Division 28 | April 2014 Newsletter

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Table of Contents

1 Cover page 2 Table of Contents 3 Greeting from Lieutenant Governor 4-5 DCON Recap/Highlights 6-7 #shameless selfies & #caughtslippin’ 8-9 Meet your Divisional Secretary and Public Relations 10-11 Meet your clubs & Club Contact Info 12-14 2014-2015 PNW Executive Board 15 Upcoming Events 16-17 ICON 2014 & Batman Bowl 18 District Board Contact Information 19 Back Cover

Greetings From your Lieutenant Governor Hello Division 28, I hope everyone had a blast at DCON 2014! Post DCON syndrome is hitting hard this year, so it is perfectly acceptable to stay in bed with a box of tissues. My name is Jenna Liang, and I am currently a Junior at Interlake High School located in Bellevue, Washington. I am super excited to be able to be your Lieutenant Governor for the 2014-2015 year. Together as a division, we are going to have a great year filled with fun and service! I want to start off by saying congratulations to all the new officers of all the schools in my division! Being able to work with all my clubs is truly a blessing. If anyone has any questions,

please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the outgoing officers in our division! I’m sure all of us are more than welcome to help you out to ensure that our division is able to flourish wonderfully in the future. In Love and Service, Jenna Liang Lieutenant Governor of Division 28

DCON Recap Day 1

DCON Recap Days 2&3

#Shameless Selfies


Divisional Secretary!

Greetings Division 28! You may or may not know me, but my name is Azan Sarosh; I’m currently a junior at Liberty High School, and I have the honor of serving as your Divisional Secretary! My passion for service began freshman year when I became the club treasurer; being treasurer only increased my devotion to Key Club and led me to become Vice President. I realized I wanted to make an impact on a divisional level, which led me to applying for Divisional Secretary!

I hope that I am able to aid our division in running as powerfully and efficiently as possible, by making sure every divisional event is accounted for, as well as having in-depth service reports, so we can be the best division that is out there! If anyone has

A few fun facts about me, I just so

any questions or concerns, please

happen to LOVE Key Club (&

feel free to contact me through

Cinnamon Rolls), besides Key Club (&

any means of communication,

Cinnamon Rolls), I am also a writer for

I’m always eager to help!

the Issaquah Press, and in my free time I enjoy going out on drives & hanging out with friends.

Love, Your Sexytary, Azan Sarosh

Divisional Public Relations Officer!

Hello friends! My name is Kelly Le; I am currently a junior at the awesome Liberty High School. It was simply a friend asking me to go to a Key Club meeting, which first embarked my journey with Key Club. My sophomore year I was elected as bulletin editor, and fell in love the people, the service, and the

my main goal is to be a Division that

division. That is why I applied for Public

serves with passion and kindness.

Relations officer! I want to especially

What is the reason for what we are

thank Lisa & Jenna for choosing me

doing? Let that penetrate in our

for this position. I love taking pictures

minds and hearts as we continue to

(selfies especially), graphic design,

serve and change the world. I am

and making things look pretty. My

honestly so open and easy to talk

main hobbies are TRAVELING,

to. If you ever need anything or

adventures, and being with good

have input for me, please let me

company. As we go into this New

know. Lastly, I am beyond excited

Year with Lisa as our district governor

to work with such a great division.

and more eyes are on us,

Go Division 28!

Bellevue President: Yuliya Pisman Email: yuliya1997@gmail.com Vice President: Charlene Lam Email: charlenelam@outlook.com Secretary: Jennifer Kwak Email: jenniferkwak12@gmail.com Treasurer: Amy Park Email: apark225@gmail.com Publicity: Mariachiara Ficarelli Email: c.ficarelli@gmail.com Project Manager: Nina Stash Email: musicnina@comcast.net

International President: Naomi Ngo Email: cecila123@yahoo.com Vice President: Jasmine Zhu Email: jasminexzhu13@gmail.com Secretary: Rahma Kamel Email: spongebob_rahma@live.com Treasurer: Dylan Chang Email: Dylan.chang6@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Gillian Matthes Email: aquajunebug@live.com


Interlake President: Aidan Browne Email: aidanbrowne@comcast.net Vice President: Cyssi Ngo Email:cyssi.ngo@gmail.com Secretary: Jessica Li Email:Jessica.lili960@gmail.com Treasurer: Aurora Bays- Muchmore Email:aurorabm@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Miguel Monserate Email: Miguel.monserate@gmail.com

