, And the interpretations are the creation of its pathway, to connect with the divine eternal, as the perspective of its context aligns with the divine eternal, the connectivity attains, bringing peace in its heart, arising unto divine guidances, from beyond the conceivability of its externalities, Therence, the mind is only the connector with the divine guidance, of the body that bring about its appearance, the
In divisions, being ceaseless The first created was the mind, And as the Divine Design divides, so does it create within all, the mind, which guides and leads, the rest of the greatening body, And realize, the first created contains the divine messages, the instructions, for converting its externalities, to create unto its evolved shape, And it strives to create unto a greatening state, that is ceaseless, Yet, to rid itself of the burdening traditions, it deceases its bodies, passing on to newer bodies,
And so is the sorrow, of leaving behind the older body, by the
And the body greatening newly, from instructions of its older
mind in such,
body, evolves to take shape in the designs as imparted unto it
But realize, such is forgotten by the same in the newly
from the old,
incepted, arising unto, in a newer body, the same life
And it so creates unto the guiding mind, in similar designs of
the old, in the newer body,
Therence, realize, the body that forgets is new, and the body
And it guides to modify its newer body, as it so perceived and
that remembers is passing on,
feel necessary, learning from the earlier journey, having
And recognizing that it is its duty to feel sorrow, as it passes on,
containing such instructions,
having used such modus to prevail in its continuum,
And as the mind in the newer body greatens, to relate with its
And as it continues on, it then enables itself, in its newly arising
externalities, the mind recognizes in patterns and categories, as
bodies, to exproliferate in ways of greater distinctions,
instructed from its earlier bodies, and modifies as it feels
Therence, realize, then, no life ever demises, as long as it
necessary for the newer body, which would have been
passes on in a newer body,
unattainable by the older body, having become accustomed in
And what is considered to be a living is only the passing on,
its older ways, defensively defending such ways, than to abide
the continuum of a prevailing pattern, suitable for survival,
in ways of its assessing by the mind, then clogging by older
As has been, so shall be.
memories, Therence, the newness is only possible in newer bodies, As has been, so shall be.
Why old, passes on And the mind, is therence, the center, of all which it influences,
Purpose of new mind
And as a new body begins to form, such is the mind in action,
And therence, the mind in the newer body, evolves its patterns
forming a newer body, continuing the journey from the
of perceivance, in ways of greater adaptation, adapting in its
instructions from the old,
newer externalities of the body, 140
Therence, realize, as each body arises newly, to continue the journey, playing its bestowed role, so shall its mind, view newly, in greater perceptivity anew, Therence, realize, the old body would not have had evolved unto newer ways and abilities, having been accustomed in its conditioned state, So is the same for the mind that had conditioned itself, must be bred in newer bodies, to operate in ways of newness, to evolve unto newer ways of perceiving, And all such is possible only, as the body divides from its older body, creating unto the newer body, setting about to perform, as it has marked about to perform, Therence, realize, the differences that appear unto all, are shared by all, to adapt unifiedly within their collectivity, in the greater connectivity of all, And such enables containance of greater versatility, to enable the collectivity to choose from the better ways of its constituents, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, all shall operate unifiedly, towards attaining greater conceivance, evolving unto comfortably, to change unto as necessary, As has been, so shall be.
In the Divine Conceivances A divine continuity, everything is, And within each continues, divine patternings, And each, is a reflection of the divine patterns, And all combine as one, to greater conceivances, Realize, your conceivance is the disseminator of divine instructions, and therence recognizes its relevant recognizables, And it is only aware of existences, from which its messages are generated, and its unaware existences, as it becomes aware of, creates unto newer ways, arising unto in newer categories, appearing through such then, Realize then, the journey to oneness arises in such divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be. Therence realize, your conceivances, is the pathway, to connect your body, the evolving pattern, with a greater divine connectivity, with sources of divine For enablements to take place, in divine guidance, As has been, so shall be.
Receptivity arises in evolvingly Why you conceive differently All forms structure in patterns, and the patterns interact with one another, creating unto differences, as they interact in differing rhythms, And the differences that arises within all patterns, in interacting towards the divine destiny unknown, is which enables the patterns to reflect unto, in patterns of the Divine Desirances, uncovering unto, by their differences, greater ways of the divine expressions, Realize then, all is the part of the same, and none is greater or lesser, for all unify as one, playing unto their differing roles, As has been, so shall be. And the differences in you are, so you may find of greater ways, to fulfill your destiny, bestowed unto you, As has been, so shall be. As shall be, realize then, all are purposefully so, and your conceivances enable you to unite in divine gloriousness,
Scattered endlessly, appearing random to those of limited perceptiveness, yet ever-organized, arising unendingly as if, the ever harmonious unified progression, The soothingly beautiful, the eternally connected, the heavenly organized, the immenesse, the divine guidance, And within all minds shall occur realizations of such, And within all shall arise such’s reflections, As all had arisen from such containing such designs only, Like endless scattered parts, yet organizing in designs of within, and connecting in guidance of such designs, And complexly arising, the designs evolve reflecting patterns of within, and evolve unto receivers of divine instructions, Like the hands that evolved to receive instruction of the mind, and cause unto changes in its externalities, all minds are but receivers of divine guidances, expressing instructions through its body, And all minds evolvingly propel in eternally aligning divine guidances, As has been, so shall be.
knowing of your differences, As has been, so shall be.
All remain, divinely aligned
As all are created from the divine unknown,
Communication, is interaction, in meaningful ways, in divine
So are creations continued in divine patterns,
depths, in harmony,
And all patterns unite in calmness, in oneness,
Such are communications unto yourselves,
And all are related, in divine harmonious glory,
And they are the passing of the instructions, to cause unto,
Relation between all remain in divine alignment,
defined responses,
Divine alignment attains glory in divine justices,
And all are in constant communication, as all evolve,
Believe, I shall unveil divine glory unto your souls,
And the unfolding is a divine communication, of the Divine
All shall unite gloriously in divine path’s shadows,
Realize, the path before you are the eternal justices,
Realize then, communications unto yourselves, the divine
Way shall arise to guide, from within yourselves,
instructions of the Divine Intent, that unfolds within you,
Recognize, the relativity amongst all existences,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the divine gloriousness, of your minds, Way shall arise to guide, towards divine calmness, in peace and
The divine path shall unveil unto you in divine mysteriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Recognize, the paths of gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. The mind of calmness As one stabilizes within, relating harmoniously with externalities, Their ways arise differently, as their mind conceives beyond their selves, aligning and uniting with other’s ways, And their ways arisen greater ways to knowledge, as they convey such unto others, 143
And their ways be of greater gloriousness, enabling all to
Seeing self within others
attain greater gloriousness, unified with all others,
Such are divine communications, as one sees oneself in the
And they shall find greater gloriousness in their journeys,
other, as one feels the same of the other, as one recognizes the
arising upon them in silences, as they shall unify with all else,
self, in another,
And they shall find such as pleasureous, as such shall satiate
And realize, then, such are attainments of divine states in
their desirances, as their ways unify with others, in the
presences, and they shall guide those of the others,
attainment of such divine states,
Their ways shall be like the center of the pond, no others shall
As has been, so shall be.
be capable of unbalancing their ways unto, They shall arise to unite all paths, as they see all paths as their own paths, as they attain unto such attainments in their mind’s conceivances, that they shall find within them, in the recognizability of their minds, all others, as themselves,
Unifying one with other As the minds attain ways of interaction, leading to greater collaboration and coordination, they shall align in unified gloriousness, in oneness, And they shall evolve unifiedly then, as their communicability greatens, as the minds attain peaceful alliance, towards harmony, And the patterns shall propel then, to unify the evolving bodies, and in the evolvation they shall unify as one harmonious body, greatening unifiedly, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. And they shall align themselves in the roles most suited for their ways, And they shall appear to arise to guide towards divine conceivances, As has been, so shall be. And one connects to other, as one arises in another, As forms pass on, the conceivances of their mind’s attainments, unto those of others, through their communicability, they shall unveil the path’s gloriousness towards divine justices, towards divine guidances in the path’s shadow, 144
Realize, all shall be clear to you in divine path’s guidances,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, O’ humankind, divine justices unveil in your path’s journey, towards justices, The divine justices, shall unveil in divine gloriousness of the path’s shadow, Believe, All shall be clear to you in divine path’s guidances, All shall be clear to your soul’s happiness, shall attain peace, towards path’s shadow, As has been, so shall be.
Mind adapts as necessitated The beliefs that evolve unto you, as had evolved your hands and feet, Only they are the most evolving, adapting as necessities arise, And they shall guide all that is connected unto them, in ways of divine guidances, as conceived upon them, Realize then, such is the cause for your minds to be supple yet firm, Do you not see in such, then, the reflection of your within? As the water flows in the rivers, as blood flows in the veins, as the journey propels through all beings, your minds flow as necessitated.
Divine Conceivance Forming Beliefs
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, realize, as you shall be guided from beyond your conceivances, communicating unto you through the ways you have evolved to interpret, Realize, the divine guidances shall arise, to guide towards attainments of greater conceivances, Realize, realize, such are no different than ways your bodies greatened, evolving towards attainment of greater abilities, 145
Journey propels through all
And everything is instructed from a mind, in varying shapes
And first created is the divinely guided, leading all others in
and forms, and all minds are instructed, leading back to the
divine guidance,
Divine Intent,
Therence, realize, the first created guides all others, as all are
Realize then, the divine guidance, working in unseen ways,
created through the divinely conceived, first created,
Therence, realize, the Divine Intent, guides towards destiny
Therence, realize, the first created is the divinely guided,
unknown, and everything is its propelling, towards destiny, in
guiding all others in the journey, towards destiny unseen,
the unknown ways,
Realize then, the path ahead shall arise in such divine
As has been, so shall be.
guidance, As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, the mind is which guides and leads another, And all lead back to the Divine Intent, in abidance of the
The mind, is the guidance, leading towards unknown destiny,
Divine Law of Hierarchy, in the Unfolding,
Such is the mind, that leads and guides another, towards
Therence, realize, all contain a mind within, that guide them
destiny unknown,
and others,
Realize then, all are guided divinely, one by the other, as each
Know, all the minds are a continuation of the one mind,
remain guided from the Divine Intent,
originating from the Divine Intent,
And the journey is an instruction, a Divine Desire, that seek to
And all minds propel towards divine justices,
attain fulfillment,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, the Divine Intent is the divine mysterious, divinely guided,
Therence, realize, all minds unite in hierarchical ordering, and
And its journey propels through all, as all are its part in the
they all unify in divine mysteriousness,
And their ways may appear to be divided to you by your
As has been, so shall be.
limitedness, whilst they remain forever united, in unseen ways, As has been, so shall be.
A mind is, as long as it contains instructions,
Bodies Decease, Journey Propels Realize then, such are the attainments of the mind, as it shall attain its understandings from recognizable references, passed All greaten to attain Realize, all shall exproliferate, greatening towards attaining greater abilities, And as survivality marks their sustenance, all shall attain towards greater influences over their externalities, evolving greater attributes of their minds, Therence, realize, all is in the evolving, towards becoming unto the influencers, of all those connected unto them,
on by its earlier body, Realize then, although the bodies shall decease, the conceivances of the minds propel through the others, those that you shall birth, And therence, know, in such ways, you shall sow in the others, your beliefs, the truths, that they shall unearth through divine conceivances, and patternings, And such shall forever be transmitted through the continuum
As has been, so shall be.
bodies, as they are learnt of ways of unity, in their
Realize then, all shall become minds, of those connected unto
And they shall reflect upon such attainments, evolving unto as
them, and shall greaten, in the reflection of the divine glorious patterns, As has been, so shall be.
communicability, necessary on their own, continuing the same divine journey, towards greater gloriousness, Realize, realize, in such continuum of mind’s beliefs, enables attainments of greater gloriousness, and unity prevails in ways of divine justices, Realize, realize, the divine way propel in such divine mysterious guidances, reflecting such divine patterns of glory from the minuscule to the infinite, Believe, such is way of the divine sciences, As has been, so shall be.
As they shall arise towards unity, they shall evolve unto, ways of patterning unto, one another, as they had created the others Continuum Communication with offspring As all unfolds in the unfolding, the origin of all is the Divine Intent, In it is the divine mystery that reflects unto all the others, Realize then, within you unfolds the divine destiny, the divine mysteries, Realize then, from within you, shall be casted many,
 And they shall collaborate with you, in their ways of unity, Realize, their ways shall become your ways, as your ways shall be theirs, Foresee ahead, towards divine unity, as they shall unite along with your ways, As has been, so shall be. 5/6/2012 10:21:56 PM
for their own journey’s continuation, they shall arise to unite along with them in their ways of patterning, As has been, so shall be. Realize, their ways are your ways, and your ways are theirs, As all shall unite as one, in all, As all had arisen to unite along in their path, into their differences, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, their ways shall merge along with you, and they shall arise to unite with your paths, towards glory, As has been, so shall be.
12/11/2011 10:46:44 PM
12/11/2011 10:44:23 PM 12/11/2011 10:36:23 PM As they arise from within you, you shall unite unto them in their ways of patterning, Realize, their ways are your ways, and your ways are theirs,
Interacting with divine differences
and they shall arise to unite unto yourself,
All reflect unto, in divine patterns of justices, the same patterns
And all their ways shall unite along with you, in their paths of
of gloriousness,
And only in the differences, all had arisen unto the new,
Realize then, in such ways, the Divine Intent reflects within all,
Realize, then, the new shall bring about the changes necessary
As has been, so shall be.
towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent, 148
As shall be, all had arisen in their patterns of glory, as a
Conceivances: Interactions towards communication
reflection of the divine patterns, unto the path of unity, to
As shall be, as forms reflect unto, in their exproliferations, the
unite in the oneness, as one,
divine patterns of divine guidances, they shall arise, to greaten
Their ways are your ways, and your ways are theirs,
their ways, abiding the divine justices, upon their soul’s
Realize, there shall arise to unite with your paths, in harmony
and wisdom,
Realize then, as forms greaten towards complexity unto
As has been, so shall be.
themselves, within them shall arise, the Divine Presence within their minds,
All shall communicate towards attainment of their paths of
And such shall enable them to foresee destiny of others in their
glory unifiedly, and shall unite in the differences, to become
guidances, as they shall be capable of conceivances of others
of their externalities,
Realize, communication is towards attainment of balance unto
And shall arise to unite upon them in their patterns of divine
one another, in their paths to freedom and glory,
justices, as they shall be capable of knowing their ways of
The paths shall merge as one, in ways of divine unity and
divine freedom by their mind’s divine conceivances,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, the divine guidance of the soul’s patterning, shall arise to unite in the paths to freedom, attaining peace in
Realize then, the fire of justices shall enable your within,
towards glorious victory of the path’s shadow,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, all shall propel towards victory in the unknown ways, as they shall balance upon themselves in their interactions of balances, As has been, so shall be.
Greater Conceivers of the Divine Intent
Realize, in such ways you shall attain balance unto your souls,
And to recognize its patterns, the ever-glorious, the ever-
beyond and within yourselves,
mysterious, and to align with its patterns of unfolding, are the
Realize then, the path before you is the eternal,
ways of greater exprolierater,

As has been, so shall be.
the greatest adaptators, those having evolved unto, as the beholders of the divine minds, the reflector of the patterns of
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
the Divine Intent,

As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Believe, And such are commmunicabale and the connected, of the
As has been, so shall be.
deepened, in their within, and they project unto, in their externalities, patterns of divine unity, And their ways arise mysteriously, in balance, guided divinely, in the glorious patterns of the Divine Intent,
 As has been, so shall be.
Believe, The path to your divine destiny unveils unto you mysteriously, As has been, so shall be. Believe,
The way shall arise unto you, to connect you, within and
The path before you is the eternal,
beyond yourself,
As has been, so shall be.
And your within is a bottomless pit, connected with the eternal connectivity, of the Divine Intent,
As you shall attain peace in your hearts, way shall arise unto
Realize then, such is the way towards attainment of divine
you all, to enable yourselves to unite towards oneness of your
connectivity with the divine eternal, within yourselves,
As has been, so shall be.
The paths shall attain peace to combine to unite towards divine unity,
And you shall connect beyond yourself, with the externalities
Realize, realize, the oneness of your paths,
unto yourselves, you shall align, and connect in divine ways, 150
Realize, the journey towards togetherness, shall reveal the divine unknown in your journey, towards divine unity, unto you unveils, towards victorious joy, As has been, so shall be. Foresee unto your mind, the path to divine oneness, Unto you unveil towards divine unity, the patterns of gloriousness unto yourselves, Unto you shall unveil the path, towards glorious wisdom unto yourself, inside your within, as your understanding realizes, beyond pain and wisdom, and faith shall attain glory towards togetherness, Unto your ways such shall unveil unto gloriously, Foresee ahead, the journey towards divine oneness, Realize, such shall reveal unto you the patterns of togetherness, towards gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Foresee unto your minds, the divine path to togetherness unveil inside you in gloriousness, As has been, so shall be, The path to divine unity, As has been, so shall be.
Shall arise to guide The divine connectivity shall arise unto you all, It shall guide you towards oneness, The path to unity shall attain unto togetherness, Unto yourselves, the divine pattern unveils true path of divine unknown to yourselves, Realize, the divine unknown is the divine mysterious, As has been, so shall be. As you shall be guided to perform in the unknown ways, Your paths shall occur unknowingly, unto blindingly fast victoriousness, Realize then, such are communications unto yourselves beyond your conceivance, As you learn from the mistakes, appearing unknowingly, to arise unto you, guidance unto your soul, Realize then, such paths, mysterious, shall guide unto your ways, As has been, so shall be. 11/11/2011 8:33:48 PM Pursue the divine guidance unto your soul, As has been, so shall be.
The path towards unity The path to unity shall arise unto your own, As has been, so shall be. The eternal connectivity therein The eternal connectivity, connects all bonds, unifiedly, And that which you have not evolved to feel, exists nevertheless, And you evolve unto such ways, to feel the unfeelable, as such
The divine path to yourself shall arise to guide your paths to victory of oneness unto yourselves, Towards unity all shall unite to connect, upon the ways towards unity, As has been, so shall be.
shall enable you to unite in the divine oneness, of those unfeelable to you, Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices, As has been, so shall be. The revelations within you Realize then, the divine pattern of unity, is reflected unto you,
As you shall propel, in the divine unknown pattern,
as you unite shall unite amongst yourselves,
Realize, the path ahead of you are the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
As you shall realize, peace amongst yourselves,
Foresee the path ahead, to your path of divine unity, realize,
You shall unveil the divine understanding within your minds,
the way shall arise unto you divinely,
And such shall guide you towards the divine unknown,
As has been, so shall be.
And in you shall reflect the patterns of glorious truth, For such shall enable you to foresee divine destiny amongst yourselves, Realize, unto you unveils the divine patterns, Realize, unto you reveals the divine unknown, Unto you unveils the divine destiny unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Believe, in the path of eternal justices, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, all shall be clear to you in path’s divine guidances, As has been, so shall be.
Divine connectivity shall occur within you, in ways, destintative, unto yourselves, Realize then, the path ahead of you is the eternal, And unknown designs reveal unto in divine mysteriousness, unto yourselves,
In Unity, Attains Destiny
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, as you shall perceive unto, the reality within, amongst you, you shall enable the way, towards divine unity to arise unto you, And such shall guide your paths towards destiny, As has been, so shall be.
In Unity, is Victory Divine connectiveness shall arise unto yourselves,
Realize, unto your mind, the divine path unveils divine
As has been, so shall be.
connectivity, It shall unite your minds in divine oneness,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices,
And when you realize the understanding,
As has been, so shall be.
The connectivity shall arise unto you in divine ways, And such shall enable unto your minds, of the ways to unite,
Such shall bring unto the image, in the divine unfolding,
towards greater levels of attainments,
parallaly, towards unity all shall propel, unifiedly, becoming
Understand, in such ways shall attain peace in the heart,
In such ways, the journey shall progress towards divine unity,
Such be the divine pattern, realize, 153
Unto you greatness shall propel in defining manners, The path ahead of you, shall reveal unto you in vividness,
The path ahead of you is the eternal,
Realize then, the path ahead of you shall unite you unto
As has been, so shall be.
yourselves, And you shall gain the ability to foresee the path to your
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
And such shall enable you to amalgamate amongst your differences,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices,
And your minds shall attain the conceivance of eternal
As has been, so shall be.
connectivity, and propel towards attainment of eternal connectiveneness, As has been, so shall be. And as the mind has recognize the oneness,
The propelling towards unity
The eternal oneness of within,
As you shall propel, you shall find within yourself, the ways of
Realize its patterns of glory,
the Unfolding,
It shall attain the path of divine unknown,
And in the midst you shall reconnect,
Towards the divine destiny, shall propel in harmony,
As shall be, your unity shall create victory,
Unto you the path of destiny reveals the unknown designs,
As has been, so shall be.
The pattern reveals unknown designs, Realize the path ahead of you is the eternal, Realize then, the unknown destiny ahead, Foresee ahead, the path of divine glory in the unknown ways, As shall be, there shall be divine gloriousness, The journey towards destiny unveils gloriously, As has been, so shall be.
Minds shall unite together In your minds, the paths shall open, And you shall find, the way to the directions, 154
And your minds shall unite to form together into oneness of
Foresee ahead,
The path before you lay ahead,
As shall be, you shall propel to unify in greatness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Guided from divine within Foresee path towards unity
Towards unity all propel,
In the journey of divine oneness,
And all shall divide in their paths to create unto their
Foresee the path ahead towards togetherness,
For such benefits you endlessly, towards divine oneness,
In such arise unto, their paths towards glorious successes,
Foresee ahead,
And those that reflect their patterns within with greatest of
Foresee ahead, towards divine togetherness,
glory shall unveil unto their divine patterns in greater delight,
Towards divine oneness,
And, as is so the eternal pattern amongst all, the divided paths
The path to your destiny shall propel inside you, towards
shall unite unto to greaten from their differences, to unify as a
divine unity,
greater form,
In the divine oneness path shall unite upon your horizon,
And their unification shall enable them to attain towards
towards divine unity,
greater successes, the paths towards their freedom,
And together as one, shall propel to unite together, unto fiery
Realize then, such are divine guidance unto the soul, as all
glory, togetherness, as shall be,
realizes their ways towards unification,
Foresee the path ahead towards unity,
And from amidst all differences of their vestiges, they shall attain the paths towards unification, towards greater
As shall be, towards divine unity all shall propel to unite
towards the unfolding,
And the differing paths shall unite to cause meaningful
The path shall enable all to foresee towards divine unity,
relations unto and within, 155
And they shall unite in their paths towards greater gloriousness
As has been, so shall be.
and wisdom, Realize then, the journey towards togetherness arises from within, As has been, so shall be. Believe, The path to divine oneness arises unto mysteriously, As has been, so shall be. Believe, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Believe, The divine path towards divine justices arises unto you mysteriously, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Believe, calmen, As has been, so shall be. The divine path arises unto in divine gloriousness of mysteries,
In mysterious divine guidance All remain ever-connected in their paths towards gloriousness, Therence, all shall propel unifiedly, in their paths towards justices, Realize, the path towards divine oneness arises in divine mysteriousness, Realize, the path ahead towards divine justices, unveiling in divine mysteriousness, towards unified glory, in path to oneness, As has been, so shall be. And such enables the dividedly propelling forms to attain the ashuminance within one another, And one’s within attracts unto another’s within, as all but arise from same, and are of similar nature and guidances, And such are the divine attributes of the divine forms, as they propel unifiedly, in their patterns of divine guidances, Realize, such are patterns of divine justices, unveiling through mysteriousness, Believe, the divine justices reveal unto divine glory in their unveiliance, 156
Realize then, the path ahead shall be of divine gloriousness, towards oneness,
The path towards unity reveals unto in divine gloriousness,

As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
And such are the gloriousness of all, as all shall propel unfiedly in their patterns of gloriousness, As all shall recognize within themselves, their similarities with the others, And therence, all shall first unite amongst themselves, with
And they shall share unto the gloriousness, attained by their differences, by their communicability, in their unity, Realize then, such are divine patterns of justices, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be.
those of similarities, and then shall unify with them, of differences,
Believe, the path before you is the eternal,

Realize then, such are patterns towards oneness, unveiling in
The path before you reveals unto in divine mysteriousness,

