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Contest and Awards LEDCON Attendance

orget to y monthly ot of info about at etings that t want to e DCM for be on April 4:00 PM. e to put it calendars ch out for with more fo!


I hope everyone is looking forward to the contests and awards at convention! Make sure that if you have in-person submissions, you are keeping up with it and finishing your work! Also don't forget to bring them to convention!

Make sure that you and/or your club has made arrangements to go to LEDCON!

This includes hotel rooms, registration, travel, and required forms!

Information can be found on tokeyclub.com and/or the call to convention!

This year, our visional project is hink Outside The Trash." "Think utside The Trash" means to think of items to be something other an trash. In short erms, it means to ecycle and reuse. Trash is piling up too much in our world today and I think our ommunity should y to take a part in ducing this trash o make our home a better place.

*Participation in he project will be ghlighted on the ey Club Spotlight page!

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