Issaquah President: Adam Newton Email: aenewton1@gmail.com Vice President: Rachel Asistin Email: Shoyu12@gmail.com Secretary: Megan Huang Email: megan.huang@gmail.com Treasurer: Christine Park Email: chrispark@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Nathan Nishi Email: nnhusky7@gmail.com CCS: Lucy Huffman Email: lucy.huffman@hotmail.com

President: Lauren Dodd Email: lauren@doddsquad.com Vice President: Zack Lui Email: zackl1337@gmail.com Secretary: Celine Chiu Email: celine.319@hotmail.com Treasurer: Aldrick Cabrera Email:squidwardtennisballs48@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Cassidy Larkin Email:Cassidy@thelarkins.org

Club Contact Info Mt. Si

Mercer Island

President: Natalie Chow Email: natc66@hotmail.com Vice President: Princeton See Email: prince@see-empire.com Secretary: Dylan Miller Email: miller.dylan.robert@ gmail.com Treasurer: Hunter Hance Email:huntrdog@hotmail.com Bulletin Editor: Erin Shervey Email: swerveye@gmail.com Webmaster: Natasha Ng Email: nat1sno@msn.com

President: Aidan Wang Email:aidanjwang@gmail.com Vice President: Riley Fang Email: r.fang55@gmail.com Secretary: Jasmine Louie Email: jazzyjazzlouie@gmail.com Treasurer: Dana He Email: danahe97@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Kayla Kim Email: kaylakim98@gmail.com Publicity: Megan Lee Email: ariesmyl@gmail.com BoD: Jacqueline Li Email: li.s.jacque@gmail.com



President: Ben Yan Email: bosen.ben@hotmail.com Vice President: Rose Li Email: rose.ell821@gmail.com Secretary: Kayla Shin Email: kaylae.shin@yahoo.com Treasurer: Zuzu Tang Email:zuzutang77@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Ivan Iturriga Email: ivan.iturriga7@gmail.com Fundraising Chair: Judith Wong Email: seablue14011@gmail.com

President: Vidhi Singh Email: vidhi.singh@live.com Vice President: Josh Chu Email:josh.chu36@gmail.com Secretary: Eric Zeng Email: eric.zeng888@hotmail.com Treasurer: Erika Shing Email:happysmileykiwi@gmail.com Bulletin Editor: Suvir Copparam Email:suvirc_17@live.com Publicity: Jessica Ma Email : jess0031@gmail.com Webmaster: Jessica He Email: Jessica.he@yahoo.com Fundraising Chair: Justin Suh & Puja Ramanathan Email: ijustinns@gmail.com, puja.ramanathan@gmail.com

upoming events 2014-2015 PNW DISTRICT GOVERNOR Dear Pacific Northwest District, The ending of District Convention is always hard, but it also marks the beginning of another Key Club year, and another year of service. If you have not already met me, I am Lisa Antonio, and I am honored to have the chance to serve as your District Governor for the next year. I am so privileged to be leading such a diverse and enthusiastic district, and I am excited to start building upon our strengths and creating new solutions for our district’s weaknesses. In this upcoming year I want to focus on clubs and members. I want to make sure clubs are thriving and increasing not only membership, but active membership. I want each club member to know the District Board is there to serve the members. I am inspired by the love and passion each one of you has for the act of service. Keep up the amazing work, and remember that ever single minute you spend serving the community is changing the world around you in a positive way. Remember to always keep service in your heart, and no matter what is going on in life, if you are serving, you can always find love. Keep in mind that in hard times, you always have your Key Club family to lean back on, and depend on.

Know that the things you have done in Key Club, and the people’s lives you have touched along the way will never be forgotten. Once again I am so grateful to have the chance to serve all of you. I am looking forward to meeting all of you, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email, Facebook, or telephone! In Love and Service,

Lisa Antonio Pacific Northwest District Key Club Governor

some sort of EXECUTIVE point system 2014-2015 PNW BOARD

Hi, everyone. My name’s Ik Hoon Jung from Southridge High School in Beaverton, OR (Div. 65), and I’m excited beyond words to serve as your District Secretary. I’ve been an enthusiastic member of Key Club since freshman year, and it is truly a dream come true to be in this great position. I hope my term can bring about great positive personal growth in both myself and other Key Clubbers, and I won’t let you down!

