The Monthly Howl: Volume 3 Issue 9

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The Monthly Howl

PACIFIC NORTHWEST DISTRICT DIVISION 54 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Letter from your LTG…..…2 Important dates…………..2 Kiwanis Family………...…..3 Service Partner………..….4 Preferred Charities……....4 Thirsty 30…….....…….…….5 DCM Recap..……….........6 Club Spotlight….…….…..7 Running for Higher Office…………...……....….8,9 LTG Election..….………..10 Scholarships…….….…...11 December DCM……….12

KEEP IN TOUCH Email: daphneuhler Phone: 509-551-0840

December 2016 Volume 3, Issue 9

A LETTER FROM YOUR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Dear Division 54, As the holidays get closer, I hope you all enjoy breaks and family! When doing your holiday shopping, consider buying something for those in need, as there are several projects you can help with like Toys for Tots. Presidents, please contact me with dates for a club visit. It can be at a service project or a meeting. I

wish you all a happy holidays! In love and service,

Daphne Uhler

IMPORTANT DATES This month’s DCM is Secretary reports due every month on the

5th! Editor photos are due every month on the 1st!

LTG elections are on January 14th. More info on page 10


on December

17th! More info on back cover

DCON is March

31st—April 2nd!


SERVICE PARTNER Key Club has teamed up with The Thirst Project, which is the world’s largest youth water organization dedicated to fight the global water crisis. They have a campaign launching in January, the Thirsty 30 project. Click on the logo to visit their website and learn more!

PREFERRED CHARITIES Key Clubbers have been fundraising for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, along with volunteering at the hospitals.

You may have participated in March of Babies in the past, as Key Club has partnered with March of Dimes for decades. It’s as easy as collecting change.


Collectively, Key Club has raised almost $5 million for UNICEF programs. With The Eliminate Project, we’ve helped eliminate maternal neo-natal tetanus in nearly all effected countries.



LOOKING FOR SERVICE PROJECTS? Check out! They host ongoing campaigns. One, School Your School, is all about learning how to spot subtle

inequalities within your school and how to take action!


DCM RECAP The November DCM was held at Atomic Bowl and was a blast! There were Key Clubbers from Riverview HS, Richland HS, and Delta HS. We talked about what clubs are doing, and bowled two games! Check the back cover for the December DCM

CLUB SPOTLIGHT: SOUTHRIDGE Thank you to Southridge who submitted both their secretary report and editor pictures on time! It looks like they had a very busy November with the Beggars Ball and other service projects!

EDITORS! Please send me at least 2-3 pictures a month with captions on your club is doing. These can be from your newsletter, from your meetings, or action shots from service projects! Get a chance to be in the club spotlight and learn what other clubs are doing! Thank You!




FRESHMAN! JUNIORS! SOPHOMORES! Lieutenant Governor elections are coming up in January, if you’re interested in running let me know! Either email or message me,

LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ELECTIONS The time has arrived! Next month we will elect a new Lieutenant Governor for Division 54. They will train alongside me up until DCON, and learn all they need to know in order to serve successfully. If anyone is interested, I highly encourage you to message me or email me and I can get you a candidate packet with important information. Also, there will be a candidates meeting in early January to brief any potential candidates on rules of the election rally. See below for the January Election information.

I’ll add you to a group for updates and

When: January 14th, 2-3pm

get you the

Where: Richland Public Library

candidates packet! For more information contact me.


Who: Anyone is welcome, but it is mandatory that EVERY club sends two delegates to vote on behalf of the club.

SENIOR SCHOLARSHIPS Graduating seniors! Want some help paying for college? There’s several scholarships available from the Pacific Northwest District and Key Club International. All seven of the PNW scholarships are $1,000 each and applications are due February 1st. The KCI scholarships range from $500 -$2,000 and applications are due March 15th.

DCON IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER HEY KEY CLUBBERS, HOW DO YOU FEEL? DCON is March 31-April 2 in Portland this year. Check out the

For information on both PNW and KCI scholarships, visit and look under the “More Resources” tab.

PNW District

Also, talk with your sponsoring Kiwanis club for additional opportunities.

official an-

Key Clubber Facebook group for the nouncement and registration! Also, please let me know what spirit gear you want to have!



DECEMBER DCM Where: Richland Public Library

District Admin: Brian Egger, brian.j.egger@gma

District Gov: Juliet Yu, juli-

When: Saturday, December 17th, 10amnoon What: We will be making no-sew blankets for My Friend’s Place to give to homeless teens. If you haven’t made


them before, all you do is cut and tie

ends together and you come out with a

District Treasurer:

nice blanket. See you there!

Bryan Lee, bryanlee.pnwtreasu District Editor: Audrey Chow, audreychow.pnweditor District Secre-

tary: Tiffany Wong, tiffanywong.pnws

PNW SOCIAL Instagram: @pnwkeyclub Youtube: PNW KeyClub Facebook: Pacific Northwest District Key Club Snapchat: pnwkc Website:


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