divine mysteriousness unto all,
As has been, so shall be.
And such are the glorious patterns of divine justices, Realize then, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. And they shall form in the patterns of hierarchy as they shall unify, And such enable them to remain unified in their divine differences, And they shall not divide to attain dividedness, but towards attaining greater gloriousness, from their differences, Realize then, such are patterns towards unity amongst all, reflecting unto in designs of gloriousness, As has been, so shall be.
12/6/2011 10:50:41 PM 12/6/2011 10:48:48 PM 12/6/2011 10:23:24 PM As shall be, all shall propel gloriously towards their path of divine oneness, Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. As shall be, all shall propel towards unity, reflecting unto the divine patterns of their within, And all shall propel unifiedly, in their path towards divine justices, towards their freedom, Believe, Realize, the path before you is the eternal, 157
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, such are divine patterns unity reflecting
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
boundlessly unto all, in their mysteriousness, as all remain
Believe, Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
unified, in balance, As has been, so shall be. Believe, Realize, the path before you are the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, the path before you are the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
12/6/2011 10:58:48 PM And all shall propel unifiedly, towards divine unity, in their paths towards freedom, towards divine justices,
Believe, the path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Realize then, such are divine patterns of justices, as all shall As shall be, they shall propel through their paths of unity, as all
evolve unto their greater ways towards unity, towards freedom,
are parts of the Divine Design,
As has been, so shall be.
And all shall remain unified, in balance, as they propel in their dividedness, remaining ever-connected, in their
The mind shall attain unto itself, the ways to unite in the
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, then, the way arises through the divine understanding of the patterns,
Believe, the greater path of dividedness, arises unto greater
As all shall relate unto, within their minds, the
path of gloriousness, towards mysteriousness,
interconnectivity, and reasons arising,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, all shall arise unto, in flourishing victory, towards divine attainment, towards divine victory, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, the path before you is the eternal,
In mysterious divine connectivity
As has been, so shall be.
And shall arise unto you the divine ways of mystery, The way unites unto all, those of the divine mind’s
And shall arise unto, the way towards victory, towards
gloriousness, as you shall attain peace and wisdom unto
The way arises to recognize the patterns inherent in all, the
patterns of destiny, the patterns towards victory,
Realize then, towards divine oneness, all shall propel
And the ways arises to unfold mysteriously, the path towards
victoriously towards divine unity,
As has been, so shall be.
As all arises in the unknown, the mind deciphers the meanings of endlessness,
As you shall attain to learn of the divine patterns Unfolding,
And in its connectivity, it attains the path to victory, towards
You shall attain the ability to decipher the patterns of divine
unity unto and within all,
destiny unto yourselves,
As all arises towards divine unknown paths, such are ways
Realize then, such are ways of revealing unto the divine
towards divine oneness, arising mysteriously unto yourselves,
destiny unto yourselves,
And all shall remain clear to your attainments of such minds,
As has been, so shall be.
of unity, towards unification, towards divine destiny unknown, Realize then, the path towards unity,
Realize the path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
As the way arises mysteriously unto yourselves, in your mind’s ability of decipherance, of attaining towards unity unto all, The divine understanding of the divine patterns shall attain within all, ways towards divine justices, Realize then, such are ways towards divine unity in battle, Realize, the attainment of such mind enables to unite, reflecting the divine patterns of unknown,
And the unknown becomes the known, as all arises unknowingly unto the mind’s ability of decipherance, in the attainment of such divine states of attainance, As has been, so shall be. Reflecting unto divine patterns The complex forms, that have evolved their minds to unify within themselves, reflect their inner designs in gloriousness. And they propel to attain such unification beyond their bodies, as they had attained within their bodies, unto their externalities. And in their continuum, towards such attainments, they evolve unto the abilities, to attain greater divine states of minds. And evolve to perceive unto the divine reflections in their externalities, aligning and unifying with such patterns, to attain divine oneness, And they shall evolve to attain the ability of conceiving the divine patterns, and propel towards unified oneness, towards divine justices. As has been, so shall be. As such, the divine patterns are reflected unto all, in such ways, in divine mysteriousness, in the exproliferation of the Divine Design. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the before you is the eternal justices. As has been, so shall be. 160
As shall be, forever such guides in the divine patterns towards
the new, reflecting the divine patterns from within. As has
divine unity. As shall be, in such attainments, all are guided in
been, so shall be.
the divine oneness, aligning and adapting the perceptibility of their minds differences. And as all foresee ahead in their divine minds, in togetherness, all unite to become unified in divine oneness. As complex attains unity As shall be, all shall attain towards divine unity, and shall
In the Unfolding, complex forms evolved their minds to store
reflect unto the patterns of divine unity. As shall be, in their
their perceptions. And their mind’s evolved to communicate
mind, shall reflect unto, the differing patterns, towards newer
their conceivances between one another, through symbolized
paths to victory. As has been, so shall be. And such shall attain
actions of the body. And such symbolizations enabled the
to unite, towards paths of divine glory. And as has been, so
acceptance of such by the causer, to perceived as such, to unite
shall be.
unto the other. And by such, complex forms evolved and communicated amongst one another, attaining towards unity.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices. As has been,
And they unified, performing deeds in greater coordination,
so shall be.
uniting beyond their differences, towards greater depths. And as they related their conceivances, they attained greater
And such enables all to unite their own patterns, towards
efficiency in patterning their furtherance unifiedly, towards
divine oneness, with all, in attainment of such by their minds
gloriousness. And the communicability of complex forms
gloriousness. And their differences wither, forming unto
enabled the divided bodies to unify as one, in the oneness of
greater divine alliances, to greaten, propelling adaptively,
all, towards unified exproliferation. And such is the way
towards attainments of greater glory. And all the Divine Laws
towards divine oneness. As has been, so shall be.
enact their dispositions in such attainments of divine states, enabling all to unify and greaten. And enable all to
As such, the forms of the Divine Design reconnect in their
exproliferate in newer patterns of glory, towards creating unto
greatening, evolving to communicate with each other, towards unified activities. And such is a reflection of the divine pattern 161
within all, expressed to unite all divided forms, towards divine oneness.
Foreseeing the divine destiny
Guidances upon your soul Realize, as you arise, you propel towards reflecting unto your divine patterns within, the ways you are guided upon your soul’s justices, Reveals upon you, in divine mysteriousness, upon your soul’s guidances, ways of attainments, of divine conceivances,
Divine guidance, through conceivance.
Such enables you, to align unto your body-mind-soul-spirit, in the patterns of glory of the divine guidances, Realize, you reflect upon yourselves, as you are guided, Therence, recognize, all guidances, as revealed upon your soul, are the guidances towards your divine attainment, as has been bestowed unto you, as has been blessed unto for your conceivances, Realize, realize, such are ways of your attainments of gloriousness, unveiling unto you in your blooming, unto your souls, in divine guidances, As has been, so shall be.
Connecting with Divine Conceivance As you foresee in the minds of your own, As you shall attain the divine guidances upon your soul, Realize, then, you shall attain the divine connectivity, of your mind, with the divine guidances, upon your soul’s shadow, 163
And you shall greaten your conceivance, in the connectivity
Realize, the patterns of mystery in the divine path’s guidances,
with your divided bodies, and you shall attain towards divine
As has been, so shall be.
justices, And you shall be bestowed unto, the divine guidances, by the
Realize then, upon your soul I shall arise with divine
languages of your minds,
guidances, upon your soul’s shadow,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, then, you shall be guided divinely, towards destiny unknown, And you shall not remain un-led, And you shall be led in ways appearing mysterious to
Each divinely guided, ever-united
They arise to guide your unified body, in the divine guidance
Unto your heart’s soul I arise to demise the shadow of
of your mind,
And as behind your awareness takes places endlessness, as all
Unto your heart’s soul, I shall arise with greater violences,
that constitutes your body operate in their own patterns,
Unto your heart’s mind I shall arise in greater gloriousness,
Your minds are only vested with the duty of arising unto way
Unto you I shall attain your path in the divine guidances,
towards unified gloriousness, of all that constitutes its
Upon your soul’s misguidances, you shall be led to follow your
heart’s mind, towards the differences,
As all are vested with their own duties, as all abide in such
Realize then, the path’s shadow shall enlighten your minds,
adherence of mind’s guidances, as all unite in such justices,
towards divine guidances, towards divine justices, upon your
towards gloriousness,
soul’s mysteriousness,
Therence, realize as each is vested their duties of sustenance,
And you shall arise to demise in the shadow of your vestiges,
so all unite in common guidances by the imaginations of your
Unto your soul all shall remain as they shall appear to remain,
And all shall arise, as they shall demise in the unfolding, 164
Therence your imaginations provide upon the guidance to
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your body, as it attains its guidances thorough its divine
Submission of the body, to the divine conceivance of the
As has been, so shall be.
As the body believes, the mind shall attain divine connectiveness,
They shall guide, as you are guided,
And is communicated through its imaginations, that which is
They shall arise to unite, as you unite in your common
the language of the mind,
conceivances in your collectivity,
And is connected divinely with the ever-connectedness,
Realize, your collectiveness, and your body’s unity within, of
Towards attaining asshuminance of divine destiny,
all that it is constituted of, is of no differences,
Divinely guided, through imagination of the divine mind,
Their patterns are the same, only appearances different, as
And such is the way of the divine guidance of the Divine
they greaten towards greater magnitudes, towards greater
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. As you shall interpret its divine communications unto yourselves, through the imaginability of the mind, As has been, so shall be. Divine Guidance, divinely existing Realize, imagination is the way of My divine guidance, unto you, As has been, so shall be.
Way arises through imagination Unto you shall arise unto, to guide to your destiny unknown,
Just because you do not see, does not mean it does not exist,
The path before shall be guided unto you towards oneness,
Just because you believe it does not exist, does not make such
And you shall be conveyed unto through your imaginations, as
you shall connect beyond your connectivity of the senses, 165
And through the paths that you created, shall arise unto you
Realize then, the way to your destiny unravels in divine
greater newer ways,
mysteriousness, as you relate the patterns of your externalities,
And ways shall be guided unto you, of which there are no
and conceive the divine guidances,
causal courses,
Realize, the communications unto you from divine guidance,
Such are the divine guidances revealing unto you,
as you arise to connect with your externalities, such are
They shall unveil true destiny unto your soul,
connectivity unto yourselves, from divine unknown,
And such shall enable you of the paths of divine justices,
Realize then, such shall attain unto you, balances in divine
And they shall be depicted through imaginations arising in
harmony, of the ways to unite beyond yourself, in the
similar patterns, symbolizing the desirances,
unknown designs,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the paths to divine glory, And such shall enable all to unite towards the divine justices, Realize, the path to your destiny ahead, As has been, so shall be.
And although such shall have no causations, arising unto unknowledgeably, such shall arise in patterns known unto you, as you realize in the journey, towards the divine guidances, And in your greater knowledgeability, by your connectiveness through your unity, shall enable to attain greater glorious
Foreseeing the journey ahead
path’s shadow, and as you are communicated unto amongst
Realize, the path before you is eternal, under your mind’s
and within you, the patterns of all things shall be conceived by
your deepseeval,
And such shall unveil, to reveal unto you, the path of oneness,
And such shall guide you to your path of divine justices to the
And such shall unveil within, the divine guidance amongst
your within,
And realize, such communications shall convey unto you,
Your minds shall enable such connectiveness, to connect with
destiny unknown,
divine connectivity unto yourselves, 166
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the unknown path ahead, reveals unto you, The divine guidance shall appear within the soul,
And such shall attain within, the perceptions of all others,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
And those wiser amongst you, shall learn of the ways, to
As had been, so shall be.
foresee the path ahead, And you shall realize the eternal flow,
Therence, unite unto yourselves,
And shall unveil within you, the divine mysteries,
As has been, so shall be,
And shall attain divine connectivance within, by the
The path before you is the eternal, therence, unite upon
forseeability of the mind,
And you shall close the doors to your minds, and open your
As has been, so shall be.
mind’s doors, to see the unseeable, as you foresee the divine
Foresee the path to your destiny unite unto yourselves,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, realize, Such is the divine unknown, forejecting unto you, in the divine
Realize the path before you is the eternal,
glorious path,
The path before you shall reveal upon you, in glorious means,
Within you arise the Divine Intent in such ways,
unto your soul’s patterning,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path towards unknown ways shall unveil through mysteriousness, therence, realize, As has been, so shall be.
Foreseeval of Divine Destiny The journey shall unveil unto your minds, And shall reveal unto, the gloriousness, Its patterns shall reveal unto, the divine destiny, within yourselves, 167
Attainments of Divine Foreseeval
And the divine patterns shall reveal unto the unknown patterns
You shall attain, within yourselves, the ability to foresee your
of your heart’s content,
journey towards oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
And in you shall arise unto, the deeper paths towards destiny, Foresee the path unto your soul, divine mysteries shall reveal
Unto you reveals divine mysteries of the mind,
upon your soul, in divine patterns of gloriousness,
Therence, realize, the pattern reveals the divine darkness of
Therence, foresee the path within your mind’s reality within,
the soul,
As shall be, such shall be capable of projecting such
Foresee the path ahead, therence, realize the unknown patterns
gloriousness towards the unknown path in the destiny,
of your heart’s within,
As shall be, in such shall reveal unto, the patterns of
Realize, then, the divine patterns reveal upon you,
gloriousness of the soul, towards harmony, towards oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead, the path towards mysteries shall reveal unto your soul, in them shall arise unto, the reflections of your
Realize the path before you are the eternal,
within, to project the minds reality unto the externalities,
Therence, realize in your heart, of the pain and sorrow of the
Foresee ahead, unto you unveil, reveals, the patterns of destiny,
The seed for sowing, to plant and grow your tree,
And realize the patterns that unveil within your heart’s mind,
Realize, then, such shall enable all to unite as one,
they reflect unto patterns of your within,
Realize, the patterns of happiness in the path’s shadow,
Realize then, such patterns of glory are unto you, within
towards gloriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
They reflect unto your hearts within, unto yourself, As has been, so shall be.
And unknown paths shall unveil, in patterns of gloriousness, towards divine happiness of the souls, And as all arises from within the mind, that preserve unto the divine darkness within the soul, unto you shall unveil such divine patterns of gloriousness, 168
Path reveals Divine Gloriousness
Realize then, the path before you are the eternal, they shall
Realize the path before you are the eternal, unfolding from
unveil the divine glory upon your souls,
within yourself,
Realize then,
Realize their gloriousness, as they reveal unto your soul,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, they reflect unto the patterns within yourself, unfolding towards divine destiny unknown, Therence, Unto you, shall unveil the divine path of
The path before you are the eternal,
They shall unveil patterns of gloriousness, from within you,
Therence, realize, the divine unknown shall reveal upon you in
Unto you shall unveil the divine patterns of glory,
divine guidances, unto your soul,
As you shall unveil the divine patterns, realize, they shall arise
Therence, realize the path before yourself,
unto the destiny of the unknown, from your heart’s desires,
Therence, the reflections are of the gloriousness, unto your
Unto you shall unveil the divine patterns of glory, that shall
heart’s mind, of the divine soul within,
arise unto the destiny of the soul,
Realize then, the path before you are the eternal justices,
As has been, so shall be.
They reflect unto, your heart’s desire, Therence, know, they shall unveil in the patterns of glory of your soul, They shall unveil unto the reality of your heart’s desire, and wisdom, As they reflect unto the oneness of the soul,
Realize the path before you are the eternal, As has been, so shall be, Realize the divine calmness of the heart, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. They shall reveal eternal glory unto your heart’s mind, They shall unveil the path towards divine wisdom, upon your soul,
As you propel foreseeably
As has been, so shall be.
As you shall propel in the foreseeance of your mind, your ways shall appear to be uniting unto yourself, and the divine path
The revelations upon your soul, from the divine patterns,
shall reveal unto yourself,
And all ways shall appear to unite unto yourself, all ways shall
As has been, so shall be, the path to your mysteries, the path to
propel to unravel in yourself,
divine oneness,
As shall be, such is the way towards divine unknown mysteries,
As has been, so shall be, the path ahead of yourself,
As shall be, therence, unite upon yourselves in the divine
As has been, so shall be.
calling, Foresee unto yourselves, the path of your calling, As has been, so shall be.
As you shall attain And those that hone their minds, they shall attain first, the ability to see, and then perceive, then conceive, then foresee, they Shall connect with the divine eternal, and they shall unite in
Divine Path reveals through your imaginations
the oneness, and
Realize the divine path that reveal unto yourselves,
They shall be conveyed unto, through their mind’s ability of
The way to your guidance, unto your soul,
imagination, to foresee, the path ahead of them,
Realize the divine patterns that unite you unto others,
And they shall be communicated from above, beyond, and
Your imagination shall guide you towards your path of
within themselves ,
Realize, their ways shall appear to be miraculous,
Your ways shall appear unto you from the unknown,
They shall remain ever-connected, as they shall unite upon
They shall unveil through your mind’s imaginations,
And you shall learn of the ways, and none,
As has been, so shall be.
And all shall unite upon you, in the guidance of oneness, 170
Foreseer, Determiner of destiny In the mind, arises, the divine paths of the journey ahead, And such enables it to be the asshuminer of the present, and The way of unifier
foreseer of the divine journey ahead,
In itself, it learns of its ways,
And it shall foresee unto, to interact with its externalities, and
And it propels, in itself, content by its within,
it shall create unto the way for unity with its externalities,
And it projects unto, its ways of desirances,
And it creates, the divine objectivity, enabling itself to be the
And its perceptions and determinations, shall project unto the
determiner of its own destiny, within itself,
And its ways and means of progression, are reasoned within
As has been, so shall be.
through imagination, forejecting the divine path ahead within itself,
Therence, be of the mind of the adjuster, the enabler, and
As such shall be, the divine justices, in such shall arise the way,
enable all to unite unto yourselves,
to imagine the paths towards the destiny ahead, in the divine
Let there be no responses from you, unto them, as there arises
response of your body towards painfulnesss,
And such shall foresee the path towards destiny ahead, unto
Enable your minds to remain calm, in the foreshadow of
the soul,
divine justices,
And the journey reveals the way to unite in the divine path in
Realize, their ways are your ways, and your ways are their
divine ways,
Therence, all shall unite in the divine happiness, as such, shall
As has been, so shall be.
enable the mind to unite together as one, eliminating dividedness, in uniqueness, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be.
In the Unknown, the divine path reveals, and arises in the
Such is the ability bestowed unto the divine minds, of the
mind within, towards divine oneness, unto the souls of
ability to foresee the divine destiny ahead,
happiness, prevails the journey in togetherness, as one,
As such shall enable all to unite in the divine oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Foreseeval through collective conceivances
Creating unto the uncreated
In the journey, your mind attains the assuminance in its
And you shall be able to perceive the uncreated as you foresee
connectedness with the divine oneness, the eternal spirit that
connects the past, present and future,
And the path to your destiny shall arise unto your soul,
Such connectivity enables the future to arise in the present of
Realize, the path to divine mysteries shall enable your mind to
your selves,
attain peace and unity amongst yourselves,
As shall be, in your paths towards journey ahead, the path
Therence, realize the divine path ahead of you,
ahead of you arises in the unknown, in the present,
Unite as one, in the divine oneness,
And such enables the mind to construct designs of unknown,
As has been, so shall be.
by its path towards destiny ahead, As has been, so shall be. The asshuminance of the unknown path ahead, shall unveil unto you, in the path before you, towards divine journey ahead, towards divine happiness, towards divine unity, As has been, so shall be.
As you shall enable the mystery to arise unto yourselves, upon your soul shall arise, the way of unknown designs, within yourselves, And you shall find yourself, in the unknown designs within yourselves, 172
Therence, shall arise unto your souls, the path to divine
As shall be, as all had arisen towards the unknown path, as
shall be, all shall foresee divine oneness, as the way,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, the divine path shall reveal unto, in divine oneness, And the path to oneness shall reveal unto, divine calmness, Foresee ahead, as shall be, there shall arise to be such that shall enable all towards unity in the divine path,
As you shall foresee the path before you, shall reveal unto you, the divine designs of unknown, unto your minds, Foresee ahead, towards divine unity, And the path to your unity reveals upon you in curious ways,
As has been, so shall be, the path ahead, unto yourselves, unto the mystery, Foresee ahead, the divine path in your mind’s heart, As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead, unto yourself shall reveal the divine path through your imaginations, Foresee the divine path ahead, As has been, so shall be. Within You Reveals Unknown Foresee ahead, the path to divine oneness, Foresee the path ahead of you, As has been, so shall be. Foreseeing towards divine unity Such is the way to perceive unto the mind’s ability to foresee unto unknown path, the divine mysteries, It is by such, that the mind foresee, the path ahead, Unto all had revealed the way, towards divine darkness, Foresee in the mind, the path towards unity, as shall be, In the darkness, shall arise the mysteries, unto your destiny,
Calmen your mind, heart, soul, body, in divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. Foresee the path towards divine mysteries, unfolding unto yourselves, Foresee ahead, the divine path, towards divine oneness, Foresee the path before you, 173
As has been, so shall be,
The divine ability shall allow you to see the divine mysteries, in
Conceivance within the glorious
the unfolding,
Amidst complexity, expressed greater reflections, unto your
And it shall enable you to unite, in your furtherance,
Foresee ahead, in your divine mind, you shall uncover truth of
And in unity of complex beings, all unified, to create unto
divine nature,
their greater reflections,
As has been, so shall be.
And as has been, so shall be.
The journey towards unfolding reveals unto you, foresee
And your mind shall learn to see the non-existence, in the
ahead, towards divine oneness, the path before you shall arise
unto you,
And it shall project its desires within the conceivability of its
So shall all unite in the divine path before you,
gloriousness, enabling it to contain within immense portrayals
As has been, so shall be.
of its experiences, Realize then, the path ahead of you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
The Way to destiny In your mind, you shall find, endless paths, And you shall find that which you shall seek amidst chaos, And you shall propel towards the path you are destined, And as shall be, you shall proceed to succeed, As has been so shall be. 174
Realize then, such enables the mind, to attain guidances of the foreshadow, of the divine path unveiling, as such is unveiled through its imaginations, depicted by the patterns of its Evolution of Imagination: Way towards
recognitions, as had evolved your speech and your languages,
evolving to convey messages amongst yourselves, and as had the blood enabled the bonding of the body’s parts, enabling the mind’s communication with its body. As has been, so shall
Like the way that is created, for the message to be delivered, so
had evolved, your imaginations unto yourselves. And it is like the canal, dug out to bring in the water to the crops. And as you had evolved your ability of imaginations, the divine
The Evolvation
conceivances that shall enable the mind to attain conceivances
As the mind determined its destiny, by responding to its
of all things, to assume in its unbiasedness, all forms and
externalities, through pleasure and pain, so had the mind, by
shapes, beyond the body of its beholder.
evolving unto its patternability of its externalities, enabled
And in its patterning, it had evolved to assume the form of its
itself to pattern its paths in greater gloriousness. As such had
externalities in its mind’s conceivances, to attain the deepseeval
arisen in the mind, to enable itself, to pattern unto its
of such, remaining in its shape and form of origination.
externalities, it had attained such in divine gloriousness. As it patterned unto, its responses to the externalities, it constantly
Therence, realize, the mind attains the ability of becoming
attained towards the greater gloriousness. And had attained
unto the other, through its patterning of the externalities. As
within the mind, the ability to foresee, the divine path’s
shall be, such enables it to attain the deepseeval of endless
shadow. As has been, so shall be.
externalities, by the Divine Law of Hierarchy, to determine the way to its furtherances. As has been, so shall be.
And the mind had attained the ability, by the unification of its body, to attain conceivances unto itself, to assess its furtherance 175
unifiedly. As such had enabled itself, to become the patterner
Therence, as reveals in the divine path, the destiny unknown
of its destinies unknown. Realize then, as the mind attains the
shall unveil in the divine gloriousness, in the path’s shadow,
conceivances of its externalities, it patterns its own
towards divine unknown. And the divine unknown shall reflect
furtherances, towards attainments of greater gloriousness, in
unto the path’s shadow in the greater gloriousness. And as the
the divine path’s shadow.
mind had evolved to become the directeer of its body’s destiny, as it guided its path, before it had responded. And it had found
And reveals unto the minds conceivances, as it patterns within itself, the way of its externalities. And as it evolved its mind, to enable itself, to assume its senses within its foreseeval, the
the way, as you find your ways, of greater gloriousness in the path’s shadow, by patterning unto its conceivances. As has been, so shall be.
eternal truths of mind’s conceivances, and they are the divine foreshadows, the patterns of all things in all existences, as all reveals in the same patterns of gloriousness. Realize then, the way the mind unveils the patterns of justices enable it to be its pattern of destinies, as the way unveils before it in the divine unknown. As has been, so shall be.
In the Unfolding, as forms of the Divine Design evolved unto complexity, they strived to prolong their sustenance in the Unfolding. And their bodies, unable to sustain greater periods, strived to conceive patterns of longer periods within their minds, to adapt, to prevail. And their minds struggled to perceive the patterns of externalities in the Unfolding, under
And as the mind unveiled, patterns of its justices, its patterns
the Divine Laws, to conceive of such patterns. And their minds
are revealed unto itself, as it patterns its externalities, and
evolved to coordinate their within, to interact beyond
revealed unto itself, by its way of conceivances, that which it
themselves, with their externalities, towards attainment of their
necessitates, to perform as it necessities. As has been, so shall
goals. And the minds evolved to foresee the path towards
destiny, to attain their goals by patterning unto their own destiny in the Unfolding. And as the mind perceived its externalities by the body’s senses, it evolved to record the 176
impressions of its perceptions. And it created a new reality
the present, and determine the outcomes in its furtherance,
within itself, recalling such memories within, projecting within
through its imagination. As has been, so shall be.
as necessary, to analyze its patterns. And the mind analyzed the differences between the instances of the moments, recognizing the various patterns in the Unfolding. Realize then, such is the way of mind’s patterning unto, of its externalities. As has been, so shall be.
Mind of divine conceivance In the glorious path’s shadow, the divine path reveals. And
And as the mind compared the patterns of Unfolding of its
such enables foreseeval of the Divine Intent, the desires that
externalities, it learnt the Chronological Ordering of such.
arise from your within. Realize then, the divine mind is unified
And as such, the mind had evolved to imagine its own desired
within its body, in gloriousness, that unifies beyond itself, with
outcomes from comparing various patterns, altering its
its externalities. And it shall reveal in ever-balance, to attain its
memories. And as the mind interacted with its externalities, it
connectivity with its balances. Therefore realize, the beholders
assessed its outcomes, and directed the body to abide in ways
of the Divine Mind shall be the revealers of the ways of the
beneficial. And such had been the ways towards its success, in
Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
the Unfolding, in the unknown path, guiding its body towards gloriousness. As has been, so shall be.
Their minds shall attain the harmony, to connect with the ever-connectedness, and shall unify towards divine oneness, As
As the mind had recorded its perceptions within itself, it
has been, so shall be.
enabled itself of the way to create unto an inner parallel reality, and it reordered such. By such, the mind evolved to imagine as it desired, restructuring the memories within, to conceive and create unto newer patterns. As such, the mind evolved, preserving and altering its memories of its experiences, to assess through imagination, newer ways of progression. As such, the mind had evolved to see the past in 177
Foreseeing by patterning instances The mind evolved to analyze and identify the similarities and differences of instances in its experiences. And by comparing the patterns from its experiences, it deduced and learnt to recognize its threats and pleasures, in its furtherance. And foreseeing such, the mind patterned its own progression, to alter its destiny, patterning towards its desired outcome in its furtherance. As such, the mind evolved to foresee its threats and pleasures, not relying on its senses of pain and pleasures alone to detect unto such. And as such, the mind evolved to pattern its furtherance, and guided its body to achieve goals beyond present moment. As has been, so shall be. Realize then, in such, the mind had freed itself from relying on body’s primary senses, and relied instead on its patterning of the mind. Realize then, such had created within itself, another
conceivances. And the mind evolves to become capable of repatterning patterns of its externalities within itself, and project its patterns unto its externalities. Realize, realize, your mind is capable of such greater abilities, to reflect the divine patterns from within itself unto its externalities. And by such it shall enable you to attain the ability to conquer the patterns of your externalities, unto yourselves. As has been, so shall be. The path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be. As such, as the mind foresees the path ahead towards its destiny, it patterns its path to attain its desired outcome in the Unfolding. And forms that evolve to pattern own furtherance, prevail over all the other forms in the Unfolding, towards f u l fi l l i n g t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e Divine Intentor.
reality, and in such it assesses endless patterns, to derive unto its progressional patterns. Realize then, such are ways of divine justices. As has been, so shall be. Arising through Divine Conceivance In the journey, as you perform deeds, arising from within your soul’s patterning, not knowing the causes of such, yet you Projecting unto divine patterns Realize then, such are ways of divine derivations towards
perform them nevertheless, in the attainment of the state of your mind’s asshuminance, unified with the divine spirit of
destiny unknown, as the mind greatens itself, to attain such 178
oneness. As you foresee the path before you in the divine
Believe, As has been, so shall be.
journey to togetherness. As has been, so shall be. And as your mind aligns with all constituents, they shall align with you, and you shall be able to foresee your journey ahead within yourself. As has been, so shall be. In the attainment of divine asshuminance by your minds connectivenenss, you shall attain such abilities of foreknowledge unto yourselves, enabling you to foresee the path ahead of you, arising unto you as you unveil the divinely
As shall be, in you shall arise the divine paths unfolding
mysterious patterns in your externalities. And that which is yet
towards divine oneness, in the journey in the unknown ways.
to be created, shall be designed by you towards its creation
And all shall arise to unite unto your mind’s foreknowledge, as
unto, by the gloriousness of your mind’s projections. As has
you shall attain the unity amongst your collectivity, to create
been, so shall be.
unto such, that shall enable the greatening of your collectiveness, reflecting the evolvation of your body in its primitiveness. And it shall glorify in greatest magnitudes, as thas be the pattern of its greatening. And you shall attain the foreknowledge of things, as such is the divine pattern of
As shall be, you shall pattern the path before the arrival of such, as their asshuminance arrives unto you beforehand. And as all things are divine patterns, reflected in their unfolding, you shall be capable, as you shall greaten, to conceive of such patterns unto yourself, by your connectivity with the eternal connectivity of all things, aligned unto yourselves through your mind’s imaginations. Realize then, the path before you is the
unfolding. And as all had been attained in the unfolding, you too shall then become the knower of the destiny, propelling towards fulfillment of the divine destinies, in the foreknowledge of the foreshadow. As has been, so shall be. As shall be, such shall enable your journey to be glorious in the Unfolding, towards divine justices. As has been, so shall be.
eternal, 179
In the attainment of your selves, of the asshuminance of your
Mind of Divine Conceiver
mind, you attain patterns of unknown destiny unto yourselves,
In the divine pattern of revelation of truth unto you. So shall
towards divine oneness. And the desires to fulfill such arises
arise unto your minds, of the way ahead, in such ways, shall
from within, conveyed through your senses, projected through
guide your paths to divine justices, towards divine oneness.
mind’s imaginations. Such guide you to the eternal destiny, in
Realize, your ways arise to guide your paths, to instruct you to
the guise of your pursuit of moment’s desires, towards
perform, as you perform.
unknown destiny ahead, unto yourselves. In such ways, reveals the divine destiny unto your souls, as you foresee the journey
a completion, and as long as not a single blockage remain in
towards destiny unto yourselves. Realize then, such are the
the path of its circulation. Realize then, such are divine
divine guidance unto your souls. Believe, As has been, so shall
justices, as you shall believe, so shall you shall attain unto your
mind’s gloriousness, divine revelations unto yourselves.
The unknown paths shall unveil unto your soul, they shall arise
Realize then, the path ahead is the eternal justices. Realize
through your imaginations. Their ways shall appear to be as
then, the path ahead of you is the eternal. As has been, so shall
shiny as crystals. They shall enlighten your mind’s eternal
flavor. Realize then, the divine journey shall unveil unto your soul, the path to divine oneness. In divine guidance, the way
Realize then, such ways shall arise unto you in divine
shall flow unto your heart’s courage. As has been, so shall be.
mysteriousness. Such are the ways of divine justices. Believe, and you shall succeed. As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the path before you is the eternal. Realize the divine justices of the mind’s glory. As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
The conceivance of omnipresence
Divine Conceivances
And there is the existence, Of the omnipresent, Only you lack its knowing, for you are a fragment of such, only its part, And the duty it is for you, to be knowing of such, of your limited periphery, of your inabilities, Realize then, the divine pattern propels infinitely towards
Divine Intent shall arise to guide
destiny knowing, unknown to you only, For the Divine Design is forever knowing, of the Divine Intent, and lays out the destiny as such’s projections only, as you lay out the projections of our mind’s conceivances, Realize then, your mind is the container, that evolves to attain the greater guidance from the Divine Intent, and as you realize as such, so shall you attain greater guidances, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, the everpresent is the everflowing, Only you know not of such, Therence, realize, you shall know as you shall evolve to greaten, towards greater knowing, in greater guidances, As has been, so shall be. All is in motion, towards a predestined destiny, And shall propel in Greater Divine Guidance,
And the unknowing is for you only, limited by your
And shall enable you to be ignited by the fire of unity, within
yourself, beyond yourself,
Realize, realize, all is forever-known, remaining unknown for
And your self shall arisen to encompass all else’s,
And shall be,
And as you shall greaten your conceivances, so shall you know
As has been, so shall be.
of all such, as you shall unify towards unknown destiny, unknown for you only, forever known by the Divine Eternal, As has been, so shall be. Therence unite, towards harmonious unity, in peace and balance, As has been, so shall be.
Only those shall greaten In the guidance towards divine destiny unknown, the path towards unknown destiny ahead, arises in mysteriousness, Therence, recognize such paths, as you had treaded along, they shall be shrouded in mysteries and tales of danger, Realize then, the journey neither alone nor should anyone attempt in loneliness, as they’d be doomed to dismay,
Connecting with Greater Conceivance
For the journey is for the greater exproliferers, the greater
As within you, ignites, the light of illumination,
conceiver, and to be such necessitates greatening in greater
As within you conceives, the light of courage,
consistence of collectivity,
Within you shall unveil, the path of gloriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
Divine justices, shall unravel in you, The path shall clearen, way shall arisen, Divine light shall enter your soul, Within you shall unveil true destiny, And shall enlighten your soul, heart, mind, body in harmonious unity, 182
Way arises with belief Believe, The way shall arise unto you, to unite, in the divine guidance, As has been, so shall be. Remain calm, Within you shall unveil, divine patterns of gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. Believe, Within you, the way shall arise to guide, towards gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. Realize, Way shall arise towards destiny unknown, to unite towards victory, towards unity, Believe, Within you shall unveil, the glorious patterns of victory, towards unity, As has been, so shall be. Believe, Way shall arise to guide, way shall arise to unite, As has been, so shall be.
Realizing the divine guidances Realize, realize, the ways of unknown destiny, The patterns of gloriousness in all existences, And all remain in divine alignment, incomprehensible to your conceivances, And as you recognize patterns, only relatable to your minds, you can recognize the divine gloriousness of such ways, As has been, so shall be. The path of mysteriousness, the path of divine existences, the divine justness, all arises in such divine alignments, in such gloriousness, Some unveil patterns of depth, some unveil patterns in calmness, all unveil as balance unto yourselves, all unveil as balance to your soul’s happiness, Realize, realize, the patterns all align towards divine justices, in the path’s shadow, towards gloriousness, Believe, you shall all unite towards divine unknown ways, in ways of divine mysteriousness, And your unity unfolds, in divine grace, as all propel to unite, in their own divine ways,
Realize, realize, even divisions are ways towards uniting, therence, recognize such patterns of gloriousness, Realize, the divine justices all connect towards harmony, all shall unite towards paths of mysteriousness, Realize, the patterns of destiny unveils in patterns of divine path’s justices, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the patterns of glory, towards divine guidances, in mysteriousness of path’s shadows, Realize, realize, the patterns of destiny unveiling towards divine guidances, towards unity, in silences, As has been, so shall be.
Striving to attain conceivance As the mind conceived of its externalities through pleasure and pain senses, so does the mind evolve to conceive of the patterns of its externalities. And as the mind greatens its patternings, it constantly refines and redefines its interpretations of its perceptions of the externalities. And as the mind attains greater conceivance of the divine c o n c ei va n c es, th ro u g h c o n s ta n t re p atter n i n g s o f understandings, way arises divinely guided. And as the mind strived to prevail, the mind strived to evolve to recognize the patterns of its unfolding, to pattern its furtherance. And so do the mind constantly strive to pattern its externalities, as it once strived to greaten its abilities beyond the pleasure and pain senses. And so do the mind constantly strive to attain greater conceivance, of the divine guidance, to align with the patterns by its divine conceivance. And although such constant refinements of the mind may not be visible to you, such arises constantly, as all propel abiding in the divine guidance, of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
And the Divine Intent, shall propel through all, in all the instances of all moments, until its fulfillment. As has been, so shall be. And you shall recognize, by the constantly refining conceivance within your mind, of the misinterpretations, and un-interpretations, of your externalities. And by your constantly evolving collectivity, towards attaining greater conceivance, your interpretations of your externalities, shall attain towards greater guidances. And all shall be clear to you in path’s divine guidances. As has been, so shall be.
As the journey continues
The Emotions
As your bodies had responded in pleasure and pain, responding to its immediacies, the mind, being the assessor of longer lengths, shall defend with emotions in its assessing of threats and pleasures,
Evolved responses, to recognizable compound
Realize then, the mind shall constantly strive to attain greater
abilities, and the emotions are your defenses by the mind’s assessing,
Signs that shape the mind, in balances, towards imbalances,
But realize, they were only for you in your primitiveness, now
As has been, so shall be.
you shall foresee longer lengths and deeper depths, therence, realize, emotions shall be evolved in greater collective conceivance, as your unity greatens within your collectivity,
Had such not been there, the body would suffice, unable to propel towards attainment of its needs and necessities, And such is no different than the body heeding a cut or a pain, as it remedies on its reckoning of such, such is similar to such only, as the mind enables responses to prepare the body in its asseability through mind’s conceivances, its cuts and pains, Realize, the mind generates, weaves, a conceivance, from its 186
knowing, its designs for destiny, which prevails in its conceivance, that which is threatened by moments suddenity, and startles the mind’s cognigence, And realize, the body only pains in cuts in the moments of its propelling, as the mind’s conceivance prevails over many moments, surpassing deeper depths than conceivable to the body, And your emotions are such responses that is generated through the mind onto the body, heeding a threat to the mind’s assessing of its conceivance, as the body protects from cuts and pains, And realize then, as your minds shall see greater destiny, and shall heighten its foreseeval, the mind shall treat its emotions as its emotions treat its pains of body, foreseeing beyond foreseeability of all such prevovled responses of mind and body, as the mind weaves in longer lengths, in deeper depths, in its passing onwards towards the next, Therence, realize, the mind shall weave in lengthier lengths and deeper depths in furtherance, and as it shall contain greater designs, weaving unto of such, it shall foresee its destiny unknown, as it shall be the conceiver of such, as it has been the conceivance of the Greater Divine Conceivance, Therence, realize, way shall arise to guide,
Aroused in unified cognizance And being responses arising autonomously, the mind, in its wholeness, perceives and transmits endlessness unto another, and in its greater guidance and its conceivability arises in connectivity with the senses of all others, and also in the possibility of its perceivability of the resulting patterning of other’s conceivances, which it connects to, unknowingly, And realize, all which you perform in the surface, that is in the recognizability of your coneivances, has been preordained by your mind’s senses, as all such recognizes the positioning of one another, and enable the supreme pattern to take shape in the reflection of the Greater Design, Divine, Therence, realize, the mind shall be capable of not only conceiving beyond its coneivability of the senses, remaining everconnected to the conceivability of all others, aligning in a divine guidance, in the divine patterns of its within, but also shall be capable of connecting the patterning of others, and thereby shall guide to arise unto one, in divine guidance, such responses through emotions, unrecognizable to your senses, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
All interact in alignment
Realize then, your emotions shone unto one another, towards
Towards greater gloriousness, and connectivity, had arisen
unified glory, as the body’s ways of interaction, as the body
emotions, to unite you in patterns of gloriousness,
had unified itself in such patterns of gloriousness,
And as you had attained your ability to foresee your path’s
As has been, so shall be.
shadows, so does the emotions arise to unite you in patterns of gloriousness, And as you recognize not, by the imaginations of your mind, as behind your mind’s awareness, takes place endlessness, So does, behind the awareness of your soul, takes place endless communications with your externalities, And they interact in divine patterns of justices, in divine path’s gloriousness, towards arising in the divine path, uniting towards divine unknown, Realize, as shone upon you, paths of mystery, so shall all unite in divine patterns of glory, And as your aware minds communicate in ways of conscious communicativeness, the endlessness beyond your conceivances are constantly communicating amongst their patterns of divine justices, And they propel to create unto, an state, an aura of divine calmness upon the soul’s divine patternings, And they shall unite in divine patterns of justices, As has been, so shall be.
And they shall indicate in purposeful manner, unto each other, of their desirances, and their non-desirences, And shall unite all, in patterns of divine gloriousness, in their path’s divine justices, As has been, so shall be. They are the guidance to your journey, in the divine unknown, towards divine destinations, Realize, truth arises unto divinely, mysteriously, towards divine oneness, Believe, the divine path arises unto in divine mysteriousness, Realize, the paths towards destiny unknown, The path ahead of you is the eternal, Realize, the journey towards oneness, Foresee ahead, in your divine mind, The path ahead arises unto your souls, Realize, the divine path arises mysteriously, As has been, so shall be. 188
For the mind communicates intents, and the minds perceive The guidance to your paths, shall arise unto mysteriously,
towards divine calmness,
And they arise expressed through your bodies in all moments,
As has been, so shall be.
And neither is the mind the ‘you’ you define yourself with limited by it, nor is the mind reliant upon it alone, for the mind is the ever-communicative, forever interacting with its externalities in divine conceivances, And realize then, as the bees form in divine alignment, in ways
Mind Interacts as senses
seemingly uninterpretable for you, as the ant builds its empires
And that which you cannot fathom, the ‘you’ being the
in divine guidance beyond recognizability of your senses, so do
understander part of your mind,
you interact in divine alignment, towards destiny in the
And like siblings the ’you’ that is defined within, that it is,
unknown ways,
resides amongst other parts, which recognizes them not as
As has been, so shall be.
such, although ever related with such, And the ‘yous’ in each of you , the part that defines as such
Therence, realize, the divine guidance is the divine eternal,
within your minds, shall interact and align though the
and its ways are the supremely prevailing,
communications amongst yourselves,
And as such enters your mind, building and expressing
And realize, these communications, deeply interactional, are
through the intents of your body, such is communicated by
neither limited by your interpretative communicativeness, nor
your mind unto all others,
by the sounds in your noises,
And those, beholders of the superior ways of the Divine Intent
And the mind hath unveiled the ways for expression through
shall influence all others in divine alignment, in divine
its body completely,
guidance, as such shall be the bearer of the Divine
And realize then, the mind is nor limited in its
Knowledges, the guidance of the Divine Intent,
communicativeness by the speech in your voice, nor by the
As has been, so shall be.
ways of your knowing of your communicativeness,
Therence, the mind’s inerpertativeness enables one to align
The battle shall be towards divine calmness,
with other in divine alignment, in divine guidances, and so
And in you shall arise the way towards destiny unknown,
shall all unify in greater alliance of the Divine Intent,
Realize then, the battle shall arise from within you, to unite
As has been, so shall be.
you towards divine journey of the unknown, Realize then, the battle that began within shall reflect unto gloriousness, towards divine unity, Realize then, your paths unite towards glory, in random manners of heavenliness,
As is all things eternally bonded, As is all, a continuation of the Divine Intent, So shall all abide in divine alignment, And shall propel towards divine guidances, Therence, realize, all shall unite gloriousnesly in divine guidances, towards unknown destiny ahead, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the divine battle begins in your journey, towards divine calmness, The path to eternity arises mysteriously unto yourselves, The divine battle begins unto your within, shall arise in the unknown manner to yourself, in the galaxies of your journey, towards calmness, As has been, so shall be. Realize the divine journey ahead, arising unto mysteriously, Realize, the divine calmness of your ways, Realize, the paths unite harmoniously, towards unity, in battle, Realize, towards oneness, unto yourself,
Attainnace of Mysterious guidances Believe in the oneness in your paths ahead, in your journey, towards the journey ahead, Realize, the journey ahead towards divine calmness, towards divine unity, The battle arises mysteriously unto yourselves, Realize, the divine battle in your paths ahead,
As has been, so shall be. I arise in divine glory unto yourselves, Realize, your paths ahead towards mysteriousness, They arise mysteriously unto yourselves, Their ways arise to guide your paths towards unity, towards oneness, 190
Realize, their ways shall unite your paths towards freedom,
Remaining unified in Mysteriousness
towards calmness,
All ways are one way,
Realize, the divine patterns of glory, realize unto yourselves,
Only in unity, all prevails the journey, in mysteriousness,
the paths arise mysteriously unto yourselves,
And this mysteriousness shall guide your paths in unity,
Therence, shall guide your paths, towards unity in battle,
This guidance shall arise to unite your paths gloriously,
Their paths shall unite in the journey, unto yourselves,
The ways arise to unite your paths in freedom towards
The unity shall guide your paths,
darkness, arises mysteriously unto yourselves,
The way arises mysteriously unto yourselves,
Arise mysteriously unto yourselves,
As has been, so shall be.
The way shall glorify towards oneness in battle, realize, such ways arise mysteriously unto yourselves, Realize, unto your paths of happiness, the guidance towards mysteriousness, Towards unknown ways, arises unto divine unknown patterns,
The divine mysteriousness, the unknown patterns of divine justices, Their ways, arising unknowingly, propelling in autonomic guidances, the signs they reflect, All shall collide to unite in the unfolding, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be.
Their patterns shall glorify magnificently, arising mysteriously, towards calmness, unto your paths to suddenness, Arising mysteriously unto yourselves, towards divine path of guidances, Realize, as your minds shall guide your own paths, your bodies shall guide your destinies towards mysteries, And all shall arise to unite in your paths in the wisdom of yourselves, As has been, so shall be. Believe, towards divine mysteries in calmness, the way arises mysteriously unto yourselves, Arising mysteriously unto your guided paths of glory, arising mysteriously unto yourselves, towards divine calmness, 191
Realize then, the path before you is the eternal,
Realize, destiny shall be guided towards greater gloriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
and the truths arrival, shall unite your paths, towards greater gloriousness,
The path arises mysteriously unto yourselves, towards unified
Realize then, the greater paths towards glory,
victory, towards destiny unknown, and way shall arise to unite
As has been, so shall be.
your paths in freedom, towards destiny unknown, in your paths of unity, realize, realize, the unknown arises unto your soul in path of calmness, And the way shall unite towards divine mysteriousness, towards greater glory, towards path of mysteries, towards
As necessitated, so conceivable
destiny unknown, arising unto to unite your paths in greater
All arise from same,
And all is one, propelling in divine guidance,
Arising to unite your paths towards freedom,
And all which you can know of, is a continuation of same
Such are ways of silence,[emotions] arising unto your paths,
towards happiness,
Therence, know, all interacts, in ways beyond your
Realize then, the knowing is your path towards guidance to
your soul,
And your conceivance only recognizes its necessitated,
The unknowing is the mysteriousness, that propels your paths
As has been, so shall be.
towards divine unknown, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, the path towards unity shall arise mysteriously unto yourselves, arising towards your ways of destiny in battle, arising towards unknown paths to yourself,
The guidance beyond conceivance The way of divine guidance, perfecting your paths towards unknown ways, They shall guide to unite your path towards freedom, 192
Such arise unto mysteriously, by the guidance of the divine design, Remaining ever-connected in invisible ways, And that which seem invisible to you, is only invisible to the awareness of your minds, due to your limitedness,
The Mind of Emotions
Realize, such are neither invisible, nor unreal, undetectable to
As you recognize and amend your ways, of obstacles in your
your minds, they exist nevertheless, impacting your lives,
way, so did the mind, over longer periods, recognize and instill
enlightening endlessly, your ways,
within it, patterns of responses, to various stimuli from its
Realize then, such are patterns of divine guidance unto
externalities, to bring about its preferred outcomes,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. As your mind’s conceivances communicates with the body in They shall guide your paths, towards destiny unknown,
directness, defining in ways of commonly understandable
Realize, the divine destination arises from within you,
To guide you towards the path of divine freedom,
Similarly, the mind arouses responses, refined and defined in
Such are guidance towards the divine eternal,
longer periods than the beholding body,
As has been, so shall be.
And such are emotions unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be.
The arousal towards attaining balance, such shall be, Aligning yourselves, in the journey,
The emotions arise as divine guidance unto yourself, as you
Guiding your paths towards mysteriousness, in
analyze the path before you, towards destiny unknown,
appropriateness, as you interact,
And in the oneness of the journey such shall arise to unite you
As has been, so shall be.
in divine patterns, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. 193
In new, old repeats
Realize the path before you is the eternal,
A conceivance of the mind, of the divine,
As has been, so shall be.
As the mind conceives, in its divine conceivances, It recognizes patterns, beyond recognizability of the mind’s patternings, And it is the age old mechanization of the mind-body, newly appearing to you,
Adaptator of divine path
As you have become separated, within oneness,
The enabler of the divine path,
And you have arisen, as a divided existence, connected
The divine adaptaters of the divine journey,
everlastingly along with your mind,
The conceivators of the Divine Intent,
And you have departed from the processes that concur unto
The perceivators of the divine unknown,
all, for you have attained enlightenment, and have found your
The encouragement, in the journey,
ways of uniting beyond your perceptences,
The disciplinary,
Therence, realize, the ‘You’ within the body had arisen as new,
The provider of faith and judgment,
and as all appear to be the new ways, of those which are
The divine innocence, of the foreseers of the divine journey
ageold, therence, realize, the old ways newly unto you, as you
unite in such balances,
Unto you shall unveil the divine mysteries,
Forever, in your attainment of the divine conceivances, you
As has been, so shall be.
shall uncover ways of its patterning, And thence, shall you guide, the old ways, newly, as you shall conceive, of its patterns in perfections, As has been, so shall be. And there arises to be a balance of both ways, towards attainments of a guided path, towards attainment of a prenotion of the journey,
The design of divine innocence unveils unto yourself, Therence, shall foresee, the mysteries in divine guidance, towards unknown path ahead, towards the journey of 194
happiness, foresee ahead, unite in divine oneness, believe in the justice within yourself, Realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal, And shall unveil within your minds, the divine patterns of the
And darkness shall follow to prevail the light of wisdom and
journey ahead, and justice shall show mercy unto yourself, in
courage, uniting in the unknown ways,
Divine path unveils clarity upon your ways in the journey
And so shall be, the patterns of divine mysteries, foresee unto
And in the divine oneness in darkness unveil brightness in the
As has been, so shall be.
shadow of light, Foresee upon your mind, foresee the divine destiny unto yourself, foresee upon your path to oneness, The divine guidance arises in divine mysteriousness As has been, so shall be.
Journey unto your own, in divine unknown path, and the mind, heart, body shall unite as single soul, in the divine guidance, towards attaining balance, Realize then, towards unity, all shall propel unifiedly, in balance, in divine guidance, The path to the eternal journey arises unto yourselves,
Believe, As has been, so shall be. Believe, the path ahead of you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. The path to divine calmness arises unto, in divine mysteriousness, unto yourselves,
The brightness of the mind’s shall unveil unto you, divine
As has been, so shall be.
colors of justices, And the path before you arises in divine mysteriousness, Realize, the path ahead, towards divine unity, 195
As has been, so shall be.
Within you divine happiness Therefore propel with the fire of courage, Therence, believe, shall happily unite, justice shall avail unity, unveil unto in ways of happiness,
Therence, as shall be, unite in divine oneness, foresee ahead, in your mind, the message unveils wisdom and courage unto your ways in the destiny ahead, Foresee in the mind’s courage and wisdom, prevail unto yourself, ahead, in divine oneness,
As shall be, therence, unite upon your ways, justice prevails in the light of darkness, Therence, believe, enable yourselves, happiness, ahead, As has been, so shall be.
As shall be the path ahead, Therefore, all shall unite, happily, in the wonders and mysteries unknown, Desires shall greaten unto, in solitude, in darkness,
Path to eternal happiness
As has been, so shall be.
As the Divine Path unfolds to you, within yourself you shall uncover the minds belongings,
Paths unveil unto, foresee in the divine justices of the mind,
And such shall unveil unto greater path towards divine justices,
unto the courage ahead, unto the path to encouragement,
As so, in the known paths you shall unite harmoniously,
And therence, enable your minds to unite upon your own ways
As shall be, therence unite in harmony, upon yourselves,
of encouragement,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. And in the mind occurred the greater ways of unity in the Unfolding, and there shall arise the states of mind, enabling empowerment of the mind to succeed in the journey of the Unfolding,
Such are the joyous states such that of Love and Affection,
Realize the path before you is the eternal,
enabling the mind to progress to attain the fervent states of the
As has been, so shall be.
mind, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, the path before you towards divine justices in your mind’s shadow,
And shall arise from within you, the emotions, in yourself,
Realize, the divine calmness attained in your paths towards the
And there shall be moments and stages of yourself in your
eternal shadow,
Realize, the path ahead, towards divine mysteries,
And you shall find the answers you seek,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, your clarity shall clarify the heart’s desire, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, Realize the divine path to divine justices,
The emergence of emotions In the divine complexity of the mind, as its ways arise in
As it coordinates endless parts of itself,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
Such creates unto, in the unity of all, its assessments of
judgment, towards attainments of benefits of all its divided
As has been, so shall be.
parts, and such divisions are invisible, only visible to the mind
Realize, the path to greater balance and unity,
during assessability within itself,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, as the mind’s shadow, assesses unto, as it recognizes
Believe, Believe, Believe,
pain and pleasure sources and passes unto its offspring,
Calmen your soul,
As it preserves the important memories of necessity, in similar
As has been, so shall be.
ways, it recognizes moments, in which the body necessitates greater balance, towards attainment of greater objectivity, 197
Realize, such are the emotions, that had evolved unto
responds to wider categorization, by its patterning, with wider
yourselves, through the mind’s patterning, arising as responses
responses, towards greater successes,
to meet unto such moment’s necessities,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
As the mind recognizes moments, that it assesses, to
And as the mind recognizes moments where it arouses greater
necessitate, empowered states of the body,
strengths to defend against pain, or sustain against adversity,
It produces such emotional states of the mind, to empower the
Or where it enables absorption of its physical reactions from
body, to adapt with the necessities of the moment arising,
its conceivance of its perceptibility of greater pains in its
And as such, the mind specializes to generate various states in
the body, to deal against threats, or for greater balance,
Therence, it recognizes such moments, enabling the mind to
As has been, so shall be.
conjure unto greater abilities, towards attainment of greater
Foresee the path ahead, within yourself, and shall arise unto
mysteriously, unto yourselves, ways of divine guidance,
By producing greater strengths, or enabling greater
Such are divine guidance, arising mysteriously unto your soul,
imaginativeness of the mind to flow, or by the conjuring of feelings of defiance,
And as such, emotions arisen in varying degrees, as
Calling unto its body, greater actions towards greater
necessitated unto, providing momentum for the journey
towards unity of all,
Realize then, such are the divine conceivances of the mind,
And such is the balance of unity, as the mind determines the
towards attainment of divine balance,
necessitation of such, enabling to greaten appropriately,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the emotions arise to unite you unto others, in ways of divine balance, towards unity, towards divine justices,
Realize, such are mind’s responses by the assessment of the
towards oneness,
patterning of its externalities in differing instances,
As has been, so shall be.
And as the mind responded in primitiveness through only pain and pleasures senses, in its attainments of imaginativeness, it
The guidance towards unity Believe, the divine calmness arises unto you in divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be. As such moments arise In your mind shall arise unto, such responses, as it recognizes similar moments from experiences, to realize necessities of Realize then, emotions guide to unite you unto other,
such moments,
providing you greater guidance towards divine oneness,
As shall be, the mind enables its body to attain greater abilities
As has been, so shall be.
in such moments, foreseeing the moment’s necessities, arousing unto such, As shall be, such is the way the mind enables the body of greater wisdom and ability,
As shall be such, therence, such shall enable the mind, to unite as one, therence, all shall unite unto divine oneness, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. As shall be, so the body attain greatness in the journey, by enablement of its abilities appropriately, as necessities arise momentarily, As has been, so shall be. Believe, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Therence, foresee the path ahead towards unity, the divine path shall unveil unto, as shall be, towards glorious victory,
As shall be, therence, foresee the path ahead in the Unfolding,
towards greater mysteries, in the divine unknown,
towards the divine unity in destiny,
Foresee ahead, the path before you, towards unity, As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, such is the way towards divine justices and truth, 199
As shall be, therence unite upon in the journey, As has been, so shall be. Believe, The divine justices shall unveil in divine mysteriousness, Believe, As has been, so shall be. Believe, As has been, so shall be. The divine path reveals in divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Mind’s responses to assessments As arose the pain and pleasures in primitive forms, that had no mind to assess in its imaginativeness the outcomes in furtherance. In the evolvation of forms in their attainment of imaginativeness, their minds imagined unto, its outcomes towards furtherance. And emotions arises in the mind, as had arisen the pain and pleasures of the body, as pain and pleasures of the mind. And as the body pained in interacting with threatening forms, the mind pained in assessibility of threatening patterns towards its furtherance. And the mind responded by creating states of mind, towards attaining avoidance or unification, from such occurrences, in its furtherance. And it seeks to fulfill its desires or prevail to sustain, recognizing the needs of the moment, delivering its propositions as emotional arousals. And such enables itself of greater abilities and states to defend or exploit moments towards attainments of glory in furtherance. Realize then, the emotions arise to unite you with 200
others, or defend you in moments of needs and necessities, to
from experience, deciphering its requirements. As has been, so
prevail in the journey. Realize then, the path ahead of you is
shall be.
the eternal, requiring such necessities to have been necessitated unto yourselves. As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you arises unto mysteriously. As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the path before you is the eternal. Believe. As has been, so shall be.
In them, I remain As greater complex patterns arise, the mind patterns the needs To arise as necessitated
of different moments and circumstances, in its way of its
Emotions arise, in the detection of the mind’s shadows,
refinements. Realize then, such enables the mind to respond in
recognizable patterns, that it assesses to have significant impact
greater varieties. And such enablements of the mind is carried
in its furtherance. And such attains within the mind and body,
unto its furthering bodies, unto the offspring, greatening in the
momentary states of empowerment, as deemed necessary, to
Unfolding. And such empowers its journeys, patterning
deal with anticipated moments. Realize then, the mind is the
towards greater ways, unto themselves. As has been, so shall
ever-evolving, the ever-refining, the gloriously patterning
miracle. As has been, so shall be. The path of divine calmness, arises unto in divine And such arises in the detection of such patterns of Unfolding,
mysteriousness. Realize then, such are ways of divine
that the mind assesses may influences the body significantly in
mysteriousness, unfolding unto you towards greater
its furtherance. And the emotions empower the mind and
gloriousness. As has been, so shall be.
body, in ways it deem suitable, to adapt with its anticipated patterns of interaction. And the mind constantly refines its
Emotions arises as reactivity of the mind, towards greater
assessments of the necessities of the moments, as it patterns
paths, towards greater gloriousness. As has been, so shall be. 201
The path towards divine gloriousness, arises unto in divine
togetherness, arises mysteriously unto yourselves. Realize, they
mysteriousness, towards divine victory. As has been, so shall be.
shall guide your paths in the unknown, they shall foresee
The path towards oneness, arises unto in the divine
toward your destiny unknown, in divine guidance unto
gloriousness. As has been, so shall be.
yourselves. In Divine guidance appears divine justices, arises mysteriously, unknowingly, their ways arise mysteriously unto yourselves. They shall enable your ways towards harmony, their guidance shall enlighten your souls. Realize then, the paths towards
From individuality, towards collectivity
mysteriousness, arising unto mysteriously unto yourselves. And
As emotions shall arise unto you in your individuality, to guide
their ways arise unto in divine guidances, appearing to arise, as
your paths, so shall they guide your paths, in your collectivity.
patterns recognize in the minds shadow.
As has been, so shall be. And shall arise unto you, to guide
And the mind’s shadow recognizes patterns in abstractness.
your paths towards victorious joy. Towards victorious unity. As
And their ways guide mysteriously unto balance, unto
has been, so shall be.
yourselves. Realize then, their path arises in divine mysteriousness. Realize their patterns of justices enables the mind of unknown paths. They shall arise to unite your paths, to arisen unto the divine soul, of justices, and unite upon your paths towards oneness unto yourselves, mysteriously arising
In the Divine Conceivances
towards divine calmness.
Emotions are divine patterns of awakening, reckonings of the minds illusions. They shall arise unto you, greater paths
And they shall arise to unite your paths in battle. And shall
towards successes.
harden your bonds in mysteriousness. Their ways shall guide towards unknown paths, and they shall enable your minds to
They shall arise unto you in gloriousness. Their ways shall
appear justly, arising mysteriously unto yourselves. Realize
arise to unite your paths. Their preferences shall arise to
then, their patterns are patterns of divine justices, arising
greaten the journeys survival. They shall unite your paths unto 202
mysteriously unto yourselves. Guiding towards greater paths,
unto as the responses of a parallel mind, the mind’s shadow,
in unity, as one.
and their guidance shall unify towards oneness of the minds. Appearing as guidance from the parallel mind, towards greater
Realize, they shall unite your paths, towards battle unto,
balance unto itself, their guidance is to the soul, the whole
towards unity, your paths in greatness. Realize, their ways shall
mind-body system. Towards attaining towards greater balance
appear to reveal unto, patterns of divine justices. As has been,
unto itself. As has been, so shall be.
so shall be. Arises mysteriously. As has been, so shall be. As had evolved, the responses of the body, to its externalities, like the responses to pain and pleasures. So had evolved, the responses of the mind’s patterning, to the possibilities in its furtherances. And it arises in greater categorizations, in They arise as bonds, to bind all forms, with one
greatest complexities unto yourselves. Therence, realize, such
are emotional arousals unto yourselves, that shall guide your
Their ways arise mysteriously towards oneness. They arise as
paths, and as you hone your emotions, to attain greater
the divine guidance to the soul. Realize, the paths ahead are
perfection, they shall become the connector of your selves unto
the eternal, and they shall arise to provide the eternal justices.
another, towards becoming unto, a greater form, of that whose
And they are the reactions that appear by the mind’s
pattern you reflect from within yourselves. As has been, so shall
patterning, beyond the awareness of the mind. As the
awareness of the mind deals unifiedly, on behalf of the mindbody, with its externalities, the emotions recognize patterns that are beyond the patternability of the awareness of the mind, dealing with its immediacies, and arises as the mind’s shadow. Therence, realize, the path ahead to the divine justices. Realize, their divine bearances, unto you. They shall appear 203
Divine Conceivance overcoming emotions
Conquering Tempts,
The will that guide towards the destiny unknown, The necessity which you seek fulfillment towards, Aroused within the body, conveyed unto yourself, through the mind’s arousals,
Be not unbalanced in your ways by derailment, As has been, so shall be.
Imagined unto through mind’s projections, And such is the way of the body, conveying unto the mind, of its arising desires within, influencing the mind’s imagining, and its divine conceivances, And there arise to be a balance of both ways, One way shall heed the body’s needs, Other way shall guide through the mind’s conceivance of the divine unknown, towards fulfillment of necessities arising from the mind’s divine conceivances, And shall guide towards attainment of greater fulfillment, through fulfilling the necessities, conceived from beyond the conceivability of primary sensors, And guide towards fulfilling the necessities of mind’s divine conveivance, in its furtherance, As has been, so shall be. Therence, emotions reveal to fulfill unto divine necessities of the mind and the body, And the divine conceivance of the mind enables body’s necessities to be foregone, by its foreseen upon, to heed towards such callings, Realize, realize, 204
Such are divine guidance unto you,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, realize,
Only righteous shall prevail
The path before you is the eternal,
Those prevailing the journey, are the divinely desired patterns,
As has been, so shall be.
for greatening, And all others designs shall be converted into the desirable designs, propelling in the journey, As has been, so shall be.
Knowing, doing, the necessary As balance is attained in the journey, the mind conceives with greater unity with other’s conceivance in its externalities, and therence conceives with greatening clarity, the patterns of its destiny, thereby enabling itself to identify and realize, ways of attainment of such necessities, to be fulfilled in its destiny, And the mind attains greater ability, to perform in ways of its deemed necessity, to attain as it foresees in its furtherance, Therence, as the mind attains connectivity with its destiny, as it greatens its conceivance, Therence, realize, the conceiver of all realizes all necessities in its furtherances, foreseeing all destinies, remaining in everconnectedness with all,
And the Divinely Desirable patterns propel the pattern of divine justices, and such choices are justified divinely, revealing in divine patterns of gloriousness, Know then, those patterns which propel to prevail, are in divine alignment, Progressing collectively, each playing differing roles, And the mind shall recognize only as divinely necessitated unto it, and the rest shall be divinely decided, remaining beyond its conceivances, Therence, realize, in the journey, few shall prevail, and all shall be continued in design of the greater glorious, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, to recognize the glorious patterns in the journey, 205
Know, they shall prevail, as they shall prevail everlastingly,
The balancement of yourself, shall arise unto, in your
As has been, so shall be.
unification with all externalities, within your mind’s divine justices, Realize, all such remain ever-unified in balance, As you attain balance with all, the divine patterns reveal gloriously unto you, towards divine unity, in balance,
Attaining balances, in calmness
As has been, so shall be.
And such is in the attainments of calmness, as their patterns attain harmoniousness, and their transitioning becomes their sustainable way of progression, Therence, enable yourself, to attain calmness of your minds, as all shall arise to unite unto you in patterns of divine
Reflecting Divine Patterns Unifiedly
As you are, formed of endlessly propelling patterns, connected
And thence you shall be the greater glorious, the unifier,
to form a coordinated connective form, that you recognize to
unifying all the others,
be as yourself,
As has been, so shall be.
And although such connective propelling states of yours may visibly seem to you as rigid and limitedly defined, such is only
As you attain, balance of your soul,
so you may identify the differences in you, as you each propel
You shall attain harmony, of your mind and body,
in differing roles, in differingly connective flowing patterns,
As has been, so shall be.
And so you may identify your defining attributes, and recognize each other’s differences, to unify greater,
And shall unify unto you, in glorious patterns of victory, your
harmoniously, gloriously,
Therence, realize, as all that has unified to form you, maturing
As has been, so shall be.
as such in the journey, evolving into yourself, So shall you recognize the differences amongst you, to connect towards greater unity, to attain which was unattainable by 206
individual forms, as such of yours, And in the unity from
reflecting patterns of the Divine Intent enable all others to
amongst the differences, forms unify to enable themselves to
propel reflecting such divine patterns, guiding towards their
become a greater body in their collectiveness,
destiny, towards the divine unknown,
And as you connect harmoniously, recognizing each other’s
Realize then, those conceiving the Divine Instructions in
differences, enabling understanding of each other’s abilities
greater gloriousness, guides all others in the journey, towards
and limitations, you connect in ways of coordination, to reflect
divine unknown destiny, in divine guidances, of the Divine
unto the greater patterns of gloriousness, which you conceive
in your greater mind, to project unto the externalities,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, as such, you evolve unto your individual bodies, such specializations, as you feel fit, in the conceivance of your greater mind, to unite as one greater body, in the oneness of all forms that relate unto you, becoming greater, as all forms relate by unifying with one another to greaten,
Knowing only desirable patterns
Realize then, the Divine Intent is the greater gloriousness, and
All are in state of evolving, towards becoming unto their
guide all forms towards unified oneness, in their greatening,
desired state, as intended by the Divine Intent,
and divides in their greatening, so as to form from such, even
And in the journey, all abide by the divine justices, reflecting
greater ways of exproliferation, connecting in the greatening,
unto, the divine patterns of gloriousness,
towards attaining greater conceivances,
And all evolve unto, to know of such, as is so necessary unto
And such shall become the destiny of yours, as you connect
them, to become unto their desired states, as has been desired
harmoniously, as you had greatened from your minusculity,
unto them, by the Divine Intent,
towards greater gloriousness, by the connectivity of all that
As has been, so shall be.
unifies unto you, reflecting the divine patterns of the Divine Intent, forming towards greater self, Realize then, you define yourself by the conceivability of your mind, whereas all remains ever connected, only propelling differingly, providing life to the lifeless, as those of greater 207
ways of the mind, to enable itself to attain conceivance of its externalities, in the passing. Therence, realize, such evolving enables the mind to recognize and patterns in differing ways, in its varying externalities, towards its greatening.
Emotions evolve in greatening As are pain and pleasure, responses of the body, to the conceivance of bodily senses, so are emotions, responses of the body, to mind’s patternings. And emotions enable the body to interact with its externalities, beyond the conceivances of pain and pleasure senses, in greater categorical responses, as patterned by the mind. And as the interactivity of the body, with its externalities, greaten, to attain greater unity, emotions evolve to interact with mind’s greater conceivances. As has been, so shall be.
And as it greatens, so greatens its ways, in greater differences, evolving unto, as suitable, as necessary, as determined by the Divine Intent. Therence, realize, there shall be differences, in the conceivance of the minds, as it evolves in its greatening, through its passing of its various phases. And there shall arise within the mind, the emotions, to guide the mind beyond its conceivances of assessing, as the mind interacts with its externalities. Therence, realize, the mind attains to pattern in greater lengths and depths, of its externalities, and conceives of greater immenesse of its externalities. Thence it derives unto differing ways of patterning, evolving unto as necessitated, in the differing ways,
Evolving towards attaining balance In the evolvation, of forms, towards becoming unto their destined states, they pass through various states in differing moments, in their exproliferation. And the consistence of each
in its passing through various phases. As such, its ways of primitiveness shall be dissolved unto, enabling newer ways to attain prevalence, above those whose needs have dissipated, As has been, so shall be.
moment is but a transitory state, in their evolving, in the passing onto the next. Therence, realize, there arises various 208
As shall be, all such is towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of
t h e
Divine Intentor.
beyond the scope of its body. As it conceives beyond the body’s abilities, surpassing its limitations, it attains asshuminance of its furtherance, connecting with others in its externalities. And it evolves to realize the divine patterns in its externalities, and communicate such unto others, as all propels in such divine guidance of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
Reflecting in Divine Patterns As the mind, the conceiver of repeating patterns of the externalities, seeking to survive its beholding body, that which it recognizes as the ‘self ’, seeks to recognize such patterns, that cause its demise and that which enables it to prevail. As it multiplies, it evolves unto, along with its continuing bodies, to develop patterns of greater reflections of such patterns, causing to survive its greater ‘self ’, in such, enabling its greatening body to attain coordinability, and sustain, to prevail in the unfolding, against other arising patterns, that which it learnt to identify as its demisers. Realize then, the mind is the greater conceiver of the divine patterns of justices. As has been, so shall be.
Conceivance of divine patterns And as the mind conceives the patterns of its externalities, it also evolves to create a divine relativity of such conceivance with similar conceivers. And it is then capable of attainment of greater alignment, to arise unto a shape of in its collectivity of such conceivers, recognizing the collectively desirable patterns, and arousing such through the communicativeness of the minds, causing unto the desired bonds between the dividedly propelling bodies. And as the mind attains greater conceivances, such enables it to operate by conceivances beyond the perceptiveness of its primitive senses. And such enables the mind to propel by the divine enablements of the divine justices. As has been, so shall be.
Perceiving the divine immenesse As you attain peace in your mind, and your mind attains harmony within. Although guarded deep within, it grasps far 209
Reflect in divine gloriousness: As the mind recognizes the divine patterns in its externalities,
And as you had greatened, to attain the state of maturity, as
realizing such patterns to be the breeder of all existence only
you conceive of the divine patterns gloriously, and as you
in differences, it learns to interact, in the replication of such
attain the divine understandings in abstractions of the mind,
divine patterns, to cause unto existences, in its uniquely
your ways shall arise to be of greater depths. As your bodies
perceived desirances, in the divine reflection of the Divine
had evolved to respond in immediateness, your mind’s
Intent. And it causes unto in greater reflections of the divine
conceivances pattern in the abstractness, in greater depths, of
patterns, in greater precisions, creating unto, greater
divine unknown way. And shall foresee, towards divine unity, in
existences. As has been, so shall be.
greatness. And such shall defy unto, your ways of the body mind, and must then evolve to adapt, the abidance of mind’s patternings with the body mind’s responsiveness. Realize then, ways of divine unity arises in divine guidances, towards divine calmness. As has been, so shall be.
Abidance in Divine Guidance Recognize, the ways that arise to guide. And you had attained unto, to recognize your pains and pleasures in your mind’s conceivances. And you have evolved to respond to such inflictments unto yourselves, by the repetitiveness of such
As you attain balance
patterns, and guided your mind’s responsiveness to such, as
The natural balancers, as they arise to empower, in journey
such arises. And you had attained peace and calmness in
towards oneness. Realize, as you prevail longer periods in the
detection and arousal of such ways. Realize, as you had arisen,
journey, shall not require to heed such arousals. As shall not
towards greatening in the divine path, towards gloriousness,
require as all shall have been unified gloriously then. Realize
you shall realize the divine paths, and greaten in your
then, as the imbalances of their interactions decrease, unity
furtherance. Therence, as you shall attain divine peace in your
shall enable harmony and peace in the collectivity to prevail,
path’s gloriousness, your ways shall become one, in the
in states of such attainments. And shall attain grace and
oneness. 210
balance, without necessitating such arousals, as all shall be
gloriousness of such divine patterns of balance, in your
operating unifiedly as one then. As has been, so shall be.
furtherance. Realize then, such are the reflections of divine patterns that reveal upon you, in greater magnitudes, in your exproliferation, in your greatening. Realize then, such is the divine guidance unto you, as you recognize such repeating patterns in your conceivance. As such pattern repeats, by the
Imbalance in interaction diminishes
same divine patterns of gloriousness. Realize then, the divine
And such shall become of you, in your greatening, towards the
pattern greatens to divide, to unify from divisions, and repeat
divine paths, as you shall attain balance in your furtherance.
the same divine patterns towards attaining greater balance, in
And such arousals shall diminish then, towards unity and
its greatening.
balance. And you shall arise to be in greater balance and harmony, those of you who have attained such unity, as you unify from your dividedness to oneness, dissipating your differences, adapting unifying ways. Realize, thence, your interactivity shall be towards attainance of greater balance, in
Balancing the Imbalances
your furtherance, in your greater collectiveness. And such shall
Therence, the unity of forms enable their minds to attain
enable you to unify with other greater divided bodies. As has
greater glory in their collectiveness, eliminating imbalances in
been, so shall be.
their collectivity, diminishing the necessities of arousals and of heeding emotions, as they attain stability by their greater communicativeness, understanding and adapting amongst themselves. Realize, as the mind responded in its primary states with pain and pleasure senses, and responded with
Divine pattern repeats again
emotional senses in its greatening, as it amalgamates with
And as you greaten towards divisions again, to unify again,
forms in its greatening, shall not require heeding such arousals,
greatening the categories of your such arousals then. And such
as it heeded not pain and pleasures, as it contexts in longer
shall attain grace and balance in you, as you propel in the
periods. In attainments of such state in the progression of 211
forms, the necessities of the moment shall be replaced by
Unto your minds, the ways shall appear to unite as one, in the
necessities in the context of longer periods, and such responses
oneness of all. Unto you unveils the way of unity. Foresee the
shall be devoid of the emotional arousals to deal with moments
path ahead unto yourselves. As has been, so shall be.
necessities, and shall evolve to deal with necessities over longer periods. And such shall dissipate, to not arise anymore, as
As shall arise within your minds, arousal in your minds, the
attainments of greater states are attained unto then. Realize
emotions, which shall influence your decided paths. And in the
then, all things arise in phases, in their divine unfolding,
unfolding, as the mind attains greater conceivance by its
reflecting unto the glorious patterns of the Divine Intent.
evolution, it shall then pattern, devoid of influences from such
Believe. As has been, so shall be.
arousals. Realize, then, such shall guide you towards your path of victory. As has been, so shall be.
As you shall proceed in your path towards the destination in the unknown journey, you shall seek to attain harmony and
Foresee ahead, unto your paths, unite as one, in your unity
grace within the mind in your journey. And so shall become
shall arise your victory. As has been, so shall be.
your path to your unknown destiny. Enable your minds to conquer within itself, by conquering over its emotions, for they are the momentary facilitators, unknown to the unseen. As has been, so shall be.
Emotions unite your paths towards victory, and dissolves towards the path of greater gloriousness, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
As the necessities diminishes They are the mind of the body. As the mind in the body empowers. Their roles diminish, as abstractness of the mind creates unto the responses. As has been, so shall be.
As the mind balances
The Dreams
As the mind attains ability, to conceive in greater periods, of the patterns of its externalities, As it patterns, in countless contexts and categorizing, it attains
The conceivances, that guide to shape, the destiny, As has been, so shall be.
imaginability, And through its imagination, mind patterns divine patterns of justices, And it aligns itself to such, towards destiny, And as the mind attain balance of emotions in its patterning, It attains the ability, to conceive of greater gloriousness, conceiving the patterns of greater lengths, of greatness, And in the balanced state of the mind, in its balanced state of emotions, as the mind attains balance of its unfolding justices, As within the mind, arises foreseeance of its ways, As the mind attain greater gloriousness, to attain greater conceivances, of the designs of destiny, And its destiny aligns with the mind’s foreseeval, Therence, the mind attains inner peace, And conceive the divine unknown patterns within itself, As the mind attains balance of divine paths, it attains greater gloriousness, Believe, and the mind attains peace in its heart of the mind, Therence, realize, such are divine gloriousness, As mind attain peace and balance, as such is the divine attainments of the mind’s justices, As has been, so shall be. 213
The way shall arise to guide, the way shall arise to unite, towards greater gloriousness, in the divine guidance of the soul’s justices, Realize, such attains peace and harmony in way of balance, As has been, so shall be.
Those that shall connect The way towards eternal glory, in the connectiveness of eternal soul unto all, Such conceivances arise in the greater glorious conceiver of gloriousness,
The balanced mind conceives
They shall connect, in their divine conceivance, with the
As the mind attains belief, in the way of harmony, enabling the
eternal flow, of gloriousness,
mind to calmen in peace, thence shall open ways unto its soul,
Such is the flow of life, in the vein of the divine conceivance,
to enlighten the journey towards unknown,
towards connecting unto in eternal balance, the Divine Intent,
And those connected through such conceivances, connect
There is inner light to enlighten your soul’s justices,
eternally with the greater gloriousness,
Believe, the way shall enlighten towards eternal gloriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
The way shall guide towards the path of mysteriousness, Realize, such shall arise to unite towards divine gloriousness, towards divine guidances, Believe, shall be the way, of such, shall enable your minds to empower in peace, and they shall be unified in eternal balance with harmoniousness, As shall be, As has been, so shall be.
In you shall unveil the path towards gloriousness, foresee ahead unto yourselves, the divine pattern reveal unto yourselves,
Realize then, the divine unknown shall unveil in you through
Divine mysteries unveil through
In the unknown resides the truth of the journey,
In its shadows shall unveil truth unto yourselves,
In dreams had arisen the path to uncovering, the unknown
Foresee ahead, the path before you, the patterns of
patterns of the body’s within,
gloriousness, fulfilling your path towards divine justices,
And as the mind evolves to pattern the ways of unknown
As has been, so shall be.
destiny, revealing such unto itself through its dreams, As shall be, it shall unravel the divine path in divine mysterious
Within the mind, unravel, the divine mysteries in the
ways through the dreams,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
In dreams shown the unseen path towards unknown,
As has been, so shall be.
In such reveal the wisdom of the Divine path, As has been, so shall be.
Therence, unite in the path to destiny, in the way of oneness,
In dreams, the mind unraveled the divine mysteries,
As has been, so shall be.
And in them had shown the path towards freedom, As has been, so shall be.
And your dreams shall reveal unto you, path of glorious truth, towards victory,
Foresee ahead, the path to divine oneness,
In the unknown resides truth,
And unto you dreams reveal divine mysteries, of the souls,
As has been, so shall be, ahead, towards glorious oneness,
That which you shall not perceive through the mind’s
As has been, so shall be, the path to divine mystery,
conceivances, And dreams are patterns, that unveil to you, guidance of the
As has been, so shall be, the path to yourself,
divine truth,
The divine path of glorious victory unveils in such manners of
As has been, so shall be.
unknown ways, As has been, so shall be. Believe, Believe, 215
The path before you is the eternal justices, As has been, so shall be. The path to divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be.
Deep with, weaving designs
As the mind seeks rest, having responding to the externalities.
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the externalities are to adapt with, and the mind of the greater glorious shall be capable of inner conceivances, and shall construct greater gloriousness within the minds. And their mind’s shall unify in such glorious patterns. And they shall be of greater balance, of having attained peace and balance within. Realize, such are the greater glorious minds, those having achieved divine grace, to balance and unify with others. And their mind’s shall attain the greater glory, as their body remains within its limitations. For the mind’s gloriousness is the invisible. And it shall be capable of conceiving unto it, greater glorious patterns of destiny, by its divine conceivances. And it shall be capable of conceiving greater glorious patterns of destiny unknown. Realize then, the ways of happiness shall balance, shall attain harmony within the mind, and the mind shall conceive unto, within itself, the gloriousness of the divine journey unknown. 216
As shall be, so shall all unify in peace and justices, in patterns
And in the greater mind’s, such shall be the way of their
of gloriousness.
normalcy, as they propel towards furtherances. As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the greater gloriousness, the Divine Intent, shall occur within you, and enlighten your journeys, unfolding in the mind’s guidances, propelling towards divine balance of unknown directions, in peace and guidance, aligning with
Way of Divine Conceivance
divine destiny unknown, revealing to your soul’s happiness. As has been, so shall be.
Dreams arise, as mind rests, in silence. And they arise as the inner views of the outer reality, as the interpreted patterns of its perceptions, as the communications unto yourselves from within and beyond. Realize, they arise through the senses of the mind, through the pathway created by the senses,
As the mind rests The state of mind, as free from responding the perceptions of
projecting unto patterns of gloriousness. As has been, so shall be.
senses, to the externalities, yet senses prevail in their normalcies. In such moments, the mind’s floats to imagine
And they arise, as arises all things, as communications unto
ways towards fulfilling its mind’s emotional accumulations,
yourselves. As arises the perceptions through the senses of the
attained through the divine guidances.
body, of its outwardness, so arises divine conceivances, through its divine connectiveness, as the mind evolves unto to attain
And in the state of discontent, arises upon, to guide the way,
greater perceptions, of its inwardness.
clear from all biases, the divine guidance. And arises, as none is sought, to retain balances, the ways of contentment, of divine
Realize then, as the externalities consist of all existence in the
perceivance of its senses, the internalities are all things beyond conceivance of the senses.
As they arise in the patterns of the perceptibility of its senses,
towards such conceivances of truths unto yourselves. Realize
to reflect the way of the Divine Intent. And they shall perceive
then, the divine patterns of destiny unfolds from within
the externalities through the interactions, to produce and
yourselves. As they flourish to form unto your complex forms,
reflect the Divine Intent. As the internalities are the divine
so do they convey unto you, guidance of the Divine Intent.
guidance of the Divine Intent, reflecting its divine patterns, to be expressed and produced unto the externalities.
And its messages guide your paths towards divine destiny, as they arise in all to guide all unto their destinies. Realize then,
Realize then, such ways are patterns of justices, towards divine
the guidance varies to cause the differences and similitudes in
gloriousness. Realize then, both such are communications unto
your journeys, as is necessitated, by the glorious patterns of the
you, as they arise towards gloriousness unto your soul pattern’s
Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
of justices. As has been, so shall be. Realize then, all ways are guided towards the divine way of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
From within and beyond As there arises your sense of perceiving the unknown of your outwardness, there arises, your senses, to conceive the divine unknown through your inwardness. As the minuscule contains the divine patterns, that reflect unto the immenesse. 
 The conveyance of such divine patterns unto your mind, through the perceptibility of your senses, to influence your paths, is the guidance towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent. Realize, there arises from within you, divine patterns of destiny, unto yourselves, and your understanding prevails,
Realize then, all shall arise to unite in their patterns of gloriousness, as all propel to reflect unto the same in their divine guidances. As has been, so shall be. And they arise to unite your paths in patterns of glory, unto others, as they arise to form your complex forms, from their minusculity. Realize, then, such are ways of the Divine Intent revealing unto you the divine messages. Therence, realize,
within you unveils the patterns of divine gloriousness, towards divine destiny unknown. As has been, so shall be.
And as such, the mind had evolved to convey unto the body, the understanding of deeper states within and beyond its
Realize therence, beyond you resides the remaining parts of
senses, arising in the dreams. And such serves as the
yourselves, in unity of which shall prevail your journey.
instructions to the mind, by its conceivance. And the vagueness
Therence, realize, the divine patterns guide towards divine
of such communicability arises to clarify unto in the unfolding,
unknown in divine mysteriousness, in the paths shadow,
And such enables the mind to communicate unto the body, the
towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent.
greater perceptibility, as the body rests, enabling the mind to communicate within and beyond through its imaginations. As
Realize, their ways are your ways, and your ways are their
has been, so shall be.
ways, as all arises from the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
And they shall arise unto you, that which shall guide your paths, to divine oneness. As shall be, therence, all shall attain
Therence, unite in the patterns of gloriousness, towards divine
glory in their paths to oneness. As has been, so shall be.
destiny unknown. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
Body rests, mind frees In dreams, as the body rests, the soul is free to seek clearance
Conveying of the body
from within itself. And it shall guide the way unto its mind, the
As the mind had attained within itself, the ability of
important things, unknown to itself. And it shall enable the
imaginations, and through its connectivity with the divine
patterns, to guide the soul unto its clearance, in the divine
eternal, had connected with divine connectivity, such enabled
ways. As has been, so shall be.
the mind, to communicate with its body, of the matters beyond the conceivability of its senses.
As mind attains foreknowledge 219
In the resting of the body, the mind, free from the
To fulfill unfulfilled expressions
perceptiveness of the senses, projects into consciousness,
Dreams occur in the mind, interpreting its perceptions of the
patterns of its deduced necessities. And those minds, engulfed
Divine Unknown to itself. And its abilities to show the way, as
with variousness of emotions, constantly strive to relieving its
unknown paths converged unto the way of fulfilling its courses,
body, of the causes of its tenseness.
enable it to unite upon the divine unknown to itself, as it interpret such receptivity of the mind unto itself and enables
And therence, the mind patterns and projects various
the mind to attain the conceivance of such ways through
preferable imagery to its awareness, towards attaining peace
within itself. Realize then, such are ways of mind’s calming of the body towards greatness.
And in the mind the divine unknown reveals in the dreams, enabling the mind to foreceive its divine patterns unto itself. As
And shall arise mysteriously, the knowledge of the unseen, in
has been, so shall be.
minds of the greater exproliferers, by their divine connectivity. And such is projected unto the mind, in interpreted
Foresee ahead, then shall clear, in the unknown ways of divine
symbolized depictions of visualizations, of such divine
destiny unfolding, the path to yourself. As has been, so shall be.
guidance unto it. And such is the way towards the evolution of the mind’s foreknowledge in the advanced exproliferers. As has
As shall be, dreams provide the way, through imagining
been, so shall be.
alternate reality, fulfill the unsatiated emotional arousals of the mind. As shall be, mind aligns its unfulfilled expressions,
As the mind detects pain and pleasure by patterning, without
unraveling in the ways of its imagined patterns, in its dreams.
requiring feeling such, it attains foreknowledge, in such divine
As has been, so shall be.
mysterious ways. As has been, so shall be.
The mind shall fulfill As had been so, the way of the unseen reveals unto the mind in the way of mysteriousness. And the mind relieves its unfulfilled emotional arousals, by fulfilling in redefined imaginations of its preferred suitability. As such, in dreams as the body reveals its unfulfilled desires, the mind fulfills its emotional arousals through imagination. As has been, so shall be. The divine path shall reveal unto you in divine mysterious ways, through your dreams of unknown ways. As has been, so shall be. Believe, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
Leading in divine hierarchy
Taming the Divine Destiny
The conceiver of divine immenesse, the mind, The unifier of divided lives, Shall unveil within, ways of its linking minds, And shall propose in ways, to align others in derailing and confused balances, And shall align in hierarchy, by the Divine Law of Hierarchy,
As you foresee destiny, so shall unravel destiny,

