The Monthly Howl: Volume 3, Issue 3

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Pacific Northwest District of Key Club

The Monthly Howl

Division 54 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Letter from your LTG ........ 2 Important dates ............... 2 DCON Logo Contest ....... 3 4th of July Parade ........... 4 K-Family…………..……...5-7 New District Project..….8-9 Recourses……………….10 DCM Recap….…………12 Club Spotlight…………..13 June DCM……………….14

Keep in Touch Email: daphneuhler Phone: 509-551-0840

June 2016 Volume 3, Issue 3

A LETTER FROM YOUR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Dear Division 54, Summer’s almost here! Make sure you stay cool and stay serving our community! Help out neighbors, organizations and even host service projects within your clubs! There’s plenty to do this summer, such as cleaning up parks or hosting an Alex’s Lemonade Stand! Have fun and enjoy your vacations!

In Love and Service,

Daphne Uhler

IMPORTANT DATES Secretary reports due every month on the 5th! This month’s DCM is on June


More info on back cover Editor photos are due every month on the 1st!



DID YOU KNOW?  Key Club has more than 270,000 members

 More than 5,300 clubs  Key Club exists in 37 countries  There’s more than Key Club

and Kiwanis, view the next page for KFamily!

FOURTH OF JULY PARADE Do you have any plans for the 4th of July? Have you always wanted be in a parade? Well here’s your chance! The Kiwanis float will be in the 4th of July parade this year and needs Key Clubbers to ride, walk along and hand out candy! If you’re interested, email or text me to let me know! Where: Meet at Volunteer Park When: 9:30 am, parade starts at 10 Bring: Bring a bag of candy to hand out to parade goers!


Kiwanis International

Kiwanis reaches towards a common goal: to serve the children of the world. They provide opportunities for youth and young adults to become competent, capable and compassionate leaders.

K-Kids (Elementary) K-Kids is a student led community service club for elementary students. They learn the value of helping others through community service projects and club activities.

Bring Up Grades (Elementary) BUG is a recognition program for students who raise their grades into an acceptable range and maintain or continue to raise them.


Terrific Kids (Elementary) Terrific Kids is a student recognition program that promotes selfesteem, character development, and perseverance. Students work with their teachers to set goals to improve behavior, relationship, attendance or schoolwork. Terrific stands for: Thoughtful,

Builders Club (Middle) Builders club member contribute service to school and community while developing leadership and people skills. Members also implement service

Key Leader (High School)



Key Leader is a leadership experience for emerging high school leaders. It focuses on service leadership as the first, most meaningful leadership development experience. The program teaches that leadership comes from helping others succeed.

CKI (College) Circle K International is the premiere university service organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. There’s more than 550 campuses globally and programming is based on service, leadership and fellowship;

Aktion Club (Adults with Disabilities) Aktion Club allows adults living with disabilities to develop initiative and leadership skills through hands-on service. These members bring to the community the benefits, help and caring they have all received.



PNWKey Clubbers Facebook page to see updates from the district, like the release video of the new district project made by our District Projects Director Kyra!


NEW DISTRICT PROJECT The new District Project is…. Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program! Also known as KCCP, the program will raise money and awareness to fight and find the cure for children’s cancer. The goal is to fund 3 or more Fellowships at the 3 hospitals in our district. The hospitals include: Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program in Portland, OR., Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program in Seattle, WA., and Kiwanis Children’s Cancer Program in British Columbia and the Yukon. Fundraising is achieved through district fundraisers, public donations, and funds from clubs in the PNW!

FUNDRAISING IDEAS FOR KCCP Most of the fundraisers you’ve been participating in for project Eliminate can also be used to raise funds for KCCP. You can hold miracle minutes or have KCCP jars in the community. Some more fundraising opportunities include: 

Art Show

Outdoor Concert

Kid’s Talent Show

Nut Sales

Holiday Caroling

Crab Feed

Pumpkin Fair

Trivia Night


LOOKING FOR RECOURSES? Do you need help promoting your club? Fundraising ideas? Power point templates? Check out under the recourses tab! They have great tools to use. They have things like official key club colors, logos, templates for club newsletters, power points, news releases. They even have recruitment posters that are customizable to hang up in your school! There’s also fundraising and project ideas throughout the website.



JUNE DCM For information about the upcoming DCM, check out the back cover!

DCM RECAP The May Installment DCM turned out great! With the help of Key Clubbers and Kiwanians, Volunteer Park got a nice remodel! Thank you to all of those who came out for the project and installment! Congratulations to all the newly installed officers!




This month’s spotlight is Liberty Christian!

Please send me at

Thank you for sending in monthly pic-

least 2-3 pictures a

tures of your members in action!

month with captions on your club is doing. These can be from your newsletter, from your meetings, or action shots from service projects! Get a chance to be in the club spotlight and learn what other clubs are doing!

Helping out at Inland Century Bike Ride!





District Admin:

Where: Richland Library: Conference Room B

Brian Egger, brian.j.egger@gma

When: Saturday, June 25th from 12-3

What: This DCM is all about officers! New of-

District Gov: Juli-

ficers will get tips and training on how to have

et Yu, julietyu.pnwgov@g District Treasurer: Bryan Lee, bry-

a successful year, it’s highly encouraged all

new officers attend. Members who are thinking of running for office next year are also welcome.

What to Bring: Pencil and paper

anlee.pnwtreasu District Editor:


Audrey Chow, audrey-

Facebook: Pacific Northwest District Key Club


Instagram: @pnwkeyclub

Youtube: PNW KeyClub

District Secre-

Snapchat: pnwkc

tary: Tiffany Wong, tif-



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