December's Beaver Bulletin

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KEYCLUB December Newsletter

Official Newsletter of Key Club Division III Volume 1 Issue 6

The Beaver’s Bulletin Lieutenant Governor Zachary Baum Divisional Secreatary: Chrissy Borella

In this issue!

Greetings from your Lt. Governor By Zachary Baum

Wow! Look what we have accomplished so far this service year. Together, we have performed over 2000 service hours, and have raised many thousands of dollars. I am encouraged by the passionate drive to serve I have seen in my travels around the division. I need everyone to keep the pace, and if possible amplify there current output of service to your "Home, School, and Community". Try an advocacy project, or complete a service project for the Governors Project: Keys to Education.

Your success is in your hands. I hope that everyone will contact me if they have any questions, concerns, or just needs someone to talk to. I am here to help in any way. My goals are aligned with yours. So keep the enthusiasm up because there is a lot of exciting things to look foward too. These exciting things include a Bowling Fundraiser, a March for Babies, an Awards Dinner, and the 2011 Leadership Training Conference.

Greetings from your Lieutenant Governor……………………………..1 Greetings from your Governor……………………………..2 Advocacy………………………..….2 Distinguished Key Clubber……..... 3 New Club Building…..………….…..3 Secretary’s Update……………..………………...4 Kamp Kiwanis ……………………....4 Treasurers Update …....................5 District Projects ………….....………5 Service Spotlight ……….………....6 Paperwork Status.…….................7 Upcoming Events ………………...8

Good Job Division 3!


Greetings from your Governor! Advocacy Can you believe it is December already? The weather

By Katie Ciepklicki

Did you know that

is getting colder but don’t forget to continue serving!

over fifty trucks

There are tons of indoor volunteer opportunities.

transport trash from

Outdoor events can be done with extra layers of

New York City to


upstate every single By Governor Nadyli Nunez

Though the Leadership Training Conference is a few

day? Think of all the fossil fuel being

months away, register early! The hotel, The Holiday

burned and all the greenhouse gases

Inn, is attractive in appearance but smaller in size to

and environmental toxins being

the venues previously used. By registering soon, you

produced! It would be much more

can make sure you have a spot for an amazing

practical and efficient to transport

weekend. The Leadership Training Conference

waste by a rail system. To speak out

website is now available (

against this issue, the advocacy

with helpful resources along with the registration

committee has decided to direct our


next letter at political officials. We will demand a more eco-friendly way

Remain in constant contact with your Lieutenant

for transporting and disposing trash.

Governor. There is plenty of important information

This letter is coming soon and will be

about running for higher offices and awards coming

found in the next issue of the Empire

your way. If you are interested in running for higher

Key. Check out issues we have

office (Lt. Governor, District Executive Board or

advocated for in the past on our

International position), contact your Lieutenant

committee page at and

Governor as soon as possible. He/she will let you

please be on the lookout for other

know what to do to.

injustices in your own community to advocate for. If you need help getting

Do not forget to subscribe to the New York District

started, contact anyone on the

Mailing List. Go to and on the right


column you can subscribe. If you are having trouble, email Webmaster Emily ( or your Lieutenant Governor.

Distinguished Key Clubber Award and New Club Building Distinguished Key Clubber Award By Sharif Mahfouz

As December comes, we become immersed into the holiday season – a season of giving and family. But in Key Club, it is holiday season every day: we give all year round and experience the world with our Kiwanis Family. So get yourself ready for the Award Season! The Award Season starts around December and ends in mid-March. The Award Season is the New York District Key Club’s way of thanking all of you for the time and effort you put into your charitable work. We put effort to recognize all those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty of an average Key Clubber. The Distinguished Key Clubber Award is the first award available to you. We suggest all Key Clubbers to apply – all winners will receive a pin and certificate. The application is currently available on the district website ( Keep your eyes open for the Booklet of Merits ’10, scheduled to be released in mid-December!