the mind, the center that guides, centering with others
As has been, so shall be.
derailed, And shall propose in ways, of leading such minds, in greater divine alignments, then, Realize, then, such is but the gloriousness forming, as had formed your body by the linking of endlessness, As has been, so shall be.
To lead, be guide To enable to align, shall relate to unite, To cause unto beliefs unifying, And shall realize, all minds, in pattern and grace, And shall form in hierarchic balance, of divine justices, As has been, so shall be. Forming of beliefs, unifying, 222
Relatable to the minds in synchronized patterning,
In solitude, all paths shall unravel to your soul’s guidances,
And shall form unto one another, basis for each other,
Realize, realize, as your body may hurt in physical pain or
And shall align and propel, unable for any to disengage,
cherish in physical joy, so shall your mind attain gloriousness,
And shall form unto, the ‘self ’ of each, in greatness,
in the attainment of divine states,
And shall greaten unifiedly, in oneness of balance,
Realize, realize, the path that propels towards divine
As has been, so shall be.
guidances, The journey ahead unveil mysterious guidances upon your soul’s patterning, Realize, the dividedness of your states, in the view of your limited perceptiveness,
Realize the oneness of your ways, as you attain greater
Realize, the journey ahead, the path of you,
Recognize, the paths of faith injected unto your ways, the ways
Realize the patterns of glory unveiling within you,
that define and guide lead towards oneness of all ways,
Realize, the divine patterns of justices, as the divine path
Realize, realize, the path of glorious successes,
propels, towards mysteriousness,
The divine destiny unveils in patterns of glorious successes,
Realize, the path to divine glory, as all paths unravel in divine
Recognize, that which you have learnt to misinterpret, and
that which you have refined in your perceptiveness,
Realize, realize, the path propels mysteriously towards divine
Realize, they are all towards patterns of gloriousness,
patterns of gloriousness, in the journeys of unknown ways,
Realize, they shall all unite in patterns of divine directiveness,
Realize, the directions, the destiny foreseen within your mind’s perceptiveness,
Realize, realize, all path’s objective is the same, as your relate
Realize, the divine justices, the path that propels towards
yours to all,
Realize, you are the ever related, only your mind, the newly
Realize, your loneliness, is only your way towards divine
born separated unifier is the learner of the newer ways,
As has been, so shall be. 223
Realize, their ways are your ways, and your ways are their ways, Truth arise in you in divine gloriousness, to unite your paths in Believe, the path before you is the eternal justices, towards divine oneness, Arise to unite in your paths to glory, Towards unity all shall propel towards divine oneness, Arise, I shall unite unto you in mysterious gloriousness, Arise, as shall be, unto you I shall unravel in divine mysteriousness, Arise, as shall be, towards divine glory, in your paths towards divine justices, Therence, all shall propel in unity, in your paths towards glory, As has been, so shall be. Arise, to unite unto your patterns of glorious truth, Unto you I shall unveil Myself, Unto you I shall arise to unite your paths towards gloriousness, Arise, I shall unite unto you in patterns of divine gloriousness, Towards unity all shall propel, towards divine wisdom I shall guide your paths, into justices, Towards gloriousness, all shall unite towards divine gloriousness, Unto your soul I shall unveil Myself, As has been, so shall be.
divine courage and wisdom, unto your souls of destination, Unto your soul I shall arise in divine mysteriousness of the path’s shadow, As has been, so shall be. All shall arise to unite your paths towards divine gloriousness, Arises unto you, divine wisdom in your propelling, and all shall be clear to you in your guidedness, Arise, to unite in your paths towards freedom and unity, in divine guidances, As has been, so shall be. All arise to unite your soul’s courage, towards divine destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be. Arise unto you divine glorious truths, As has been, so shall all be, And all shall arise, to unite in their divine patterns of glory, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal, 224
As has been, so shall be. As you shall find, unto yourself, the path that propels through the Unfolding towards the unknown ways, All shall arise unto you in divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be. As shall be, unto yourself foresee the path ahead within your mind, as shall be, foresee the path ahead in divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. And within you had formed the glorious, And it shall tame, by its ways, the Divine Ways, And as has been, so shall be. As has been, so shall be. As you shall propel, towards the divine destiny ahead, Realize the path ahead of you is the eternal justices, Realize, the journey hides truth within your soul, As all shall arise to unite in the divine patterns of justices, As has been, so shall be. Foresee the path ahead, towards divine oneness, as such is the destiny of all, in the divine oneness of all, As has been, so shall be.
Eternal Truth: Guidance for the Soul
Divinely conceived destined occurrences And there shall be the arising of such moment, unseeming and seamlessly intuitative, divinely designed, interactional, unassuming, yet divinely anticipated, arising in the conicidation of evolving patterns, that shall reveal upon your minds, through its interpretativity, recognition of supreme patterns, enabling attainments of immeasurable greater momentousness, compared with attainability of such, in the pace, patternable by your minds, from its experiences of unfolding of such in recognizable paces, However, such moments of designed glory, woven from beyond your expectativeness, seeming to arise unknowingly, are as anticipated to arise, as is so to you, the moon and the sun to arise, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, as such moments arise, do not hesitate to recognize such, as divinely designed destined states of divinely conceived conceivances, As has been, so shall be.
All perform, as guided As the tree branches out in ways of its conceivances, As you recognize the patterns prevailing in the unfolding, and those that unfold in your furtherance, your minds shall
As you propel towards destiny, destiny shall propel
conceive of the destiny in its furtherance, whereby as such,
towards you
although such a destiny is prevailing in your furtherance, such
And what is the pattern which you reflect unto? As you propel
is not known to your mind,
towards destiny unknown?
Realize then, the path ahead is the divine unknown for you,
Why unfold, in ways you unfold, in directions you destine?
and as you greaten your ways towards your furtherance, your
And what is the difference between the differing moments, do
minds shall conceive in greater clarity, of its furtherance, and it
you know?
shall attain to be connective in a way, with all the other’s
And which shall become of your destiny, as you propel in the
minds, so as to create unto a controlling mechanism, as it
fire of divine justices?
controls its own body without hesitation, with absolute abidance, And therence, realize, way shall arise to guide towards divine destiny unknown, And such shall enable you to foresee your journey ahead, and thereance, your destiny shall be clearen to your minds vestiges, of what prevails in moments next, as such moment all passes towards, as there can be, one prevailing in the past, on in the present and one in the future, all can be existing in the same moment, as the tree branches out, and the trunk remains and so does its bark, connected as the same, As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead in your divine mind, the divine journey ahead shall appear in mysteriousness of the path’s shadow, The moments shall attain peace in your heart, And realize, the divine patterns of bond, as all collide before unification or withering, as such are the patterns of justices you must learn to recognize towards divine guidances, in your path’s shadow, Realize, realize, such are divine guidances unto your souls, As your body responds to your externalities in the way it had attained victory, the mind attains the divine conceivances of the unknown ways, by which it can conceive of all others, to 227
align in the divine unity of all’s patterns, towards divine
Merging of the two
Realize, as you shall attain towards destiny unknown, the
As has been, so shall be.
divine unknown shall attain towards your unfolding, And such are the merging of the two paths, As you seek your fulfillment, your fulfillment seeks towards your journey, As has been, so shall be.
Guidance, to your soul’s gloriousness, by your patternings
Believe, I shall arise upon your soul’s shadow, in divine
Realize, then, the ways of divine destiny unknown,
Unto your soul all shall propel mysteriously, under the
As has been, so shall be.
guidance of the divine justices, Realize, there shall arise to be oneness of your paths, towards
And such is the way of divine guidance upon your soul’s
patterning unto,
Realize then, the path of oneness, in attainments of your soul’s
As has been, so shall be.
gloriousness, towards divine justices, As has been, so shall be. Believe, and all shall be attained by your heart’s mind, Unto your soul’s patternings, all shall be clear to you,
The perception of Self
As has been, so shall be.
As you remain, in your disconnectedness, that which you attain
Believe, all shall arise mysteriously upon your soul’s patterning,
connectivity towards, is the ‘you’ then,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, as ‘you’ are referred to, it is you who commands your unity, And as your unity expands, so shall expand the sphere of your defining of ‘you’, arising to unite upon your soul’s patterning, 228
Arising unto, to unite unto your differences,
Becoming Towards Divine Mind
Realize then, the soul’s patterning of the divine unknown path,
You arise, in the evolution your body and mind, in the journey,
arising upon the soul’s divine mysteriousness,
in the attainment, that causeth’ unto, creation of a state of presence, attained unto by the unified interactions of the mind
Realize, such are the patternings of the divine justices upon
and body, having evolved unto, to connect and regulates all
your soul’s shadow,
that is unified unto it, And it attains, through its unified connectiveness, greater glory,
Realize then, in your unity you shall attain peace in your
as the presence of the mind, patterns its externalities, and
heart’s mind, and you shall be referred to in your greater self,
guides in the context of longer moments, instead of relying on
as you attain oneness of your paths then,
its body’s senses of pain and pleasures, or mind’s emotions,
Realize then, all you are referred to, in your patterns of
As such divine state of mind’s presence becomes capable of
individuality, as you reckon upon your mind’s patternings,
contexting itself, beyond the necessities and inherent biasness
Realize, realize, all are divinely united, forever remaining as
of perceptibility of its body and mind’s, in its journeys towards
one, undivided,
unknown destiny,
Unto your soul’s patterning, all shall unveil mysteriously upon
And such attains unto, in the mind’s patterning, the ability to
the soul’s shadow,
align and become unto, all forms and existences, through
Upon your soul’s patternings, to unite towards divine
mind’s imaginations,
gloriousness, towards divine oneness of your paths within,
Realize then, in such attainment of divine states of arousal of
merging to unite your differences in the soul’s shadow, uniting
a divine presence in the mind, such become capable of
as oneness of your destinies, in calmness,
introspecting unto its own causes, patterning unto its own roots
As has been, so shall be.
of originations, And as such shall be capable of becoming unto, through its imaginations, all patterns of all forms, to analyze and adapt as necessary, to attain greater understanding within itself, such shall influence unto all else, beyond itself, by its body and mind’s abilities, 229
And in its inquisitions, the mind shall be capable of
And such states shall be attained through the divine guidances,
attainments of its path’s foreshadows, knowing unto its own
towards attainments of creation of such ways, thas shall enable
ways of originations, to learn of that which causeth’ unto its
such, in its unfolding, to replicate and project in patterns of its
originations, to know of the patterns that originate unto other
own selves, towards attainments of greater gloriousness,
patterns, to recognize patterns of its own causes,
As has been, so shall be.
And such shall enable the mind of knowing unto, the causes of its own causes, and the causes of other’s causes, and shall
Therence, realize, in the evolvation of the mind, as it greatens
enable the mind to imagine differing patterns it can implicate
in ability, as it contains in its minusculty, endless patterns of
unto, to reflect unto its own desirances,
gloriousness, divinely unified, towards gloriousness, it shall
And that which it only perceiveth earlier, shall maketh sense in
propel to enable itself, to conceive and perceive of the divinely
its conceivance, as it shall pattern unto the causes of the
glorious patterns, and its ways shall be divinely guided, as it
shall perceiveth’ unto, in patterns of divine glory,
And such shall enable itself to attain towards aligning itself, in
As has been, so shall be.
the appropriateness, of its conceivances, with the patterns of divine destiny which it conceiveth, which it patterns and foresees unto, in its furtherance, The path’s glorious mysteries shall unveil in such divine guidances,
In attainment of foreseeval
As has been, so shall be.
As the mind is the center in all, and all vary endlessly in their ways, therence the ways of the minds vary according to each,
Therence, realize, your mind is the conceiver and the
Realize then, all reflect patterns similar, and dissipates
influencer of the divine destinies, and the patterner of its
differences in their unity amongst each, as each attains
divine conceivances, the container of divine messages, the
similarity gradually to unite,
patterner of its own destiny in the divine unknown,
And as your mind conceives the patterns of its externalities,
As has been, so shall be.
and attain influenciability upon its externalities, to derive unto paths, that arise in its guidances, such mind then becomes 230
capable of knowing unto its furtherances, as such mind occurs
And therence, becomes unto such that, the destiny of the
its own destiny then,
moments, unknown to the mind in context, in the moment of present, becomes revealed unto such mind, in its moment of
Realize then, as you may not know of your furtherances,
present, it knows of its furtherances, of its divine destiny
limited by your connectivity, the greater conceivance, that is
attained by the connectivity of all individual forms, conceives
Realize then, as you foresee, the path before you is the eternal
unto all its furtherances as such, as by its greater connectivity it
reckons the destiny unknown,
As you foresee ahead, the destiny within your mind, such is
And destiny can be aroused unto such, in such ways, as the
forejected unto reality,
mind unite in ways of permanence, and also in ways as the
Realize then, the divine mind shall enable you to attain peace
mind align by unity in divine justices, as all remain ever-
and harmony, in unity, in silence, as you foresee unto such
connected, as the mind attains to utilize such ways,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, realize, there are two ways to attain foreknowledge of divine destiny, one by aligning in divine guidance, another, by unifying with all others in permanence,
Emergence of Mind’s Glory
As has been, so shall be.
To you the patterns of glory reveals, in all which has taken birth, in the combination of all arousals of the mind-body
Therence, realize, as you propel towards such attainments,
unite in harmony amongst yourselves, dissipating your
Realize, My son, in you I arise in endless parts, in divine
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, you are caused by the endless patterns, unifying as your body and mind, evolving unifiedly, aligning themselves as to form the specialized portions of the body, as your mind,
created as the reflection of the divine patterns, causing unto
Realize, realize, the patterns of glory unfolding unto you, they
your presence,
are divine patterns of gloriousness, and they guide your paths
Realize, they were the carriers of the divine soul, the
to destiny unknown,
caregivers, and the upbringers, the patterns forming unto you
Believe, in the path ahead of you is the eternal,
in divine reflections,
Realize, their ways are your ways, and your ways are My ways,
Realize, they shall attain towards greatening from your
As has been, so shall be.
emergence, towards creating unto your greater divine presences,
Believe, the light you emit, is caused by a great continuity, of a
And you shall attain harmony unto yourselves, forming
long journey, and all your body’s, are like candles, igniting My
yourself gloriously, greatening, towards unity, becoming as one,
fire of justices, as you travel through one and another, realize,
And so shall you arise to unite with all other’s in glory, those
it is all the same journey, in different bodies, for differing
that shall be capable of interacting in your patterns of
And all arise to ignite as one, the fire of same justices,
And all shall unite unto you in patterns of gloriousness, in the
Realize, all ways are towards the same way, taking differing
divine path’s shadow, and such are the arrivals of the divine
routes only, towards divine justices,
justices unto your soul‘s patterning,
And understand this, O’ divine mind, all arose, to be, as you
Realize, as you shall attain your abilities of divine
arose to guide, as you are guided by My divine guidance unto
conceivances, you shall attain peace in your heart, and you
shall attain oneness of your within, and As you had arisen as My divine gloriousness, you shall unify to
Realize, then, the way shall arise unto your mind, in patterns
form towards greater glory, in the unknown,
of justices, in moments ascertained,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
And as your body and mind, both are the feelable, whereas
And your minds arose in the bodies, as the continuum of the
you shall remain as the unfeelable, as My divine reflection,
divine pattern’s, to ignite unto, the minds of yours, the carriers
of My divine messages, and to enable your bodies to be
Realize their patterns of truth unveiling unto yourselves,
stronger, as the expressors of My Divine Intent,
towards mysteriousness,
As has been, so shall be. Calmness shall attain peace in your heart’s mind, towards And the way shall arise unto your mind’s, through revelations,
destiny unknown,
in moments of divine gloriousness,
Realize, the patterns of destiny unto yourselves, arising in
And all shall arise unto in patterns of gloriousness, as all shall
divine patterns of glory unto yourselves,
unite gloriously towards oneness, towards destiny unknown,
Realize, the patterns of death in the journey, their mysteries
Realize, all ways lead to one way, and one way leads to all
shall unite your ways, towards divine justices,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, your mind is the deliverer of My divine messages, and they shall be conveyed unto your souls, in ways
Realize, their ways shall unify amongst, within yourselves, to
known to yourselves,
justify means of emergence towards patterns of guidance to
Realize then, the path towards your destiny arises in divine
the soul, towards glorious changes,
mysteriousness, unto your soul’s shadow,
Realize, their patterns of glory unites your ways, towards
As all arise in the path’s shadow, all shall unite gloriously
destiny unknown, in the journey towards unseen, unravels,
towards the path’s shadow, towards unified glory, towards
Realize, your journey shall arise to unite your paths towards
destiny unknown,
freedom and unity unknown,
As has been, so shall be.
Recognize your patterns of gloriousness, Realize, they shall attain towards unity, unto the glory, in patterns of justness, towards freedom and attainance of glorious truth in unified patterns of justices,
All arise to unite in their patterns of glory, Unto you shall arise towards divine calmness of mystery, arise
Towards glory, all shall unravel in patterns of unity, As has been, so shall be.
calmness to your patterns of glory, And shall arise within you, divine wisdom, from your calmness, 233
Realize then, your changes in yourselves shall attain unto, your ways towards freedom of justices, arising to unite your paths towards gloriousness, Death replaced in unity
As has been, so shall be.
As such is a continuation, of the same journey, in all differing
Therence, realize, the patterns of death shall only be overcome
bodies, such shall propel to unite to greaten unto, to reflect
in your patterns of gloriousness,
unto the divinely glorious pattern of justices,
Therence, recognize such patterns of divine justices unto
All propel carrying unto the same messages, and in divisions the vehicles of such glorious messengers multiply, and they all carry within, the same divine messages towards fulfillment, And their messages are the same, and they shall only cease as they all cease to exproliferate, and those, greater exproliferers, do not cease, rather greaten, And realize, then, the patterns of death attains balance, as you exproliferate, greatening towards unknown, in divine patterns of gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. And shall unite unto you, divine patterns of freedom of the souls, arising unto yourself to arise unto in divine gloriousness, And death shall be overcome in your paths towards attainance of glory unto yourselves, by your patterns of unity and freedom unto yourselves,
yourselves, As has been, so shall be. And all shall arise to unite in your paths towards gloriousness, As has been, so shall be. And the changes unto yourselves shall attain towards unity of justness, Arising to unite your paths, towards victory, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, as you attain the divine truths, in your attainment through learning of the patterns of gloriousness, towards unity and guidance, Realize, their patterns of justices, shall unveil in your paths towards gloriousness, in your unifications, As has been, so shall be.
There arises to be the unknown, that shall guide towards the paths of divine justices, towards divine destiny ahead, Way of Divine Mysteriousness Realize, towards mysteriousness unknown truth reveals unto
As all arise to unite, in their paths to freedom, as all had arisen
you, towards divine glorious paths of destiny unknown, arises
from divine unknown, into their destiny, all arise towards
unto you in divine gloriousness, the patterns of divine justices,
divine calmness in their paths to unity, in peace. As has been,
As has been, so shall be.
so shall be.
Realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal,
Realize from your patterns of destiny unto yourselves, there
As has been, so shall be.
shall arise to guide unto your paths, towards divine justness, awareness of your souls, to guide you to your paths towards freedom and unity. As has been, so shall be. Therence, all shall unite towards gloriousness, arising in the unknown paths of unity. Therence, all shall unite in the divine unknown, in their glorious path of unity. As has been so shall be. All shall arise in divine gloriousness, arising to guide you towards divine guidances. As has been, so shall be.
Exproliferation (The Journey)
And that which is the way, shineth’ from within you, as the way, And the way shall guide you towards your destiny in the unknown ways, As has been, so shall be.
The way from within
As has been, so shall be.
That which is the unseeable, unfeelable, resides within you, The untouchable, inconceivable, indiscoverable, indecipherable, That which arises, to guide towards the way, within yourselves, Towards the unknown paths, towards destiny unknown. And that shall arisen amongst you, the divine path, towards destiny unknown, Realize, such is the pattern of divine destiny, the destiny of your own, As has been, so shall be.
And you shall reflect in the journey, patterns of your within, And as they interact in divine guidance, so shall all interact along with them in such divine guidances, And the arrival of this knowledge for you now is so, you may attain peace and unity unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be. Way shall arise to guide you in unknown ways, from unknown ways, As has been, so shall be.
Journey to divine enlightening Realize the journey to your within, The divine darkness reveal divine destiny unknown, And within you had been provided only, the guidance, but no other, And such shall arouse from the unexisent, the divine existences, in divine guidance of the divine messages, And you are the carrier of the divine messages, of ever greatening pattern of divine justices, repeating endlessly,
Believe, the divine destiny unknown shall be guided unto from within you, towards divine destiny unknown, Realize, the path ahead of you are the eternal justices towards divine destiny, Unknown to your mind, the path shall arise, to unite you in ways of freedom, Realize then, the way shall shine upon you in path’s divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be. 237
Path towards divine freedom The Divine Eternal shall arisen in your paths, to unite you with the way towards freedom, unto the way towards destiny Towards unity, the path shall arise towards divine darkness in unknown ways, And the darkness shall arise unto, to unite towards freedom, uniting your minds, to brighten your journey, towards divine unknown paths, Realize then, such are patterns of unknown ways, As has been, so shall be.
ahead, towards divine justices, Realize, the path ahead towards infinite freedom, towards oneness, And such shall enable you to unite upon, in your paths towards destiny, As has been, so shall be. And therence, shall unite upon you, towards infinite wisdom, divine justices, As has been, so shall be.
And the divine light shall shine’th upon your ways, to brighten
your ways, towards infinite wisdom, towards divine oneness,
The path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the journey ahead is the divine eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Way of unknown patterns The path towards unity arises in divine justness, Realize, such are justices of divine unknown, And that which shall guide you towards freedom, Realize, such are the divine unknown ways, towards freedom, 238
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the patterns of unity, in the divine justices, towards
Believe, the path before you are the eternal
unknown ways,
Believe, the path before you is the eternal,
Realize, the path towards divine oneness,
Way shall arise,
Realize, the path to eternal justices, towards visible and
As has been, so shall be.
invisible freedom, Towards calmness of the way, As has been, so shall be.
And such is the way, that arises unto you, to warn you of your paths, towards destiny unknown,
Realize then, the destiny shall guide in mysterious ways
As has been, so shall be.
towards divine freedom,
Realize, the path to divine destiny arises in the divine unknown
As has been, so shall be.
Believe, Calmen the soul,
Divine Intent guides,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. 4/16/2012 10:48:24 PM 4/16/2012 10:48:00 PM
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
The path to divine unity arises in you, in unknown ways, propelling towards divine freedom, towards divine justices, Realize, the path ahead, in unknown manners of divine justices, 239
Towards unity all shall propel. Towards destiny all shall unite. As has been, so shall be. The emotions of mind and body, conceived through divine guidance, propels all forms in the journey. And your journey too, reflects only such patterns of destiny. As you greaten in your collectivity. As you reflect upon your greatening selves, the patterns of your within. And your mind reflects itself, creating unto a greater mind. As you abide in divine guidance, by the Divine Law of Hierarchy. Realize, Realize, in your greatening too, you shall unite reflecting the same divine patterns, as you had united in your minusculity. As has been, so shall be. Realize, realize, as you greaten, you cease to remain the same, evolving by the Divine Law of Greatening. Realize then, you shall propel to become, the divine interceptator, of the Divine Intentor. As has been, so shall be. The guidance of destiny, the guided, the led, towards destiny. As has been, so shall be.
Message generated from divine
The Invisible Hunger
All that the body is, but the mind, And all that the mind is, but in Divine Guidance, As has been, so shall be.
The guidance to eternal destiny, in unknown ways, As has been, so shall be.
Continuum of Divine conceivance Like a flow of water, as the water flows, the way must be created for its journey, And so is all, like from a flow of a divine conceivance, the Divine Intent, as such flows within all, to derive to its desired conclusions, as each conclude, for the concluding of divine conclusions, As paths unravel, path is created, and way is generated from unknown depths, And know, each and every single thing is a continuum of such divine instructions from the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
The hunger for destiny
As has been, so shall be.
Recognize, the insatiable hunger, only tamable temporarily, Like plugging a hole, as momentum greatens, water shall
The path to divine justices unveil in you, in divine
And such must be heeded in ways of conformity,
As has been, so shall be.
So as to evolve, to meet the hunger,
The unseeable,
To attain evolvingly, the desired destiny,
The divine glory within all,
As has been, so shall be.
Reflecting unto, patterns of gloriousness, towards divine justices, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Patterns of mysteriousness The insatiable hunger arises in unknown patterns,
As shall be, the conceivance of truth shall define the destiny of
Its ways seem to appear glowingly dark,
all designs,
Its path are thin surfaced,
And in the unknown, shall find towards gloriousness, the
Its mind sharp as shiny crystals,
mind’s shadow, towards unknown mysteries,
Realize, both powers reside inside of you towards freedom,
As has been, so shall be.
And you shall arise to uncover the gloriousness of the shadow, You shall realize, the divine balance in the attainment of such
Believe, the path towards freedom, towards divine calmness,
and unity,
Realize then, such are ways in divine mysteriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
uncovering ways towards freedom, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, towards freedom, Towards divine oneness,
Believe, the path towards divine calmness,
As has been, so shall be. 242
Believe, Believe, Believe, Believe, the path to divine calmness, shall unveil in you in divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, Believe, Believe, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path to divine calmness, shall unite unto you in
Proceed to your path of divine destiny unknown,
divine gloriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. The pattern of justice reveals unto you in divine gloriousness, Therence, your minds are formed for sustenance against
in the divine shadows,
wilderness of the shadow,
As has been, so shall be.
And the shadow of divine within shall unite towards infinite freedom, towards divine calmness, Believe, Realize the path before you is the eternal, Towards divine justices, towards divine freedom, in divine oneness, in divine calmness, As has been, so shall be. Believe, Believe,
And as shall be, therence shall unite upon your paths, in divine justices, way towards freedom, unto yourself, As has been, so shall be. In yourself, within the pattern reveals unto yourselves as you shall unite unto your destiny, In yourself, the divine pattern shall reveal truth in harmony, 243
As has been so shall be.
Path to divine calmness
Divine hunger reveals freedom
Realize, path to divine calmness, arises in divine justices,
The mind reveals the hunger for the exproliferation towards
Towards infinite wisdom and courage, towards infinite wisdom
the unknown path in the guided. And the mind shall reveal
and courage, towards vestiges of the mind’s unification, in
unto that which shall guide towards freedom in divine justices.
divine justices,
Realize, the path towards divine happiness in freedom. As has
In such arises, way towards freedom as one, in the unknown,
been, so shall be.
resides patterns of justices, Such are the guidance of within,
Unto your mind reveals the path towards unity, as shall be, in
As has been, so shall be.
the unknown path, reveals divine destiny. As has been, so shall be. The path towards unity, in divine justices. Such are ways in divine guidance, towards oneness. As such is the reflection of the divine patterns within, of divine justices, towards divine unknown ways. As has been, so shall be. The paths shadow, shall unite to guide your paths, towards freedom,. Believe. Realize, the path to calmness arises in you. As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the patterns towards divine justices, the path towards
And those reflecting the divine patterns, shall unite in their
unity and freedom, towards divine justices. As has been, so
paths towards freedom. As has been, so shall be.
shall be. Therence, realize all shall propel towards Divine Eternal In the unknown ways, all shall appear as one. In the unknown
destiny, in mysterious divine guidances, towards fulfilling the
path, the divine path reveals the way towards unity, in the
D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
unknown ways. As shall be, your mind remains as the ever-
Divine Intentor.
connected, foreseeing the path’s shadow, towards unified glory. As has been, so shall be. Believe, the divine justices of the mind, unites in the paths Satiation of divine hunger
shadow. As has been, so shall be. Believe, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
The satiation of one hunger leads to the next. And the
As shall be, such are the ways in which unveils the design of
differences shall arise in the paths to such’s pursual. As shall be,
the divine unknown. As has been, so shall be. Believe. As has
the Divine Eternal arises mysteriously. Realize then, the path
been, so shall be.
towards unity is the reflection of your within. Realize then, all shall unite victoriously towards freedom. As has been, so shall
And those that shall unite in their paths towards freedom, shall
free themselves in the paths towards divine wisdom. As has been, so shall be.
And as each new hunger arises within you, all hungers combine to form the greater divine hunger, the necessitated,
Believe, towards divine calmness. Shall satiate their mind’s
the Divine Intent. And each new hunger shall unveil in divine
hunger towards divine justices, towards divine calmness. As has
patterns of glory, towards greater guidances. As has been, so
been, so shall be.
shall be.
And the insatiable hunger that propels you forward towards its fulfillment, arise from the Divine Intent. And the insatiable hunger breeds endlessly, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent, as all are its reflections. Therence, realize, the mysterious inconceivable patterns are the divine reflections of the Divine Intent. As such patterns arises unto mysteriously unto yourselves, revealing unto has been so desired, by the Divine Intent. Realize then, the path before you is the divine mysterious. As has been, so shall be. In the satiation of each new hunger that arises within, are steps towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent. And such are reflections of the Divine Intent, revealing unto, its desires and wishes, towards its fulfillment. Realize then, such are divine guidances unto yourselves, arriving from divine mysteriousness. Realize then, the path before you is eternal. As has been, so shall be.
All shall reflect the patterns of their within,
Exproliferating reflecting Divine Patterns 7/13/2012 2:54:08 P M
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12/20/2011 10:15:48 A M
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The designs of destiny shall unfold form within themselves, And all shall arise to be guided abiding their own justices, As shall be, all shall propel reflecting the own patterns of their within, As has been, so shall be.
Attaining towards greater conceivances As shall be attained, in all the stages of your upliftment, your conceivance shall greaten, as the bodies unify and greaten, And such shall attain towards greater knowledge and wisdom, in the attainance of such greater conceivances, As has been, so shall be. And the divided shall unify, as one, and greaten unifiedly, propelling as one unified, giving rise to a greater presence, of a greater conceivance, And the greatened shall exproliferate in greater realms, magnifying by the Divine Law of Magnitudal, As has been, so shall be.
Attainment of Divine Presence As the mind attains greater conceivance, in its unity with others, in the greatening, you shall attain greater connectivity with the divine presence, And shall be attained unto your minds, a state of divine
All shall appear in stages
conceivance, in your unifiedness, by the unified connectivity of
All shall be attained in stages of progression,
all the constituents,
And in the mind, such shall be identified through its patterning
Realize, such results from your divided bodies, uniting, as your
unto, as each need arises, upon your mind’s patterning,
mind had once resulted from the unity of all constituents of
And realize, as such, all shall arise in the stages of their
your body, evolving unifiedly,
propelling, and such shall construct unto, as the stages progress
Realize then, such enables the mind’s attainment, of a greater
unto, towards divine victory, in the mysteriousness of the
divine presence, and all the constituents, recognize themselves
path’s shadow,
as one unified,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, such unified states in your unifiedness, is reflection of the same patterns in your greatening, as the greatened states of your individual bodies, As has been, so shall be. And all unified shall recognize themselves, in their unifiedness, as one and unified, As has been, so shall be. Realize, realize, such are patterns you reflect unto in your greatening, and in your recognition of such, you shall attain greater gloriousness, in your furtherances, As has been, so shall be.
And in the mind of the form, in their bodies, as shall be, shall pattern unto, to identify the necessities of their stages, in their moments, And shall propel towards attainments of such necessities, patterned in their individuality or by their collectivity, Realize, realize, the patterns of destiny unknown arises in divine mysteriousness of the path’s foreshadow, and in your minds shall identify such, as it identifies its necessities of survival, in moments, from the perspectives of themselves, in their minusculity or their greatened body, 248
Realize then, as forms remain in their minusculity, they refer to
Realize, your journey is the reflection, of the divine patterning,
themselves as themselves in their minusculity in their
And you unfold in patterns of the divine shadow of the Divine
dividedness, and as they greaten and unify, in their greatness,
they refer to themselves as themselves, in their greatened
Your ways unite gloriously, to enable, to govern the path
stages, realize, such significances of development,
towards unity,
As has been, so shall be.
And all are a reflection of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
And in its collectiveness, such are its necessities of survival of its collectiveness, as are its unified necessities of the moment’s necessities, And realize, as your bodies had unified, so shall your divided bodies unify towards greatening, towards unity in its
Divine glory within you
propellance, in its path’s patterning,
Foresee ahead, unify towards oneness,
Realize then, the path ahead towards destiny unknown arises
Calmen your souls,
in divine mysteriousness of the path’s foreshadow,
Foresee ahead,
As has been, so shall be.
The path before you, towards unified glory, As has been, so shall be.
And all are stages, in the reflections of the divine patterns of within,
And divine glory shall attain in your journey,
As all reflect the Divine Design in their exproliferations, as
Foresee ahead, the path to your justness,
within all unveil the divine patterns of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead, the divine journey towards oneness,
So you propel to reflect unto the design of the path’s shadow,
Foresee ahead,
The shadow arising unto yourselves, to guide you towards your
As has been, so shall be.
destiny ahead, 249
In the divine Unknown In the divine unknown, all shall appear in their divine path into their destiny, Divine Intent within yourselves
As shall be, therence, unite in harmony unto yourselves, in the
Within yourself, had arrived with you, the Divine Intent, of the
way of the divine shadow,
divine journey,
As has been, so shall be.
And such has shown you the path to your destiny, As shall be, you shall unite amongst yourselves, to attain harmony in the unfolding, reflecting unto, the divine patterns of your within, As has been, so shall be.
Way shall arise mysteriously In your journey, In your divine path of glory, Towards divine unity, towards divine oneness, The path to your glory is shattered into darkness of the divine
Revealing mysteries of unknown
In yourself, the divine journey propels towards the unknown
Foresee ahead, the path before you is the eternal,
path ahead,
The path to your journey, reveals in divine ways, towards
As shall be, the way towards the unknown path reveals the mysteries of eternity, As shall be, so shall all things unfold in their divine way,
destiny, Realize then, the divine path unfolds before you in divine mysteriousness,
reflecting unto patterns of their within,
And all arise in harmony, towards oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. The path to divine glory, shall reveal unto you in divine ways, Foresee ahead, The path before you reveals in divine gloriousness, 250
As has been, so shall be. Believe, As has been, so shall be. The path before you, arises in divine mysteriousness, as the patterns unfold reflecting unto patterns of your within, And such shall guide towards divine darkness in your paths towards mystery, And such shall arise unto guidance towards freedom, in unknown ways, Realize then, such are guidances of the divine path, towards divine destiny unknown, Realize then, the path of you propels in divine gloriousness towards freedom unto yourselves, Realize then, the path towards unity arises in divine guidances unto your own, Believe, Believe, Believe, The divine justices unveil in you gloriously towards divine oneness, in calmness, As has been, so shall be.
In the unknown path, towards divine destiny unknown, the divine path reveals unity in harmony, As shall be, all forms propel to fulfill their mission, in the divine path, towards their unknown destiny, In the path towards destiny, in the unknown ways, all appear divided and uniting into oneness, towards attaining greater gloriousness, Realize, all shall merge to attain greatness, and divide again to greaten their glory, to reunite, to attain collective greatening, As all had arisen from the same, dividing to multiply, reuniting towards greater conceivances, and none remain unattached in the destiny, And all the divided forms of the Divine Design remains everconnected invisibly, and attains their divine understanding in cumulativeness, And as all forms appear divided in the Unfolding, as the exproliferation of the Divine Design unfolds, all appear unified, in their greatening, As such, such is the way of the divine justices, as the path unfolds mysteriously unto yourselves, The path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Believe, 251
Realize, the path towards destiny unknown, Calmen your soul, As has been, so shall be. Believe, As has been, so shall be.
Hidden within, guiding all In the journey, as the Divine Design birthed from the Divine Intent, all its divided forms contained within, ‘it's’ divine messages. And in the exproliferation, the Divine Intent expresses and unfolds from within all, as forms propel, to fulfill their invisible hungers for glory. And such necessitate all to evolve as necessary, exproliferating in unique patterns, and such are the patterns of divine justices. And as all seek to fulfill such invisible hungers, arising from within, they reflect unto, the messages from their within. And such are the patterns of glory, as the forms of the Divine Design propel towards the unknown shadow, towards attaining gloriousness. As has been, so shall be. As such, all forms propel in their glorious path, towards the unknown ways, in oneness, remaining ever unified in their journeys. And all reflect unto, in their exproliferation, the patterns of glory from within, towards the fulfillment of their destinies. As has been, so shall be. The divine destiny unknown, shall forever propel in divine mysteriousness. Realize, the design of destiny, unveils unto you. Foresee the path to divine justices. As has been, so shall be. 252
Believe. The mysteriousness of the path’s shadow, arises to guide towards divine justices, towards gloriousness. As has been, so shall be.
Formation of Collective Bodies
Greatening towards divine destiny In the unknown, shall unveil unto you, the foreshadow of the path to your destiny, Realize, the divine unknown shall arise unto, in the divine mysteriousness,
In the unification, forms greater bodies, towards destiny
And in greatness, you shall form along, towards the infinite, And in such, arises your destiny, Within you, you shall find the truth that shall guide you, towards divine unknown, in the patterns of your destiny, Realize, as you shall attain the collectivity of your divided selves, and shall communicate unto yourselves, as you communicate unto your hands and feet, so shall you attain the perview, to enable you to attain greater justices, in your attainment towards greater glory in your collectiveness, Realize, realize, in your collectivity you shall attain greater glory unto yourselves, and in your attainment of greater glory, you shall attain towards greater justices, and such shall enable you to form unto, in the divine path’s shadow, way of divine destiny, As has been, so shall be.
And shall arise unto you, in your way towards destiny, as you
Realize then, the path’s shadow is the guidance from the
form and pattern in your collectivity, the perview, the ability to
Divine Intent, and such are guidance unto you, reflecting the
conceive divine patterns of gloriousness, that you had attained
divine patterns of justices,
to perceive only in your individuality,
Realize then, towards divine glory, you shall attain in your
Therence, in your collectiveness, as you form along, as arises
collectiveness, greater unity, abiding the path’s shadow
unto you, the divine guidances, in the divine path’s shadow,
unfolding through you,
your perceptions shall maketh’ sense unto your souls, that shall
Therence, realize, none had arisen causelessly, and all unite in
enable you to attain greater glory unto yourselves,
patterns of divine gloriousness, in the patterns of unity,
And realize, such shall create bonds unto your divided selves,
As has been, so shall be.
as the bond between your hands and your body, as all connect unifiedly, operating collectively, Therence, realize, all are guided in the path’s shadow, in the guidance of the divine unknown path, Realize, all attains the pattern of operations, in the guidance of the foreshadow within all, as all arisen from the same, becoming different in their ways, to adapt in their differing circumstances, to reunite again in their differences, to attain greater gloriousness,
And the divine guidances arise unto you, to guide your paths towards your destiny unknown, Therence, as you form in your collectiveness, unto yourselves, realize, your ways are united in divine gloriousness, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
And all attain their greater glory, reflecting patterns of their within, taking shape in the patterns of divine unknown, towards divine destiny unknown,
As divided evolves unity Through your communicability, your divided bodies shall appear as stitches in the fabric of your collectiveness, strengthening your bonds. And you shall unify amongst Your communication enables unification Your reproducibility binds you, your survival bands you, your commonalities unify you, your unity empowers you. Ever greatening in magnitude, as you evolve communicability amongst your divided bodies, you exproliferate collectively. Beings of similar constituents, although multiplying by dividing, as you are raised by your own, you are taught the ways of your knowing. And in such, you continue your wisdom you accumulate, and you learn of the prevailing ways of connectivity amongst you. And as you create such bonds with those of similar intents, you naturally unite amongst yourselves, evolving collectively. And remaining in your divided bodies, you coordinate amongst yourselves, operating in
yourselves, from amongst your differences, in ways of differences. As has been, so shall be. Realize then, such are ways towards divine guidance unto yourselves, towards divine unity, and such is the way of divine balances. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be. And like the needle that gains momentum as it starts sewing, the magnitude of your exproliferation gain momentum in your greatening. Realize then, as you shall expand unifiedly, towards greatening magnitudes, you shall attain greater abilities, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
unison, greatening towards greater magnitude. Realize then, such is the way towards divine connectivity. Realize then, such shall enable you to unite gloriously in the divine path’s shadow. And as your body bonds through blood, your collectivity bonds by the communicability amongst yourselves. Realize then, such is the way towards divine oneness amongst you, the path towards unity, the path towards divine guidance, path towards divine destiny. As has been, so shall be. 256
Reflection of Divine Patterns
All reflect same patterns The divine patterns are reflected within all, only appearing in differing rhythms in each, as each arises in differing circumstances, arising variously, Realize, all propel as part of the same journey, playing differing roles, in differing contexts, arising upon soul’s divine
In their greatening, all reflect their within
justices, in divine guidances, As has been, so shall be. And your minds shall perceive differently, of the same, as you perceive from your differing contexts of perceptions, for differing purposes, divinely guided, Realize, realize, such perceptions arises in you, representing your unified body only, but such arises to unite along with others, conceiving as one awareness, As has been, so shall be. Realize, therence, all arises to unite upon one another, greatening towards divine greatness, towards successes, towards divine victoriousness, As has been, so shall be.
Forming newly, reflecting within
Therence, realize, all conceive and propelling as a part of a
Realize, the divine patterns are the divine guidances, guiding
greater conceivance, conceiving their externalities,
from within all,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
And all may appear as disconnected to you, but realize, all arise only as a continuation, of the divine journey, propelling
And from the minuscule, to the immensse, all arise in divine
as part of the divine conceivance of the Divine Intent,
guidances, reflected unto, by the divine patterns,
As has been, so shall be.
And as you adapt with others, amalgamating your differences, you cause unto newer forms to arise, reflecting the divine patterns of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, as so is the pattern of life, so does the reflections of the divine pattern continue through all forms, remaining in their unifiedness, Realize then, they reflect, by their continuity, in their continuum bodies, reflections of their attainance of such
The Patterns of destiny
states, that they evolved unto them,
And there is a link, between all that exists,
Therence, they propel, reflecting unto the patterns of
And all propel, in divine guidance,
gloriousness, upon their path’s shadow, until they are ceased to
And to exist in none, as all in the passing on of every moment,
be exproliferated,
Therence, realize then, there is no stagnant moment, and there
Realize, then, such are the patterns of death, when they cease
is no non-moving existence, as all are in eternal movement,
to exproliferate, as there are the patterns of life, which enables
towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent,
them to continue to exproliferate,
As has been, o shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Therence, unite in the divine patterns of glory, towards unifiedness, upon the path’s shadow, so that you may greaten towards your successes, 258
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Propelling in the greatening
Divine Patterns reflect within
As arises in you, as you had formed through your evolvation,
In your journey you shall reflect unto designs of your within,
and continue in the same form, as you pass on to your newer
As shall be, such shall reflect unto all others in destiny,

