The Monthly Howl: Volume 3, Issue 7

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The Monthly Howl

Pacific Northwest District of Key Club

Division 54 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Letter from your LTG ........ 2 Important dates ............... 2 About KCCP ..................... 3 Eastside Rally Recap ....... 4 Key Club Week....…….....5 Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF………………..…...6 KCCP Support……….…...7 DCON Service Fair….…..8 Resources….…………….10 PNW Social ..………...….11 Kiwanis One Day……....12 DCM Recap...…………..14 Club Spotlight…………..15 October DCM…………..16

Keep in Touch Email: daphneuhler

October 2016 Volume 3, Issue 7

Phone: 509-551-0840

A LETTER FROM YOUR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR Dear Division 54, Fall is here! Along with pumpkins, hot drinks and leaves changing, fall brings some of my favorite projects like Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF and sorting food for Thanksgiving at Second Harvest. As your clubs kick off fall with several events, don’t forget DCON fundraising! Check the Facebook page for the call to conven-

tion video! In Love and Service,

Daphne Uhler

IMPORTANT DATES Secretary reports due every month on the 5th!

This month’s DCM is on October

23rd! More info on back cover

Editor photos are due every month on the 1st!



DID YOU KNOW?  Key Club has more than 270,000 members  More than 5,300 clubs  Key Club exists in 37 countries  PNW District has about 13,000 members


EASTSIDE RALLY RECAP Eastside Rally was at Moses Lake High School and had 38 Key Club members in attendance, along with 6 Lieutenant Governors. Together, we raised a total of $219.26 for KCCP, $80.26 of which came from a miracle minute! There were also several engaging forums, like a service project, and officer trainings. Big thank you to members of Delta High School for representing Division 54 at Eastside Rally!


WANT MORE KEY CLUB INFO? If you go to the Key Club International website, you can sign up for email alerts. You’ll get information on upcoming service projects, such as Trickor-Treat for UNICEF, and many more tips!


It’s time to get ready for Trick-orTreat for UNICEF! If your club participated in the project last year, you should either be receiving or already have received a package of money boxes for this year. If your club hasn’t previously done it and would like to, go to the and order a box for no cost. You will need our club ID number and name, which can be found in the interactive map on the website. The website also has other fundraising ideas having to do with Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF.

KCCP SUPPORT IDEAS Help the PNW District support KCCP through projects and fundraising! Help reach our goal of $75,000. Here are some project ideas as well as fundraising ideas: 

Make Patient Playbooks

Create No-Sew Blankets

Puffy Paint Socks for KCCP cancer patients

Nut Sales

School Social/Dance

Miracle Minutes

Pumpkin Sales

Wrapping Paper Sales


LOOKING FOR RESOURCES? Do you need help promoting your club? Fundraising ideas? Power point templates? Check out under the resources tab! They have great tools to use. They have things like official key club colors, logos, templates for club newsletters, power points, news releases. They even have recruitment posters that are customizable to hang up in your school! There’s also fundraising and project ideas throughout the website.





October 22nd is Ki-

We kicked off the school year

wanis One Day,

with a service project at the

every club is encouraged to join to-

September DCM. Several Key

gether with the rest

Clubbers made dog toys for the

of the K-Family for a united day of ser-

Humane Society out of strips of

vice. Contact your

old t-shirts. We also went over

sponsoring Kiwanis

Eastside Rally, Kiwanis One Day,

club to coordinate a project with them!

and potential service projects.

If you don’t know

We also made recruitment post-

your sponsoring

ers to hang in school hallways.

club, visit the interactive district map on!

Check out the back cover for information on the October DCM. Don’t miss out, there could be a spooky prize!




This month’s spotlight is Delta!

Please send me at

Thank you for sending in monthly pic-

least 2-3 pictures a

tures of your members in action, and for attending Eastside Rally!

month with captions on your club is

doing. These can be from your newsletter, from your meetings, or action shots from service projects! Get a chance to be

in the club spotlight and learn what other clubs are doing!

(Above) Volunteering at the Humane


Society. (Below) Eastside Rally.


STAY CONNECTED District Admin:


Brian Egger, bri-

Where: Kiwanis Building in Columbia



When: Sunday, October 23rd from

District Gov: Juli-


et Yu, julietyu.pnwgov@g

What: There will be a pumpkin carv-

ing contest with a special prize for

District Treasurer:

the best-voted pumpkin. We will dis-

Bryan Lee, bry-

cuss what clubs are doing, fun ser-


vice ideas, ice breakers and more.

District Editor:

Bring one or more non-perishable

Audrey Chow,

food item for a food drive to benefit


the Tri-Cities Food Bank. Visit their


website to see items they need!

District Secretary:

Tiffany Wong, tiffanywong.pnws


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