Division 8-A Summer Newsletter

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Division 8-­‐A Summer Newsle3er “Here Comes the Sun”


Edi<on III By Lieutenant Governor Mar<n Rabot

Lieutenant Governor’s Gree<ngs I hope everyone has a great summer – hopefully filled with service! I welcome you in reading the Summer newsle3er for Division 8-­‐A. We’ve had a produc<ve Summer, and I encourage you to read about it here. I would also like to urge you all to hit the ground running when you return to school. The Fall is filled with service projects and events, so be sure to take advantage of them. Anyways, enjoy, and forget to “Serve Long and Prosper.” -­‐Division 8-­‐A LTG Mar<n Rabot

1-­‐ Front Cover 2-­‐ Gree<ng 3-­‐ ACS Spotlight 4-­‐ ICON Review 5-­‐ Service Spotlight 6-­‐ Service Spotlight 7-­‐ Back Cover


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Reminders: 9/7 – Color Run 9/8 – Komen Walk for the Cure 9/19 – September Divisional Mee<ng 9/28 – LaGuardia Airport Kids Day 10/5 – Light the Night Walk 10/20 – Making Strides Walk

American Cancer Society This year the New York District has selected four chari<es as its district chari<es. One of these amazing organiza<ons is the American Cancer Society (ACS). As an umbrella organiza<on that works with the more specialized groups, ACS can affect the lives and aid in the diagnoses, treatments and recoveries of so many more people. But let them tell you more about what they do themselves.

Make sure to a3end the Making Strides Walk in Central Park on October 20th! Don’t forget to a3end a Relay for Life in the Spring. If there isn’t one near you, make sure to plan one!

“As the largest voluntary health organiza3on in the United States, the American Cancer Society is passionately commi<ed to saving lives from cancer. We’re working to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays – a world where cancer never steals another year from anyone’s life. We combine our relentless passion with the wisdom of nearly a century of experience to make this vision a reality, and we get results. We save lives by helping people stay well, helping people get well, by finding cures, and figh3ng back. Thanks in part to this work, nearly 14 million cancer survivors and countless others who have avoided the disease will celebrate another birthday this year.” Local ACS offices are in Flushing -­‐ 41-­‐60 Main St Ste 307 Flushing, New York 11355 Phone: (718)-­‐886-­‐8890 Hours: Mon -­‐ Fri, 9:00 am -­‐ 5:00 pm

And in Kew Gardens – 80-­‐02 Kew Gardens Rd Suite 400 Kew Gardens, New York 11415 Phone: (718)-­‐263-­‐2224 Hours: 9:00 am -­‐ 5:00 pm

Interna8onal Conven8on 2013 This past July, I had the esteemed privilege of a3ending the 2013 Key Club Interna<onal Conven<on (ICON) in Washington D.C. But before we actually started conven<on, we – those a3ending from the New York District – got to tour D.C. for a bit. We made the rounds of all the monuments, went to the Air and Space Museum and visited the Na<onal Archives, among many other sites. These nights back at the hotel were olen filled with mee<ng and gree<ng Key Clubbers from several of the 33 districts that compose Key Club Interna<onal. Once conven<on actually started, many of the a3endees were already well acquainted with people from other districts. The conven<on itself was composed of useful workshops, informa<ve speakers and elec<ons for the Interna<onal Board for the 2013-­‐2014 service year. The results of the elec<on are, if you haven’t already heard, Raeford Penny from the Capital District as Interna<onal President and Rachel Benoit from La-­‐Miss-­‐Tenn as Interna<onal Vice President. There are 11 Interna<onal Trustees, who will be relaying informa<on from the Interna<onal level to the District level. Our trustee is Michelle Petersen from the Michigan District. All in all, it was a phenomenal trip. From learning about the way Key Club operates around the world, to understanding be3er the difference we are making through our ac<ons, ICON made my summer amazing. Ask me about it some<me, and I hope some of you get to go next year in Anaheim! I’ll see you guys there!

MoonWalk NYC There were many events during the Summer, but one that lel a las<ng impact, more so than the others, was the MoonWalk NYC. Instead of par<cipa<ng in the walk itself, we volunteered, which brings on a whole different aotude. Volunteering was a different experience than walking. As opposed to the walk, where we simply walked, we were more involved in the infrastructure of achieving our common goal. We had to learn things quickly; we had someone who told us what to do; we had shils and breaks like a job, and it felt like we were working, actually working, towards our goal. This event was different from the others because we didn't have the chance to goof off; we had to stand, do our job, and be dedicated to the cause. It made me experience how a real job feel, but I s<ll got to make a difference in the end. -­‐Christopher Verdin Richmond Hill HS President

On July 20th, Bryant Key Club volunteered to help run The Moonwalk at Randall’s Island. A3ending and volunteering in this walk was a total different experience, our Key Clubbers were given different responsibili<es that was expected for us to take seriously. There were various sta<ons that each of us were assigned to. Members were in charge of gree<ng par<cipates, serving dinner, checking bags, giving direc<ons, and even taking pictures for par<cipants. Besides our responsibili<es, the walk itself had so much to offer. Even as volunteers we were able to get body ta3oos, temporary of course, enjoy live music, and see live entertainment by talented performers. The Moonwalk is a huge event that takes place in the middle of the night. All par<cipants wear different decora<ve bras, in support for breast cancer. The Moonwalk helps raise money for the charity Walk the Walk. Walk the Walk helps raise money and awareness for breast cancer causes. The par<cipants walk all over the city throughout the whole night. The event was full of energy and fun to a3end. Overall, volunteering at The Moonwalk was a fun experience that we look forward to doing next year. -­‐Oyshi Rahman Bryant HS Co-­‐Secretary

Joining Key Club Key Club is fun! Just read about these fun experiences other members have had!

My name is Joanna and I a3end Maspeth High School as Junior. Key Club is one of the most promoted clubs in our school which made me join the club freshman year. At first it was crowded and as <me passed and the club's members got older and more open to new opportuni<es to help organiza<ons, I looked forward to the mee<ngs. DTC was a well spent Saturday at Bayside High School. I didn't think it would be as interes<ng as everyone said it was considering I didn't know many people there but once the workshops started it was clear that the people were genuine. As the day went by I met more people and couldn't wait for the next event, the Divisional Picnic in Flushing Meadow Park. The weather was not on our side but we ended up playing games, ea<ng and, joking around aler the divisional, which proved to be valuable, divisional bonding. -­‐Joanna Jankowski Maspeth HS

The divisional mee<ng for the month of July was surprisingly different from the others. Unlike any other mee<ng this one was remarkable. The planning was very well done. We all had talked about "work " as well as having fun at the same <me. Some of the events we had talked about was Summer Streets, China Town Beau<fica<on Day and Color Run. Despite the lack of amount of people that had a3ended, everyone had contributed a bit of fun to the whole mee<ng. The idea of making the mee<ng a picnic as well was brilliant. The Events Coordina<ng Commi3ee bought food so that everyone can eat and enjoy. Although the only bad part was the weather, it was surprisingly cold since the whole week was blistering hot! I believe this can bring more people to a3end divisional mee<ngs. Mar<n and his intellect have really shown a sign of success for the division. I'm glad to say I'll be going to many more divisional mee<ngs from now on. -­‐Sameer Shaikh Bryant HS Webmaster

Thanks for reading! Hit the ground running when school starts and, together, we can make a difference.

ERF March April May June July

Division 8A Academy of American Studies Christ the King Forest Hills Garden School Grover Cleveland John Adams Maspeth Martin Luther Newtown Richmond Hill Sunnyside W.C. Bryant









































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