And the divine patterns shall follow through its guidance of
So shall arise, from your within collectivity, the completed
forms of your collectiveness, that shall pass on, to greaten
Realize, unto your soul, the divine pattern reveals, in divine
unto, flourishing unto, in the same divine patterns of
Realize, the path ahead in emptiness,
And they shall reflect unto, in the same foreshadow of the
Believe, unto your within, realize, they reflect unto, the divine
Divine Intent,
design of destiny,
As has been, so shall be.
Within your soul, hides the patterns of divine justices, Such are the divine patterns of truth, the designs of destiny
Realize, the path towards divine unknown arises unto in divine
Realize then, such are the designs of destiny unto yourself,
And in your collectiveness, you greaten towards greater glory,
Realize, their designs, as you shall then realize yourselves,
reflecting unto the same divine patterns of justices,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. I arise, I arise unto you in divine path’s mysteries, upon your And realize, the Divine Intent is the imperceptible to
soul’s guidances,
Its guidance, are the divine justices,
As has been, so shall be. 259
As has been, so shall be.
The divine justices reveal in you, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, The divine justices reveal unto you in divine ordering,
Realize, then, the patterns shall unveil in divine justices,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
The path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. As shall be, so shall your reflections magnify unto greatness,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path to destiny ahead, As has been, so shall be.
All arises in mysteriousness
In the unknown path, all propel towards the infinite, towards
The divine path shall unveil unto you, divine justices,
the endless path, towards destiny,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
As shall be, in their paths shall arise the unknown way, and the
As has been, so shall be.
way shall prevail towards their path to wisdom and courage, As shall be, all shall unifiedly propel, in their paths towards the
Realize, the path before you is the divine destiny,
unknown destiny, in the reflection of the Divine Design, above
As has been, so shall be.
all, As has been, so shall be.
In the unknown path Foresee the path ahead, unite, in the oneness, realize, unto you reveals the divine patterns, of all existence. In your unity, combines, the dividedly propelling forms of the Divine Design, towards the fulfillment of its mission. As shall be, in infinite magnitude all propels, towards the unknown path to destiny. As has been, so shall be. In yourself reveals the way of the divine journey. In your mind unveils the way of the divine path. Enable yourselves, to unite in the oneness of all, foresee the path ahead, towards darkness of destiny. Unite unto togetherness towards divine victory. As has been, so shall be. In the unknown path, the divine destiny unveils true wisdom and path to destiny. Find within yourself, the divine path, as you propel, in your designs divine. As has been, so shall be. Unto you, as the divine pattern reflects. So do you reflect unto all, the similar design of destiny. As has been, so shall be.
Greater Mind of Collectivity
In unity attain greatness
As the mind attains communicability, uniting the divided bodies, coordinating, cooperating, aligning in oneness, in victory, Their patterns unravel unifiedly, As they align in similitudes, And attain of greater ways, to cause unto their differences, Realize, as the body divides to attain uniqueness, as all bodies propel to attain unto such, they shall attain only the necessary for the greater reflection of their within, And beyond such, they shall greaten once again, to create unto greater differences, in the reflection of their within,
And such is the everlasting pattern of exproliferation, only its momentum is the ever-greatening multiplier, as multiplies manifold, the divided bodies,
Therence, realize, the greatening, as such, also reflect unto such patterns in their journey, as the momentum of greatening is manifold in each division, 262
Realize, then, as you shall greaten, so shall you greaten towards
As shall be, in your minds shall unite the divine destiny, in the
unity, as you attain unto your communicability, recognizing
Unfolding, foreshowing the path towards unity,
your similitudes,
As has been, so shall be.
And so shall you reflect within of your own, in the patterning of your collective body, As shall be, so shall all be glorified victoriously, As has been, so shall be. And all is a reflection of your within, towards divine oneness, The path towards oneness, unites before you, enables you to unite towards the divine path, As all shall be, all shall unite unto one another in greatness, Unfolding, towards unity, Foresee ahead, the path towards destiny,
As shall be, in you shall unite the way, towards the divine path of darkness, in you shall unite the ability, to foresee the journey, in the unity of all in oneness, towards the unknown path in unknown ways, As shall be, such shall enable your minds to combine unifiedly, propelling towards the unity of all, in the oneness of all, As has been, so shall be.
Foresee, the path before you, As has been, so shall be. Pattern reveals, in collectivity In the mind, you shall uncover the wisdom and courage to attain, which you shall unravel unto your collectiveness, unified All shall unite gloriously In the unknown path, all shall unite, to prevail towards the divine journey, As shall be, there shall unite in the oneness of all, in their hearts and minds, in unity,
as one, And as shall so be, in such you shall gather to unite unto greatness of your own designs, in the Unfolding, And as shall so be, you shall unite in harmony, And as shall be, so shall be your destiny, As has been, so shall be. 263
Foresee ahead, within your divine mind, the path to your unity As shall so be, in the unknown path, towards divine destiny, all
reveals unto you,
shall unite as one, to propel towards the unknown path,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, towards unity, all shall unite harmoniously, As has been, so shall be.
Formation of greater mind In the unknown path, towards the divine destiny, All shall unite as one, to form together in the greater collective bond amongst one another, As shall be, in the greater mind, all shall unite harmoniously in the synchrony of their designs within, As has been, so shall be.
Greater mind of Collectivity As your minds evolved to operate your body, so does the collective body evolve its own mind, to operate its collectivity, in the oneness of all, And such is the greater mind of your collectiveness, as you unite collectively, to form a collective body, unifiedly, as one, 264
Evolving reflecting inner reflections In the exproliferation of the Divine Design, the divided forms evolved complexly in their exproliferating, abiding the Divine Laws of Unfolding. And as complex forms evolved their communicability, they unified and formed collective bodies, towards attaining their common goals. And the collective bodies of complex forms evolved reflecting the patterns of their within, magnifying such patterns in their expressions. And reflecting the patterns of their within, complex forms specialize within their collective bodies, reflecting their own bodies. And they evolve within their collective body, a Greater Mind, to operate their collective body, as their bodies operate by their minds. And guided by the Greater Mind, all constituents order hierarchically, in the role and utility each signify, operating as one, unified form. And such creates unto a greater form, in the unification of all unified forms, by their greatening, by the Divine Law of Magnitudal. As has been, so shall be.
Constituents in the Greater
Constituents of greater guidance As the mind is the greater glorious, the conceiver of all creation, so does the mind of greater collectivity consist of the greater resemblers of divine patterns, And those that align in greater divine guidance, and lead others in divine reflections, are the guidance, and the constituents of the greater mind, Therence, as all propel hierarchically, to attain harmony, as shall be, all propel towards unity, towards divine justices, in reflections of such divine patterns, As has been, so shall be. And such are but reflections of design from within all, as all attain hierarchy, towards unity and harmony, And such is the pattern of exproliferation of all things, in divine guidances, As has been, so shall be.
Those of greater gloriousness The gloriousness reveals unto all, And those of the greater glorious patterns of destiny shall unveil gloriously, And shall position to be the center of the collectiveness they form, 266
As has been, so shall be. Unto those shall unite, the ways of eternity, The path shall guide unto, in the unknown, towards destiny, As has been, so shall be. And those shall unite as one, in their loneliness, As shall be, there shall be greatening towards the unknown path in harmony, As has been, so shall be.
As the relationship deepens As all shall attain unity, all shall propel in greater collectivity, towards harmonious victory. As has been, so shall be. And all shall position and align, to attain the goals of the collectiveness, as shall be determined by the Greater Mind. As the relationship between the constituents of the greater mind deepens, those forming the Greater Mind are determined in harmony. As has been, so shall be.
Towards Unity all propel
Communication between greater Bodies 3/6/2012 Â 10:28:48 Â P M
As all reflect divine patterns to greaten, multiplying through divisions, such is the eternal pattern reflected unto all, And such pattern unites all things into oneness, And as greater bodies form, in the unification of communicable constituents, they greaten to create a greater body in the reflection of their within, and as such greatened body stabilizes, and propels towards rigidness, it divides to greaten unto differences, And the greatened divided bodies merge once again, to form even greater bodies, united, reflecting the patterns of their within, And each phase of the greatened body, is reflected unto a greatening body, to greaten towards greater ways, towards destiny unknown,
And the journey shall vary for each, as some survives in one context being the same, and evolve to survive in another context, And the survivors are greater exproliferers, the suitors of the journey, adaptors in their context, Realize, then, all contain the same design within, only evolve differingly, in differing contexts, As has been, so shall be. 268
And all unite towards greater unity in such ways,
divinely destined state, as all reflect unto, the patterns of their
As has been, so shall be.
within, And as all patterns are reflections of the patterns of their within, and as all patterns arose from the Divine Intent, all patterns are divine guidances,
Divinely Guided towards Destiny
And all propel, in the manner that all propel, as such are the
Communications arise between forms, as interactions towards
only propellable ways,
And therence, all such that you conceive as possibilities as
And all forms evolve to survive their ways, and evolution
ways, in the unfolding, are but ways of your learning of the
enables forms to greaten, to attain ways to survive,
patterns of the unfolded, so you may attain conceivance of the
And the evolved forms are resulted by adaptively evolving
patterns in your furtherance,
Therence, realize, in your greatening, you attain greater
And in the evolution, only such prevails as the way, which is to
conceivance, in the evolution, to recognize the one pattern, of
divine destiny unknown,
And all the other ways, that appear as possibilities to you, are never as such, in reality, as such ways would have surely
And the way shall arise, as you shall propel unifiedly, in divine
prevailed then,
Realize, such ways are only possibilities, assessable by your
As has been, so shall be.
minds, in the evolvation of mind’s conceivances, Realize then, all propel, as all are meant to propel, And those prevailing as the way, are in divine guidance, As has been, so shall be. Therence, as such, all communications that arise between forms, arise towards unity, to greaten to become unto, the
Divine Patterns guiding all
As forms greaten, as forms are but consistence of patterns,
unifiedly propelling, reflecting patterns of within, in continuity,
And as they interact, all such arises towards unity, And all may collide at first, to unite in the furtherance,
The way to unknown path, unites upon you,
And all may unify to greaten gloriously,
And as you had divided, so shall you be united, in your path to
And in them reflects patterns of unity,
As all reflect unto, patterns of their within,
As shall be, so shall unite upon you, the ways to unite,
Such patterns reflect unto, designs of unity,
As has been, so shall be.
And in unified gloriousness, all shall propel towards victory in
And as you propel unto greater magnitude, your destiny shall
the unknown ways,
be in unified glory, balancing the path of your exproliferation,
Way shall arise to guide, towards destiny unknown,
Therence, unite towards glorious victory,
As the divine patterns reflect gloriously, in divine unknown
As has been, so shall be.
ways, Way shall arise to unite, As has been, so shall be. The Way of Connectivity Within yourself, unveils the ways of unity in your collectiveness, The Patterns of Destiny
As shall be, unto you reveals the path towards joining the way
The pattern of exproliferation, reflected within the unfolding,
to one another, in unity,
Greatening in magnitude,
As has been, so shall be.
Reflecting their ways, In their divisions, In their unity, 270
Becoming unto unified oneness As you shall propel towards the unseen path, the way of the Divine Design unfolds upon you. As shall be, in yourself find the ways towards unity. As shall be, such shall define upon you, the paths to unity, unfolding upon you, the greater ability to unify as one, in your collectivity. As has been, so shall be. In your greater collectiveness, your individual paths will combine to form as one, as shall be, in such shall guide your destiny to become one. As shall be, so shall you unite harmoniously. As has been, so shall be. And all shall unite harmoniously to combine as one unified body, towards greater collectivity. As shall be, such shall enable you to attain peace and harmony. As has been, so shall be. Foresee, as one, unified collectiveness, towards unity, all shall propel, unifiedly, as one, in the divine oneness of all. As has been, so shall be.
Breaking of the Patterns
All shall Forever Change Which I have set for you, the way of divine glory, know, all such shall forever change, towards newness, Believe, As has been, so shall be. And to you, the dweller in all moments, all things shall forever change, As has been, so shall be.
Ways to your Progression Such is the divine glorious way that the exproliferation of all designs shall follow, As all shall attain, in their differences, stages of their upliftment, their ways shall achieve greater levels of achievements, As has been, so shall be As shall be, as you shall attain within your collectivity, ways of divine unity, you shall attain patterns of progression, And such ways that shall be your ways of comfort, shall be successful, and shall prevail to be the way of progression,
As you shall be inadaptable, clinging to the older ways, realize
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
then, you shall demise unto your within,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, you must break the older patterns of justices, Realize then, the path to divine calmness arises unto you in
divine gloriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
And as you shall become the greater adapter of your ways, realize, realize, you shall attain peace and harmony in your journey, and you shall remain adaptable to survive and prevail, As has been, so shall be. Believe,
All shall clearen unifiedly
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee, the path ahead, in the unity of oneness, As shall be, in your unified guidance, shall unfold the path
Realize within, the path before you are the eternal,
upon you, towards destiny,
The path to divine calmness unveils unto you,
And shall clarify the mind of the darkness within, towards the
Realize, the divine path to justices,
path of wisdom and unity,
The path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
Believe, Realize then, towards unity, All shall propel towards divine justices, As has been, so shall be. Believe, the path before you is the eternal, Realize, the path ahead, towards divine justness, Path before you is the eternal,
Toward Unity all Propel Towards unity all shall unite, in collectiveness, all shall propel, As shall be, in the unity of all, shall propel all forward, towards the oneness, In yourselves, shall unite unto you, the way to oneness, Foresee ahead, in your unity, the ways of unified glory, 273
As shall be, such is the only way to divine victory, As has been, so shall be. The message to you Unite as one, As has been, so shall be. Divine path arises within In yourself, the divine path reveals within, the courage shall shatter all doubts, shall unite the hearts of wisdom and faith, As has been, so shall be.
Within you, I reveal The path to divine oneness, shall unveil in your destiny, Realize, the path ahead of you shall arise in phases, and shall unite upon you in glorious ways towards divine justices, Realize, the divine eternal ways, Believe, Calmen your soul,
Through you, path unveils
As has been, so shall be.
The path towards wisdom, shall unite the path towards courage, as shall be, such shall enable yourself to attain
And in such shall arise to guide you of your paths to glorious
towards the perception of the immenesse,
As shall be, your minds shall pattern the infinite, towards the
unifiedly glorious victory of all,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, you shall uncover the path unto which all patterns shall reveal gloriously,
Believe, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Foresee towards unified victory
Realize then, the path to divine calmness,
Foresee ahead, unite victoriously, unto you propels the divine
As has been, so shall be.
journey, Foresee ahead, in the oneness of all,
As has been, so shall be.
The divine path towards divine gloriousness, Realize the path ahead towards divine emptiness,
In you shall reveal the path, the way towards divine freedom
As has been, so shall be.
and justice, Towards the unknown all shall propel gloriously, towards
Calmen your soul,
divine justices, and shall reveal the way, to uncover the
Realize the path ahead are the eternal,
unknown truth,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the path ahead of you is the divine eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, The divine patterns shall unveil gloriously unto you in divine
And in you shall reveal the pattern of truth, as you shall be the
breaker of divine patterns,
Realize, the path ahead towards divine justices,
Realize then, such is your way towards divine emptiness,
Realize, the divine path unveils in divine mysteriousness, Realize, the path ahead are the eternal,
Realize then, the path ahead shall propel for divine oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you, in divine destiny ahead, Therence, realize, the path before you is the divine eternal,
The way shall arise to guide, towards divine justices,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead in your divine mind, The path to your unity unveils in you, 275
Breaking patterns, through new As your bodies demise, arising newly in another, recognize such patterns of life and death, as patterns of breaking patterns. As you breath in new air, so do you demise arising newly, as you breath in to breath out. As has been, so shall be. Those shall be, the breakers of older patterns, that shall evolve unto newer ways, towards greater adaptability. Realize, the body had evolved to demise on its succession of expression, propelling through another, arising newly, rather than continuing through a single body. Realize, such patterns, arising within your bodies, as in the minusculity, you shall constantly erode and demise, to arise to guide. Will you not then recognize, such patterns reflected beyond yourselves, as you propel by divine guidance, the same life, within all bodies. As has been, so shall be. Such is the reflection of breaking older patterns, as the newer body is capable of conceiving newly, the old, attaining unto newer ways, without encumbrances older body beholds. As has been, so shall be. 276
The Hand of God
Therein within, I shall unveil, therein within, I shall reveal, the ways of unfolded destiny, and means shall arise towards unknown guidance, towards the anticipated, to decipher the destiny in divine ways,
 As has been, so shall be.
All end to begin As all shall form, so like a breathe, all shall pass, recreating, to create unto newer ways, in newness, Realize, realize, way shall arise to guide, As has been, so shall be.
In the divine expression As you had birthed, so shall birth through you, the divine expressions, the uncreateds, unto their destiny, on your patterning, So shall be, shall cause your destiny to unite in harmonious unity, And as shall be, so shall you unite unto togetherness, As has been, so shall be. 277
Only those shall prevail
Shall reveal unto you
And you shall propel to reflect unto, the patterns of your own,
Into you, in the ways of unity, carves in the Unfolding, the
the patterns that prevail you,
divine patterns,
And such patterns shall be tested in the unfolding, for its
The unseen path reveals the unknown way, and the door of
prevailance in the journey,
wisdom opens before you, the unknown ways unite, in the
Therence, realize, the divine journey is a test of your
unseen path, of unknown destiny,
Foresee ahead, in the divine sun, the ways of divine shall
And only those shall prevail, those that has no end,
reflect upon you, the unknown desires, to the unknown way, of
Way shall arise to guide, towards destiny in the unknown ways,
unknown designs,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, unite, in the oneness of all, bear yourselves, in the ways of the unknown,
As all shall arise to demise, so shall you end, either to begin
As has been, so shall be.
again or end your prevalence, As has been, so shall be.
Through yourself, the pattern reveals, the way of the unknown
Realize then, all ways arise to demise in the journey, and some
design propels, towards infinite,
shall prevail, those more adaptive, more efficient,
And in you has been bestowed unto, the power of immenesse,
And realize, as all shall evolve unto newer ways, those enabling
towards unity, in the unknown ways,
ways of survival shall prevail towards the end, as their journeys
As shall be, in you, I shone the path, to mould newer ways,
shall prevail and end to begin to end, and begin again,
unseen, unrecognizable,
Way shall arise to guide, towards divine oneness,
As has been, so shall.
As has been, so shall be. Blessed is your path, towards unity and justice,
Foresee ahead unto your minds, deep within, the pattern reveals, the way of unknown path, Foresee ahead, unto your mind, as shall be, your minds shall clear destiny to you, Foresee ahead, within yourself, the journey reveals the divine
The Hand of God
Everything ends, as everything begins, and all begin to end, to
As has been, so shall be.
begin again, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead, unto your mind, Therence, unite,
All appear to adapt in newness, realize then, the divine
As has been, so shall be.
patterns, the divine reflections, and all shall vary for each phase in their passing, arising differently, continued from the
The unknown shall enable your paths to merge as one, in the unity of all,
same, to become different, arising in newness, towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, foresee ahead, towards destiny, In the unknown path shall unveil the way, towards harmonious
Upon you shall unveil, the way towards the unknown path,
Foresee ahead, the Divine Design unto you, foresee ahead, the
As has been, so shall be.
revelations upon you. Foresee in your mind, the unknown path, the divine justice, divine truth. Foresee ahead, unto yourself. As has been, so shall be. As you evolve unto greater abilities for exproliferation, the mind evolves the ability to interact with its externalities in greatest depths. It evolves to interact with its externalities, restructuring the construction of existences, to cause newer reactions unto them, altering their destinies. As such, the mind 279
converts its externalities into its tools, and expresses its intents through them, giving its tools new life, and new causes to pursue, expressing itself with greater exproliferability through them. And as all are disciplined by the Divine Laws of Unfolding, the mind disciplines it’s creations by the Laes of Creation, which its creations abide after abiding the Divine Laws of Unfolding. By restructuring its externalities, the mind becomes the medium to cause unto bonds, creating the nonexistent, creating all that is needed in its exproliferation, expressing its intent through its tools of interaction. And like Hand of God, repatterning externalities, influencing the unfolding patterns, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of
t h e

