What’s Poppin’ Peacocks!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful time during the holidays! And spending time with your family! For my fellow seniors, I hope college are coming along. I know that for myself I am just a bit stressed… ha. But once those college applications are in it’ll be a lot less stressful. Speaking of stressful, the term is slowly but surely coming to an end which is quite sad on my end. Even though I was a rough journey for myself through the term I am a bit sad that the end is coming sooner than I expected. It is a bittersweet feeling but I am happy to be serving all of you for the new year and for however long we have of the term left. I’m excited to say that we have lots of fun events that the division leadership team and myself are planning to host in the next year! To make sure that you’re updated on the latest happenings, follow us on instagram @d31peacocks
South is where all Key clubbers from Southern California and Nevada come together, at Six Flags California, and have spirit battles, represent/show off your spirit, and of course enjoy all the rides! This year we were in Session 3, unfortunately we weren’t able to make it to the second round of the spirit session but we showed the other division who the Peacocks were!