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Aneesh Pappu and I am the incoming District Treasurer. I am so honored and grateful to serve you all for the 2014-2015 term and I look forward to what we will accomplish together! One of my main goals is to actively educate club treasurers so that dues collection is easy and efficient for all clubs in our district. I also plan to effectively monitor the budget of the board and to oversee all fundraising efforts for the district project this year. In addition, I intend to play a very active role in working with growth committees on the district board to increase membership within our district. I want you all to know that I am always available to assist you with any and all problems that you may have in your clubs. Feel free to give me a call anytime, even if you just want to chat, and add me on Facebook! I look forward to meeting you all this year. In Caring & Service,

Aneesh Pappu Pacific Northwest District Treasurer Key Club International

Point system 2014-2015 PNWcontinued Executive Board Hey Pacific Northwest Key Clubbers! This coming year for our district is going to be a legendary one, and it’s an honor to be a part of it as your 2014-2015 District Editor. I’m so excited to be involved in your newsletters and giving THE ESPRESSO, our district newsletter, the publicity it deserves. I will make it as inclusive, informative, and exciting as possible. This position combines my love for service and design and I can say confidently that this year, not only will we Key Clubbers feel good, but we will also look good in all of the publications in our district! Hey PNW Key Clubbers! My name is Cleo Tsang, and I’m so excited to serve as your 2014-2015 Convention Chair. Another year has quickly come and gone, and the 66th Annual District Convention will be here before you know it! I cannot express how honored I am to be planning a convention for the best Key Clubbers in the world. With that said, I ensure you that I will work my hardest to make the 66th Annual DCON the very best! I hope to make you guys proud – so start your countdowns! Please know that I am open to suggestions, questions, comments, etc. so feel free to contact me! In Love and Service, Cleo Tsang 2014-2015 District Convention Chair Pacific Northwest District Key Club International 425.306.6823 pnwconventionchair@gmail.com




Wednesday Thursday






4 DCON 2014

5 DCON 2014

6 DCON 2014





11 Key Leader

12 Key Leader

13 Key Leader




















contact infoConvention 2014 International

Every summer Key Club International celebrates a year of service at the international convention. Over 2,000 students and advisors gather together to introduce new programs, present awards to outstanding clubs, conduct the organization's business, attend educational workshops and elect international officers for the upcoming year. Every club should send at least two delegates and advisors, although many clubs send all their officers and other key members. Make plans now to attend!

Who: Key Clubbers all over PNW are invited to attend ICON 2014!

What: International Convention (ICON) 2014!

Where: Anaheim, California

When: July 2nd-6th

The Batman Bowl HOW TO EARN POINTS Points will be awarded throughout the year to each school based on completion of each criteria. The school with the most points at the end of the 2014-2015 term will receive an awesome ice cream/pizza/root beer float party!

       


Bellevue Interlake International Issaquah Liberty Mercer Island Mt Si Newport Skyline

Attending Bringing Responding Secretary DCMS a new to Report member Newsletter (on time) to a DCM

Secretary Report (late)

Attending DCMs – 10 points per member Bringing a new member to a DCM – 5 points per member Responding to newsletter – 5 points per member Secretary report filled on time – 20 points Secretary reports turned in late (better late than never!) – 5 points Presidents update turned in on time – 10 points Monthly Newsletters – 30 points Miscellaneous – up to my description

Presidents Monthly Miscellaneous Total Update Newsletters

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

stay updated w/ PNW! District Board Contact Info

Lisa Antonio District Governor Lisaantonio.dgov@gmail.com

Cleo Tsang Convention Chair pnwconventionchair@gmail.com

Ik Hoon Jung

John Jay

District Secretary

District Administrator



Aneesh Pappu District Treasurer Apappu97@gmail.com

Tom Saunders Assistant District Administrator pnwtoms@gmail.com

Jenny Zhang

Roshni Chandwani

District Editor

PNW International Trustee



Thanks for reading! Jenna Liang Lieutenant Governor of Division 28 Pacific Northwest Key Club Key Club International Liangjenna.ltg28@gmail.com 425.533.7091

Answer this question to gain points! Who is PNW’s International Trustee, and what District are they from?

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