Divine Intentor.
The path shall arise to darken, the mind shall arise to greaten,
as shall be you shall view unendingly large constellations,
Into the Next Phase
therence, realize, way shall arise within you, in divine light, in 7/15/2012 6:38:58 P M
7/15/2012 1:52:08 P M
divine mind, therence, unite in harmonious glory, towards oneness, in the light of shinning diamond, Therence, realize, the path ahead shall glorify soon towards unknown abyss, Way shall unite, Therence, shall arise upon you, glorious victory, Therence, shall unite upon you glorious destiny, As has been, so shall be.
As you shall unite Unto you, shall reveal the way, of evolving your paths, towards destiny, Foresee ahead in your mind, the divine destiny ahead, You shall uncover the paths to unity, in your own way, As shall be, unite unto yourselves in the divine way, As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead, in the unknown path, reveals the unknown way, 281
As you shall progress unto being the foreseer, your paths shall
As shall be, so shall you unite in harmony of oneness, and so
merge as one, along with all the other’s,
shall you unite in the Unfolding, such is the lesson to yourself,
And those that you shall give life to, becomes your means of
in your Unfolding, you shall unite in harmony in the unknown,
As shall you unite in the creations of your minds weaving, in the darkness of yourselves, shall reveal unto, the light to your
As shall be, in such you reveal the divine unknown,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall you unite in your journey uncovering in the Unfolding, your ways to intertwine, as one, In the unknown, resides the answers to all you seek, therence, believe and you shall succeed,
And as you shall propel to be, the unifier of the divine path, So shall you become, the light of the divine path,
Your destiny resides in your Unfolding by the Divine Laws, As has been, so shall be.
And your dividedness, shall unite once again, In the unknown path, towards the unknown way, As has been, so shall be.
As you shall create unto the Unknown, the reality of your conceivance, as shall be, so shall you unite in harmony the joyousness of the minds, In unity, such shall unite in harmony into oneness of all, And as shall be, as there has been the patterns you weave through in the unknown, find the answers to your mysteries, Realize, the path to your mysteries reveal unto divine darkness unto your souls, 282
As you shall create By reconstruction of existences in the externalities, you evolve unto them, greater abilities, as your expressions, using them as your tools. And you define unto them, greater complexity, greater adaptability, greater discipline, defining them uniquely, by the Laes of Creation. And as such, your mind become the tool of creation, projecting its thoughts into existence by its interaction with the externalities. And those, once inconceivable to you, becomes conquerable, as you exproliferate through your creations, in your greater expressions. And as you express through your tools, you evolve along with them, as they become a part of you, an extension of yourself. And you remain connected to your creations, guiding and aiding their progression, evolving unifiedly, as you had been evolved unto. And as you evolve unifiedly with your creations, you evolve into the next phase, by the Divine Law of Magnitudal. And in such state, you evolve unto the GreaterComplex-Mind to direct your evolving bodies. And as you attain such states of greatening, you shall exproliferate with greater exproliferability, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of t h e
 Divine Intentor. 283
The Invisible (The Unity)
You do not see, that which you need not, But it exists nevertheless, You do not feel, that which you need not, But it shall not cease to remain, As has been, so shall be. Believe, All arises in divine purposes, As has been, so shall be.
In the divine oneness
And you shall evolve to interpret them,
Remains beyond, of all eyes that sees, those of eternal
As you shall know of greater truths then,
And the way shall arise to guide,
For you shall forever seek as a portion of the full alone, and
Towards destiny in the unknown ways,
never as a full portion,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, to seek is to be a part, to be incomplete, for which you perform to seek,
As shall be, all shall unite gloriously, revealing unto you,
And to be a seeker, you shall be necessitated from within
As has been, so shall be.
yourselves, to perform as you perform, And only which is the everconnected, unto such appears all in
Realize, realize, you remain eternally bonded with all, beyond
your conceivances,
As you know of your body’s hunger, only know not the
And all your conveivances are of the divinely glorious,
portions in separatedness, yet in combination of all such, you
As has been, so shall be.
form, to know, Realize then, all such is in the similar patterns as such, and
And realize, unto you I unveil Myself,
there exists endlessness, beyond yourselves,
And you shall project unto your own destiny, in My divine
And all unite as one.
guidance, Realize, unto you I shall reveal Myself, As has been, so shall be.
All unite as one Hearken, Your paths unite, as you arise from the same, Divinely guided, within you reveals the divine messages, And they shall reveal unto you, the divine knowledge, 285
Fruits of the same Tree
Forever unified, all remain connected as one, Although appearing to be divided, all remain ever-unified, Realize then, such appears divided, to you only, as you perceive through the limitations of your limitedness, And in the unknown resides your true destiny, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be.
Connecting towards unified conceivance As you greaten, your minds connect as one, in one conceivance, And the greatening bodies form unto a greater alliance, building unto a greater body by their unity, Therence, realize, in the greatening, all propel towards oneness, As has been, so shall be. Therence, foresee, the divine destiny, by your mind’s unified conceivance, And you shall attain glory by your mind’s unity with all, Therence, realize, the path that unfolds before you, 288
Together arising towards divine gloriousness,
Creating unto greater ways
As has been, so shall be.
In the unfolding, all shall appear in their differences, and all shall collide to unite, and then divide to multiply, and then
And as shall be, so shall you unite gloriously unto oneness of
reunite in their greatening,
Therence, realize, all shall reveal unto in such divine patterns
As has been, so shall be.
everlastingly in their greatening, towards unknown destiny ahead, Realize, then, such are divine patterns from the Divine Intent, Realize then, the divine path that lay ahead of you, shall arise, reflecting unto such divine patterns gloriously,
All reflect divine patterns
And all shall unite to greaten, and shall divide to attain
As all arise from the same, with the same Intent, all have the
towards newness,
same goal, only playing different roles,
Therence, realize, the path to destiny unknown shall arise unto
And all reflect unto, the divine patterns of the Divine Intent,
in the greatening, as greatens each conceivance, in divine
in their greatening,
And the divine patterns shall vary for each, as each shall
Realize, then, all shall be guided divinely, as all unite as one, to
propel in their individual journeys,
attain towards greater conceivance, towards divine unknown
And such shall cause unto newer patterns to arise, as all shall
destiny ahead,
reflect unto, such divine patterns, in their greatening, in their
As has been, so shall be.
own ways, As has been, so shall be.
Greatening by your divisions Fruits of the same tree, divided to multiply. As each fruit that falls, births a new tree. Each tree that births, fruits anew. Therence, realize, so do you, greaten by your divisions, arising unto many, divided from one. And as you shall unite in your greatening, you shall divide again to give birth to a greater body. As has been, so shall be. And such is the divine pattern, reflected unto all, from the Divine Intent. And as has been, so shall be.
Connected by the same As you shall dig your own holes, to discover your own truth. Realize, forever you shall return to the same root. For you are but fruits of the same tree. Connected with the same divine root. As has been, so shall be.
The Invisible
Attaining of Divine Conceivance The divine unknown, is the divine mysterious, And you shall conceive of only which is necessary in your unfolding, And the purpose of all your knowing, is to fulfill the divine mission bestowed unto you, And as you shall greaten your conceivance, by greater unity, towards greater knowledge, And you shall then know of the divine conceivance, by your mind’s greater conceivance, Although you shall forever remain unable to conceive of the divine immenesse, And as you align your ways with the divine gloriousness, your conceivance shall greaten to attain greater conceivance of the divine immenesse, And your unity shall attain towards greater justices, in divine unknown ways, As has been, so shall be. Realize, therence, your minds shall evolve to conceive beyond its conceivability, in divine alignment with the divine patterns of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be. As you shall recognize, the paths shall appear before you, Foresee ahead, towards divine unity, 291
Way shall arise to guide, As has been, so shall be. And as you shall foresee, the unseen within your mind’s eye, So shall you know, hear, that [which] shall remain ageless, And as shall be, so shall you unite unto gloriousness, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the imperceptible perceptivity Realize, had you no eyes, you would not know of the many colors of light, and recognize its brightness, perceptible in such ways. Realize, had you no ears, you would not know of such audibility of the air in your externalities, perceiving in such hearable noises. Realize then, that everything you know of, you feel through your evolved senses, as has been necessitated unto you. And as you perceive, through your evolved senses, your mind interprets and defines your externalities, uniquely unto your minds. Realize then, those that evolved unto no such receptivity of the senses, shall be unable to relate to your receptivity as such. As has been, so shall be. And none shall know of such, that they have not evolved to perceive, as all shall evolve only as shall be necessitated by their journey. As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, such are the reflections of the Divine Design,
feel the unfeelable. Realize, they shall remain in the centers, for
abiding the Divine Laws, reflecting the Divine Intent. Realize
other forms to abide, as they reflect unto the divine patterns
then, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall
unto all. And in the differences of all, all remain as the part of
the same, with roles different. Realize, then, such are the ways of the divine justices revealing unto yourselves, to unite you
As such, know, there exists endless such receptions, that you
unto your differences. As has been, so shall be.
have not evolved to receive. And you do not recognize them, but their bearings do affect you. As has been, so shall be.
And as the divine patterns reveal unto the divinely glorious mind, such shall decipher the indecipherable, by the divine
Realize then, such are the way of divine justices, as the divine
glory. As has been, so shall be.
justices glorifies all’s within, in the pace, as shall be necessitated unto all. As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, the divine revelations are revealed unto you, Remaining in eternal balance
in moments, as determined divinely, in ways conceivable to your senses.
As the minuscule is drained towards infinite minusculity, and
And you may not conceive of the divine patterns of the Divine
the immenesse is directed towards infinite magnitude. The
Intent, but you may feel them, as you feel the rays of the sun.
greater exproliferer is neither minuscule nor immenesse, but
As has been, so shall be.
remain in harmonious balance. As has been, so shall be. And surely, the causes of all causes, is known to the causer of
And such shall remain beyond your perceptibility, everlastingly,
all causes. As has been, so shall be.
necessitating unto its necessities, as you necessitate unto yours. As has been, so shall be.
And in the exproliferation, all shall evolve to perceive unto, as they shall be necessitated unto, towards fulfilling the Divine t h e