New Club Building and Reactivation By James Florakis

2010 is almost gone and so is the current Key Club year! We have surpassed the mid-way point of the service year, which starts and ends with the Leadership Training Conference in April. The New Club Building and Reactivation Committee still has a while to reach it's goal though! We have officially chartered/reactivated 8 new K-Family clubs throughout the district this year yet our goal is to start 27 clubs, or one new K-Family club per division. We are about 40% to our goal since some new clubs are currently having their paperwork processed by Kiwanis International. So, we need your help! If you would like to start a Key Club at a nearby school, please visit for more information and feel free to speak to any New Club Building and Reactivation Committee member, including myself. Also if you and/or your Key Club is interested in starting a K-Kids (the elementary school Kiwanis sponsored club) or a Builder's Club (the middle school Kiwanis sponsored club), please speak with your sponsoring Kiwanis Club so you can cosponsor one. With your help, we can achieve our goal 100%! Happy Holidays and Happy Building!

Secretary’s Update and Kamp Kiwanis

Secretary’s Update By Grace Na


Hello everyone! The time I spent so far as an officer on the district board as a Key Club member has been amazing. As District Secretary I calculate the district totals and hours to see how we are Projects improving. A lot of secretaries have been handing in their past Monthly Report Form which helped move the district towards our goal of district and Governor Projects. Some of the executive board officers have made efforts in calling club officers to encourage them to submit past and current Monthly Report Forms. It is very important for clubs to continually submit their Monthly Report Forms so the district can acknowledge your achievements. There are no excuses for not submitting your Monthly Report Form because there are three different methods in submission: mail, email attachment, and online submission. If you need help submitting or filling out the MRF please email or call me. Online, in the resource section there is “How to Fill Out an MRF” paper that gives you a step by step direction that will help you fill out your Monthly Report Form. Also, if club secretaries are not part of the Google group, please join immediately. There will be information posted on distinguished secretary award, newsletters, and totals. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at!

Kamp Kiwanis By Emily Gicewicz

As a Lt. Governor I was curious about what Kamp Kiwanis was. After my division and I were raising money for the place, I always knew it was a camp for impoverished children as well as people with

District Projects disabilities. I never knew what is like for the children that went. So I called up the camp director Mrs. Lopez and planned to go out during closing weekend. Seven other Key clubbers along with me and the Kiwanis chaperones packed into two cars and drove two and a half hours to Kamp Kiwanis, which is located in Taberg, NY. When we arrived, we got a chance to unpack in the cabins we were staying in and got a chance to see some of the camp. Just from my first impression of the camp, I could already see that it was a pretty great camp especially for a child or adult that never has had a camp experience. My division and I were put to work making sure the cabins were all set for winter and painting cabin. We learned a very important lesson from painting: don’t back in to walls with wet paint on them and when 4 painting keep a window or door open so the paint can dry faster. However, we learned a more important lesson from the whole weekend: a few hours of work can go along way when helping a child have the week of their life at Kamp Kiwanis.

Dues and District Projects

Treasurer’s Update By Safanah Siddiqui

If You Haven’t Paid Your Dues…

District ProjectsThe deadline for dues has passed! If your club did not submit dues before December 1st, your club is now delinquent. However, you can change your club status by simply paying dues for at least fifteen members by January 30th. If you do not take action, on February 1st, your club will be suspended, you will lose rights to attend the upcoming Leadership Training Conference, and your members will not be permitted to run for Lieutenant Governors. You definitely don’t want to lose these privileges, so get those dues in! If you’re having trouble with the dues submission process, don’t hesitate to contact me. All treasurers should be in the Google group ( which I have been using to send out updates. To view my spreadsheet with the paid dues report, go to, or view Kiwanis International’s list at Keep in mind that the Kiwanis International office is busy at this time of the year and make take up to a few weeks to process your dues. So don’t procrastinate sending them in! Again, if you have any questions, reach me at Good luck!

District Projects By Rhea Singh


Can you feel that Holiday Spirit Key Clubbers? Well, here at the District Projects Committee we sure can, especially in our fundraising efforts. Throughout the month of ProjectsDecember if you and your club can find time to fundraise, fundraise! The magic of the Holidays make people in our communities across New York much more willing to give.