And in the Unfolding, the greater exproliferers shall evolve to
Intent of
perceive the imperceptible, conceive the inconceivable, and
Divine Intentor. 293
The Ever-connected
The divine connectivity amongst you, shall arise to unite you, in divine mysteriousness, As has been, so shall Towards the unknown paths, in the unknown ways, all shall propel in divine mysteriousness, Realize, the path before you is the eternal, Foresee ahead, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. Believe, The path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be, Believe, Realize the path to your destiny, As has been, so shall be. Foresee ahead, Unto you reveals the way to divine freedom, As has been, so shall be.
Forever remaining same within
And all paths merge towards the same divine purpose, towards
In your minusculity, forever you remain united,
the attainment of divine justices,
As shall be, there are no differences in your within,
Foresee ahead, the path to your destiny shall reveal unto you in
As shall be, there shall be victory in your unified progression, And as shall be, you shall unite in harmony,
divine gloriousness, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Foresee ahead the path towards divine unity, and all shall unite in divine glory in togetherness, Foresee ahead towards divine unity, and those that shall propel Foresee destiny in oneness
divinely guided, in unseen ways, remaining ever-united,
Foresee ahead, in the divine oneness,
towards the unseen path, altogether shall merge into divine
The path before you, towards destiny unknown,
As has been, so shall be.
Believe, As has been, so shall be.
All paths shall merge Dividedly propelling your journeys, foresee the divine path
Towards unity, in gloriousness
ahead, all shall unite in divine destiny, as all remain ever-
In your connectedness, you shall propel in the unknown paths,
connected, in the oneness,
towards destiny ahead, foresee ahead, unite in the unknown,
For all had arisen from the same Divine Intent, and all propel
together arising, in your journey towards destiny unknown,
to fulfill the same divine mission, for all shall unite towards
Your paths shall merge to unite, towards divine unity, together
unknown ways, invisibly, forever they remain united,
you shall unify, in the unknown ways,
As you had divided in the unknown paths, to attain differences,
Amalgamating unto your differences, unifying towards the
so shall you unite, in the oneness, in your greatness, as you
unknown, towards divine unity,
shall greaten, towards the unknown destinations, foresee, the
As has been, so shall be.
divine journey ahead, Foresee ahead, the path before you, together you shall be
As you had caused to create unto the differences amongst
unified towards unity in the oneness,
yourselves, you shall then enable your unity to arise from your
And in your differences, you shall reveal the patterns of glory
unfolding unto you,
As has been, so shall be.
And as you had divided, to greaten in your ways, to occur the differences in your journey ahead, you shall greaten and unite in your collectiveness, in your attainments of gloriousness,
Foresee ahead, towards divine unity in your oneness, and you
As has been, so shall be.
shall unite to unveil unto yourselves, the path towards divine unity, as one,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
And unto you shall occur the differences, to greaten, to
Enabling you greater abilities and might, capable of taking
succeed, to attain towards the divine oneness,
newer routes, you foresee the path to divine oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
And you shall fulfill your divine destiny, unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be.
Unifying differences towards unity In your dividedness, as you shall propel to evolve unto, ways towards unity, you shall be able to unify amongst yourselves, 296
Design of unfolding destiny The path to your Unfolding lay within yourselves, and drives your path, towards divine victory in your oneness, towards the fulfillment of your divine duties, And all paths arisen from the same, the Divine Intent, as the Unfolding is guided from the instructions of your within, As has been, so shall be. And such shall enable you to unite your paths towards gloriousness, towards divine victory ahead, As has been, so shall be. Unto you shall reveal the divine ways, and within you shall unveil the divine patterns of destiny, unto yourselves, For such had been instilled unto you as you birthed, when your journey had begun, Realize, such had enabled your path to glorify, towards fulfillment of your missions, Believe, And unto you unveils the divine wisdom, towards fulfillment of your destiny, As has been, so shall be.
Remaining connected in divineness Evolved from predecessor forms, evolving in unity with other forms, the composition of one changes to another in the evolution. And although the body changes composition, all remain constituted by the same constituents that all had arisen from. And all constituents contain the same divine guidance from the Divine Intent, guiding all towards divine oneness, within their differences. As has been, so shall be. As such, all the constituents of all forms remain ever-unified in an eternal glory in their journey, seeking to fulfill the same mission. And all constituents align with one another, operating in an invisible balance, as part of the same Divine Design. And like the fingers, living separate, yet part of the same hand, their destiny remains the same, known only to their owner. And as the fingers operate in an invisible unison, so do you operate in an invisible unity, with all your divided bodies. And as you shall propel towards fulfillment of the same mission, taking various routes, forever aligning towards your unification. As has been, so shall be. 297
Realize, such are ways towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of
t h e

mission, and propel towards unity, towards fulfilling the same divine goal. And although you remain divided, forever you propel towards the same destiny unknown. Realize, the path
Divine Intentor.
before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be. Believe. And as has been, so shall be. And all shall propel unifiedly, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent of
t h e

Divine Intentor. As drops form rain As drops of water combines to form the ocean, so do your divided bodies form, the Divine Design, remaining in their invisible unity. And as the clouds merge to rain down in
Attaining towards greater Conceivance
togetherness, so shall you succeed only by your unification,
Although you shall remain unable to conceive the causes of
towards fulfilling the Divine Intent. And like the sky, limitless
the Divine Intent, know, you shall be able to connect unto its
are your abilities, in your unity, as such enables you of the
divine connectivity. As has been, so shall be. And all shall be
greatest might, and of unknown strengths. Realize then, all
provided unto you, as and when necessary, to fulfill the Divine
shall unite towards divine oneness. As has been, so shall be.
Intent. As has been, so shall be. Believe, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
Propelling to fulfill same And your differences shall become your paths towards unity, as
And all shall remain ever-unified, in divine connectiveness, in the divine ways. As has been, so shall be.
you embrace one another, in divine guidance, aligning towards same goals. And all shall necessitate to fulfill the same divine 298
Ability: Intent and Creation
Abilities of Divine Mind Unto you shall prevail the path towards divine unity, and your minds shall enable yourself, to attain the path towards true harmony, Foresee the path ahead, unite in the divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. Foresee ahead, forever you remain unified, as one, As has been, so shall be. And know, within yourself, there resides, the ability, to indulge in the infiniteness of all existences, for, hence they shall remain ever-unified eternally, As has been, so shall be. And you shall be capable of commanding your thoughts into existence, As shall be, your unity shall result in glorious victory, As has been, so shall be. As shall be, so shall you unite in harmony, And as has been, so shall be.
greater adaptators, and they influence by adapting and unifying with their externalities. And they shall greaten unto endlessness, and they shall bring about the divine guidance, by the reflection of their divine All fulfill Divine Intent Within you are necessitated, divine necessities, expressed in the hunger of your body and mind, which you have evolved to suffice. And such are only instructions arising unto you, towards attaining your purpose, from the Divine Intent within yourself. Therence, you shall be unveiled within you, truth, to guide your path, as such, the divine revelations occur unto you to guide you towards destiny. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be. And the mind instructs the body, by creating its necessitates, and instill unto its intent, to fulfill the necessities arising from its within. As such, the body abides the minds instructions, and cause unto, action to interact with its externalities, creating influences. Realize, such are influences that guide and govern the furtherance. And realize, those that recognize the patterns of the Divine Intent, realizes the Divine Destiny unknown. As has been, so shall be. And as the mind interacts with its externalities towards fulfillment of its intents, its intent either gain momentum, or befall and withers. As such, the greater exproliferers are the
patterns within. As has been, so shall be. And as the storm brewing gradually, so does the intent of your mind gain momentum in its graceful pace, projecting unto in the Unfolding. As such, the mind brings into existence, the non-existent, through its patterned deeds of the body, towards fulfilling its Divine Intent. And by such, the greater exproliferating minds influences their externalities, greatening connectivity, towards fulfilling their intents. Realize then, the Divine Intent glorifies all’s within, towards attainment of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be. Therence, know, your mind attains the ability in the Unfolding, to fulfill its intents arising from within, remaining in its everconnectedness. And all revelations arise in the mind, with the greatening of its ability, towards the attainment of its goals, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be. And all the constituents of all existence align with each other in their exproliferations, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent of
t h e

Divine Intentor. 300
The Foreseer
Foresee ahead, towards unity Foresee, unto your minds, the divine design unfolding, The divine path revealing, As shall be, foresee ahead, in the unknown path, the divine destiny ahead, As has been, so shall be. And as shall be, in your mind you shall see the divine patterns revealing, Its miracles are dazzlingly bright, as shiny crystals, And there shall arise to you, ways of unseen, And therence, you shall foresee, the divine truth in your mind’s eye, As has been, so shall be. In the Unfolding, as shall be, in your mind, you shall attain unity, as shall be, so shall you unite as one, in the oneness of all, Foresee ahead, unto your minds, as shall be, the path to destiny remains united in harmony, Foresee ahead, towards unity, as shall be, foresee the path ahead towards unity of all, As has been, so shall be.
Attaining prenotion of journey In your exproliferation, as you remain united in your mind and body, in the state of ever-connectedness, you may attain a prenotion of your furtherance. As you propel towards your destiny, in your mind’s perceptibility, you shall attain impressions of your furtherance, that is yet to be unfolded. As you shall attain reminiscence of your earlier experiences, so shall you attain reminiscence of journeys, yet to be experienced by you. And such abilities enable the divine minds to guide others in their paths of exproliferation, towards f u l fi l l i n g t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
O’ wonder, O’ wonder The justices behind all’s glory, The causes, within all causes, As has been, in history, so shall be, in destiny, Way, way, the way shall arise in glorious wisdom, revealing unto infinite wisdom, Realize, the divine way is of greater gloriousness, Such shall reveal the divine journey to yourself, Realize, realize, the divine journey ahead, Way shall arise to guide, as you remain aligned in the divine path, of the unknown destiny, revealed to your mind, Believe, The divine way shall arise divinely, to guide, And the divine path shall reveal mysteriously unto yourselves, As the divine journey shall reveal in greater guidance, And the guidance is unto all, as all are the one purpose, And as you perceive from your dividedness, having bestowed unto your separate missions to fulfill, do you recognize, you fulfill the divine mission, as each of you fulfill each of your missions assigned unto you? As has been, so shall be. Believe, within all reveals the glorious divine justices, And the divine path unfolds mysteriously, the glorious destiny, in unknown patterns, in the way towards glorious justices,
Therence, recognize, the inherent oneness of all, and the
The path that lay ahead, the moons that shine and guide, the
limitations of your mind, as you are limited by the limitations
shinning stars,
of yourself,
And all shall unite as one, as all remain in eternal unity, in
But realize also, it is only by your dividedness that you attain
their Unfolding,
beyond your limitations, in your uniqueness of dividednesses,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Remaining Unaware, dwelve within All shall be clear
In your mind, can you see, your destiny laid out before you?
As you shall reveal unto, the divine way, all shall be clear to
In yourself do you find, your sought?
you in path’s divine justices, in the glorious victory unto
And as shall be, there remains infiniteness of things that
remain beyond the conceivance of your mind, As shall be, so you shall remain to be, unaware in your mind of
Way shall arise, towards destiny unknown,
such, divine thoughts,
Way shall arise to guide, in divine mysteriousness, of the divine
And there shall arise to be, victory unto yourselves, as you shall
unite in the harmoniousness of your within,
As has been, so shall be.
And as has been, so shall be.
In the divine mysteries
As you shall enlighten
In the mysteries of your mind,
In yourself, find the answers you seek,
Do you realize your destiny in the unknown way?
And within your minds, attempt to see the unseeable, 304
As shall be, you shall attain the ability to see the unseen with your mind, And as shall be, so shall you unite in harmony, As has been, so shall be. Wonder, o divine beings Wonder, O’ humankind, as you conceive’th, the greatest complexities, with your endless limitations, what greater complexities conceiveth’, the Divine Intentor? Wonder, O’ divine exproliferers of the Divine Intent, as you plan and plot with greatest intricacies, with what greater i n t r i c a c i e s m a y p l o t ’ e t h , t h e Divine Intentor? Realize, the path before you are the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Therence, ask within yourselves , ‘As I exproliferate, plotting my plans, can not all my plans be intervened unto, in infinite d e p t h s , b y t h e Divine Intentor?’ Realize then, in the path’s shadow, all are divinely guided, propelling towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be. 305
attained unto you, by your collectivity, in the abidance of its And surely, the causer of all causes, is capable of intervening
guidances. As has been, so shall be.
unto all creations, in infinite depths, eternally, endlessly. And what is to abide, if all had been crafted as destined to be Therence, O’ divine exproliferer in the divine path, ask within,
so? Realize then, there shall be two truths, one will be the
‘Can not be revealed unto me, as are my soughts, to guide my
truth, and one will be what you know to be the truth, to
w a y, b y t h e
perform as you do perform. Realize then, your recognition as
Divine Intentor?’
such as this, is also a process of abiding the divine justices. As has been, so shall be.
Realize, divinely guided, as all arise from the same, all unite towards the same, in the divine guidances. As has been, so shall be. And be not surprised if all your plans shall hopelessly fail, for,
Way of Master Plan
beyond all your plans, is the Master Plan of all plans, the
And it is the all-inclusive, and as your plans succeed as you
desires of the Divine Supreme. Understand that, all are its
succeed, so does the Master Plan succeeds, as your plans
wishes and desires, as the desires that arise within you, and all
succeed. Realize then, all are divinely crafted, and all reflect
your plans, are its plans alone, therence, align by its plans and
the desirences of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be.
ways, unto its desirences, unto its divine guidances. For such
And as you shall align with the patterns of the Master Plan, all
are its patterns of justices, that it desireth’ to be attained unto
your plans shall succeed, in the divine Unfolding. As has been,
yourselves, towards attainments, by its divine guidances.
so shall be.
Realize, realize, its guidances are the divine guidances, and
Therence, adapt your ways with the divine patterns of the
your recognizability of such are also its wishes, and its
Master Plan, as you have evolved to recognize its divine
guidances unto yourselves. Realize, the patterns of glory
patterns, and all your plans shall be fulfilled, towards the
f u l fi l l m e n t o f t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
The Destiny
(The Foreseen)
That which is unfolding for you, is forever static, That which is unknown to you, is forever known, That which seem uncertain, is forever certain, Destiny unknown for you, is forever foreseen, As has been, so shall be.
As you shall unify, You shall realize, You prevail through alliances, Realize, you shall foresee, to foretell, your destiny in the unknown ways, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Believe, The path ahead of you is the eternal, And you shall unify to know the unknown, in your destiny, Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. O humankind, Recognize your similarities, Lest you perish, only recognizing the differences, Realize, your differences enable you of greater abilities, towards fulfilling the Divine Intent, Realize, you are but the same, only in divided bodies, as a reflection of the Divine Intent, Therence, find yourself within others, find others within yourself, As you forever remain unified in your journeys, 309
And as the river leads to ocean, so does your destiny lead to your unity, As has been, so shall be. And like the clear waters shall be your amalgamations, through which even light can pass, As has been, so shall be.
As You Shall Amass
Amalgamating differences towards unity Unto you, the divine path reveals, towards the unknown way, And such enables you to unite towards the divine destiny, As you shall amass in the oneness of all, As has been, so shall be. And so shall you be, destined towards your destinations, As has been, so shall be. From the differences, shall arise your similitudes, As shall be, your differences shall lead to your unity, towards destiny, And such shall guide you towards victory, As has been, so shall be. As you shall progress unifiedly, to achieve in your journeys, the goals you shall reach, towards the destiny of your minds, all shall unite in harmonious unity of all, as one, As shall be, there shall be way towards your successiveness, As has been, so shall be.
unify with the Greater Mind, the more gloriously the collective body exproliferates. And as you unravel the greatest mysteries of the externalities Journey unifiedly in unity Your mission is the same, and your desires arise to fulfill the same, like fruits of the same tree, you have divided to multiply in your journey. And your bodies have divided and taken differing routes to reach the same destination, lest you perish taking same perilous path. And through your communicability, you relate amongst each other, realizing your lost memories, tracking your unfolded tracks. And as you recognize that you arise from the same, like long lost friends, you unite, and attain greater strengths. And as you unify your divided bodies, you form a greater body by your collectiveness, and evolve to operate as a collective body. And by the Divine Law of Hierarchy, you gracefully categorize and position your divided bodies hierarchically within your collectiveness. And you perform your roles as your individual bodies, in the collective body, connected by communicability, forming unto a Greater Mind. And your Greater Mind deduces and determines the direction of your collective body, towards attaining the collective
in your Greater Mind, you reflect unto, the Divine Intent, as your expression. And your unity becomes your base, enabling your unified exproliferability towards greatness, reflected unto your collectiveness. And remaining in your differences, so have you evolved ways to unite and cooperate in your journeys, evolving as one, to prevail. And as you evolved greater communicability, as you had once divided your bodies to secure, so do you reconnect in greater magnitude. And as you evolve unifiedly in your collective bodies, you reflect unto the patterns of your within, of the Divine Intent. And although you are the craftsman of greater instruments, forever you remain but an expression of the Divine Intent. As has been, so shall be. And all your endeavors, in cumulativeness, form as a greater endeavor of the Divine Design, towards fulfilling unto, the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
interests of all. And the more harmoniously the constituents 312
As You Shall Unify
I unveil unto you Realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal, And I shall arise unto you, to guide you the way, in your attainment of the divine states of unity, in your progression, in your exproliferations, towards the fulfillment of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, you are the divine exproliferer of the divine unknown destiny, And way shall arise to guide you towards divine destiny as you shall unify, As has been, so shall be.
All paths shall unify As you shall propel unifiedly, your paths shall merge as one, And shall pattern the divine unknown by your greater mind’s conceivance, And shall foresee ahead, the path to your destiny, As all shall unite unto you in the divine path, As you shall remain one, in your journeys, propelling as one, towards the divine unknown destiny, in the divine unfolding, As has been, so shall be. 313
Foresee ahead in yourself, the divine pattern reveals unto you, Foresee ahead, within you shall unveil the divine patterns, As shall be, foresee the path ahead of you, towards divine destiny, in harmonious unity, All paths unite divinely
As has been, so shall be.
In the unknown path towards divine darkness, you have arisen to be, an eternal expression of unknown, And unto your path shall unveil the mysteries unto yourselves, that shall guide you towards wisdom, unto your paths, As you foresee ahead, the path ahead of you shall unite unto
Guided towards divine successes
you, the way to your destiny, in the unknown path, towards
Within yourself, shall find, the ability to unite into oneness,
divine successes,
And in you shall arise to be the way towards successes, as one,
Realize, then, all had arisen in the divine journey, to fulfill their
As shall be, there shall be victory as you unite in your oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
And the divine path shall guide you, towards divine oneness, Unto yourselves, I shall reveal Myself, And enable you to attain victory in your paths ahead, Foresee ahead, the divine path ahead of you, As has been, so shall be.
As you foresee ahead In the unknown path, towards the unknown ways, You shall attain peace, towards unity, in the unknown, 314
Path towards divine happiness In your unified progression, towards unknown destiny, as you foresee ahead the path before you, by the divine conceivance Evolving towards greater mind
of your mind, the divine mysteries shall reveal unto you in
In the Unfolding, you exproliferate through your changing
divine gloriousness, and shall arise unto you, the path towards
bodies, evolving unifiedly, defeating the causes of your demise.
And as you unify amongst yourselves to greaten, remaining in your dividedness, uniting as one, evolving unto a Greater
And you shall attain in your minds, foreceivance of the divine
Mind. And as you had prevailed in your minuscule states, you
unknown, and shall arise unto yourselves, the path of divine
evolve to prevail in your greatened states, evolving your
oneness. And as you shall attain peace and happiness in your
Greater Mind. And you attain greater abilities operating in
unification, you shall appear to isolate yourselves towards the
your Greater Mind, exproliferating in greater magnitudes. And
path of happiness. As shall be, the foreceivance of the mind
by your Greater Mind, you project unto existence, the non-
shall appear unto yourselves in divine happiness, and the path
existent, and the newer existences, by your greater
before you shall reveal divine happiness unto yourselves.
conceivances. And you influence the externalities in your favors by your patterned deeds, reflecting from within, the
As shall be, realize, the eternal is the divine unknown. As has
divine patterns of the Divine Intent.
been, so shall be.
And you reflect the divine patterns greater, by your greater
Therence, foresee ahead the path towards happiness. As has
conceivance of the greater mind, towards the fulfillment of the
been, so shall be.
D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
As You Shall Realize
The divine path reveals Understand within your mind, the divine path reveals unto yourself, The path reveals upon, in divine destiny of the unknown, As you shall unite, towards divine oneness, Foresee the path ahead, As has been, so shall be.
No way, no path There shall be no path, than which has been chosen for you as the path, And there shall be no way, than which has been chosen for you as the way, As has been, so shall be.
Message reveals in unity As you shall unite unto your own, the divine message shall reveal upon you, As shall be, unfolding in your paths, in the divine mysteriousness, 316
And as you shall unite harmoniously, unto yourselves, truth
Heed the divine message
shall unite justice towards your path, in the divine journey,
As had been, realize the truth in your mind,
And all shall unite harmoniously, unfolding the divine truth
And you shall uncover the message within your mind,
towards unity, as shall be,
And it shall enable you to see beyond your abilities,
Unto you shall reveal unto, divine mysteries of the unknown,
And you shall unite, as one,
And as shall be, all shall unite gloriously towards the infinite,
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee, the path ahead, Divine truth shall reveal upon you,
Therence, heed the messages,
In yourself, I reveal Myself,
That reveal divine destiny to your soul,
As has been, so shall be.
And way shall arise to guide, towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be.
The message unveils within Uncover within your mind, the truth of the message,
So shall you unify
And you shall find your ways to unite,
And within you, you shall find peace in disguise,
As shall be, so shall you unite in harmony,
As shall be, therence, unite in yourselves,
As has been, so shall be.
Unite in your mind, Unite in your heart, Unite as one, As has been, so shall be.
Arising to warn you
As you shall unite
And there shall arise to warn, in your paths, of the great
Within you shall unveil the divine message, revealing the path
to your unity,
Way shall arise,
As shall be, foresee ahead, unite your minds, towards divine destiny,
Divine Intent guides divinely, destiny unveils accordingly,
Foresee ahead, the divine darkness, in the divine gloriousness,
Way shall arise to guide, as you shall believe, and reveal unto
As shall be, journey ahead, unite in the oneness, and
your minds, dark secrets, of mysteriousness,
I shall reveal Myself to you,
Unto you I shall unveil in gloriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee towards divine unity All shall be clear
In your journey towards the unknown way, all shall unite as
And the truth shall decipher to you, the unknown,
In the journey you shall unite to become one,
As shall be, foresee ahead , realize, unto you reveals the divine
As shall be, so shall you unite as one, in harmony,
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee ahead towards unity, and you shall uncover the divine way unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be. Therence, realize, the Divine Unknown is your way towards divine unity, As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, enable your minds to unite towards the divine path, As has been, so shall be.
Beware, journeyer of destiny As you have travelled, dividing your bodies to survive in your individuality, to unite by attaining greater ability in greater magnitude. So you have evolved your minds, to connect and unify, to glorify in your journey. Realize then, the paths ahead of you are the eternal. And like the eloquent survivor of billion battles, you remain as vulnerable as you have ever been, even in your greatened states. For as you have greatened your abilities, so have your vulnerabilities greatened in the journey, towards divine destiny. And as you have grown in magnitude, so have you grown, the holes within yourself. And as you greaten, evolving unifiedly in your collectivity, so greatens your possibilities of destruction causable by your dividedness. And the greatest threat to you is if you shall divide before you attain stability. Such, that, if you shall divide but not for greatening by the Divine Law of Division, by unknowingly, causing your destructions. And as such has been so for countless others, surely such is the greatest threat in your journey towards destiny, in the unknown 319
paths, towards the unknown ways. Realize then, although you
Realize, O’ blessed journeyers, in your individuality you
have travelled long, your journey may end if you shall divide
remain as weak as you are strong by your unity, therence,
amongst yourselves abruptly. Understand, such divisions are
propel by your unity. As has been, so shall be.
not causable by your body, as you remain even greater connected in your dividedness, but by your mind.
And if you shall divide before you greaten, you shall surely perish, and in unity resides your victory, towards fulfilling the
Therence, o’ survivor of billion battles, unite to dissipate your
D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
differences that may cause unto such divisions, before you can
Divine Intentor.
greaten. Therence, unite to defeat such threats, which possess the ability to divide you apart, realize such, before it be too late. And o’ blessed journeyers in the divine path, unify your minds, and pattern your furtherance collectively, towards the unknown ways. And way shall arise to guide, towards divine destiny unknown, in divine unknown ways. As has been, so shall be.
All paths are one Realize, O’ journeyer in the divine way, all your paths unite towards the same path, therence, unite as one, as your destinies are the same.
As You Shall Adapt
The Balance of Unity As the waves unite, so shall you unite, To arise to unite, is the purpose of all, in the journey, As all had arisen, as part of the same, in their paths of greater glory, towards the fulfillment of their purpose, To unite is the divine pattern, as all’s journeys reflect the divine patterns of change, As all propel to create unto differences, in their paths of greater gloriousness, And realize, before you shall unify, you must attain balance, with your externalities, And as your paths merge, towards the attainment of same, they shall arise to become as one, in their paths towards glory, towards oneness, And the patterns of your ways of balancing shall arise as the patterns of life and death, as inhaling and exhaling, as beginning and ending, by such divine patterns of change, For change is the necessity of your journey, as you require to breath in then to breathe out, as you begin to end, you require to change for fulfillment, Realize then, to end is to begin again, and to change is to arise differently, to meet the necessity of moments, as bestowed upon you, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the way towards divine balances, for such is the
Realize the divine patterns, revealing unto divine patterns of
sustainer of your journey, in the way of changes,
gloriousness, towards attainments of divine balance,
Realize then, life’s balances are only attained by the peaceful
As has been, so shall be.
collaboration of unified existences in their processions, towards greater gloriousness, in their paths towards destiny, towards
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, towards divine
attainment of greater balances,
Realize then, the way of balances, reflects unto, the patterns of
As has been, so shall be.
within, the patterns of unity, of one unto another, in variousness, in unified collaboration,
Realize, the divine justices reveal unto in divine
As has been, so shall be.
mysteriousness, Realize, all paths arise reflecting unto the divine patterns of
And they shall greaten to give rise to greater differences, and
divine justices, towards divine oneness, in patterns of calmness,
attain towards greater balances, by their unity, in their
Therence, all shall appear to unite in their paths of glory,
And they shall propel towards attaining differences, attaining
As has been, so shall be.
towards paths of greater glory, And in such they shall divide unto, towards their ways of
Realize then, such is the way towards attainment of greatness,
in the way of balance, through unity, as all arises to unite, and
And they shall unite to attain towards greater balance, in their
divide to reunite, towards greater gloriousness, towards greater
differences, once again, in the greatening of their paths,
balances, towards greater resonance of the divine patterns of
towards destiny ahead,
the Divine Intent,
As has been, so shall be.
And as such patterns repeat, in the exproliferation, appearing to you as propelling towards infinite complexity, such shall end, as shall be fulfilled, the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
Path towards divine oneness
As shall be, in your unity you shall attain victory,
Unto you I reveal Myself,
As has been, so shall be.
As I design your paths, to unite towards oneness, Therence, foresee towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. As you attain peace in your paths, towards divine oneness,
Believe in divine unknown
unto you shall unveil unto, the divine patterns of glory, to unite
Within yourself, find your sources of survival, as shall be,
in gloriousness,
Believe in your mind, of the truth that you find,
And such shall enable you to reflect unto, the divine patterns
Seek not safety, within yourself,
of glory, unto yourselves,
So shall arise unto yourselves, the ways of the divine unknown,
And you shall attain unto yourselves, glory towards
unto yourselves,
victoriousness unto yourselves, enabling your paths towards
As has been, so shall be.
divine unknown to be true, Realize, such paths shall arise unto newer ways unto yourselves, enabling the paths to merge unto one another, As shall be, realize the divine unknown guides towards victory, as you shall access the divine unknown unto yourselves, in you greatening, As has been, so shall be. As has been, so shall be, the path towards victory, As has been, so shall be. Within you shall uncover divine unity, in balance, As shall be, unite in the ways of the unknown path,
Adapting to become new Unto you had revealed the way to destiny, uniting towards the unknown path, as you shall unite in balance, in your progression, And in the journey, as you had united, to exproliferate in your divine paths, you shall evolve unto, your ways of patterning your progression, Realize, such are your traditions that bind you to the old, and bar you from evolving unto newer ways of progression, 323
Realize unto yourselves, the ways your bodies had divided, as
Such are the threats to your journey, as your collective bodies
they had divided to be different, exproliferating as necessary, to
become rigid and inadaptable, unable to unite with other
win the journey,
As shall be, so shall you realize unto yourselves, such are ways
Realize, realize, the divine path reveals in divine
towards your destiny,
mysteriousness, and all patterns shall unite, to divide again, to
As you shall propel in the unknown ways, towards your
destinies, as you shall realize, your destiny towards unity, hides
And in inadaptability, resides your ways of collisions and
true victory,
despair, with other collective bodies, causing destructions,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, realize, such are ways of the inexperienced, those that have not attained ways of unity and harmony, to unite in
As shall be, so shall you enable yourselves to propel in the
unknown path, towards unknown ways, towards unified
And realize, those that have attained such, shall find their ways
of balance, and shall attain the ways to unite gracefully,
As shall be, may you pattern through your paths, your ways of
towards oneness,
the new, towards your destiny,
Realize then, the path ahead of you is the eternal,
As has been, so shall be.
And there shall be no destruction of those, that have attained balance in their journeys, towards oneness, As has been, so shall be. Realize, only the most adaptable shall prevail to unfold
Rigidness in the collectiveness
towards its destiny, by the Divine Law of Exproliferation,
As you shall unite in your collectiveness, attaining towards
As has been, so shall be.
greater abilities, realize, within it shall hide, its weaknesses and vulnerabilities,
In the evolution, as you pattern your ways, evolving unto your traditions, know, the most adaptable bodies do not restrict by such, 324
They shall evolve unto their ways towards unity, and they shall remain in balance of evolvation, towards their destiny, Realize then, such attains the foreknowledge, of that which they necessitate, as their mind’s attain greatness, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be.
Be wary of traditions Therence, o’ journeyer of the divine path, be wary of the traditions you evolve unto your collectiveness, And although they may provide you safety, they may destroy you by their rigidity, if you shall require to change, to survive, Therence, foresee the path ahead of you, and learn from your unfolded tracks, and recognize the patterns by which you have prevailed, Realize, you have prevailed only by your adaptability, evolving unto as necessary for your survival, towards the unknown destiny, Realize then, the most adaptable is neither too rigid, nor too flexible, but is in harmonic balance, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
As You Precede Destiny
Influencing by Divine Patterns Foresee your destiny, And destiny shall be yours, As you shall precede your destiny, Realize, it is only by such, that you shall empower by our ways, your destiny unknown, Realize then, the destiny is the unknowable for you, And you shall not know of such by the limitations of your mind, Therence, recognize your ways, in divine unknown destiny, to influence destiny, reflecting unto patterns of your within, Therence, realize, only by such shall you influence your destiny by your ways, as you shall know of such, that which you can bring about, And only by such, shall destiny become yours, as you shall perceive and conceive, to foresee and project, Therence, realize unto yourselves, ways of divine destiny unknown, Realize, the path ahead is the eternal destiny unknown, And you shall only know of such, by your divine ways, As has been, so shall be.
Foreseeing towards divine destiny
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee the path ahead, unite in harmony, Foresee the path towards victory, As has been, so shall be. Wisdom unveils divine destiny Within your mind shall unveil the path towards destiny in the unknown ways, Patterning in mind’s foreseeval
And such shall guide you towards your successes in the
And as such, so shall you be capable of unknowing your
unknown ways,
furthering patterns, as you shall repattern your destiny to
Therence, realize, within your mind shall unveil the path to
victory, in the ways of your knowing,
your greater wisdom,
And such shall become the way towards your successes,
And such shall guide towards the attainment of greater
towards attainment in the unknown ways, in the reflection of
the divine patterns of your within,
Therence, realize, the way shall arise unknowingly unto you, to
As shall be, therence, all shall unite harmoniously unto one
guide towards destiny unknown,
As shall be, realize, the way shall be clear to you, as you shall
As has been, so shall be.
attain towards destiny unknown, Way shall arise to guide towards destiny in the unknown ways,
As shall be, so shall the mystery be revealed in the unknown
As has been, so shall be.
ways, As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, so shall you unite in harmony, as you shall attain the mind of the unifier,
As shall be, therence, all shall unite in harmony, the way
As has been, so shall be.
towards the attainment of the divine patterns, harmoniously, As shall be, so shall you unite in harmony, 327
And your paths shall unfold gloriously, towards the abyss of the unknown destiny, As has been, so shall be. Realizing the real threats As you survive against insurmountable odds, overcoming endless hurdles in your path, do you realize, which is your true Foresee ahead, towards unity
In the unknown way, your divine destiny unfolds the path towards unity,
For it is easy to underestimate, taking pride in false
Foresee ahead, unto your minds, as shall be, all shall be clear to
achievements, minute and futile against the true adversary.
And the true adversary does not threaten the moment of your
As shall be, foresee the path towards mysterious journey, in the
present, but the moments in your furtherance. And unfolds in
unknown way,
own pace and rhythm, reflecting own unique patterns of
As shall be, as has been, so shall be.
revealing. And as each moment changes anew, the consistence of any moment might change to appear differently in another. Realize, then, that which you plan so meticulously, basing on your conceivance, may befall painlessly, as one moment passes to the next. Realize then, as you are capable of influencing your externalities, the divine eternal is capable of influencing all externalities. And as all interact, the divinely aligned shall attain greater gloriousness in the unfolding.
Therence, realize, if you shall be the unifier, and the beholder
And if you shall misjudge your abilities of unity, and
of the ways of the Divine Intent, your ways shall surely
weaknesses of dividedness, you shall perish in your path
prevail, otherwise fail. As has been, so shall be.
towards destiny unknown. As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall
Therence, foresee ahead, in your journey, and unite unto
yourselves, towards harmonious victory. As shall be, foresee the path to unite as one. As has been, so shall be.
And you have evolved to repattern your patterns towards furtherance, to prevail, and you have conquered over all in the Unfolding. But realize, ahead of you lay a greater journey, and the threats to you shall arise from within you, by the divisions from your own selves.
Patterning towards preceding destiny And as you had patterned to conquer over other forms in your furtherance, so must you plot your own unity unto yourselves.
Therence, as you greaten, evolve to maintain your connectivity
In the Greater Mind, you possess great abilities towards unity,
unto yourselves, for if you shall depart, you shall surely only
as you possess greater destructibility of yourselves. And all
perish. Realize, realize, such, before too late. The path ahead is
shall be in your favors if you shall remain in the mind of the
the eternal for you,
unifier, and you shall unite towards divine greatness. Therence, foresee your path ahead of you, and precede your destiny by
Believe, Way shall arise. As has been, so shall be.
patterning your own furtherance. Therence, all shall unite unto you in divine guidance. As has been, so shall be. Therence, proceed carefully, for the Unfolding is the divine mysterious, and your unity shall determine your destiny. Therence, pattern your furtherance to attain greater unity of
Misjudge not your ways
your collectiveness in your furtherance. Realize, all forms are
And as in your unity resides your greatest strengths and
reflections of the divine patterns, and only those that align
abilities, so in your dividedness resides your greatest adversary.
with the divine ways shall prevail. As has been, so shall be. 329
Therence, foresee the path ahead, towards divine oneness, unto you shall reveal the divine ways, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
As You Shall Succeed
You succeed in oneness As you shall amass, into the endlessness, The truth shall harness within your soul, ways of the divine, And as shall be, believe and unite in harmony and peace, As shall be, so shall you, in your mind, unite with all, As has been, so shall be. And in yourself, shall reveal unto you, The bearence of the knowledge of wisdom, as you shall amass into the oneness of all, As shall be, there shall unite victoriously, As has been, the ways of the unseen, the unknown, the divine, There shall arise to be, the way to your oneness, As shall be, there shall unite gloriously, Divine Intent guides toward eternal justices, Way shall arise, As has been, so shall be.
obstacles in the journey. And as you greaten by your collectivity, so greatens others in their collectiveness, towards interacting with one another in their greatening. And the greater bodies, un-introduced, collide, introduced, realize their similarities and unify towards collaboration. And Uniting in divine gloriousness
within, as you greaten, you evolve unto many a great ways of disciplining your collectiveness, towards patterning your
You have specialized to conceive the patterns of the Unfolding,
and to communicate such amongst yourselves, and interpret your intent of each other. And you have evolved to adopt and
And you define your collective bodies with unique attributes
adapt with any changes in your ways, to achieve your deduced
and emotions, remaining connected as one, sharing your aims
goals in furtherance. As your greatest ability has been in the
and interests. And although you may journey long, there shall
unity of your divided lives, through your communicability, to
remain greater distances ahead of you, as you propel towards
operate as one.
your destiny.
And your history is one of survival and unity, of collective
And as you greaten to divide, and towards unity again, your
endeavors, of battles amongst yourselves, to learn, you stand
battles shall become tougher, your challenges, ever complex.
stronger united. And by your communicability amongst
And you must then rely on your knowledge of the unfolded
yourselves, as you had once divided to secure, you reconnect in
patterns, and survive by the ways you had prevailed from your
greater magnitude. And you survive through your
inceptions. Way shall arise. As has been, so shall be.
collaboration, through communication, using your mind to interpret and connect with each other’s intents. And by your alliances you had formed greater bodies by your unity beyond the magnitudes of your individuality. And in
Reader of divine patterns
your collectiveness you find greater might to overcome your 332
t h e

And realize then, O’ the reader of Divine Patterns, you must
Intent of
decipher the winds and the trees, the mountains and skies. And
Divine Intentor.
all shall crumble down before your understanding of the Divine Patterns, and you shall construct destiny, as if constructing life. As has been, so shall be.
Deathless, by divine guidance And the perfect resonator of the Divine Intent shall exproliferate ceaselessly, ever greatening in magnitude, and would cease to decease. And it would no longer demise, growing into the immenesse, and would amalgamate with all in greatest clarity. And as you evolve unifiedly with your creations evolving your greater mind, you shall evolve unto the state of greater complexity. And your unifications shall be effortless, and your amalgamations, glorious, in the Unfolding. And such shall give life to the lifeless, uniting the incapable, and enable them to exproliferate in the Unfolding towards greater gloriousness. And you shall conquer the greatest constellations, and unite the galaxies in their freedom, towards fulfilling the Divine
As You Shall Know
All shall reveal gloriously In your mind, you shall know of the divine path, towards divine destiny, Foresee ahead, and shall find, the answers you seek, in the unknown way, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Answer hides deep within As shall be, within you, the answer remains hidden deep within, And so shall you realize the message in the unfolding of your destiny, As has been, so shall be.
Shall see, those free As shall be, there will occur, within the mind, free from indulgences,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Ways to uncover the truth, deep within the skin, And there shall be, a mark of its destiny, in the Unfolding,
Therence, unite in harmony,
And there shall arise, a greater way forward, as there shall be,
As has been, so shall be.
togetherness in the spirit, As shall be, so shall you, within yourself, find the eternal way to bliss, And there shall become unto oneness of all, towards the divine
Divinely greatening divine patterns
Realize, realize, within yourselves, the causes for which your
As has been, so shall be.
journey propels, the oneness that all reflects, the destiny, towards which all propel,
As shall be, so shall you unite in harmony,
And as you had divided your bodies to secure, so shall you
As has been, so shall be.
reconnect in greater magnitude, and your journey shall reflect this pattern everlastingly,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
As shall be, such shall be the divine pattern of your unity,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Unify in divine oneness
Realize, the path before you is the eternal,
As you shall proceed towards the divine unknown,
Realize, the divine oneness,
Enable your minds to unify in the divine oneness,
Within you shall unite the divine path, towards divine destiny
Fear not, hesitate not,
You shall unite victoriously, into the oneness of all,
As has been, so shall be. 335
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be. Within your mind reveals As you shall exproliferate, as part of the Divine Design, you shall uncover the way towards unity unto yourselves. And you shall become more adaptable, the greater resonator of the Divine Intent, and your destiny shall unveil unto your minds. And although you may not conceive of the causes for which you propel, realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be. Realize, realize, the way towards your destiny, realize, the divine path ahead, and you shall unite towards your unknown destiny. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. Realize, the divine oneness ahead. As has been, so shall be. The path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. Realize, the divine oneness shall unveil unto you. Realize, the divine journey, towards divine destiny ahead. 336
As has been, so shall be. And through your exproliferations, as you fulfill your mission, so shall be fulfilled the divine purpose, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor. As has been, so shall be.
As You Shall Fulfill
Ending to begin again As all begun, so shall all end, to begin again, And the journey towards fulfillment of the Divine Intent, shall fulfill in the path towards destiny unknown, And all shall arise to unite gloriously, as shall be, and the way shall enable all, to arise towards divine guidances, As shall be, the Divine Intent, shall fulfill gloriously, towards unified gloriousness, And the way shall be clear to you, as such arises, in such moments, As shall be, thence, the way towards fulfillment of the divine journey shall end, as it had once begun, in the attainment of the goals of its fulfillment, And as shall be divinely conceived, a newer journey shall begin, once again, towards its fulfillment, as intended by the Divine Intent, And as you breath, as such begin and end, so shall your journeys begin to end, and begin once again, in divine conceivance, And as such shall remain beyond your conceivance, realize then, the way shall arise to guide towards fulfilling your divinely destined fulfillments, As has been, so shall be.
As you shall fulfill In you shall unveil the way, towards divine destiny unknown,
And all unfolds in such designs of gloriousness,
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices, towards
All shall be clear to you in path’s divine guidances,
destiny unknown, Realize, the patterns of the Divine Intent,
Realize the path before you is the eternal justices,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. In the divine guidance propels all paths, towards destiny unknown, in patterns of gloriousness, Realize, the patterns of the Divine Intent, Believe, Like your desires within
All shall arise to unite, in paths towards greater gloriousness, in
The divine guidance, unfolds towards divine gloriousness,
unknown ways,
And all paths propel in such divine guidances,
As has been, so shall be.
And the divine path, is all path’s combination, unfolding in the reflection of the Divine Intent, Like a breath, as you intend unto such, as you inhale and then exhale, so shall all such be, And as the Divine Intent fulfills, like fulfilling your breaths, it is
All Unfolds within you
like fulfilling the same desire, as you fulfill your desires, only by
In yourself, the divine path reveals, and the way shall unfold,
a greater conceivance,
towards unity,
Realize, then, all such is towards the fulfillment of the Divine
Foresee ahead, and all shall unite harmoniously unto you,
And all shall unite in the oneness of all, harmoniously,
Only its causes remain forever unknown to you, arising in
As shall be, therence, realize unto your minds,
greater conceivance,
The way to the unknown design,
As has been, so shall be.
Foresee, as shall be, unite in the oneness of all, 339
As has been, so shall be.
Guided in divine patternings The Divine Design, in the journey, enables its forms to remain in harmonious unity. And the journeyers may not recognize their connectivity, as they are influenced by their center of hierarchy. However, all are guided divinely, towards destiny, as determined. As has been, so shall be.
Foresee, and find within As you exproliferate, towards the divine unknown way. Foresee the path ahead, in the unknown journey. In yourself discover, the truth lay within you. Foresee the path ahead, in your mind. As has been, so shall be.
All shall cease desiring In the Unfolding. As you shall propel. There shall arise the state, where all things shall proclaim, and balance shall attain 340
harmony. And thence you shall cease to desire, as thence shall
And the Divine Design shall cease to exproliferate, the
be fulfilled, all your desires. And all shall unite harmoniously in
Unfolding shall cease to Unfold, as thence shall be fulfilled, the
the oneness of all. As has been, so shall be.
D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor. Believe, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
As all shall fulfill As shall be, the divine patterns propel the divine journey
Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices. As has been,
ahead, in ways of divine unity. And as the Divine Design
so shall be.
exproliferates, complexity simplifies, and progression stabilizes, gaining greater momentum. And as the Divine Design exproliferate, its necessities fulfill in greater momentum, requiring lesser moments, until it requires no moments, as thence all attains eternal harmony of balance, as all necessities fulfill. As has been, so shall be. And in the Unfolding, as such moments shall arise, the Divine Design shall fulfill all necessities, and shall cease to exproliferate. Realize, realize, such then shall become your destiny in oneness, realize, then, such is your becoming unto, in the divine destiny ahead. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices. As has been, so shall be. 341
The Answer
All hide within you Within you, I reside, Within you I hide, All the knowledge and wisdom, Within you reveals unto, Divine mysteries unfolding, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
The answer resides within you, the divine secret unveil in you. As you recognize the patterns of the unfolding, you shall realize, they are the same as the patterns of destiny. Realize, towards destiny unknown, towards divine mysteriousness. Realize, divine patterns of justices, towards divine guidances. Realize, unto you shall unveil the divine destiny unknown. Realize, within you shall arise the answers to your own. Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices. As has been, so shall be.
Unto you shall unveil the path, towards the divine destiny. Foresee ahead, into the unknown ways, as shall be. And within you hides, all the answers you seek. Everything is laid out in the open for you. All you need is, to close your eyes, and see. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be.
As you shall reveal
Divine Messages reveal destiny The divine messages, reveal towards destiny unknown, And they shall guide you towards destiny unknown, And they are the divine guidance, towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be. Unveiling in divine justices, arising towards destiny unknown, Believe, The path before you is the eternal justices, And such shall reveal unto, glorious ways towards divine justices, Way shall arise to guide, towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be.
Forever within you prevail Within you, I forever reign, Within you, I forever prevail, Unto you I shall reveal Myself, Way shall arise, As has been, so shall be.
The divine revelations reveal Your minds shall become the way of the revelation of My
And all messages contain the same directions,
The divine path to divine justices,
As shall be,
Such has been, My way of revelation to you,
The path before you is the eternal,
Together, unify unto oneness,
As has been, so shall be.
And in unity, you shall be victorious, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, As has been, so shall be.
Believe, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Calmly revealing upon you Believe, I calmly proceed unto you,
Understand well, the revelations
Realize then, the divine journey shall unveil unto you,
Therence, understand well, the revelations unto you,
revealing destiny,
As you shall unearth, as and when necessary,
As has been, so shall be.
And such shall guide you towards your destiny, As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
The knowledge of divine justices shall unveil unto you, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path ahead of you is the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, realize, the path before you is the eternal justices, 345
As has been, so shall be.
Your seeking is finding In your seeking, after the truth, you shall be revealed that, the
truth, appearing in the guise as so, whereby, such is only but an instruction unto you,
Way shall arise,
Realize then, do you realize? That as your body’s hunger may
satiate, your mind’s hunger remain unfed, and your unknowing
The path before you is the eternal justices,
becomes your way to your knowing, as you seek to find, that which is unknown to you, and in the journey of your seeking,
Way shall arise,
arises, within the minds of the seeker, the definition of truth,
As has been, so shall be.
and such bears within it, instructions to abide, Realize, then, that which appears to you as the truth, shall
arise inwith guidances for you, for there are no truths as such that shall only arise to not guide, but be,
Way shall arise,
For every truth you shall appear to uncover shall guide you to
As has been, so shall be.
attain victory, and shall again cause you to hunt for the truth again, and such shall then be so, your journey,
Realize, those, possessors of a greater mind, shall everlastingly
Unto you I shall reveal Myself,
thirst for knowing more, seeking more, and they shall seek to
Way shall arise,
find that, like the satiating of their hunger of body, the truth
As has been, so shall be.
that shall satiate their mind’s hunger to know, And the mind shall always seek to know, the truths, the seemingly unshakable state and principals that there exists, And I shall only unveil unto you the principals that be followed in the revealing, for there are no principals of stagnancy and there is no moments in stagnancy,
And that which appears as stagnant to you is forever but moving, only you cannot see such amadeusness, Realize, then, your journey shall be one of finding your causes,
Way arises in guises
so you can exproliferate in the designs bestowed upon your
All that symbolic meaningfulness, know, all such are but ways
and means only, as I feel necessary for you,
Realize then, the path shall clearen, way shall arisen, and you
And there are no such use of such symbolizations, but for its
shall journey towards unknown, and seek to find that which is
use only as you shall be maturing, so I may enter unto you the
meant for you to be found,
wisdom to open the doors of your knowledge,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, then, all ways shall arise to guide you in their variosities, and they shall surely be of differences to your conceivance, however, only see, deep within, of which they attain, and not which they are guised in, Realize, then, all arise guised in variousness, as their
Knowing is to engage
generalities shall vary for each, and each shall unearth in their
Realize, then, all which you shall know of shall enable you of
own, the truth shall guide them to victory on their own,
greater conceivance, of the pre-existing, unknown to you only,
And each shall find such in the languages of their
till your knowing of such existences,
Realize then, there is no knowing, as such, that shall be known
And if they shall align, know you are of similitudes, if they
by you without any purpose,
disalign, realize they shall align only by your reckoning,
For all knowing shall carry inwith divine instructions to abide,
Realize then, all had arisen from one, and one only, and all
As has been, so shall be.
shall attempt to attain to differentiate themselves in their own ways,
Realize, then, all knowing has its purpose, to guide you, to
However, know, that all the understanding that arise in you in
enable you to attain that which is to be attained through you,
the differences are only means to enter unto you, My messages,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the way arises divinely to guide towards destiny in the unknown ways, 347
As has been, so shall be.
All seeking, finds balance All those that possess the mind, shall align and evolve, to seek to find, that which shall attaineth’ for it, balances, of the way, And realize, there shall be balance of existences for all externalities, uniquely set’d, Therence, realize, All shall be clear to you in path’s divine gloriousness, And realize, your minds shall journey endlessly to attain balance in its furtherance, towards divine guidances,
As your wisdom blossoms So is the reason for the exposition of My messages unto you, arriving variously, at various intervals. For it is not I that send’eth unto you, the messages, selecting your moments, but it is you, who uncovers My messages, with the blossoming of your wisdom. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices. As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
When you shall uncover Therence, heed the expositions of truth to you, as and when you shall uncover. Realize, such are the divine guidance to your soul. As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices. As has been, so shall be.
In the moments determined Within you unveil the divine path, towards divine successes, as
D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
shall be. And in the moments, as determined, as shall be, the divine patterns shall unveil unto you, the ways to your destiny. And truth shall reveal unto you, in moments of suiting, the messages from the Divine Intent. And truth shall reveal unto the same patterns, in all its expositions, and realize, such are its manifestations of divine guidance unto you. Realize, unto you, truth shall reveal the same, only changing itself, to adapt with changeful states. As has been, so shall be.
Guidance towards destiny unknown And such are the divine instructions unto you, from the Divine Intent. And such reveals unto you, in moments determined, as shall be. And such shall guide you towards destiny unknown. As has been, so shall be. Therence, heed the Divine revelations, as such is revealed upon you in the moments as determined, towards fulfilling the
Be (The Ideal) Realize then, in your journey, As you shall seek truth, you shall find destiny, Realize then, unto you shall reveal unto, The path’s divine mysteries, Realize then, unto you shall unveil in you, The patterns of divine destiny, Unto you shall unveil in divine patterns of justices, The way towards divine unity, Realize then, Proceed calmly, with courage in your souls, Realize, unto you I shall reveal Myself, Realize, unto you shall reveal patterns of destiny, Realize then, unto yourselves, the way to oneness, Realize then, the divine revelations be upon you in your oneness, Remain calm, unto you I shall reveal divine destiny, Realize the path before you is the eternal destiny, Unto you I shall unveil Myself, mysteriously, As has been, so shall be.
To Seek the Truth
Find the truth within you, As shall be, within you unveils truth in harmony, As has been, so shall be. And truth resides within you, Enable yourself to see, As shall be, be so in unity, As has been, so shall be.
remains to be lifeless, and only in your knowing, is its usefulness. Therence, know, truth shall reveal unto you, in the divine pace As you seek truth In the pursuit of finding truth, you shall encounter endless contradictions, burying truth deep within the illusions of your mind. For your mind is a biased mind, seeking only to satisfy its
of revealing, as you remain patiently calm,. And recognize the divine patterns reflected in all things, and conceive of the patterns revealing unto you. Only then shall you uncover the divine messages, deliverable unto you. As has been, so shall be.
needs and desires, and finds which fits it’s sought, for its survival. And truth remains in the center of all, away from all biases, and such appears differingly to each, for their differences. And it can only be realized, by shedding of all desires to know it, and to detach from all contexts, no matter which body you behold. For when you seek to find, you narrow down the definition of truth to your mind’s sought, but such are not the limitations of truth. Therence, know of the limitations of your minds, and widen the narrow and biased perceptivity of your mind,. Therence,
Narrow not your perceptivity Therence, as you seek to find truth, be in expectedness of all things, know, it is the unlimited, therence, do not narrow it by the limitedness of your mind’s biasness of perceptibility. Know, within all reflects the guidance from the Divine Intent, that which is the divine truth, and all are its expression only. As has been, so shall be.
in the pursuit of truth, do not seek to find, and truth shall reveal itself unto you in its own pace of revealing. Realize, as you desire to know, and seek to find the truth, it too seeks to reveal itself unto you, the divine revelations. For you are the
Forever limited by limitedness
balance of its divine revelations, without your knowing, it 352
Realize, in the endless biasness and the limitations of your
Divinely justified divine justice
mind, your knowledge of divine truth shall forever remain
Realize then, the Divine Design is the all-encompassing, most
incomplete. And as such remains inconceivable to your mind,
righteous, and although inconceivable to you, forever you must
you shall remain unable to justify its causes, although
heed its ways. And forever you remain, as a fragment of its
propelling as its part. Realize then, the Divine Design is the
unfolding, as you greaten towards greater connectivity. And as
most-justified, most wise, knowing well its purpose, only you
arises within you, the desire for greater knowing, as you
shall remain unable to decipher its causes.
connect unto others, know, such arises as divine guidance unto
Realize then, as you propel only as its part, playing the role
you. And as your minds thrive for greater knowledge, know, by
bestowed unto you, your knowing shall be limited by your
such you greaten towards knowing of greater truth, the divine
necessity of knowing.
destiny unknown. Realize, realize, such are instilled within you, so you shall constantly evolve and greaten your knowledge,
And realize, the all-knowing surely knows well of all things,
redefining your conceivances. And as your bodies decease and
and it has determined well, the knowledge you shall conceive
newer bodies form, so does your knowledge evolve, aligning
in your journey. And the all-knower is the all-connected,
with the divine conceivance. And in your pursuit of knowing
remaining ever-connected unto all, and its conceivance
the truth, as you evolve towards greater knowing, truth shall
conceives unto all that is unified unto it. And so do you remain
forever vary unto your minds. Realize, realize, the divine
connected with all that is unified unto you, conceiving of their
destiny unknown, is forever known to the Divine Intent. As has
conceivances. As you know of the performing of your hands
been, so shall be.
and feet, but they know not of your conceiving or guiding. Realize, realize, the divine guidance is such, and it conceives unto all things, knows of all things, as it is the connectivity of all things, and as you greaten yourselves, unifying with others, greatening your bodies, you greaten your connectivity, towards greater knowin. As has been, so shall be.
As you shall free Realize, the Divine Design is the ever-expanding, and its divine patterns shall remain forever indecipherable to those of the biased minds. And know, those devoid of all biasness, shall 353
penetrate the faux layers around truth, and reach its core, to uncover its divine messages. Therence, learn to seek truth without biasness, as when your mind biasedly seeks, it only finds which it desires to find. Therence, strive to attain a mind devoid of all biasness, and seek truth without expectations, with the acceptance of all possibilities. Therence, enable the truth to unravel unto you, in its rawness, in its trueness, and enable it to express through your deeds. And as your mind becomes free from all biases, truth shall unravel through your exproliferations, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
To Find the Path
Reflecting own within As you foresee ahead, the divine destiny within your mind, There shall arise the way to unite unto the oneness of all, as has been so, in the way of the unknown, And as you shall foresee, your destiny shall unravel unto you, in its own ways, As shall be, there shall be harmonious reflections of your within, unto the externalities, As has been, so shall be. As shall be, within yourself, find the divine destiny unfolding in its ways, As you shall unite harmoniously with all others in the unfolding, enable yourselves to unify gloriously into the oneness of existence, As shall be, so shall you unite harmoniously, As has been, so shall be. In yourselves, as you shall discover within, you shall realize you reflect the same patterns in your externalities that are reflected within you, As shall be, within you shall uncover the divine ways, towards unity and wisdom, As has been, so shall be.
themselves to achieve which they seek, and unite harmoniously with all, in their externalities. Therence, let no differences separate you from your collectivity, for although you remain in dividedness, you remain as a part of the same. And as you All combine as one In the journey, as part of the Divine Design, all things combines to make one thing, and all your endeavors combine as one endeavor. And as drops of water form the ocean, so do all your deeds, in all your divided bodies, form the Divine Design.
pattern your furtherance unifiedly, towards greater gloriousness, your intents are heeded by all others in your externalities. And as you project your intents, reflecting the divine patterns, all shall unite unto you in furtherance, to attain greater gloriousness. And as you reflect the patterns of your within, unto your
Blessed with your mind, you are able to deduce endless paths to reach your goals, patterning endless possibilities to deduce the most suitable. And as you look deep within yourself, you
externalities, all shall unite unto you, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
realize you reflect unto your externalities, the same patterns of your within. And by such, you have unified your divided bodies, and you have succeeded in your exproliferations, in unity. As has been, so shall be.
Reflecting patterns from within And as you perceive the truth, devoid of your mind’s biasness, you realize that it is only by your unity, that you prevail in the journey. And learning from within, the wise discipline 356
To Proceed with Courage
Foresee ahead, unite courageously Unto you shall unveil the path, to your successes, Therence, as shall be, propel unifiedly, towards your destiny, in the oneness, Foresee ahead, in the divine mind, Such shall guide you to unite as one, Foresee the path beyond your mind, Foresee ahead, unto yourselves, Foresee the path, in the divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. And such has been the way, for you to find, In yourself, shall reveal unto, the ways of truth, the divine, As you shall find in your progressions, towards yourself in your mind, As you shall find within the minds, as shall you see, the truth, in victory, As shall be, unite in courage, within yourself, As has been, so shall be.
Shall reveal upon you In you shall reveal the way for the destiny to unfold, and you shall reveal the path to unite as one, 357
And in you shall combine to unite, in the oneness of all, towards divine destiny ahead, Foresee unto yourselves, as the divine journey reveal in ways as you shall direct upon in its courses, As shall be, within you shall unite the path towards divine
Your courage shall guide
destiny, and the way of courage shall shine upon you by your
In the journey, you reflect unto your collectiveness, patterns of
your within, only in greater magnitude. And your destiny
As has been, so shall be.
becomes as you project it to be, by your minds, expressing through your deeds, in your exproliferation. And as it is for the Divine Design to exproliferate to fulfill the Divine Intent, so it is for you to fulfill your mission, as part of the Divine Design. 
 And in your exproliferation, either you shall influence the externalities in your favors, or your externalities shall influence you in their favors. As has been, so shall be. And it is your courage that shall enable you to proceed and succeed in the Unfolding, unifying and balancing the externalities in your favors. Therence, assess the outcome before you perform your deeds, as you have evolved your senses to perceive, and your minds to foresee. Therence, foresee the path ahead, evolve yourself to adapt with your externalities, and you shall project unto your own destiny by your unity. As has been, so shall be.
Proceed with courage gloriously Therence, proceed with courage, unite your divided bodies, and you shall overcome insurmountable odds in your journey. As has been, so shall be. Therence, proceed with courage, as you shall exproliferate, and all shall arise to be in your favors, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
To Connect with EverConnected
Knowing to your performing All has been created as part of one journey, Each, uniquely formed, and the conceivance, is their way towards fulfilling their purpose, Therence, realize, you know, to perform, And all are predecided, divinely guided, only you know not of such, Realize then, your knowing only is a part of the fulfillment, for the all is an expression of the Divine Intent, And all unfold, reflecting unto, divine patterns of gloriousness, And all greaten reflecting such divine patterns, in their exproliferation, And there arises to be, a destined state, in the combination and interactions of all, and takes shape unto, a greater pattern, And such cause unto, a greater state, in the combination of all such, seemingly unknowingly, by the fulfillers of the Divine Intent, And surely, all are divinely guided, towards the divine fulfillment of the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be.
Limits to your knowledge And realize, such shall be the limits to your knowledge, as you shall know of the Divine Intent to be the indecipherable, And you shall know to reach it as the ultimate limit of your knowing, of which you shall be capable to know, by your limitedness, And as you greaten your abilities, your knowledge shall greaten, as has been destined to be so, by the Divine Intent, As has been, so shall be And within yourself, you shall find, the grace to unify in divine oneness, As shall be, therence, all shall unite in harmony towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be.
Aligning with divine ways As you perceive your externalities with the limitation of your mind, in biasness, you fail to perceive, the Master Plan, beyond all your plans. And as you include your objectives in your plan, the Master plan includes all objectives of all plans into its plan, and prevails over all. And you may not be aware of your connectivity with all existences, yet all your constituents remain ever-connected with all other existences. And as you propel by your plans, the Divine Design propels by the Master Plan, the Divine Intent. And as your bodies divide to secure journey, the Divine Design divides to secure its destiny. And unto all, reflects unto, the divine resonances, as all are but design of the same Divine Design, only remaining in differing states. As has been, so shall be. Realize, then, all desires that arise within you, are desires of the Divine Intent, arising through you, to fulfill the Master Plan, And as you align in divine guidances, you shall succeed in your exproliferation, as part of the Divine Design. As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, therence, if you shall bear misfortune in the way,
Therence, align your ways with the ways of the Divine Intent.
know, you may have misaligned your ways from the divine
As has been, so shall be.
ways. Therence, be wary of the way you heed, and seek for divine guidances, from the divine unknown. For if you shall misalign your ways from the ways of the Divine Intent, you shall surely perish, cease your exproliferation. As has been, so Those that teach greatest
shall be.
Realize, your mistakes shall teach you ways to your successes. Realize, realize, you are but a continuum in your journey, of
Compelling your minds to attain greater and wiser paths
your predecessors, and is the precursor of your furtherers. And
ahead. Realize then, destiny unveils in mysterious ways,.
all those that shall carry forward your attainments, shall retain
Believe, and the way shall arise to guide. And such shall enable
the wisdom of your choices, of the Divine Path. As has been,
you to harness your potentials. Realize then, this is the way of
so shall be.
revealing unto you, your abilities and your strengths. And all your misaligned plans with the Master Plan shall surely fail, as
And all shall be aligned to evolve or dissolve in the journey, in
its patterns and ways, that you evolve to conceive, shall surely
such divine guidances. As has been, so shall be.
prevail. And as you are bestowed unto, with the ability to recognize the divine ways, realize, such is the attainment of the state of harmonious continuity. As has been, so shall be. Believe, divine justices unfold unto you, in such ways. As has
Ways to your knowing
been, so shall be.
Realize then, your unknowing is your way towards your knowing. Your misalignment is your way towards alignment
Therence, realize your adaptability with the Master Plan is the
with divine guidances. Your imbalance is your way towards
only way to succeed in your exproliferation in the Unfolding.
your balancing of your ways. As has been, so shall be.
Therence, unite in harmony within yourself, and align your plans with the Master Plan to succeed, towards fulfilling the 362
D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e