We are making great progress in our fundraising goals as the total is now $146,985 of $175,000 or 84%. In order for us to reach and surpass this goal, hundreds of dollars in fundraising must become a reality this month. Seize the opportunity presented to us with the coming of the Holidays and capitalize! Fundraising will make both you as a Key Clubber and the giver happy – to know that in some way, someone somewhere is being helped is always pleasing. So, Key Clubbers of the Mighty New York District pick a charity, even a local one and fundraise, fundraise, fundraise! We can all ultimately be successful, just think of your favorite Holiday movie (it always happens!) Together, as one I know that by time the Leadership Training Conference rolls around in April we will have surpassed our goal. However, this requires each and every one of us Key Clubbers to FUNDRAISE!


Ward Melville High School

Huntington High School

Polar Plunge


The Polar Plunge is an opportunity for many to plunge into extremely cold water in the middle of November. For many this sounds insane but, for those who know that they will be supporting an excellent cause, they realize it's worth it. Here's how it works, each plunger raises money by collecting donations from friends and/or family. The money they collect is donated to the special olympics to support the athletes. This event has been taking place for many years in multiple places throughout the country. It really helps those with disabilities feel secure about themselves and helps give them the ability to improve their physical fitness and motor skills in a fun manner. These athletes really enjoy what they do and they were so grateful of the support they receive each year. Unfortunately, Key Club didn't have as many participants as we would have liked but, hopefully, by the amount of fun we had and the feeling of accomplishment we received by supporting the special olympics, more of our club members will also come out and support this great cause.

During the month of October, Huntington High School Key Clubbers participated in the annual Trick-or-Treat for Unicef. Key Clubbers were given the signature orange boxes to collect money instead of candy on Halloween for the many global relief programs that UNICEF funds. Key Clubbers had an awesome time, and are looking forward to an even better Trick or Treat for Unicef drive next year. We are still counting the change but expect to raise 100’s of dollars for UNICEF.


April Yes

May Yes

Smithtown East



Half Hollow Hills East Half Hollow Hills West Huntington





Yes Yes




September Yes

October Yes


Yes Yes











CONTACT INFORMATION New York District Executive Board

Division 3 Contact Information

Governor Nadyli Nuñez Secretary Grace Na

Lieutenant Governor Zachary Baum 8 Riunite Road East Setauket, NY 11733 (631)- 487-0881

Treasurer Safanah Siddiqui

Facebook Page New York District Key Club Division 3

Editor Jensen Cheong

Kiwanis Committee Rep Mr. Farrell 631-288-0658

Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon

Division #

Yes Yes

Montly Report Forms are Due on the 7th of each month and Lieutenant Governor Evaluation Form’s are due on the 1st of each month.

Webmaster Emily Lew



Fun Facts and the Key Club Around the World Famous Past Key Club Members  Actor Brad Pitt  Singer Elvis Presley  President Bill Clinton  Radio Talk Show Host Howard Stern  Actor Tom Cruise  Senator Bill Nelson  Senator Trent Lott  Football Player Joe Namath  Country Music Singer Alan Jackson

Beaver Song Beaver one, beaver all, let's all do the beaver call! Beaver two, beaver three, let's all climb the beaver tree! Beaver four, beaver five, let's all do the beaver jive! Beaver six, beaver seven, let's all go to beaver heaven! Beaver eight, beaver nine, STOP! IT'S BEAVER TIME! Go Beaver! Go Beaver! Go Beaver!

Where Is Key Club?  United States of America  Antigua and Barbuda  Aruba  Australia  Bahamas  Barbados  Bermuda  Canada  Colombia  Costa Rica

        

Cayman Islands Dominica Germany Guadeloupe Italy Jamaica Malaysia Martinique New Caledonia

         

New Zealand Panama Philippines Singapore South Korea St. Lucia Taiwan Thailand Netherlands

Upcoming Events Divisional! Date: January 6th Time: 7-9 Location: Half Hollow Hills West High School Bowling Fundraiser for UNICEF! Date: January 16th Time: Noon-2pm Location: Port Jefferson Bowl $15pp

   

Trinidad and Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands United States of America All Togetether there are over 5,000 clubs

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