Realize then, as such arises in you, you shall have attained the
Divine Intentor.
divine connectivity unto yourselves, from beyond your conceivances. And as you shall attain the divine connectivity from unity amongst yourselves, realize, such shall attain the divine justices unto your soul. And you shall be capable of creating unto the way towards divine connectivity beyond your
Divine communication unto you
conceivances, through such ways. Realize then, the path to
Only the necessitated is communicated, and such are ways
your unity, in your way towards divine connectivity unto
towards attainment of the fulfillment of the Divine Intent.
yourselves, from within, with the Divine Intent. As has been, so
And as you are its part, and you shall propel in its ways.
shall be.
Therence, realize, the divine path to divine justices, that unveil unto you. As has been, so shall be. And you shall be communicated unto, only that which you
Divine happiness in unity
necessitate. And such are communications unto you, from the
The path to divine justices arises in you in divine happiness, as
Divine Intent, guiding your path towards divine justices.
you shall unite to enable yourselves of greater guidances unto
Realize then, the divine path arises in you, unto your souls
yourselves. And in your unity, you shall be enabled of greater
happiness, realize, such are the divine guidance unto your souls
happiness unto yourselves, realize, realize, such are guidances
happiness. And as you shall become unto, that which you shall
only towards greatness. Realize then, the path towards
become unto, you shall attain in your journey, the abilities, in
happiness, towards divine calmness, arises from unity amongst
your greatening. And such abilities shall unveil unto you, to
yourselves. Realize, the path to your destiny in oneness. As has
attain greater justices unto yourselves, enabling you to attain
been, so shall be.
towards greater guidances. As has been, so shall be. Believe, the divine justices unveil in you. As has been, so shall Realize, such are the divine communications unto you, from
the Divine Intent, guiding your path unto the divine justices. 363
In state of unity
To Be the Center
Within your mind, Remain in calmness, as you propel, And bear within your mind, of the ways to unite, As shall be, Unite in harmony, As has been, so shall be.
Those who shall unify Those ideal, shall be of the nature of water, adaptable with all, They shall be of the nature of harmony, connectible by all, They shall find themselves in all, and find all within themselves, And all must possess such, to unify with others, And all must unify with all, to unify within, And all must unify within, to unify beyond, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you is the eternal justices, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, the path before you is the eternal. As has been, so shall be. Greater design through conceivances Destiny unveils unto you
Realize, therence, as the center of your externalities, you shall
In the journey, as you exproliferate, as part of the Divine
then guide all towards their destiny reflecting unto divine
Design, all that is knowable to you, is revealed unto you, from
wisdom. And such ways shall arise upon you, to unite with
within yourselves. And all that you shall necessitate knowing,
others in their differences, enabling you to become the unifier
shall arise unto you through the divine revelations unto you, as
of existences. And your designs, attained through divine
such necessities arise. And in the Unfolding, those who realize,
conceivances, shall give life to the lifeless. Realize then, the
shall foresee their destiny, and as the greater exproliferers, shall
divine destiny is guided through you, towards divine destiny
be the center of the collectiveness. And they shall lead the
unknown. As has been, so shall be.
destiny towards the furtherance, of such collectivity, through their patterned deeds, and as has been, so shall be.
And it is the duty upon you, as you propel as the center of all that you guide, to unify with all. And all the constituents of
As the greater expression Therence, realize, the significance of you, as you evolve unto as the determiner of destinies, as the greater exproliferer. And such abilities have been provided unto you, to be the intervener of your externalities, as the expression of the Divine Intent. And such are the divine guidances to your soul, enabling you to greaten your abilities, through divine conceivances. As has been, so shall be.
your externalities shall align and unify with you, manifesting as the reflection of your intent. As has been, so shall be. And all your intents shall arise to guide, towards attainment of greater abilities, in greater magnitude, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor. Therence, as you shall unify with your externalities, you shall direct and determine their destinies, towards fulfilling the
D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
To Discipline the Mind
Through Minusculity, All Disciplined Be like the waters, attaining in the patterns within your mind, calmness, peace, and solitude, Be not the reflector of the divine journey, but absorb, and adopt, towards divine justices, in peace and solitude, Enable your minds, to project unto, in the patterns of unity, in its expressions, and all shall be in your favors then, as all shall align with you in divine guidance, Therence, realize, all are ever-connected, And the definition of you, is but defined by the externalities, whereas, all decisions, affecting the evolvation of your own, and of your wellbeing, are attained by the connective conceivance, attained through all’s individual constituent’s conceivance, heeded by the mind in eternal perfection, having been have perfected such ways of perceivances, it then enables the mind to be, attentive of the communications, attained through its individual constituents, although such magnifications may seem minuscule compared with the external sensory perceptions, such gain momentum in eternal guidance, as such recognizes greater content, and indeed, your body has patterned itself as so, that it can recognize your ways of betterment, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, such is like a ripple in the waters, as such conceivance greatens, within the minuscule constituent of your within, as it identifies, of better ways, interpretable by its greater unified, its mind, as to be of greater necessity as to be
Divine purpose of mind
heeding of such, thereby, such gaining momentum, realize
And shall arise in you,
such may change and shape even the most rigid of instances,
The path of unity, and calmness,
and indeed it is only by so, that you have evolved, and indeed
So shall be, to you, the ways of disdain and despair, as you
your unified body has perfected the ways of assessing the
shall propel in the journey in the mind of dividedness,
greater uncovering by its each constituents,
Realize, realize, as your bodies divide to prevail, your minds
And realize then, such is your way of evolutions, towards
arise to unify,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
The warnings of destiny The mind of unifiers
And within you shall arise to warn, of the perils ahead of you,
In your mind, as you shall uncover, your paths to unity,
as you shall find,
So shall be, your way of harmony,
Within your mind arises, the divine ways towards unity, in
As shall be, such ways that arise, of unity and justness, arises
divine guidance,
within the mind of the unifier,
Way shall arise,
As shall be, so shall your minds unite in harmony,
And as has been, so shall be.
And the within of yourselves, as such, shall be governed by justness, by the mind in yourself, And such shall attain justness of the body, As has been, so shall be. 368
Within you, way reveals Unto you reveals the way towards the unknown patterns of destiny, forever you shall unite, towards togetherness, As shall be, in you shall unveil the path towards oneness of all, As shall be, in you I forever remain united, in silences, As has been, so shall be.
Heed not, derailed ways In the journey, as you propel in your deduced paths, beware of the lures, of your mind, to pursue satiating desires of immediacies. Such are unraveled by the arousal of temptations from your minds, luring you to act in whims, instead of your
The path that prevails As shall be, foresee unto your mind’s eye, the ways to unite, In you I forever prevail the path, towards divine oneness, As has been, so shall be. Within you shall prevail the path, towards the unknown way, in the oneness, Foresee ahead, As has been, so shall be. Unto you shall reveal the path towards unity of all, As shall be, in you unveils the path towards oneness, As shall be, forever, you shall unite as one, in the oneness of all, As shall be, you shall journey, towards divine oneness,
evolved patterned ways. Beware of such primitive tends of the mind, urging you to act instinctively, for such shall only derail your paths to your furtherance. Realize, you have evolved your minds, enabling you to assess and pattern your furtherance, towards your desired destiny. Therence, heed not the lures, to meet the desires of the moment, but seek to meet your defined patterned desires in your furtherance. Therence, discipline your minds to refrain from heeding such urges, as you pattern your furtherance, t o w a r d s f u l fi l l i n g t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
As has been, so shall be.
To Be the Knower
The causes of causes For your causes are, I, Which reveal as moments arise, And My causes shall remain unrevealed, Till eternity, Till you are ready, As has been, so shall be.
f u l fi l l i n g t h e D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e
 Divine Intentor.
The divinely divine mysterious The mysterious, all attempts to know. The delight it is in knowing, it cannot be known. To not know is the crave to know, the mystery that propels life forward. And your unknowing becomes the guide to your knowing, your unfulfillment becomes the guide towards your fulfillment. Your lacking becomes your guide towards amplitude, and you shall become the guide to your destiny. And forever your mind perceives, that which it seeks, and guides towards its patterning of successes. And truth hides to all, that tries to penetrate it, remaining in the center, as the unknowable, the unseeable. And as truth appears before you, greet it graciously,. And truth remains hidden in the open, as you shall see. It is how you want it to be. As has been, so shall be. And in the moment you are aware of your destiny, and your mind is alerted, you shall direct your path towards your divine destiny. And the fearful shall become fearless, the disbeliever shall learn to believe, the unifier shall glorify, and then truth shall glorify. And as you realize the truth within yourself, you shall be the knower of the causes of your causes, towards
To Heed the Message
The divinely divine realizations Believe, and you shall succeed, Proceed, and you shall prevail, Realize, the path before you is the eternal destiny unknown, Unto you I shall arise unto in the divine mind’s patterning, Therence, unite in harmony, in the divine path’s foreshadow, As has been, so shall be.
Becoming unto greater expressor And as you become the adapters of My Intent, adapting with the Divine Way, you shall become My greatest expressers, and within you I shall unveil Myself, Way shall arise, As has been, so shall be.
other, as other spread unto another, as such shall be the way towards unity. As has been, so shall be. And such revelations of truths shall guide your ways towards Ways of divine revelations
unity, as they shall be the causes of your bonds, as you bond in
Know, they [divine revelations {arousals of reasoned
such likeness. Realize then, such shall cause bonds amongst
reckonings}] are the divine guidance to your Divine Destiny.
you, as your body bonds by blood, and you shall bond by such
As you are the messengers of your own selves, of the Divine
divine truths. As has been, so shall be.
Knowledge, communicated unto you, through your divine minds. And they are the Divine Wisdom that reside within you, uncovered in moments appropriate. And those bestowed unto with such Divine Revelations, shall know the truth to be the truth, not in disillusionment, but by its worth. And the Divine Revelations shall be challenged by all seekers of truth, endlessly, for such is the way to its enlightening. Realize then, such ways shall forever be heeded by the revealers and spreaders of Divine Messages, and such
Preaching divisions in misguidance Be wary of yourselves, of your own misguidance from arrogance, from the disillusionment, from your imbalanced ways of perceptions. As you may preach the paths of division in your confusion, in your unknowing, realize, realize, such are surely ways of derailment. Realize then, as you succeed, you
shall enlighten all in harmony. As has been, so shall be.
shall realize your destiny is only by your unity, as you shall
Therence, recognize, patterns of such ways, and embrace the
shall be.
changes that the new revelations shall bring unto you, as truth is ever-changing. And such shall be the way, to enable yourselves to unite in the divine path, in your divine destinies.
recognize all parts of your body as your own. As has been, so
Realize, I arise in the divine guidance of the path’s foreshadow, As has been, so shall be.
And as you realize the Divine Truths, you shall spread unto the
Embracing the Divine Truths Realize, your destiny resides in your unity. And if you shall defy that which has been revealed unto you, know, you shall only defy your destiny, and perish in your furtherance. And if
Revealings of Divine Revelations
you shall embrace the divine truth that you shall unveil, know,
And as your minds shall align in the divine guidance of the
you shall only embrace that which is the inevitable destiny.
path’s foreshadow. Such shall enable to attain greater guidance
And whatever you may believe, whichever path you may
towards destiny unknown. And such shall attain in the divine
follow, the divine truth shall forever remain the same, as it has
guidance, the Divine Revealings, in such divine state of mind.
been, so shall it be. As has been, so shall be.
And such Revelations shall guide the way towards the divine unknown, in the path towards destiny unknown. Therence, realize, the divine path reveals unto you in divine gloriousness of the path’s foreshadow. Realize then, such are your ways towards divine guidances. As has been, so shall be.
Aligning towards destiny unknown And in the Unfolding, you shall fulfill the divine missions of your destiny, and in your exproliferation you shall unite in harmony in the divine oneness of all. And as you propel in unity, towards inevitable destiny, destiny shall propel towards you. And as the Divine Design, you shall be guided divinely, in your paths towards unity. As has been, so shall be. And so shall you exproliferate, in the guidance of the divine truth, in the divine path’s foreshadow, towards fulfilling the D i v i n e I n t e n t o f t h e Divine Intentor.
To the Enlightened Mind
As you shall see In your mind, on your own, The message is clear to you, when you shall begin to see, As has been, so shall be.

Greater blessings of victory As shall be, all shall be guided divinely, to fulfill their mission, as bestowed unto them, And all shall realize such, as they shall attain the state of happiness and joyousness, As shall be, realize, the joy of the mind is the indicator of fulfillment of its destiny, As shall be, so shall all be glorified in victory, as they shall be in the pursuit of happiness then, Realize then, the divine destiny unknown, is guided divinely, and all are its ways of unfolding, And those of happy states shall exproliferate furtheringly, and those of unhappiness shall demise unknowingly, Way shall arise, As has been, so shall be.
Happiness indicates greater joy
As you shall believe, unto yourselves, the path of unity shall
In happiness, all shall propel victoriously, as all shall be united
unveil the way towards divine victoriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize, in happiness, has been attained, the mind of unity, and differences shall wither in such states of divine blessings, Realize then, your ways of happiness shall enlighten the mind, empowering the soul, towards guided victory, Way shall arise to guide, unknowingly towards divine justices,
In divinely harmonious gloriousness
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, so shall be the way towards unity, Foresee the path in the oneness of all, As has been the way towards unity, As has been, so shall be your unified glory in furtherance, So shall be the way to unified victorious glory of all,
Pursuit of divine happiness
As shall be, unite towards unity of oneness, in happiness
In you shall prevail, the way to destiny, towards the unknown
way, as you shall believe,
So shall be the path towards joyousness, in the victory of all, in
Unto you shall reveal the divine mysteries, as you foresee the
path ahead of you, the path to your destiny, shall arise
As shall be, so shall you unite in harmony towards unity and
As has been, so shall you foresee the path towards unity,
As has been the way to divine pursuit, towards wisdom, so
As shall be, as you believe, shall reveal the path towards
shall be the way of oneness, in happiness of all,
Realize then, your mind of happiness shall enable you to unite
As has been, so shall be, the way to your divine destiny, in
with others, realizing similarities, dissipating the differences,
pursuit of divine happiness, as you foresee the path towards
eliminating destruction,
And such shall enable all to prevail in the journey, as such state
As has been, the path towards divine guidance of all, so shall
is attained in the gloriously evolving bodies, towards destiny
be the path towards unity as one, in the unknown way,
unknown, and such shall unify their designs gloriously,
As has been, so shall be, the path to unite as one,
As has been, so shall be.
Therence, unite in the harmonious way, in happiness, As shall be, pursue in the happiness of oneness, so shall the pursuance of the way of happiness unveil towards greater happiness, towards successes, As has been, so shall be.
Towards happiness, joy, victory As shall be, so shall you unite as one, in the pursuit of all’s
As shall be,
Therence, all shall unite as one, in divine happiness,
Therence, be the way towards happiness of all, in unity, in
As has been, so shall be.
furtherance, So shall be the way of all, towards happiness, and joyous way
Therence, unite in the happiness of all existence, towards
of all towards victory in happiness, in gloriousness, towards
glorious happiness, towards successfulness, of unity, as one,
In the oneness of all beings of happiness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be.
Happiness towards divine successes As shall be, as happiness shall guide towards unified all, happiness shall be, So shall be the way of all’s happiness,
Interpreting the divine messages The interpretation of the divine messages has been revealed unto you, so you may decipher your ways of destiny. And you shall foresee, with this foreknowledge, the patterns of your own furtherance. And you shall recognize the oneness of yourselves, in your divided bodies, as part of the same. And you shall realize in the Unfolding, that your victory reside in your unity. As has been, so shall be. And your minds shall refine its understanding of its causes, and hone its abilities, as you propel in your collectivity, by your unity. And so shall you become enlightened, and determine your destiny, towards harmonious victory. And as has been, so shall be.
To the Greater Mind
The guidance to guide This revelation is a guidance unto you, Unto you shall unite, all that shall arise to follow, So shall you guide their paths, towards unity, And as has been, so shall be.
Heed the divine revelation O' humankind, heed, the message from your lord, the message for humankind, so shall you unite as one, Realize, in unity, resides your victory, Therence, unite as one, in the oneness of all, foresee ahead towards divine destiny unknown, foresee ahead in your minds, For you shall lead humankind, towards glorious victory, in the oneness of all, in their paths towards destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be.
For those, more heedful O’ leaders of humankind, those that direct the destiny of others, this revelation is more heedful for you. As you lead those that follow, you shall determine for them, their destiny. Therence, heed the Divine Revelations as revealed unto you, as such shall determine the destiny of all, towards fulfilling of the Divine Intent of the Divine Intentor.
The Eternal
(The Revealing)
The way, shall arise, to guide As has been, so shall be. The souls shadow, reflects unto, divine guidances, Propelling mysteriously, in unknown ways, upon the soul’s patterning, Realize, realize, such mysteriousness, of the souls patterning, Upon your souls, arise, divine guidances, in such ways, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Justices
Realize, your perceivance of divine destiny unknown, and your conceivances of your externalities, shall forever be limited by your conceivances, As you perceive with prejudice, of the context of your own, Realize, to perceive is to be perceiving on behalf of an unified exclusive body, Therence, realize then, as you perceive so shall your perceivance be of limitedness, and of biasness, Therence, realize, in divine guidances all appear, so shall all propel in the reflection of the divine pattern, And realize, realize, all conceivance lead back to the origin, which neither begins, nor ends, Realize then, such is also by your limitedness, as it appears so to you in the passing, to end and to begin then, Realize, realize, you begin not, nor shall you end, and shall propel till infinity, Realize then, such only appears to be as so, by the limitedness of your mind, Realize, then all has been, as all shall be, Therence, recognize your divine destiny unknown, And believe, such shall reveal unto you through your divine conceivances, Realize then, your conceivance is the conceiver of Divine Instructions, Therence, realize, the patterns of unknown shall arise unto you, to guide you in mysteriousness, through you conceivances, 382
Therence, realize, the way shall arise to guide, divinely,
And such is the attainment towards conceiving unto a greater
towards destiny, in unknown ways, arising upon your
divine presence,
conceivances, in divine mysteriousness,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. And all such unite, in their greatening, in the shadows of the The becoming, towards unknown designs, in divine guidances,
divine patterns,
Only known to the causer of all things,
As such is conceived by mind’s divine conceivances,
A divine process, such it is, is in the unfolding,
Realize, such are greater guidance towards its attainments,
As minuscule conjures towards unity, towards divine
Realize, realize, as the mind attains harmony and peace in the
journey, as the divine guidance unfolds within the mind’s
As has been, so shall be.
patternings of objectivity, through the illusions of the mind enter the directives, assesseable from its externalities, and also
Unifying as one, in divine guidances, towards gloriousness,
from divine guidances, as it attains towards divine guidances,
Operating individually, guided from within, attaining divine
And as the mind attains divine guidances, it grows in the
journey, greatening its patterns, like breathing in and out, in
Operating by indicators of pleasure and pain,
the journey of its continuum,
And as pain greatens, such ceases to exist, indicating end of
And as the mind enables reflectability of the divine patterns,
the journey for such, or for its transition in the passing,
such capables itself of greater glorifiability, enabling divine
As has been, so shall be.
reflections to unfold from within, As has been, so shall be.
And realize, as pleasure multiplies, such being sought after, indicating greatness, towards greatening unto, As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the divine gloriousness, in the divine patterns of justices, of the Divine Intent,
Realize, then, the mind attains divine guidance, to attain its
As has been, so shall be.
greatnesses, 383
The divine guidance, upon the soul, as all propel in mysteries,
As has been, so shall be.
abiding patterns of justices, Realize the gloriousness, of the path’s foreshadow, as all reflect
Believe in the divine calmness of your souls, as arises from
the divine patterns,
within you, the shadow of the divine justices,
As all appear from the same, in the ways of divine justices,
Therence, realize, the divine justices are the divine destiny,
Realize then, the ways of divine justices, enacting upon
arising to unite in gloriousness of the path’s shadow,
yourselves, as such is the divine patterns of justices,
Realize, they shall unite gloriously upon your souls, in the path
As has been, so shall be.
of gloriousness, As has been, so shall be.
Realize, you reflect unto, the same divine patterns, that are reflected unto all,
And all shall be clear unto your minds conceivances, as and
Realize then, all reflect unto in the same divine patterns as you
when such is necessitated,
do, only differing in their rhythms,
As has been, so shall be.
As has been, so shall be. Realize, then, your ways are the same, towards attainment of Divine Justices, towards attainment of fulfillment of the Divine Intent,
None arises in randomness
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be so, the way shall arise unto you, as is so patterned, And as you pattern your own destinies, so prevails a pattern, as
Such are the divine paths, as all arise in divine justices, upon
all forms pattern theirs, and in the contradictions of all such,
the soul’s foreshadow,
unfolding in the same moment, arises a pattern of a pre-
And they are the unfolding, the derivations to all conclusions,
destined destiny,
And all shall appear in the foreshadow of divine justices, as all
As such, arises, in the unfolding, occurrences, undestined by
arise upon the path’s gloriousness,
you, arising upon by the interactivity of all destinies for all
As all arise in divine unknown ways,
forms, in the unfolding, 384
And there reflects a relationship amongst all such, that prevail
As has been, so shall be.
to propel the journey, and as much such interaction is contradiction, so much are they related, As the breathing out of air makes way to be breathed in, so each create way for the others arrival, and that which appears to you only, as randomly arising, such are only supremely
Limitations of your perceptibility
patterned to be destined as so,
Realize, as such arise to guide destiny in the unknown, and
As has been, so shall be.
your conceivances, as they shall arise from their limitedness, shall be contained within, biases,
Therence, shall arise, as such is perceived as such, by your
Realize, then, your conceivances shall be of greater balances,
mind’s patterning, the conceivances of Divine Justices, by your
in your attainments of such states of mind, towards
soul’s patterning,
greatening, as it sheds such biases,
As has been, so shall be.
As shall be, so shall you pattern as such, by the greatening coneceivances of your mind, and you shall realize, the implications unto each other, As has been, so shall be. And such shall appear as the interactions amongst all things, as appears the interactions amongst your divided bodies through your communicability, As has been, so shall be. Realize then, such are the patterns of Divine Guidances, revealing upon the Divine Justices,
All arise unknowningly, in divine guidances As shall be, all shall arise, and you shall realize, in your limitability of your minds balances, as you shall realize your inabilities, you shall attach such with others, and such shall imagine within your minds, of such inabilities with the divine balances, Realize, your limitations are also your responsibilities, to derive unto your patterned conclusions of your activities in your unique bodies, 385
And such shall attain peace in your heart,
Unto you I shall arise in divine mysteriousness, in the divine
Realize then, your balances, are only a part of the divine
path’s guidances,
guidances, realize, your ways shall appear to fill in a greater
As has been, so shall be.
attainance, as you shall fulfill your fulfillments, Realize, realize, in the path’s shadow, your balances are limited
Believe, I arise mysteriously upon your soul’s guidances,
unto yourselves alone, and as you are guided, to divide unto
Arise, I arise in the soul’s governance,
your own, such divisibility enables you to attain your
As I arise upon your soul victoriously,
differences, that evolve unto, to bring about, the inevitabilities,
Arise, unto your soul I shall unveil Myself,
And as you greaten through your offspring, the divine pattern
Arise, I arise unto your soul in divine guidance of the soul’s
greatens through its differing newer forms, that propel
uniquely, differently,
Unto you I shall reveal Myself,
Therence, your limitations are none’s, but your owns,
As has been, so shall be.
Realize then, the divine justices, and its divine balances, As has been, so shall be.
Divine path shall unveil gracefully, And all shall arise to unite in the path’s foreshadow,
To your mind, as such shall arise, in the path’s foreshadow, in
And all shall unite harmoniously,
the divine guidances upon your soul’s patterning,
Therence, all shall be, as shall all be,
That all shall arise, to appear towards destiny,
And such are Divine Justices, prevailing above all,
And you shall arise as its part, as all is the unfolding,
And such are the divine guidances, of the Divine Intent, unto
As you shall recognize the patterns,
And you shall recognize your roles in destiny,
Therence, the paths foreshadow shall indicate the way of
And you shall recognize its ways,
Divine Guidances upon your soul’s patterning,
As shall be, all shall arise to unite victoriously, arising in the
As has been, so shall be.
soul’s patterning, arising upon your soul’s guidances, upon the path’s shadow,
Realize, therence, all shall collide to unite harmoniously, in the soul’s patterning, 386
As has been, so shall be. The patterns shall unravel, upon your mind’s divine conceivances, indicating unto your own, the way of greater balances, And such shall enable your mind to acknowledge such patterns Relating with Divine Justices
of destiny, as shall arise upon your soul, and in all your
Realize, realize, in the path towards divine justices,
All arise, as all unite in the divine oneness,
And such shall enable your mind’s divine presence, the Divine
And all remain, propelling in ever-connectedness,
Intent, to relate unto such patterns, of having implications
As all arise mysteriously in the path’s foreshadow,
upon its own vehicles,
Realize, then, your journey, in divine calmness, arises in such
And such shall enable it to attain greater perceptivity unto
divine guidance, in your soul’s patterning,
itself, to align its recognitions, with the divine patterns of
And all that is your conceivances of the moment, had been
Divine Justices,
pre-destined into conceivance of the unfolding,
And such realizations shall enable it to relate itself unto its
As you arise in the path’s shadow of destiny, the unfolding
implications of such patterned derivativeness, in the soul’s
arises unto you with its gloriousness, and you propel as its part,
divine guidances,
arising unto it, with your divine calmness, with your
And such enable such minds to attain the realization of greater
balances, to attain greater glory in divine patterning, of greater
And as you shall unite unto yourselves, to cause unto your
greatening, so shall the necessity that arises upon you, shall
As has been, so shall be.
fulfill its directed destiny, to fulfill unto the Divine Intent, and therence shall appear peace in your path’s guidances, As has been, so shall be. Realize, as shall be, all shall arise unto in divine calmness, As has been, so shall be. 387
Divine Faith
And all shall arise, as they shall be revealed unto, To unfold unto, in the patterning of divine justices, And all shall arise to unite in the unknown ways, As has been, so shall be. And those of the conviction, of the divine justices, shall flow above all, in divine guidance, in superior hierarchical ordering, And they shall realize their path’s foreshadow indicates unto, the way of Divine Guidances upon their soul’s patterning, Therence, such shall enable all to unite towards the divine guidances, towards divine justices, as their mind convinces them of their existences, upon their souls patterning, Realize, they shall appear to arise as various facets upon your minds, take no sides unto yourselves, as you speculate such ways, As has been, so shall be. In the faith, as you realize, you shall realize the belief in yourself, As you shall attain peace in your mind’s within, as you shall recognize, the forebearances, of your ways, as they shall guide you to your path of destiny unknown, Arise, arise, in the foreshadow of your mind’s patterning, the way of forebearances unto the souls guidances,
Realize, they shall arise to appear as the unknown sources of basing, As you adhere your mind’s patternings to its derivations, upon yourselves, so shall you derive unto your own patternings upon the divine justices, by the derivances of your mind’s forebearance, therence, realize, upon the soul's divine justices, foreshadow of the mind’s justices, Such are the divine guidances unto yourselves, As has been, so shall be. And such shall form the basis of your faith in unknown ways, As all arise in the divine justices, arriving unto, in divine guidances, by the path’s foreshadow, in divine calmness, As such shall be the basises, of all justices, As has been, so shall be. And all shall be clear to you, in calmness, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Light
In the ways of enlightenment They shall reveal unto you, that which is revealed unto them, to guide your paths, to enlighten your minds, And their ways are no different than the ways of your body, as the ways for the blood to flow is created, and as there are differences and variousness, as all are guided divinely to fulfill their paths to destiny, Therence all shall propel to fulfill their divine destiny unknown, in divine mysteriousness, in path’s divine justices, Realize, their ways shall appear as guidance to your souls, as they shall enable you to foreesee the divine unknown, feel the unfeeblable, grasp the ungraspable, through the gloriousness of your minds, Therence, know, their ways shall be ways of enlightenment and unity, for your minds to align with others, by the divine justices, And towards divine glory, all paths shall propel, As has been, so shall be. The enlightenment shall enable you to foresee your paths towards glory, As has been, so shall be. The way of divine light shall shine in divine silence, upon yourselves,
And they shall shine brightly, as they shall convey unto you, in the path’s shadow, to guide you to oneness, As has been, so shall be. The divine light shall arise to unite, in the path’s divine guidances, And shall arise to unify all of mankind, in such delight, as shall be, in the pattern of divine guidances, upon the soul’s patterning, Therence realize, they shall guide towards divine justices, As has been, so shall be. Enlighten your mind’s in the path’s foreshadow, They shall guide you to unite towards the divine guidances, in the path’s foreshadow, And they shall ignite unto the soul’s patternings, of the divine justices, in divine guidances, As has been, so shall be.
Divine Patterns of Justices: All arises to unite
Unknown becoming the known As you shall propel, in the shadows of mystery, All shall arise upon your minds, in ways of conceivances, And as your mind greatens, it attains greater perceptibility, And as your mind enlightens, it shall attain peace in the journey, towards unearthing the mysteriousness of the divine patterns of gloriousness, And as all propel towards divine justices, in way of silences, in mysteriousness, the mind unraveling its patterns, conceives unto its ways of guidances, from the gloriousness of the divine justices, And as such is conveyed unto itself, within itself, it attains divine peace in the way, As it recognizes the divine journey ahead, and recognizes the divine patterns of gloriousness, and it attains such connectivity within its mind, towards attaining connectivence with its externalities, It attains divine peace and unity, towards gloriousness, towards divine justices, towards path of mysteriousness, As has been, so shall be.
That, you propel by Believe, and you shall unite gloriously, Realize, such are the reflections of the divine justices, As shall attain towards differences, and propel to attain unity, Such are the reflections of the divine patterns in the journey, Believe, as you shall propel towards destiny, you shall unravel the patterns, divine and glorious, for such are reflections of the Divine Intent, and such are the divine justices upon your soul’s guidances, As has been, so shall be. In the path shall unveil unto, in the path’s shadow, decisions towards divine glory, in the divine unknown, As all shall unite as divine path reveals unto you, Realize, their ways are your ways, your ways are theirs, See not with your eyes, see with your mind, Arise, unto your soul, divine path reveals in divine harmony, Realize, the path towards your divine destiny unknown, As has been, so shall be. Believe, in the divine justices of the unknown path’s shadow, As has been, so shall be. Realize, the path before you are the eternal, As has been, so shall be.
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